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Triangle Chapter 3 Scott watched his brother the next day, had been since he'd returned home

the evening before. He knew Johnny was hooked and wondered if his brother would allow himself to get reeled in. It seemed to him Johnny was walking on air. It was an amusing sight, one he'd yet to experience with his younger brother. Cute, was the word that popped in his mind. Not a word he would ever vocalize to his brother. Not if he wanted to continue breathing. Scott chuckled to himself. "What's so funny?" Johnny asked as he noted the grin on Scott's face. "Nothing." "What do you mean nothing?" "Are you referring to the definition of the word or the way I used it or.." "Ok, Scott, stop it." "Who is she, Johnny? I know it's a woman." "You know who she is. Why do you keep pushing this?" "Pushing? Why are you being so secretive? Whats wrong with telling your family youve found someone who makes you this happy?" "I dont know, Boston. I guess Im, well.." Scott laid a hand on his brother's shoulder, staring intently into Johnny's darkened eyes. "You're what?" he asked gently. "I guess I'm afraid something will go wrong, somehow. Like, she.." "She'll what?" Scott coaxed. "She'll find someone else. Like if I can keep it a secret then no one can get in the way. Does that make sense?" The hand on Johnny's shoulder tightened. "Yes, brother, it does. But have you considered we want to meet the woman who can make you so happy? Maybe we would like to thank her."

"Yeah, I guess so. Just give me a little time, ok? After the trip to Sacramento. I can bring her for supper or something." "Sure, after the trip." Scott tossed his arm casually around Johnny's shoulder as the two men headed for their horses standing patiently under the oak where the Lancers had ground tied them. The brother's returned to the task at hand. While one dreamed of a night of lovemaking when he returned, the other prayed his brother's joy was not short lived. ** It was a subdued Johnny Lancer who entered the stage, his shoulders sagging as if under a heavy burden. A restraining hand halted Scott before his foot touched the top step. "Watch out for your brother. You boys be careful." "Murdoch, we've been to Sacramento before." "Yes, but Johnny looks ill." "Oh, he is..." Scott said solemnly but his mouth curled upward in a sly grin. Murdoch weighed his sons words before offering, "should he see Sam?" At Scott's reassuring shake of the head, Murdoch released his son and stepped back to watch him enter the stage. A moment later a blond head appeared in the window. "Don't worry, Murdoch. We'll be fine." With a crack of the whip and the jangle of harnesses the team lunged forward, the stage lurching heavily behind them. Murdoch watched until the dust from the stage's passing had settled before turning for the telegraph office. He would send a wire to Mr. Calhoun in Sacramento letting him know the boys were on the way then, maybe indulge in a beer before heading back. Even at his most leisurely pace he would be home in time for supper. Hitching up his gunbelt, he crossed the street to the Western Union office, pausing only briefly to wait for a group of rowdy cowhands to gallop by. Ah youth, he thought. So much enthusiasm and so little direction. At least he was giving his boys the guidance they needed. He knew Scott and Johnny were impulsive at times but they had good heads on

their shoulders. Maybe he had bequeathed them more than he thought. He knew he would never behave rashly. Surprised at the turn his thoughts had taken, he entered the small cramped building that housed Green River's telegraph office When the office had opened in the unused structure, Green River had boasted of its progress; a boast most of the neighboring residents failed to subscribe to. "I'm telling you, Miss, you cant send this." "But, why not? I was assured there was an office there to receive my dispatch." "The lines there are down for repair and won't be up for another couple of weeks. Come back then." "I can't. I have to get a message through now." The sound of the woman's plaintive voice broke Murdoch's reverie. He stopped short in the doorway, uncomfortable to be witness to the discussion between the office manager and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Well, with the exception of twomaybe. "I'm sorry. Come back later," the man behind the counter growled. "Excuse me, but is that any way to speak to a lady?" Murdoch pulled himself to his full height, squaring his shoulders before pinning the smaller man under a withering glare. "Well, I was just explaining that the lines between here and Stillwater are down." The manager gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his thin neck. "Yes, but my brother will be worried if I don't let him know Im alright. I always wire him the first of the month." Her full lips quivered and she turned pleading eyes on the two men in the office. "Look, ma'am, my sons are going to be in Sacramento, not a few hours from there. I could have them relay the message for you." "Oh, would you please? I would owe you so much. Though, I don't want to trouble you." The emerald eyes seemed to grow brighter, the halo of her golden hair transforming her into the most angelic being Murdoch had ever seen. "No trouble at all, ma'am." Murdoch watched patiently as the woman wrote her message and handed it to him. Her handwriting indicated she was intelligent and educated, and he

turned appraising eyes on her once more. Brains and beauty. What a combination. Shocked at the turn his thoughts had taken he accepted the message and turned his attention to the wiry man behind the counter. "Alfred, send this to the boys, would you?" His voice sounded foreign even to him and he cleared his throat. "And make sure the reply is delivered to the ranch immediately." "Yes, Sir." Alfred seemed immeasurably relieved. He had never been comfortable with women, and especially not emotional ones. Murdoch tipped his hat to the young woman, nodded at Alfred and strode to the door only to find himself detained by a dainty hand on his arm. "Ma'am?" "I just want to thank you again." "No need, ma'am. It was nothing." Again he made to leave but the hand on his arm clung tighter. "You are a gentleman, Sir. At least allow me to buy you a cup of coffee." Vivid green eyes blinked beguilingly at him. She lowered her head, her thick lashes shielding the emerald depths from his surprised stare. "I was going to the cafe before heading home. Perhaps I could buy you that coffee." The coy smile unnerved him and despite the cool of the day he felt an odd heat radiating from his stomach. Pushing away the sense that he was making a mistake, he offered her his arm, his heart thudding painfully as she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow. ***** "Oh, no! I must be getting home." As if aware for the first time that the sun had given way to the new moon, she looked at his weathered face, alarm erasing the easy smile she had worn all afternoon "I had no idea it was so late. Where did the afternoon go?" They had been sitting for hours, talking, laughing, enjoying the pie and coffee, and truth be told, the company of the other. She had found him charming and polite, with a sense of, of what? History was the word that had filled her mind, though it was an odd word. Not that he was that old of course. She had found it easy to talk to him and easier still to listen. He had a grasp on the history of this part of California that had intrigued her and made her hunger to know

more. Her response had both shocked and pleased her. She shared his thirst for knowledge and he had been eager to exchange varying viewpoints on all manner of subjects. He had not dismissed her for being a woman but had welcomed her ideas on politics, religion and even business. He was not a shallow man, full of self importance. He had been attentive, knowledgeable and, yes, entertaining. Now she sighed, knowing the pleasant interlude was ending. Ever the gentleman, he rose quickly, grasping her chair and assisting her to rise. She felt a blush heating her cheeks as his hand brushed her waist and she lowered her head. "May I escort you home?" "I would like that very much," she whispered. Once more the arm was offered and once more she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow. He led her outside, pausing briefly to request directions to her home before setting leisurely along the way. The moon was kissing the darkness, a cool, sweet breeze seeming to swell behind them. Nature had laid out her most glorious twilight, enchanting and romantic and she forgot the man leading her home was old enough to be her father. She sighed , the weight of bliss pressing her shoulders. As they reached her door, she turned to face her escort. "This is going to sound odd but I feel like I have known you so long and I don't even know your name. Do you think I am forward?" Once more a beguiling blush stained her cheeks. "No, its not strange at all. And its Murdoch." "I am pleased to meet you, Murdoch. Im Marietta." Her embarrassed laugh blended with the magic of the night and Murdoch felt young; young and virile. But reality crashed in upon him, his aching back commanding attention. "I find myself enchanted and I have to remind myself of my position." "What position is that, Murdoch?" "You are but a child. I shouldnt enjoy your company so much." Now he was the one to feel embarrassed. Heat flamed in his groin, his face burned. He turned to leave her, but for the second time this day a small hand stopped his forward progress. "You are a very desirable man. Any woman would feel honored to be on your

arm. I know I have." He turned to her expecting ridicule but found only sincerity. The emerald eyes pulled him in and he found himself frozen in place. "I know I shouldn't ask this. I'm probably overstepping the line but would you have dinner with me tomorrow night?" he asked suddenly. "I would be honored. I thought you would never ask. But may I cook for you instead?" "Oh, I shouldnt have put you on the spot like that." Chagrin forced him to step backward but her stare stopped him in mid stride. "Murdoch, I only meant I would like to have the pleasure of your company without the distraction of others." "Then the pleasure is all mine." "Shall we say eight o'clock?" Feeling more like a teenager, Murdoch bowed his head, brushing the dainty hand with his lips. His uncharacteristic behavior and feelings overwhelmed him and he swiftly bid her adieu, pausing only to ensure the door was securely closed behind her. With a lilt to his step he had not experienced in years, he strolled to the livery to collect his mount and headed home. * Dawn broke suddenly, probing fingers of light piercing the darkness of his room and bidding him rise. He stretched leisurely and clasped his hands together under his head. Her face danced before him, alluring and enticing and the old stirring once more tickled his lower abdomen. It had been years since a woman had elicited this response in him. Old emotions believed long dead were reemerging, their strength and vibrancy as that of a young stallion. Even if she were simply indulging an old man, he was grateful he had met her. She reminded him he was alive, truly alive and that he could feel again. The feeling a man had for a woman, a feeling he had long believed dead. And the feeling was completely welcome. He had believed for so long his life was over, that running the huge spread that was Lancer was his only lot in life but Marietta had shown him there was more. He dared not imagine she could give him more than casual companionship but he was grateful nonetheless. She had shown him he was capable of living life to the fullest. Odd how they had only spent one afternoon together.

The thought reminded him of his youngest son. Was this what Johnny had been experiencing? Was this the emotion that made a man forget all else? He was surprised he had forgotten the feeling of love. If so, he now remembered. And he understood. Sighing deeply, he rose from his bed, feeling younger than he had in many years. Tonight he would see her again, tonight she would impart more of her captivating life and tonight he would thank her. * She hadn't slept well, tossing and turning until well after midnight only to awaken with the dawning of the new day. She was normally a morning person, reveling in the quiet of the world around her, preferring to sip her tea and watch the rising of the sun but this morning she was uneasy, irritable. Her sweet brew was doing nothing to soothe her ruffled emotions. And there was no reason for her discomfort. Nothing she could attribute her distress to, except perhaps her meeting with the tall rancher. He fascinated her. His size, his power, his apparent mastery of the world around him And she longed for that sense of strength and confidence. She had struggled throughout her life, being orphaned at an early age. With no one to call family but her brother, she had fought to feed them, to care for him. She had been an adult without the blessing of a childhood of her own. Now she had met two men, each handsome in their own way. Yes, even Murdoch was handsome, weathered and experienced as only a man who has fought life and won could be, but handsome nevertheless. She did not see his age, was not aware of the difference in their positions or background. She only knew he was a man who could give her the life she had always dreamed of. But what of Johnny Lancer? He was in love with her, of that she was certain. But was he prepared to make a commitment? Was Murdoch? A bit early for that train of thought, she chastised herself. They had only had one meeting. But Murdoch had been smitten with her. She had used all her feminine wiles to weave a spell and the man had willingly fallen into it. It had taken but one afternoon for her to determine the life he could make for her, no, for them. Her heart already belonged to Johnny Lancer but Murdoch could provide for her. Johnny was heir to a fortune but Murdoch already possessed one. Sighing heavily she sipped tentatively on her tea. Perhaps she could have them both. Was that why she had given Murdoch her proper full name? Had the idea formed in her mind when she had met the imposing rancher in the telegraph office? She was shocked by her own devious nature. She had not realized until now how very materialistic she could be. But it was her turn for the comforts life had to offer. She deserved some pampering. So why did she feel so deceitful?

Deceitful? No, it was ambition and nothing more. After all, men like Murdoch had not made their fortunes by being so selfless, had they? They had taken what they wanted and now were enjoying the benefits of their hard work Well, she could enjoy such benefits also. Tonight, she would test the waters. She would see how far she could take the tall rancher and tonight she would finalize her plans. *** Before returning to her bedroom to finish her toiletries, she took one last look at the table. It was a beautiful sight, laden with her best china and crystal. They were the only mementos her mother had left her and tonight they would secure her future. Candles glowed romantically, fresh roses adorned the center of the highly polished oak table. The smell of a roast warming in the kitchen mingled with all these scents A warm fire crackled on the hearth and smiling in anticipation, she hurried to her room. The gentle knock on the front door heralded his arrival. She paused before the door, glancing one last time in the mirror hanging on the wall. Pleased with her reflection, she swung the door wide, allowing him to study her. She was happy to note the appraising way his eyes traveled the length of her body, taking in the voluptuous curves, his eyes widening at the sight of her ample bosom barely concealed by the low cut pink chiffon. Her blonde hair was swept up loosely, a few tendrils hugging her cheeks, her ruby red lips were parted in greeting. He was moved, more than moved and she lowered her eyes in mock embarrassment. "You're right on time, Murdoch. Won't you come in?" He swallowed hard, twisting his hat in large hands before striding into the room. Once more his eyes missed nothing; the fire, candles, table and her. "Is something wrong?" "No, no, nothing. Its just, you are so beautiful and everything looks wonderful. I was just taking it all in." "May I take your jacket?" She extended a hand to accept the garment then swept by him, her shoulder brushing his arm as she did so. Laying the jacket on the back of a dark burgundy easy chair, she turned to face him. "Would you care for a drink?" "Do you have Scotch?

"Of course. Won't you sit down?" The meal passed with the conversation flowing comfortably, like two long lost friends catching up on time gone by. They had eaten their fill, enjoyed wine and dessert and laughed with an ease that was not questioned. At last he rose, sighing as he stood. She, too, was disappointed the night had come to an end. The more time she spent in his company the more she was drawn to him. So enigmatic. Older yet young at heart, hardened yet gentle. She followed him to the door, eyes downcast as she sought words that would encourage him to stay longer, a few more minutes, just a few more minutes. In uncharacteristic desperation, she rushed past him, stopping with her back to the door. "Murdoch, must you go?" "Its late, Marietta. I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome." "You're not overstaying your welcome. I...I...I don't want you to go." He looked at her, his expression one of puzzlement. Comprehension blossomed. She saw its revelation adorn his face with a wondering smile. "You are a lovely woman. What would you want with an old man like me?" "You are not old. Youre experienced. I've never met a man like you," she whispered as she moved closer. Timidly, she extended shaking hands, placing them on either side of his face, before standing on tiptoe and brushing her lips against his. Despite his firm resolve, his body betrayed him and he felt an old spark come to a burn, a warmth spreading through his loins, until it exploded into a raging inferno. She pulled his head down, touching his lips again, this time firmer, more passionate and this time he responded. With a groan he pulled her tighter, his arms encircling her small frame. He knew she could feel his desire but instead of pulling away she pressed herself closer. She threw her head back, welcoming his exploration and he trailed kisses down her throat, not pausing when he reached the full cleavage. She moaned in ecstasy. "Not here, my room," she requested huskily. He swept her into his arms, surprised his back did not pain him at her weight. His body felt young, exuberant, as if this was meant to be. Striding

purposefully into the main bedroom he laid her on the bed, tugging his shirt off and then laying beside her. He took her then again and again and as dawn broke they lay in each other's arms, exhausted and secure in their intimacy. "You're a wonderful lover. I never thought it could be like this." She sighed and pressed her breast against his roughened hands. "So you weren't disappointed then?" "Of course not. I only have one question.' "Which is what, darling? "Are you up to one more? Laughing, he rose above her. Moaning she allowed him to take her to the pinnacles of pleasure. ***** Scott watched with some empathy as Johnny stared out the window of their hotel room. The soft sighs his brother had been emitting was cause to bite his lip. As amusing as it was to watch Johnny pine over a girl, Scott knew his brother's fears and it sobered him. "Why don't we have supper downstairs?" he suggested. Johnny shrugged. "Sure. The auction should be interesting." Scott stood and nodded. "I hope we can get that bull. Murdoch will be pretty pleased." Johnny managed to smile as he faced his sibling. "Yeah, maybe he'll even spare us a smile." Scott laughed and wrapped an arm around his brother, guiding him to the door. Once seated in the restaurant, they ordered quickly then settled back. "You haven't really told me much about Etta, you know. What's she like?" Johnny's eyes lit at the mention of her name then he grew solemn. "I know I'm actin like a fool, Scott. I just never really felt this way before. It's kind of new to me. But, she's wonderful, ya know? She's smart and classy."

"Where's she from?" "St. Louis but her father traveled a lot and she went with him. Her mother died when she was young. She's got this way about her. It's hard to describe but I know you'd like her a lot." Scott raised a brow and a mischievous look gleamed in his eyes. Johnny hardened his stare and leaned forward. "Not THAT much, brother mine. Don't even think about it." Scott raised both hands in surrender. "Okay, I get the message. Hands off." Johnny relaxed and nodded then leaned back. "Got that right." * They grew quiet for a few minutes and Scott was pensive. "You know, Johnny, sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to." "Like what?" "Well," Scott sighed out. "Like, this girl. I'm sure she's lovely and I can see you're quite taken with her. But, even the best of relationships fall apart. All I'm really saying is, I don't want to see you get hurt." Johnny smiled a little. "I appreciate that, Scott, but I think it's too late. I'm ready to make it more permanent." The older man's eyes widened with pure shock. "You haven't known her very long. Maybe you should slow down a little." "Why? When you know it's right, there's no reason to slow down." "Does she feel the same way?" Scott asked. Johnny lowered his eyes then looked back at his brother. "I'm pretty confident she does." "What do you really know of her, Johnny? How does she make a living? Does she have any other family?" Johnny rubbed the table top as he stared at it. "No, I don't know those things but I know the important things. Like what's in her heart and her head."

"Do you trust her?" Scott asked, frowning. Johnny smiled and looked up. "Yeah, I do." * The auction closed the next afternoon and two happy young men walked toward the saloon with arms wrapped around each other. It was time to celebrate their purchase. They settled at a table and ordered, still grinning. "This should give Murdoch something to smile about for a day or two," Scott laughed. "Yeah. Ya know, Scott, sometimes, I worry about him." Scott looked at his brother and saw he was serious. "Why?" Johnny sighed. "Well, just seems he never takes the time to enjoy himself very much. He's always working or worryin or both. I've never seen him interested in a woman. Never heard him talk about one. Now, you'd think with all the females in the valley, he'd have his eye on at least one." "Maybe he's gunshy," Scott surmised. "Yeah, I reckon. Still, he ain't no monk. I mean, surely he's had some opportunities in twenty years." The older brother chuckled at that. It was true, he supposed. Murdoch had had plenty of time to get over Johnny's mother. Even her betrayal should be merely a whisper in his mind by now. "I imagine he's had dates. Just because he doesn't tell us about them, doesn't mean there haven't been any women. You know how he is," Scott said and actually rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know how he is. Got glue stuck to his mouth most of the time. Maybe we should try and do something about that. Find him someone," Johnny shrugged. "I don't think that's a very good idea," Scott replied warily. "He would not appreciate it." "He wouldn't have to know about it. If we could find someone, we could make sure they ran into each other, accidental like; over and over," Johnny grinned deviously.

Scott laughed outright at the idea but it was food for thought. "She'd have to be special." "Someone we could stand bein around." "Someone who could stand us." "Someone who wouldn't get in between him and us." Scott nodded, his mind running over the eligible women in the valley. He couldn't come up with a single name, though. Sighing, he took a long pull of his beer. "Well, maybe your Etta has an aunt or something." Johnny laughed and nodded. "Wouldn't that be somethin?" TBC winj & Lacy 2006

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