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Galleon By Wilson Blick

Phantom on the Horizon by The Fall of Troy

OPENING BLACK Low, grumbling, distance storm sounds, waves, wind SOUND BRIDGE AND CUT WITH CRACK OF THUNDER EXT. SEA HIGH ANGLED COMES DOWN THROUGH THE STORM CLOUDS Storm is visible in the distance, thunderous and very dark. Ship is visible as a speck in the massive ocean. Water is calm. It is day time but the sun is obscured by the clouds to the point where it appears that it is night. The sun can slightly be seen through the clouds but only comes through as a dark glow. EXT. SHIP EXTERIOR PAN: SIDE OF THE SHIP WITH COMPOSITION OF WATER, SKY AND THE EXTERIOR OF THE SHIP VISIBLE One window out of 5 is illuminated. INT. SHIP QUARTERS Empty, hammocks swaying slightly in reaction to the movement of the ship. Individual belongings of crew. Pictures pinned to the ship walls Unlit torches. Dark.


INT. SHIP STORAGE Fully stocked and ordered. Barrels of bread, potatoes, dried meat on shelves, hessian sacks. Single keg of wine dripping from the tap with 3 empty stands identical to the one in which the dripping keg is sitting in a linear fashion. The faint sense of a ghost ship. INT. SHIP MESS HALL ZOOM IN: THROUGH Dirty men, unclean clothes and rowdy. 2 parallel tables of men sitting across from each other drinking, eating and singing. Several different songs are being sung at once by the men. the missing barrels of wine are on the tables. One has been smashed open. Zooms through the tables to Darius much different from the rest, sitting alone, official looking uniform and hair. Clean. CLOSE UP: OF THE DARIUS MOUTH AS HE BITES DOWN ON A PIECE OF MEAT. HE TEARS THE FLESH APART WITH HIS TEETH AND CHEWS IT. Very amplified and isolated sound as the fibers of the flesh separate. Chewing noises. EXT. SHIP DECK Boy spots the storm approaching from the crows nest. OVER THE SHOULDER: BOY LOOKING AT THE MAGNIFICENT STORM MEMORIZED BY ITS MAGNITUDE. The boy snaps out of his trance and athletically and hastily makes his way down the crows nest by swinging and sliding on ropes.

3. The boy scampers across the ships deck. INT. SHIP MESS HALL The boy bursts through the closed doors and falls to the ground. The boy picks himself up. BOY The storms coming, all hands on deck! A MAN AT A TABLE (TOMAS) Aye-Aye Captain As he raises his cup of wine to the boy and pours it out on the table. TOMAS It seems I need more wine, Captain. Your storm will have to wait. All the men laugh profusely as one fills the mans cup. Darius looks up to assess the situation and smiles at the boys attempt to garner control. Darius is in control. EXT. SEA HIGH/WIDE/LONG: THE SHIP IS COMPLETELY DWARFED BY THE STORM IN SIZE The sky is now entirely black with the occasional crack of light carried by lightening striking the water. Lightening strikes close to the ship. INT. SHIP MESS HALL The men stop what theyre doing in an instant as they hear the thunder. A moment of total silence, only the faint sounds of the storm, waves and movements of the ship can be heard. A second crack of thunder, this time closer to the ship. Tomas instantly stands. (CONTINUED)



TOMAS All hands on deck! The men spring into action and run out the door. They run passed the Boy on their way to the deck. They ignore him once more.

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