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Worsheet 4.


1. Match the words with the pictures. Remember that pronunciation is

very important so make sure you know how to pronounce all the words.

Swimming pool Amusement arcade Aquarium Theme park

Internet café Museum Disco restaurant

2. Use the chart to make sentences.

You can go on exciting rides at a theme park.

Activities Places
go on exciting rides amusement arcade.
have dinner swimming pool.
see very old things internet café.
You can play video games at a / an aquarium.
send an e-mail museum.
see sharks disco.
go swimming theme park.
dance restaurant.

3. Which of these places do you go most often? Which of them would

you like to go?
Worsheet 4.2
1. Make a list of things you can do in good weather and things you can do in bad
weather. Compare your list with a partner.

Good weather Bad weather

Go to the beach Watch TV

2. Read and listen to the beginning of two conversations between John and Christian.
Complete Christian’s suggestions.

Conversation 1

John: It’s a lovely day! What shall we do?

Christian: Let’s _______________________!

Conversation 2

John: It’s raining again! What shall we do?

Christian: Let’s _____________________
and ______________________.

We use SHALL to ask for and make suggestions.

What shall we do?
Shall we go swimming? = I suggest that we go swimming.
We use LET’S to make a suggestion for everyone.
Let’s go! = I suggest that we all go
Let’s have a pizza!
Worsheet 4.2
3. Match these lines with the two conversations in exercise 2. Put them in the correct
order to complete the conversations.

Well, let’s go to the beach. Oh no! We watched a video last night!

Ok. Which film do you want to see? Ok. I’ll get my swimming costume.
Oh no! It’s too hot to play tennis. Well, let’s go to the cinema.

4. Work with a partner. Invent another conversation suggesting what to do when the
weather is good or bad. Use your list of activities in exercise 1 to help you.
Worsheet 4.1

Taken from

Match the words from the first column with the corresponding shop:

1. Cakes, bread 1. chemist’s

2. rings, watches, necklaces 2. dry-cleaner’s
3. beds, chairs, armchairs 3. baker’s
4. stamps, envelopes 4. furniture shop
5. newspapers, magazines, 5. butcher’s
comics 6. greengrocer’s
6. roses, carnations,lilyes 7. café
7. wine, gin 8. jeweller’s
8. cheese, butter, 9. travel agency
9. drugs, medicines, cosmetics 10. florist’s
10. meat 11. post office
11. cigarettes, matches 12. boutique
12. fish 13. optician’s
13. clean clothes 14. shoes shop
14. sandwiches, drinks 15. bank
15. get money, cash a cheque 16. newsagent’s
16. to book a vacation 17. grocer’s
17. books 18. fishmonger’s
18. tools 19. tobacconist’s
19. clothes 20. supermarket
20. glasses, sun glasses

Put the right word:

1. Go to the …………….and buy a nice bouquet of roses for Gina’s
2. I feel like eating some fish. I go to the ………………………… buy
3. All her clothes are dirty. I don’t know why she doesn’t go to
4. Then…we’ll meet at the ………………….and we can talk and drink a
5. They wanted to buy that car, so they went to the……………….to
take the money.
6. My kid reads a lot of comics. I always go to the ………………………to
buy them.
7. This year we go in Italy to spend our summer holyday.
Worsheet 4.3

Now look at the prepositions of place and write 10 sentences about Kinishi-Cho, a
town in China:

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________

10. __________________________________________________________________
Worsheet 4.4


1. Look at the images of the films you have just watched on the
computer and say what type of film they are. Do you remember all
the titles?

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

2. Now think of three adjectives to describe each type of film:


3. Finally, add another example of each type of film to the list in

exercise 1.
Worsheet 4.5

How to write a film review

Credits (first page only): Title, year, genre, director, screenwriter, music or
soundtrack, main actors.
You might find useful to look at: (overview) or

Synopsis or summary of the plot: Only a brief summary of the film. Make sure that
your summary makes sense to a reader who does not know the movie. Do not refer to
specific scenes and do not try to explain everything

You must also include the next items, but not as different parts (they may be included
in your description of the story)
Place and time: Where does the action take place? When does the action
take place? (present time, 19th century…) Is the story chronological
(according to the order of time ) or flash back
Background: society, country, kind of people (age, culture social
class...), historical time...
Genre: horror, comedy, drama, adventure film, thriller

Main characters: physical description, pshychological description, age, nationality

social/personal background

Vocabulary: the words you have learnt chapter by chapter (be honest)
 pronunciation
 explanation in english
 translation into catalan
 a sentence in English (not copied from the dictionary)
 Nouns must be in singular, adjectives in the positive form and verbs in
Conclusion: What message is being told? (it it is any) What was the director’s purpose
or intention or the theme of the film? Compare with other realities you know (your
country, historical fact or event, other film from the same director or genre…) What’s
your opinion?
Worsheet 4.6


You are in London and you want to go to the cinema. Follow the
steps to plan your afternoon:
STEP 1: Which cinema do I want to go to?
Follow this link and choose the cinema that you like best. Justify your choice:
CINEMA CHOSEN: ……………………………………………………
REASON: ……………………………………………………
STEP 2: What films are on?
Once you have chosen the cinema, click on it and look at the films that are on this
afternoon. Make a ranking of the films that are on at the cinema that you have

STEP 3: Making the decision

Look at the timetables. Decide which film you choose, which session and why.
FILM: ……………………………………………………
SESSION: ……………………………………………………
REASON: …………………………………………………….
Worsheet 4.7


Fill in the form about your favourite film. Then, in groups of six,
imagine that a cinema is going to play all your films. Plan a
timetable and make a mural to be the lsiting of the cinema.








Worsheet 4.8

Name: Charlie Chaplin

Birth name: Charles Spencer Chaplin

Born: 16 April 1889, Walworth, London, England, UK

Parents: Charles and Hannah Chaplin

Nicknames: Charlie / Charlot / The Little Tramp

Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)

Spouse: Mildred Harris (23 October 1918 - 1920) (divorced) 1 child

Lita Grey (26 November 1924 - 1926) (divorced) 2 children
Paulette Goddard (June 1936 - June 1942) (divorced)
Oona Chaplin (16 June 1943 - 25 December 1977) (his death) 8 children

Most famous films:

"The Kid"(1920),
"The Gold Rush"(1925),
"City Lights"(1931),
"Modern Times"(1936),
"The Great Dictator"(1940),
"Monsieur Verdoux"(1947),

Awards: Knighted in 1975

Died: 25 December 1977, Vevey, Switzerland

Read the information about Charlie Chaplin above and then write a short
Worsheet 4.9

1. Match the actors and actresses with the dates and the actions.

1992 Tom Cruise act in Interview with the Vampire

2005 Tobbey Mcguire win the Oscar for Vicky Cristina Barcelona

2004 Penelope Cruz marry with Katie Holmes.

2001 Kirsten Dunst work on Disney Channel as Lizzie McGuire

2006 Brad Pitt divorce Jennifer Anniston.

2009 Hilary Duff work on Spiderman 2.

Write correct sentences using the past simple.

2. Complete the biography of Lindsay Lohan by puting the verbs between brackets
into the past simple.

Lindsay Lohan ______________ (be born) in New York City in 1986. She ____________
(begin) her career when she ____________ (be) three years old as a model. In 1996
she __________ (make) her acting debut on television. In 2002 she
____________ (sign) a contract with Disney. In 2003 she
____________ (work) with Jamie Lee Curtis in the film Freaky
Friday and she _________________ (win) the MTV Movie Award
for Best Breakthrough Female. After moving to Los Angeles, she
____________ (date) Aaron Carter for some time. In 2004, she
_______________ (act) in the film Mean Girls and she _____________ (record) a music
album called “Speak”.

Worsheet 4.9
3. Read the sentences about Lindsay Lohan. Are they true or false? If they
are false, write the correct version.

Lindsay Lohan was born in San Francisco
FALSE – She wasn’t born in San Francisco. She was born in New York City.

1. Lindsay Lohan was born in 1986.

2. She began her career when she was four years old.

3. In 2002 she signed a contract with Steven Spielberg.

4. In the film Freaky Friday she worked with Sharon Stone.

5. She dated Brad Pitt for some time.

4. Write five questions to discover the following things about your partner:

 Date of birth
 Place of birth
 Year when she or he started school
 Year when she or he bought the first mobile phone
 Last place where she or he went on holidays





Worsheet 4.10


Listen to five people describing one of the following films. In which order do they
talk about them? Write the number under the picture.

Now listen again and answer the following questions about each sketch:
1. Which piece of furniture do the protagonists in Narnia use to go to the fantasy
2. What job does Brad Pitt have in the film?
3. Why does the character of Christian Bale want to take revenge?
4. In which city is the zoo of Madagascar?
5. Sci-fi is the short for…

Imagine that you are at the cinema and you have to buy the ticket for a film. Read
the following dialogue:

Seller: Can I help you?

John: Yes. I’d like two tickets for Madagascar 2.
Seller: That’s $11.00, please.
John: Here you are.
Seller: Thank you. Here’s your change. The film starts in fifteen minutes. It’s screen 4.
John: Ok. Thanks
Liz: I’m going to buy some popcorn. Do you want anything to eat or drink?
John: Yes, please. I’d like a bottle of water.
Liz: Ok. I’ll be back in a minute.
John: Ok. I’ll wait here.
Worsheet 4.10

Now write your own dialogue. Use a film that you like:

A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
C: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
C: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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