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Colour- The yellow eyes are symbolism of fire, and fire is associated with danger and a cause of hurt/

injury or in some cases death. The red is also symbolism of blood, again associated with injury and death; whilst the black is symbolism of darkness which is considered to be scary as within the darkness is the unknown.

Website- The website is at the bottom of the page, however in a small font which surprises me. But, it could be because the movie title is in larger writing if they just entered the movie title into the search engine then the official website should come up. This Intertextual reference is advertising a different media platform, to gain a larger audience.

Rule of Thirds- This applies to the poster because the majority of the text is central and this is most eye catching to the audience. As, its the first thing that the audience will see and the white text will grab their attention, as white is a contrasting colour so it stands out on red background.

Release Date- From the poster we can tell that the release date is the 27th June 2003. Giving the audience information such as the release date is important because it means that the audience know when the film is coming out and when they can see it. An audience is more likely to be attracted to want to watch a film when they have more information; this agrees with Maslows hierarchy of needs, self-actualisation because an audience is more likely to go and see a film if they know more information about it. This also saves the audience from being proactive, meaning that they may be more interested because it saves them having to find out other information which may be considered effort to find.

Target Audience- The target audience from the poster is those who have an interest in horror films, I can tell this from the white text at the top which states ZOMBIE HORROR giving away the film genre. The target audience would also be for younger teenagers/ adults, and I can tell this due to the bright colours in the poster which are associated with the younger generation, rather than the older generation who are associated with more neutral colours. Orientation - The poster is portrait, and I think this is because it is supposed to be a face with the eyes at the top, and its when the poster is portrait it is a similar shape to the face, making the face look more realistic and obvious. Genre- The genre of the film is horror, you can tell this by the dark and gory colour scheme, strange font and variety in image used on the film poster. A list/ B list celebrity- Despite there not being any actors names/ faces on the poster, the poster does mention that it is directed by Danny Boyle, and gives an example of a film he has directed. Danny Boyle is a wellknown director and by advertising his name on the poster it will attract fans of his other work.

Font- The font is all the same, but shows a difference in colour, size and space between the letters. The font is basic, however the added extras such as the colour are what makes it stand out. Title- The movie title is central, conforming to the rule of thirds considering the title is the most important information on the poster, as without the title the audience would not know what film they are going to watch. The title is also bold, in white which contrasts to the background to make it stand out even more. Graphics/Images- The image at the bottom of the page is interesting with the black sketched picture of London and a man. It is interesting because the man is the only one in the city, which is unusual as London is a capital city and always incredibly busy. Also, the fact he is so tall suggests that something is wrong with the image making the audience wonder what it is about, so there is an enigma code to make the audience want to go and watch the film to answer questions about it. Another enigma code is the intense yellow within the eyes questioning for why they are abnormal looking.

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