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Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant

-Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant

Directive 2014:03.14b
List of objectives

Issued by Aesyr Wdanaz

SPC Directive 2014:03.14b List of objectives

Summary Unify Scandinavia Unify Abraha ic re!i"ions #$ide %eo%!e to&ards se!f act$a!i'ation (e& ytho!o"y Advancin" )$ an *i"hts +asic inco e (e& onetary syste ,erti!ity c$!t

Progress: 1. The unification of Scandinavia -he SPC %roc!ai ed the $nified Scandinavia ear!ier this year. no& it is si %!y a reco"nition and i %!e entation of %o!icy. /$r ain a!!y is the (ordic Co$nci!. ,ra e&or0: Aesyr 12dana' 3/din4 is the sy bo!ic r$!er of As"ard 3(ordic Co$ntries inc!$din" inde%endent Scot!and4 Strea !inin" ad inistration and er"in" "overn ents *eestab!ishin" the nordic c$!t$ra! herita"e A!!ocatin" 15 of nationa! b$d"et for the %$r%ose atter of for a!

6ethods: Stat$s: Phase 1:3 ; <stab!ish ent and recr$it ent *ecr$it ent of 7a!0yrie $nits &ho &i!! be re&arded 38900 000 $%on Conso!idatin" %o&er by i %!e entin" a c!andestine s%y net&or0 Conventiona! de ocratic ethods ission co %!etion4

2. Unification of the children of Abraham Aesyr 12dana' do$b!es as the Antichrist &hich &i!! force a res%onse fro the three. %!ease refer to Directive 2014:02.0= to $nderstand the %$r%ose of the redefined Antichrist. ,ra e&or0: A road a% &as o$t!ined in Directive 2014:02.0> -he chi!dren of Abraha can $nify &itho$t ho o"eni'in"



Di%!o atic ne"otiations is !ar"e!y f$ti!e in this atter as the %arties are very entrenched. the on!y so!$tion is by tactica! non;vio!ent o%erations )eavy $se of the Antichrist %ro%hecy to $nite the three a"ainst a co on ene y A!!y &ith Science ; &hen the chi!dren are $nified re!i"ion &i!! a"ain $nify &ith Science to ce ent stat$s


3. Positive Disintegration Creative e?%!oration of the %syche in ti es of crisis. Se!f act$a!i'ation is a $sef$! too! for a!! %eo%!e b$t the SPC is %ri ari!y interested in those &ho are st$c0 in %sychotic enta! states and those &ho sett!e for !ess b$t have ca%acity for ore. ,ra e&or0: Pro ote e?istin" %sycho!o"ica! to "reater 3virt$o$s4 hei"hts ethods of %ositive disinte"ration and cha!!en"in" ones se!f

6ethods: <nco$ra"e @$estionin" of estab!ished society for the %$r%ose of redefinin" rea!ity to a!i"n &ith interna! e otiona! state &itho$t tri""erin" %sychosis or de!$sion 3th$s it sho$!d be so e&hat based on e %irica! findin"s4. LetAs ca!! it creativity to !end o$rse!ves so e !ee&ay in definition. Pro ote e?istin" !iterat$re co bined &ith o&n tai!or ade reco endations


Phase 3:3 3Bn %ro"ress4

. !e" mythology S%irit$a! dec!ine of the &est is a bi" %rob!e . -he SPC %ro%osed the i %!e entation of a ne& ytho!o"y as one of its fo$ndin" %rinci%!es and raison dAetre. ,ra e&or0: Dra& on the stren"ths of ancestra! and triba! traditions the (e& 6ytho!o"y sho$!d be a%%!ied on the individ$a! !eve! as&e!! as the "!oba! 3and aybe inbet&een4 )arness %ro%hetic conver"ence. %ro ote the conce%t of -echno!o"ica! Sin"$!arity )eavy redefinition of ancient history based on hy%othesis and e %irica! findin"s

6ethods: Use in co bination &ith %oint 3. *ead -he *$!es of the -&e!ve *ea! s and Sa%id Acacia St$dy )istory and 6ytho!o"y

Stat$s: Phase 3:3 3Bn %ro"ress4

#. Advancing $uman %ights -he S&edish !e"a! syste is !ar"e!y dysf$nctiona!. obso!ete and %o!itica!!y corr$%t. +$rea$crats %rey on P* o%%ort$nities to %ro ote a non e?istin" facade of j$stice. Bt is i %ortant to $nderstand that the entire syste &as i %!e ented a !on" ti e a"o &hen criteria for advanced )$ an *i"hts did not e?ist. and that individ$a! ri"hts &ere $ch !ess si"nificant and n$anced d$rin" the 1Cth cent$ry and before. -he United (ations !e"a! instr$ ents &ere conce%t$a!i'ed as a &ay for citi'ens to "ain vindication a"ainst co itted vio!ations a&ay fro %artisan co$rts. ,ra e&or0: Citi'ens sho$!d not %!ace any $nfo$nded confidence in nationa! co$rts -he co$rts $se @$otas and P* to "ive an a%%earance of o%eratin" &ith satisfaction. b$t it is a facade. itAs corr$%t to the core cra&!in" &ith %sycho%aths. "overn ent a"ents and %o!itica! &hee!erdea!ers -hey are sti!! effective &hen $sed in co bination &ith internationa! %!ayers or %ress$re b$t noncha!ant to&ards ordinary citi'ens ri"hts &hich is ca$se for "rave concern and of co$rse a0es the entire conce%t obso!ete in the 21st cent$ry -he SPC ca!!s for c!oser coo%eration bet&een the U(. <U and nationa! !e"a! syste s in ear!ier sta"es of s$s%ected h$ an ri"hts vio!ations. even inor. es%ecia!!y those co itted by a$thorities 1e be!ieve that nationa! reso$rces need not have been e?ha$sted before a case ay be %resented before Bnternationa! -rib$na!s and that fie!d a"ents driven by a %rofo$nd res%ect and $nderstandin" of h$ an ri"hts sho$!d be re%resented in co$ntries as a serio$s a!ternative to citi'ens. &ith overridin" !e"a! andates iss$ed by the U( and <U in co bination &ith e?ec$tive %o&er in case of soverei"n non co %!iance -he o b$ds en c$rrent!y ho!din" si i!ar %ositions in S&eden have a!! been s$bverted by nationa! %o!itica! interests. there $st be a hi"her de"ree of se%aration

6ethods: Loca! or"ani'ation of fie!d o%eratives Sca!ab!e de ocratic revie& $sin" di"ita! %!atfor s to iss$e verdicts and decisions ,or a! revie& co itte 3core4 &ith e?ec$tive %o&ers <fficient se%aration of the co$rts and %o!itics /n!y in cases of "overn ent trans"ressions. not ordinary cri ina! investi"ations &here the co$rts are sti!! ost!y f$nctionin" %ro%er!y -he !e"a! syste sho$!d fear )$ an *i"hts vio!ations. as it stands they a$to atica!!y dis iss the f$!!y e?%ectin" cases to be a%%ea!ed in internationa! co$rts. $n!ess trivia!!y $sed for P* or to fi!! ann$a! @$otas

Stat$s: Phase 2:3 3%re%aration4

&. 'asic (ncome P!ease refer to Pro%osition 2012:01. Stat$s: Phase 2:3 3%re%aration4

). !e" monetary system Directive 2014:02.19D1C. Stat$s: Phase 1:3 ; 3conce%t$a!i'ation4

*. +ertility ,ult Directive 2014:01.04. Stat$s: Phase 1:3 ; 3conce%t$a!i'ation4

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