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Shape of the universe

Author VgSLF 2013-09-28

1 Summary conceptualization 1) Cosmic Tree of life torus endothermic (photosynthesis 1) cooled smoke rings caused by exothermic underlying reaction (first big bang/camp fire). 2) Tree of life sprouting from cosmic soil on a cosmic earth (copy of our own Earth and core).

Problem: Recursiveness Solution: Recursive illusion caused by fractal Koch snowflake (Dendrite crystal2) shaped metaverse3 Absolute Zero and perfect crystals:

At temperatures near 0K, nearly all molecular motion ceases and S=0 for any adiabatic process, where S is the entropy. In such a circumstance, pure substances can (ideally) form perfect crystals.

Crystal shape:

A perfect crystal is one in which the internal lattice structure extends uninterrupted in all directions. The perfect order can be represented by translational symmetry along three axes. 4

The perfect and infinite absolute zero tetrahedron crystal (trigonal bipyramid 5) field state is unobservable because of the uncertainty principle.6 Triangular lattice7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sierpinski8 Metatron9 =UTF8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=0ThGUqiLMoz24QSIjIFI#hl=sv&q=triangular+lattice&spell=1 &tbm=isch&um=1&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=2Gc4n2xqZvvraM%3A%3B-SdxuXuZRQG3BM%3Bhttp%253A 8 9

Structure 4 planck length trigonal dipyramids (or other dimension/flat) yield 1 higher level trigonal field metaverse. Our universe is one of these fields (Triangular tiling10)

Questions: Dimensions of the trigonal field? Is it a Sierpinski fractal? if Dipyramidal, folding towards center (spherical), folding towards center of individual trigonal (pointy)? if flat, open ("infinite")? if multidimensional fractal, growth pattern? How many fields are there? Local metaverse field coordinates based on planck units/absolute zero/heisenberg extrapolation (iteration number from absolute zero state) if 1 trigonal = comparable in size/function to either of these, and 4 trigonals = 1 trigonal of double size. Big bangs from trigonal iterations? local decoupled fields of varying size operating at asymmetrical iterations on the primary zero state field? Trigonal merging effect on universe if universe is one part of a future 4 part iteration?


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