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VOL> 2, No. 1
JAmJARY 1967 Feb 8 '67
Dear Co-laborers in Christ,
Louise and I rejoice and praise our God for His glorious faithful
ness throughout this past year of service for Him in Cape Town. He
has supplied all our needs, and to Him be the glory for all that
has been accomplished. Our thanks goes to you also for your con
stant provision through prayer and financial help* We trust we
have been good stewards of all these benefits. May God continue
to use us all mightily throughout this New Year of 1967.
NEW NElrJSLETTER - As you see, we have launched into a new approach
for our monthly paper, which we trust you will appreciate. It is
especially designed for all who are consistently concerned about
our developments for Christ in Cape Town - and will keep you in
formed of our progress, and (on the reverse side) give you a month
ly financial statement also. We sincerely thank our Forwarding
Agents for their wonderful work on our initial format, and appre
ciate their continued work on this more permanent paper. You may
write for additional copies. All contributors receive copies auto
NEW ARRIVALS - January promises to be a month of many arrivals of
our brethren coming to us in Cape Town. Don and Patti Hart arrive
on the 2nd to begin their work with us in White Evangelism here.
Zimmermans arrive on the 12th, returning to Coloured and African
Evangelism in the Cape Town region, Louise's parents, the Lad-
brooks, come to spend a few weeks as they retire from Dadaya Mis
sion in Rhodesia, to return to minister to a Church of Christ in
Australia. Peter Nathan (of Dadaya, on vacation); and Dave Finney
(headed for Zambia) are also expected here this month. We are
trusting this will provide rmich added incentive to our witness in
this city.
JEW TRACT - We have now completed our tract-series of. three with
the production of the tract "Foundation for Faith" emphasising our
solid stand upon Christ and the Bible, These tracts are serving
as a valuable asset to our becoming all the more established and
effective here. We will be happy to send you copies.of any or all
^of the three upon direct request to us, so do let us hear, from you.
CHURCHES - Gordon Nelson continues in his efforts toward estab-
ihing a strong new Church in the Northern Suburbs and is plan
ning an Evangelistic .Meeting with A1 Hamilton for the Church in
February, I have now become fully established as minister for the
Observatory Church, as well as providing for and leading in the
Wynberg Church, Both of these Churches have now established con
siderably, and we are preparing for steady growth through this new
-year. -The Harts will be of great help in this, and their hope is
to establish yet another white congregation,
ANNIVERSARIES - For the close of the year we have had Anniversary
Programs for both Bible Schools and the "Sword Club" with wonder
ful presentations of items and plays by each class. The auditor
iums were filled with members, parents and friends - which granted
us a grand opportunity to witness to many who are not as yet reg
ularly involved with us. All participated well, and the Wynberg
Bible School especially had an excellent Nativity play directed
by my Mother, Louise and I were well involved with all of these ef
forts, and will both be teaching classes and the "Sword Club" a-
gain this next year.
TRANSITIQU - This month of January Is now a month of re-organlza-
tlon and transition as we move directly into the major.-phase :.of
our work for Christ in Cape Town, The two Churches are responding
well to our leadership, and we are ready therefore to concentrate
on building up the Bible Schools and Evangelistic Programs^ which
are in serious need of development. Thus far we have concentrated
on encouraging the established members - with good results and
very little opposition (The 6 months Bible Reading Emphasis at Ob
servatory began with 95 chapters read in the first week, and fin
ished with 359 chapters - having hit a record of ij.00 chapters read
by the congregation in one weekl) Please pray that God will use
us to challenge precious souls here all the more to serve Him.
DECEMBER 1 Balance
F.J, King
Crocker C,C., Crocker, Mo.
First C.Ci, St. Ann, Mo.
First C.C^, Marlow Okla.
First C.C., Texhoina, Okla,
Arcadia C.C,, Arcadia, Kan, 30.00
First C.C,, Sallisaw, Okla. 25*00
M/M James T. Mitchell, Ft. Smith, A. 10,00
Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark, 50.00
La Harpe C.C,, La Harpe, 111. 100,00
Valley C.C., Tucson, Ariz, 25.00
Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La. 500
O.R. Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla.
Frank Roark, " "
Walter Ivey, " "
Winnie Matlock, " "
Crocker C.C,, Crocker, Mo,
First C.C., Marlow, Okla. 10,00
Mrs. J,R. Whittington, Shreveport,La.50.00
M/M Freelin Thorp, Clinton, 111. 20.00
Total receipts 6Ii.6,lij.
Printing, Newsletter
Mission Expenses, (to John)
O.B.C. Almuni Appeal
Books, (O.B.C.), for John
Total Expenses
DECEMBER 31> Balance
FORWARDING AGENTS: Mr. & Mrs. Marion R. Bice
La Harpe, Illinois,
Marion R. Bice
La Harpe, 111.
6^6, llj.
Tktf Cape an>%
VOL. 2, No. 2
Greetings fro/.i the Cape,
The Lord has indeed been guiding and providing ; gloriously:"-?or. us
all in this city of opportunity. New workers have borne to strengthen
an(& stabilize our efforts for Christ here. New challenges aro opening
before us. All the more we are each finding more specifically how the
Lord can best use us all to accomplish His purposes in this great city.
Thus January has been a month of tremendous transition for many of us^
and it is with gratitude to God that we rejoice to share all this witt
you in this newsletter.
NEl-J ARRIVALS - Early in January Don and Patti Hart and their baby Chri.7
arrived at D.F. Malan Airport here. How thrilled we were to have theii.
here at last, since they will be our close personal allies in evangeli&i"
in the Central Suburbs. They took over Mrs. Fulford^s apartment for a
few weeks while she camo to stay with us, and they now are settled ir.
their own apartment very close to ours here in Mowbray, and are adjust
ing marvelously to the situation.
Next camo the Aimmerman family, and they were most fortunate in be
ing able to regain tho same houso they had previously rented in Sybrand
Parkso thoy too will be fairly close to us and' an asset to pur efforts
We hold a grand vjelcome. Social for both of these families in the Observ
atory Church building,
Dave Finney'has come to Capo Town temporarily also while awaiting
his visa for Zambiaand we are happy to have him with us. And any day
now we aro oxpocting Hazel Solomon and her three daughters to fly in
from tho States to settle back in Cape Town and pave the wajJ" for her
husband, Jimmy, who is earnestly seeking support in America for tboir
Coloured Evangelism here in Capo Town. Pray that all these may indeed
bo effective for God's glory.
NEW RE3F0NSIBILITI5S - With tho arrival of new workers wo have had to
re-think our program for Cape Tcwn. Through prayor and discussion with
many of our brethren hero it has thus boon agreed that Louise and I con-
ccntrate upon stabilizing and devoloping tho Observatory Church, and the
Harts have offered and been acceptcd to minister to tho Wynbcrg Churchc
Since tho Spauldings will soon bo returning to Johannesburg to assist
the Cooks in tho growing opportunities there, tho Nelsons will need our
combined help in developing the now Northern Suburbs Church and we will
also need to lay tho ground-work for a Southern Suburbs Church in pre
paration for the coming of Jim and Arlino Parris in December. Meanwhile
the Zimmormans will devote their attention directly to the needs of the
Africans (Bantu) of tho Western Cape.
Louise and I will also yet bo maintaining contacts through the
Hospital and University, She has now fully qualified as a Doctor, and
will bo working five mornings a week (to pay back her govornmont loan).
I passed well ii' both Philosophy and Sociology/ last year, and will take
just one courso this year to conf'nuo reaching University students.
RTgNGVATIONS - Besides getting new missionaries settled and established
here, we have also been busy this month renovating tho Observatory
building with improved equipment^ re-painting class rooms, and tiling
the baptistry. ^11 this is prcparator-'" to our systematic outroach into
the local Observatory community.
FARgvfELL T_0 LADBROOT<"S - Loujse^s parents are retiring from l5 ^oars of
Missionar';^ service in Rhodesia, and have acceptcd a call to
one of our churches in Australia. Thcf came to Cape Town, and Louiso.
and I took a weeks annual Vacation to travel with them as far as Port
Elizabeth and there bid them farewell. Wo shell miss them indeed, but
we know the Lord will use them,
HELLO TO CARROLL F"^TLFORDS - While in Port Elizabeth we spent a week-end
with ray brotlior Carroll aiid his family who had recently arrived to open
our first work in that city. We helped them settle in their new apart
ment, where we worshipped vjith them on the Lord^s Day and discussed
their hopes and plans for tho future. The prospocts look good indeed.
God is graciously opening wide tho dou'a of opportunity here. May
He grant us the faith and faithfulness to go throiigh to victory for His
Yours in His Service,
mmmiJkh re^or^?, jaotary 1967
JANUARY 1 Balance i|.95.29
La Harpe Christian Ctaurch 100.00
Jr. Hi. Girls Class, Cisno C.C.> 111. 500
Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark. 5000
Ilrs. J. Jorgensen, Milwaukee, Wis. 1$00
Opportunity Class, Shrcveport, La. ^ 5i0b
M/M Freelin Thorp, Clinton, 111. 500
First G.C, Texhoma, Okla. $2.00
Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla* 5.00
O.R^: Van De Linder, " " 1$.60
Frank Roark, " . " $.0O
V/altei* lyey,' " " $.6o
First C.C.j, St. Ann, Mo. li|..t)0
Valley C.C;, Tiicson, Ariz.. 2$.00
Lord's Reapers> Joplin, Mo. 10#00
First C.C., Sallisaw, Okla. 25.00
' Olive Fi Kern, La Harpe, 111; 2$i00
Arcadia-CiC.i Arcadia^ ICan^ " 30^00
Total Receipts 391.00 391.00
TOTAL 056.29
Salary 11.00.00
Printing, Newsletter ii.0.50
Postage .7^
Total Expenses IpjlTo- Mile2^
January 31 balance IJIpToIJ!
John Fulford
La Harpe, Illinois
Cape Toy^n CKtbiIan
VOL, 2, No. 3
IL^RCII 1967
GREETIJIGS FROi'^ THE FULF0RD3, On a rocont VGntureaorae sproo I agroed
to guide Don Hart and Sandy Sinclair in c rigorous climb to tho Sum
mit of Dovilts Peek:that mountain on tho letter head which constant
ly ovorshadox-js our area of evangelism. The way up was rugged indeed,
but at length we found the "Old Path"--though much obscurod and lit
tle usedthat led up to the very top (3284 foot). As wo gazod down
on the groat city spread below us, I could not help but realize the
challenge that faccs us for a groator conquest of a greater dovil who
dominates the lives of so many in this city. May God'holp ua^to point
them also to the "old paths" that ascend to our Lord Josus Christ.
MISSIONARIES^ ACTIVITIES - 1''e have rcjoiced in the recent fellowship
vjith numbers of fellow missionaries this past month, and the further
developments in our total efforts for Christ here. The ZH"jj!-i5RlMAH'S
are settling in well, and A1 already has 11 African adults in a Sun
day training session, assisted by brother j^elson. The Zimmerman fam
ily, who have previously minister^^d to the Observatory congregation,
have recently replaced their local membership with us to the dolight
and encouragement of all, though they will not be taking major re
sponsibilities in this local church. Brother A1 is taking a course
in Bantu language at the University here. The HARTS are continuing
in consolidating the work in Wynbcrg, and are leading in mid-week
Bible Studies and a Friday afternoon Bible Clubbesides monthly
Bible Film Eveningsto encourage the church. The IIELSONS recently
had a ij.-Hight Gospel Meeting in the Northern Suburbs, led by A1 Ham-
ilton^^who was flown down from Johannesburg by Derry Smaagc (in his
new Mission Plane). All our throe churches were enriched bj the
meetings. The SFAULDIHGS led tho music, and they then returned to
Johannesburg and their labors with tho Cook family thoro. Tho Sin-
0lAIRS and DAVE FIHHEY recently conducted a Kumbwa Mission Lord*s Day
-or us at Observatory--which greatly encouraged the Church since
three of our own youth are now in that work. An offering of R3I1..OO
was gladly given to aid those efforts.
2]3TABLIShIrIG THE CHURCH - A.s regards the Observatory Church itself,
we are still much involved in consolidating and strengthening the
actual membership and finding fruitful areas of service for each* The
coming of tho Zimmermana and Hazel Solomon and her girls is helping
indeed in this, and there is a growing eagerness for Co-operation and
expansion* Praiso the Lord!
FAMILIES FOR CHRIST - We continue to reach out regularly to the Van
Eerden and Stoffberg families with woekl:/ studies (film-strips or
flanelgraph) in their homes, for themselves and their neighbors. The
Earhardt family (a lady and two children who have had somewhat of a
Restoration background) have become keenly interested and regular.
Pray that x-je may reach these and other whole families for our Lord.
AREA SURVEY - Our three Churches have agreed to have "Hello iJeighbor
pamphlets p}?inted for use in thorough local surveys of our areas in
renewed efforts to reach neglected and needy souls in our own commun
ities .
STUDENTS FOR CHRIST - A new year at Capo Town University begins this
month, and I plan to be back on tho Campus part-time in the mornings
taking a course there. Besides riiy links with Christian Societies
there I have boon elected Chairman of the Society for Social Studies
'.hich will bring me into effective contact with many who are willing
to consider Christ and Christianity, Please pray that I shall prove
effective in winning some of those to our Saviour. Louise is now
.laking a real home of our apartment for fellowship and opon-hcarted
witness, and has been a greet asset in visitation, Plc/iso pra?y wi:
us for souls for Christ.
Yours because His,
Jeremiah 6:16.
FOR YOUR PRAYIiS^S: We heve decided to include in each newsletter c. few
facts relr.ting to the problems wo f?.co in our Jifission work here that
you may bo able to pray more particularly for us and our needs. I'^e
do not wish to burden you unduly, howovor, so we will bo brief and as
specific as possible.
1* For our place and purpose in this land/ "Churches of Christ" as
such are relatively unknown here as ^^'ct (as in your extreme eastern
and northern states), and .South Africa has not as yet known an indig-
_enoua "Restoration Movement"though there is much confusing Christ
ian religion and varied churches here# V/e frequently find difficulty
in clarifying our position and plea to others.
For our stewardship. of time. So much of what we do demands pa
tience, waiting and watching; and much else that we do is experiment
al and may well fail (though at least we learn by this)* l\^e only know
to do what wo can while we cani
3 For Improved local leadership. Many of our Christians here aro too
dependent upon ua as yet, ahd few can stand and lead alone# Espec
ially we are lacking in effective man-power, and I myself am our only
^aecond-genoration South African Christian leader here I We seem so
much still to be starting from scratch.
How we praise God for the faithfulness of all of you who continue to
contribute to our labors for Christ in this city.
FEBRUARY 1, 19^7, balance
Crockcr C.C., Crocker, Mo. 100.00
First C.C., St. Ann, No. 1?.00
La HarpCjC.C., La Harpe, 111. . 100.00
Central C.C., Pt. Smith, Ark. ?0.00
M/M Froelin Thorp, Clinton, 111. 20.00
First C.C,, Sallisaw, Okla. 2^.00
First C.C., Texhoma, Okla. 6i|..00
Arca.dia C.C., Arcadia, Kan. 3000
M/M Forest King, Gilbert, Ark. 10.00
Walter Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla. 5.00
li/U 0. R. Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla. l500
M/m Frank Roark, Sallisaw, Okla. 5.00
VJinnie katlock, Sallisaw, Okla.. 8.00
Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La# 5.00
Total receipts i|.52.00
Salary 1^.00.00
Postage 7.05
Books, (for John) 5*50
Travel Fund 50.00
Total expenses
FEBRUARY 28,- balance .
John's address B6o6 Forest Hill 27
Iiowb^y, Cape
Box 5o5
La Harpe, 111#, 6l[j.5o
//// >:P'
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jae&iiT'tij'i'M i iiin
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^\ic Oafc T<?wh
April 22, 1967
Church of Christ, Polo Rd., Observatory
Annual General Meeting
15th March, 1967
Page 1
Minister's Annual Report Submitted by John S. Pulford
The past year has been one of considerable chrnge, reorganization
and consolidation for our congregation, Nevertheless, our Lord has
led us victoriously through it all and established us as a congrega
tion with 35 actual members of our oiirn with our own minister .We have
also been instrumental in the establishment of a congregation in the
Northern Suburbs, having their own minister; and we have rejoiced in
our other daughter congregation in V/ynborg receiving their own min
ister and now making fine progress completely independantly. To God
be the glory for all these achievements.
The Northern Suburbs congregation began officially on 1st Hay, 19^6,
consisting of a nucleus from this congregation and our brother Nel
son x-jho had completed his agreed year of ministry in Observatory.
Then followed a period of uncertainty, with various interim preach
ing, until, on June, the Board determined to call me to preach
for this congregation each Lord's day until at least the end of the
year. I willingly accepted this opportunity, and from then until
l\.th September I preached self-examining sermons in the mornings,
analyzing and clarifying our situation; and in the evenings I
preached a series of Gospel sermons entitled "Calvary Compells Me."
From 11th September I have been preaching a sermon per chapter from
the Gospel of John in the mornings and from the Book of Acts in the
evenings. I have also led in the morning worship services regularly
and selected suitable hymns in -keeping with the sermons for both
As additiona,! projects for encouraging the congregation up to Decem
ber, I instituted a Bible Reading Plan and a Weekly Church Letter.
The Bible Reading program began with 9$ chapters read for the week
of 11th September, and finished with 359 chapters for the week of
Christmc.s, having hit a record of I4.OO chapters. The weekly letters
I wrote were sent to all members of the congregation throughout this
period to encourage us in serving the Lord. I also called on all
church members and prospects, besides contacts for cur Bible School,
in which I also taught the Primary class.
I have appreciated the fine co-opcration of the Board and the Bible
School teachers in the management and direction of the congregation;
and also the consistent and effective leadership of Brothers Stenson
and S. Norman in the V/ednesday Bible Study and Saturday Prayer r/eet-
ing, respectively, as well as in loading in the evening Gospel Ser
vices. The members of the Board have also faithfully given commun
ion addresses each Lord^s day. Brother DeKock has been ably assist
ing now with the morning Door-Duty, and our four young men. Brothers
Louis Lebrun, George ?;iles, John liark Zimmerman, and Raymond Espin
are doing this duty well at the Gospel Services. Sisters G, Norman
and E. Carter have served well as our musicians, and Sister Zimmer
man and John l-Jprk have recently taken this responsibility most ably.
We appreciate also Louis Lebrun's assistance with communion prepar
ation and hym numbers, and all the ladies who clean up the commun
ion and assist with flowers. Not forgetting Sister Gladys Oostendorp
for helpful "removals" as well. Hay God bless all of you for your

1. The l\'ynberg Church As has bodn the practice in previous years
while the Hynberg Church has been without a minister, the minister
of this congregation has led and preached there at a 6:30 Gospel
Service Brother Nelson and I have therefore both continued this
practice in the past year imtil their on 1st February, I967,
when brother Don Hart (who had rocontly come from America with his
family) i^as unanimously elected by that congregation as their minis
ter* I have therefore been helping Brother Hai*t to become intergra-
ted into that congregation, and he has since assumed full responsi
bility for them, thus relieving us of this onusi We trust and pray
that they will prosper all the more during his ministry there. (Bro
ther Smaago also served thid Congregation for a few months).
2. The Sword Club This children's Bible Club which had been ef
fective horp in the past was revived by ray wife, my mother and my
self at 2:30 on* Sunday Afternoon, l^th September, 1966, with 2? chil
dren presont. We-have continued regularly since then, .and C3?e now
having over $0 at each meeting, showing much enthusiasm. The pro
gram includes choruses, stories, dramatizations, Bible drills, and
flannelgraph, with various, guest speakers# Bible picture texts and
sweets are given out at the.close of each meeting, and the children
enjoy it all and learn much. This group gave a fine performance to
a full church-hall at an anniversary on 12th December> and received
various awards. They include mostly local children of ages 3-16^
many of whom are not otherwise connected with our church. They have
thus added a considerable boost to our Bible School. Prom this next
Lord's day wo are dividing them into two teams and adding an element
of conipetition, emphasising Bible memorization. Our thanks also to
"Brother and Sister Robertson and Brother DeKock who assist us regu
larly in this venture.
2. The Monthly Film Evenings These were, also effective in reach
ing our community some years ago. V/e therefore determined to revive
these also on a monthly basis* foi the first Friday of each month,
commencing on $th August, I966. The response was thrilling and the
church was packed for the two films we showed. We sang choruses rind
advertised our regular meetings with some encouraging reaults, es^
pecially in the Bible School and Sword Club. Since then we have been
continuing this venture, and have Bible Films and a "Parable from
Nature" filmstrip lined up for the rest of 196?. Numbers vary gen
erally between 70 and 100. Our thanks to Brother Stenson (our pro
jectionist) and Sister.F. Fulford (our pianist) for their regular
assistance in this. ,
1^.. Home Studies -- In an effort to reach whole families of prospects
for Christ, I decided to conduct a series of regular film-strip
studies in selected homes. A few of these were conducted in Bonte-
heuwel, but with little lasting success. We have therefore concen
trated oh the Homes of the Van Eedcn and Stoffberg families with
consistently good and developing response. Twenty-four such meet
ings were hold regularly in the Van Eeden home each Monday evening
from 8:00 p.m. with generally the entire family (and some friends
at times) present. We covered, the complete "Parables from Nature"
film-strip series plus some other film-strips, and-have now changed
to Wednesday afternoons x^ith a flannelgraph series. Since the chil
dren are already closely involved in the church we are confident of
drawingjfche paren^-in all^ the .jno_reL_als_a_in^UB_cpurse.._^
We have hold fifteen such meetings at the Stoffberg home on Thursday
nights, and they have crowded the room out with a variety of chil
dren from the communitywho sing choruses lustily and listen atten
tively. Response, has grown considerably in this family, and we have
now begun, 3^^ addition, a series of Ten studies on "The Gospel Way"
with the Seven older ones of the family, including the mother and
Beginning this next Thursday, we plan to have "The Gospel V7ay" stud
ies also with Jeanifer Riley and iirs. Daniels at the home of Sister
Bagley the hour before we go to the Stoffbergs. Pray that we may
baptise a number of these in duo course as they yield their hearts
to the Iiord.
5. Church Renovation During this past year Raymond Espin and I
became much concerned about the condition of the classrooms and the
baptistry. VJith the help of others, such as Brother Hart and Sister
TLC o\^n
safejA.IH>*i liiii'iiillWul iiriirti'ii TTiinniiiii
Page 3
Louiso Pulford, we therefore repainted most of the classrooms and
the toilets, and also tiled the baptistry and renovated its alcove.
I ha.vo also been through all the cupboards, clearing and straighten
ing them. Brother Stonson put a fine finish to the top of the kit
chen table; and, with Brother ^?ilcs, made pelmets for the eight win
dows of the auditorium. Sister Van Wyk has volunteered to make cur
tains for these windows. Plans are also in progress for improve
ments to the grounds and front appearance of the church, and practi
cal sucgostions for this i-jill be most welcome.
6 Literature During this past year I have had printed 1,000 each
of three tracts on Foundation, Salvation, and Christians which are
available to the congregation. I have also had printed 2,000 letter
heads for church-mail. In addition X7c are encouraging the congrega
tion to use the Scripture Union ''Daily Notes" for dally devotions
since we have found these very true to God's Word and most inspiring
for our personal lives.
Just recently we have had a new calling pamphlet printed entitled
"Hello, NeighborI" for use in an extensive survey of our local com
munity, along with a survey card for each home.. My personal inten
tion is to reach every home in our local Observatory community in
cluded within the Main Rd, to the Lower Main Rd. and Milton Rd. to
Rochester Rd, I hope that all church members will seek to reach
their neighbors similarly as well.
As last year was a year of consolidation, so may this year be a year
of expansion. in bringing new people IN; making them heartily WEL
COME; letting no-one feel a stranger; follox>ring them up with letters
and visits; winning them to Christ; baptizing them; training them to
servo Christ; and pressing on towc.rd yet greater things for God.
7. Training Program It was decided at our most recent board
meeting to introduce a special program for establishing our members
in the faith. Brother Stenson has been ably leading our Tdd-week
study series on the Epistles and ha.s now concluded II Peter. We
shall thus be commencing this next Wednesday with a scries of lij.
studies on "What V^e Believe", following the book by J. Vernon Jacobs,
(of which we have a number of copies), and I have been asked to con
duct these studies. We hope thus to equip our members to be all the
more effective as Witnesses for Christ.
We are planning for a grand ingathering evangelistic campaign in
June; and we are counting on everyone of our 35 members doing all we
can to further the cause of Christ that it may truly be said of
us in this community that we arc indeed "A Church of Christ where
Christ is First,"
Yours for Christ for all
VOL. 2, No. k
APRIL 1967
GREETINGS /:GAIK FRO^: CAFE TOWN - This city is building rapidly. De
velopment is apparent everywhere. Another apartment block is being
coraplotcd near us. Foundations arc laid. The framex^ork is firmly es
tablished. The brickvjork procoodsbrick by brick. Then finishing
touchcs--and homes are ready for occupation. Thus must we build also
in our t-rork and witness for Christ in this city.
FRA?'IE\-JORK FOR SERVICE - ij.0 years ago American evangelists laid the
foundations for Ifew Testament Christianity through Churchcs of Christ
in this land and this city. A structure was erccted upon that found
ation. In the intervening years, most of that old structure has crumb
led and fallen. By God's grace in past yorrs others havo renewed the
old foundations. Since our own arriva.l we have been among those whom
God has used to re-establish a firm framework upon those foundations
(as you will sec from the enclosed additional report). In this news
letter we x^rnt to outline for you our present framework for service
that you may pray and build t-jith us in erecting a strong church for
our Lord in this city,
OBSERVATORY AiU^iUAL GE^JERAL MEETING was held at the church on l5th
March. Nany of the brethren wore present to review the past years a-
chievoments and plan for the future. I gave the "Minister's report"
which vjo are including for your ox-m information. The Board of the
Congregation was reorganised, and x^e were thrilled to have brother A1
Zimmerman (xirho had ministered to tho 'congregation previously but is
now concentrating on African work) accept a position of oversight a-
long with brother L. A. Stenson (see our December *66 issue). They
arc assisted by brothers S. IJorman and R. Horman, and I naturally con
tinue as minister, V/e are confident that the Lord will use us to mould
an effective congregation which can stand at last independently to
servo Christ in this city.
COMTCTWITy SURVEY - In efforts toward growth and independence we are
already active in a community wide Religious Survey to determine the
present affiliations and interests of our neiihbors near the church.
We also distribute invitation leaflets which the church has had print
ed. Results, especially in tho Bible School, are evident already, and
classrooms arc becoming crowded.
CHURCH FINANCIAL VENTURE - At such a time as this tho house next door
to the church went up for sale. Wo were thrilled when the congregation
united in their own efforts to seek to secure it. That they should
thus to venture all they had in a step of faith and vision deeply
impressed us. But the auction price went well beyond us! \Jo are not
discouraged. V.'e believe the Lord will load this zeal to even better
XjTgTj bible STUDIES - I have started teaching a new series of founda-
tional Bible Studios for the congregation on Wednesday nights, using
J. Vernon Jacobs "What We Believe" as a basis. Response to this has
been good, and we are hoping thus to equip our committed members for
more effective outreach.
SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL STUDIES - As chairman of this student society at
the University of Capo Town I now have excellent opportunities for
direct association with students, and for communicating Christ to them.
This year x-jo have enrolled Sij. in tho society. Tho aim of the group is
to investigate all forms of social interaction and seek for solutions
to problems. Since our Lord Himself is the greatest solution to all
our personal and social problems I a^m finding this society to be a
most profitable challenge to tho apolication of true Bible Christian-
DEVELOPMENT - The above is therefore the br.sic framework "for our .ef-
foctivenoss for Christ hero r.t .present. Our nim now is to build wica^'
in this framowork towr.rd the saving r.nd establishing of souls, and the
securc and strong independency of the Observatory Congregation. Please
pray that by God's grace we will attain this.
Yours in His service,
John and Louise Fulford
FOR YOUR PHAYERS - We shore once again some of our personal concern
with you that you may pray more particularly for our needs in this
Tr.o rk:
1- For meotinp: the needs of diversities of peoples. For years x^e had
just one congrogrtion in Cape Town. This attracted a wide variety
of people of all kinds, colours and clnssos. Starting the ITynberg
and iJorthorn Suburbs congregations has helped in specialising to
meet the needs of more uniform groups in more localised areas. Nev
ertheless a wide diversity, lacking unanimity, remains at the Ob
servatory church. Pray that wc may continue to discover morns of
ministering adequately to all.
2. For our delemma in strug;rling to hold back and move at the pace of
the majority of people here, and yet be good stewards. Most of our
people know little at first hand of zealous and effective churches
of Christ as in the States and elsewhere. Even those who have
heard, don't believe it could really work that well in South Africa
since they have not seen it here, ^'e dare not therefore pressure
them unduly until they themselves gain more confidence in Christ.
Nevertheless wo wonder at times whether we are really being good
stewards when it seems we must move so slowly.
3 For finding effective ways of impressing the need for real ro-ator-
ation. People here seem hardly conscious that we actually OUGHT to
BE striving to return as fully as possible to the church of the
first century. They listen as wo try to explain, but often fail to
bo fully impressed. Pray that wo will not tiro of seeking a way to
convince them.
ij.. For our continual effectiveness in reaching local intcr--church
groups, ^"o have boon Invited to -three .such/, groups . In the past
month where I have spoken on topics of Christian commitment. Pray
tha t wo ma.y mako the most of such opportunities for God^s glory.
We-con-tiiiuo to appreciate your confidence in our efforts to discover
and do the Lord's will in this city. May God bless you for all your
contributions to this work.
La Harpe
St. Louis, (M.M.)
Van Do Lindor
Opportunity Class
(15#000 x^ith picture)
March 1, 1967, balance
Jorgonson 1.00
Sf Ann 10.00
Crocker 200.00
Afton, (Juniors) 5.00
Ft. Smith $0.00
Sailisaw 2$.00
Matlock 10.00
Thorp 10.00
Ivey 5.00
Total receipts
Salary . .. __. 1;00.00
rlci^jslottoF . " ii8,5o
Postage i|..l5
Books 2.75
Total Expenses 525,i|.0
March 31^ balance
Sox 5o5 ^
La Harpe, 111., 6li|50 ^327^
j I / J .
IjAY 1967
GREETIifGS IN OUR LORD JESUS, The rr.ins hnve come to Cape Tovm as win
ter sets in for cur Southern Hemisphere. But the rains bring with them
tho needed nourishing refreshment for the enrth restoving life,
growth, and development. Praise God that showers of bles3::-:.;g are coin
ing also upon our efforts for Christ in this city, as souls are being
reached for Him,
BAPTISMS AT OBSERVATORY -On the last ni' ht of ' .-r;* 1 0 :;'.cr Ctrff-
berg and her eldest son Barry (l5) wore both baptised into Christ at
the church on Polo Road. The eldest girls of that family, Sandva (I8)
and Carol (13) had also confessed their faith in Christ and the next
Lord*s Day they too would be baptised. There are $ younger children
in that home that have been coming regularly to our meetings in the
pest months as well. This night was thus the culmination of much
prayer and personal concern of many of us. Robbie and Eva Robertson
(Eva is Jimiiiy Solomon^s sister) had initiated our efforts in reaching
this fine coloured fc.mily who live about a mile from the church. The
father is an Alcoholic and is now consigned to a work and rehabili
tation colony for a yearwhere some of them visit him once a week. He
is a skilled worker and concerned for Christ. Pray for him.
UNIVERSITY STUDY-GROUP - Each Monday evening from 9 till 10 six Uni
versity students (3 boya and 3 girls) living in the araa o.C our home
meet with me in our apartment for Bible study. They corno from varied
church backgrounds but are unitedly eager to serve Jetiia Christ. I
lerd the group. We are presently taking turns dl^ectinp.- :-tudies of
"Interviews with Christ" to examine how our Lord dealt w:Ith people#
Pray for the total effectiveness of these contacts and dx.'joussions.
SATURDAY YOUTH "SQUASH" - "Squash" most aptly defines the Influx of
some twenty working age young people of our Observatory and 'Jynberg
churches into the apartment lounge of the Hart^s horae on Saturday
night from 8 till 10. This gre.nd idea blossomed on the la^;t Saturday
night of April, at a Spaghetti Supper the Harts had arranged. The re
sponse \-jR3 immediate and thrilling. Studies, songs, discussions, games
and refreshments all form part of those evenings. The group contains
some fine potential leaders for these two congregations in particular.
Prp.y that this potential for leadership will be vitally utilized.
CAPE BIBLE SEi-ilMRY - Brother Zimmerman, Nelson and Smaage are in the
process of establishing an effective training school for African lea
dership in the Cape Churchep, Our African Christians are responding
well to the proposals. Don and I are likely to be assisting also where
we can. Derry Smcage especially will be able to reach distant areas
of the Cape with his Mission Plane. (Derry and Donna are now estab
lished in a house in Bellville, and are also giving valuable assist
ance to Nelsons with the European work there).
OBSERVATORY EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN -June 25 to July 2 are the dates for
reaching the local Observatory Community for Christ and His Church.
Louise and I hope to utilise this as the spearhead of our efforts to
ward developing a strong, independent local congregation for that area
focusing on Polo Rd. My brother Carroll is coming from P.E, to work
with all 5 of our missiono.ries in these meetings. Our theme is "Christ
My Lord". Pray that we may reach many in this Area.
CITY-WIDE CRUSADE FOR CHRIST - Paul Benjamin is coming to Cape Town
for one week. Our 5 missionaries here are now well on our way with
plans for 5Big Nights in the centrally located Cleremont Civic
CentreJuly 2l^th to 28th. Other meetings are being organized also.
Don and I have charge of publicity. Louise will be helping prepare
a choir. Pray thatv this will bring a great challenge for Chr^t r.nd
Bible Christlc.nity to this city. L,
10SV9 iyn09$iw'NlldOr ^ ^ , 4. ^ V
NIWV HiyoN nil TOUT'S for Christ for All,
Ayvjigri :io3no3 >iavzo
! That we may clearly recognize and meet the REAL needs and challen
ges here. It is so easy for us to think that what works in the
States will necessarily work hero, and it is so easy for us to
miss what ror.lly does work here and won*t work in the States.
2. That T^re might. have patience to. wait on the Lord sometimes before
rushing wildly into worthless efforts. It is so easy to gc car
ried away with fascinating but worthless projects an-*"? :-.v'-td the
hard, slogging and vital work. It is so easy also tr. -'itchy
feet" for fear of "wasting time" when God wants us to still
and observe patiently for a while first, and then act
3. That we may bo willing to let more of the local people do the work
for themselves and thus grow in the Lord. It is so ear;y to snatch
things out of the hands of those who are working "badly" or "care
lessly" because we can do it "better". But then bc.r 'rrni they
ever really l&arn if not from some of their own mistako.;?
BELOVED C0-LAJ30RERS - We continue to value both your prayox-s and fi
nancial support. We realize indeed that we aren't doing the best job
that we can yet, but let's all pray that we'll keep learning to do it
better. ,
APRIL 1, 1967, balance 1|.87.79
Rodney Carr 1<.00
First C.C., Texhoma, Okla. 59-^00
Central C.C., Fort Smith, Ark. ^OrOO
La Harpe C.C;, La Harpei 111. 100^,0^
Opportunity Class, Shrevoport, Lai
M/H O.R. Van De Linder. l5.00
M/M Prank Roark " 10.00
Winnie Matlock $.00 ^
Arcadia CiC., Arcadia, ICans* 30#00
First C.C., Sallisa w, Okla. 2$.00
M/M Forest King, 10.00
Walter Ivey 5.00
H/M Freelin Thorp $.00
Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo. 100.00
First C.C., St. Ann, Mo. 20*00
Total receipts 1)40.00 Ulj.0.00
TOTAL 927.79
Salary, (April) i|.00.00
Postage 6.914.
Books, (for John) 8;70
Travel Fund 50.00
Supplies 2.87
Donation, (20th. Nat'l Missionary Conv.) l500
Salary, (May, less tithe) 360.00 81|.3.$1
. _ Total exp<^ses_ __ . :8ife3-.5-lL _ ,
Total 01^.28^
APRIL 30, balance 84.28
John's address: B6o6 Forest Hill
Mowbray, Cape
South Africa
111., 6H1.50 <
jOPUH. 6
Tlitf Cape T<?^^
VOL. 2, tlo. 6 OTi?I"5r FOi? 4F/?7{74" ^ JUMJ 196?
PRAISE GOD FOR PROGRESS I "One sows cind another rap-3>- but' God^gives
the" Here in Cape Tovjn vje sometimes feel we still bare
ly turning over the earth. And so we in much of our work. Then
suddenly we see some shoots have sprouted and some even already are
bearing good fruit. We rejoice, take courage, and dig a little deeper;
knowing that "in due season we shall reap if vie faint not.
CONVERTS CLASSES - Not only did w_._ have the blessed privilege of
baptizing [[. of the Stoffberg family last month, but also a twenty year
old girl, Jennifer Riley, who is related to the Robertsons and whom we
have also been teaching regularly. All these have been welcomed into
the fellowship of our Observatory'" Church; and now, with the Robertsons
we are engaged in lii. New-Converts Study Classes with them on Thursday
nights at the Stoffberg home. We are using Price Roberts* book, which
we have given to each of them along with a New Testament for each.
They^are all progressing well in their faith in Christ, aJid are regu
lar in attendance at our Church meetings. Please pray, especially for
Ilr. Stoffberg, that he may be won to Christ as x-jell.
SURVEY - I am presently working steadily each afternoon on a
thorough survey of the 500 homes in the immediate vicinity of the Ob
servatory Church. I am especially concerned to discover the degree of
religious affiliation of each family, with a view to reaching firstly
the most responsive for Christ ajnd His Church there. Already some have
come to Bible School as a result of this, and a number expressed
a genuine interest^especially as I leave with them an introductory
pamphlet from the Church. I am most anxious to complete this survey
before our Campaign of this month, so that we can send personal pub
licity to each home.
"CHRISTliy LORD" CAMPAIGN - At the end of this month (June 25 to July
2) we are eagerly expecting a seed of rich spiritual blessing, as six
of our preachers, (Gordon Nelson, Derry Smaage, A1 Zimmerman, Con Hart
my brother Carroll and myself), exalt our Lord Jesus Christ in a ser
ies of stirring messages. V.^e are not only hoping to enthuse our own
brethren by this, but are especially anxious to challenge the local
area here for the Christ whom we serve. Please be praying for us in
this that \-ie may make many valuable contacts for Christ ajid the Church
and win souls for Him.
CRUSADE FOR CHRIST - We would urge your prayers also for the City-Wide
Crusade we are anticipating with Paul Benjamin, who, with his wife and
son Andrew, will be with us (the Lord willing) in Cape Town, July 22
30. Ve expect to make an effective impact upon many in this city, but
we are aware that only through prayer can we hope for the Lord to work
through this to draw the hearts of these people to Himself. Pray that
we may be guided by God in carrying out the special meetings, and pray
for the Benjaiiiin^s thrt they may be used of God throughout their tour
of Africa.
^ RECRUITS - Jim Parris is due to be married this month (June 8)
to Arline Janke, daughter of the minister of the Ht. V/ashington Church
in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our prayers go with them as they are united in
service for our glorious Lord, and we look forward to ha.ving them both
with us here in Cape Town by the end of this year. Jim Solomon has
now graduated from Minnesota Bible College with a 3.Th. degree, and is
most anxious to complete the raising of his support for the great
evangelistic challenge that faces them here in Cape Tox-m. Finances
are urgently needed for him to rejoin his family and the work here by
September. If you can help in c.nY way, do get in touch with him
through his forwarding agents; Mr. and Ilrs. Dan Doty, Box 2^0, Dassel,
Minnesota, 55325
JOPLIN, MlSSOUivl 6480!
1. Thr.t we won't get tlfed of ^.trying) just because we don't think some
of our efforts are redly appreci^ited by those we try to help. May God
give us the grp,ce to try harder, and pray more.
2 That we Will be willing to admit that we aren't always right and we
don't have all the answers yet. May God give us the grace to ask more
questions and listen longer.
3 That we will be quicker to compliment thai! we will be to criticise
when our brethren prefer to do things their way rather than our way.
May God give us the grace to love and understand even if we don't al
ways a.gree.
Brethren, by God's grace i^e will do the best job we can for Christ and
for you. Pray that we may always give a good account of all you are
investing in us of your prayers and gifts.
May 1, 1967, balance
F. J, King, Gilbert, Ark. 10.00
La Harpe C. C., La Harpe, 111, 100.00
Central C. C., Ft. Smith, Ark. 50.00
Arcadia C. C., Arcadia, Kan. 30.00
F.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla. 25.00
P.C.C., Texhoma, Okla. 5800
Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La. 5.00
VJinnie iiatlock, Sallisaw, Okla., 5.00
0. R, Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla. 1500
Walter Ivey, Sallisav/, Okla. 5*00
Total receipts 30300
Salary i|.00.00
Postage if#23
Travel Fund 50.00
Total expenses "1135723
Total, (Crocker check rec'd but not deposited)
MAY 31 balance
John and Louise Fulford
B606 Forest Hill
Mowbray, Cape q
South Africa Crr--
Forwarding Agents:
Mr. & Mrs. Marion R. Bice
La Harpe, Illinois
Box 5o5 6i[j.5o
Box 5o5
La Harpe, 111., 611^.50
//// .
Soufix mr^ce) ^
' #' 3
^\vc Oapc Tdn CUblian
ATTEHTIONl Horo wo are again to give an account of our goings on in
Cape Toim for another month. This is examination time in the city
here, Don Hart and I just recently wrote a short exam for a local
Bible Institute here in the Doctrinc of Scriptures. HotJ like exams
are these Missionary reports; A focusing of knowledge toward a spe
cific task; a solecting and expressing of necessary solutions; a fil
ing away of valuable end available but unapplicablc material. Each
month vjo can but focus on the highlights of our activities for your
information, lie trust that by God's grace we are moving effectively
in meeting the spiritual needs of this city and this land, that we may
give a good account to Him as well.
SURVEY SUCCESSFUL - I have now personally visited some 500 homes in
the immediate vicinity of the Observatory Church, and have significant
inforiTio.tion on each of them. Then we sent printed personal letters to
each of these, plus a hand bill and a "Fountain for Faith" tract# The
day before the campaign commGnccd we slipped hand bills under every
door. During the Campaign, my brother Carroll, A1 Zimmerman and I
personally visited many of the most prospective homes. Improvements
to the church building*s appearancc and grounds, and a huge banner a-
cross the street, and hand bills in many shop windows x^ere further in
centives. Above all, wo have prayed iiouch particularly the preceding
Saturday night. We knew G-od was working,
THRILLING CAIhPAIGIT'.- How we do praise God indeed for the effectiveness
of our Campaign, exalting "Christ i-Iy Lord". The building xras well
filled every evening with an average attendance of over 70. Enthusi
asm was high, and the messages from all 6 speakers X'jero stirring in
deed, Our other congregations supported well also - but wo were e-
specially thrilled that 35 of the local people (besides a number of
children) visited us for the first time, and were evidently much im
pressed, In addition many other homes in the area are now open to us
and we are proceeding with an intensive follow-through of these con
tacts, Pray that we may indeed reach them for Christ and His Church.
FOCUS ON OBSERVATORY - It is now very evident to both of us that our
essential task here in Cape Town must needs be the building up of this
Observatory Church to independent effectiveness, and the evangelizing
of the local community. At present only FIVE of our members actually
live among the 500 homes I surveyed. None of these (owing to age or
ailment) is capable of evangelizing the rest. Hence it is up to
Louise and mo if this area is to bo reached and Christians trained to
self-sufficiency with Christ. As with examinations, we shall be
obliged to set other enticing opportunities aside if wo are to menage
this major goal effectively, I shall not therfore return to Univer
sity next term, that I might devote more time and energy specifically
to this project. Pray that we will reap a fruitful harvest, and that
in due time this congregation will be fully self-supporting and effec
tively evangelizing its own community,
CRUSADE COMING - In just a few wooks Paul Benjsrain, his wife and son,
should bo hero and engaged in our city-wide Crusade for Christ, Our
preparations are rr.pidly reaching their climax as wo mrke ready with
posters for hundreds of poles; thousands of leaflets to drop from
Derry*s plane; newspaper advertising also,training a choir; and, above
all, enlisting the prsyer support of all our brethren here. v/e do
sincoroly trust thrt you vjill be praying daily for us also: July 22-
GREAT EXPECTATIONS1 - Not only do we look forward expectantly to many
new babes in Christ, but Louise and I are now also eagerly anticipat
ing a ncx7 baby Fulford around November l$l We are sure you rejoice
with us, and trust you will pray for us in this also.
God bloas you c.ll.
FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS * The Psalmist said| "They who sow in tears
shall reap in joy^\ We ask your spodial prayers ^ with tears for
three precious souls that hang hoavy on our hearts here in Cape Town,
1* For BILLIE STOPPBERG - the husband of Monica and 8 fine children
(who are regularly with us) Monica and the three eldest have re
cently made genuine decisions for Christ and are gj?owing well
Billie is consigned to a work and rehabilitation centre for Alchol-
.. ics f.or at.-loast a year (He has been there for about 5 mohths now)#
They keop in touch with him wookly, but he yet needs Christ to fill
his heart and life,
2. For BRIAN KLEYN - of our T^nberg Church. He is a promising young
man whom wo have know for years as a Christian. Many of his family
are faithful to the Lord. He himself was once siealously active
on able young preacher^ Nevertheless, personal pi?obleras led to
failure in his witness, and only now is he struggling to arise a-
gain to serve his Lord. Oh how the Lord could use him if he will
3# For MIKE SOLOMON - another who was once effective for 6od Brian
has been a great impetus in Mike's development, but when Brian did
not succeed, Mike faltered also became involved in bad ocai5>any and
has taken a tragic downward track. Still Mike has climg to his fiiith
in Christ, and is now also desperately seeking to regain his place
in God*s piirpose. Both he and Brian are in their early twehtisstWlth
much potential for God '
June If 1967I balance
' Crocker Christian Church
La Harpo Christian Churchr
Christian Church, Afton, Okla*
First C. C.,-'St. Ann, Mo.
Central C.C. Ft. Smi-th, Ark
F.C.C.- Texhoma, Okla.
Arcadia CC,, Arondln, Knn.-
F.C.C. Sallisaw, Okla. 25.00
F, J, Kiiig, Gilbert, Arki 10.00
OiR. Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla. 15.00
Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla. 6.00
Frank Roark, Sallisaw, Okla. ,5.00
Walter Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla 5.00
Freolin Thorp, Clinton, 111. 1000
Opportunity Classy Shreveport> La 5.00
St. Ann C'.C., St. Ann, Mo^ 13.00
Crocker Christian'Church, Mo. 100.00
Total Receipts 5ij.2.52
Salary 1|.00.00
Postage . k32
Travel Fund 50.00
Books (College Press) - ^.io
Total expenses k59.82
June 30, balance
BOX 5o5
La Harpe, 111., 6li|.5o
I -66.95
Tlvc Oafc Tc\^n CUun
Mill ill ILg'W^"
VOL. 2. Mo. 8
^ // /'
Dear-Co-lr.borors in Christ,
CRUSADING: On tho Prlda:/ evening of our recent Crusade I gavo the
talk at tho early youth session, and shewed the young people a sword,
and related this to the great crusadcs of old, and climaxed with our
warfare for Christ - with the sword of His ^'ord. Even so are our ef
forts hero in Town: by every moans to wage Xirarfare - in the hopes
of saving some - and getting the whole victory won.
CRUSADB FOR GERIST: Cape Town was well plastered with publicity;
through newspapers, through the mail, on poles, into streets. Into
homes, into hands - by hundreds and thousands. Hundreds came to the
meetings in tho Claremont Civic Centre, The majority of these wo had
never known before. Hany contacts were made for Christ, firs. Ben
jamin thrilled our hearts with tho music. Dr. Benjamin stirred our
souls with tho messages. Praise God for tho blessed resultsl
CRUSADE DECISIONS - On the Wednesday night God granted us victories.
One after another souls with whom wc had been striving stepped forward
for Christ, Seven that night affirmed their faith in Jesus - five of
those confessing Christ for tho first time, Hcxt night there were two
more, and, at the close of the service, many of us drove over to tho
Observatory Church, where Don Hart immersod sev^n njnr-TFit.-
All these arc presently associated with the V^nberg Church, thnughi.all
our missionaries here had ministered to them at one time or another
(in fact two of the girls - now 13 and li^ - I had begun to In
Bible School when they were 2 and 3 yoars oldl). How we all rejoiced
together in those trlumps for Christ,
NEl^J HOME OPEI-IED - Mrs. Scott, a mother of 11; children, was ono who
stepped out with burdened heart tha.t V/ednesday night. She Is not yet
sure of a.ll that the Lord expects of her, but is eager to be shoim.
They live near tho Observatory churcu (arc friends of tho Robertsons)
and are now giving us the opportunity to show the "Parables from Na
ture" filiu-strip series for the family and friends on Tuesday nights.
May the Lord win many more to Himself through this,
DECISIONS AT OBSERVATORY - On the Lordl.s' ,Dayr-f9ll6wlrigv^thg Crusade
Paul Benjamin preached in the morning at the Observatory Church to a
well filled building. At the invitation, Mrs, Cynthia Clark came for
ward and confessed her faith in Jesus Christ. What a thrill for us
alll for Cynthia was once one of our star pupils 3n our Sunday School,
Then her Anglican (Episcoprlian) family had her taken away and con
firmed. Later she ho.d gone to Englr^id, There she met and married
John Clark-v/ho had been Scrlpturally baptised there. About a year ago
they camo to Capo Tox^n, and Louise and I befriended them. Thus what a
blessed prlvilegouwas mine that ni:?:ht to baptise Cynthia Into Christ,
That morning a.lso Mrs, De IQerk had told me personally of her desire
to be instructed in the way of tho Lord that she also might be united
with us. May tho Lord thus continue to use us,
FOLLOW UP - 17e now have the names and addresses of numerous contacts
through tho Campaign and the Crusade. Now comes the crucial task of
following those up; finding tho rorlly responsive; encouraging, teach
ing and challenging; working to win tho ones we can; drawing thorn into
the fellowship of our churches; striving to establish whatever further
work we can.
Cape Town is a highly conservative city, and many here aro i-csfaesltant
and suspicious regarding any religious changes. Hence wo aro encour
aged by our present progress - but need your prayers thct we may press
on with patience for yet greater victories in Jesus.
Yours because His,
P.S. CORRECTION - Th tracts mentionod in last month's newsletter
were, in fr.ct: "POUUDATION FOR P/.ITH" - which were sent to the
500 homos in the Observetory r.ror.. Those were from the series
of three tracts we have personr.lly produced here in Capo Town.
FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRi^YERS - The Psalmist said further: "Ho that gooth
forth weeping, bearing precious seed, shall DOUBTLESS come again WITH
REJOICING, bringing his sheeves with him".
Rejoice with us I You who aro praying with us, for the Lord is already
answering our prayers of last month.
1 THE STOFFBERG FA^!ILY - Cam regular1^^ during th Crusade, and are
showing increasing zeal for the Lord - and Billie, though not with
them, is growing in his concern for Christ. Keep prayingt
JENNIFER ROTHQUEL - personally confessed her faith in her desire to
be baptised (on the Thursday night of the Crusade) to her boy
friend Brian Kleynl What a challenge indeed to Brian, and what a
testimony to God's working through him despite his failings. Keep
3. LYNDA MORTON - came forward alone before th large gathering that
ThiU'sday night, and was also, baptised that same night. She is the
n girl friend of Mike Solomon whom God is evidently using in spite of
his past weaknesses. Keep praying!
July 1, 1967, balance
V/innio Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla.
OrR Van Do Lindor, Sallisaw, Okla.
F oC, C To:-:homa, Okla.
F,Jo King, Gilbertr Ark.
Arcadip. Ai'Of.dla, Kan.
Frank Ror.rk, Salii-iaw, Okla.
Cent.val C,C, Fte Crrdbh, Ark.
La Harpo CoC.., I.a Hv.j'pe* 111.
Wa^iror^ , Oklar^
F. Cs G. , SallxLtaw, Okla
Oppo-ftunity Clas3y Shi-'oveport, La.
Crockor CC, Crocker, Mo.
Total receipts
Books, (for John)
Total expenses
July 31, balance
till. 00
John and Louise Fulford
B606 Forest Hill
Mov/ijray, Capo
South Africa
Forwarding Agents:
llTrn and Mrs. Marion R. Bice
La Harpe, Illinois
Box 5o5 61450
BOX. 5o5
La Harpe, Illinois, 6li|.50
^TltC C<pc Tc\^n
VOL. 2, HO. 9
O-ik^i Bible
JCPUN, M!SOU;:i 64802
This spocir.l issue urges you to attend the
Grand Convention in Dodge City, Kr.nsas, September 26-29^ in the ^tu-
nicipal Auditorium. We trust many of you will be present to hoar the
stirring messages of missions and missionaries. We are combining with
Harts to present a display of our work there. Do visit it I This is
sue will bo available there also, and honce presents a bird*s oye view
of our total work. We trust this will prove a useful summary for our
regular supporters as well. So....come with us to Gape TownJ
TIE CITY - A modern metropolis of over a million souls - situated
strategically at the southern tip of Africa - gateway to the continent
covering i|.o miles of homes and industries - criss-crossed vjith wide
highways - abounding in resources - racially divided - religiously
confused - this conglomeration is our home, our calling, and our mis
sion field.
ORIGINS - Churches of Christ camc to Cape Town in the early 1900s, but
were small and struggling. Then the great Thomas MissioJi from the
States in the late 1920s and early 1930s fanned the flames to a grand
and promising blaze. Too soon the Depression struck, and loft in its
wake only ono determined congregation in Cape Town still holding its
own. To this last vestage, Hax Randall came to minister from 1955
through 1959 (including an interim ij- year ministrj?" by Paul Holderman)
and hopes rose afresh, A1 Zimmerman then came from 19^0 to 19^5 - but
these men v;oro spread thinly with many demanding responsibilities, and
progress was slow. Thank God the work held, and grew.
OUTREACH - Out of the struggles the Lord brought forth youth from this
Church^with vision and venture which led them to the States and x^rider
Christian Sorvice; Carroll Fulford - to M.B.G. and now Po.rit,-EJ.i2abieiih#
S. Africa; Cho.rles Bell - to C.B.S, and now Kumbwa, Zambia; Sandy Sin
clair - to M.B.C. and nox^ Livingstone, Zambia; John Fulford - to O.B.C,
and now Capo Town, S. Africa; Titus Solomon - to O.B.C. and more stud
ios in America,; Sylvia Menhinick - to A.C.C. and Mashoko, Rhodesia;
Alma Fulford - to O.B.C. and Cincinnati, Ohio; and other youth also -
serving the Lord here.
ZEH CHURCHES' - From the Observatory Church, once our only city church,
sprang the Wynberg congregation - initiated through the earnest ef
forts of Carroll Fulford; and more recently, the Northern Suburbs
congregation, led by Gordon Nelson. Thus our one congregation has now
become three - all stablishing and growing steadily.
^-LABORERS - At present John Fulford is ministering to the Church at
Observatory a mixed, but primarily White congregation; Don Hart is..,
n Wynberg church a similarly mixed congregation;
and Gordon Holson is ministering to the White congregation in the Nor
thern ^Suburbs. A1 Zimmerman has nov; returned to Cape Town also, to
give direction to the numerous, widely-spread African congregations in
townships scattered throughout the Western Cape, Derry Smaage is as
sisting him in this vast work, using an aeroplane for reaching the
more inaccessible churches. All five of us are also experimenting with
and developing various other areas of evangelism and training for
strengthening Christ*s cause in this region#
NEW^RECRUITS This month Jimmy Solomon returns to Cape Town to evan
gelize directly the one relatively noglected but vitally necessary
facet of our task here; Jimmy*s own people of mixed ancestry in this
citywhich^ includes close on half of the inhabitants. By the end of
the year, Jim Parris will be Joining us also to open .yQ.t furtj
portunitiQs for evangelism in unreached areasand we could well use
many more if vje could find them,
FUTURE - VJith all these energetic efforts, however, we are none the
less only now beginning to scratch the surface of the unreached poten
tial for Christ in this great city and its surroundings. Our congre
gations are yet growing but slowl:/, and much must yet be done toward
training a fully effective and independent leadership. Basically our
three Churches support themselves, but they are not yet able to s'spp-
port an adequate leadership. We are persevering determinedly to that
end, and x^e are eagerly endeavoring by God^s grace so to secure these
Churches in the Lord that they will be able to undertake and promote
entirely their OV/K evangelistic and missionary outreach. Brethren, we
plead for your prayers that we me.y all be profitable to that end for
God*s glory,
SPEClAL PRAYERS - We request your prayers particularly this
month for these pressing responsibilities that are facing us here now-
1, grounding new COWERTS in the faith - Eleven have been won to the
Lord just recently in the Observatory and Vjynberg congregations.
Pour of these are our ppEssonal responsibility, and seven are the
'itesjjofislbillfy iof thfe IJarsi liharbr.T^ie mHy .nurtticis them ef
fectively in the Lord, that they may be steadfast and zealous for
Solomon must now begin seeking out opportunities for evangelism
among the Cape Coloured peoples. Pray that they may choose wise-
ll ^ profitably of the Lord - and pray
that they may receive adequate support,
3 REACHING ^NEVJ HOMES FOR CHRIST - Louise and I are now conducting
weekly Conversion Classes (using "The Gospel Way") with Mrs. De
^erk, and have also started new Family Studies (with flannel-
u f Scott home (friends of RQbeffisong} )ceafrtj3e church,
ana a homo in Greenhaven (relatives of Stoffbergs), Pray that
An-n-Tr. productiv in Winning whole families to the Lord.
continued deep appreciation to all who have also
supported financially our efforts for Christ here.
August 1, 1967, balance
Marlow, Okla, 29125
LaHarpe C.C. 100.00
First C.C., St. Ann 21.00
Central, Ft, Smith 50.00
First C.C., Sallisaw 25.00
Arcadia C.C. 30,00
Jack Rhoda 10.00
Walter Ivoy 5.00
First C.C,, Texhoma 14.3.00
0.R4 Van De Linder 15.00
Winnie Matlock 5.00
Oppc>rtunity_Glc.g.s - 5-00
Crocker C.C. IOQ.oq
Total Receipts ij.38.25
BOX 5o5
La Harpe, Illinois, 6li^5o
- .12
Salary 1^00.00
Postage 9.95
Publishing Co. 28,90
College Press 2.75 Itlj.1,60
August 31, balance - 3i|7
jjj} >7,
L ^joi
Tkc Captf Town ian
GRE'ETINGS FROH THE Ci^PE, I am in bed with some bronchitis as I write
to you this month. I am making tho most of this rest, believe me.
It is now norrly three years since I was laid low with anything! I
know 1*11 bo over this very shortly in any case. That's what comes
from having Christ over one*s life, and a doctor for a wife I As with
illne3s--so with the Lord's work: our personal limitations often
hinder us from doing all that ^ want to do, butPraise Godwe can
yet do all He wants us to do.
BAPTISMS OF PITTS -On tho Lord's day of September 2lf it was my privi
lege to baptise into Christ both Kr. and Mrs. L.T, Pitt who live just
a block from the Observatory Church. They had once been prominent in
the Methodist Church, but hr-.d some time ago had good cause to reject
that. They came to our Campaign in Juno and their concern for Christ
has grown remarkably since then. Their recent decisions were complete
and genuinely for our Lord. Wo rejoice to welcome them into our fel
lowship. Pray thet they may grow in Christ, and reach out also to
their ma.rriod daughters and 18 year old son. We have begun regular
New Converts Classes with them now also.
RESPOi^SE OF LOCALS - With the inclusion now of Clarkes and Pitts in
our congregation, and the keen interest of Mrs. DeKlerk, and the re
sponses of others of the cornmunityespecially through the Bible
Schoolwo fcol confident that tho Lord is opening the way for reach
ing this local area for Christ and His Church. Pray that we will
continue to progress effectively to that end.
ACTIVITIES OF YOUTH - Our Sunday afternoon "Sword Club" has now be
come a Junior Drama Group of about 1|.0 members, on Friday afternoons,
singing, hearing of Paul's Adventures (flannelgraph by Louise) and
practicing a play for December: "Thoy Came to Bethlehem." \-Je arc
thrilled with the potential and eagerness of these Juniors, rnd see
in them great hopes for the future of our work. The Saturday night
"Squash" has become a Senior Drama Group of about 20 (combining VJyn-
berg and Observatory) meeting on Friday nights for varied activities
and play rehcarsel for the play "Now I Can See" which we are present
ing for our churches this month. Those youth are really developing
well now, and those of Wynberg conducted a Youth Service there re
cently in which Mike Solomon led tho singing and Brian Kleyn preached.
ARRIVAL OF JII'irY - Our dear brother in tho Lord, Jimmy Solomon, has
now returned at last to Cape Town. What a blessing for us all and
especially his family! He has given some assistance and encourage
ment to us at Observatory (which is bis home church), but is already
surveying a new Coloured Township where he hopes to make some en
trance with the gospel. They apparently still do not have all the
support they need. Pray for them; they have a great task before them.
PROGRESS OF PARRISES - Jim and Arline Parris are steadily gaining the
support thoy need for coming to concentrate on European Evangelism
here. They are presently in California, challenging the churches
there, partictilarly now for regular monthly support. Jim is also
working at a job with an aircraft firm. They are also assisting the
Knott Avenue Christian Chui'ch in Anaheim who are especially sponsor
ing them. Pray for them, and help as you can. Contact them: Christ
for tho Cape, 8l05 Santa Inez Way, Buona Park, California, 90620.
COl^ERENCE AT CRPDOCK - Many of our Missionaries in South Africa have
gone to Crado'ck (about 600 miles I^E of Cape Town) to a conference
Mlth brethren from our many African congregations. They hope to en
courage those brethren to move progressively toward independent, in
digenous effoctiveness--but the progress is slow. Pray for a greater
unanimity of purpose among us all, that we may fulfill yChrist^s wiWr
in every phase of the task He has sot us here, ^
Yours for Christ for All,
Oct 28 '67
FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - So ofton in the service of our Lord we con
centrate our concern upon Spiritual or financial needs. Vfo forget
that our physical needs can certainly vitally affect our service also.
Please pray with us this month therefore:
1. FOR SISTER SHARP - the oldest, and one of tho most faithful members
of the Observatory Church who has boen ailing for two months now, and
has recently been confined to tho hospital. Pray that God may give
her strength, and confidence in His purposes.
2. FOR LOUISE - as we anticipate our first child next month. ?jay she
be kept in good health and gain sufficient rest despite her many re
3. FOR jyiE ALSO - that I may take proper care of myself and use my en
ergies wisely in the service of Christ, without making undue demands
upon ray body.
^?ay the Lord bless you all for tho strength your prayers have brought
to us; and for your financial aid as well.
September 1, 1967 balance
La Harpe 0. C.
Central C. C.
F. C. C.j Sallisaw
F, C. C,, Texhoma
I'/innio Ifatlock
0,R. Van De Linder
Frank Roark
Walter Ivey
Freelin Thorp
Oakcrost C. C.
Opportunity Class
Jack Rhoda
Arcadia C, C,
Marlow, F,C,C,_. _ _
ttarlow, r.C.C,
William E. Haynard
Crocker C. C.
Travel Fund
Check returned
September 30, balance
>nonr 0^.
John and Louise Fulford
B 6o6 Forest Hill
Mowbray, Capo
South Africa
Cape Town Christir^n Mission
Box 5o5
La Harpe, Illinois
- 3.47
: , ...........
Tktf Oa^c T
Dzark Bible C:-ileg: L.tjAxf
oy^n ^nii^xian
VOL, 2> NO. 11
NOVEi^BgR 1967
JEMI MAREE FULFORD IS HEREI This marvelous new young missionary arriv
ed in Cape Town on ITovember 5> and how thrilled we are to have herland
how thankful to God. Vie sincerely appreciate all your prayers for us,
and trust you will continue to pray that we may indeed raise our little
one in the nurture and admonition of our Lord* We are awed with the re
sponsibility of Christian parenthood, but rejoicing In the blessing of
beginning our own family.
BAB::;S in CHRIST - our prayers for iMrs. De IQerk have been abundantly
answered of God, as not onl?/ she, but also her thirteen year old son Ian
(all she has left at home) have now both made convinced decisions for
Christ, boon baptised into Him, and joined our New Converts class with
the Pitts as well as our Wednesday training class (besides our morning
Bible School), It is a thrill to witness their x-jhole hearted willingness
to do God*s will and grow in Christ, Wo vjere thrilled too for yet anoth
er decision from a Mr. Roux who had been studying literature from a
Church of Christ in Texa.s, and wrote to me recently (having seen our
newspaper advertisement) requesting baptism, VJe have visited with him
and baptised him, and are hoping to draw his family into the fellowship
of the church.
ORDINATION OF JIMM^ SOLOMON - It was our privilege to conduct this im
pressive ceremon;/ for our brother Jimmy at the Observatory Church on
October l5th. The building was filled to capacity, with over 100 p-i'ef^pnt,
including brethren from Vfynberg, the Northern Suburbs, and our local
African congregation at Guguletu. Brothers Zluunoi'man, Holdoruian and my
self (who all ministered to this church and to brother Jinany) 01-
ficiatod in the laying on of hands. Board members of the congregation
assisted in the service. Brother Ziimtiei'man brought the Charge to the new
minister. May he be mightily used of God indeed, Jimmy has already
established one weekly home-moGting in a new Coloured Township, and has
been very busy calling in homes in those areas.
1\^LCQMB VISITORS - We have been thrilled indeed to have had some notable
visitors in the past few weeks. Paul Holderman, minister at Bettendorf,
Iowa, who has long been connected with South African Missions, and, more
recently. Bob Vernon of the Vernon Brothers Christian T.V. team, were
able to make short visits to Capo Town to share with us in fellowship
here. These brethren are among the group who have com_e to assist Stuart
Cook in his Crusade for Christ in Johannesburg, We also have had a brief
visit from Ken Patterson, Home Missions Secretary of the Churches of
Christ in V/est Australia, who is well known to Louise's parents and bro
ther who minister to our churches there. Visiting brethren are ever most
welcome indeed.
SMAAGES TO GHANA - Derry and Donna Smaage and their two children have
s-ssisting ._oxir .mission work in various areas of South Africa over
the past year and a half. Throughout this time, however, they have been
burdened for the great challenge and need of the rapidly developing
field in Ghana. Urgent calls have come repeatedly for them to aid that
country also. The desperate need there has now at last decided them, and
they have recently loft to answer that call. Our prayers go with them
that God may greatly use them there for his glory.
"TRAINING FOR SERVICE" - V/e have now commenced this special series of
studies for our mid-week meetings at Observatory, with half our congre
gation (more thc.n twenty) oomdng regularly. We are using the edition re
vised by Orrin Root (you may x-cmomhor that his daughter recently married
Jimmy*s brother, Titus Solomon). V7e trust God will continue to equip us
all for greater service for His glory.
Yours becauso His,
John, Louise and Jenni Maree
FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - With every new experience In life, we are
faced with the problems of adjustments to deal with our changing situa
tion. These may make or break our effectiveness in Christ's service.
This month we ask your special prayers in this regard*
1- FOR OUR HOjyiE - As our baby comes to share this home with us, that God
may grant us grace to receive this child fully into our hearts and home,
not as a hindrance but as a greater blessing and benefit to our task for
our Lord*
FOR OUR CONGREGATION -As we not only have this baby, but also the new
babes in Christ, that each may find a place and purpose and be vitally
united in fellowship with each other in Christ's service.
3* FOR OUR BROTHER JIMMY -As he seeks for prospects and homes for Christ,
yet faces resentment and opposition at times, that he will not grow dls-
''louraged but will soon find sufficient ready and responsive hearts with
whom he can share Christ and establish a church.
May the Lord continue with all of you also as you labor for His glory.
Your kind support continues to encourage us richly in all our efforts
for Christ here
OCTOBER 1, 1967, balance
La Harpe C,C., 111.
F.C.C,, St. Ann, Mo,
Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark.
^C.C,, Sallisaw, Ol^la.
M/m F.J", King, Gilbert, Ark,
Christian Evangels, Crocker, Mo.
FC,C., Texhoma, Okla.
M/M P.J. King, .Gilbert, Ark.
Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La.
F.C.C., Iferlow, Okla.
Arcadia C.C,, Kan.
M/M J.R, I/hittington, Shreveport, La.
Mrs. O.R. Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla.
Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla.
V/alter Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla,
Check returned from last month, (resent)
Travel Fund
Expense3 ,'
OCTOBER 31, 19^7, balance
. John_.and Louise Fulford
B 606 Forest Hill
Mowbray. Cape
South Africa
Ir. & Mrs. Marlon R, Bice, PA
5ox $05
La Harpe, Illinois, 6lij50
/v '-O
^\ic Oaj^c T
OzARK Bible Ccliege 2 '63
nil NORTH l\\A\H
own ^n*ii^\ian
VOL. 2, W, 12
DSCEl^'BER 1967
GREETINGS I^I CHRIST FOR CHRISTI^Ij^Sl - In this glad season of the year, as
our hearts and thoughts turn especially to the glorious gift of God in
Christ Jesus, we want so much to thank you all for every gift of love and
concern, of money and prayers you have so graciously shared with us. What
you have glvon has made possible our part in passing on God^s Gospel Gift
to needy souls here in Cape Town, Praise be to Godl
HEARTS GIVBH TO JESUS -- V/hat joy was ours recently to baptise into Christ
Mrs. Martha Roux, as she united her heart with her husband in Christ,
That following Lord^s day of 26th ITovember was especially blessed for us
all as Mr. and Mrs. Roux were received into the fellowship of our congre
gation, AiTO Stephen Zimmerman and his fiancee Pat Sweeny (both recently
comc from America) placed their fellowship xidth us also, AND Louise and I
publicly dedicated our hearts to raising wee Jenni Maree in the knowledge
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for us all that we may be faithful
to our commitments to Christ.
'CHRISTMAS PLAY - Friday night December Ist was a great and glorious cli-
r^ax for our "Sword Club" as they marvelously presented their Christmas
'.^iay to well over a hundred people crowded into the church on Polo Rd^
'he audience was thrilled at the fine efforts of the twenty-five young-
iters throughout their six scenes of "They Came to Bethlehem";and ^ were
50 thrilled as well. The three months of preparation were richly reward-
5d;and in addition these children had eagerly followed all the adventures
of Paul through flannelgraph, on Fridaj'' afternoons.
BIBLE SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY - The very next Friday night was the big climax
Lor the Bible School, This time the building was PACKEDl Each class
dramatically portrayed some facet of what they had learned. Then follow
ed the prize-giving for our 65 faithful scholars, including a fine adult
class. Refreshments for all, plus presents from the Christmas tree, and
sweets and balloons to take homemade it all a wonderful and memorable
evening. There were even gifts for our eight diligent teachers#
MISSIONARY VISITORS - Visiting missionaries are always a most welcome in
spiration to us, and the Bryan Kirby family all the more especially so.
They are of our New Zealand brethren serving in Dadaya Mission, Rhodesla-
-with whom Louise's parents labored so long, and with whom I personally
lived for seven months prior to my going to the States. It was a joy to
have Bryan preach for us on "These Shall Never Pass Away." They are on
their way home for six months furlough.
The Alvin Nicholson family came this month also from their African evan
gelism in Pondoland and Zululand to share with our local missionaries in
a three-day Retreat of inspiration and fellowship. These veteran African
Miissionaries are a rich encouragement to us all indeed.
My brother, Carroll, comes this month also to hold a Revival Meeting for
:)ur I'Jynberg Congregation (which he was instrumental in starting) from
Oecember 1? to 23. And Nancy and the girls will be joining us for Christ-
oas here also I
RECRUITS COMING SOON - Jim and Arllne Parris are now in the final stages
jf their preparation for coming to Cape Town. God has' indeed undertaken
'or them despite an operation Jim has recently had to undergo (as a re-
:iult of which, however, they are without funds for a car they will yet
low be needing^Forwarding Agent; Arthur L, Parris, 8lo5 Santa Inez Way,
3uena Park, California, 90620). They are due to arrive in Cape Town by
lir on January 3rd, Pray for their safe journeying and effective estab
lishment in the work here.
As we enter this New Year of 1968 may we all be faithful all the more to
our God and the goals of evangelism He sets before each one of usfor
His Glory.
Yours for Christ for all, / / ^ ^
John, Louise and Jenni-Maree ^
FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - Pleese pray especially with us for certair
special souls whom tho Lord is laying very earnestly upon our hearts:
1- THE SCOTT FAMILY - A slncero mother with lij. children from 18 years olc
and under whom we have been teaching weekly for several months. They are
seriously considering their relationship to Christ and to us. The father
drinks, and generally avoids the Lord and us.
2. MR. STOFFBERG - Father of the family in fellowship with ushas been
earnestly studying the Gospel Way and is willing to consider more the
claims of Christ on his life.
3. T-/AGMER - is also seriously considering her decision for Christ
but is yet hesitant to fully committing herself to Him.
M5- S--ARTZ - has come of his own volition to the church seeking the
Lord and is willing to discuss now bis needs for Christ.
Pray that God may use us effectively in reaching all these precious souls
for Jesus.
KOVEMBER 1, balance
Crocker C,C., Crocker, Mo.
M/M P.J. King, Gilbert, Arka
Beginner's Dept., La Harpe, 111.
La Harpe C.C*> La Harpe> Illi
Central C.C^, Ft, Smith, Ark.
VJalter Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla*
Frank Roark, Sallisaw, Okla.
Mrs. O.R. Van De Lindor, Sallisaw, Okla.
Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla*
M/MF.J. King
P.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla.
P.C.C,, Texhoma, Okla.
Arcadia CC., Arcadia, Kan.
F.CC,, St Ann, Mo.
Opportunity Class, Shrevoport, La.
Crocker C.C.
M/MF.J. King
Books ' -
Mission Display .
Travel Fund
Expenses -
U0VE1ER 30, balance
John and Louise Fulford
~ " : B 6o6 Forest Hill
Mowbray, Cape
South Africa
DC" 21 ^
Mr. & Mrs. Marlon Bice, PA
Box 5o5
La Harpe, Illinois, 6II4.5O
j I // "yi ^

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