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CI)ri6iian '^ublicaiionti
Charles and Ann Kent

Caixa Postal 403 - Goiania, Goias, Brazil

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''OV qae:} ba nc-,' ;'7rlfp''wardHig! Gene & Grace Forkner


1114 E. Jefferson, Siloam Springs, Ark. 72761

vHrns^ bri6 rv..'


Dear Friends in Christ,

We are pretty well.settled back into our working routine. There are three Brazilians working with in the shop now and production is picking
up. We have printed two more books in the adolescent series and for the

past month and a half We haVe been worklhig bri reprints to keep our Bible
school matpFial'in s^kv V 'a-]
Discussion is being held and a decision will soon be made on moving our printing and publication operation to another city. Belo Horizonte in the state

of Minas Gerais is the favored spot. Please be praying about this possible move.
We are happy to hear of the good success the S-O-S class of the Garnett, Kansas church has had in beginning a car fund for the Kents. If there are

classes, groups or individuals who would 111^'tcTVii^jse a special effort to help this class help us we would be yfiry thankful. / We are including our 19(^8 financiaLreport witfcj^ this news letter. I mis

placed my work copy of'this risport iind if.ffeally carpe through the mail with

a box of books l^pael^eci and sent in January. V^e are)sending our 1st quarter

1969 financial report! ilip. Qur tri^d-19^8 and 1969 have put us
in a bit of a bind fina^^ We ifendyy: ypu brethreh will continue faithful and the Lord will work it all put. Thapltjjijso much for your help. Jo Gayle sort bfvihigli^llts'pyr family pews this time. She accepted the
Lord as her Savior and wa? baptized March the 16th. Now this month she is suffering hepatitis. So far she has missed only one week of school. We have
been trying to give her all the rest she can stand. An active child is hard to

keep down in bed. Pray for her continued recpvery.

The Vila Nova church is continuing very Well with little help from us. They

recently asked me to take over the midjweek'Bible study and Ann to start the
choir again, so we may soon be back witl] as much responsibility as when
we left over a year ago.

We have been attending the Setor Bueho church recently and I was invited to preach one time. This experience renews the unpleasant knowledge that our Portuguese is rusty and that we must find some time to study.

We are sending this news letter to more individuals this time and we hope

to hear from some of you; May.the Lord cPntinue to bless you and keep you.
Yours in Christ,

Charles, Ann and family


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B^k(j^^lance - January 1, 1968

, -

^ o i j3


Balance in Repatriation Fund (Trayel) ^

Received from churches, classes ^nd individuals during '68


o K y ^




travel (To the U.S.)

v.TrffvdK (Inside the U.S.) Tithes and offerings

400.00 830.00

vo! i ! Rent (Jan.:^arch of iAPLIC Hous)'

li'On-: .publicity'^Insurance





. ii'9^3;4V-

Misc. J 17.00 Living Expenses (Food, Clothing, Medical, Util.) 3^460.11




Bank Balance-IJanuary 1, 1969


; 0. \


T;iO"55i JAiDl'iAUR

(J"-O i c ' t'ilJC" 3'^'A III

Bank Balance January 1, 1969


Bot^row^d from Garnett State Savings Bank " (Travel expenses and shipping co^i^)"- ^

' ~ -4


Recelved'from churches/cyas'ses ancTindm^

'V'-'.Ci i:.'. 'o-[

* i-i


January February

1,745.42* v.'. HUODliA 0/i:L-l!AiV13iJ QyiA i;; v13fvV;^599^3''3

. 605.00
(.2.'J ji'ii o"i )i'av-. n



(.2.U 5--i 3b,.!r,w4^7fl.92

!/ jify

* Includes SSOQ^pQjfrom Villa Heights;Gl:vristijnjGhMri:litlj5t49Plin,/)M^ Nov. and Dec. of 19^8 ;aj^ a special Christmas offering from the churcbiinuQarnett.

Travel and Shlpp^gj^Go^tSHy
Medical nd Dental

t::!: ' ]
.pf-i.-licO o

9p,j00 r, , , , j

r, .r j ; v

Publicity ,
Loan Payment Living Expenses
Bank Balance March 31, 1969

50.00 1,103.90







'Brazil Cl)riiiiian ^ubiicaiiond

Charles and Ann Kent - Caixa Postal 403 - Goiania, Goias, Brazil
May 29 ~ May 19 = 10 days
82,200 79,948 Km = 2,252 Km

Those are the travel statistics now here Is the story of a survey trip I took with Lew Cass,. Lew is looking for a group of Indians on the Parapebas River in southern Para call ed he Diore. We left Goiania May the 19th In Lew's jeep carry all. and headed up the Jelem - Brasilia highway. You wouldn't call it a highway but we do down here. The first day out we made it to Nova Gloria north of Ceres and after deciding what .ve were going to do about fixing the spring we had just broken, we went to the house of one of the leaders of the church and asked for the key to the church. When he learned chat we planned to sleep in the church he wouldn't hear to it. He had a little house chat he just completed for his daughter who" was getting married that week-end and he~"
nsisted that we use it.

We went back to Ceres early the next day and stayed four hours while the spring was being fixed. We passed back through Nova Gloria at about 1:30 and made it to the city of Uruagu at about 5:00. We decided to camp out Instead of staying in a "pensao" and to cook our own supper. This night we had an episode with some black ants that 1 will never forget so if anyone would like to hear about it remind me the next time you see me and i will be glad to relate it to you. The third day out we made it to Porangatu by about 3:00 P.M. and decided to have ice cold guarana. Guarana is a Brazilian soft drink. We asked if they had it "bem gelado". The standard answer Is yes, and this fellow was telling the truth. When he took the tops off, the gas passing up through the liquid caused enough agitation to form Ice. Apparently they were super cooled and I'm sure the fellov/ didn't know how close he was to having them explode. We were sure thankful for it though after having spent 8 hours on the hot and dusty highway. Our intermidiate goal was Araguacema a small city on the Araguala River. Here at Araguacema is one of the stations of the Missionary Aviation Fellowship. These fellows have a service organization to help evangelical missionaries and they also fly emergencies cases. We arrived at the turn off to Araguacema at about 3:00 P.M. and after hearing

some very disheartening news about the road and the distance we gassed up and started
in. We made It just 10 kilometers in 30 minutes, had a flat trying to make a steep grade and gave it up as a bad adventure. Back out on the highway we met some men with trucks who were planning on start ing in the next morning and they said that by truck it was 48 hours of solid moving and that people with 4 wheel drive jeeps made it in 14 hours. We were scheduled to be In Araguacema on the 24th and Harold Burk was to fly us out over the area where the Diore were last known to be living. We had no way to
contact Harold from where we were so we decided to drive to Miracema do Norte

which is on the Tocantins River and is only 50 kilometers off the High way. We got to Miracema at about 9:00 P.M., camped, ate some canned peaches a few cookies, drank some tea and went to bed, tired and dirty. Next day we sent radiograms by the Varig Aviation radio asking Harold to come and get us in Miracema. He came the next day and in 45 minutes after take off we were in Araguacema. Twenty-four hours of rough riding compared to 45 minutes of smooth sailing shows the value of an airplane in Brazil. The next day we were off early with Lew and I In the back of MAF's Cessna 185 and Harold and his new replacement pilot, Elmer Reaser, in the front. After an hour and thirty minutes we were over to Itacaunas River and began to make a check to make sure we had the right river when we came to the Parapebas. We started down the Parapebas

at about 8:45 and came to a fork in the river down about 75 kilometers. We went down

the left fork first and found nothing, then we returned to the fork and started down the other branch. In just a few minutes we spotted some huts. We went down for a closer look but the houses had been vacant long enough for the underbrush to grow up. We went on down the branch and soon spotted a large clearing with a central house and 6 houses around it. We had found the Diore. The Indians who were out working headed for the house. We passed over several times and dropped some buttons and ribbon. This brought them out but we weren't able to count them. Our time was running out so we headed south for Gorotire where Harold makes one of his regular stops. We gassed up here, had a cold drink with the German couple who work with the Indians here and headed back to Araguacema. The next day Elmer Reaser flew us back to Miracema. We picked up Lew's car and started back down the highway. At Paraiso do Norte we left the highway and went back in to have services for a group of Christians. These people live a very rugged life much like the frontier days of America. They really love to get together when they can have someone special to preach to them. We didn't get there until about 6P.M. but by eight they had called in about 40 people. We camped there that night and on the way out saw three big emas, a cousin to the ostrich, loping across the field. We had been seeing lots of animals along the way but we had not seen emas. We took some pictures, but they were moving away so fast that the pictures were ruined. ' Two more days of travel and we were back in Nova Gloria. We stopped and left some Bibles, song books and tracts that we had taken from a supply that was at Paraiso. We were in a hurry to get home so we did not stay for a service here. Lew & I dropped tracts out the window ot the car as we passed houses and went through towns. Almost without exception the people would stop and pick them up. People would stop their horses and climb down to get them. Children would race to see who could get them first. We are planning a special tract for distribution on the highway concerning the establishment of a New Testament church. The big problem is that we lack someone to work with these people long enough to bear fruit. We arrived in Goiania, May 29, as always tired and dirty from a day of travel on the Belem-Brasilla highway, but we were much incouraged by the visits with Christians along the way and for what we found on the Parapebas River. The first of August I went with Lew and Ron Wilson, a summer intern, to make another flight over the Parapebas River and to leave Lew and Ron at Marab^. The Mis sionary Aviation Fellowship has the best pilots in the world and we hit the river right at the.fork-wJiece_WL had been the.time before. We s.oon found the village.and noticed that more houses had been built since our last visit. We passed over low and slow a few times but they didn't seem to want to comeout and look. We could see them standing under the eaves of the houses watching us. We went on down the Parapebas to the Itacaunas and then down it to Maraba. We landed and left Lew and Ron there to finish

plans for their trip back up the river to make contact with the Indians. They are on the river as I write this and will be until about the 1st of September. I will have to let you know how things worked out for them.
Yours in His Service,
Charles & Ann

'So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that tuhich I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Forwarding : Gene and Grace Forkner - 1007 E. Jefferson St. - Siloam Springs, Arkansas



'Brazil CI)riSiian '^ublicaiion6

Charles and Ann Kent

Caixa Postal 403 - Goi^nia, Goias, Brazil

June - July 1969

Dear Christian friends.

We remarked in our last letter that the SOS Class of the church in Garnett, Kansas had started

a car fund for us. i decided I would try to give a little more information and the pro and con of
transportation here in Brazil.
This is the vehicle we would like to have if we

are going to own an automobile. It is the pickup

version of the Volkswagon Micro-bus. It would be

nssociacAo nto I.iTfiinn hx ckisia

suitable for our family and serve also as a distribu

tion mobile in literature work.

The price new is $3,000. (A good used one might be found for $2,500). This high price is the

biggest problem. Other problems are high operat

ing and maintenance costs.

On the side favoring car ownership, are convenience and high resale value. Bus travel with a family is very difficult. Doing literature work by bus or by bicycle (my present mode of trans portation) is limited. Church work is pretty well limited to our local bairro (neighborhood) with
out adequate transportation.

We are waiting on the Lord to decide this for us. If you will be praying about this in a spe cific manner I'm sure that God will guide you and as He guides each of you, our supporters, it will
be decided in accordance with His will. This is what we want most of all.

The church at Vila Nova is moving forward. In the last couple of months there have been 13 conversions. Two families, both husband and wife were among this number. I helped in one of the baptismal services, mainly to baptize the larger persons. Iderval Ramos, the elder of the con gregation, is a little fellow and some of the converts were about twice his size. Recently the Vila Fama congregation called on me for the same reason. The evangelist, Eudamidas, is small in stature and they had four candidates for baptism that were larger than he. Is this what some call being
a "big man in the brotherhood"?

Plans are being made to move our printing and publishing operations to Belo Horizonte in the state of Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte is a more populous city and is closer to supply and distribu tion centers of Brazil. Carol Lowe, who came to Brazil in 1967 will be taking over the shop and I will be responsible for sales promotion and distribution of our materials.
This move will mean an immediate expense of $300 for moving and a considerable increase

in our rent. We have been enjoying the low rent ($50 per month) of the printing association's
house here in Goiania. In Belo Horizonte we will be fortunate to find a suitable house for $200.

Please be much in prayer about this move for us.

Yours in Christian Love,

Charles and Ann

i&io i


Forwarding: Gene & Grace Forkner, 1114 E. JefFerson, Siioam Springs, Ark. 72761

Brazil GlyrMian


Jul 24 69

Charles and Ann Kent

Caixa Postal 403-Goiania, Golds, Brazil


AO IP.J. d.
//// yfCarta


Via Aerea

Dear everybody, Hi I We decided that there are enough of us kids that we could have a news letter of our own.

Audrey and Lynne have been out of school for a month now. Jody and Beth are out the 11th of this month for about a three week vacation. Brazilian school starts again in August and goes until November and then we have summer vacation, December, January and February. Audrey and Lynne will go to the Colegio Estadual Bandeirante, which is only about four blocks from home. The name translated means Pioneer State School. Of course you have to have a uniform to go to Brazilian school. Jody's and Beth's uniform is a navy blue pleated skirt and white blouse with the school em blem on the pocket plus black shoes and black socks. Audrey's and Lynne's is the same except the skirt is straight, tannish khaki with white stripes down the sides and a black belt.
Curtis stays home and gives poor Mom more to do. Although he isn't the youngest anymore he still remains king since he is our only brother. He is always going across the street to play with Waldivino, his little Brazilian friend and never manages to stay clean for more than five minutes. He is talking Portuguese quite a bit now and doing a real good job of it.

Leah, being the "cagula" (youngest) is spoiled rotten but still manages to be sweet. She walks all over the place and it is quite amusing to watch her waddle around on her little flat feet. She
likes to nod and shake her head when someone talks to her and we all think it is hilarious to see her

nod her head when v/e have asked if she is ugly. This month is the month of camps and Lynne and Audrey are going to intermediate week at a camp near Brasilia, Jody is going to a funior camp the same week at a camp outside of Goiania. V/e want to ask for prayer for all the kids that will go to these camps. Lynne and Jody have pretty well recovered from their hepatitis and we're thankful that no one
else has taken it.

Good bye for now.


Audrey, Lynne, Jody, Beth, Curtis and Leah

* O *

Financial Report for April June 1969

Received or in Accounts

Bank Balance, March 31, 1969 Received from churches, classes and
and individuals


Car Fund

Received in May 510.00

SOS Class, Garnett, Kansas 375.85


Expenditures for this period Total, both home and field. Bank Balance, June 30, 1969


Received in June
Class, Garnett 30.00

~$f"936 81
1,852.35 84.46

DVBS, Christian Church, Garnett


Received in July Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dwyer, Oakland, Calif. (Charles' aunt and uncle) 50.00
Balance, July 15 515.39

^f'azil Cf^niSiian 'J^HblicaiionS

Charles and Ann Kent

Caixa Postal 403 - Goiania, Goi^is, Brazil

Dear Christian Friends,

We pray almost everyday that God vi/ill biess you in your giving and that your vision for the
"fields white unto harvest" will increase.

The SOS Class of the Garnett church Is doing s great job on the car fund. They've passed $1,600. We really appreciate their ef.'ort. We have another special project. The church in Vila Nova owns
a corner lot where two streets meet at a sharp angle. The streets above and below the church were

recently asphalted and the church was given the unpleasant task of paying for it ($2,500 approx.). They are struggling along trying to make their monthly payments. The city government also requires that they soon finish the side walk around their lot. This will mean an expense of another $500. Now to the point. Is there someone, some class, o.- some church that would like to help? It seems like an odd request but if they don't get some help this $500 may prove the "straw that broke the camel's back". Please pray about it! We've once again been made aware that we live in a country controlled by a military dictator ship. The mayor of Goiania had his political rights suspended for 10 years. Having this happen to someone we know to be a relatively honest, hard-working politician makes us wonder about lots of other things these Generals have been doing. New recruits are finding it very difficult to get perma nent visas. The door may be closing. Pray for Brazil I

house here In Goiania. This will give us a chance to readjust our budget gradually. We're paying $50 a month for the APLIC house, in GoiSnia we will have to pay $100 and in Belo Horizonte rent will
be from.$150 to $200.

Our move to Belo Horizonte has been temporarily postponed. We will be moving to another

During September the Vila Nova church had revival services for 10- days Gerald Holmqu/st from Anapolis, Goias was the preacher. There were four confessions of faith in Christ made durinn
the meeting.
Yours in Christian Love,
Charles and Ann
From the Kids

' ^


Since Audrey is m quarta serie" (4th year Brazilian high-school) she will be graduating.
learn more about the Bible and Christ Jesus." ^ ^

Hi again! The school year is coming near the end. School will be out the last week of November

Dad got aletter asking for information on his material. The man sa'iHhe Tly thina ^wlr- 7
Coming up now in November the churches in central Brazil arp noinn u .l ^ Congress th?

You know, many of us don't realize how important the Christian printina work i. Thl

Audrey and Lynne and sometimes Beth have been working out at the print shoo for Daddv

gress of Young People. We hope to take 40 from the Goiania churchS Prav f7M r
many young people will be drawn closer to the Lord.

Lynne has been having closing exercise for the younqer kid. \/;l= m c smg and she tells astory. They're having acontest tLee who can bring the^^^^^^^

u hands too, ^ bows custom holding b/essinn ^ "I!/ holds her littleofhead and hands squintsforheeyes to nr^

P ay. We sure learn young.

visitors. ' V- oId)alw


Ken, Children,

Jody, Beth r ' ^ndteah

Forwarding: Gene &Groce Forkner,,4 c j
Si:'oamS 'Pfings, Ark

^(l^ !

December 1969

Dear Christian Friends.

Our picture is a year old already. Some of us have gotten taller,

some have had their hair cut and some have gotten grayer. The Christ we serve is the same yesterday, today and forever. His promises are sure. He is just and the justifier of them that seek Him.
We've taken on more responsibility in the Vila Nova church. Audrey is teaching the juniors, Ann is teaching the primary group and Fm teaching the young people Sunday morning and the mid-week Bible study. We began as the youth sponsors at the Setor Bueno church in late October. There has been one conversion from this group. Many that attend have yet to make a decision for Christ. Pray for them.

The SOS class of the Gamett church was out picking up com recently to make money for our car fund. We are beginning now to price used Kombi. Lord willing we'll soon have transportation.
We found a suitable house here in Goiania. It has three bedrooms

and the landlord allowed us to close in the garage to make a fourth. The new location may provide an opportunity to start another church.

We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and the Lord's richest blessings during 1970.

Yours in Christ.

Charles and Ann

Third Quarter Financial Report

Bank Balance July
L 84.46 566.00

July August September


Expenditures July August September Bank Balance September 30


600.00 600.00 229.03



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