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THE BUBBLE THEORY I believe that overprotective parent have suffered of fear as consequence of this made them over

protectors of their child. The rational thuds that a child shouldnt suffer your fear, comes by not making them aware of the presence of a factor of fear. Courageous person who do not fear these factors decide at some point there child didnt need to confront themselves with these factors, and decided not make them aware of them, expecting them to face them like them, or neither not even be confronted with. These parents werent overprotective they were negligent, reason or consequence that made their child fearful. Now the third generation lives in a bubble that distance them from reality by a negligent grandfather and a fearful parent, therefor they are fearless inside a bubble of false information; this bubble is not composed of soap but of empathic feelings, morality, proud, protocols, and customs. The first false idea told to this generation is that there is Evil and Good. This is told in movies and religion (can be a good example to use transcript meanings to convince them of this idea) and most representation of western culture. I believe that Evil and Good transcripts to Ignorance and jealousy, in an objective point of view. There is a different part of society that doesnt live inside of this bubble, therefore doesnt share the same moral believes than the bubble people, considered by those as an evil person, being only a jealous person to the protection it inspires to be ignorant of the real live with a bubble that protects from the fear factors. There for I categorize the society of the last generation in two groups: Ignorant and jealous from the point of view of one side and good and evil from the point of view of the other. Lets call the people that dont live in a bubble fives (5). Fives believe that bubble people are ignorant of the reality, and that fives that attack bubble people are jealous. While Bubble people believe they are good and that does that are fives or jealous of fives are bad, also that to be an evil person you have to be ignorant of their moral capacity. Once categorized we know that there is people living in bubbles and other that dont, we must decide either to keep everybody in a bubble or to awake everybody, exposing them to the fear factors. The decision has been made already, evil people are no good therefore they act in a way that if proven to be true has to be punished, and there comes the first under categorization, known as a criminal. Which are jealous of the bubble people therefore are predestinated to punish people that have what they dont, why is it not questioned, but because the first believe appears to be a reason of pure pride is there reasons not considered as valuables? It is an easy question, the normal answer is because they are criminals.

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