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TXT ======== *** See the end of this document for the list of Known bugs *** Website Sutff ============= * Nothing Important Things To Do ====================== get Motoko-ch to update the WinAMP plugin to use a .xml file!!!! ini files, bah. .. Add an option so that people who've donated can change their quit messages [09:43] <SlicerSV> just so you know, so that you can do error handling for it, w hen someone puts a dot in their ident username HydraIRC crashes add window buffer saving/reloading to all server/channel/query/dcc chat windows typing /<something> in a dcc chat sends "<something>" to the other person and do esn't echo it locally Quick Things To Do ================== option for ignore duplicate transfers (then what? rename destination file? how? ) <Naelphin> A CTCP submenu would be nice, version/ping/time would be sufficient <Naelphin> It'd also be nice if the Op commands were suppressed if you are not a n op add /stoplog and maybe /log or /startlog or something rework command syntax of /ignore and also store date+time Things To Check =============== [15:15] <b34nb4||> I just tried to dcc a 2 byte file to someone and it flooded h im. [15:15] <b34nb4||> it just kept sending him the file till i disconnected [00:53] <hdaalz> Hydra, /ctcp %n still crashes me --> fixed now? [13:52:11] <ShAd0\\> dunno if it's been reported yet, but if you enter a channel with a . in the name [13:52:18] <ShAd0\\> the client blows up ;) --> can't reproduce here. Things To finish ================ channel list dialog. also add Save and Load buttons to it... (and maybe, an option to refresh the top

ic for a selected channel) channel properties dialog -> show bans all notifications should be able --> done some, need to find all onEvent and check to see if the returned d and then logged to the event log Things to Fix/Reimplement ========================= fix autotile? (RawSide) gradient filled docking pane titles Things To Do ============ <teb> could you have /onotice echo the text at the channel window? right now it goes to the server window instead (unless it's just my prefs? don't think so though) .. also, same goes for logging your /onotices, they go to the server logfile instead of t he channel [13:16] <Excelsior> which reminds me, i noticed your plugin had some code to det ect multi processors [13:17] <Excelsior> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager use /links to update the server lists [20:38] <Hydra> [20:38] <Hydra> [20:38] <Hydra> k it was +i [20:39] <Hydra> [20:39] <Hydra> [20:39] <Hydra> a channel seems to be a problem with the channel properties dialog though as it didn't figure out the channel mode correctly i got disconnected a day or so ago, and when i tried to come bac and then i tried later on that day and it was ok but hydrairc still thought it was +i i need to reset the internal channel mode status when rejoining to add items to the eventlog instances of g_pNotificationManager->Notificati value is used, if not then it should be checke if the flag is specified.

ideally, it'd be nice to have some kind of tab-bar per window and then you drag items from the server list to the window's tab bar split channel window using excel-like vertical splitters so you can see two views of a single channel at the same time also allow different different verbose levels for the top and bottom as well as being able to turn off channel text and actions for the top window (so you can see channel+actions at the bottom, and quits, joins, parts in the top part of the window) implement cool dcc transfer bars (as seen in DC++ 0.305) add notes fields to buddies and buddy groups (so you can make notes about users, etc) --> not so quick, buddy groups needs a rewrite, also see hostmask matching issue

s as per changes.txt for v 0.3.150 fix /positionwindow problems in onstartup causing small text input view some commands implemented in the default plugin could be moved to the core app, they were just created there to show how to create commands in the plugin. move /sysinfo to a new plugin hostmask in query window title single clicking url still looses input line focus --> can't easily fix this, need to time clicks and check DoubleClick() ourselves as setting focus to the input line between clicks causes the WM_DBLCLICK messag e not to be sent Need to show scrollbar on info page when it's too small (richedit bug, as usual) sometimes it's possible for the text input line to become really small, seen it here once, has something to do with the app being minimized when a system pref is ch ange. need to find out how to reproduce. --> Save and Reload all buffers and logs when closing and opening the app (for channels & servers, url catcher, event, query, notice and privmsg logs) -> ignore for query and dccchats, doesn't really make too much sense -> maybe for queries... channel list window (with search, sort and filter and favorites) use masked edit controls in the gui instead of normal edit controls so that we c an make sure that all data/strings are entered correctly. (e.g. don't allow commas in the real na me field.) fix EV_TICK events (and other events) when pc's system clock is set backwards wh ile HydraIRC is running (currently, this can cause a disconnect, because the flood control gets enabled by the PONGS) --> i thought i fixed this - verify this still causes a problem crash after 49.7 days of APPLICATION use (not system uptime, but check that too) tick long int limit? --> confirm fixed? [22:09] <_vip> hydra, small bug maybe .. when using timestamps [H:M:S] format, t he timestamps randomly stop working --> testing myself, not seen this happen yet --> have seen screenshots from a few people that have this issue, cause still un known. [22:11] <Hydra> read what you said about empty line on command profile [22:11] <Hydra> onjoin, onstartup or all of them [22:11] <Hydra> (i'm guessing all/any of them)

--> looked at code, couldn't see how this could happen, need more info. remove (or fix?!) the shitty 3rd party docking window state manager that is the cause of startup crashes for some users re-jig the auto scroll-to-end stuff to use the same scroll-lock features. check channel window user list width settings --> why? remove all MDI tabs, hide window code, taskbar code and re-write. when resuming a dcc i got this on sucessful completion: [21:03] ctcp/dcc Receive from nv|fsrv92 of ash_-_candy_(totp)-v1p0n3-nv.mpg Fail ed: Connection Closed (Received 41334KB of 41334KB) (the file size was correct, but it still said "FAILED") hydrairc doesn't check for larger than max length text and save the rest..." (mc orey) <Hydra> i can't just set the input line to 512 max... <Hydra> because what if you were sending a long message to lots of people <Hydra> or were using a big command.. <Hydra> would be for hydrairc to figure out that it's all channel/query text <Hydra> and split the line and send two messages add a workaround for the scolling while trying to select text problem --> done, need to show window locked status somewhere. support IPv6 addresses in DCC requests: "[17:42] CTCP/DCC request from darix : SEND HydraIRCGCS00001.png 2001:768:1806:: 2242 13045" fix minor memory leak when exiting app. tweak connect/disconnect/new server icons [01:36] <dedbob> oh, did you get around to changing the "m/privmsg" occurrences to "q/query"? [01:36] <Hydra> the icons Weird issue with, channel text was ignored, probably a dodgy ircd, need socket logging information to fix this. (zero_cool) <tium> when dcc receiving a file containing "umlauts", the filename is cropped. ie "abcdefg12345.ext" turns into "efg12345.ext" when richedit is replaced, allow child windows to have a split view, so that the top of the window can be used to scroll back in the buffer and the bottom of the window acts like a normal channel window. like in excel/word when you split a document and s ee two parts of it at once. (fryguy/hydra) show in brackets after channel now how many different users have been active in a period of time e.g. #HydraIRC (5) when there are five people chatting. Also handy for checking active f-serves and bots.

when a channel highlight is triggered, change the channel to a different color i n the server list for a configurable duration show recent queries on server item context menu add a check to see if /exec is already execing the current command profile to pr event endless loops the command profiles dont accept special chars ( fx.) (Anders) set the irc:// control to display "irc://" if the server window that it relates to has *never* been connected... parse "'s in filenames in CTCP command when being sent files with spaces in add timestamp context menu items to channel monitor and output views add "Add to favorites..." to context menus. logging prefs dialog: Add edit buttons for log file flush interval command to reload prefs from the file colorable transfer, notice and privmsg dockers <netnomad> I'm waiting for /ignore to be implemented before I make the plunge. ;) Look at DCC sends and add DCC send resuming, check our iroffer source. --> Add buffered file IO for DCC sending Mattan 16:11: did i ever tell you i'd like to see the neat feature of specifying your own command prefix in your irc client? Mattan 16:12: like, instead of typing "/msg hydra hello hydra!", i would type "msg hydra hello hydra!" Mattan 16:16: that would really make things easier on swedish keyboards, since t he slash-sign is typed by pressing Shift+7 --> basically, command prefix preference ability to specify CONTENT filters for channels. (e.g. join, part) + prefs ability to specify STRING MATCHING filters (e.g. contains "MyNick") + prefs (for highlighting,filtering and event notifications) --> partially done. channel specific highlighting - currently we have highting for: network * - <nick> <network> - <nick> but not: <network> - <channel> - nick * <network> - <channel> - <nick> e.g: "i want to be notified everytime someone in channel X says something" or "i want to be notified everytime user y in channel x says something" i guess one way to do this is to ditch the current regexp parser, then build a s tring for each message that comes from the server, like this: <networkname>:<servername>:<channel>:<nick>:<message> then you could write a regexp that can match any combination.

option to do "Lock Toolbars" (Rovastar/Hydra) change color/flash or cycle icon of DCC Sends / Receives in status bar when rece iving/sending change color/flash or cycle icon of connected servers when a server is disconnec ted. depending on the ircd, +h means hidden channel or half-op, another case for need ing to use the PREFIX ircd message, but typically, uses "IRCPlus/2000" (check) which sends this: " IRCP2.5 acdefghiknopqrstuwxyzACEFGIJLPRS abdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyzACEFIKLMOPT" "IRCX CHANTYPES=%#&+ MODES=6 NOQUIT WALLCHOPS NICKLEN=31 SILENCE=1000 WATCH=128 :are available on this server" wildcard/regexp support for /ignore so you can ignore botnets right click url and go "Highlight in log" so you can see who said the url and wh at it was they were talking about. allow all highlight items to log to the eventlog. --> might be nice to be able to rightclick these events so you can go directly to the notification prefs and see what caused it. "startup" group for favorites, easy way for n00bie autoconnect... --> would have to add favorite properties dialog for this too might be issues with multiple channels on the same server would have to do a bit of testing. (might end up with two server windows for the same network). allow user to select preferred identity/network from edit/add network dialog add method of choosing identity when using /server /newserver commands add hostmasking support to the buddygroups option to change default channel verbosity level (TherapyCl) DCC Passive Sending Instead of saying "i've got file x that's y bytes long on port z for you" we s ay "please open a port so i can send you file x that's y bytes long and tell me t he port to connect to" bold highlights (YorT) Show a scrollbar (or something) when header is larger than Max Header Lines add support for /whois <nick> <nick> for global whois support (braska) timed ignores /ignore +aXL 5 ignores someone for 5 mins tooltip [12:17] [12:17] [12:17] [12:18] [12:18] notes for switchbar and serverlist: <Hydra> e.g. hold it over a query, and it could say: <Hydra> Nick, Network <Hydra> last message received at d/m/y/ hh:mm:ss <Hydra> last message: Hi there you knob! <Hydra> hold it over a channel and see the topic, network, etc

maybe when you hover over a username in a userlist update the info pane to show nick, whois, connect time, etc dialog for first time users to select a default window layout with little screenshots showing a few different possible layouts. Add a submenu to the View menu that lets the user select between these layouts. e.g. View/GUI Layouts/Default|Bersirc|Klient|mIRC|Professional|Basic|etc -> done a bit of this. need to add toolbar/taskbar settings too. we can add loads of styles very easily... -> small icons showing the layout on the menu items would be nice too.

[09:52] <eaze\> hey, first of all I just want to say that this seems to be a gre at client.. just want to report a bug.. 1) I can't join channels that have a ' character in the name [09:53] <eaze\> 2) I can't use special characters like , and in for example my pr ofile (all of those characters are in the norwegian alphabet) [20:08] <Hydra> I can "/join #sdfsdftest" just fine --> might be referring to the saving of a "/join " in a command profile to the xml fil [21:19] <Hydra> i probably need to restore the app before closing it so i can sa ve the window positions correctly --> talking about adding a "close" option to the systray menu. context menu items on users list for viewing query log files. add more event log items for DCC transfers and resumes add highlighting for query + dcc chat windows high: it is not possible to log channels containing "|" eg. #bla|intern [23:56] <imajes> and also, fix invite support? :) [23:56] <imajes> DEBUG: "INVITE" "imajes" "#bmo" add a reset toolbars option somewhere (to fix toolbar drift issue) [16:46] <Hydra_> codified, provide me with a list of working servers and i'll ad d it [16:50] <codified> [16:51] <codified> and the main/random server i use 6667 add the Windows/More Windows dialog and list all hidden and normal windows on th e window menu [09:18] <ZeroForce> Any plan to fix the server/channel list - specifically, the name of said window going red when you say something and the window is active? --> this seems ok except that if you do an action it's triggered. looks like we need a BIC_OWNACTION in addition to the existing BIC_OWNTEXT. when clicking the "Connect" toolbar button for a server that's already connected instead of asking "server is already connected, reconnect [yes|no]" ask "server is already connected [reconnect][change server][cancel]" [17:15] <Aymz> the pm's pop up and cover all three windows up at once and I have to resize them [17:15] <Aymz> so I have them set to hidden.. but then sometimes I don't realize

they are there [17:56] <Hydra_> Aymz, how about a "New Privmsg" counter on the status bar? [17:56] <Hydra_> rather, new privmsg/query WINDOW counter [17:56] <Hydra_> thad's be nice.. --> with a context menu to allow you to jump directly to the new query windows UPnP firewall support for automatic opening of ports for IDENTD and DCC's (if po ssible...) server list context menus [01:32] <HydraIRC_> can you please type this in [01:32] <HydraIRC_> /ctcp #hydrairc ACTION test [01:32] * hdaalz test [01:32] <HydraIRC_> [01:32] * hdaalz test [01:32] <hdaalz> how come I don't see it? [01:33] <HydraIRC_> because it's not processed client side [01:33] <HydraIRC_> actually. i need to rework a bit of code.. [01:33] <HydraIRC_> for things that the server doesn't echo back [01:33] <HydraIRC_> at the moment, server.cpp/Parse() parses everything [01:34] <HydraIRC_> but i need to make it so I can feed server.cpp/Parse() a str ing so that it then echo's it locally too. [01:34] <HydraIRC_> (but only for things that don't get echod back by the server ) when not starting HydraIRC with a url on the commandline hydrairc should ask if it should start a second instance. change the color of the tabs (or change the icons) to show they're being monitor ed change the icon in the server list and to show the channel is being monitored. --> also, replace current channel/query/dcc icons for better ones. Allow notes for add favorites e.g. "found this and that here.." <raggie> Hydra: is there any way to change usermodes in command profiles? <raggie> you have to compensate for current nickname though <raggie> /mode (nick) +whatever <Gliptic> maybe there's a $nick variable --> add one somehow... automatic md5 checksums for files dcc'd <zann> bout box pops up in the center of the main window <zann> but confirmation messages - like are you sure to disconnect - etc - dont <zann> they popup in the center of the screen --> all calls to CenterWindow in all dialogs use the parent window as a referenc e, calls to MessageBox() don't appear to... merge "options" and "tools" menus event log menu item: "delete all from this user" add ability to ignore channel notices from certain users show timeout countdown timer when offering files via dccs

warn the user if they send a message or open a query window to a user that is being ignored dialog for users that only enter one nick that is shown when nick is in use and the connect attempt is the first connection made to the server [17:46] [17:46] [17:47] [17:47] [17:47] [17:48] [17:53] [17:54] [17:54] [17:55] [17:55] [17:57] <Hydra> give me some quick TODO's <HeadHarve> Channel Monitor always on top option <kjun> initiate DCC chat <HeadHarve> fix funky double texting <`-Anders> input line for the channel monitor <HeadHarve> coloured chan text for notification <HeadHarve> ooh ooh fix for Show Desktop messing up window positions <MrNobody> Hydra: Auto-reject for DCC? <MrNobody> Hydra: Persistent window positions? <HeadHarve> ^^^^ yup what he said <MrNobody> Hydra: Persistent like you can save them between boots. <HeadHarve> fix for psybnc multiple server channel windows not appearing

<sholom> I suddenly realize a feature which HydraIRC needs... <sholom> The ability to list a custom server name in the server list rather than the DNS name <Hydra> i am planning a 4 way selection: network, dnsname, ip and description <blub> different colors for friends/buddies in the user lists. <Random832> so, is correcting the output format and output order of incoming ctc ps vs outgoing ctcp replies on the todo list? <`duckman> would it be possible to add a feature where if you do a tab complete after a # character it completes to the name of the channel whose window is acti ve <`duckman> i have seen that before and i like it <Hydra> actually i will be going a bit further and adding channel name cycleing, starting with the active channel then going through the rest of the joined chan nels on the network <Hydra> and also / command cycling <Hydra> when pressing tab in a server window, it will cycle through nicks of peo ple you have msg'd or people that have messaged you <Fiendish1> Hydra: Would you consider adding an option where we can automaticall y hide the server window when accessing a channel via favorites? <Hydra> Fiendish1, not specifically for that <Hydra> but favorites actually create temporary custom command profiles <Hydra> so if i add a /hidewindow command <Hydra> i can add that to the temporary custom command profile <Hydra> and bingo! <Fiendish1> I just introduced a new user to Hydra. He Loves it but he misses the feature that mIRC had where you could drag and drop a file onto a query window to initiate a DCC file xfer. <biohaz> will there be an option to display a users prefix infront of nick in ch annel? <biohaz> like <@biohaz> @windows (i.e. child windows not bound to servers/channels/chats/queries) <CBG> Hydra:

1) the script: on 1:text:*PS2*:*: if ($len($strip($1-)) <= 150) { window -e @ CONSOLE | echo @CONSOLE ( $+ $time $+ ) # <<<>>> $nick $1- } 2) the source in the channel posted: <PLA-DCC39> #1 11x [563M] The_Mark_of_Kri_ USA_PS2-KALISTO 3) the output to @window: (17:29:59) #playstation-2 <<<>>> PLA-DCC39 #1 11x [563M] The_Mark_of_Kri_USA_PS2-KALISTO column mode copy of text, like in UltraEdit -> needs richedit replacment change z order before tiling windows so that active/new window always appears to p at top left when auto-tile is used add a pref for adding a "-" to split lines Usage: /QUOTE LIST parameters Where parameters is a space or comma seperated list of one or more of: <max_users ; Show all channels with less than max_users. >min_users ; Show all channels with more than min_users. C<max_minutes ; Channels that exist less than max_minutes. C>min_minutes ; Channels that exist more than min_minutes. T<max_minutes ; Channels with a topic last set less than max_minutes ago. T>min_minutes ; Channels with a topic last set more than min_minutes ago. Example: LIST <3,>1,C<10,T>0 ; 2 users, younger than 10 min., topic set. support TTN_LINKCLICK add different gui views to the server list (imajes). make it changable between "Tree View" <- what it is now "Channels" <- list view, alpabetically sorted, option to have network in ()'s af ter name "Servers" <- list view, alpabetically sorted, option to have network in ()'s aft er name "All" <- list view, alpabetically sorted, option to have network in ()'s after n ame add different gui views to the user lists "Tree View" <- what it is now, combine with a list view, and have seperate colum ns for "hostmask", idle time, etc.. "List View" <- bog standard list view, option to show prefixes (@%+, etc..) [02:44] <darix> Hydra: minor bug: in "user identity" dialog: pressing delete sho uld select the select the next field after the deleted <Kaze> i think the channel monitor is ok, but it doesn't show the network :( <`-Anders> add a pref for it :P * Hydra makes a note in todo.txt option to NOT send "unknown ctcp command" replies (Kez) show SENT notices in server window and current window (if different from server window) scan topics and channel text for rogerwilco/teamspeak/quake3/cs server ip's, por ts, passwords and channels and provide way to launch respective app. strip color codes "No | From Server Responces | From Everywhere"

icon for New Query in the server list <Kez> going to implement the /ignore command soon? /url /run (/shell) /mp3 socks 5 support look into these: (#cmp3 on CTCP/SLOTS request from lillamer : 3 0 8min 33 999 132933 553 CTCP/SLOTS request from MasterRock : 1 0 89m 13 999 41954 51 [00:38:34] <arithon> those are requests from search bots (ie, se eing if you have any download slots open ctcp/2 proper ctcp parsing <Hydra_> oops, ctrl+f4 in wrong window <zann> btw - would be nice to have configurable confirmations for closeing all m di windows, not just servers <zann> a real high-end is a timeout on those confirmation dialogs - one number o f seconds for all of them - after which the take default action (OK) /dns nick, or /dns ip [00:23] <netnomad> Alt-Minus traditionally brings up the Restore, Minimize, Maxi mize menu for the current window, kinda like Alt-Space does for the whole program. It would be nice to see this s hortcut implemented. [21:57] <Kez> hey, is it a known issue that if one types "mode #channelname +l 6 " the outcome would be **Kez sets mode +b l6*!*@* store the IP address of the server upon a sucessful connect & login in the serve r list. (int he connect dialog box, add a radio box to select between ip address and dns name if a server has a valid ip address) [13:55] <X|-Jabb0r-HIRC> you can't join channels with a : in the name [13:55] <X|-Jabb0r-HIRC> for isntance: #o:i -> :'s aren;t valid characters for channel names. According to rfc spec : is ch annel mask delimiter. Look up channel masks and implement... ;) store recent prvmsg, whois, etc nicks in list of nicks for tab completion of ser ver and query windows. <Fuzzy76> hmf... When issuing "/pass somethinghere" HydraIRC responds "/pass not implemented yet". Shouldn't the correct thing to <Fuzzy76> do be to send the command as raw to the server? I know /raw works, but I'm used to /pass from every other client... :p <Fuzzy76> Oh, and emoticons. You can never have enough emoticons. :) Pie menus, like in Mozilla and Maya <Gerhard> I want to be able to change the font and flash the taskbar button on p

rivate messages always (and not only on new PM) option to NOT show server windows on the taskbar (as well as options not to show other types of windows too) add right-click menu to the title bars of undocked (and docked) windows so you c an select "always on top" etc.. (and then remember this in the state manager) channel pref profiles apply channel prefs X to channels #this,#that and #theother and then apply channel prefs Y to channels #a,#b and #ciguess a channel profile would contain prefs like: show user list, monitor channel, col ors, logging formats, filters, etc auto-sizing status bar panes -> has to be done manually, no WTL methods for doing it.. size of icon AND text has to be calculated. new icons for transfer windows use a different icon for normal (non-voice) users when channel is moderated (e.g . a face with a picture of a speaker with a no entry sign on top of the speaker) new API for logging channels and servers, so that a plugin could create HTML/XML output. remember channels/servers/query windows as well as buffer and command history, a nd MDI window positions/state (hidden/normal/maximized and sizes) show amount of transfers and server connections in window title. "HydraIRC v0.xx x [Servers: x, Channels: x, Transfers: 0]" [14:46] <SKroWLwrk> Mouse wheel support [15:00] <SKroWLwrk> DCC bind to specific IP address and port range -> eg, /dccsendconnect <ip>:<port> or /dccreceiveconnect <ip>:<port> [09:59] <r4vine> there's an option in mirc that when turned on does an automatic whois when someone engage chat (query) [10:07] <r4vine> it would also be nice if there was the same option for dcc chat and dcc get also don't try to transfer (send AND receive) zero length files user identities window isn't resizeable. server list status flags for when buddies join/leave rememeber last used identity in the network list, and select the correct identit y in the connect dialog and via the /server and /newserver commands -> save IRCNetworkDetails->m_IdentityName to the current user profile and make s ure it's loaded and that it overwrites the valuses in g_NetworkList when they're loaded. convert "/RAW PRIVMSG"'s aliases to "/PRIVMSG" IRC URI password processing missing!

a class for storing lists of users, a set of flags and an option expiry time e.g. for DCCIgnore, DCCAllow, CTCPIgnore check int max's when editing the misc prefs in the prefs gui change Query window icon to "Q" instead of "M" Store the rest of the /exit args somewhere, and use as the quit message. use SAPI 4.x and 5.x to provide text to speech, define some kind of API for things that can be spoken, and a way for plugins to change what is spoken. make it so you can doubleclick channel names in the channel monitor to show the channel window. Make sure m_UserModes gets updated when a /whois or /who (??) is done on the user. As an op/half op can be +v AND +o/+h. (Anders) Taskbar Icons pref only affects taskbar items created AFTER the preference is changed. The effects are not instant. -> MainWnd needs to process prefs changes. NON-buddy notifications on STRING MATCHING filters + prefs -> i guess we could add buddy STRING MATCHING notifications but that would mean adding another combobox control to the add notification from that contain a list of defined string matching strings. i.e. it'd be nice to be able to configure "if friend says 'die scum' then do a notification" and "if anyone else says 'die scum' then do this notifcation instead" Pressing Ctrl+Shift+S (channel/show server window) works for Query & DCC windows too, the menu item will be moved to the view menu at a later date. [16:06] <Equim> auto tile - as in channel windows are tiled automatically when you minimise/maximise each .. and when you resize the main window etc [16:16] <Hydra> i don't like the program moving the windows [16:16] <Hydra> basically, it needs to remember the z-order of the windows befor e it retiles. TODO: See if there's a WTL (or MFC + source) class that disables editing but allows text selection and selected text copying. (For use in Channel Properties for the topic) total bytes in/out per second in status bar (and maybe seperate by server and dc c) and also a little autoscaling graph, like one in getright, also in status bar transfer status tooltips! (or just add extra columns, need to show server somew here) make it so that each CMsgView window can have it's own set of colors. This will allow a channel window on one server could have a different color scheme to a channel on a different server, or even a different color scheme for each channel/server windo w!! --> this is easy to implement, just add a m_Colors to the CMsgView class, and th en change

the COLORVAL macro in HydraIRCCommon.h, then add a bit of initialisation cod e to fill in the m_Color's from the g_pPrefs->m_Colors member and you're done. --> The only bit that might be a bit tricky is getting the windows to update aft er the user changes the colors in the prefs, i guess an EV_PREFSCHANGE broadca st message would do the trick. worry about that later though, as at the moment they can't change the colors in the prefs. --> the XML node that colors are in will be bumped down a level, so that it's po ssible to include multiple <colors> sections in a single profile like this: <colors> <colorprofile name="default"> <item =.... </colorprofile> <colorprofile name="alternate"> <item =.... </colorprofile> </colors> then, we'll later be able to go "/set colors=alternate" or something along those lines.. wysiwyg text input make /newserver set the network information for the new server correctly --> check the new server name against the list of known servers/networks. create an importer for the server list at --> semi-manual at the moment, using Excel + VBA check for DCC ACCEPT's without resumes and warn the user somehow. API for text forwarding, so that server responces can be checked and sent to the current window if the plugin wants them to. Add logging --> needs a new logging class, each object to be logged can have it's own logger, so that channel/server windows can have html logger plugins... --> Add max log file size and trimming. add GetNextChildWnd(CChildFrame *pChild) to the ServerList class, for ctrl+arrow key channel navigation. (and GetPrev...) make it so the output view can filter sys_Printf() messages, just like we do for the channels/channel monitor. --> this is half done now, all printf()'s have a contents flag. make it so that the user can select to always log all output, rather than just w hen the output window is visible. add notice/privmsg forwarding ignore plugin callback (so i can create a plugin that can do user and message pattern-matching so that i can ignore certain messages from ^xtecbot^ on quakenet/#ctfpickup.euro that sends notice messages everytime a game starts) note: currently my active channel gets filled up with stuff i don't need

to see. if logfile cannot be opened for writing add an "_n" to the filename e.g. "MyServer_MyChannel_1.txt" make it so that plugins can provide prefs pages that appear in the prefs window. [15:27] <Hydra_> what network supports superops? [15:27] <`-Anders> [15:27] <`-Anders> they have all kinds of crazy modes [15:28] <Hydra_> PREFIX=(aohVvd)!@%=+[15:29] <`-Anders> d is the opposite of voice, you cant speak in the channel eve n tho its not moderated [15:29] <`-Anders> not the opposite then .. but you get my point [15:29] <Hydra_> ok, what about a and V [15:30] <`-Anders> im not sure, perhaps a is ircops, but i have no idea, theyre not exactly standard Audio Mute Levels: assign audio mute level to notification events, then add a little down arrow to the side of the audio mute button so you can select from 1-5 audio mute levels. names for audio mute levels can be defined in prefs. e.g: (1-Silence, 2-Important, 3-Average, 4-Common, 5-Everything) e.g. you would define a "Friends" private message (/msg) buddy group notification as 2 (important) and you might define a "all networks / default" buddy group channel text notification as 5 (everything) Then when you were away, alseep, or whatever you could switch the audio mute to 2 (important) so you would only get notified of important events (in this case, one of your buddies trying to get hold of you.) timestamps to use (optionally) a different font e.g. fixed font customizable timestamp format get rid of /timestamps command and work it into /set instead configurable colors for channel names in channel monitor --> maybe option to recolor the actual channel text too ? remember user list treeview folder expanded status -> remove current method, replace with a CList of this: GroupID,Status 1 ,expanded 2 ,not expanded etc... store in registry? under channels\<channelname>\userliststatus also: prefs for automatic expanding (or not) of buddy groups strip leading non-alphanumeric chars from nicks when building nick completion list so that you can type in the first alphanumeric character of a nick and then press tab, e.g. pressing h then tab with "{hydra}" and "hydra" in a channel should return "{hydra}" first, not "hydra" Only the channel monitor window stays open when the app is minimized. this will be configurable at a later date -> add right-click option to toggle always-on-top mode. -> store setting in prefs

add java script support, actually, this all comes with active scripting -> this will probably have to be in the core. tab completion of / commands -> each plugin must give a list of commands and aliases to the core. add a text input view to the channel monitor and allow the user to type in commands like: "#xpd we got a game yet or what ?" to have the text send to the channel. additionally allow the user to press TAB to cycle through available channel names. e.g. like nick completion, but for channel names. highlight the out-of-focus channels that have had text added to them -> in tashbar, serverlist and mdi tabs hotkeys -> hotkeys create events, any listener can handle the event. so plugins can handle hotkeys too. URL grabber add check button to connect dialog: "Only show favorites" -> or one better, change the check button to a combo box and show as "Show all", "Favorites", "Sucessful connects" -> for sucessful connects, when we toggle IRCServer::m_LoggedIn, store the status in the network list and save prefs at next opportunity. tooltips for taskbar buttons prefs for channel monitor CONTENT filters Need to be able to specify wildcards and hostmasks for buddies. color preferences dialog -> hahahha, never! you shall all bow down to my default prefs! :) lol zann/imaje s Starting a channel monitor should display the docker if it's not already displayed. (Zann) -> but this should be a prefs item too. Auto-typo-fix(tm): it might be kinda nice if you could type in a find/replace command that hydrairc could process on your last command sent, for example: <Hydra> this is a niec day today we're having tody and i could type in: "niec=nice,tody=today" into the text input and press return. Hydrairc would then EDIT the last line I sent changing the strings. And then any user running HydraIRC would see the text magically corrected in their channel view splitter size pref -> probably not, as the docking window prefs seem to be hard coded remember channel splitter positions, or rather, user list width -> yeah, in registry, channels\<channelname>\userlistwidth mousewheel scrolling on mouse-over for all items (zann)

optional horizontal scrollbars for treeviews (zann) window/channel groups. The ability to add group some channels together and then have them shown and tiled via a hotkey. e.g. when I play Q3 i join #xpd, #xpdprivate and #ctfpickup.euro so it's often useful for me to see them at the same time. selecting a the "Quake3" channel group would then hide all other windows, show t hose windows in a "restored" state, and then tile them horizontally. add a /ARRANGE/ horizontally option (e.g. not TILED, but just one above the othe r..) need handle connection timeouts -> ping the server every 1 min. need to remember channel keys on per-network basis. make the text output windows bottom justified, not top justified (so there is never a blank space between the last line of text and the top of the input box). need to tell user if they're issue commands while not logged in. don't do local channel echo if channel mode is "+m" (moderated) and user is not an OP or Voice (+v) and user is not kicked (or banned) and if server is not connected. > scroll windows to the bottom when they get focus prompt for profile to use when starting app. save prefs (not profile, that's done already) add channel and server window toolbars use EM_SETPARAFORMAT with PFM_OFFSET/200 for output windows add icons to connect dialog box treeview user list context menus server list context menus text input context menus channel/server output context menus add MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_GETMINMAXINFO, OnGetMinMaxInfo) to child windows and main window so you can't make the windows too small. merge users from cross-network buddy groups and non-cross-network buddy groups w ith the same group name, e.g. The Friends group can appears twice at the moment. store user host addresses in Channel's m_UserList when copying text from channel/server windows, copy the control codes too. we'll need to parse the selected text, bleh.. So

need to check for no socket input received for >5 mins and attempt to send a command (ping) or reconnect if this is the case. add a int m_SortOrder member to the groups so that the user can change the prior ity of user-to-group matching in the case of one user is a member of more than one grou p (e.g so you can set a global "bots" group, user "mybot" with a lower priority th an that of a network based group called "fserves" with a user of "mybot" so that wh en you join a channel on that network the user "mybot" appears in "fserves" and not "bots") Display this in RUSSIAN_CHARSET correctly: "? ??? ??" Inter-process communicaton ========================== Add bit of code to listen for WM_USER messages from other apps and then process these so that other apps can send notification messages to HydraIRC. This will allow 3rd party apps to send away messages, e.g. when you're playing a game, etc. Messages planned to support so far: ACTION <taglist>, 0 Send a CTCP ACTION message tag argument === ======== MESSAGE string e channel(s) DESTINATIONS list of destinations s to say the message in ACTIVEONLY boolean only in the active window description =========== the message to say in th list of channels or nick flag to say the message

Behaviour notes: if ACTIVEONLY and DESTINATIONS are both specified, ACTIVEONLY takes preceden ce if DESTINATIONS isn't specified the message is broadcast to all channels MESSAGE <taglist>, 0 Send a normal message to channel(s) and/or user(s) tag list as per ACTION AWAY <taglist>, 0 Set away mode on one or more networks tag === MESSAGE argument ======== string description =========== the away message

NETWORKS list of networks list of networks to set away mode on SERVERS list of servers list of servers to set a way mode on DESTINATIONS list of destinations list of channels or nick s to say away the message in ACTIVEONLY boolean flag to say the message only in the active window NOBROADCAST boolean flag to say that the awa y message should not be repeated to any destinations AUDIOMUTE boolean tells hydrairc to rememb er the current audio mute setting and then mute it's audio output Behaviour notes: if NETWORKS and SERVERS tags are not present then the away mode is set on al l servers. if DESTINATIONS isn't specified the message is broadcast to all channels if NOBROADCAST and DESTINATIONS are both specified, NOBROADCAST takes preced ence if ACTIVEONLY and DESTINATIONS are both specified, ACTIVEONLY takes preceden ce BACK <taglist>, 0 Un-set away mode on one or more networks tag argument === ======== MESSAGE string the destinations NETWORKS list of networks et away mode on SERVERS list of servers t away mode on DESTINATIONS list of destinations s to say the message in ACTIVEONLY boolean only in the active window RESTOREMUTE boolean e the previous audio mute setting Definitions ----------destination lists look like this: <network name>/<destination>[,...] Examples: "EFNet/#chat" "QuakeNET/#Chat,EFNet/#TottyChat" "QuakeNET/GameLogBot,QuakeNET/#ctfpickup.euro,FreeNode,#Chat" "EFNet/SomeGuy,EFNet/SomeOtherGuy" list of networks looks like this description =========== the message to repeat to list of networks to un-s list of servers to un-se list of channels or nick flag to say the message tells hydrairc to restor

<networkname>[,...] e.g. EFNet,QuakeNet list of servers looks like this <servername>[,...] e.g.,, C++ code ======== IPC_<messagename> IPC_TAG_<tagname> end taglists by using TAG_ENDOFLIST as the tagid - no further tags after it ar e processed. e.g. typdef struct TagItem_s { LONG TagID; void *Data; // typecast as required. } TagItem_t; TagItem_t myTagList[3]; myTagList[0].TagID = IPC_TAG_MESSAGE; myTagList[0].Data = (void *)"is away, reason: playing Q3 on Jolt CTF, 192.168. 1.100"; myTagList[1].TagID = IPC_TAG_DESTINATIONS; myTagList[1].Data = (void *)"GameLogBot,QuakeNET/#ctfpickup.euro,FreeNode/#Cha t"; myTagList[2].TagID = TAG_ENDOFLIST; SendMessage(hWndHydraIRC, IPC_ACTION, &myTagList, 0); Create a HydraIRCSupport.dll file so that 3rd part apps coded in languages other than C++ can integrate more easily. RequiredFunctions: Result = IsHydraIRCRunning() Success = StartHydraIRC(WaitTillStarted) TagListHandle = Createtaglist(Tag,Param,...) Success = TellHydraIRC(IPCMessageID,TagListHandle) DestroyTagList(TagListHandle) The DLL will be accessable in: <HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HydraProductions\HydraIRC\InstallPath>\Support\ HydraIRCSupport.dll

Adding DCC Chats ================ define a more custom status void CChildFrame::UpdateStatus( void ) allow: CMD_ChannelMsg (with NULL channel only), CMD_Set, CMD_Nick, CMD_Timestam ps, CMD_Me, CMD_ToggleAudioMute, CMD_Raw disallow: CMD_PrivMsg, CMD_CTCP, CMD_ToggleUserList, CMD_Monitor, CMD_StopMonito r, CMD_Part, CMD_Server, CMD_Quit, CMD_Join --> need to confirm update SetNick --> done??? need to add PFN_PROCESSDCCCHATCOMMAND to plugin api's Adding Query Windows ==================== need to add PFN_PROCESSQUERYCOMMAND to plugin api's check all /commands are ok. --> need to confirm Memory Leaks ============ These leaks have been researched: c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net\vc7\include\crtdbg.h(674) : {33498 } normal block at 0x00C13018, 12 bytes long. Data: <t > 74 05 16 01 80 05 16 01 D8 05 16 01 This is an APIDescriptor created by the plugin, this is freed when when the plug in CPlugin instance is deleted, which occurs when the plugin dll is unloaded. TODO: We could force unloading of DLL's before the program exits. Ideas ===== Prefs window with a tree view for prefs items, when selected the pane to the right shows the appropriate dialog. Prefs |- User Profiles |- Servers |- Auto Connect |- Command Profiles Servers shown in a treeview, with add/delete/edit buttons Servers + <group name> | |- <server name> | |- <server name> + <group name> Store a GUID for each server group Store a GUID for each server

| |- <server name> ... double click a server to bring up the Server Options - server description (include country code, etc..) - server name - ports - password - Attach Command Profile [ ] override server's network group command profile - Attach User Profile (always overrides any network/global user profile) - Priority, selectable from: Preferred, Don't Care, Never Connect user profile - name - list of nicks (not just nick + altnick) - ident response User can create multiple profiles (different username, etc..) these can be attached to server groups, so you can have different nicks for different networks. User can create command profiles which can be attached to a server group so that you can have different onconnect commands for different networks and different servers. Auto connect dialog lets you add servers from the server list to the auto connect list. Ident server must check who the ident is coming from and then return the correct ident string so that you can have different idents for different servers. URI's for IRC url's: irc:[ //[ <host>[:<port>] ]/[<target>] [,needpass] ][?<command>=<params>[&...]] e.g.: irc://'s%20r%20cool Allow user to create custom groups in the user group list, e.g. "friends" and " bots" and then add a user to the groups (via rightclickmenu/addto/"New group"|<existin g group>|...) nick color on specific users. have an option to show last few lines with your name in them, e.g. #GtkRadiant: <TTimo> Hydra? you there... #XPD: <[XPD]Jazz> Hydra #XPD: * [XPD]Jazz fwaps Hydra word statistics lines of text sent total most active network/channel words per day/hour/min lines of text received total/network/channel deny deleting of preference items that are in-use by a current server. e.g. if the user is trying to delete a user identity and they are connected to a server using an identity with the same id, disable the delete but ton or show the user a message when they attempt to delete it.

obtain your preferred nick (or last used nick) after a re-connect with a tempora ry alternate nick Processing: ":TAtari!JohnDoe@c-cf2172d5.019-260-76786a11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.s e PRIVMSG #bersirc :how about: Wingdings or Symbols or maybe even Fixed Fonts?" implement receiving of CTCP/MYSTATUS <away>|<back>|<dnd>|<etc...> and sending of to people who are on your contact list to provide an IRC network based IM user-list. global command line history and per-window history, configurable. channel output montor window: shows incoming channel text for a) all channels b) all hidden channels, c) selected channels output takes the form of: #Channel: <User> message Window can stay open even when app is minimized. the PlaySound() function in the notification manager is limited to WAV files. This need to be able to be overridden via plugins double clicking a channel should bring up a channel properties window this window could be overridden by plugins, so that more advanced plugins can provide their own dialogs instead of the default one. TODO: API Documentation (bleh) Audio Events ============ all audio events are configurable for a default, and for a buddy group Suggestions =========== Pyyro: Allow users to have different color backgrounds (or text) in the user lis t. e.g. bots red, friends green, normal users white. Ibnull: Build in a bot that scans and catalogs IRC channels on a server and then lets you download files from the catalog. - implementation, join a server in the usual way, then add a bot to the server which creates an IRC<mybot> class instance, with m_pServer set, create a new child form (CWTYPE_BOT) and handle accordingly. Ydnar: have a dockable multi-colum user list view, with sortable headers. name | host | op | voice | group MarsMattel: who when and what channel notification window. (Unread Notifiations window) just a list of items in a listbox. Zann: remember open windows when hiding windows and then unhide them if you click hide again. [15:19] <TTimo> well [15:20] <TTimo> - can it remember server / channels and auto start / join

[15:20] <TTimo> - can it show blue highlights on channel names when there's acti vity, red highlight if client nick is being printed [15:20] <TTimo> - can it have keybd shortcuts (typically Ctrl+arrows) to move be tween channels on the server tab [15:21] <TTimo> - can it have queries support [15:21] <TTimo> - can it have whois support [15:21] <farenheit> TTimo [15:21] <TTimo> mh, I think that's about it more or less :-) [15:21] <farenheit> is on a rant [15:21] <TTimo> otherwise, what's working is working great Code Snippets ============= Subject: Re: How do I insert text into StatusBar on Wizard generated WTL SDI app This should work: // include atlctrls.h at beginning of file HWND hwndParent = GetParent(m_hWnd); HWND hwndStatus = FindWindowEx(hwndParent, NULL, CStatusBarCtrl::GetWndClassName(), NULL); if (hwndStatus) { CStatusBarCtrl st = hwndStatus; st.SetText(0 /*number of pane you're using*/, "Text"); } Goals ===== IRC Client ---------Features (Updated list is on the website) * Written in C++ using modern tools (Visual Studio 7) * Uses WTL/ATL for a Super fast, streamlined and efficent program! * Dockable windows, MDI client area. * Event based core (with user definable events) * Nice looking, intuitive GUI, no skinnable ugly rubbish. * Supports connecting to an unlimited number of servers * Reliable reconnects * Supports private messages * Supports DCC chat and File transfer * DCC File resumes with rollback and same-file checking. * Nick Completion * FServe functions built in (e.g. auto-requeue on disconnect + more) * User profiles (username, nick list, etc) can be assigned on a per-server/per-n etwork basis * Highlighting can trigger events. * Audio Mute function! * Command profiles (a bunch of commands that are given to be run after the other ) * Auto-Connect on startup list lets you connect to multiple servers on startup * Auto Connect Command profiles can be attached on a per-server/per-network * Auto Join Command profiles can be attach to channels on a per-network basis. * User list icons denoting ops/voice, etc. * Remembers nicks on a per-server or per-network basis, can be told to update th

e corresponding user profile automatically. * DLL Plugin SDK. Stuff For V2 - Maybe, dunno, still thinking about it. ===================================================== Rearrange code and class layouts into templates like this: IRCServer : public IRCCommands +- Connect +- Send +- OnReceive +- Parse +- QueueServerEvent +- OnServerEvent +- m_MDIWindows[] IRCCommands +- CMD_Join \ +- CMD_Quit + overridable functions. +- CMD... / IRCWindow : public MDIChild +- OnServerEvent +- ShowWindow +- m_MsgView +- m_TextInputView +- m_UserListView IRCWindow's and IRCServer's to run in seperate threads. So that a bot can inherit from IRCServer, and can implement it's own windows, commands and event handling. This is what i meant by "Event based core" which v0.x doesn't have yet, not real ly Now that I've a better understanding of how windows apps are written this is definately the OO design we need. Notes when implementing scintilla ================================= make a user preference for SCI_SETBUFFEREDDRAW(bool isbuffered) Translations ============ Inho 7777 (brasilian translator) cidadao at estadao dot com dot br <AciD/telefragged> hey btw, if you need translators, i would be pleased to trans late it to french :) [21:18] <Flyoc> If you want a french translation, I'm your man [21:21] <hobgoblin> well i could take a crack at norwegian;) Suggested QUIT messages ======================= "Silly faggots, mIRC is for kids! Use HydraIRC ( URL )" "you fucken punks try HydraIRC ( URL )" "Got mIRC? LOL, HydraIRC the all new client - ( URL )" Fixed Bug Notes ===============

Problem with favorites dialog and in-place tree-view label editing crash bug when the following strings were pasted " &cvsroot=/cvsroot&date=day&" "the favorites dlg and loading/saving is working 100% now" --> % sign needed to be escaped, current just using /'s instead of %'s crash bug when really long urls/lines of text Tue Feb 11 15:00:19 2003 - INFO - channelmonitorstr after stripcodes() is 543 bytes: "#testtest: <Hydra> TinderboxAll&branch=HEAD&cvsroot=/cvsroot&date=day&who=sspitzer%25netscape.comht tp:// oot=/cvsroot&date=day&who=sspitzer%25netscape.com ery.cgi?module=MozillaTinderboxAll&branch=HEAD&cvsroot=/cvsroot&date=day&who=ssp itzer%25netscape.com oxAll&branch=HEAD&cvsroot=/cvsroot&date=day&" Tue Feb 11 15:00:19 2003 - INFO - channelmonitorstr after g_pMainWnd->SetStatu sBar() is 1 bytes: "? Tue Feb 11 15:00:19 2003 - INFO - channelmonitorstr address is 0x010208a0 - ca lling free() Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across a f unction call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling con vention. --> set max status bar text length to 128 now. Updating "Use Gradient Filled Panes" doesn't cause a redraw. -> might be fixed in 108, untested -> tested ok. BUG: fix crash when leaving large channel: more info: Callstack: LRESULT CWindowImplBaseT::DefWindowProc(UINT uMsg = 16, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARA M lParam = 0) LRESULT CWindowImplBaseT::DefWindowProc(UINT uMsg = 274, WPARAM wParam = 61536, LPARAM lParam = 12649514) LRESULT CWindowImplBaseT::DefWindowProc(UINT uMsg = 161, WPARAM wParam = 20, LPA RAM lParam = 12649514) int nRet = theLoop.Run(); --> this has not happened recently... --> this has not happened for several weeks... --> this should be now fixed, see 0.3.116 dcc transfers are being sent the machine's local ip address when the user is behind a firewall. -> add parsing of welcome messages and /whois's and grab the external ip from th ere -> done -> add IP address config option for people behind routers. -> done -> obtain remote IP automatically via a "/raw userhost <nick>" command

as it *always* returns the correct FQDN or IP regardless of wether or not the whois replies use masked hosts. -> done BUG: logging of two servers with different ports configured to be on different networ k results in the log file being created in the wrong folder. probably to do server's network lookup not taking into account the port number Quotes ====== <CBG> damn bro this is a sick ass program Un-repeatable crashes: ====================== Windows 2000: Faulting application hydrairc.exe, version, faulting module hydrairc.ex e, version, fault address 0x00037896. Windows 98: HYDRAIRC caused an invalid page fault in module HYDRAIRC.EXE at 0167:00408075. Known Bugs ========== Starting a DCC send always causes HydraIRC (and all other winsock apps) to be disconnected, but a disconnect message is not sent by winsock to HydraIRC. --> hdaalz has that weird "I get disconnected from server and I timeout" when doing a DCC CHAT as well as when doing a DCC SEND --> imajes has this issue, though not when his machine was brought round to my house for testing, this leads me to beleive there might be something screwy with the network hardware that both hdaalz and imajes use. --> they both use Netgear routers. (why am I not suprised) --> problem happens on Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP1 --> I will have to try and create a workaround for this issue, maybe i'm settin g up the socket incorrectly and the netgear kit is borking on it?? Only thing I can think of that might cause it... Need to find out where BUG: atlregexp class is broken, need to find a replacement. The full regexp used by HydraIRC is currently "^{((.)* )?}{%s}{( (.)*)?}$" Where %s is replaced with the configured highlight stringregexp part. "" and "" characters cause ATLRegExp to crash, so some code was commented out to avoid the crash, but this breaks the regexp routine in some weird ways, sti ll it seems to work ok for some regexps but not for others. If you want to play with regexps grab my little ATLRegExp program available from Possible solution taken from here:

"I was running in the same problem with german umlauts. The algorithm seems to be buggy. To word around that, copy the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\atlmfc\include\atlrx.h to your project path and make the following changes and include it in your cpp : Line 637 <!new <!new !>old and Line 1181 <! <! <! !> new new new old unsigned char uchStart = chStart; unsigned char uchEnd = chEnd; for (int i=uchStart; i<=uchEnd; i++) for (int i=chStart; i<=chEnd; i++) pBits[i >> 3] |= 1 << (i & 0x7); unsigned char* usz = (unsigned char *) sz; size_t u = (size_t) *usz; size_t u = (size_t) *sz;

With these changes everthing should work fine. Good luck! Michael" Alternatives: BUG: channel monitor needs to be ENABLED (bot not actually visible) and then focus after restore fromsystray is ok. if channel monitor FLOATING, or DISABLED it breaks. BUG: fix MDI window icon when MDI window is maximized BUG: fix maximized MDI windows scrolling to the bottom when switching between them --> this happens due to the way tabbing between MDI windows occurs as the curren t windows is restored, the next one is shown and then maximized. due to the r estore of the previously maximized active window it receives an OnSize() which then requests a scroll to end. however the mdi window's richedit also recevies the onsize and it resizes it self and scrolls things around so even if you don't scroll to end on maximized windows the bug is still not fixed some thing even weirder happens instead. BUG: when the last line of text in an output window contains a url, placing the mouse pointer below the url but above the text input box still leaves the pointer with a hand icon instead of a pointer icon. --> this is a richedit bug, need a richedit replacement. BUG: <jugg> quick bug report: If you have a channel window maximized

and do a "Hide Active Window" the window does not get hidden. You can still get to it by doing a CTRL+TAB and also if you unmaximize (restore) your current window, the window that you told to be hidden is on the screen. Even though it has been removed from the task bar. Everything works fine if the window is not maximized when you choose "Hide Active Window". --> thought i'd fixed that already.... --> ok, to get this bug to occur, do this: 1) have lots of channels, hide all of them (ctrl+h) 2) use the server list to show a server and a channel window 3) make them non-maximized 4) maximize one of them 5) attempting to minimize one window makes the other one appear

BUG: if you connect to a server and then do something like /join a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k and then while it's joining the channels close the app, it doesn't exit cleanly. (something to do with creating IRCChannel classes after the server class has been deleted.) *sigh* --> seems to be ok now. (0.3.116) BUG: need to find away to show the channel monitor window when it's undocked and the app is minized, but NOT minimizing to the systray (anders) It stays open when you do minimize to systray though. ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE) hides it for some reason, even when WS_EX_APPWINDOW style applied to the channel monitor's window. Try removing/changing the parent? BUG: docking windows leak a bit of memory when in autohide mode to reproduce, set the docking window to be autohiding, then restart the app then you can trace the leak. BUG: default window layout is borked! Please adjust the gui by dragging all the windows around, see the screenshots on the website so that you know what it can look like. --> should be ok now, though maybe a clean of the registry settings between versions should be done. BUG: user list mode -v handling for ops is broken Hydra sets channel #hydrairc mode +o zann Hydra sets channel #hydrairc mode -v zann user moves from ops list back to normal users When you +v the user they're color also doesn't change if they're in your friends list. BUG: missing taskbar buttons if your fonts are too big - make them smaller for now. BUG: When you use a larger or bold font for the server list tree items the text of the treeview items marked dirty are not fully displayed. BUG: crash on no disk space when downloading. --> more error checks are present, verify it still does this. BUG: duplicate "Failed" when attempting DCC resumes from some hosts.

BUG: socket already connected when reconnecting using /server after an attempt to connect to a server failed. Also related, connecting to a non existant server, then connecting to another non existing server - but for which an ip address can be resolved (e.g. localhost) - results in the error above, but a reconnect does not occur. --> need to overhaul the reconnect, I don't like it. also need to add prefs to give up on a server and try the next one in the network as well as check the server name on the /server's command line against the server list so we can update the server's "this->m_pDetails->m_Network" BUG: docking windows are eating keypresses, e.g. alt+t, alt+f --> happens in the docking window sample too, not my problem. :) BUG: sometimes, after a dropped connection, disconnect, reconnect, channel close and rejoin, your nick can be duplicated in the list. --> changing servers with the server window activated forces this! --> additionally, server max nick has something to do with it "Hydra" doesn't have problem, but "Rovastar" or "`-Anders" does Nick length on efnet is 9. BUG: sometimes, after a +i (invite) is set on a channel and you reconnect to the server, the global user list ends up with 2 of each nick. BUG: When the scroll position of the channel monitor and output window is not at the bottom, and new text is displayed in the window it scrolls to the bottom. After having a look at this it seems the RichEdit window is being updated differently to the channel windows (which use the same code in CMsgView::Put(), bleh). The code that is used to scroll the window to the bottom is already a work-around for the problem with GetScrollInfo(SB_VERT,&ScrollInfo) which is failing when we ask for the scroll position of the richedit's scrollbar. So, we need yet another workaround, or solution. If anyone cares to take a look... Fixing that, will probably also fix this TODO item: Scroll windows to bottom after resize -> this is done but sometimes, when windows are resized via a tile or arrange operation, they don't scroll to the bottom! -> need a richedit replacement really.. BUG: Selecting text from the server/channel buffer when new text is entered into the window causes the window to scroll to the bottom and the selection lost. We need a check to see if we're selecting text, and if we are then we need to somehow delay new text being entered into the buffer while we're selecting text. So it looks like we'll need yet another buffer to store text, but at least it's only when we're selecting text, so there's going to be any performance issues. -> need a richedit replacement really.. BUG: Need to update the channels and servers after removing a buddy group Notes: user lists need to handle this in OnEvent(EV_PREFSCHANGED) BUG: Notification Prefs Dialog: new event needs to check to see if that event is currently defined and if so remove from the list

of available choices for a new event. BUG: this line was truncated in the Notice Message Log window from this: "[Logon News - Jul 08 2002] Attention Users! DO NOT visit websites displayed t o you via channel on-join / on-part spam as a large majority of these websites w ill infect your system with a bug! Please if you are unsure and wish to visit a website, check with the staff in #criten | Don't Risk IT! [ Network Administrati on ]" to this: "[Logon News - Jul 08 2002] Attention Users! DO NOT visit websites displayed t o you via channel on-join / on-part spam as a large majority of these websites w ill infect your system with a bug! Please if you are unsure and wish to visit a website, check with th" BUG: MDI icon's for maximized windows are fudged. (aways shows server icon instead of query, etc..) BUG: Need a workaround for this: PropertyList.h line 234 HPROPERTY FindProperty(LPCTSTR pstrName) const // BUG: Doesn't find it if it's collapsed. Hmm, what to do? Basically, you can't switch to other pages or click OK in prefs if any of the nodes on the "Misc" page are collapsed (have a '-' next to them) This is 3rd party code however.

BUG: PARSE: "<dad3v1l> 13(05file servers online13) trigger: 05w00t mp3's!13. snagged: 0549.81gb 986 files13. min cps: 0529.3kb/s13. record cps: 05153.0kb/s by g-nome13. online: 050/513. se ds: 050/113. queues: 050/513. accessed: 052730 times13. note: 05-=-=-=- !mp3's - enjoy! -=-=-13. 13~05{13polaris se05}13~" with regexp: "^{(.)*?!\a?}{hydra}{!\a(.)*?}$" causes crash in atlrx.h, commented out some code to avoid crash, unknown side effects. UNFIXABLE: typing in "DCC CHAT" into a channel window causes a disconnect when using keri o personal firewall 5.0.2's irc packet inspector UNFIXABLE: "[2003-02-10 09:39:48] *** dewzer quit (test ver)" ^ this caused line spacing to b e borked... "[2003-02-10 09:47:58] <Switch_> in chat window, i notice that sometimes th e line spacing is wider after some time. Anyone notice that?" --> Had a look at the line spacing issue, doing GetParaFormat() returns the paragraph formatting, but "PARAFORMAT2.dyLineSpacing" is still 0 even when the paragraph formatting has changed. Look like an internal richedit problem, can't do anything about this bug. Needs a richedit replacement to fix. bug: crash 0x0048dd99, 0.348-release --> probably fixed, see 0.348 -> 0.349

bug: crash <YorT-> (0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x0046c e62, 0.348-release --> probably fixed, see 0.348 -> 0.349 bug: fighter: 0167:00408065, 0.348-release --> probably fixed, see 0.348 -> 0.349 fix using "Unknown" as a nick --> possibly fixed, need to verify, see 0.3.114 -> 0.3.115 [11:18] ctcp/dcc Receive from zanny of Profile_Default.xml Failed: Connection Cl osed (Received 9KB of 7KB) [11:19] <zanny> [03:16] CTCP/DCC request from Hydra : RESUME Profile_Default.xml 3072 9244 [11:19] <zanny> [03:16] ctcp/dcc Send to Hydra of Profile_Default.xml Failed: Fi le read error (Sent 9KB of 7KB) [11:19] <zanny> (Sent 9KB of 7KB) - heck would that mean ? [11:19] <Hydra> send again [11:20] ctcp/dcc Receive from zanny of Profile_Default.xml Completed (Received 7 KB of 7KB) [11:20] <Hydra> i had a file in my downloads folder already [11:21] <Hydra> which was 10k (!) [11:21] <Hydra> wait, 9244 bytes, rounding error in explorer [11:22] <Hydra> destination size was already larger that file to receive [11:22] <Hydra> i need to check that --> done, not vefified. EOF ===

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