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G- 6R

JULY 12, 2013 SPCM 1

The Life of Alyssa Asilo: A Story of Love

A life full of love, hope and faith without any regrets was lead by a veterinarian named Alyssa Asilo. She was a very hardworking and an intelligent student. It was unfortunate that she died before she can receive her diploma. It really tore my heart apart when I saw her mother receiving her daughters diploma in television. At the very start of the play, I was shocked that Sir Rufo played such role, a policemen and he did not just played it out but It was really magnificent. I was laughing hard when he sang My Way by Frank Sinatra because that song which I think was outdated. But when I gave a deep thought on what could be the reason why they played that song, it seemed to me that It was about how Alyssa Asilo made her path to her goals and dreams as she was struggling on her death and did it on her own way. The actress who played the role of Alyssa Asilo is really splendid. She really portrayed the the latters character which her love for everyone despite all the circumstances and consequences that may occur. She put anybody before her own self. An example of this was in the start of the play where she insisted to attend class because she was worried for her classmates for the might not have a one- fourth sheet of paper. I was amazed by her because I myself did not have that kind of concern to my classmates. She also loved her older sister whom sacrificed her studies for her and a mother who was always by her side when she needed her. The actor who played the role of the Death God acted forcefully which I think embodied who really is Death. I appreciated how it was difficult to play with many characters such as the parents, sister and thesis adviser of Alyssa. It was really good to see since he was able to acted it out cleanly. The UP Ravens did a good job. They danced well and I really like their facial expression in the last scene when they are dying. The stage decorations and the sounds and light were good but I am really confused on the use of those metal frames. I do not understand the meaning behind those things and it was really on the back of my mind ever since. I also liked the teddy bear who always saying the word I love you! It was such a cute thing and seemed so powerful since the Death God showed weakness. Thus, this whole play is a story of love. Love is such a wonderful thing to experience and we should all share this to everyone.

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