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Sad story...

There was a boy called sam and a girl called Amber They both knew each other really well Until one day they both relisied they were in love... The only problem was Ambers dad wouldnt let her date </3

The next day...

Sam went up to amber and said... Hey I was wondering if u would like to go out tonight... Omg omg omg.. I take that as a yes yes sure 9.00 ok ill pick you up...

After School...
Amber and sam rushed home to get ready.. But then Amber relised she wasnt aloud to date... I dont care I hate my dad and I love him im going and I dont care if I get in trouble... At 9.00 she saw him she ran down before he could knock....

The date...

You look great :)... Thank you I tried my best... Then they head off down the road Your going at 40 when ur not ment to slow down or we will die.. So he tried but then he relised he had no breaks... Ok only if you kiss me .. So she kissed him.. Now slow down... only if you put on this helmet She put it on Now slow down..

The crash
Suddenly a lorry came out of no where... Boom! They had crashed and sam was stuck in the windscreen of the lorry... SAMMM! NOOOOOOOOOO!! The lorry driver got out and picked him up DONT TOUCH HIM...! We need to take him to the hospital... Fine! So they went to the local hospital

At the hospital...
The nurse came out crying WHY ARE YOU CRYING WHAT HAPPEND! The nurse tried to hug Amber but she pushed her away... Im sorry he is dead... WHAT NOOO SAM! he asked me to give you this...

The note
I want you to know im in a better place... I have loved you since the day we met I was scared to tell you... I wish I could take back time and tell u so we could of spent more time togther... Im sorry I didnt tell u that I had no breaks I made u put on the helmet for you to live your more important then me...

As one month passed...

Amber never got over him she kept the note in her pocket always so it was like she had a piece of him where ever she went...

If you have some one u love..

Tell them before its to late because you never no if you will ever be parted...

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