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edu 864-656-4762 September 9, 2013

From the
Two important law-and-politics-related events, one TODAY and one next week: (1) If you're interested in working in the fields of law, government, or politics -- or if you're just interested in learning more about how our political system works -please consider applying for the South Carolina Washington Semester Program! This program provides both academic credit and a modest stipend, and in many cases you can even apply your scholarship(s) toward the tuition fee. The Washington Semester Program will be holding an information session TODAY (Tuesday, September 10) from 4:00-5:00pm in Sirrine Hall, room 382. We hope to see you there! (2) Also plan to attend Clemson's official commemoration of Constitution Day -- a panel discussion featuring four Clemson professors and two Honors students -from 5:00-6:00pm on Tuesday, September 17 in 100 Hardin Hall. September 17 marks the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution by the delegates to the Philadelphia Convention. We're planning a lively discussion on the Voting Rights Act, which was the subject of a controversial Supreme Court decision this past summer. Have a great week! - Dr. Lasser

Drop In Advising Hours Miriam Bernard will be holding drop-in advising hours each week!

Holmes Hall Activity Center office Mondays - 11:001:00pm Fridays: 10:0012:00pm No appointment necessary!


Lecture: Why do so few Blacks study the Civil War?

Speaker: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Author of The Beautiful Struggle: A Father, Two Sons, and an Unlikely Road to Manhood

Why do students love the Washington Semester Internship Program Experience? Find out for yourself and attend an information session! We look forward to seeing you TODAY, Tuesday at 4:00. See the attachment for more information. (Time on flyer is incorrect.)
When: Tuesday, Sept. 10 Where: Sirrine Hall, Room 382 Time: 4:00 until All majors welcome

When: Thursday, Sept. 26 Time: 6:007:30pm Where: Self Auditorium, Strom Thurmond Institute

Thoughts Worth Thinking Series: Climbing to the Summit

December 2013 Graduates The Honors College requires all graduating honors students (active or presently inactive), who have successfully completed general honors, departmental honors, or both general and departmental honors, to fill out the Honors Candidacy form. The deadline to submit the Honors Candidacy Form is Tuesday, September 10, 2013. Please do not be late in submitting your form. Failure to do so might result in your not receiving your certificate (and medallion if you completed departmental honors or both general and departmental honors) before graduation.

As told by Fran P. Mainella The First Woman and 16th Director of the National Park Service

When: Wednesday, Oct. 2 Time: 7:00 8:30pm Where: Academic Success Center, Room 118

In Recognition of Constitution Day

Title: "Voting Rights and the Constitution"

SMART Scholarship Application The SMART Scholarship is an opportunity for students pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be employed upon degree completion at a Department of Defense facility. Scholarships awarded include a stipend of $25,000 to $38,000 a year, full tuition, health insurance contribution, and book allowance. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. The application for the SMART Scholarship for Service Program is now open at apply. The application will close on December 16, 2013. Please visit http:// for more information.

When: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Time: 5:00-6:15pm Where: Hardin 100 Participants:

Prof. Candice Delmas, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion Prof. Abel Bartley, Dept. of History Prof. William Lasser, Dept. of Political Science Prof. Joe Stewart, Dept. of Political Science Allison Kowalski (senior, History and Spanish) Blake Neal (senior, History)

Sponsored by the Rutland Institute for Ethics and the Calhoun Honors College.

Speaker, Sam Gustman, Associate Dean

USC Libraries & Chief Technology Officer, USC Shoah Foundation Cloud Archiving and Digital Literacy solutions: The University of Southern California Shoah Foundation and the USC Digital Repository

Date: Monday, Sept. 23 Time: 2:304:30pm Location: 118 Academic Success Center

This lecture will have wide ranging appeal to film and digital humanities scholars among others. See attachment for more info. Honors T Shirts They are here! Come to 105 Tillman to get yours. Only 1 shirt per student please.

Mon, 9 Mon, 9 Mon, 9 Sun, 15 Thu, 26

Mon, 30 Tue, 1 Wed, Oct 2

Tue, 8 Tue, 8 Mo, 14- Tu, 15 Thu, 17 Tue, 22 Tue, 29 Wed, 30


Learn why students love the South Carolina Washington Semester Internship Program Experience.
Find out for yourself; attend an information session: Tuesday, Sept. 10th, 5:00-6:00pm Sirrine Hall, room 382 The Perks
Living 1 blocks from the U.S. Capitol; Visiting the Smithsonian and other museums; living and working in the center of government and the excitement surrounding it; free concerts on the Mall; The Arts and sports; easy and inexpensive travel by bus to New York City, Philadelphia and others.

Success Afterwards?
Our alumni can be found in jobs across D.C. and in other states, as a result of the experience & contacts gained.

Amazing Internships
What internship opportunities are in D.C.? You name it! S.C. Congressional Offices U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Energy The Smithsonian CNN and C-Span Childrens Defense Fund Environmental Law Institute NOAA Amnesty International American Foreign Policy Council and many more

Tuition Costs? There are no

additional program fees. Students pay the same semester tuition rate as for USC-Columbia students. All state and federal scholarships & grants will apply; as well as the majority of college scholarships.

A Shared Experience
High-achieving students from 13 colleges & universities across the state share an incredible semester, working and learning in D.C. In the fall and spring, between 14-17 students are admitted to the program. As a group, the students may attend an Inaugural Ball, visit Annapolis, receive a special tour of the Whitehouse, or meet with a highranking official for a round-table question and answer session.

Housing? A great location, a

great house managed by Washington Intern Student Housing cost range is $4,300-$4,400 for the semester.

D.C. is the Great Connector! It is your path for greater achievement.

Where can you learn more?

Please visit our website at: SCHC.SC.EDU and search for the Washington Semester Program.

Sam Gustman, Associate Dean of Libraries and Chief Technology Officer of the Shoah Foundation at the University of Southern California will be visiting campus on September 23. His lecture will have wide ranging appeal to film and digital humanities scholars among others. Cloud Archiving and Digital Literacy solutions: The University of Southern California Shoah Foundation and the USC Digital Repository Invited Speaker: Sam Gustman, Associate Dean USC Libraries & Chief Technology Officer, USC Shoah Foundation Date/Time: Monday, September 23, 2013. 2:30 4:00 PM Location: 118 Academic Success Center The College of Architecture, Arts, and Humanities, the Clemson Libraries, and Clemson Computing and Information Technology are pleased to extend an invitation to the university community to attend a special lecture given by Sam Gustman from the University of Southern California. Gustman is the Associate Dean of Libraries at the University of Southern California and also serves as the Chief Technology Officer of the USC Shoah Foundation. The lecture is part of Mr. Gustmans first visit to the Clemson campus, where he and members of AAH, Clemson Libraries, and CCIT are forming the basis of a long term collaboration on both use of the USC Shoah Foundation archive for educational use at Clemson and Cloud Archiving for the digitization, cataloging, preservation and educational access of collections important to Clemson, USC and the greater academic community. The foundation for collaboration is already underway involving infrastructure sharing between the campuses respective data centers and the Internet2 100 Gbps Innovation Platform. All members of the Clemson University community are encouraged to attend and learn about this inspiring example of historical preservation for the educational benefit of generations, how the Shoah Foundation has made the information accessible, and how the University of Southern California and Clemson University are partnering to expand access to these historical accounts. Abstract The mission of USC Shoah Foundation The Institute for Visual History and Education is to overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry through the educational use of the Institute's visual history testimonies. The Institute is the custodian of the Visual History Archive, a collection of 52,000 audio-visual testimonies from Holocaust, Rwandan, Cambodian, Nanjing and Armenian genocide survivors and other witnesses. The Institute ensures that their stories become part of a living legacy with continued value and relevance for each generation by providing access to the testimonies through digital portals, global education programs, and interdisciplinary research and scholarship initiatives. The technology that supports this work includes one of the fastest super computers in the world to help manage the four Petabyte database of testimonies. Magnetic media, like video tape, has a limited life span. Life expectancy for video tape stock is roughly 20 years before age based damage occurs. With the guidance of a team of historians, technology professionals, software engineers and information management experts, the Institute developed a system to digitize videotaped interviews and then maintain them in perpetuity in a format that is indexed and searchable by topic using key words and phrases. This process not only preserves testimonies for

all time, it enhances their scholarly value by making them accessible and easy to use in educational settings. The systems and processes used by the USC Shoah Foundation are now used by the USC Digital Repository to provide cloud services to collections from around the world. The USC Digital Repository expertly digitizes recordings on film, video, or audiotapes for collections of scholarly interest. Researchers, small archives, large archives and commercial archives can use the Cloud Archiving facilities of the USC Digital Repository to digitize, catalog, preserve and provide access to collections of any size. The USC Digital Repository is a part of the USC Libraries. BIO Sam Gustman has been chief technology officer (CTO) of the Shoah Foundation since 1994 and was responsible for overseeing the 2006 move of the foundation's archives from Universal Studios to USC. He has been with USC since 2006. Gustman is also associate dean at the USC Libraries, where he holds a faculty appointment and oversees all technology for 23 USC Libraries. As CTO of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute, Gustman jointly reports to the CIO of the University and the Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation. Gustman provides technical leadership for the integration of the USC Shoah Foundation's digital archives into USC's collection of electronic resources, ensuring the archive's accessibility for academic and research communities at USC and around the world. He is responsible for global deployment of the USC Shoah Foundation online digital literacy systems to secondary education schools. He is also responsible for the operations, preservation, and cataloging of the institute's 8-petabyte digital library, one of the largest public video databases in the world. His office offers technical support for universities and organizations that subscribe to the institute's visual history archives. His office also provides website support and duplication services for the USC Shoah Foundation. As the associate dean in charge of technology for the USC Libraries, Gustman reports to the Dean of the USC Libraries. Gustman is responsible for all operational and research systems for the USC Libraries. He is also responsible for all digital collections, which are 40 Petabytes in capacity and the website for the USC Libraries.

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