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1 royce

Do..iCe:- and Br2":dy GaYcher gi ven by Lt.





Sear son

aid S~

c~~t S~eve Htlmlv.

1:00 pm
in the detective

l..nte:-,-~e.; taken 071 ?-lav 28th at apprcximatedlv ~:::. = , S De pc..... -:. tr;"enL.. ... Co un -. ... _, s'_ Ie.: ...~ ..


at the Colleton

Tell ~ .:.jour L~S comoaund, all about it ~~d ~~t it is. 1 t is c. r agular dormi tOn', it h2s bunks and beds to fit all the boys in it. You are on total s i Ieace and you' have to '",'c.l.k around Oil a rope when you go to ".. :ork. Q, W-l2t type of rope? A, I: is a rope wi th .... snaps and clc=ljJs on it that hook to your belt loops. Q. P..= you all tied toze ther ? A. Yes s i r , we're ell tied on one rope. You have to raise your hand when you want to talk. or go to the restroom. They said that they \oiere going to get fence, sens i t rvi ty -r,.,.ue or barb ... ....:.Je or electric ... -ire and out it \.D. Q. They are go ing to do that , they haVEl't &me it already? P.. 1'(:- s iz . Tley a=: "GE..~:L'1g p Ians for it. Q. I: ~'J~ C=c in the: ccrpouno and you are hooked together ...... "'hat k.ind of 'W:J:-kdo you have to- do' P. WE C: U-o;~ked ... tI~ we work, usua l ly ..... e have to dig ditches pull weeds. we jus t got a g-:-e2...: a"'ld we are pulling nails out of it, raking and hoeing in t:,e garde!1, Q \ir1E1 YO'J C=c in r.:'e soli t.ary confiriE!Ilerlt, herw Ir.a.:.iY IIEals to you get a. GGy? A. A. Tffi"es ~ls a day.


1-. Q.

A, Q

\..l:-oG: i::>ou~ your SdlOOli.."'1g, do hGve any classes tila.t you have to a ttEid? Yo~ g~:::, but if you are i..: solit.a._ry cOOlfi.J.'1Ere.nt you don't get any of that, t=.u.-- trc'1)' c!.:::"s of classe!: do you get? FiVE C.a:'s, Bl't if you 2"e soli~"'" conf1.n!IE1t you don't get it, TI-:e lE2.s~ anJtmt cf ti~ vou :-.c:ve in me COZH.mC ~ fiftee.:, dGvs, Five dcvs in solita...y confiIlE'E1t and fiftee..."l i..., ~l.E C~lJld. F i f c.e e!', Cc :"5 in t:1.e>'.J" Jl d ? If yui.2 ac t' ~. Thcy gi ~e t.'-Lis one kid fifteen days for not "'Ti ting a. lett.e!" ane he ... as
J ..

w-'...'- ;

S\..I:J:>ose te'.
c; _....

.r.. .



Q, A,


.Q. A.

Q. A.

Q. A.

cor:~n~t':' has c. thre'? hunch:ed po-unci door on it and it is a litLle rOCI::l. It is abo'..: ~ 10:12 aE t..~ tGble c..'lC about one and c. half of these tables ....... -ide, It i~ ~JU~ rour by six? YES t_;"'1.s.t is about rig,"-:t. It has a rrattress ane a c..~ir in it. toes i: :-.2'Je a be th=c:x:u: in 1.t, ~. The:. l~ you out ...... +te:-, they bring you your UEals. D::ies i.: r.2VE aI1)' lights i.., it? No si=, no type of 1 ig':-,: 5 , Is it ci.::=k 1.-. the daytine as well as night? . Yes si:-. It ..... as an cia bat:h!'oau in an old dorm rOCIIl arid they close you be.'fund ~ doors so th~!"e is no ligt-It. Tell u atv.:>~jt puu...5~.t ot.~:- t..'-Iarl besides being beate:l wi t.r, a PVC pipe? Y:.Julose priviledges and dan' t get to ride the horses, W~t about pnysical pU"'.is":1rre..~t? we }"I.av-e to 0.0 PUS:-I-UPS and exercises, to you E:Je:- get slapped in t.."le face? So:reti..rEs, t:hr-y push ana poke u!!. c around al, so. like ..... - suprie-.r.e.:"lda..'1t, b~t is . Let t'E ask yO".; &bout a boy awhl 1e ago, he s not actually U~ on tr.e ~taff croat 'tMJry..s as a leader of t."e 'WOrk gang or like t.r,at? 'fr.a t i. 5 Da"vi Co ?-Br tinas , ? \.ina t does h! do. what o''lori ty or priviledges does he ha~, , 'd d hE liE ooes regular s~f, the only thing he_gt;t.s to do, is that he doesn t get pal. an cbes:l't get to gi"ve licks, He can slap Iift"j days on you .

S~'l' \,.. ~-rv



It: is

c. rOCY.!E t:oat

page 2 Conz inued

n ......


A. Q. A.


A. Q.



Q. A. Q.

Q. A. Q.

He call give you push-ups to do. D:Jes he ever- hit you? Ther e ~as one kid he hit . He was working ..ri th hirn. He hit Jay and then carried him to soli tary conf inerent . Then Jay put up a fight. He slapped the Smi th & \.1este...."'""T1 cuffs on us tha t belong to David Harti.L2.S. Davi d !' is L'1e one that puts the cuffs on you? Yes s i.r . There is a boy that just got in there. Jim Perry, that is helping David. He carr the other set of hand cuffs. tJ.."la t is his narte? .Jim Perry. He j us t got off the coopund for fifteen days and he was s Iapped right onto authoritv . -, So nCM' h w-orks under Martinas? Yes sir. roes Hr. KiJ"I.g know about these hand cuffs? Yes, he gave then to Jim Perry and David Marti.'1a.S. 'Who is t.~ boy's rother that have then the hand cuffs? Hi.s nzre is l-f.ike Brown. she is L, Missouri. She sent then to him? ShE s ent th.e:::ito the ha:!l: to have then and a be 1t to hook to them. A le2~,e~ type belt. Yes s~~. You s.=~d she was a pol.Leeman in l-!issolZi? Yes s~,.. Ca.'1 you give us the narre of a boy out there nor,.; w.... iat w"Ollie have ... .=;w or: him caused ttOU1 a FVC pipe? Hike Hozsn. H~Y old-is he? He is aru~d 10 Ye2!"S old. 'l~12.t hac he done?



un ,

Q. licM long' ago w"2S Mike hit wi th w"1e PCV pipe? A. A couple of days ago, day before yes terday .

A. Q.


A. Q.

ke the marks on his lees? c: Yes sir. De you have any marks on you Grady? No sir I dor.' t. w"hat is ~ mrroer of licks that sorebody 'MJuld get? Te.'1 Licks. They use to give os fiftenn but they stopped because there ... ras prob l.ems going on wi th the law. IX> you kn(l""; o....lyboci:" fran Walterbo:-o that has anything do to with this sc.:,ool, anybody local t..'-lai: you see out c"'1~e abt that ~s about the sc.~l?
~JeT heard t}~~ Fishburne berore? I have he~d of hirr.. He lets U5 run around in his fields. P.ave L.'1ey s~ted putting girls out there yet? No. The girls are i. '1 LDuis iana . Wne::-ew2.!"e these hand cuffs "Whe::1 you left, wh~e did you get them fran? TI-y \.We::-e ir. David Martinas' desk. A' tnE;re ar.:_vrrore ~? .... nerE:. No si:-. There ~~e only NO sets'? Only t"wo sets. What about is this hi.s key? Yes sir. you a......u, .,.... e .;....~ .01'; ......... ry or J' us t in t.~e Wne:l are w1.e hand cuffs applied to you? 'lI-.~ Wl=l

A. No. Q. Have you

A. Q.

A. Q.

A. Q.

Q. A.






A. Q. A.

A. Q.
A. Q.



Y~i..1can be: them in the c~u:-1d if you are acting u;' real bad. YOt} can get the:1 ,,'hen YOi..1 are \o~:..!<ing Out iI1 the field if you s tar t ac t ing u;:>. they will throw them cuffs an YOt; and G1.:"J ... : YOu il, the dirt. Srother }'.irlg teld then this. Trii.s is wna t Nr. Ki.ns: tcl d then to do? Yes . he sai d co ~laF-w'le cuffs on then and throe t.he:; in the dirt. not to hold back. Do they rrake any changes in procedures ... nen they hear that the Sheriii's Departrrent of sooe peop le rrUul the ]):p8.1"~';1t of Social Servi ces is coming out there, what do t.~:; do vneri the 'hE:2:- scretriing Like that? 'f.-,e:'; everybody c Lean up the dormi torys and the grounds and the carpus .. If you both were to go back there n.::1...,l, 'WOuld both of you receive ten licks and be put L'1 ~~t little room? we would both receive te:1 licks. Only one of us would be put in the roan-only one at ;:2 t irre , then the other woul.d go. Fo~~' Iong a tL~ ',..lJ'uld you spend in that roan? Five days. The days we bad before w::luld be doubled. Do thev ever tell vou hCM' to act or what to say when S~ officials are coming to the schoo'l? D:> they t~ll you what to 'a.'1~w'hat' not to say? 'Ihey tell us to tell the rruth aid to act norTIEl. Ho.,- do ya1..: b.~i.."1.~ Mr. Ki:;= a!10 Mr. YlClrtiI'las would react if they knew you w~e talki..T1g to u.s no.,-?


Thc,- wacid

be r.t:ld a:


t-iocld he give you lic.~?

A. Probably. Q. About ~, !il3!ly? A. It WC-'dd OeDe.?)d. Q. \.Jcul d i:: be' ,,,;i th t.i1e PVC pipe?



Q. A.


Q. Po. Q. A.

Q. A.

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Q. A.


Q. A.

Alw"avs. t.r.lE1 he :)t ahold of ~-.; Braciv for that thl.n~ about ~,e brea'<-in, you said he !ejolt hittir.g Vall till ~vou rr.aG.e lID lie. hO,._, CG..;.!V tiIrEs did he hit you? I donlt ~.;.. .. . ~ long did t:ha t go on? About fiir...een rrirrutes. I w-a5 tryi...1g of d~ Tf~ent ~ags to tell ~ so t..'1at he w"Ould t hi tting me. Wc;lid he hi t you w-i:h t.'le PCV pipe w-i th your pants or, or w--e.=-e they off? :=..:_ ~ w"i t:1 c:,.; pats roo He caug.";t Scott Pa..;ell c...' and ca.r.:-ied him out the rcxrn and he ",;hi:VDcG ru...'D wi. r..'-l his ~.snt off. ~~~:",+.i??ed Scott P~~ell? Brot:'1e~ Kii12. 'W:IO w;-J.P?EG~ you on t_l,.;t thi.1g cDaut tb.e break-in? Bro~i-}e:- K..Llg. . Is Mr. Ki.'g t.'1e O!"le who does t.l,e whippL"'lg at tre Sd1001? P::.-e:ty 1-7l."'1-.. BroL'lEr Robert Ki..~. The principal and then the s;.rpe::--intenCa...t? Sc we have two Mr. Ki.ngs at t:.'1e sc.'1oo1. Yes si::-. [b be t.'1 0 f them a Gi:':l.:'::" S te:- the o-..nis'hrrents '? Hidlel2n. Yes s::"r.and one other st2.ff ~er-~~k Does he ever hit you? Yes si=. He has hit both of you? Yes sir .. Ibes ~.c:.=tirlas ever hit you. lie i!' not allawed to. Be does.1' t g~t paid so he is restrained fran hitting us. . So Mr P.arr.inas does the hand, pu:ting you in confinerE!1t and t..,'1ework deta.11s? Yes si.::". TEll IrE a~ai... about putti.'1g t..'1e hand cuffs on you ~ad tr" you in the dirt, that is tI'lev - do? Yes sir. - Brother King said don't be a...'Taid to use tner., use them and push then in the dir;





A. Q. A.

A. Q. A.

Le ts bet s tr a ight or. the Ki.ngs . \':"0 is whlch":' Brother 012..: King i.~ rne Super intendant and Brother Rooer t KLJg is the pr inc i.pal . W.12 preaches at the church? Brother Arb i te l l e . Brother David Arb i telle. He's no: COi"G1eC tee wi t..~ the school? He is, he \...1;)rks t.~E':-e. \o.'hc t does he do there? He preaches in school. What about l'1ack Ford? He is the head over all t~e schools. Does he ever adnini.s ter puni.shnent? Y.5 he doe S he knows about it.

Do=s he ever give licks?

Yes. s~tkle.S. Wi~~ the PCV pipe? I have never recei.ved Li cks from him~~ give tnen wi th the paddle here but then that the Bible savs to beat wi th a rod. Be..s: a rod they use a PCV pipe?




Louis iana they use the paddle. They use to star ted using the pipe because they said

Yes .
Do you ~",
any sexual



of any type of sexual abuse on the boys by any of the staff U'E7lebers or abuse going on that the staff rre:DE::'S ~ about? f>bt necessar i Iy sexual. but tat ion by a.. ny of ~e!'s of the staff or from any of the ol.der boys? ~.

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