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Rome was not built in a day

Anything worth excelling in is worth working on daily. One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received is to choose what you want to be fast tracked into peak performance in, and work on it daily. The great thing about working on anything daily is the focus is always quality over quantity. It is thinking strategic, for the long term outcome, as opposed to the short term tactic. You want to be a great business man? Why not work on your venture or projects daily. You do not have to finish a project daily, but work on your idea daily. We live in a world where 90% talk about doing, while the rare 10% actually implement. I find it inspiring to hear of great performers in their fields, and their commitment to their art. Like the legendary NBA shooting guard Larry Bird, who would shoot 300 shots a day, just to work on his craft.

Yes, it can get very tedious, but he was thinking long term pay off, strategically. What do you want to be known for? What do you want to grow in fast? What can you commit some time and effort to doing daily? Live with that in mind and you are running the race of life like the Tortoise as opposed to the hare. The power of a bit at a time, over a long period of time is indispensable. It is the difference between studying 30 minutes a day for two weeks, and cramming 3 months of learning in 3 days. Think about it, Rome was not built in a day, but theres no telling what you can build a day at a time. Author: Leslie Poku Marketing Consultant. Follow him on Twitter: @LesliePoku

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