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Yolly Yabang

Yolly was a bright, energetic girl but just too boastful. She always found an excuse to show off about anything. If she knew the answers to all of teachers questions, she would talk about how smart she was. If she had new rubber shoes or a new bracelet, she would show everyone how nice it was and how expensive it was. This was very annoying to many classmates, who called her Yolly Yabang. One day, her best friend Geraldine tried to talk to her gently. Yolly, do you have some time to talk? I really have something important to tell you. Of course, Geraldine. What are friends for? You can be the first to know that my family will go to Hong Kong for a Disneyland vacation. My Daddy just told me last night. I cant wait Im so excited Oh and by the way, did you see my score in that last test? I got the highest score again, did you know? And Yolly, Yolly. Listen to yourself. You keep talking about yourself and your things all the time. Were best friends, Yolly. Best friends help each other. Of course, Geraldine. Thats why I wanted you to be the first to hear about the good news Oh, yes, about Disneyland. I saw this cute Mickey Mouse t-shirt my cousin got at Hong Kong, but Im getting the cuter, more expensive design, and then Geraldine was getting frustrated. Yolly didnt understand what she was trying to say. Yolly, youre not listening. You know what classmates call you? They call you Yolly Yabang and they dont like talking to you, because you keep bragging. I do not brag. I just tell the truth. I wanted to text you last night after my Daddy told us ah, but you dont have a cell phone, I forgot. Anyway, theyre just jealous. Have you seen my new cell phone? It has all these cool features Then Geraldine raised her voice. Yolly, listen, there are other people you should think about, people you can help. Stop thinking and talking only about your things and toys. Later that day, Yolly was chosen to meet a donor to the school, Mr Medardo Lim. While waiting with the Principal, Mr Prudente, Yolly was telling herself, Hes such an important man, and I was chosen to meet him and show him the school. He studied in America and he owns factories and buildings. Wait till I tell all the other kids. Theyll be so envious, even Geraldine. Then she saw a car arrive and a man get out, and she thought, That cant be his car. Our family car is newer and bigger. That man doesnt look important at all. He doesnt even have a driver.

Yolly Yabang
Then the Principal greeted him, Good morning, Mr Lim. Were very happy to have you visit. This is Yolanda Espiritu, one of our students. Yolly forgot her rehearsed speech to welcome Mr Lim. She was so surprised that Mr Lim did not look at all rich. He did not look poor either. He was dressed nicely but his clothes were not expensive brands. He had no jewelry except a wedding ring. He shook hands with Mr Prudente, then smiled at Yolly and said, Hello, Yolly. Pleased to meet you. Yolly showed him the school. She brought him to the classrooms and the covered courts. She introduced some teachers and friends. Mr Lim asked Yolly, What do you think this school needs? How can I help? Yolly thought to herself, Hes asking me what I think? Then she said, We have a good scholarship program but we need more funds. Some of our equipment needs to be replaced. There are some clubs that need funds also. Yes. I might be able to help. Later, Yolly ended the tour and escorted Mr Lim to Mr Prudentes office. He said goodbye sincerely. Then later, she saw Geraldine approaching. Geraldine started to say sorry to Yolly for raising her voice earlier, but Yolly said, No, Geraldine, you were right. I should stop thinking about myself all the time. Yolly, thats great, but what happened? I just met this man .. a very smart man, very rich. Hes gone around the world many times. Hes studied abroad but all he kept asking me was how he could help our school. That made me think a lot. About what? About my trip to Hong Kong Yolly!! Just kidding, OK? Mr Lim helped me see how important it is to help people. Ive been acting spoiled. OK, Yolly. Lets start with some friends who need some help with homework, then we can talk about some school clubs like the Catechism club There was no more Yolly Yabang that day. She became Yolly All-Ears, always listening, always trying to help.

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