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DemonStar Entry Write-up The climax of 'CID Ki Kidnapping' features an exemplary display of Purvi's loyalty towards her team.

Along with our trio, Ansha ma'am's striking performance, dialogue delivery and expressions shine in this disappointing episode. Purvi vigorously defends her teammates and unflinchingly prepares to sacrifice herself to save them. Although she could've detached the bomb herself, it's reasonable to assume that the gravity of the situation and concern for her colleagues made her panic. ACP sir's fatherly interaction with her at the end is another lovely highlight. This scene strengthens Purvi's character and presents her as a worthy and devoted CID officer. Siggy -

Sheroo9000 entry
My best purvi moments were cid ki kidnapping where she was wearing a bomb and ran away from her team to save them from the bomb and then cid mein gaddar when someone killed her father and she cried on acp sir's shoulder and not to mention my biggest ansha di moment which cid mein gaddar when the team went to rishikesh and then to haridwar and solves all the cases but at the last the bhangra scene where purvi dances. It was absolutely great to see that scene and it was also one of my best purvi moments.

swagatamghosh94 entry

This is, as most might have already guessed, from the episode Target 15 August (Episode 862) th which, by a surreptitious whim of the Fates, aired on 17 August. Now, why oh why, blessed as we are with a generous and sumptuous array of delightful scenes, is this my favourite Purvi scene?? First of all, I liked Purvi di's attire in this scene. Smart, chic and having an air of I-mean -business-andI-am-coming-to-get-you. Then, of course the expert modulation of her dulcet voice. She sounded so pretty when she switched characters from being Anuradha to Deepika. The way she figured out where the caller was, one could almost see the wheels inside her head turning, thinking furiously, as she changed identities and sim-cards, all with the intention of nabbing the criminal. Then there was the fearlessness, with a touch of inexperience that exists in a younger officer, with which she said, "You are under arrest". She charged in to the coffee shop, abandoning all restraint in an effort to shower herself in glory by arresting the criminal alone. I, personally, don't like the people I admire to be perfect in all respects. Everyone has some limitations and Purvi with her inexperience, exuded an aura of realism. I could associate myself with my favourite Purvi di and that is what every die-hard fan desires. I also have to congratulate Ansha di for effortlessly emoting the scene out to her audience. Her acting was truly the cherry on top of an already scrumptious cake.


gadhadada entry PURVI BEST MOMENT A Soft Spoken and Quiet entry as Inspector PURVI entered in CID at 23rd July 2011, She was Lucky as Her Entry was Alone in that Team which was now consist of so many Masculine gender to making Space between them is Easy for Her... At that time, mostly She aw standing at Back, having only 2/3 scene where mostly She Obeyed the Order or roaming here and there with He Team mates... At the Mid Year of 2012, FW creative Team got the Spark in that Soft and Quiet Entry and then She would move Forward and take Her Next step as now She got Dialogues, much Screen space and now She becomes the Part of Team as if She missed in Episode, Her Fans and Public felt that Vacuums... At 23rd June 2012, She had done a Big Role in an Episode named CID MEIN GHADDAR where She really used Her Acting Skills Neatly, She worked on Her Emotions to Done with this Role as Here She not only Portraying the Role of CID Officer, She also played the Role of a Daughter whose Father was Mentally I'll, She had a Sad Past which She death First time in Her Life in that Episode as well portrayed the role of Traitor also Tough for Her... She showed Her Character in 3-Dimension with that PURVI character, as being a CID Officer She had so many Dreams, Norms, Instruction, Restriction in Her Life and Daily Routine... As being a Daughter She had so many Responsibilities to tackle Her Mentally I'll Father with, Love, Care and Concern and during that She knew that The Person She called Her Father and the Person She Loved and Respect was the Core Issue for made Her Orphan as He kidnapped Her in Her Childhood... She really fills those Emotions in that Scenario where She dealt Three Main Problems/Issues of Her Life as at One side, She was in Extreme Pain after knowing about Her Sad Past, Her Parents and all... After that deal that Person till calling Her Father, at One moment She hates that Man and at another She feels Pity on Him... At the Third shade, where all CID Team thought Her as a Traitor in CID who stole Some Clues of the Case... I really Appreciated Her Face Expressions, Voice Tone, the Soggy Touch in Her Face and Voice which Prevails in Whole Episode, She lifted the Episode and Her Role with Her Good and Apt Gestures and Talent... I really Adore if She will get Some More such types of Role where She showed Her Talent and Skills according to Script and Her Character demand which not only Improvise Her but also increase Her Fan Following...!

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