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IES Marratxí Dpt.

De Llengües estrangeres
Assignatura: English

Name:___________________________________ group: _______

C/ de L’Arbre de la Ciència, s/n (Urbanització Son Ramonell) 07009-Marratxí

Date _____________

1. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original

1. The exam was so easy that everybody passed it . ( such)

2. I’m going to study from nine o’clock to eleven this evening. (At ten

3. Thomas has worked here for six years. (ago)

4. The climber broke his leg during the climb. (while)

5. What’s the price of bread nowadays? (cost)

6. Birmingham used to be much smaller. I grew up there (where)

7. The woman is the headmistress. She is speaking now. (who)

8. His new song is a great success. It was played on the radio all day.(which)

9. “I’m going to be in a competition tomorrow” said Sonya. (that)

10. “Did you win your first contest?” asked the interviewer (whether)

11. “ I’ll cook the dinner” promised Jenny (that)

12. “ Why don’t you stay at home?” they said (suggested )

13. He likes going to the theatre . He likes listening to opera too . ( Not only

14. My car was being repaired when you called. (they)

15. I realised that my credit card had been stolen. (that someone)

16. People believe that Mary stole the ring . ( believed )

17. I won’t go if you don’t come along. (unless)

18. I don’t travel because I don’t have enough money (if)

19. I didn’t come to the party because Sheila didn’t invite me. ( If)

20. George went to the supermarket because he didn’t have anything to eat . (As)

21. We’ve discovered what the problem is with our computer. (out)

22. I haven’t smoked in five years (up)

23. I’m sorry! I didn’t think of leaving you a key. (forgot)

2. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original

1. “ Why have you been using my computer?” Anna said.

2. “I’ll send you the car tomorrow” my mother promised.
My mother ...
3. Sam said he wouldn’t come the following month .
“ …
4. It was a mistake to invite her to the wedding .
I regret ...
5. What a pity that I’m too old to play tennis professionally .
If only ..
6. The mechanic has already repaired our car.
We .....
7. They believe that people will be taller in fifty years time.
People ...
8. We gave all the children Christmas presents.
All the children...
9. They had no sooner arrived home when Peter phoned us .
No sooner …
10. In spite of being extremely tall , they didn’t like playing basketball
Although ….
11. He loves reading poetry.
He is very ...
12. It was such a boring lesson that I couldn’t help yawning.
The lesson...
13. Although the exam was difficult, he got a very high mark.
In spite of...
14. It wasn’t necessary for Tom to apologise.
15. It’s likely that Beth spoke to George about the problem.
16. I’m sure those rumours aren’t true.
Those rumours...
17. I couldn’t find the correct information so I had a low mark in the exam.
If …

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