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Marilyn Clare: Sixteen years old. American, only girl of three brothers. The government has taken over America and made people lose their emotion when they turn sixteen. Marilyn has been turned, but there is a problem she still has some of her feelings in her and she can stil feel them deep inside. Her family is known as The Family of the traitor. Her big brother Tristan could also feel his emotions and he was executed because the government found out. Marilyn is afraid that she also will follow the same way. Drug: there is a drug some rebellions use so they can feel, but they are not like Marilyn. They are known as Emolions. Marilyn meets a guy named Holden. Holden/Hunter aka The leader of the Changelings He is a seventeen years old and also the leader of the other rebellions, when his brother dies he becomes the leader.

Chapter One

What are emotions? For me they are nothing, but distractions. Everything leads to nothing but pain. Thats right Pain! love, hate, joy, jealousy. Emotions got my brother killed, made my family and I outcasts to the government and the people in my town. Thats why when you turn sixteen you get your emotions removed. They used to do it to infants, but they somehow died after a week. GOA also known as Government of America. America wasnt always like this. It was because of this big war, which I will not go to much into. It happen like sixty years ago. Anyway America never became the same. They made execution legal, trading people to, so you have to careful not to be taken by the trackers at night when they lure around the dark alleys. My name is Marilyn Clare today is the 4 th september! I just turned sixteen and today is the day where Im not going feel anything again for my whole life. No more crying or laughing or feeling pain ever again. My parents let me sleep in today because of what was happening. You may wonder how my parents got married when they cant even feel, well thats the governments fault. its like an arrange marriage. As soon as you turn eighteen they take you and a whole other bunch of eighteen year olds into a room and they have to pick someone they want to marry. Its all based on looks find someone who at least looks descend to have your children. My mother and farther meat that way. They got married and they got me and my three brothers. Even tough my parents cant feel I still love them, until I turn. Love brings nothing but pain. I havent felt nothing but pain my whole life. My brother brought me pain, school brought me even more pain. Now Im sitting at the head office of the P.E.R. Pennsylvania Emotions removers My mother is sitting right beside me reading a magazine Does it hurt mom? When you get your emotions know, I didnt want to say it out loud in case of the P.E.R. guards hearing this and mistake this as a sign of fear and call me a rebellion, just like what they called my brother. No My mother said in a monotone voice without looking up from her magazine. Thats how I am going to sound when I get turned, all dead inside and I couldnt wait.

No more emotions, no more emotions I sang and I couldnt help but smile a little bit I quickly removed it. Its a bad idea showing emotions in the office where the people remove emotion, for some reason they dont like it. If you as much as make a scene by showing emotions you would get whipped literally! A guy who used to go to the same school as me did that once, never became the same again. I kept my face blank just like my mother and looked down the whole time until my name was called. Marilyn Clare! A voice called it was monotone to just like my mother. I looked up and saw a woman. She had long curly red hair, she was pale and had a long nose. She also had a white suit on. She looked scary and I probably wouldnt have followed her if it wasnt because of the necessary reasons. I rose from my seat, took one last glance at my mother who still didnt look up from her magazine. LOOK AT ME! I screamed inside my head. This would be the last time I would ever see her with my emotions intact. Bye I mumbled quietly and then followed the lady also known as Cassia which she already said five times while she was explaining to me how it was going to happen, how they where going to remove my emotions. You will of course be in a coma when they take the virus out of you so you wont feel anything Cassia said while she took me into a room and handed me those hospital gowns. I will be back in a minuet she said an left me so I could change. The room where big and white. There where mirrors all around me. It was probably the government s idea of making you look at yourself for the last time with emotions and this could probably be one of the cruelest tings they could do. I looked at my reflection as I changed. Fear,relive and pain crossed my face as I saw myself. I looked at my long raven colored hair and dark brown skin and the gap between my teeth which I have hated all my life, my classmates used to bully me because of that. I was different, my brother was a traitor and that made me and my family outcasts. Treas where streaming down my face as I was holding my hands over my mouth trying not to sob or make any sound. After a minuet of telling myself that everything would be alright and that I shouldnt be afraid and I should be happy, because this was the day I would lose my emotions. I took a deep breath and called Im ready now Cassia came in , I was hoping she didnt hear me cry if she was standing out side. She took me to another room which looked like an operating room. Before Cassia left she told me that the doctors would arrive anytime. It felt like hours when they

finally came. To men wearing white suit just like Cassia. They had white plastic gloves on and masks. Just as I was about to say something I felt a little pinch in my back, which hurt by the way! I turned around and saw another doctor he was holding a needle. Suddenly I felt disorientated and my legs felt like jelly. Happy birthday Marilyn Clare A dark scary voice said, and that was the last ting I heard before I blacked out.

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