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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

W ha t i s y o ur p ur s e s a yi n g a b o ut y o u? I t m i gh t n o t b e p r e tty ! T o p 3 ti p s t o t a m e th a t u n r u l y ha n d b a g
O t t a w a , O N It's the deep dark secret that women dare not speak of: the mysteries that lie within the cavernous depths that are...the purse. But the author of the popular Be That Girl and now Be That Mom books, Tina O'Connor, is helping women reorganize the fearsome clutter of their purses and help them embrace a more zen-like approach to their lives, literally. We hear a lot about Feng Shui when it comes to home decor, but as O'Connor points out, the concepts are applicable to all facets of our life, including our bags! And a disorganized bag often ends up resulting in a disorganized life. "When it comes down to it, Feng Shui is all about directing energy flows to improve your lifeit's almost a no-brainer to apply it to something that we use every day. It's just silly to have something like your bag stress you out, but it happens to many women. You're standing at a checkout, kids hanging off your arms, and you go into full panic mode because you can't find the receipt or credit card you were looking for." There are enough things in life that are a source of stress, Tina believes firmly that a purse should certainly not be one of them. Tina's t o p t i p s to tame the handbag beast include: Use purse organizers, either ones designed specifically for the task, or just cute little cosmetic bags that will help you compartmentalize your items for easy access Use a red wallet. According to Feng Shui principles red is a colour that attracts wealth but more importantly, it's easy to spot when you're in a rush! Organize items into containers according to type. For example, keep personal items together while storing items like loyalty cards and coupons in another case. "It will save you time and energy, and even money," adds O'Connor, "especially if you haven't been able to track down the rewards cards and coupons that disappeared into the rabbit hole of your purse. If you take 1 to 2 minutes at the end of each day (or every other day)to remove garbage, receipts and other "stuff" (like your kids socks, or your ripped pair of nylons, or a banana peel), your purse will be a place you would feel comfortable having anyone stick their hands into.

A b o u t t he B o o k

Be That Mom (Ignite your passions, Organize your Life & Embrace your Family) is an instructional and inspirational book designed to help moms of any age relax and enjoy their time more. Be That Girl teaches you how to tap into your own ability to manifest everything you truly desire in your life. Thinking better thoughts WILL get you better results! Robert G. Allen, co-author of New York Times bestseller, The One Minute

Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth

Unleash the inner power to

Small bits of maintenance keep the stress away! Tina O'Connors Be That... series of books are designed to provide practical solutions to every day problems and help women make over their lives with wit and good fun. More information on Tina and her books are available at -3 0 T o b o o k a n i nte r v ie w c o nt a c t: Rachel Sentes, Publicist 604-366-7846

change your life NOW! By the time youve reached the end of this book, youll feel unstoppable! Sandi Richard, international best selling author of the Cooking for the Rushed series and star of Food Networks Fixing Dinner Website: Twitter: Facebook: Blog: gal-friday publicity #308- 1114 Howie Avenue Coquitlam, B.C V3J 1V1 This email was created and delivered using Industry Mailout

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