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446 Metroplex Dr., Building A, Suite 224 Nashville, TN 37211

Tel: 615.833.0384 Fax: 615.833.0387

***Press Release***


Wednesday, April 1, 2009 615-833-0384 (office)
615-775-1069 (cell)

Democracy a Priority for Hundreds of Tennessee’s New Americans as

they take to the Hill to push for Real Change on the Economy and
Encouraged by the Dream Act and concerned about Racial Profiling, Tennessee
immigrants and allies take their story directly to their representatives

Nashville, TN- On Wednesday, April 1st, 2009, over 150 of Tennessee’s new Americans and
their supporters will meet with their legislators at the State Capitol to advocate for policies that
will help Tennessee’s immigrants and refugees integrate more effectively into their new society.
This year, there are 35 bills pending in the state legislature that, if passed, would negatively
affect the immigrant and refugee community

“This is about changes that need to be done that improve the lives of people who are struggling
to get a better job, a better education, a better life for their families and their communities,” says
Shelbyville resident Miguel Gonzales.

Today, hundreds of new Americans will oppose legislation that would encourage racial profiling
by law enforcement, and two initiatives that revisit the failed policy of English-Only. They will
also stand together in promoting positive state bills, like the “We Want to Learn English
Initiative.” They will also emphasize the importance of federal immigration reform and positive
federal initiatives like the Dream Act, a bi-partisan effort to give thousands of immigrant students
the ability to reach their full potential.

“Coming from places where they’re suffering from poverty and oppression, immigrants come to
a country where anything is possible – only to have their dreams contradicted when they finish
high school, and can’t continue to fulfill their potential and help grow their communities and their
country,” continues Mr. Gonzales.

For new Americans like Miguel, the time for change is now, and they are determined to have
their voice heard by policy makers.
“Immigration reform must become reality because it will give stability to our communities and in
general to our country.”

Who: Over 150 of Tennessee’s new Americans and their supporters

What: New American Day on the Hill

When: Wednesday, April 1st, 2009.

Morning session: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Afternoon session: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00

Where: Tennessee Legislature (State Capitol Hill), Capitol Hill Charlotte Avenue between Sixth
and Seventh, Nashville, TN. (Please stop at the Welcoming TN table or TIRRC booth located in
the main hallway of the Legislature to pick up the media kit)

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