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Page 6


Out of all the Seniors? Mr. & I-trs. Jack Alexander The most treasured memory
which one would you pick are the parents of Raymond Cindy Barker will have w i l l
that said they wanted to (better known as Mouse). be maki ng i t al 1 the way. She
be the most f amous opera Ho was born Aug. 26,196.1 . was born on Jan* 19* Some
singer in the world by the He transferred from Tulsa of her favorites are color~
year 20QO? If you said when he was in the 6th gr. yellow, food-pizza, actor~
Monique Anderson you were His most treasured memory Greg Evigan, and song-
postively correct* Be- will be gitting out of "Every Which Way But Loose."
sides singing this brun~ school. wJhen a~.kod x^ihat he Cindy's hobby is riding her
ette likes runnings back- will miss most at "5HS,, he bicycle. The activities
packi ng , travel i ng, anctaeet- s .id, "Girls". Miile at- she has participated in are
ing new people, 'Monique tending vW3 Raymond par- FHA and Library ,Club. Her
was born May 6, 1961, and ticipated in FPAj. and most embarrassing moment was
is the daughter of Mr. and Spanish. In the year 2000 when she went to the wrong
Mrs. John Montgomery' She he hopes to be working, English class. In the year
has participated in track, Raymond's favorites .are: 2000 she plans to be working.,
basketbal 19 powderpuf f hobby-firls, color-blue, The thi ng she wi 11 mi ss most
football9 band9 choir? FCA? food-pizza, song-"Cat about school wi11 be seei ng
and StudentCounci 1 , Monique Scratch Fever"'"', actor- everybodyj and her future
has been chosen Mi ss Talent Charles Bronson, actress- plan is to move and start
her Soph. and Jr. years Farrah Fawcett, nsvie-Jawa, working.
and Hiss V?HS her senior group-KISS and Tod Nugent.
year. She has attended His advice to Jrs. Is:
Girls State9 been a Soph. "Have fun while you can."
Homecoming maid and was JAMES BARNARD
tti£r7&>*79.'-~~ Homecoming __... ..... LUTHER B \ILSI
Queen . She has received Have you ever he-.rd of
the 9th grade Choir award? on Mayg, 1961 Luther Jr. someone' s most treasured
all region band for k years9 Trr.s born to Luther Sr. and memoryteinga person? ¥ell,
1st a.l ternate Al 1 State Kahala in Fort Sa}ith. He James Barnard'snast treas-
Band and she was Senior and his family liioved here ured memory isn't a girl;
Class favorite. Moniques when he was in the 6th it just happens to be Den-
favorites ares color- from Soringdcle. So^e of ver B. Jones? He aLso likes
browns food-apples9 song- Luther' s fiworites include: Sally Fields and Burt Rey-
"Don't Cry Out Louds!I and goulash, green, llork, and nolds. He has been involved
singer-Barry Hani low. Her his favorite personjs Pam. in football and track. His
most .treasured memory while He also likes tori.demotor- parentSj Fir. & Mrs. James
at WHS was setting the cylces. Luther has part- Barnard, brought him to Cal-
district 880 record in icipated in basketball, dron in the 5th grade from
track. Monique will miss football, track, GCE, and Solorado. He likes the
track and her friends most FFA. Luther thinks his color blue, to eat pizza
after graduating. And if most treasured moment will and to listen to all rock
you want to look Monique be his wedding and his most songs. He hasn't seen the
up after graduation you embarrassing v-jas when he movie, 'Drive-In" hit he has
went the
might try Arkansas State basketball game. Luther wong way in a hsard enough to make it his
where she wi 1 1 be goi ng to favorite movie. He MS born
school on a music schol- about says he won't EO.SS a thing Dec. 27, I960, aidiis hobby
arship. Good Luckii school and in the is goir. to town. He plans
year 2000 be plr.ns on play- to go to college, aid he'll
ing music with Bwaync. miss his friends. He plans
to bezich<md possibly mar-
ried by the year 2000.
Jean is the dangafc*/' of # i*©fe@rt
Janes and Jojee Jasmird,
am she ms :*ara Bse. 27*
1960. She isoired to laldroa m§ tsera Ifaareh 7? at
la tfc© f if tfa grade. Bgr Kansas OUgr,
hobbies srs nesting siew has SWOPS! p@t
friend-, sports mid rookie, jsoag vhich ar@i fi,i?ID
Sbe plsasto attend
lasareue College* Her sjost jtor Mr* Dsri4 wsg fesrs S@pt
trs^iirsdEBrio^ is-&e good i,?,ssit«r blowifig bis nose* , te ^. ^sfi ££rg
iiraes she bss had la atfe- He flsss t© get
Isticsasd Hie ftia ossr coa- ?i@fe ssd at l©s§t ss@
elies pat iato * Be IM* f^-
She tdll
bar friera
to IselSisiisg in
©olor is ®vergpe@B|j^d is
fsr For-
Sfce feas t©

ia sfe@tps.t» anis is Ms
pit, Mss litt asd
is ffco'0

a« }
to :isaij
,, it wag
fsar 12 jmen. ier /amrlte dai^tter ©f
^ and
is in

to ^@ is
Page 8

LARRY BROWK (Continued)

2000, he would like to be aven Can rait. She also
the head of a famous beer likes tomtch ChiFs on TV.
corporation, Teresa thinks ter most trea- C-inr, has been fio daughter
sured momory wl.1.1 be grad- of Genr, and Verla Bullock
JSANETTE BROTHERS . uation night. Her . sines April k3 19^1. She
embarrassing isonent v?.s \faan vrent to the first grake in
lir. and Mrs. J, D Broth- she spilled milk en hcrjants Knosrville, Tenn., and has
ars became the proud •_parents and had to wish them inffime been at bldron for th j past
of a little girl Feb. 17, EC, Teresa says she vail 11 years. 3ho hr.s baen in
1961, -viiom they named Jean- «iiss her friends most of FHA', Chorus, Dot.- Club and
ette. She has participated all. Her hobbies are cook- 'Student Council. She vfas
in FHA and Libr-.ry Club, ing, riding bikes, aid sew- crowned Spirit T:ight rueen
She received the shorthand ing. Her pet peeve is Geo- of 1976 which vip.x-3 her most
award last year. She enjoys m.otry. Teresa's advice to treasured moment. She X-.R
reading and riding horses Jre. ir. to unjr; it vdiilc A Jr. l>id, FHA President,
in her spare tirse. Her it 1 sts E-uoc it's. ~onna and has recicved an H"?nor
favorites are: color-blue, go fast. By 2000 . Teresa %v rd, Citizenship Av^.rds
song-" %'ve ChlyJust 'Begun1' would lilce to be happily and Porfoct Attendance.
food-pizza, p.-son-Tom, no- married with a good-paying T'flibn she Icavos ho re, she
vie-Every Miich ivay But job. will miss all the exciting'
is bor-CIint Bistfljoodj.
-s f
meiviorablc times she' s shar-a-
actress-Sally Field, and with fer friends. ' She
subject-shorthand. Hsr•mofct pi-ns to ~ot a good job and
treasured memory was \«foen On June 30, 1961 inMonette maybe itend a Yo-Tech sch-
she got engaged. Her most ,'.rk., !'r. an'l I-Jrs. .lobort ool. In the year, 2000,she
embarrassing moment ms "vtoen Byford r.couired a b -by girl plans to be enjoying a gr&at
she got engaged, ter parents whom they n-Tod 'Juc. life with a family of her
thought they were"~tell±hg tru.-'.-surcd owu_, JEfer hobbies ._ are:
them they were ;;oing to mon-ory at 'H3 is "-.anning talking, listening to music,
elope. Her plans for the ?. fold medals .-t tha GCE and vjatching people I Some
future are to get married convention. She has -Iso of her favorites are: song-
and go to Rich fountain received a perfect attendant "Lady," actor-Clint East-
Vo-Teeh. In the year 2000 aw-rcl. oho has p.-rticipatod ^•food, actress- Ali McGraw,
she would like to be trav- in choir for 2 yrs., b-nd color-bro^jn, and food-po-
eling. 1 jr. and PS for 2 yrs. t^toes.
3uu S'^G th- thing she
TE-iSSA BOREN will misn most about school HA-1RELL CABE
T ^
j-o "i"'l'"^
U-ic. "T •• "i~'T
_. viivi •'"'-'l'*T T1«VjO
.LII <3 T Y\ •"> l/".IO
XII -"i

On March 24, 1961, Aidfcw hall. Do you k'Tiowvlaat' happened

and Flos.--y Boren brought In the; futur- 3ue piano June 3, 1961? Well a bounc-
forth upon this continent, to go to Arkansas Tech and ing baby boy fes born to
at fena really, Teresa, bv-'co&o and :ic. teacher. Bob&JCLdred Cube, and--they
Teresa developed into a •%" r 20)0, Suo plans just hap ioned to name hin.
young lady and is now pre- to be t^achini. Her hobbies Harrell. Now, he's grow)
paring to leave the nest, are softball, biking, and up and has a few hobbies
She plans on going to UCA svaimain'?. oomo of Suo's that include basketball and
and becoming a speech path- favorites are; Color-pint:, trucks. He also likes candv
ologist. Let sie tell you food- pis^a, song-Mad it Kot apple red, pizza, the
a little bit aboutter bo- Been,singer-Barry 1-nilow, "Crystal Falling Sain,
fore she leaves us. Teresa T7 sho;-f-Di.f front Strokes, movie Stockey and the Bandit
likes pizza, red aid green, novie-v}v;;ry Tr.y But and Ms avorite tv shew i-c
Sverytiine I Think Of You, Loose. B.J. and the Bear. He als:.
the Village People, Burt likes to listen to Ronnie
Reynolds, Sally Fields, aid (Continued)
Page. 9
HARRELL CA3E (Continued) and the 3eeGees« JAitEE CL
His favorite car is a Trans
Am. His most treasured Angola was born on June Janie was born September
memory is last year's prom, 26, 1961, at a Centre, CA, 8, 1961, to Iroyand ^ynema
and his most embarrassing HOT parents are Jesse and Clym r of Oklahoma City.
moment was asking a girl Ora Proctor. She joined Janie moved hare and started
out when she had planned WES her Jr. year '77-'78 third grade at Haldron. Her
to go with someone else* and since she has beenhsre favorite teacher is M?. Mr k.
He has participated in FFA she WAS the President of Janie 's most embarrasfiag
for three years and is un- the Library Club and she moment w.-.s when she slid
decided about his plans for won the Algebra award. on the ice in front of Jr.
the future! 3ut, he plans Her most treasured moment Higho Janie will miss the
to be making lots of money, will be i-raduationandfeel- guys around Sr. High but
happily married and have ing that diploma inter hand. mostly the Senior Class of
three kids by 20001 Some of her favorites ares '79» She plans on going to
color -lavender s food Htiex - iiusselville&'ko Tech. Col-
JEtilT DOM C.jiLLQWfi.T ican and strawberries , song- lege and making loads of
;fStairway to Heaven".,past- money. Her most treasured
Jerry Don made his first time gat ting crazy. , sleeping, moment of school will be
big debut on January 26? and riding icr leys s day -Fri-
1961. Thejroud parents ara day ! Her hobbies are run-
Mr* and Mrs, Roy Galloway, ning around 5 rao tor cycle s, II
Jerry said the best thing and hot rods.
thathas happened to him is Her plans for the future Attention saart-aleck soph-
when Karon came into Ms are to go to college and omores J Diehard Crossett
life. The one big thing ^et a de^ee in computer claims you are his pat peeve!
that he wov'ld miss about operating and datatronics. 3os watch out when you see
school is Mr. Harrison. In the year 2000 she would this black haired , green eyed ,
He has been in the class like to be making lots of and reddish-black bearded
plays, a member of ^•C.SC4 me nay. senior thundering toward
Seta Club, Chess Club, and youj Just remember, one
was on the football team. SAvEl! CESSSMAS of his hobbies is weight-
He hopes to be married in lifting!
the future and by the year On May 6, 1961, Mr, and Richard transferred to
2000., he wants to be rich Mrs. ¥ernon Cheesman had Waldron from Andalusia,
with 50 kids* His hobbies a baby girlTiiich theymmed Alabama, in the ninth grade.
are cors and Karen* His Karen. Her most treasured His pr oad parents are Richard
favorite color is red, he moment is getting to grad- and Ann Crossett cf'feldron.
likes fried chicken, and Ms uate. She will miss pest- The Summer of '78 was his
favorite song is "Paradise ering la*. Crostonnest. Her most treasured memory. The
by the Dashboard Lights. " activities were library best thing that over hap-
His most embarrassing mom- assistant, choir and p.e. pened to him was beating
ent was when Debbie Black % 2000 she will be warking, ClarksviHe in thrgg_ over-
made s smart remark about Her favorite color is blue, times this year. He will
him in front of the gym. food-pizza, song-Ladgj^ouo-- never forget the game a-
Little River Sand and Pink ^ainst Charleston in his
Floyd, teacher~*ir. Jones, Soph. yr. Cabled the worst
actor-JSrikisstrada, setress- event of his life, he
Sally Fields. Her pet peeve joaped off sides and cost
is having people stare at the team a touchdown. He
her while she's trying to says he f ll raiss football
eat» She loves photography and his friends the most.
and all outdoor sports, He was most embarrassed
especially watching the when, at the '78 proia,
Ark. Razorback jrsketball (cont'd on page 10)
Page 10

he lost his keys through a Which Way 3ut Loose." His and Agri for three years *
hole in the pocket of his most embarrassing moment He las received the Agri I,
$$Q tuxedo. He had to have was when he broke a pen in Algebra I, and two honor
someone take Mm home to get his pants pocket and got awards. He says he won't
another setof keys. Bichard ink all over him. He says miss anything. He advises
has been active in football s he '11 always remember when Juniors to !! go for the
track and F..C.A. After the football team beat gustoll"
graduefcion he Elans on go- Clarksville in three over-
ing to the University of times. His pet peeve is GSM. D0MN
Monticello, majoring in English class* He will.
wildlife Biology3 and play- miss not being able to see Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Dunn
ing walk-on football if all his friends. Gene are the proud parents of
he's lucky. would like totell the Jrs. brown-haired, green-eyed,
Ann-Margaret is his fa- to have all the fun they Gena, born to them on Nov.
vorite actress, and Surt can because your Sr. year 8, I960. Gena likes spa-
Reynolds is his favorite goes vary fast. He plans ghetti, the color brown,
actor. "Crazy Love" is to go to Tulsa and live 3urt aieynolds, and actress
his favorite song, and with his uncle and become JaelynSmith. Her favorite
"Animal House fr is his fa- an electrician. •IV show is. BifferontStakes,
vorite movie • Healsolikes favorite movie is Smokey
th« color yellow and the PSBRI DORR and the 3andit,ani her fav
T.¥.shows«Hork and Kindy." group is the Villagefeople„
His hero is Earl Campbell lerry was born on January Gena has participated in
and shrimp is his favorite 22, 1961, to his parents GCS, Beta dub, sad FH4
food.. 3ruce and Grace Dorr. He during " her high school
has participated in football years. Gena's hobbies ares
KUHT CLTMBE and baseball. Kis hobbies horseback ridii^ swimming,
are hunting, swimming, and hikin^, -raid i-JorKing with
Kurt was born in Wichita, ccOleeting things ."'His fa-
Kansas3 and his parents are vorites ares food —taeos kids, uer most treasured
Sandy and Bo Poor. He moved col or -green, person- JSiekey, memory was receiving a I
here "in 1978. His most movie -"Smokey and the Ban- at state in band. When
treasured moment was when dit," aetor-3urt Iieynalds, asked what her most em-
he had to leave his girl actress -Cheryl Ladd» Eis barrassing moment was she
friend in Oregon. He'll most treasured lacsnent aas said, "Mho we? 4rabarrased?
really miss his friends. when he moved back here riaver...? Gena!s favorite
His favorites aros song- His most embmrass ing mument son^ is '^ou Light Up %
All Pico , food -pis za 9 color - was be in.-, as fed for this Life :r and her favorite
blue. He plans to have some interview;. He plans to work singer is Andj? Gibb. She
kind of shop of his own in after he graduates. plans to be working and
the future* married ia the year 2000.
Jiceordin^ to Gena her pet
DSFOCE peeve is two-faced people.
She plans to attend ^o"ko
Iroy and Shirley Defoor 1'ech and major in Wildlife
Eugene and Iriaa Dedmon were blessed with Timothy
decided they would like to Hay on March 19, 1961, at i-iana^emeat after graduation.
have a son, so -they did and Maldron. Some of his fav- Her adviceto Jrs. iss love
named him Gene. He was born orites ares maay, trust many, but al-
Undercover ways paddle yourowa canoe«"
Dec. 263 I960, at Caldron* Angel, red, Mexican food,
Hs has acquired a taste "for Star Wars, the Bee Gees, She won a first place
football, hunting, camping, 3urt Reynolds, and Eacquel gold medal in the state GGS
Mexican food, Jean, the Welch. His most treasured Contests in 4-^ri demon-
color blue, "Styx, aneTSally memory was masting Ms wife, stration and a Honorable
Fields. He also likes the and the most embarrassing mention Certificate forlsr
song n!Eragedynand watching was proposing to Tamara. Clerical OccupationalStucly
Clint Eastwood in 'Svery He has participated in band Manual in Hot Springs.
for three years, Beta Club
Page 11

DELAINE DOTfSGI of ell she ••jillniss seeing MELISSA

all of her friends. She
Delaine is the da-.pb.ter plans on working at the was born at j-t.
of Mr. and Krs.W.C. Dunson hospital after graduation •3E-ith to Helen and Bernard
and was born in Lubbock., and doing a lot of church Ferguson I-Jov. 19, I960.
Texas5 August 1?s I960. work, but most of all she Her hobbies are rea'tLns?
She transferred here from wants to spend a lot of time sowing, swiiariring, and v;atcrt-
Lubboek in 1973« She says Kith h.,r husband. ing T.V. Soco of he?i ? ~v...,
her most treasured moment vorites -ra: Color".- blue,
at miS is being a Senior. CHERYL SLKINS subject-Science, £nd ::.r •
She says she «.ll miss her Coug.-rTr.R7. She has Irsa;;
friends most. She ' has Cheryl is tie daughter of r. member of FHA and '-he
participated in tr?efc. She Mr. and IJrs. Hirold SLkins, Beta Club; She has recaiva^ -
loves to skate and swira. and w s born on Kirch 16, a P.,3. Award., Accounting
Delaine's plans for the 1961. She has participat- Award, Tbnor Awarc^ Pervact
future is to go back to ed in the Beta Club, majo- Att ondenc e5 and . -. iris 1 it rt 5
Lubbock. In the year 2000 rette, band, and FHA. She- She will raiss 3r?.osTil7 her
she will be doing s?hatever. lias made all-region band, friends at »HS andheru'ort
Her favorites ares color- and one of her hobbies is treasured raoroory is cra;i-=
blues food-strawberry pie/- going to Mansfield. Some uating. Her x~ost embarras-
T¥ show-Starsfcy aad Hutch, of her favorites arc: Food-, sing nioinont ••ras vur'sckir.g
her favorite setor is Burt jroos. pjnj Pepsi; color-baby her ear after having it for
;>eynoldss actress-Barbara blue5 song-"I Just Fall In only about a month.
Stanwiek9 favorite person Love Again"; actor-"Clyde" Her future plans are to
is Doug D.5 teacher- Mr. on "Every ~ 'hieh '£17 But attend the Univ. of Ark.
•-illard, she loves the song Loose"; and Actress-Sally major in accounting, and
"If", group-Qzark lit. Dare Fields. become a C.P.A. ~£y tlie
Devils. Her favorite movie Cheryl's most treasured year 2000 she hopes %p h
is Si&okey and the Bandit, memory is HomecoEiing '73. hor accounting firm.
Delaine's dislike is the T%en she goes to college
guys in school that tMnk to find a rich B;an and FLOYD
they're high society. De- marvy lln\ the feings she'll
laine's advice to the Jrs. niss most are her friends. Praa iloyd, the dsughtar
is "Don't work too hard." In the year 2000 Cheryl of l--.r. ?-. Frs. ?Io3.1is Floyd,
plans to be working on her c.^me to be on April 65105],,
MGELA (ROGERS) DICKSHS second million. She has participated in the
band as a drum major and
Angela Dickens, formerly SISV3 SAVES plays a Contra-bass clarinet,
Angela Rogers., was born to She got the honors -of -making
lir * and Hrs. Donald F. Rogers Ir. and Mrs. Gene Eaves 4- State Honor Band, All-Re-
Sr. Angela's favorite col- was Hessod vd-th a son Feb. gion Band, and All- State
or is yellow3 and her fav- 17, 1951, inOclahoma City, Band for 2 years. Pam likes
orite food is pizsa. The Oklahoma. the color blue, tho song
number one song with Angela Steve E:oved to i-faldron ""IcunitodJ'.thoffiovi'o'Buper-
is "IWouldn't Want to Live in the sixth grade. manj' and i-'izza Hut pizzn.
if low Didn't Love Me," His nost treasured ECKI- Her most embarrassing" m^rt-
ory will be graduation. ent --/as vrtien Ronnie pushed
Angela's most treasured He has received the per- her in the nrud and snow at
memories are i/tfheft she mar- fect attendance aw~rd.
ried her husbairi Doyle, and All -State. Bain's pet peeve
;/\faen she and Louise .took He wants to be a farmer. is judges that give 2(s,
jach otter to the prom last His hobby is cars, and and her. treasured memory
/•Gar. Angela "Kin, niss hav- his f-.voritos are: food- is asking a I at marching
.ng to get off'work early pizsa, color-blue, song- contest, text year she in-
•,o coiau to sdaool, but nost "Theaght Timed1 the light'! tends t-~> -^ttond Arkansas
by Jennifer Barnes. Tech and be a music major,
Page 12

TIMMI FRANKLIN KIM dtC GODFSST color red, food*-pizza, her

favorite actor is Hurt
Timmy Franklin'thinks ho It seems this year that Reynolds, actress - Carol
will be sitting home draw- the wedding bug caught on Burnett. She like the song
ing •raemployment by tie year to a few school girls. Kim Lady, the group-Heart, she
2QQO. He has been around just happened to be one of loves to watch the Carol
Waldron all his life. He them. Her wedding was her Burnett show, her favorite
says he mil miss the girls most treasured memory. I-*1. teacher is Kr. Hill, and
the most. His parents .ire and Mrs. Grady Crumpton her favorite movie is l"id-
llr, and Mrs. Junior Fr->nk- brought' her ait to face the night Skpress. . Karen1s
lin. He plans to d> as lit- world Aug. 7, 1951. She advice to the Jrs. is to
tle as possible Jn his fut- likes v&chard Pryor, Linda make the most of your Sr.
ure. His favorites are: Blair, Merican food, 'Heart year.
French food, cf course., for of Glass!i by Blonde, and
the romantic type, color- the color blue. She has KB HALE
red, song-"Firei:. His most boon involved indneerlead-
treasured memory is the Jr. ing, track, mLleyball, and This 1979 Honor Graduate
and Senior Prom. annual staff. She has be-n was bom to Leslie & Betty
on the honor roll and has Hale Aug. 30, 1951 at 3us-
SUSAN (SOMES recc-ivcd awards for perfect sellville. Kim stepped into
attendance, typing and the the spotlight during the
Susan was born Kay 26, American Legion. Her hob- '78 Talent Show when she
1961, inSrt Smith to Bill bies include: horseback literally sbunn.;d the stud-
and Joyce Grimes. She has riding and bowling. She ent body as she sang, "You
attended "/faldron School fi>r wants to be a good house- Light Up Fy Life." Later
12 years. Her hobbies in- wife and mother, but says she her tv debut with
clude .ballet, horseback she plans to workldbor on. that same song on Noon On
riding, tennis, listening In the year 2000, . she'll Five. It comes as no sur-
to music, and playing the be traveling prise thatKLr plans to at-
piano. Susan also likes tend Ark. Techmd major in
the color red, pizsa, the KA3&K GOODHSR music. If you get to know
song Rmnited, tic Bee Gees, this brox-jn-hairod, brown-
and Donna Summer. Her fav- On June 21, E&L an Still- eyed singer, pu might find
orite movie as Ice Castles, w'ter, Oklahoma, Jr. and Mrs out that she loves to cro-
favorite actor; Michael Hoyt Goodner aecuired a chet, embroidery, collect
Moriarty and favorite act- bouncing baby girl which stamps and listen to music.
ress: Lynn Holly Johnson. they named Karan. Karan 's She also loves ell the col-
She has participated in most treasured memory while ors of the rainbow snd iresh
Choir, Beta Club, Spanish attending *<!HS is the '79 strawberries. She loves
dub, and received 31 award Homecoming. Karan trans- actor Larry MJLeox, but om-
in Spanish. Susan's most ferred to "513 in 1970;;; not strand Brik Estrada. She
embarrassing moment eamo She will miss all the good hr.s participated in: 9th
•when she kicked her foot times she's had and her grade band, choir, Bsta dub,
( instead of the ball) in friends at '•'•'HS. Karan has Bow Vfow Strff, Danish aub,
soccer. Her most treasured participated in Band, flag and FliA. She received the
moment was the '79 £fc>m ?vnd line, Bow Wow staff. Mho's choir aid perfect tfctendance
Ganquet. She says her fri- ¥no, and FHA. Karan has awards. Did you know Kim
ends are what die will sis.0 received an ACT and state has -i secret goal for her-
most about school. Her in- scholarship awards. She self? She wants to create
mediate plans for the fut- plans to attend UCA. By and perform a song ihat will
ure are attending Arkansas the year 2000 Karan plans top the charts in gospel,
Tech and majoring in Com- to be married and have a country and rock.' Knowing
puter Science. In the year family. Karan' loves to Lj she'll do it?
2000, Sisan hopes to be .mar- waterski, " swim, fish, and
ried, have a successful car- •drag main. , Karan likes the
eer, two kids, and a German

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