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Young Gotong Royong : Super Society Culture of Indonesia Mohammad Sholehuddin Hambali Jalan Prof. Dr.Hamka No.203E, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia +62 898 362 8116 Indonesia 21 Male Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya 797

If someone says that there is no superman but superteam, so Indonesia people say there is super society in Gotong Royong. Gotong royong is not only the way of Indonesia people to do something in team but also to create togetherness in life society. In my childhood, people in my village cleaned environment in gotong royong monthly. Earlier all of people cleaned their each yard home. After that, they gathered in village hall to manage task. Adult men cleaned the river. Old men would get easier task such as cleaning of the grass in the side of road. While women made preparing for foods and drinks. The children got job to sweep the village hall and office. Sometimes, my friends and I played football there. It was so please moment that could play together. After that, all of people would gather in hall and we got breakfast together. Even the foods and drinks were so simple but all of people enjoyed it at all. After that we watched television together in the hall because at that time the television was luxurious thing. Once time my father said to me, You and your friends here must keep clean this village. Gotong royong is the way to do it. Then he gave smile to me and I said, Yes dad. Once time, my neighbors house was fire. People gathered to safe him and his family. Then they said to house owner, Be patient. We will help you. They helped the owner to build up his house for some days. They did not need pay for it. It was for free. I think it is because gotong royong makes caring to another is more important than money. Since in college, I never joined gotong royong as I stayed in other city. I was so seldom to meet my village friends. We were so busy with our activity in college. I thought this was wrong. I remembered my fathers message. I felt so fault to him and old man in my village. My friends and I as young generation have forgotten our custom village. In the fact, the condition of my society today is differs from last time. Gotong royong is not monthly activity yet in my village now. Many people choose others activity such as getting holiday in out of city and watching television in their house with family. They said that cleaning environment in gotong royong just spent their time. Togetherness come lost in my village. Many people have been apathetic. They do not care with another and the environment. There are not cleaning village and watching television together. My village becomes different. I asked to myself what happen with my society. My society changes now. I was worried that my society would be real apathetic. I tried to find how I could make the condition be better. I thought that my friends and I must do something to make better condition. We are young. We have power and spirit to do changes in our society. In college, we often heard our senior say that student is agent of change in society.

I tried to gather all of my village friends and contact them though sending SMS and Facebook. Firstly, they said that they were so busy in their college. They did not have time to gather. But I tried to explain them about the problem. I made believe on them that it was our responsibility. Finally I said to them, Come on guys! Do not be apathetic student. You know, many people in our village have been apathetic now. Do you want to be one of them?. Fortunately, they could understand the problem. We decided to gather on holiday. From the gathering, we decided to establish organization that called Karang Taruna. The aim of Karang Taruna is to create and manage activity in our village that organized by the youth. We invite all of young people in our village to join Karang Taruna. Since that time my friends and I reduced any activity in college. We try to give more attention to our village. We start to scheduled gotong royong monthly. Firstly, we clean environment in gotong royong with ourselves and the others Karang Tarunas member. We do gotong royong likes at our childhood. Then we start to invite our parents, our brothers, our sister, and all of our family to join gotong royong. It was difficult enough in earlier. But, finally we were success. We succeed to recreate togetherness in our society. Now we are awake that all this time we are so busy with our affairs. We do not have time for the most important affairs that is togetherness. Do not take for granted the small things because you will lose great things. Keep take care!

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