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Unit 2 Homework 1

Chap. 2 1. 8 bits wide. 2. R0-R7 are all 8 bits wide. 3. Registers ACC and B are 8 bits wide. 6. The result of the code here is: MOV A,#15H MOV R2,#13H ADD A,R2 28H, A 7. Which ones are illegal: a, d, f, & g 11. Assembly language is a Low level language. C language is a high level language. 12. Assembly language is more efficient than C in terms of code generation. 13. Assembler program makes the obj file. 14. Source file has the extensions src or asm - True. 15. List file makes a listing of the Error messages. 23. a. 2 b. 2 c. 1 d. 2 e. 1 f. 1 g. 1

37. CY flag value after each of the codes: a. CY=1 b. CY=0 c. CY=0

42. The size of the stack pointer SP register in the 8051 is: 8 bits. 43. On power up, the bank zero register is used. Chap. 3 4. Mnemonic SJMP stands for Short jump. 2 byte instruction. 5. Mnemonic LJMP stands for Long jump. 3 byte instruction. 6. The advantage of using SJMP over LJMP, is less ROM is used in the process. 7. The target of a short jump is within -128 to +127 bytes of the current PC. True. 8. 8051s are short jumps, - this is False. 9. Are not a short jump: c, LJMP is not a short jump 10. A short jump is a 2 byte instruction because it only goes from 128 to 127 bytes in the program system. 11. All conditional jumps are short jumps? Yes that is True. 17. LCALL is a 3 byte instruction. 18. ACALL is a 2 byte instruction. 19. The ACALL target address is limited to 2k bytes from the present PC. 20. The LCALL target address is limited to 64k bytes from the present PC. 23. The PUSH and POP both need to be equal in order for the stack to be right and so that when the RET instruction is done, it goes back to where it started.

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