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Neurology Final Exam 2010

Q1. Most tumor meta metastasis causing bleeding in brain is: -chorio carcinoma Q2.Typical tumor of grade 1V astrocytoma is: -glioblastoma multiforme Q3.Most common tumor metastasize by CSF is: -medulloblastoma Q4.Common site of choroid plexus Ca is: -lat. Ventricle -4 ventricle -pons -midbrain Q5.Most common tumor in Cerebellopontine erebellopontine angle is: -vestibular shawnomma Q6.Most common pituitary tumor is: -nonfunctioning adenoma* -TSH adenoma

Q7.Most common extramedullary tumor is: -metastasis (not sure) Q8.Patient Patient with freidrich freidrich's ch's ataxia is at risk of : -cardiomyopathy* -hemolytic anemia -lymphoma -retinitis pigmentosa Q9.Most common single suture that has synostosis is: -sagittal* -coronal ..etc Q10. 10.Pat Patient with facial asymmetry, Intact touch sensations. upon touch of his cornea only the left eye blink, blink, the nerve affected is: is: -right facial* -left facial -right trigeminal -left trigeminal

Q11. 11.Pat Patient with cervical spinal stenosis, has all except: except: -clonus -ataxia -spasticity -incontinence -flaccidity Q12. 12.In brown sequard syndrome(hemisection of spinal cord), cord), all are true, true, except: except: -ipsilateral loss of pain & touch -ipsilateral hemiparesis -ipsilateral loss of joint proprioception -contralateral loss of pain & touch Q13. 13.All are consistent with lacunar infarction, infarction, except: except: -brocas aphasia -pure motor hemiparesis -infarction in IC -pure hemisensory -clumsy hand- dysarthria Q14. 14.All occur in medial medulla syndrome, syndrome, except except: -contralateral hemiparesis

-tongue deviation to paralyzed side -tongue deviation away from paralyzed side Q15. 15.All implicated in pathogenesis of MS, MS, except: except: -cytotoxic immune response -geographic variation -genetic predisposition -all Q16. 16.All are affected by demylination in multiple sclerosis, sclerosis, except: except: -peripheral nerves. * -midbrain -corticospinal tract -pons Q17. 17.One of these used in treatment of MS relapse: relapse: -IFN a -IFN B -metylpredinisolone Q18. 18.One of these used for treatment of fatigue in MS: MS: -amantadine -amytriptyline

Q19. 19.One of these sites of ICH suggest secondary cause in elderly pt: pt: -putamen -caudate -thalamus -cerebral cortex -pons Q20. 20.Nubmer of pa patients ients disabled in LBP is: -1% Q21. 21. Indication for for surgery in acute DP with no Neurological Neurological signs is: -10% -20% -30% -50% -90% Q22. 22.Most common site on Intervertebral disk prolapse is: -L4-L5 -L5-S1 Q23. 23.Most common cause of Low back Pain is:

-muscloskeletal -IDP Q24. 24.Neurogenic claudication caused by: by: -lumbar canal stenosis Q25. 25.Patient Patient with L5 L5 nerve root compression, possible sites affected are: -PL L4-L5, FL L5-S1 Q26. 26.Patient Patient with left left Lower Limb weakness, flaccidity, areflexia, fasciculation in leg & thigh, lesion is in: -Left L4 - Left L5 -sciatic nerve. -anterior horn cells -right cortex Q27. 27.Pat Patient with acute inflammatory demyelination PNP(GBS), most important to to monitor is: is: -Pao2 -PaCO2 -forced vital capacity* -pulse oximetry

Q28. 28.Most important Factor in growth & rupture of aneurysm is: is: -HTN Q29. 29.Site of bleeding in Epidural Epidural Hemorrhage is: is: -middle meningeal vessels Q30. 30.Pat Patient presented to ER, with right ight anisocorea, open eyes on speech, flexion on the right, right, Withdraw to pain in Left, Left, Produce some words, his GCS is: is: -10 Q31. 31.Pat Patient with SAH, presented with GCS =15, 15, on 3rd day, GCS deteriorated, the cause is: is: -cerebral vasospasm Q32. 32.Not in treatment of vasospasm: vasospasm: -CCB -barbiturates -3H maneuver -IV vasodilator* -baloon angioplasty Q33. 33.All are true about vasospasm, vasospasm, except: except: -oxyHb is implicated as causative factor

-endothelin E factor is promising treatment -only in aneurismal SAH -carry 7% mortality & 7% morbidity Q34. 34. About AVM, all are true, true, except: except: -brain tissue inside nidus* -venous phase before A. phase -risk of re-bleeding mostly within 2 weeks -congenital in origin -treatment is surgical resection if applicable Q35. 35.One o the following increase seizure risk in patients with primary generalized Seizures: -carbamezabine* -valporic acid -topiramite -phenytoin Q36. 36.Which one of AED (anti(antiepileptic drugs), its side effect is kidney stone formation: -topiramate Q37. 37.Complex partial seizure Causes:

-altered level of consciousness Q38. 38.Always present in delirious patent: -memory loss -inattention -disorientation Q39. 39. One of the following supply structures on both sides of midline: midline: -vertebral artery

-communicating result from lesion before lushka & magendi -main absorption site is sup. Sagittal sinus arachnoid villi -main production site is choroid plexus & interstitial cells Q43. 43.One is cyclooxygenase inhibitor: inhibitor: -aspirin* -abciximab -warfarin

-ACA -clopidogril -MCA -dipyridamole -PCA -ant communicating* Q40. 40.All present in uncus herniation, except: except: -contralateral pupil dilation -HTN & bradycardia -contralateral hemiparesis - Herniation under dura Q41. 41.All are are causes causes of reversible dementia, dementia, except: except: -picks disease Q42. 42.About hydroceph: hydroceph: -CSF production 1/3 min Q44. 44.About frontotemporal frontotemporal dementia all are true, true, except: except: -extrapyramidal sign comes early in the disease. -apathy -pick disease is subtype -perseveration & stereotyping are features Q45. 45.About Semantic Semantic Dementia, ementia, The main feature is: is: -profound anomia -apathy -NFA

-disinhibition -blunt emotion Q46. 46.One isnt sign of cluster headache: headache: -pallor of face* -anhydrosis -ipsilateral rhinorrhea -partial ptosis -enophthalmus Q47. 47.Releiving factor in migraine is: is: -pregnancy* -menstruation -OCP -starvation -sleep deprivation Q48. 48.Main drug for preventing migraine attack is: -tryptan family -ergotamine -big dose of aspirin -b blocker Q49. 49. Pat Patient with UMN & LMN signs & symptoms, symptoms, the lesion will be in:

-motor neurons Q50. 50.Drug used used for visual hallucination in Parkinson disease disease is: -levedopa -dopamine agonist -haloperidol -quetipaine -Selegiline Q51. 51.Mechanism of action of selegiline is: -MAO A inhibitor -MAO B inhibitor Q52. 52. Ethusoximide used for: for - absence seizure Q53. 53. One of the following carries a poor prognosis without surgical intervention: -odontoid 1 fx -odontoid 2 fx * -odontoid 3 fx -jefferson fx Q54. 54. One is true about lumbosacral spinal cord injury: injury -burst fx is the most common -wedge fx is unstable -wedge fx involve middle column

Q55. 55. Most characteristic feature of disc is : -radicular pain Q56. 56. Mechanism of injury injury in C1 C1C2 sublaxation is: is: -flexion * -extension -distraction -axial load Q57. 57. One of the following doesn't cause paraplegia: paraplegia: -cervical root compression * -bilateral lumber plexus -lumbar spine transection -parasagittal Q58. 58. About AVM, AVM, All are true, true, Except: -risk of bleeding from unruptured is 3-4% per year # (mostly) -smaller have higher pressure -smaller bleed more than larger Q59. 59. All cause foot drop except: except: -tibial neuropathy * -peroneal neuropathy -lumber spinal cord injury Q60.When When wrist drop, drop, the nerve affected fected is: -radial Q61. 61. In deltoid paralysis, paralysis, the nerve affected is :

- axillary Q62. 62. Radial nerve supply all, all, except: -supinator -triceps -abductor pollicis longus -adductor pollicis * -extensor pollicis Q63. 63. Natural history of disc: - improvement Q64. 64. Golden duration for treatment of disc is : -4-6 weeks Q65. 65. Red flags in back pain are all except: -history of malignancy -response to treatment* -immunocompromised Q66. 66. Nocturnal pain (At rest) rest) means : -intraspinal tumor Q67. 67. The position that increase disc pain is: is: - sitting Q68. 68. Meningioma recurrence is increased by: -postop residual tissue # (mostly) -benign histology Q69. 69. Cervical Cervical cord injury injury causes all, all, except: -flaccid paralysis # -clonus

-spastic paralysis -ataxia -incontinence Q70. 70. In Intranuclear ophthalmoplegia: ophthalmoplegia: -weakness of adduction in the other eye and nystagmus in the same Q71. 71. One One of the following cuase cuase throbbing headache: headache: -nitrate * -cluster -tension -CCB

Q72. 72. Not Not a cognitive function: -acalcula -dysphasia * -dysarthria Q73. 73. Cluster Cluster headche headche is characterized by: -can last up to 3 hours Q74. 74. Coup Coup injury injury comes at: -frontotemporal -orbital -convexities (mostly)

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