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Emotional Competency - Flow

Emotional Competency
Explore the Logic of Passion









Completely engaged in what you are doing
You are completely absorbed in your work, you have lost all track of time, and it all flows effortlessly.

The state of gratification we enter when we feel completely engaged in what we are doing. The absence of emotion or consciousness. Absorption, the loss of self-consciousness, and the stopping of time. Suspending self-awareness.
The phrases in the zone, or lost in your work, often refer to flow experiences.

The experience of flow has several of these characteristics: Clear and attainable goals. Concentrating and focusinga high degree of concentration on a limited field of attention. A person engaged in the activity will have the opportunity to focus and to delve deeply into it. People become absorbed in their activity, and their focus of awareness is narrowed to the activity itself. A loss of the feeling of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness. A distorted sense of time, your subjective experience of time is altered. Direct and immediate feedbacksuccesses and failures in the course of the activity are apparent, so that behavior can be rapidly adjusted as needed. An appropriate challenge, neither too difficult nor too easyCompetency is demonstrated. A sense of personal control over the situation or activity. The activity is intrinsically rewardingaction becomes effortless.

There is never nothing going on. ~

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience , by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything , by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica Curious?: Discover the Missing Ingredient to a Fulfilling Life , by Todd Kashdan
Fear, Sadnes s , A nger, J oy, Surpris e, D is gus t, C ontempt, A nger, E nvy, J ealous y, Fright, A nxiety, G uilt, Shame, Relief, H ope, Sadnes s , D epres s ion, H appines s , P ride, L ove, G ratitude, C ompas s ion, A es thetic E xperienc e, J oy, D is tres s , H appy- for, Sorry- for, Res entment, G loating, P ride, Shame, A dmiration, Reproac h, L ove, H ate, H ope, Fear, Satis fac tion, Relief, Fears - c onfirmed, D is appointment, G ratific ation, G ratitude, A nger, Remors e, power, dominanc e, s tature, relations hips

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Emotional Competency - Flow

All rights reserved. 2005-2009 by Leland R. Beaumont


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