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Christian greetings to you, our Brothers and Sisters in Christ!


thanks to "Rro, Bob Tinsky, Minister of Faith Christian Church of Reidsville, North
Carolina, who volunteered to splice again the broken vdres of correspondence una voidably broken for some time. May this prove a most valuable link-up between us.
Just at vjhat point or time of reporting the wire snapped v;e here are not sure,
hence a brief 1977 review of Mission activities we hope will suffice.

Your prayers of faith on our behalf bolstered with committed financial

support made the past year one of grateful success for the Guyana Mission of

Churches of Christ,
thankful for.

^-Tien compared with other religious groups of greater senior

ity backed by far more spending power and trailed personell we have more to be The task of preaching in Georgetown and caring for the three churches
on-the Corentyne is not only intricate undertaking, but also mercilessly demanding especially when a distance of more than a hundred miles stand between base and out post, .ai;id when there is scarcity of trained workers.

However, during the first half of 1977 correspondence between Bro. Reggie
Thomas and,us Guyanese Ministers were moving with convenient speed in preparation

for the two week Crusade in our capital city, Georgetotm, j\ugust 28 - Sept. 11, After the Crusade our Spoil in Georgetown was around 28 baptized souls of whom the
greater part remain to this day but some have fallen away. The other Congrega

tion in Georgetoxm where the Cedric Greenes pastor, had a similar amount.


taneously on the Corentyne, John Todd, son of Evangelist Cecil Todd preached one Philippi, one week at Leeds, and two nights at Zambia' oh the Corentyne,

reaping twenty for the Lord; about half pf this total yet remain in the Congrega

Today, with a stronger work force in Georgetown we are able to better

organize ourselves as a body for more effective and efficient service, Add'ed

to this, I was instrumental in God's hand to persuade a Denominational Minister

who for twenty four years preached that one is saved before baptism to see and
accept the Bible plan of Salvation. Today Bro, Harry Norton and his wife and

five of his eleven sons and daughters having foregone their rights and benefits
accumulated for their years of service with the Pilgrim Holiness Church are now
staunch defender of th- faith once delivered to the Saints.

Since as yet the Georgetown Congregation is weak financially, Bro. Nor

ton is only on part time Ministry with a supplement of only $80.00 from the con
gregation and $120.00 part from our personal stipend and part from a very strain^d-Missinn .Fund,.. HouAVfeyj anH hp pyaiRpHj-WP bavp. q g'nnH man who Invp.q the lioT-d and whom I can trust with the Lord's work when I visit the Congregations in the

After two major surgery no man adds 20 years to his vitality. yet willing, the flesh weaker. do, but this I do not always do; this could be grave error.

The Spirit

It is safe to keep a regular check on how much I Sister London is

ever going though I know she is tired beyond physical evidence; she never wanted to go on vacation without me and that is her big problem. The next is finance for two, and the very next is only $l5.00 Guyana. Currency is allowed each person who
vacations outside of Guyana.

This situation, God willing, might be changed soon.

1977 in another way brought blessing to this Mission and in particular

Leeds Church of Christ, not in additions to her membership, but in obtaining Trans-

Non-profit Organization \mi

U.S. Postage


Reidsville, N.C, permit #219


2k07 Richardson Drive

Ozark Bible College

1111 N, Main St.

Reidsville, M.C,


Joplin, Mo. 61|.801

Robert J. Tinsky, Minister

Route 8, Box 3f^7 Reidsville, N.C.


port for the Church property they are buying at No, 53 Village with the Special help
from a good Brother and Church friend. Balance of Mortgage to be paid is approximate
ly $1,125.00 U.X.

All local offerings are spent for local needs; as in Georgetown, supplement to the Nbrtons, building more seats, etc. - Philippi, repair of Church roof and gutter

ing etc/ Leeds, - Pay water and ^ocal Authority Rates, Fire Insurance, and light bull.
Zambie-meets in a house and rejoices in the baptism of three of our teenagers when I
was there on Sunday March 5j 1978.

Bretheren when we thank the Lord for you we are sincere for you have stood by

us throughout the years in prayers, in support, in abundance of necessary literature, medical supplies. Vitamins, asprins, bandad aids, etc., you shipped us clothes for all -age-groupfe-, -^us-your letters of li-fe-and-enGOurag-ementlou-yet pray for rais^..

$50,0G0;00 (U.S.) to h^xy and remodel this building we now rent approx. ($l85.00 (U.S.)
per month depending on the exchange. Thanks to God who giveth us the Victory in
Christ Jesus.

Brethren in Christ,
David & Eliza London.


Bro. London reports that inflation has caused many things to go up considerab

ly. For example, the cost of a Motor Licence went up from $75.00 to $l50.00, Driver^s
License from $5.00 to $10.00, gasoline is up from $2.71 to $3.25 per gallon, rice

from $22.00 to $iUi.00 per bag. These figures are in Guyanese dollars, which are worth
about two for one /unerican dollar.
tremendous increase in prices.

Cut these figures in half and you still see a

Another crusade is being planned during August of this year to be led by

David Thomas.

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