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How does Whey Protein Work and What Are The Benefits?

Proteins are an essential macromolecule and play a critical role in muscle development and maintenance (as well as many other physiological processes). To give a truncated flow of how whey (and other) proteins actually work, it may help to think of amino acids as the building blocks of proteins; proteins can thus be thought of as the building blocks of muscle tissue since muscles serve as the richest reservoirs of amino acids in the human body. (6) Amino acids go on to perform a plethora of roles physiologically, such as neurotransmission, energy (/store/category/energy-boosters.html) production, brain metabolism, cardiovascular function, immune system function, and several others. (7) There are a multitude of benefits from ingesting whey protein that stem from the biological role of essential amino acids. Whey protein is a complete protein (i.e. contains all 9 of the essential amino acids) with a significant amount of L-leucine (/store/category/amino-acids/leucine.html), which is pivotal for stimulating the Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway (which regulates muscle protein synthesis, among other things); thus it serves an invaluable role to individuals looking to improve their musculature, fitness and even just overall bodily function. (8)

(/expert-guides/whey-protein) Pre-Workout Supplements (/expertguides/pre-workout) How to Gain Weight (/expertguides/weight-gain) BCAA Powder Supplements (/expertguides/bcaas) Protein Powders Guide (/store/category/protein.html) View all (/expert-guides)

Overview of Whey Proteins Benefits:

Is a complete protein source, with a particularly high L-leucine content for positively regulating the mTOR pathway (8) Is rapidly absorbed/digested Is easy/convenient to add to ones diet Increases anabolic response to resistance training (8) Helps maintain muscle mass and prevent age-related muscular atrophy (9) Can provide anti-catabolic properties during prolonged aerobic activities (6) Boosts insulin sensitivity and may boost metabolism/enhance fat loss (/expert-guides/fat-loss) (10) Enhances immune system functioning, especially in those who are physically active (11)

Assessing the Quality of Whey vs. Other Protein Sources

The two most popular indications of determining a protein sources overall quality/efficacy are the biological value (BV) and protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS). The BV of a protein source refers to a practical measurement that assesses the degree to which an animal is able to utilize that protein. It is computed by analysis of nitrogen retention in an animal after ingesting the intended protein source to be tested. (12) The PDCAAS is a number between 0 And 1 that evaluates protein quality based on its amino acid contents in relation to humans requirements for them. Essentially, the higher the BV and PDCAAS of a protein the more efficiently it is utilized by the respective animal (yes, humans are animals too). Below is a chart that summarizes the BV and PDCAAS of a variety of common protein sources for humans: (13) Protein Sources Protein Whey Concentrate and Isolate Whole Egg Milk Egg White Cottage Cheese Tuna Fish Beef Chicken Soy Casein Peanuts Yogurt BV 104 to 159 100 91 88 84 83 82 80 79 74 71 68 68 PDCAAS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ? ? 0.92 ? 0.91 1.00 0.52 ?

Oatmeal Wheat

58 54

0.57 0.42

Who Can Benefit from Using Whey Protein Supplements?

The most obvious beneficiaries of whey protein supplementation (/expert-guides/protein-supplements) will be those who are physically active and looking for an optimal way to kick-start the recovery process after an intense training bout, but even those concerned with just basic health and bodily function can stand to benefit as well. Here is a quick list of individuals who should consider supplementing with whey protein (*allergies notwithstanding): Bodybuilders (/natural/athletes/natural-bodybuilders.html) & strength trainers Competitive Athletes Vegetarians Recreational exercisers and those new to weight/strength training Anyone else who is looking for a simple way to get more protein in their diet (/diet-plans)

Do Any Foods Contain Whey Protein?

Yes, a variety of foods contain whey protein. These can include: Ricotta Cheese Cottage Cheese Animal-derived Milk Some dairy butters and creams Yogurt Baked goods such as bread, crackers, cookies, etc. that use whey during preparation If you are unsure if a food contains added whey, read the label and it should be listed as an ingredient (note this is not the case in certain dairy products like yogurt since its just a milk product).

Does Whey Protein Have any Side Effects?

Whey protein is generally well tolerated by the majority of users, but in special circumstances there is the risk for certain side effects such as: Bloating/Cramping/Upset stomach Nausea Increased bowel movements/Passing gas Allergic reactions These side effects can generally be easily alleviated by monitoring your total protein intake and making sure you are aware of any possible food allergies that you may have. If a nominal dose of whey protein consistently causes stomach/GI issues, consider trying a different whey protein supplement and/or adding in a digestive enzyme to take along with it.

How and When Should I Use a Whey Protein Supplement?

Whey protein supplements dont have to be bland and chugged down in a matter of seconds like so many people seem to believe. In fact, with a little effort and creativity it is possible to create some delectable hiprotein shakes and foods using your whey protein supplement. For some great ideas, check out the Muscle and Strength protein shakes (/recipes/protein-shakes) and protein bar recipe (/recipes/protein-bars) pages. Whey protein supplements dont have to be restricted to certain times either. In reality, whey protein is just that, a protein; it can and should be utilized whenever you are looking for a high-quality source of protein to add to your diet. That being said, it is indeed beneficial to ingest whey protein around your workout times so dont neglect your pre/post-workout nutrition (/store/category/post-workout.html).

How Much Whey Protein Should I Use?

There is no universal answer to this since everybodys protein needs will vary. The first thing to do is determine your caloric and macronutrient allotments. A general nutritional calculator can be found here (/tools/bmr-and-daily-calorie-calculator.html). After you have done that, simply use your whey protein supplement accordingly to reach your intended macronutrient goals for the day. If you choose to use it as your main source of protein or just as a quick shake after your workout you really cant go wrong.

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