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The First Age

1 Awakening of Men in Hildrien. The crossing of the Helcarax by Fingolfin and his followers. The first rising of the Moon, followed soon afterwards by the Sun. 2 Fingolfin withdraws from the gates of Angband and camps on the north shore of Lake Mithrim. 5 Fingon rescues Maedhros from the heights of Thangorodrim, and so helps to heal the rift between the factions of the Noldor. 6 Angrod son of Finarfin is received into Doriath by King Thingol. 7 Holding council in Mithrim, the Noldor choose Fingolfin to be their High King. 20 The Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting, is held at the Pools of Ivrin. 50 Journey of Turgon and Finrod. 52 Finrod and Galadriel travel as guests to Menegroth. Finrod is inspired by the Thousand Caves to create his own underground citadel of Nargothrond, but Galadriel remains in Doriath for some time. 53 Guided by Ulmo, Turgon discovers the hidden valley of Tumladen, where he resolves to build a city. 60 Dagor Aglareb. The Siege of Angband is set by the Princes of the Noldor. 64 Turgon secretly begins the building of Gondolin. 65 The Noldor aid in fortifying the Havens of the Falas, and Finrod raises the tower of Barad Nimras. 66 Thingol and Melian discover the truth behind the Exile of the Noldor. 67 Thingol bans the Quenya tongue from his realms. Sindarin begins to predominate in Middle-earth from this time. 102 Completion of Nargothrond. 116 Completion of Gondolin. Turgon's people begin the migration from Nevrast. 150 The Noldor and the Dwarves first encounter each other among the Blue Mountains. 155 An army of Orcs attempts to invade Hithlum from the Firth of Drengist. Fingon drives them into the Sea. 260 Glaurung ravages Beleriand, but is driven back to Angband. 262 Likely year of the birth of Balan (later called Bor) in the lands east of the Blue Mountains. 282 Probable date of birth of Marach, later to lead his people westward across the Blue Mountains. 310 Men are discovered in the western foothills of the Blue Mountains by Finrod Felagund. 311 Bor enters the service of Finrod of Nargothrond. c. 313 Marach crosses the Blue Mountains with the ancestors of the House of Hador. 316 Aredhel sets out from Gondolin. Later in the year, she is lost in Nan Elmoth, and becomes El's wife. 320 The year of Maeglin's birth in Nan Elmoth. 332 The twelve-year old Maeglin is formally named. 337 Probable year of the birth of Amlach son of Imlach. 341 Likely date of the birth of Haleth, daughter of Haldad. c. 350 Approximate date of the birth of Boromir, later lord of Ladros. 355 Bor the Old dies at the age of ninety-three. 365 Probable date of birth of Hathol son of Magor. 375 Haldad and his son Haldar are slain by Orcs. Haldad's daughter Haleth becomes the leader of their People. 375 c. Approximate date of the settlement of the People of Haleth in the Forest of Brethil. 376 Likely date of the death of Marach.

389 Birth of Hador, later Lord of Dor-lmin. 390 Likely date of birth of Halmir son of Haldan, later Lord of Brethil. 400 Return of Aredhel and Maeglin to Gondolin. Death of El the Dark Elf. 402 Likely date of the birth of Barahir son of Bregor. An army of Orcs attempts to break through the Pass of Aglon, but is repulsed. 414 Probable date of birth of Haldir of the Haladin. 419 Probable date of birth of Gundor, son of Hador Lrindol. c. 419 Approximate date of the granting of Dor-lmin to Hador Lrindol. 420 Approximate date of the birth of Baragund, son of Bregolas. Likely date of the death of Haleth, leader of the Haladin. She is succeeded by Haldan, the son of her brother Haldar. c. 420 Very approximate date of the death of Boromir. He is succeeded as lord of Ladros by his son Bregor. 428 Birth of Belegund, eldest son of Bregolas. 439 Birth of Hrin Thalion, later Lord of Dor-lmin. 443 Probable date of the birth of Morwen Eledhwen. c. 443 Approximate date for the birth of Beren Erchamion. c. 445 Birth of Ereinion, later called Gil-galad. 450 Probable date of the birth of Ran daughter of Belegund. c. 450 Birth of Larnach. 451 Probable year of the death of Haldan. His son Halmir succeeds as Lord of Brethil. 455 Celegorm and Curufin flee Himlad for Nargothrond. Hrin and Huor are brought to Gondolin by Thorondor. Deaths of Angrod and Aegnor in the Dagor Bragollach. Winter The breaking of the Siege of Angband and beginning of the Dagor Bragollach. 456 Hrin and Huor return out of Gondolin to Dor-lmin. Barahir and his companions begin their outlaw existence in Ladros. Fingolfin challenges Morgoth to single combat, and is slain. Fingon becomes High King of the Noldor. Spring The worst assaults of the Dagor Bragollach draw to a close. 457 Capture of Minas Tirith by the forces of Sauron. 458 A band of Orcs is attacked and defeated by the People of Haleth, with the aid of Beleg of Doriath. 460 Autumn Gorlim betrays Barahir and his outlaw band. They are destroyed, leaving Beren as the sole survivor. 462 Morgoth attempts an invasion of Hithlum, but is repulsed. Galdor son of Hador is slain defending Barad Eithel. 464 Spring Marriage of Hrin and Morwen; Trin is born later in the year. Winter Beren abandons Dorthonion and travels to Doriath, where he first comes upon Lthien. 465 Beren sets out from Doriath on the Quest for the Silmaril Likely date of the birth of Brandir son of Handir, later Lord of Brethil. c. 465 Celegorm and Curufin are exiled from Nargothrond and journey to Himring. c. 465 Finrod and Beren are imprisoned in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Finrod is slain by a werewolf, but Beren is rescued by Lthien. 466 Birth of Lalaith, second child of Hrin and Morwen. The Hunting of the Wolf, and the recovery of the Silmaril. Beren and Lthien recover a Silmaril from Morgoth's Iron Crown, but it is taken by

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Carcharoth. Spring Lthien departs from the World, and her spirit travels to the Halls of Mandos. Formation of the Union of Maedhros. Beren and Lthien return to Middle-earth and dwell in Dor Firn-i-Guinar. Death of Lalaith from a sickness at the age of three. Birth of Dior Eluchl on Tol Galen. Probable year of the death of Halmir. He is succeeded as Lord of Brethil by his son Haldir. Marriage of Huor and Ran; Tuor is born later in the year, but Ran dies on the Haudhen-Nirnaeth soon after. Fingon is slain in the Nirnaeth. Turgon becomes High King of the Noldor. Huor is slain in the Fen of Serech, and Hrin is captured by Morgoth. Trin is sent to be fostered in Doriath. Spring The Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Ninor is born in Dor-lmin; meanwhile, her elder brother Trin arrives in Doriath. Siege and capture of the Havens of Brithombar and Eglarest, and the destruction of the tower of Barad Nimras. Trin becomes a marchwarden of Doriath. Trin causes the death of Saeros, and exiles himself from Doriath. Trin slays Forweg and becomes captain of the Gaurwaith; he and his companions encounter Mm, and settle in Amon Rdh. Tuor is captured and enslaved by Lorgan. Escape of Gwindor from Angband; he later meets Beleg in Taur-nu-Fuin. Trin is captured by Orcs and carried off. He is rescued by Beleg and Gwindor, but mistakenly slays Beleg. Trin is healed at Eithel Ivrin, and Gwindor leads him to Nargothrond. Approximate date of the reforging of Anglachel into Gurthang. Tuor escapes from Lorgan, and lives as an outlaw in the Caves of Androth. Morwen and Ninor flee from Dor-lmin to Doriath. Handir falls in battle, and is succeeded as Lord of Brethil by his son Brandir. Tuor escapes through the Cirith Ninniach and meets Voronw at Vinyamar; together they travel to Gondolin. Autumn The Battle of Tumhalad and Sack of Nargothrond. Trin slays Brodda in Dor-lmin, and then travels on, settling eventually in Brethil. Morwen and Ninor ride with Mablung to Nargothrond, where Ninor falls under the Dragon-spell of Glaurung. She later comes to Brethil and is healed by Brandir. Spring The Fell Winter draws to a close. Brethil is assaulted by Orcs, and Trin reluctantly takes up his black sword Gurthang to combat them, unwittingly revealing himself to Morgoth. Midyear's Day Trin weds Nniel in Brethil. Slaying of Glaurung, and deaths of Trin Turambar and Nienor Nniel and Brandir in Brethil. Release of Hrin from Angband. Birth of Dior's twin sons Elurd and Elurn. Death of Larnach. Hrin encounters Morwen at the Stone of the Hapless, where he witnesses her death. Likely date of the death of Hrin Thalion. Death of Thingol and departure of Melian. The Dwarves of Nogrod ransack Menegroth. Hrin recovers the Nauglamr from Nargothrond and carries it to Doriath, where it is reforged to hold a Silmaril.


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Wedding of Tuor and Idril in Gondolin. Deaths of Beren and Lthien. Journey of Dior to Doriath. Birth of Erendil in Gondolin. The survivors of Morgoth's attacks on Beleriand begin to gather at the Mouths of Sirion. Assault by the Sons of Fanor on Menegroth. Dior, Celegorm, Curufin and Caranthir are all slain; Elwing flees to the Mouths of Sirion with the Silmaril. Maeglin is captured by agents of Morgoth, and betrays the location of Gondolin. Fall of Gondolin and death of Turgon. Glorfindel slays a Balrog in the Encircling Mountains, and is himself slain. Arrival of Tuor and Idril at the Mouths of Sirion, with their son Erendil. Wedding of Erendil and Elwing Tuor and Idril sail into the West in the ship Errm. Their son Erendil becomes Lord of the Havens of Sirion. Birth of Elrond and Elros. Erendil sets out on the first of his great ocean voyages. The Sons of Fanor attack the refuge at the Mouths of Sirion. Elwing escapes in the form of a bird, bringing a Silmaril to Erendil at sea, and together they sail for the West. The survivors of the destruction of the Havens of Sirion take refuge on the Isle of Balar. Earendil lands on the shores of Aman, and appeals to the Valar on behalf of Elves and Men. The landing of the host of the Valar in Beleriand. The War of Wrath begins. Maedhros and Maglor attempt to steal the remaining Silmarils, but are burned by them. Maedhros leaps to his death in despair. The War of Wrath comes to an end with the capture of Morgoth. Morgoth is banished from the World.

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