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Shilajit in Ayurveda Shilajit literally means rock overpowering and is a natural exudate from the rocks of the Himalayas

and other mountainous regions of the world. Its high mineral content oozes out in the heat of the summer. It is a superb mineral supplement that benefits the kidneys, urinary and reproductive systems. ENERGETICS Rasa (taste) Pungent, bitter, salty, astringent Vi-rya (energy) Heating Vipa-ka (post-digestive effect) Pungent Gun.a (quality) Dry, heavy Dos.a effect VPK=, P+ in excess Dha-tu (tissue) All the tissues Srotas (channel) Urinary, nervous, reproductive CONSTITUENTS Resins Benzoic acid, hippuric acid, fulvic acid Minerals Silica, iron, antimony, calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sodium, strontium, zinc AYURVEDIC ACTION Rasa-yana Rejuvenative to the lipid tissue kapha and the urinary system Va- ji-karan.a Enhances sexual potency Medhya Enhances the intellect Mu-trakr.cchraghna Alleviates painful urination Apasmaroma-daghna Alleviates disorders of the nervous system Medohara Reduces fat tissue Sandha- ni-ya Heals broken bones Chedana Scratches accumulated toxins from the tissues and channels Tridos.aghna Alleviates all three dosas BIOMEDICAL ACTION Diuretic, lithotriptic, antidiabetic, nervine, tonic INDICATIONS Urinary It goes straight to mutravahasrotas and treats disorders of the urinary system with painful urination, cystitis, stones, incontinence and glycosuria. In prostatitis shilajit can help to clear stagnation of kapha and vata. It tonifies vata and can help to redirect the flow of apana vayu

through the pelvic region (Bhavaprakasa). Diabetes Shilajit s affinity for the fat tissue (medas-dhatu) and the water channel (ambuvahasrotas) can help balance hyperglycaemia and regulate the blood sugar levels. Its scraping effect on the fat tissues can help to balance overweight conditions where there may be a tendency to acquire type 2 diabetes. Reproduction Use in male reproductive problems with premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea, impotence and spermaturia. It strengthens the whole reproductive system and is a tonic to the sex organs. It also benefits the female reproductive system where there is weakness, infertility, dysmenorrhoea and PMS arising in someone who is deficient and weak with high vata. Blood It has a specific affinity for the blood; anaemia, high sugar levels, high cholesterol levels are all treated. Bones As it builds both rakta and asthi dhatu it is used as part of a treatment strategy to heal broken bones. Its high mineral content indicates it for the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. COMBINATIONS * Gokshura, guggulu for stones and prostatitis. * Punarnava, guggulu for oedema and fluid retention. * Gurmar, karavella, neem, turmeric, black pepper for hyperglycaemia. * Ashwagandha, gokshura for male reproductive problems. * Shatavari, licorice for female reproductive conditions. * Amalaki, ginger, shatavari for anaemia. CONTRAINDICATIONS Not with high uric acid levels or heavy and hot-natured foods. SHILAJIT Common name Mineral pitch, vegetable asphalt, bitumen (E) Sanskrit S ila--jit Lat in Asphaltum Chapter 6 PLANT PROFILES 274 SAFETY No drug herb interactions are known.

DOSAGE 2 3 pills three times per day or 500mg 5g per day. The Caraka Samhita recommends a minimum dose of 12g per day and it needs to be taken for two months to attain maximum benefit.

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