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Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2013

The Official Newsletter for the Faculty of Agro Based Industry
Delegation from China
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Anwar Ismail
Mohd Hafiz Jamaludin
Nik Ahmad Fakruddin Nik Zulkefli
Mohd Salbaharin Ismail
Faculty of Agro Based Industry
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus
Locked Bag 100
17600 Jeli
Kelantan, MALAYSIA.
Tel: 09 - 947 7021
Fax: 09 - 947 7022
Upcomlng events
Chemlcal waste
Story of foods and
S8P program
Delegatlon from
UMk recentIy weIcomed
a visit by Hefei CoIIege
of Finance and 7ecbnoI-
ogy from Cbina. A Letter
of Intent (LoI) was
recentIy signed on tbe
of 1une between
botb institutions is
expected to Iead to a
Memorandum of Under-
standing (MoU).
UMK was repre-
sented by the Deputy vlce
Chancellor of Academlc
(DvC), Prof. Dr. Posellna
nled by the Dean of P|AT,
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Anwar
|small, and the Dean of PKP,
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Dahlan
|brahlm. Meanwhlle, Hefel
College was represented by
lts Presldent, Mr. an Su
accompanled by 6 other
executlve members of
Hefel College and lts
subsldlary companles. The
delegatlon was brlefed
about UMK by the DvC,
whlle Prof. Dr. Ahmad
Anwar |small presented
was followed by a technlcal
presentatlon on the Malay-
slan Plce Productlon |ndus-
try. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Anwar
|small sald that "The
expected MoU wlll become
a platform for P|AT to
partlclpate ln technology
transfer acltlvtles and P&D
at the lnternatlonal level".
The delegatlon was also
keen on the settlng up of a
seed technology centre ln
P|AT at the 1ell Campus. The
delegatlon also volced
thelr lntentlon to partlcl-
pate ln the upcomlng
APCoPS'l3 organlzed by
UMK to be held from the
8-l0th October ln Penang
as presenters and also ln
the exhlbltlon.
lae esecte4 00 w/// eeceme e
/etletm let l/4l te ett/c/ete /a
tecaae/eq, tteaslet ec/t/rt/es ea4
k80 et tae /atetaet/eae/ /ere/
ltel. 0t. 4ame4 4awet /sme//
4 New PACLS ln P|AT
Volume 2, Issue 6 July 2013
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Anwar Ismail
Mohd Hafiz Jamaludin
Nik Ahmad Fakruddin Nik Zulkefli
Mohd Salbaharin Ismail
Faculty of Agro Based Industry
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus
Locked Bag 100
17600 Jeli
Kelantan, MALAYSIA.
Tel: 09 - 947 7021
Fax: 09 - 9467158
Pecently, 37 second year S8P
student vlslted Mumtaz Meat &
Marlne Poods Sdn. 8hd. (Mumtaz) and
handled by Al-Zaln, a well known
company ln the the supply of Halal
formulatlon of functlonal food. The
next stop was the Department of
Cosmeceutlcal Products ln S|P|M
8erhad., located ln Shah Alam. S|P|M ls
a government owned corporate orga-
nlzatlon under the Mlnlstery of
Plnance |ncorporated.
Prom the lndustrlal vlslt, the
students were exposed on lssues asso-
clated wlth the development of new
product. Hlghllghts such as world
cllmate uncertalnty, lncreaslng human
populatlon, llmlted land for agrlcul-
tural purposes and competltlon
between crops for consumptlon or
lndustrlal use are lssues that should be
looked lnto serlously. w|th the
lncreaselng demand for food, lead to
lnnovatlon and motlvatlon to produce
more food from llmlted resources.
8elng a net-lmporter of staple food
and certaln raw materlals, Malaysla
Chemical waste disposal
The faculty recently recleved Prof. Dr.
Pussly Abdul Pahman from UPM
who was lnvlted to re-evaluate the
program. The excerclse ls an lnltla-
tlve of the faculty to lnsure the
relevance of the sub[ect matter
up-to-date wlth the current needs of
the country. The re-evaluatlon was
behalf of the faculty, MyP|AT would
llke to congratulate lecturers
lnvolved ln the excerclse for thelr
needed, and Prof. Dr. Pussly Abdul
Pahman for hls tlme to come to our
lovely UMK 1ell campus.
need to look closer to home and
utlllse lts resources to be depen-
dent especlally to cater to the local
food demands. whlle stlll havlng
resources such as land, entrepre-
neurs should see thls sltuatlon as
an opportunlty to cater to the local
demand of raw materlals for both
food and the lndustry.
Another lssue of great
lnterest ls the trend on organlc
food, hygelne and halal. Lately,
lndustry tend to neglect lssues on
Mechanlcally recovered meat
(MPM) from low quallty carcass
and bones from anlmal to produce
cheap low quallty meat ls quclkly
plcklng up ln Malaysla, whlle coun-
trles from Lurope and some states
ln the Unlted States of Amerlca has
banned lts use even ln small quan-
tltes ln food productlon. Due to the
product ls normally added wlth
other components ln excess
amount such as salt and MSG to
produce products such as nuggets,
burgers, sausages and lmltatlon
Another fast growlng
lndustry ln Malaysla ls the cosmetlc
lndustry. wlth an lncrease ln the
mlddle lncome populatlon and
access to lnformatlon, demand for
cosmetlc has also lncreased. wlth
the advancement of blotechnol-
ogy, S|P|M 8hd lncorporated
blologlcal compounds from natu-
ral resources malnly from plants
and herbs. The research and devel-
opment (P&D) unlt of S|P|M ls also
able to evaluate local cosmetlc
products especlally wlth regards to
safety arlslng from the use of
cosmetlc product.

Packaglng of organlc chlcken
Story of foods and cosmetics
SBP Program evaluation
Plora chemlcal waste dlsposal unlt
wlth regards to the dlsposal of cheml-
cal waste and broken glasswares on
was attended by the lab managers,
lecturers and lab aslsstance to famll-
larlze the dlsposal procedure
conducted by Alam Plora. Slnce not
draln, the practlce ls lmportant to
ensure that detrlmental chemlcal
does not enter the envlronment
whlch may later become a safety
hazard to plants anlmals, and even
by Shalful Azman Abdul Pahman
tesenteJ the cutccme cl the|t tesect|ve
tcjects wh|ch wete helJ ltcm the the 3tJ
tc 5th cl 1une. lotollel sess|cns wete helJ
ot the locctotcty w|ns cl the loculty.
(l|c. lelt: VuhomoJ Votwon VchJ Azlon
A MyGPANT tralnlng course was held on the 5th of 1une
20l3 at 1ell Campus Computer Laboratory (l|ctute cn the
t|ht}. The tralnlng course was dellvered by Dr. Muhammad
Arlfullah from P|AT and Dr. Mohammad Muqtada All Khan
from PS8. the purpose of the tralnlng was to famlllarlze P|AT
appllcatlon process. On the day, the partlclpant was able to
set up thelr accounts, and went through the baslc steps on
the onllne appllcatlon procedures and what to expect
when an appllcatlon ls made.
ltcl. 0t. kezoul lot|m tecently |n Voy v|s|teJ 8onloJesh
un|vets|ty cl At|cultute (8Au} tc J|scuss lutute cclloccto-
t|cn cetween uVl onJ 8Au. 7he J|scuss|cn (l|c. lelt} moJe
css|cle cy the te|sttot cl 8Au wos cho|teJ cy ltcl. 0t. VJ.
AcJul lholeque, the 0eon cl loculty cl At|cultute onJ
Ccnvenct cl the 0eon Ccunc|l, wos helJ ot 8Au l|ctoty
cu|lJ|n ot the Vymens|nh Comus.
8y. ltcl. 0t. kezoul lot|m
wlth fundlng slowly comlng ln,
works on Agro Park ls qulckly
for the Dean glven by Mr. Moham-
mad Amlzl Ayob and Mr. Suhalml
Omar was recently held on the 26th
1une wlth regards to the develop-
ment actlvltles to be done at the
showcase area of the Agropark.
Most of the land has been cleared to
make way for plantatlon of trees,
Shalful Azman Abdul Pahman wlth
Prof. Dr. Pussly Abdul Pahman
The students wlth the Managlng Dlrector of Mumtaz Meat & Prozen Poods
Sdn. 8hd., Dr. Mohamad Zalnol Ahmad Ha[a
made for growlng varlous paddy
varletles, papaya, plneapples,
case area of agro park wlll also be
used for undergraduate students to
pro[ects. Pespectlve lecturers
lnvolved ln the development of the
Agropark pro[ect ls expected to
lnltlate plantlng actlvltles as early as
Anwar |small on the varlous plots to be develop
Land cleared to make way for plantlng development
D|vlslon of plots to respectlve
lecturers ready for development
l|nol exoms lct semestet 2 sess|cn2013/2014
|nvclv|n llA7 unJettoJuote stuJents wete
tecently helJ ltcmthe 9tht|ll the 25th cl 1une
2013 ccvet|n 39 ccutses helJ Jut|n the
semestet. VyllA7 wculJ l|le tc thonl evety-
cne whc wos |nvclveJ e|thet J|tectly ct
|nJ|tectly w|th the exoms (l|c. lelt. lxom
sess|cn helJ ot the 1el| Comus loll}
Congratulation Upcoming events
Faces in FIAT
1 2 3 4
Picture 1:
Picture 2.
llke to thank and wlsh good luck to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pana[lt ln hls future endeavour.
Picture 3.
been wlth P|AT slnce lts lnceptlon.
Picture 4
admlnlstratlon wlll be reportlng for duty as a teacher ln Sarawak soon.
Picture 5. A small farewell gatherlng held on the 26th 1une at 8K5 UMK 1ell Campus.
1ell Campus Mlnggu Gaya Slhat Sports Carnlval l-4 1uly 20l3
UMK Maln Campus: 8achok Up Close vlslt 6th 1uly 20l3
UMK Delegatlon to Prlnce of Songkla Unlverslty 8-9 1uly 20l3
P|AT program revlslt workshop 2l-22 1uly 20l3 (tentatlve)
MyP|AT would llke to congratulate
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serl |ntan Mokhtar
for her lovely daughter who was
born on the llth of 1une 20l3
Congratulatlon also to |llazuwa and
her husband Abdul Pohlml Mohd
1arl who held thelr weddlng recep-
tlon on the lst and 2nd of 1une
Congratulatlon also to Shazanl
Sarl[an and usrlna Andu who
recently got marrled ln Sabah
May these occaslons brlngs happl-
ness lnto thelr llves
AbduI Rabman
Aslstant Peglstrar
Nurfatibab Mobd
Admln Asslstant
HiIman Hamidi
Agrlculture Asslstant
New FACS in FIA7

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