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Introduction 1

Motion Workspace Guide Introduction

Overview and Definition

Overview and Definition

An overview of motion simulation is given here.

SimXpert is based on the world's most widely used mechanical system simulation software. It enables users to produce virtual prototypes, realistically simulating the full-motion behavior of complex mechanical systems on their computers and quickly analyzing multiple design variations until an optimal design is achieved. This reduces the number of costly physical prototypes, improves design quality, and dramatically reduces product development time. In a motion simulation, the system has specific degrees of freedom and is driven by external forces and excitations. SimXpert solves the nonlinear differential and algebraic equations of the system in order to simulate the motion of the model subject to the specified conditions. Components involved in the simulation are known as parts, and may have unique geometry and mass properties. Parts are connected to one another by various types of connections, which connect specific degrees of freedom. Motion may be specified for connections to control how parts move with respect to each other. Forces may be applied to parts, including forces of constant magnitude and spring dampers, which produce variable force based on relative position and velocity. Once you compute a simulation, you may display the motion of each part, and chart data from the simulation.

Introduction 3
Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of Freedom
Degrees of freedom dictate how a mechanical system is allowed to move. The following sections provide information on understanding and calculating degrees of freedom in your model. Removing Degrees of Freedom In mechanical systems, a degree of freedom (DOF) is a measure of how bodies can move relative to other bodies. Therefore, the total number of degrees of freedom of a mechanical system is the number of independent motions that characterize the model. A freely floating rigid body in three-dimensional space is said to have six DOF. This implies that the body can exhibit motion in six independent ways: three translations and three rotations. The DOF of a mechanical system represent the minimum number of displacement coordinates needed to completely specify the system configuration. Once you know these, you can calculate any other information pertinent to the configuration as a function of these independent variables. You can, of course, represent a mechanical system with more coordinates than there are degrees of freedom. In such an instance, the coordinates are not all independent. There must be algebraic constraint equations relating some of the coordinates. This is precisely how SimXpert works. For most mechanical systems, the number of degrees of freedom is constant throughout time. In some mechanical systems, the number of degrees of freedom can change as their configurations change over time. SimXpert allows you to specify the position of each body in the model, regardless of the degrees of freedom in the mechanical system. Different types of constraints constrain different combinations of motion, thereby removing various DOF from the model. Revolute joints, for example, constrain two degrees of rotational freedom and three degrees of translational freedom therefore allowing one degree of rotational freedom. Cylindrical joints constrain two degrees of rotational and two degrees of translational freedom, therefore allowing one rotational and one translation freedom. Rotational or translation motions, defined at joints, constrain either one rotational or translational DOF, respectively. Tables 1, 2, and 3 list the number of DOF removed by SimXpert constraints. Calculating Degrees of Freedom Using the Gruebler Equation To determine the total number of degrees of freedom (DOF) for a mechanical system, you can use the Gruebler equation which is: Degrees of freedom = [ 6 * (Number of movable bodies) ] - (Number of constraints) To evaluate this equation, you would count the number of movable bodies in your model and subtract the DOF removed by the constraints and prescribed motions. Note that the body count does not include the ground body since it does not contribute any DOF. For example, the Gruebler equation for a model that contains three movable bodies, one rotational motion, three revolute joints, and one translational joint would be: DOF = ( 6 * 3 ) - ( 1 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 ) = 18 - 21 = -3

Degrees of Freedom

From this calculation, you see that the model has -3 DOF. When the Gruebler equation yields a DOF count less than zero, it indicates that the model definitely has one or more constraints that are redundant. If you use the same model and replace one of the revolute joints with a spherical joint and another revolute joint with a cylindrical joint, the Gruebler equation would then be: DOF = ( 6 * 3 ) - ( 1 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 5 ) = 18 - 18 = 0 This equation now indicates that there are zero DOF in the model. When the Gruebler equation is greater than or equal to zero, you cannot be positive that the mechanical system does not contain constraints that are redundant. The Gruebler equation offers a good way to understand how the model is built, but to see if there are redundant constraints or not, it is best to let SimXpert perform an analysis. You will receive a message from SimXpert if the model contains redundant constraints. However, you do not know how many or which ones SimXpert sees as the redundant constraints. For information on how SimXpert handles models with redundant constraints, see Checking for Redundant Constraints below. Checking for Redundant Constraints You can construct a legal and well-defined model where one set of joints constrain the model in exactly the same way as another set of joints. In mathematical terms, you can state that the equations of constraint of both sets of joints are redundant with each other. A SimXpert model is a mathematical idealization of a physical mechanical system. For this reason, your model can contain redundant constraints even if you define your model with the same number and types of joints as the physical mechanical system. An example of a mechanical system with redundant constraints is a door supported by two hinges. In a real door, minor violations of the hinge collinearity do not prevent the door from operating because of body deformity and joint-play in the hinges. In the mathematical model, where the bodies are rigid and joints do not permit any play, the two hinges are redundant but consistent when the axes of the two hinges are aligned. If, however, the axes are not aligned, the door cannot move without breaking one of the hinges. In this case, the two hinges are inconsistent and half of their constraints are redundant. SimXpert does not tolerate redundant constraints whether they are consistent or inconsistent. When encountered, SimXpert subjectively determines which constraints are redundant, deletes them from the set of equations, and provides a set of results that characterize the motion and forces in the model. Note that other solutions can also be physically realistic. Systems with redundant constraints do not have a unique solution. According to the Gruebler equation, a SimXpert model with fewer than zero DOF is overconstrained. SimXpert can solve an overconstrained model only if the redundant constraints are consistent. Redundant constraints are consistent if a solution satisfying the set of independent constraint equations also satisfies the set of dependent or redundant constraint equations. In the case of the door with two hinges, SimXpert ignores five of the constraint equations. You, unfortunately, do not know which equations are removed. If you assume that SimXpert ignores all of the equations corresponding to one of the hinges, that means that all the reaction forces are concentrated at the other hinge in the SimXpert solution. SimXpert subjectively sets the reaction forces to zero at the

Introduction 5
Degrees of Freedom

redundant hinge. However, as long as distribution of reaction forces maintains a constancy of the net reaction force and torque, it also provides a correct solution. SimXpert does not always check joint initial conditions when it does overconstraint checking. If you apply a motion on one joint and initial conditions on another joint, check to make sure that they are not redundant because SimXpert does not check them. As a general rule, you should not specify more initial conditions than the model has degrees of freedom. For a model with redundant constraints, constraints that are initially consistent can become inconsistent as the model articulates over time. SimXpert stops execution as soon as the redundant constraints become inconsistent. Therefore, you should not intentionally input redundant constraints in your model. For example, consider a planetary gear system with redundant constraints. Slight misalignment errors can accumulate over time, eventually resulting in a failure of the consistency check. If this occurs, manually remove the redundant constraints or replace them with flexible connections. If you have redundant constraints in your model, try replacing joints with joint primitives or with approximately equivalent flexible connections. By reviewing the messages saved in the message file after SimXpert tries to solves your model, you can find out how many and which redundant constraints are being removed.

Modeling and Simulating Process

Modeling and Simulating Process

This explains the general mechanical system modeling and simulating process you should follow when using SimXpert. Process Overview The figure below shows the steps in the modeling and simulating process. Although the steps that you perform to model and simulate a mechanical system are listed as though you build the entire model at once and then test, review, and improve it, you should build and test small elements of your model before building the entire model. For example, create a few parts, connect them together, and then run a simulation. This way you can ensure that each element works before moving on to the next step. This is referred to as the crawl-walk-run approach.

Introduction 7
Modeling and Simulating Process

Build The build step in the process includes: 1. Idealizing the mechanical system so it can be represented mathematically. This involves deciding how many parts really need to be modeled, how to connect the parts to represent the movement of the physical system. Also, you must specify which compliant connections need to be modeled and which environment forces need to be modeled. 2. Selecting the units. You must work within a consistent set of units that is appropriate for your model. 3. Creating the basic elements. This involves creating the parts of your model, adding constraints to define movement, and defining forces that act on your model. Test After you define the model, you can run a simulation using SimXpert to verify its performance characteristics and response to a set of operating conditions. We recommend that you simulate your model at various times during the building step. This allows you to more readily find and correct any mistakes in the model. You can also set up simulations so that they are interactive, allowing you to control and refine the simulation. During the simulation, SimXpert solves a set of equations of motion for your model. Review As you create your model, its important to consider the results you want. In general, it is best to output any information you think is useful for model verification or system analysis. When you run a dynamic, kinematic, or quasi-static simulation, SimXpert outputs data at the fixed intervals you specify. These fixed intervals are known as output time steps. When you run a static simulation, SimXpert outputs data only once. You can request that SimXpert output data for displacements, velocities, accelerations, reaction forces, applied forces, user-defined variables, generic system elements, as well as system modeling element inputs and outputs. SimXpert writes all the data you request to a request file at each output time step. SimXpert can read this file for plotting purposes. Plots are often useful for studying the specific behavior of a model. For example, if you needed to know the maximum translational loading at a joint, you could plot the translational reaction forces at the joint over the course of the entire simulation and quickly

Modeling and Simulating Process

determine the maximum load. The figure below shows a plot of the translational reaction forces in the translational joint between the base and the upper link of a robot arm.

Figure 1-1

Plot of Translational Joint Reaction Force

SimXpert also outputs graphical data at each output step to the graphics file. Graphical output is often useful for animating the overall behavior of the model and identifying specific problems, such as improper connectivity, misapplied motions or forces, unwanted oscillatory behavior, or clearance problems. The figure below shows an animation with superimposed frames.

Figure 1-2

Superimposed Frames from the Animation of a Robot Arm

Improve After you have run initial simulations to determine the basic motion of your model, you can improve and refine your model by adding more complexity to it. You can edit the model using more advanced functions. For example, you can establish parametric relationships among modeling elements that allow you to perform design sensitivity studies to compare alternative designs. After you modify the model, run more simulations to verify the model.

Components 9



The components of your model include the separate parts of your mechanism, and may each be based on imported CAD geometry. You may import a variety of geometry in SimXpert, including CATIA and Parasolid formats. Once imported, these pieces of geometry may be applied to one or more parts in the complete assembly in order to compose the complete simulation model. You may also create geometry within the SimXpert Motion Workspace, which is covered in the Geometry tab. Before creating geometry however, you must define motion parts with user defined mass properties under the components tab.

Components 11
Import Geometry

Import Geometry
Using the File menu, you may import Geometry from a variety of formats. 1. Select Import from the File Menu. 2. Select the format of the file you wish to import.

Import Geometry

3. Navigate to the directory containing your geometry file.

4. Select the file and click Open. 5. The geometry will be imported and will appear in the treeview and canvas.

Standard 13
Import Geometry


Coordinate Systems

Coordinate Systems
Within SimXpert, you may create local coordinate systems that can be used to help construct connections, forces, and requests. These coordinate systems include origin and orientation information and may be referenced by other operations which require location or orientation data. By default coordinate systems are children of the model, but may be created as children of whichever object is set to current during creation of the coordinate system. Floating coordinate systems may be defined which are associated with a particular part but dont have a defined location.

Description of Fields
Field Name Define as a Floating Coordinate System Description Allows specification of a unique name for each coordinate system. Checkbox that when enabled allows definition of a floating coordinate system, which only has a name and a part to which it is associated. This option is used by General Force, Vector Force, and Vector Torque. Cleared by default.

Allows selection of a reference coordinate system to be used in positioning the new coordinate system in a nested manner relative to an existing coordinate Reference System system. Icon next to field is the "Origin Icon". Selecting this will set the Reference System to the Origin and the text "Origin" will display in the field. Location Orientation Allows specification of location of the coordinate system origin using common location selection tools. Allows specification of the orientation of the coordinate system using common orientation options.

Standard 15
Coordinate Systems

Sample Form

To create a coordinate system 1. Make sure that the desired parent of the coordinate system is set as the current object. The model is the current object by default, but another object may be selected by right clicking and selecting Set Current from the contextual menu. 2. From the Components toolbox select Coordinate System. 3. Choose a reference coordinate system if desired. The default is the global reference frame, but you may select other existing coordinate systems in order to create nested coordinate systems provided that you are using non-geometric ways of defining location and orientation. 4. Choose a location method for the coordinate system and provide necessary data. 5. Define the orientation of the coordinate system using the available methods. 6. Click OK. The coordinate system will appear in the canvas and in the tree.


Hardpoints are parametric locations within a model that contain no orientation information. You may create hardpoints using the Hardpoint tool in the Components Toolbox. Hardpoints define locations in the model and are the basic building blocks for most other components. When you create hardpoints, you can define them symmetrically or as single points in space. When defining hardpoints symmetrically, you could, for example, define a left hardpoint and the right hardpoint is automatically generated as a parametric point.

Description of Fields
Field Name Single or Pair Symmetry or No Symmetry Location Sample Form Description Allows specification of a unique name for each hardpoint. Automatically populated with Hardpoint_###. Selects whether a single hardpoint or a pair of points will be created. Appears when Pair is selected. Selects whether second hardpoint will be symmetrical with the first about the models XZ plane. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of hardpoint positions.

Standard 17

To create a hardpoint 1. From the Components toolbox select Hardpoint. 2. In the Properties form, select single or pair. You may also enter a unique name for the hardpoint. 3. If pair is selected, then additional options will be available such as symmetry and second point location. Select symmetry if you want the points to be symmetric about the models X axis. 4. Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the location to create the hardpoint. If symmetry is selected, the second point location will be completed automatically. 5. Click OK. The hardpoint (or pair) will appear in the canvas and in the tree.

Point Mass

Point Mass
Creates an object with mass, position, and translational velocities. Point masses may not have inertias or angular velocities. They may also have orientation, but this orientation is constant during the course of a simulation. Point masses, unlike parts, may not have inertias or angular velocities. Each point mass adds three degrees of freedom to a system.

Standard 19
Point Mass

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Mass Reference System Location Description Allows specification of a unique name for each point mass. Automatically populated with PointMass_###. Mass value to be applied to the point mass. Coordinate system in which the point mass will be located. Set to Origin by default. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of point mass positions.

Initial Conditions Field Positions Held Fixed During Assembly Initial Velocity Description Checkboxes that specify which global translations of the point mass will be held fixed while assembling the model. Checkboxes and fields for three translational components of initial velocity. If checked, the initial velocity will be set to the value entered. If cleared, that initial velocity component will be left free. Coordinate system in which the initial velocities are specified. Set to Origin by default. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of point mass positions.

Coordinate System Location

Visualization: Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Dropdown menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Point Mass

Field Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Description Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular point mass. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Translational Displacement Translational Velocity Translational Acceleration Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Description Checkbox that enables displacement of part CM relative to the origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables velocity of part CM relative to Origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables output of translational acceleration for the part.

Standard 21
Point Mass

Sample form

To create a point mass 1. Select Definition tab and define name of the point mass object. 2. Enter mass value. 3. Select a reference coordinate system, or use the origin by default. 4. Enter X,Y,Z coordinates for hardpoint location. 5. Select Initial Conditions tab and optionally specify positions to be held fixed during assembly and translational initial velocities. 6. Click OK.


Parts are the main components of a model. There may be multiple parts in each model and the geometry, inertial properties, and initial conditions for each may be specified independently. You may designate parts as moving parts or ground parts from the properties form. Ground Part The ground part is the only part in your model that must remain stationary at all times. You can define a new or existing part as the ground part. The ground part does not have mass properties or initial velocities and does not add degrees of freedom into your model. Moving Parts Moving components of your model. They can have a mass, inertia, initial position, and initial velocity. They are made up of geometric elements of any size or shape.

Standard 23

Description of Fields
Definition Tab Field Name Source of Inertia Properties Description Allows specification of a unique name for each part. Automatically populated with Part_###. Select User Specified or Geometry. Geometry specifies that automatically calculated values based on part Geometry will be used for mass and inertia properties. User Specified specifies that manually entered values will be used for mass and inertia properties, and is required for geometry that is to be created within the SimXpert Motion Workspace. Geometry is selected by default. Allows selection of one or more geometry to be associated with a part. Previously imported geometry may be selected from the treeview or canvas. Geometry can be selected by setting Pick Parts or Pick SubAssy in the pick panel. Selecting Clear Selection List in the pick panel will clear the Geometry field. Once selected, this geometry will be used to automatically calculate mass and inertia properties. Specifies the density value used if mass and inertia properties are automatically calculated based on part Geometry. Specifies the Coordinate System defining the local part reference frame. Specifies the part mass. Specifies diagonal inertia values as calculated about the Inertia Properties Location, expressed in the coordinate system of the Inertia Orientation. Specifies off-diagonal inertia values as calculated about the Inertia Properties Location, expressed in the coordinate system of the Inertia Orientation. Selects whether part will be included in a simulation. Specifies that part will be a ground part if selected, or a moving part if cleared. Check box is cleared by default.


Density Reference System Inertia Properties: Mass Ixx/Iyy/Izz

Ixy/Ixz/Iyz Active Ground


Field Center of Mass Location

Description Allows manual specification of coordinates of center of mass location if Source Of Inertia Properties is selected. Specified relative Reference System. Specifies that inertia values are calculated about center of mass location if selected, or about the manually entered Inertia Properties Location if cleared. Check box is selected by default. Allows manual specification of coordinates of location about which inertia properties are calculated if Source Of Inertia Properties is selected and Inertia Values Defined at Center of Mass is cleared. Specified relative Reference System. Allows manual specification of orientation about which inertia properties are calculated if Source Of Inertia Properties is selected. Specified relative Reference System.

Inertia values defined at Center of Mass Inertia Properties Location

Inertia Orientation

Initial Conditions
Initial Position

Field Positions held fixed during assembly: Global X Global Y Global Z Psi Theta Phi
Initial Velocity

Description Holds the part fixed in the global X direction during assembly. Holds the part fixed in the global Y direction during assembly. Holds the part fixed in the global Z direction during assembly. Holds the part fixed in the Psi rotation direction during assembly. Holds the part fixed in the Theta rotation direction during assembly. Holds the part fixed in the Phi rotation direction during assembly.

Orientations held fixed during assembly:

Field Translational: Along X Along Y Along Z Reference System

Description Specifies part initial velocity along the X axis of the global reference frame. Specifies part initial velocity along the Y axis of the global reference frame. Specifies part initial velocity along the Z axis of the global reference frame. Specifies coordinate system for initial translational velocity values. Origin is selected by default.

Standard 25

Field Rotational: About X About Y About Z

Description Specifies part initial velocity about the X axis of the global reference frame. Specifies part initial velocity about the Y axis of the global reference frame. Specifies part initial velocity about the Z axis of the global reference frame.

Drop-down that specifies location and orientation for initial rotational velocity values. CM location and IM location is selected by default. Global orientation and Reference System user specified (where any coordinate system may be selected) options are available as well.


Loads Field Connections and Forces Load Bearing Geometry Replace Geometry Append Geometry Description List of connections and loads that affect the part. Selections of geometry within the part to carry the load from connections or forces. This geometry may be modified to apply loads as the user desires. Button that allows selection of alternate geometry as the load bearing region of a selected connection or force. Button that allows selection of additional geometry as the load bearing region of a selected connection or force.

Structures Field Material Info: Source Density Youngs Modulus Poissons Ratio Mesh: Source Element Size Type Shell Thickness Element Type Output: Number of Modes Frequency Range Results Specifies the number of modes to be requested from the modal structures analysis of the part. Allows you to enable the upper and lower frequency level. Selects which result quantities will be requested from the modal analysis. Element Stress, Grid Point Stress, Element Strain, and Grid Point Strain may each be activated or deactivated individually. Specifies whether the finite element mesh will be defined by entries on this form or by an existing mesh in the Structures workspace. Selects whether the global edge length for the elements will be determined automatically or set to a user input value. Specifies the dimensionality of the mesh to be created. Options are available for surface and solid meshing. Allows to enter the shell thickness. Specifies whether linear elements (without midside nodes) or quadratic elements (with midside nodes) will be created for the part. Specifies whether properties will be defined by entries on this form or by existing material properties in the Structures workspace. Specifies density for the part. Specifies Youngs (Elastic) modulus for use in the structural analysis of the part. Specifies Poissons ratio for use in the structural analysis of the part. Description

Standard 27

Flexible Body Field Model Part as Flexible Description Checkbox that enables a specific part to be modeled as a flexible body. Once checked, you must select a Model, Results Set, and Modal Neutral File to be used for the flexible body analysis. Pull down that specifies the Structures Finite Element Model for the part, either created manually or during an Export to Structures operation. By default the value will be the Current Model. Drop-down that selects between the current results set, in which case it specifies the XDB result set created for the modal analysis case, a user defined MNF, or a user defined MD Nastran DB. If either User Defined MNF or MD Nastran DB is selected, and additional field is made available to specify the MNF or DB file to use for the results data. A read-only field displaying the modal neutral file (.mnf) used for animation. Drop-down that selects from pre-configured inertia coupling options or custom coupling where the user may manually selects mass invariants. In this formulation, SimXpert Motion disables the sixth invariant, the modal mass, and the flexible body is considered rigid. SimXpert Motion ignores all modes, even those you enable, during the simulation. The results of the flexible body simulation closely resemble those for a rigid part although formulation differences can cause subtle result variations. In this formulation, SimXpert Motion disables the sixth invariant, the modal mass, and the flexible body is considered rigid. SimXpert Motion ignores all modes, even those you enable, during the simulation. The results of the flexible body simulation closely resemble those for a rigid part although formulation differences can cause subtle result variations. In this formulation, SimXpert Motion disables the third, fourth, fifth, eighth, and ninth invariants. The flexible body's inertial properties are unaffected by deformation (that is, deformation and rigid body motion are uncoupled). In this formulation, ADAMS/Flex enables all of the invariants. Use this method to achieve full accuracy. Checkboxes are enabled to select individual mass invariants 3,4,5,6,8, and 9. See Notes and Tips #9 below for more information.


Result Set

Modal Neutral File Inertia coupling

Partial Coupling

Rigid Body


Full Coupling Custom


Field Characteristic Length

Description Field that allows a non-default characteristic length to be specified if the checkbox is cleared. If the checkbox is checked, the solver will calculate the length from the MNF or MD DB file. Field that allows specification of a frequency above which inertia effects will be ignored by treating higher frequency modes as quasistatic in order to speed up the simulation. If enabled, the default value is 1000 Hz. Field that allows specification of a stability factor, which is applied as a damping ratio to the higher frequency quasi-static modes. Default value is 10.0

Dynamic Limit

Stability Factor

Standard 29

Damping Field Method Custom Method Expression Parameters Routine Generalized Damping Off Full Internal Only Option button that selects between runtime expression and user subroutine to define the damping. Field that defines the expression for the damping. To define the expression using the Expression Builder, click the icon to the right of the text. Field that lists parameters to be passed to user subroutine to define damping. Field that selects user subroutine to define damping. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Drop-down that defines option for generalized damping. Set to off by default. No generalized damping is used. This is the default setting. Generalized damping applied to both rigid and modal coordinates. Generalized damping only applied to modal coordinates. Description Drop-down that selects between default damping and custom damping, which is defined by a user entered expression or subroutine.

Animation Visualization Field Animation Visualization Rigid Linear Stress / Deformati on Description Option button that determines how the part will be displayed during animation. Disables flexible body results visualization in animations. Provides option to display part stress and/or deformation during animation. Actual result data to be displayed will be specified on the Animation form.


Modal Information Field Specify Range Modes Method Range Values Table Icon Transfer Loads Field Results Set Start Time End Time Interval Transfer Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that enables visibility of the motion part. Defines the color of the motion part icon. Description Specifies results set to be used for quasi-static load transfer. Specifies start time for loads to be transferred. Time must be within the range of the selected results set. Specifies end time for loads to be transferred. Time must be within the range of the selected results set. Output interval for load transfer. Within the selected range, transfer loads will be calculated at this interval. Button that begins the load transfer process with the specified parameters. Matrix editor icon opens panel to directly enter table of modes to enable. Option button that specifies whether the modes in the specified range will be enabled or disabled. Frequency (Hz) is currently the only available option. Drop-down that selects whether the values specified will be above, between, or below user specific values. Frequency (Hz) values to be used in filtering the range of modes. Description Option button that determines whether modal information is defined by a range or table.

Standard 31

Field Color

Description Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the axis labels to view the component orientation.

Symbol Size

Symbol Labels

Show Axis Labels

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular part. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Translational Displacement Center of Mass Translational Displacement Euler Angles Yaw/Pitch/Roll Angles Modal Scaling Factor Euler Parameters Translational Velocity Center of Mass Translational Velocity Angular Velocity Modal Velocity Description Checkbox that enables translational displacement output for the part. This must be selected in order to generate an animation. Checkbox that enables translational displacement output for the parts center of mass. This is cleared by default. Checkbox that enables output of Euler angles for the part. Checkbox that enables output of Yaw, Pitch, and Roll angles for the part. Cleared by default. Checkbox that enables output of a modal scaling factor for each mode in a flexible body simulation. Checkbox that enables output of Euler parameters for the part. This must be selected in order to generate an animation. Checkbox that enables output of translational velocity for the part. Checkbox that enables output of translational velocity for the center of mass of the part. Cleared by default. Checkbox that enables output of angular velocity for the part. Checkbox that enables output of modal velocity for the part.


Field Translational Acceleration Center of Mass Translational Acceleration Angular Acceleration Floating Coordinate System Displacements Floating Coordinate System Euler Angles Modal Acceleration Kinetic Energy Comments

Description Checkbox that enables output of translational acceleration for the part. Checkbox that enables output of translational acceleration for the center of mass of the part. Checkbox that enables output of angular accelerations for the part.

Checkbox that enables output of displacements for floating coordinate systems associated with this part.

Checkbox that enables output of euler angles for floating coordinate systems associated with this part.

Checkbox that enables output of modal acceleration for the part. Checkbox that enables output of kinetic energy for the part.

The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Standard 33

Sample Form

To create a part associated with multiple geometries, use the Properties form. To create a part associated with a subassembly, use the Properties form or RMB from the Model Browser. To create parts using 'From Geometry' tool 1. From the Components toolbox select From Geometry. Create Parts From Geometry form is populated with all available geometry. A geometry is only available if no other part is associated with it or with any subassembly that it is part of. 2. In the Create Parts From Geometry form, enter a name for each part or use the defaults. 3. Select Ok to finish creating parts. To create parts using RMB in the Model Browser 1. In the Model Browser, select one or more geometries (Part and/or SubAssy). 2. Right-click the selected geometries and select Create Part. Parts are created using the names of the geometries as names of the parts.


To create a part using the Properties Form 1. From the Components toolbox select Part. 2. In the Properties form, enter a name for the new part. 3. Using the pick toolbar, select geometry to be associated with the part from the model browser or the canvas. The selected geometry will appear in the Geometry list box. 4. Select Initial Conditions from the menu on the left of the form to specify the initial conditions that will be applied to the part. 5. If desired, you may define structural properties for the part in the Structures section of the part property editor. Values may be input for Youngs Modulus, Poisson ratio, meshing parameters, and analysis output requests to be used in a flexible body analysis. For more information, see
Flexible Part.

6. If the part is to be a flexible body, you must select the Model Part as Flexible checkbox on the Flexible Body form. Once selected, additional options will be available to select the model, the .mnf file, and how the part will be displayed. 7. Click OK to finish creating the part.

Standard 35
Flexible Part

Flexible Part
Creates a flexible part easily based upon an MNF file or MD DB. Parts in SimXpert may be modeled as flexible bodies. This is accomplished through interaction between the Structures and Motion workspaces. From the Motion workspace, you may define structural analysis parameters using the Structures section of the Part property editor. You may then create a flexible body for each part that you wish to model as flexible. This automatically launches the Structures workspace. From there, you perform a Modal Analysis (SOL 103) which generates a Nastran results file and a Modal Neutral File (MNF). Attaching these results in the Structures workspace allows you to switch back to the Motion workspace and select the Model Part as Flexible checkbox. Upon performing the simulation, displacement and stress data will be available for the body, and may be displayed in fringe plot form during animations. Sample form

To create a flexible part 1. Define File Type and name for the MNF or MD DB file to define the flexible part. 2. Select options for damping, reference coordinate system, and dynamic limit as desired. 3. Click OK.

Flexible Part

Description of fields
Field Name File Type MNF file MD Database Damping Ratio Description Allows specification of a unique name for each flexible part. Option button that allows you to select between MNF or MD DB file types to define the flexible part. Field that specifies a MNF file to define the flexible part. Field that specifies a MD DB file to define the flexible part. Option button that selects between the default Damping ratio or if Expression is selected a field allows specification of a damping expression. Option button that selects Off, Full, and Internal Only for the generalized damping of the flexible part.

Generalized Damping

Specify Reference System Checkbox that enables a field to select a reference system for the flexible part. Reference CS Specify Dynamic Limit Dynamic Limit Stability Factor Field that selects an existing coordinate system to be the reference coordinate system for the flexible part. Checkbox that enables fields to select a dynamic limit and stability factor for the flexible part. Field that specifies a Dynamic Limit value. The default value is 1e+20. Field that specifies the Stability Factor. The default value is 10.

Standard 37
Design Variable

Design Variable
Creates a design variable that has a specified range and units and may be optimized. Design variables let you invent your own independent parameters and tie modeling objects to them. Design variables also let you organize the critical parameters in your design into a concise list of values that you can easily review and modify.

Description of Fields
Fields Name Type Description Allows specification of a unique name for each design variable. Populated with DV_# by default. Drop-down that selects between real, integer, string, object, or expression for the object to be defined by the design variable. If the type is set to string, object, or expression a field is present to define the object and all other fields are disabled. Drop-down field that allows you to specify the units for a Real type design variable. Available options are length, mass, time, temperature, angle, force, heat, angular velocity, or damping. Field that defines the value for an Integer or Real type design variable. Drop-down that selects the allowable range for an Integer or Real type design variable. Fields are available to directly enter the maximum and minimum values for the variable. Fields are available to define the range as a % value below and a % value above the current design variable value. Fields are available to enter the positive or negative change from the design variable value. Checkbox that enables fields to select optimization options. Field that specifies the maximum change in the design variable through optimization. checkbox that allows the optimization values for the design variable to be outside the range specified for the variable. Cleared by default. Checkbox that enables a table to define specific allowable discrete values to be used for the design variable in the optimization.


Value Range Absolute Min. and Max. values Percent Relative to Value Delta Relative to Value Optimization Parameters Move Limit Allow optimization to ignore range Specify allowable discrete values

To create a design variable 1. Define name, type, units, value, and range for the design variable. Select options for optimization as desired.

Design Variable

2. Click OK.

Standard 39
From Geometry

From Geometry
Automatically generates motion parts from the top level geometry defined in the project. Sample form

To create motion parts from geometry 1. Define part name for available geometry. 2. Click OK. Field Ground Part Geometry Name Description Checkbox that specifies whether the motion part created for the geometry will be a ground part if checked or a moving part if cleared. Column that lists all top level geometry present in the model that is not already associated with a motion part. Allows specification of a unique name for each part. Rows are available for each top level geometry part in the model so a specific name may be given to each, or if multiple geometries are assigned to the same motion part the part will have the aggregate mass and inertia data. If the part name is left blank, a motion part will not be created for the respective geometry.

Discrete Flexible Link

Discrete Flexible Link

A discrete flexible link consists of two or more rigid bodies connected by beam force elements. You indicate the endpoints of the link, number of parts, material type, beam section, and type of endpoint attachment and SimXpert creates the appropriate parts, geometry, forces, and constraints at the endpoints. Sample form

To create discrete flexible links 1. Define Parent part for the flexible link. 2. Select two Coordinate Systems as endpoints of the flexible link. 3. Define the flexibility at the ends of the link. Available options are free, rigid, and flexible. 4. Select a coordinate system to define the link orientation. 5. Enter the number of rigid bodies that will make up the link.

Standard 41
Discrete Flexible Link

6. Select a cross section type and enter the necessary dimensions or custom inertia properties to calculate the flexibility of the link. 7. Enter a damping ratio. The default value is 0.01. 8. Optionally select the Material Information checkbox and enter properties to define the material properties. 9. Click OK.

Discrete Flexible Link

Description of fields

Name Parent Coordinate System 1 Coordinate System 2 Attachment Type

Allows specification of a unique name for the flexible link. Field that specifies the parent part for the flexible link. Coordinate system that defines the first end of the flexible link. Coordinate system that defines the second end of the flexible link. Drop-down that allows you to specify the attachment type at each end. Available options are:
Free: The end is unconstrained Rigid: A fixed joint is created between the parent of the end point

coordinate system and an end part of the discrete flexible link.

Flexible: The link has discrete flexibility all the way to the

endpoint. To create this flexibility, SimXpert creates an additional beam force between the first or last segment of the link and the parent part of the end point coordinate system. The length of the beam is one half of the segment length. Orientation Coordinate System Coordinate system that defines the beam section orientation. The orientation coordinate system works with the two attachment coordinate systems to define a plane. The x-axis of the beam markers will be aligned along the line formed between the attachment markers. Field that defines the number of rigid bodies that to be included in the link. Field that defines cross section for the geometry of the link or allows you to directly specify the area and area moments of inertia of the flexible link. Link section is a solid round rod with the specified radius of DIM1. Link section is a round tube with the specified dimensions for outer (DIM1) and inner (DIM2) radius. Link section is L shaped with overall width of DIM1, height of DIM2, base thickness of DIM3, and side thickness of DIM4. Link section is I shaped, with overall height DIM1, base width DIM2, top width DIM3, web thickness DIM4, base thickness DIM5, and top thickness DIM6. Link section is I shaped, with web width of DIM2, overall width of DIM1 + DIM2, web height of DIM3, and overall height of DIM4. Link section is [shaped, with overall width DIM1, overall height DIM2, vertical thickness DIM3, and horizontal thickness DIM4. Link section is [shaped, with overall height DIM1, base width DIM2, top width DIM3, web thickness DIM4, base thickness DIM5, and top thickness DIM6.

Number of Segments Cross Section Type Rod Tube L I


Standard 43
Discrete Flexible Link


Link section is [ shaped, with overall height DIM1, base width DIM2, top width DIM3, web thickness DIM4, base thickness DIM5, and top thickness DIM6. Link section is T shaped, with overall width DIM1, overall height DIM2, top thickness DIM3, and web thickness DIM4. Link section is T shaped, defined by four dimensions as shown below in the following cross section diagram. Link section is T shaped, with overall height DIM1, base width DIM2, top width DIM3, web thickness DIM4, base thickness DIM5, and top thickness DIM6. Link section is rectangular and hollow, defined by four dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is rectangular and hollow, defined by six dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is rectangular and solid, with width DIM1 and height DIM2. Link section is H shaped, and defined by four dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is Z shaped and defined by four dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is + shaped and defined by four dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is hexagonal and defined by three dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is hat shaped and defined by four dimensions as shown in the following cross section diagram. Link section is defined by user input inertia and area properties. Field that specifies the ratio of viscous damping to stiffness for the beam forces. Default value is 0.01. Checkbox that enables definition of custom material properties for the flexible link.

T T1 T2

BOX BOX1 BAR H Z CROSS HEXA HAT Custom Damping ratio Material Information Density Youngs Modulus

Density value to be used with the volume of the beam to calculate inertia properties. Value for the Youngs Modulus (or Elastic Modulus) that specifies the elasticity of the link material.

Discrete Flexible Link

Poisson Ratio Color

Poisson ratio used for the link material. The shear modulus is calculated automatically from the Youngs Modulus and Poisson ratio as explained in the note below. In the Color text box, select the color to be used for the geometry in the flexible link.

Cross Section Diagram

Standard 45
Discrete Flexible Link

Discrete Flexible Link

Standard 47
Discrete Flexible Link


1. For pre-defined section types, SimXpert automatically calculates area and area moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) for the beams. To input these values directly, select Custom as the Cross Section Type. 2. The following table shows how the number of beams that get created for your flexible link depends on the number of segments and the types of endpoint attachments. 3. For links with axisymmetric cross-sections, such as solid and hollow circular sections, the orientation of the cross section is not critical and so SimXpert does not require the use of an orientation marker. 4. All material types in Discrete Flexible Links are assumed to be linearly elastic. SimXpert automatically calculates the materials Shear Modulus (G) from the Youngs Modulus (E) and Poissons Ratio () according to the equation:

E G = -------------------21 +

Types of endpoint attachments Free -Free Rigid-Rigid Free-Rigid or Rigid-free Flexible-Free or Free-Flexible Flexible-Rigid or Rigid-Flexible Flexible-Flexible

Number of beams created Number of segments - 1 Number of segments - 1 Number of segments - 1 Number of segments Number of segments Number of segments + 1

Discrete Flexible Link

To create a flexible body 1. Enter the part property editor for the motion part that you wish to make flexible. Select the Structures section to define material properties, mesh size and type, and analysis output requests. 2. Select the Loads section of the part property editor to define load bearing geometry for each of the forces and connections that act on the motion part. 3. Select Create Flexible Body from the Structures section of the part property editor, or right click on a motion part and select Create Flexible Body. This automatically creates the mesh, connections, and properties defined earlier and opens the Structures workspace. 4. Perform modal analysis (SOL 103). 5. Attach the Nastran results file using Attach Results from the File menu. 6. Return to the Motion workspace. 7. Open the part property editor for the part. 8. Select the Model Part as Flexible checkbox under the Flexible Body option. 9. Select the desired Result Set. 10. Choose the animation visualization method. The default is Linear Stress/Deformation, which displays flexible body results on a fringe plot in the animation. 11. Perform a motion simulation. 12. Select Animation from the Results toolbox. 13. Select the desired Result Type and Derivation under the Plot Data option. This selects which results will be displayed on the animation fringe plot. The Deform and Fringe options provide additional control for displaying results entities.

Standard 49
ADM Container

ADM Container
This feature provides a means to enter MSC.Adams solver level syntax in to the motion workspace so that it can be included in the motion workspace model. The main purpose of this feature is to allow users to include solver level syntax for objects that currently do not have higher level abstracted motion workspace objects developed at this time. A secondary purpose is to allow experienced users who have traditionally entered Adams syntax to create their models in the motion workspace. Sample Form

To enter Adams syntax 1. Select Adm Container from the Part menu. 2. Enter the Adams Solver syntax in the form window or click to import text from an .adm or .txt file. 3. Click to verify the syntax of the commands. 4. Click OK to include the syntax in the model.

Export of Models From Adams View To SimXpert

Export of Models From Adams View To SimXpert

An Adams View command file and macro are included with SimXpert that allow the export of models from Adams View and their re-creation in SimXpert through the use of SimXpert RADE Macros. These files are contained in the following directory: C:\MSC.Software\SimXpert_<platform>\R2\<platform>\plugins\MSC\Motion\examples\macros
read_export_simx_macro.cmd - A View cmd file which will read in a macro file called

export_to_simx_mac.cmd - A View macro which will export an adm file, parasolid files, along

with a rade script for a specified model. The generated rade script along with the adm and parasolids files can be used within SimXpert Motion to recreate the model. All output files will be placed in a directory which has a name in the form of 'exported_to_simx_MODELNAME` Procedure 1. Start Adams View and read in your model. 2. Import the command file read_export_simx_macro.cmd 3. Open Adams View's Command Window (F3) and type: mdi export_to_simxpert model = model_name (where model_name is the Adams View model name) Invoking that macro will cause an adm file to be exported along with parasolids files for each part that has geometry to a directory inside your current working directory called exported_to_simx_model_name. Additionally, a rade script will be created which may be used within SimXpert to import the adm and parasolids files. After invoking the macro, you should see these files in the exported_to_simx_model_namedirectory: model_name_simx.adm PART_*_geom.x_t model_name_exported.rdl 4. Start SimXpert, go to the Motion Workspace 5. Import a rade file through Tools->Macro->Macros... (Ctrl+F8) Select the model_name_exported.rdl that Adams View created. 6. You should now see the model with all of the geometry.

Standard 51
Export of Models From Adams View To SimXpert


The generated rade script will contain full path info for the generated adm and

parasolids files. At the very top of the rade file, you will see a variable named cwdPath. Example: global cwdPath = "/storage/views/fred/work/exported_to_simx_testSimX1/";
If you transfer all of the exported files to a different directory or different machine,

you may need to modify that file path in order for the script to execute correctly.
If you are running SimXpert from within the directory that contains all of the

exported files, you can modify the cwdPath variable in the rade file so that it is set to the empty string. Example: global cwdPath = "";
If you have flexible bodies in your Adams View model, you need to add an extra

option to the export command. This command is do_flexbodies = yes Example: mdi export_to_simxpert model = model_1 do_flexbodies=yes
Unsupported Adams statements that reside in the Adm Container will be ignored.

You may need to recreate objects like contacts once your model has been imported.

Update Model

Update Model
The Update Model tool automatically updates the model to incorporate any changes in the CAD geometry (whether added or deleted), part locations, orientations, masses and inertias. This tool reports all broken references to missing geometry, parts, joints, and hardpoints. The tool is automatically launched when you select the simulation panel and submit the model to solver. You may also access the Update Model tool from the Edit menu.

Standard 53
Visualization Page for Property Editors

Visualization Page for Property Editors

The purpose of the visualization page for all of the model building property editors is to allow the user to individually control the visualization attributes for a screen symbol. The visualization attributes include whether to display the symbol and the color and size of the symbol.

Visual Checkbox
Checkbox that allows the user to either turn on or turn off the visibility of this object. Note: For motion parts this means the Center of Mass screen symbol not the geometry associated for that part.

This allows the user to change the color of the screen symbol. There are two means for choosing the color: 1. Enter the Red, Green, and Blue values (0 to 255, space separated) in the input field 2. Use the drop down color chooser. A standard set of colors is available along with a custom color option. The customer color option is noted by the "..." button in the lower left corner of the drop down list. Selecting that button will generate a window that allows the user to pick any color. The user can even maintain a small list of custom colors in this window.

Symbol Size
This allow the user to change the size of the screen symbol. The field contains a numeric value along with the model units and the user can change the numeric value.

Visualization Page for Property Editors

Geometry 147


Motion Geometry

Motion Geometry
The Geometry tab in the SimXpert Motion Workspace allows you to create simple parametric geometry that is defined relative to motion coordinate systems. Common geometric shapes and links of arbitrary length, width, and depth may be created based on existing coordinate systems and user defined lengths. This geometry must be created in an existing motion part, which must have its mass and inertia properties defined manually. Application Motion geometry may be used to quickly create visual representations of geometry without importing CAD data. The geometry is defined relative to existing motion coordinate systems, and must be part of an existing parent motion part. The motion mare contains user defined mass properties that apply to the geometry. Any of the parameters used to define the geometry may be edited to modify the geometry later in the simulation process. The orientation, location, and in some cases size depends on the coordinate systems chosen.

3D Basic 149
Motion Geometry

3D Basic


This allows you to create a box located with a corner at an existing coordinate system and with specified dimensions in that coordinate systems X, Y, and Z directions. To create a box 1. Select an existing coordinate system for the Corner Coordinate System.

2. Enter values for the X, Y and Z lengths of the box in the specific coordinate system. 3. Click OK.

3D Basic 151

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description Allows specification of a unique name for the box geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to form a corner of box geometry. Length of the box extending from the corner at the center coordinate system in its X direction. Length of the box extending from the corner at the center coordinate system in its Y direction. Length of the box extending from the corner at the center coordinate system in its Z direction.


Corner Coordinate System X Length Y Length Z Length

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persists in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.


This allows you to create a cylinder with the center of one end located at an existing coordinate system with a specified radius and with length extending in that coordinate systems Z direction. True analytic or segmented cylinders may be created using this tool. To create a cylinder 1. Select an existing Coordinate System for the Corner Coordinate System.

2. Enter values for the Length and Radius of the cylinder. 3. Optionally, if a segmented (prismatic) cylinder is to be created, select the Segmented checkbox and enter the Side Count for the cylinder and angle extent for a partial cylinder. 4. Click OK.

3D Basic 153

Description of fields: Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the cylinder geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to form a corner of the box geometry. Length of the cylinder extending in the center coordinate systems Z direction. Radius of the cylinder. Field that specifies the extent of a segmented partial cylinder. Enabled only if the Segmented checkbox is selected. Field that specifies the number of sides for a prismatic cylinder. Enabled only if the Segmented checkbox is selected. Must be an integer value. Checkbox that determines whether the ends of a prismatic cylinder will be visible. Enabled only if the Segmented checkbox is selected. Checkbox that determines whether a prismatic (if checked) or true analytic (if cleared) cylinder will be created.

Center Coordinate system Length Radius Angle Extent Side Count for Body End Cap Visibility Segmented

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.


This allows you to create an ellipsoid centered at an existing coordinate systems with specified radii in its X, Y, and Z directions. To create an ellipsoid 1. Select an existing coordinate system at which the ellipsoid will be centered. This coordinate system defines the X, Y, and Z directions for the ellipsoid.

2. Enter values for the X, Y, and Z radius of the ellipsoid. 3. Click OK.

3D Basic 155

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the ellipsoid geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system which will form the center of the ellipsoid. The X, Y, and Z radii are defined in this coordinate system. Radius of the ellipsoid extending from the center coordinate system in its X direction. Radius of the ellipsoid extending from the center coordinate system in its Y direction. Radius of the ellipsoid extending from the center coordinate system in its Z direction.

Center Coordinate System X Radius Y Radius Z Radius

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.


This allows you to create a frustum with its bottom center located at an existing coordinate system and with a specified radii and length. True analytic or segmented cylindrical frustums may be created using this tool. To create a frustum 1. Select an existing Coordinate System for the center of the bottom face of the frustum.

2. Enter a value for the Length of the frustum along the Z axis of the selected coordinate system. 3. Enter values for the top and Bottom Radius of the frustum. The bottom face is located at the center coordinate system. 4. Click OK.

3D Basic 157

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the frustum geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to form the center of the bottom face of the frustum. The length of the frustum will be along this coordinate systems Z axis. Length of the frustum extending from the center coordinate system along its Z axis. Radius of the bottom face of the frustum, which is located in the XY plane of the center coordinate system. Radius of the top face of the frustum. Field that specifies the extent of a segmented partial frustum. Enabled only if the Segmented checkbox is selected. Field that specifies the number of sides for a prismatic frustum. Enabled only if the Segmented checkbox is selected. Must be an integer value. Checkbox that determines whether the ends of a prismatic frustum will be visible. Enabled only if the Segmented checkbox is selected. Checkbox that determines whether a prismatic (if checked) or true analytic (if cleared) frustumwill be created.

Center Coordinate System Length Bottom Radius Top Radius Angle Extent Side count for body

End Cap Visibility Segmented

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.



Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Basic 159

This allows you to create a link between two existing coordinate systems with a specified depth and width. The link has rounded ends with a diameter of the width of the link, and a constant depth in a direction normal to plane of the curved ends. To create a link 1. Select an existing Coordinate System for the link to extend from. The curved ends of the link will lie in this coordinate systems XY plane, and the links depth will be along the coordinate systems Z direction.

2. Select a second Coordinate System for the link to extend to. 3. Enter values for the Depth and Width of the link. The width is the diameter of the rounded ends of the link, while the depth is along the Z axis of the From Coordinate System. 4. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the link geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system from which the link will extend and the orientation of the link. The links depth will extend along this coordinate systems Z axis, and the curved ends will be in its XY plane. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to which the link will extend. Depth of the link, which is along the Z axis of the From Coordinate System. The depth is constant throughout the link and in a direction normal to the plane containing the curved ends. Width of the link, which is also the diameter of the links rounded ends. The width lies in the XY plane of the from coordinate system and is perpendicular to both the depth direction and the line connecting the coordinate systems. For more information, see figure below.

From Coordinate System

To Coordinate System Depth


Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Basic 161

This allows you to create a prism with its center located at an existing coordinate system and with a specified radius and number of sides. To create a prism 1. Select an existing Coordinate System for the center of a face of the prism.

2. Enter a value for the Length of the prism along the Z axis of the selected coordinate system. 3. Enter a value for the Radius of the prism. 4. Select the Number of Sides for the prism. 5. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the prism geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to form the center of a face of the prism. The length of the prism will be along this coordinate systems Z axis. Length of the prism extending from the center coordinate system along its Z axis. Radius of the prism. Number of sides for the prism. Must be an integer value.

Center Coordinate System Length Radius Number of sides Visualization Field User Parent Color

Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Basic 163

This allows you to create a cylindrical rod between two existing coordinate systems with a specified radius. To create a Rod 1. Select an existing Coordinate System for the location of one end of the rod.

2. Select a second Coordinate System for the other end of the rod. 3. Enter the Radius of the rod. 4. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the rod geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system from which the rod will extend. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to which the rod will extend. Radius of the rod, measured from the line connecting the two coordinate systems.

Location 1 Location 2 Radius

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Basic 165

This allows you to create a sphere with its center located at an existing coordinate system and with a specified radius. To create a sphere 1. Select an existing coordinate system for the Center.

2. Enter a value for the Radius of the sphere. 3. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the sphere geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to form the center of the sphere. Radius of the sphere.

Center Radius Visualization Field User Parent Color

Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Basic 167

This allows you to create a torus with its center located at an existing coordinate system and with specified major and minor radii To create a torus 1. Select an existing Coordinate System for the center of the torus.

2. Enter a value for the Major Radius of the torus. 3. Enter a value for the Minor Radius of the torus. 4. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Allows specification of a unique name for the torus geometry object. Field that specifies an existing part for the geometry object. Selection of an existing part is required for geometry creation. To create a part without any reference geometry, select User Specified as the source of inertia properties in the Part property editor. Field that specifies an existing coordinate system to form the center of the torus. The major radius of the torus will be placed in this systems XY plane. Major radius of the torus. Measured from the center coordinate system to the outer edge of the torus. Minor radius which is the radius of the circular cross section of the torus.

Center Coordinate System Major Radius Minor Radius Visualization Field User Parent Color

Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Advanced 169

3D Advanced


This allows the user to extrude points or curve along the z-axis of the screen. The user can also select to extrude along a path. To extrude geometry 1. Select an existing Part to associate the geometry.

2. Select an existing Coordinate System for the location and orientation of the extrusion. 3. Select either:
Points - Enter points used to define the profile of the extrusion. Curve - Pick a curve object used to define the profile of the extrusion.

4. Select either:
Points - Enter points used to define the path of the extrusion. Curve - Pick the curve object to define the path of the extrusion. Length along Z-axis of the reference coordinate system defining the straight line along which

the profile curve will be extruded.

3D Advanced 171

5. Click OK.

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Profile Description Displays the name of the extrusion that the user is creating/modifying. Specify the associated part for the Extrusion geometry. Select either:
Points - Enter the locations of the points that define the profile. The

Coordinate System Specify the coordinate system used to locate and orient the extrusion.

points are relative to the reference coordinate system.

Curve - Pick the curve that contains the profile


Select either:
Points - Enter points used to define the path of the extrusion. The

points are relative to the reference marker. The points define the path along which the profile curve will be extended.
Curve - Pick the curve object to define the path of the extrusion. The

object defines the path along which the profile curve is extended.
Length along Z - Z-axis of the reference coordinate system defining

the straight line along which the profile curve will be extruded. Enter a positive length to extrude along the +z-axis. Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.


This allows the user to create geometry by revolving a profile. To revolve geometry 1. Select an existing Part to associate the geometry.

2. Select an existing Coordinate System for the location and orientation of the revolution. 3. Select either:
Points - Enter points used to define the profile of the revolution. Curve - Pick a curve object used to define the profile of the revolution.

4. Specify the Angle (according to the right-hand rule) about the z-axis of the reference coordinate system. 5. Click OK.

3D Advanced 173

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Coordinate System Profile Description Displays the name of the extrusion that the user is creating/modifying. Specify the associated part for the Extrusion geometry. Specify the coordinate system used to locate and orient a revolution. Select either:
Points - Enter points used to define the profile of the revolution. The

points are relative to the revolution's reference coordinate system. The profile defined by the points is swept around the reference marker's z-axis.
Curve - Pick a curve object used to define the profile of the

revolution. Angle Specify the extended angle measured positive (according to the right-hand rule) about the z-axis of the reference coordinate system. The angle starts at the xaxis of the reference coordinate system and extends the arc of the revolution.

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.


2D and Wireframe

2D and Wireframe 175


The Motion Arc tool allows you to create a planar arc on a Motion Part with a specified center coordinate system, radius, and angle extent. The Arc tool draws the angle starting from the x-axis of the reference coordinate system that the user specified and moving counterclockwise via the right-hand rule. To create an arc 1. Enter a Name for the arc.

2. Select a Motion Part for the arc to be added to. 3. Select a Coordinate System to locate the center of the arc. 4. Enter values to define the Radius and Angle Extent of the arc to be created. 5. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Center Coordinate System Radius Angle Extent Description Specifies user entered name for arc. Populated with GeometryArc_# by default. Field which specifies the Motion Part for the arc geometry. Field which specifies the coordinate system that defines the location of the center of the arc. The arc will be created in this coordinate systems X-Y plane, starting from its X axis. Field that defines the radius of the arc, from the selected center point. Field that defines the angular extent of the arc, starting from the center coordinate systems X axis and proceeding counterclockwise, via the right hand rule.

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

2D and Wireframe 177


The Motion Circle tool allows you to create a planar circle on a Motion Part with a specified center coordinate system and radius. To create a circle 1. Enter a Name for the circle.

2. Select a Motion Part for the circle to be added to. 3. Select a Coordinate System to locate the center of the circle and determine its plane of creation. 4. Enter the Radius of the arc to be created. 5. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Center Coordinate System Radius Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Description Specifies user entered name for arc. Populated with GeometryCircle_# by default. Field which specifies the Motion Part for the circle geometry. Field which specifies the coordinate system that defines the location of the center of the circle. The circle will be created in this coordinate systems XY plane. Field that defines the radius of the circle.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

2D and Wireframe 179


The Motion Curve object allows users to manually define a curve through a series of points defined in a specific coordinate system. To create a curve 1. Enter a Name for the curve.

2. Select a Coordinate System for the curve to reference and motion part for it to be added to. 3. Select a Method to define the curve. Available options are user entered values, user subroutine, and matrix file. 4. Enter values to define the curve using the method selected. Select an existing subroutine or matrix file for those methods. 5. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Coordinate System Description Specifies user entered name for curve. Populated with Curve_# by default. Field which specifies the coordinate system that defines the location and reference part for the curve to be created. An icon is available to select the model origin, which is the default. Field that specifies a motion part for the curve to be associated with. Set to Ground by default. Method for defining the curve. Drop-down that allows selection between user entered values, user subroutine, and matrix files as a method to define the curve. The default method is user entered values. Checkbox that specifies that the curve meets at the ends. If you specify CURVE_POINTS, the motion solver attempts to compute a curve that meets at the ends and has continuous first and second derivatives across the closure. If you specify FUNCTION, you must ensure that the defined curve meets at the ends and has continuous first and second derivatives across the closure. If the curve is closed, the first and last control or curve points must be the same. During a simulation, the motion solver moves a PTCV or CVCV contact point across the closure, if necessary.

Part Data Method


Curve: User Entered Method

Field Order

Description Field which specifies the order of the b-spline interpolating the curve. The order is 1 plus the degree of the functions used to define the spline. The order also affects the number of points used to determine each spline segment. For example, splines of order 2 are basically polylines, while the segments used to create an spline of order 4 are of the 3rd order. 4 is the default order of splines, which is a cubic b-spline. The order must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4.

2D and Wireframe 181


Curve: User Subroutine

Field Parameters

Description Field that specifies parameters for the user-written subroutine CURSUB. Enter the user function using the following format where r1 through r30 are constants passed to the subroutine: r1, ..., r30 Field that specifies an existing user subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Enter the maximum value of the curve parameter for a user-written curve. Enter the minimum value of the curve parameter for a user-written curve.


Maximum Minimum
Curve: Matrix File

Field Order

Description Field which specifies the order of the b-spline interpolating the curve. The order is 1 plus the degree of the functions used to define the spline. The order also affects the number of points used to determine each spline segment. For example, splines of order 2 are basically polylines, while the segments used to create an spline of order 4 are of the 3rd order. 4 is the default order of splines, which is a cubic b-spline. The order must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4. Field that selects the name of the file containing the matrix values. Icons are available to browse to a different directory, and to edit an existing file. Enter the name of the matrix in the file. The name of the matrix is necessary even if the file contains only one matrix. You will need to create additional matrices to read other matrices from the same file.

Matrix File Matrix Name

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.



Field Segment Count Label

Description Number of individual segments that comprise the entire curve representation. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

2D and Wireframe 183


The Motion Outline tool allows you to create line segments between existing coordinate systems. Outlines are line segments (open or closed) that are define by a series of Coordinate Systems (markers in Adams/Solver). An outline is composed of at least two and not more than 2500 markers. To create an outline 1. Enter a Name for the outline.

2. Select a Motion Part for the outline to be added to. Note that the coordinate systems that compose the outline may each belong to different Motion Parts. 3. Optionally select whether to form a closed loop connecting the selected coordinate systems. 4. Select existing coordinate systems to be connected by the outline. 5. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Closed Coordinate System Description Specifies user entered name for outline. Populated with GeometryOutline_# by default. Field which specifies the Motion Part for the outline geometry. Checkbox that if enabled will cause a closed loop curve to be created around the selected coordinate systems. Table that lists selected coordinate systems to be connected by the outline. Checkboxes are available to control their individual visibilities. The + and - buttons on the right add or remove rows to the table to specify additional coordinate systems.

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

2D and Wireframe 185


The Motion Geometry Plane object allows users to define a plane as a component of a motion part with orientation determined by an existing coordinate system. The spatial extent of this plane in the selected coordinate systems X and Y directions is specified directly on the plane creation form. To create a plane 1. Enter a Name for the plane.

2. Select a Part which the plane will be added to. 3. Select a Coordinate System for the plane to reference. The plane will be created in this coordinate systems X-Y plane. 4. Enter values to define the X and Y maximum and minimum values to define the extent of the plane. 5. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Reference Coordinate System X Minimum X Maximum Y Minimum Y Maximum Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Description Specifies user entered name for plane. Populated with Plane_# by default. Field which specifies the Motion Part to which the plane will be added. Field which specifies the coordinate system that defines the location and orientation of the plane to be created. Field that defines the minimum X coordinate of the edge of the plane. Field that defines the maximum X coordinate of the edge of the plane. Field that defines the minimum Y coordinate of the edge of the plane. Field that defines the maximum Y coordinate of the edge of the plane.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

2D and Wireframe 187


The Motion Polyline object allows users to define a curve based on a series of points that it connects. This tool connects a series of straight lines directly connecting the specified points. To create a polyline 1. Enter a Name for the polyline.

2. Select a Motion Part for the polyline to be added to. 3. Select a Coordinate System for the polyline to reference. 4. Optionally select checkboxes to define a Closed curve or Fill surface. 5. Enter values to define the Points which the polyline will connect. 6. Click OK.


Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Reference Coordinate System Closed Fill Points Description Specifies user entered name for polyline. Populated with GeometryPolyline_# by default. Field which selects a Motion Part for the polyline. Field which specifies the coordinate system that defines the location and orientation for the curve to be created. Checkbox that creates a closed loop between the specified points. Checkbox that creates a filled surface inside the boundary of the points defined. Table of X, Y, and Z coordinate values that define the points to be connected by the polyline. Buttons are available to add or delete rows to add or remove additional points to the polyline.

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

2D and Wireframe 189

Segmented Arc

Segmented Arc
The Segmented Arc object allows users to manually define an arc with a given radius, and angle consisting of a finite number of straight segments. To create an arc 1. Enter a Name for the arc.

2. Select a Coordinate System for the arc to reference and motion part for it to be added to. 3. Enter values to define the arc including Radius, Angle Extent, and number of Segments. 4. Click OK.

Segmented Arc

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Part Center Coordinate Syatem Radius Angle Extent Segment Description Specifies user entered name for curve. Populated with GeometryArc_# by default. Field that specifies a motion part for the arc to be associated with. Field which specifies the coordinate system that defines the location for the arc to be created. The arc will be in this coordinate systems XY plane, starting from the X-Axis. Field that specifies the radius of the arc, measured from its center coordinate system. Field that specifies the angular extent of the arc, starting from the center coordinate systems X-axis. Field that specifies the number of straight line segments that will compose the arc. Increasing this value will lead to a more realistic representation of a curved arc.

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Graphic 191
Segmented Arc


Spring Damper Graphic

Spring Damper Graphic

This allows you to create a geometric representation of a Spring-Damper with specified diameters and tip lengths. To create a Spring Damper Graphic 1. Select Locations for each end of the spring damper graphic.

2. Enter values for the Number of Coils, Diameters, and Tip Lengths for the spring damper graphic. 3. Click OK.

Graphic 193
Spring Damper Graphic

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Location 1 Location 2 Number of coils Spring Diameter Coil Diameter Description Allows specification of a unique name for the spring damper graphic object. Field that specifies the location for the Part 1 end of the spring damper graphic. Field that specifies the location for the Part 2 end of the spring damper graphic. Field that specifies the number of complete coils to be used in the visualization of the coil spring. Only integer values may be used. Field that specifies the outside diameter of the coil spring visualization for the spring damper. Field that specifies the diameter of the coil itself in the visualization of the spring damper. This should be much less than the spring diameter to give a realistic visualization.

Damper Diameter at Part 1 Field that specifies the diameter of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 1 end of the spring damper. Damper Diameter at Part 2 Field that specifies the diameter of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 2 end of the spring damper. Damper Length at Part 1 Damper Length at Part 2 Field that specifies the length of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 1 end of the spring damper. Field that specifies the length of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 2 end of the spring damper.

Spring Damper Graphic

Field Tip Length at part 1

Description Field that specifies the length of the line connecting the spring dampers location on Part 1 to the end of the visualization of that end of the spring damper. This value is 0 by default, which results in the visualization extending all the way to the selected end point of the spring damper. If a positive value is entered, the visualization is offset towards the other end point of the spring, while a negative value offsets it away from the other end of the spring. A line will be shown connecting the end of the spring damper visualization where the actual spring damper is located on Part 1. Field that specifies the length of the line connecting the spring dampers location on Part 1 to the end of the visualization of that end of the spring damper. This value is 0 by default, which results in the visualization extending all the way to the selected end point of the spring damper. If a positive value is entered, the visualization is offset towards the other end point of the spring, while a negative value offsets it away from the other end of the spring. A line will be shown connecting the end of the spring damper visualization where the actual spring damper is located on Part 2.

Tip Length at part 1

Visualization Field User Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Connections 89



A connection is a mechanical element that connects two parts and allows relative motion of one object with respect to another. SimXpert supports many idealized connection types, as well as joint primitives which limit motion of two parts to certain directions. You may select from available connection types as you select from the Connections toolbox, or you may change connection types using the Type list box once the Connection Properties form is open.

Connections 91
Connection Specification Tools

Connection Specification Tools

In order to create connections, you must specify a location and orientation for each connection. SimXpert includes common tools to specify the required information in a format that is consistent across all of the connection types. Location The location field is a standard tool used for the definition of parts, joints, and forces. The purpose is to provide a consistent method by which you define locations within SimXpert but relevant to the current workbench. There are two key entities that can be used for defining locations; geometry and hardpoints. When you choose geometry, the location is tied parametrically to that geometry. If during an update or modification operation that geometric feature moves, the location will move with it. If the geometric feature no longer exists, the location will be considered to have a broken reference. When you choose hardpoints, the location is tied parametrically to the hardpoint position. If the hardpoint position changes, the location value also will update. Choosing Coordinate System allows selection of a coordinate system origin (and associated part) to be used as the location. Upon choosing the coordinate system the part field is populated with the part name

Connection Specification Tools

corresponding to the coordinate system. Therefore, in order to use the coordinate system location method you should ensure that the selected coordinate system is on the desired part.

Field Geometry

Description Allows selection of particular geometry, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin to be used as the location. The corresponding part field will be populated with the part to which the selected coordinate system belongs.

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System

Center of Mass Location Allows selection of a parts center of mass as the location.

Figure 1 Orientation

Location Specification Methods

The orientation field is a standard tool used for the definition of parts, joints, and forces. The purpose is to provide a consistent method by which you define a direction vector within SimXpert but relevant to the current workbench.

Connections 93
Connection Specification Tools

Depending on the entity, you may not need to define orientation (as in the case of the fixed joint), define only one axis (the z-axis), define 2 axes, or have a user specified input.

Field Global Z-axis Only 2 axes Euler Angles Coordinate System

Description Oriented with global coordinates. (Default for optional orientation.) Oriented with a single axis, which will be specified below. Oriented with two axes, which will be specified below. Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation. Select existing coordinate system to define orientation.

Connection Specification Tools

The following options are used to specify an axis: Field Geometry Orient normal to plane Orient axis along line Description Allows selection of geometric features to orient axis. Available selections include face normal, cylinder axis, coordinate frame axis, and linear edge. Allows selection of three hardpoints to define a plane normal to the desired vector. Allows selection of two hardpoints to define a direction along which the vector will be oriented.

Connections 95
Connection Specification Tools

Figure 2

Orientation Specification Methods

Coordinate Triad Visualization While editing an object, a coordinate triad will be displayed to show the location and orientation information pertinent to that entity. The triad will only be displayed while the property editor is active. The following image displays a sample coordinate triad:

Connection Specification Tools

Connectors 97
Connection Specification Tools



A bushing is a connection that represents the forces acting between two parts over a distance. The bushing applies a force and a torque to the components it connects. You may specify the stiffness and damping values in each direction for the bushing in the connector properties form.

Figure 3

Bushing Schematic Representation

Connectors 99

Description of Fields

Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Type Part 1 Part 2 Attachment Define Location Using

Description Name of connector to be created. Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type of connector, in this case Bushing First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint. Option button that specifies whether one or two attachment locations and orientations will be specified. Allows selection of the method to define location(s) for attachment.


Field Geometry

Description Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position.

Hardpoint Custom

Allows selection of a coordinate system origin (and associated part) to be Coordinate used as the location. Upon choosing the coordinate system the part field is System populated with the part name corresponding to the coordinate system. Define Orientation Using Allows selection of the method to define an orientation. Global Z - axis only 2 axes Euler Angles Orientated with globalcoordinates.(Default for optional orientation) Oriented with a single axis. Oriented with two axis. Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation.

Coordinate Select existing coordinate system to define orientation. System Axis Allows selection of geometric features to orient axis. Available selections include face normal, cylinder axis, coordinate frame axis, and linear edge. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. Allows selection of three hardpoints to define a plane normal to the desired vector.


Orient normal to plane

Orient axis Allows selection of two hardpoints to define a direction along which the along line vector will be oriented. Custom Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position.

Connectors 101

Bushing Properties

Field Property Data Inlined Reference

Description Option button that allows individual bushing property definition or definition by reference to a property set. Bushing properties are to be defined for the individual bushing on the property editor form. Bushing properties are defined by reference to an already created set of connector bushing properties. Instead of entering property values, users will select an existing Bushing Properties Object to refer to.


Field Shape Square Cylindrical Spherical Stiffness Linear Spline Piecewise Hysteresis Damping Linear Spline Piecewise K Fraction

Description Select the shape option as described below. No inter-axial coupling in force/torque calculations Forces/Torques in x and y directions are coupled. Force/torque in z direction is independent. Forces/torques in and about all three directions are coupled. Define matrix entries for translational and rotational stiffness in each direction. Available independent entries depend on the Shape option selected. Enter constant stiffness value. Click on the Spline editor to define or select spline data. Click on the Piecewise icon to enter slopes and break points to define the stiffness data. Click on the Edit Hysteresis Data icon to enter angle and positive and negative velocity torque values to define the stiffness properties. Define matrix entries for translational and rotational damping in each direction. Available independent entries depend on the Shape option selected. Enter constant damping value. Click on the Spline editor to define or select spline data. Click on the Piecewise icon to enter slopes and break points to define the damping data. Enter K Fraction value to define the damping to be proportional to the stiffness. The stiffness fraction damping method simply ensures that the damping coefficient increases in proportion to the local stiffness of the bushing at the current operating point. The damping force in each direction is determined by first identifying the local stiffness as being the modulus of the rate of change of the stiffness force in that direction with respect to a displacement in the same direction. This stiffness magnitude is then multiplied by the k-fraction, k, (damping_value) and multiplied by the appropriate component of the transformed velocity.

Installation Settings

Matrix that defines stiffness and damping scale, preloads, and offset.

Connectors 103

Initial Condition

Field Translational Displacement Translational Velocity

Description Defines specified initial translational displacement of the joint when the checkbox is checked. Enabled only for translational and cylindrical joints. Defines specified initial translational velocity of the joint when the checkbox is checked. Enabled only for translational and cylindrical joints.

Rotational Displacement Defines specified initial rotational displacement of the joint when the checkbox is checked. Enabled only for cylindrical and revolute joints. Rotational Velocity Defines specified initial rotational velocity of the joint when the checkbox is checked. Enabled only for cylindrical and revolute joints.


Joint Friction

Field Enable Friction Mu Static

Description Checkbox that enables or disables friction for the joint connection. Defines the coefficient of static friction in the joint. The magnitude of the frictional force is the product of Mu Static and the magnitude of the normal force in the joint, for example: Friction Force Magnitude, F = N where = Mu Static and N = normal force The static frictional force acts to oppose the net force or torque along the degrees of freedom of the joint.

Connectors 105

Field Mu Dynamic

Description Define the coefficient of dynamic friction. The magnitude of the frictional force is the product of Mu Dynamic and the magnitude of the normal force in the joint, for example: Friction force magnitude, F = N where = Mu Dynamic and N = normal force The dynamic frictional force acts in the opposite direction of the velocity of the joint.

Stiction Transition Velocity Define the absolute velocity threshold for the transition from dynamic friction to static friction. If the absolute relative velocity of the joint marker is below the value, then static friction or stiction acts to make the joint stick. The default is 0.1 length units/unit time on the surface of contact in the joint, and the range is > 0. Max Stiction Deformation Friction Inactive Static Effect Define the maximum creep that can occur in a joint during the stiction regime. Checkbox that if enabled specifies that frictional forces will not be calculated for a static or quasi-static simulation. Defines the frictional effects included in the friction model, either All (Stiction and Sliding), Stiction, or Sliding. Stiction is static-friction effect, while Sliding is dynamic-friction effect. Excluding stiction in simulations that don't require it can greatly improve simulation speed. The default is All (Stiction and Sliding). Define the input forces to the friction model. By default, all user-defined preloads and joint-reaction force and moments are included. You can customize the friction-force model by limiting the input forces you specify. The inputs for a translational joint are: Preload Reaction Force Bending Moment Torsional Moment Friction Force Preload Define the joint's preload frictional force, which is usually caused by mechanical interference in the assembly of the joint. Default is 0.0 Friction Torque Preload Define the joints preload frictional torque.



Field Initial Overlap

Description Defines the initial overlap of the sliding parts in either a translational or cylindrical joint. The joint's bending moment is divided by the overlap to compute the bending moment's contribution to frictional forces. The default is 1000.0, and the range is Initial Overlap > 0.

Overlap Delta

To define friction in a translational joint, SimXpert computes the overlap of the joint. As the joint slides, the overlap can increase, decrease, or remain constant. Increase Decrease Constant Indicates that overlap increases as the I marker translates in the positive direction along the J marker; the slider moves to be within the joint. Indicates that the overlap decreases with positive translation of the joint; the slider moves outside of the joint. Indicates that the amount of overlap does not change as the joint slides; all of the slider remains within the joint. Define the pine redius for a revolute, cylindrical, hooke or universal joint or define the ball radius for a spherical joint.


Connectors 107


Field Visible Use Parent Color

Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Labels



This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular connection. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Torque Translational Displacement Translational Velocity Translational Acceleration Angular Displacement Angular Velocity Description Checkbox that enables force on part 1 relative to the origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables torque on part 1 relative to the origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables displacement of marker 1 with respect to marker 2 in the origin reference frame as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables translational velocity of marker 1 with respect to marker 2 in the origin reference frame as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables translational acceleration of marker 1 with respect to marker 2 in the origin reference frame as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables angular movement of marker 1 with respect to marker 2 in the origin reference frame as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables angular velocity of marker 1 with respect to marker 2 in the origin reference frame as an output quantity.

Connectors 109

Field Angular Acceleration

Description Checkbox that enables angular acceleration of marker 1 with respect to marker 2 in the origin reference frame as an output quantity.

Force in constraint due to Checkbox that enables friction force on Part 1 relative to the origin as an friction output quantity. Torque in constraint due to friction Friction Angular Velocity Translational Creep Rotational Creep Friction Beta Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. To create a bushing connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define location and orientation from your model. 5. Click OK. Checkbox that enables friction torque on Part 1 relative to the origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables output of friction angular velocity for the connection. Checkbox that enables output of translational creep for the connection. Checkbox that enables output of translational creep for the connection. Checkbox that enables output of friction beta for the connection.

Constant Velocity

Constant Velocity
A constant-velocity allows two rotations on one part with respect to another part, while remaining coincident and maintaining a constant velocity through the spin axis.

Figure 4

Example of Constant-Velocity Joint

You must specify an axis of rotation for each part connected by the joint.

Description of Fields
Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Type Part 1 Part 2 Description Name of connector to be created. Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type of connector, in this case Constant Velocity. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.

Connectors 111
Constant Velocity

Sample Form

To create a constant velocity 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.


A cylindrical joint allows both relative rotation as well as relative translation of one part with respect to another part. A cylindrical joint can be located anywhere along the axis about which the parts can rotate or slide with respect to each other.

Figure 5

Example of Cylindrical Joint

The orientation of the cylindrical joint defines the direction of the axis about which the parts can rotate or slide along with respect to each other. The rotational axis of the cylindrical joint is parallel to the orientation vector and passes through the location.

Description of Fields
Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Type Part 1 Part 2 Description Name of connector to be created. Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type of connector, in this case Cylindrical. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.

Connectors 113

Sample Form

To create a cylindrical connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.


A fixed connector locks two parts together so they cannot move with respect to each other. The effect is similar to defining two parts as a single part. If you want to have the two parts move relative to each other in a future simulation, simply delete the fixed joint and use another type of joint.

Figure 6

Fixed Joint

For a fixed connector, the location and orientation of the joint often do not affect the outcome of the simulation. In these cases, you can place the joint at a location where the graphic icon is easily visible. However, occasionally the placement of the fixed connector can allow force moments to become quite large depending on where you place the joint, as shown in this example. In this case, be sure to place it where you get the results you want.

Figure 7

Location of Fixed Joint on Beam

Connectors 115

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Sample Form Type of connector, in this case Fixed. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.

To create a fixed joint 1. From the Connections toolbox, select Fixed. 2. Enter a Name for the new connector.


3. Click in the Part1 list box and select the first part to be connected by the joint. Select the part from either the tree or the canvas. If desired, you may select the ground part by clicking the ground icon. 4. Repeat the selection process for the second part. 5. Choose the location for the joint using the location options. Be aware that the forces in the joint will depend on where it is located. See also Location under Connection Specification Tools. No orientation is necessary. 6. Click OK. The joint will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Connectors 117

A hooke connector is a two-degree-of-freedom joint that allows rotation about two axes: xi, the x-axis of the I marker and yj, the y-axis of the J marker (see the following figure).

Figure 8

Hooke Joint

For the HOOKE joint, ADAMS/Solver (C++) superimposes the origins of the I and J markers and constraint markers. It also keeps the x-axis of the I marker perpendicular to the y-axis of the J marker so they outline the crosspiece of the joint. The origins of the I and J markers are at the center of the cross. The HOOKE joint functions the same as the universal joint, but uses different marker orientations. Description of Fields Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Type of connector, in this case Hooke. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.


Sample Form

To create a hooke joint 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Connectors 119

A revolute joint allows the rotation of one part with respect to another part about a common axis. The revolute joint can be located anywhere along the axis about which the joints parts can rotate with respect to each other. The orientation of the revolute joint defines the direction of the axis about which the joints parts can rotate with respect to each other. The rotational axis of the revolute joint is parallel to the orientation vector and passes through the location.

Figure 9

Example of Revolute Joint

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Type of connector, in this case Revolute. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.


Sample Form

To create a revolute connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Connectors 121

A spherical joint allows the free rotation about a common point of one part with respect to another part. The location of the spherical joint determines the point about which the joints parts can pivot freely with respect to each other.

Figure 10

Spherical Joint

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Type of connector, in this case Spherical. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.


Sample Form

To create a spherical joint 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Connectors 123

A translational joint allows one part to translate along a vector with respect to another part. The parts can only translate, not rotate, with respect to each other.

Figure 11

Example of Translational Joint

When you create a translational joint, you specify its location and orientation. The location of a translational joint does not affect the motion of the joint. It simply determines where the joint will be placed. The orientation of the translational joint, however, determines the direction of the axis along which the parts can slide with respect to each other. The direction of the motion of the translational joint is parallel to the orientation vector and passes through the location.

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Type of connector, in this case Translational. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.


Sample Form

To create a translational connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Connectors 125

A universal joint allows the rotation of one rigid body to be transferred to the rotation of another rigid body. This joint is particularly useful when transferring rotational motion around corners, when you need to simulate the non-constant velocity of a physical universal joint, or when transferring rotational motion between two connected shafts that are permitted to bend at the connection point (such as the drive shaft on an automobile).

Figure 12

Example of a Universal Joint

The location point of the universal joint represents the connection point of the two parts. The cross bars identify the axes about which the two parts are permitted to rotate with respect to each other.

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Type of connector, in this case Universal. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint.


Sample Form

To create a universal connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Connectors 127

A screw joint is a five-degree-of-freedom joint that constrains the translation of the I marker to its rotation (see the figure below).

Figure 13

Example of Screw Joint

When you create a screw joint, you specify its location, orientation, and pitch. For the SCREW joint, the z-axis of the I marker and the z-axis of the J marker must always be parallel and co-directed. Although the SCREW joint does not enforce this parallelism, the chain of parts and joints that connects the two markers should. During simulation, the I marker displacement along the J marker z-axis is a function of the relative angle of the x-axis of the I marker with respect to the x-axis of the J marker. ADAMS/Solver (C++) measures a positive rotation according to the right-hand rule. For every full rotation, the displacement of the I marker along the z-axis of the J marker is equal to the value of PITCH. If the angle of rotation is zero, the translational displacement may be zero or any multiple of PITCH.

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default.


Field Type Part 1 Part 2 Pitch

Description Type of connector, in this case Screw. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint. Pitch of the screw joint. Entered value is the amount of translation for every full rotation of the J marker.

Sample Form

To create a screw connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Connectors 129

A 5 degree-of-freedom joint that constrains the rotational displacement of the I marker (center of pinion) to the translational displacement of the J marker (rack) and measures both displacements with respect to the J marker. The z-axis of the pinion must be parallel to and co-directed with the x-axis of the rack. The separation between the two axes should be 1/2 the pitch diameter of the pinion.

Description of Fields Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Pitch Diameter Type of connector, in this case Rackpin. First part to be connected by joint. Second part to be connected by joint. Diameter of the pinion gear, such that the translation of the rack is the circumference of this diameter for each full turn of the pinion. Also note that the separation between the I and J markers should be 1/2 this pitch diameter.


Sample Form

To create a rack and pinion connector 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview. 3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Joint Primitives 131


Joint Primitives


A joint primitive places a restriction on relative motion, such as restricting one part to move parallel to another part. The joint primitives do not have physical counterparts as the idealized joints do. You can, however, combine joint primitives to define a complex constraint that cannot be modeled using the idealized joints. In fact, you can use the joint primitives to create any idealized joint. The different types of joint primitives that are available are inline, inplane, orientation, parallel axes, and perpendicular axes.

Joint Primitives 133


Constrains all three translational displacements so that the I and J markers are always superimposed.


Constrains one part so that it can only move along a straight line defined on a second part as shown below. In the figure, the solid circle indicates the first part that the joint connects and the hollow circle indicates the second part that the joint connects. The first part is constrained relative to the second part.

The location of the inline joint on the first part must remain on the z-axis of the second part.

Joint Primitives 135


Constrains one part so that it can only move in a plane of a second part as shown below. In the figure, the solid circle indicates the first part that the joint connects and the hollow circle indicates the second part that the joint connects. The first part is constrained relative to the second part.

The origin of the inplane joint on the first part must remain in the xy plane of the second part.


Constrains one part so that it cannot rotate with respect to a second part as shown below. In the figure, the solid circle indicates the first part that the joint connects and the hollow circle indicates the second part that the joint connects. The first part is constrained relative to the second part. The axes of the coordinate systems must maintain the same orientation.

The location of the origins of the coordinate systems does not matter.

Joint Primitives 137

Parallel Axes

Parallel Axes
Constrains the z-axis of one part so that it remains parallel to the z-axis of a second part, as shown below. In the figure, the solid circle indicates the first part that the joint connects and the hollow circle indicates the second part that the joint connects. The first part is constrained relative to the second part.

The first part can only rotate about one axis with respect to the coordinate system of the second part.

Perpendicular Axes

Perpendicular Axes
Constrains one part so that it remains perpendicular to the z-axis of a second part as shown below. In the figure, the solid circle indicates the first part that the joint connects and the hollow circle indicates the second part that the joint connects. The first part is constrained relative to the second part.

The first part can rotate about two axes with respect to the second part.

Joint Primitives 139


Allows a plane on one part to slide and rotate in the plane of another part.

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of connector to be created

Define Using Coordinate Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition Systems options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Type Part 1 Part 2 Sample Form Type of joint primitive connector First part to be connected Second part to be connected

To create a primitive connection 1. Define Type of connection. 2. Select Parts to be connected from the treeview.


3. Select 1 or 2 Locations for attachment. 4. Select entities to define Location and Orientation from your model. 5. Click OK.

Specialized 141



Beams represent the force applied by a massless beam placed between specific locations in the model. The beam force transmits forces and torques between the two parts in accordance with Timoshenko beam theory. You define values of the beam's physical properties, and Adams/Solver calculates the matrix entries defining the forces that the beam produces. Application Beams allow you to introduce loading into the model based on the section and material properties of a beam. For every beam force that you create you specify the following information: 1. Between which parts the force is applied. 2. At what points the force is applied. 3. The orientation of the beam at each part. 4. The material properties of the beam, including Youngs modulus and Poisson Ratio. 5. The cross-section properties of the beam section, including shape and dimensions.

Specialized 143

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Part 1 Part 2 Free Length Location 1 Orientation 1 Location 2 Orientation 2 Section Properties Field Section Type Current Cross Section Type Description Icons are available to select from a variety of cross section shapes or a custom option, where you enter numerical section properties. Displays the type of cross section selected from the icons above. Dimensions for the selected cross section, as illustrated in the figure on the right side of the form. The number of required dimensions depends on the section type selected. For the Custom section type, fields are available for moments of inertia, shear area ratio, and cross sectional area. Field that defines the Youngs Modulus of the beam material. Field that defines the poisson ratio of the beam material. Enter a damping value to establish a ratio for calculating the structural damping matrix for the beam. To obtain the damping matrix, Adams/Solver multiplies the stiffness matrix by the value you enter for the damping ratio. Name of beam force Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. Part which the force will be applied to Second part which the force will be applied to. Option button for defining the free length of the beam automatically based on the selected locations or manually by entering a length value. Defines the root location of the beam. Defines the root orientation of the beam. Defines the end location of the beam. Defines the end orientation of the beam. Description

Dim i

Youngs Modulus Poisson Ratio Damping Ratio


Section Properties Field Cross Section Type Current Cross Section Type DIM1 Description Icons are available to select from a variety of cross section shapes or a custom option, where you enter numerical section properties. Displays the type of cross section selected from the icons above. Dimensions for the selected cross section, as illustrated in the figure on the right side of the form. The number of required dimensions depends on the section type selected. For the Custom section type, fields are available for moments of inertia, shear area ratio, and cross sectional area. Field that defines the Youngs Modulus of the beam material. Field that defines the poisson ratio of the beam material. Damping Ratio Enter a damping value to establish a ratio for calculating the structural damping matrix for the beam. To obtain the damping matrix, Adams/Solver multiplies the stiffness matrix by the value you enter for the damping ratio. Icon that opens matrix editor to directly enter damping matrix values. Enabled if Damping Matrix option button is active.

Youngs Modulus Passion Ratio Damping Data

Damping Matrix Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color

Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Lables

Specialized 145

Output This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular connection. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample forms


To create a beam force 1. Define beam force Locations and Orientations on the Definition form. 2. Select the Parts from the treeview to define how the force will be applied. 3. Define beam section properties on the Section Properties form. 4. Click OK.

Specialized 147

The field applies translational and rotational action-reaction forces between two locations which are defined by stiffness and damping matrices. Application To specify a linear field, use the arguments in the FIELD statement to specify constants for the six-bysix stiffness matrix, a preload force, a six reference lengths, and a six-by-six damping matrix. The stiffness and damping matrices must be positive semidefinite, but need not be symmetric. To specify a nonlinear field, use the user-written subroutine FIESUB to define the three force components and three torque components and use the argument FUNCTION=USER(r1[,...,r30]) to pass constants to FIESUB.


Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Part 1 Part 2 Attachments Location Description Name of field. Set to Field_# by default. Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems to be connected by the connection. Cleared by default. First part connected by the field. Second part connected by the field. Option button that allows one or two attachment location to be specified. Allows selection of the method to define location(s) for attachment. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin (and associated part) to be used as the location. Upon choosing the coordinate system the part field is populated with the part name corresponding to the coordinate system. Allows selection of the method to define an orientation. Oriented with global coordinates. (Default for optional orientation) Oriented with a single axis, which will be specified below. Oriented with two axes, which will be specified below. Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation. Select existing coordinate system to define orientation.


Hardpoint Custom Coordinate system Orientation Global Z - Axis Only 2 Axes Euler Angles Coordinate system

Specialized 149

Field Properties Field Description Drop-down that selects method to define stiffness and damping. Available options are User Entered Values (where the matrix coefficients are entered manually) and User Subroutine (where the user selects a subroutine to define the matrices). User Entered Values is the default. Icon that opens matrix editor to directly enter damping matrix values. Enabled if Damping Matrix option button is active. Drop-down that selects method to define damping. Available options are Damping Ratio (where the damping matrix is defined by multiplying the stiffness matrix by a user specified damping ratio) and Damping Matrix (where the user manually defines the damping matrix). User Entered Values is the default. Field that defines the ratio of the damping matrix to the stiffness matrix. Available only if the damping method is set to damping ratio. Field table that defines the values in the damping matrix. Additional rows may be added or removed by using the + or - icons to the right of the fields. Available only if the damping method is set to damping matrix. Fields that define three preload force components transferred by the field element when the I and J markers are separated/misaligned by the values specified in the t Offset text boxes. The terms are the force components along the x-, y-, and z-axis of the J marker. Entering values for force preload is optional.


User Entered Values Edit Matrix Data

Damping Method

Damping Ratio Damping Matrix Translational Preload (X, Y, and Z)

Fields that define three preload torque components transferred by the field Rotational Preload element when the I and J markers are separated/misaligned by the values specified in the r Offset text boxes. The terms are the torque components about the x, y-, and (X, Y, and Z) z-axis of the J marker. Translational Offset (X, Y, and Z) Rotational Offset (X, Y, and Z) User Subroutine Parameters Routine Field table that specifies parameters to be passed to a user subroutine if the method is set to user subroutine. Field table that specifies a user subroutine to define the stiffness matrix if the method is set to user subroutine. Field that defines the translation at preload to define three reference lengths. This is the nominal (x0, y0, z0) position of the I marker with respect to the J marker, resolved in the J marker coordinate system. Field that defines the rotation at preload to define the reference rotational displacement of the axes of the I marker with respect to the J marker, resolved in the J marker axes (a0, b0, and c0) (specified in radians).


Sample form Definition Tab

Specialized 151

Field Properties Tab:

To create a field 1. Select the Definition tab and define a Name for the field. 2. Select two parts between which the field will act. 3. Define Location(s) for field to act. 4. Define an Orientation method for the field. 5. Select the Field Properties tab. 6. Select a Stiffness definition method and enter values or select subroutine. 7. Select a Damping method and enter values for damping ratio or matrix values. 8. Optionally enter preload and offset values as desired. 9. Click OK.

General Constraint

General Constraint
The General Constraint (GCON) statement introduces a constraint equation that must be satisfied by the Motion solver during the simulation. This allows you to specify both holonomic and non-holonomic constraints. Application While the JOINT statement describes a physically recognizable combination of constraints that are used to connect bodies together, the GCON statement enables you to define an arbitrary constraint specific to a particular model. The GCON statement is more general and can be used to equivalently define the existent JOINT elements.

Description of Fields
Field Name Expression Launch Function Expression Builder Verify Motion Solver Syntax Coordinate System Sample form Description Name of general constraint. Set to General_Constraint_# by default. Field that defines the expression for the general constraint. To define the expression using the Expression Builder, click the icon to the right of the text. Icon that opens the Expression Builder to assist in defining solver functions.

Icon that verifies that the expression entered is in correct Motion Solver syntax. Field that selects the coordinate system to be the location of the general constraint.

Specialized 153
General Constraint

To create a general constraint 1. From the Connections tab, select General Constraint. 2. Enter a Name for the general constraint. 3. Enter an Expression to define the constraint. Icons are available to launch the function expression builder and to verify the function. 4. Select a Coordinate System that the constraint will be applied to. 5. Click OK to create the constraint. The constraint will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Distance Constraint

Distance Constraint
The distance constraint allows a specific constraint between two coordinate systems in a model.

Description of fields
Field Name Coordinate System 1 Coordinate System 2 Distance Method Sample form: Name of distance constraint. Field that selects the first coordinate system to be used in the distance constraint. Field that selects the second coordinate system to be used in the distance constraint. Distance method used for distance constraint. Description

To create a distance constraint 1. Define a Name for the distance constraint. 2. Select two Coordinate Systems for the constraint. 3. Click OK.

Couplers 155
Distance Constraint


Joint Coupler

Joint Coupler
Connects the motions of multiple joints in the model. You may specify the relationships between these motions using the coupler properties form. Couplers relate the translational and/or rotational motion of two joints. You may enter values for motion of each joint which the coupler will make equivalent.

Figure 14

Coupler Joint

Although you can couple at most three joints with a single coupler, more than one coupler can come from the same joint, as shown in the figure above. You select the driver joint, the joint to which the second joint is coupled, and the coupled joint, the joint that follows the driver joint. The couplers

Couplers 157
Joint Coupler

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Type Method Joint 1 Displacement Translation Joint 2 Displacement Rotation Joint 3 Displacement Rotation Description Allows specification of a unique name for each coupler. Automatically populated with CouplerJoint_###. Select whether the coupler joins two or three joints. By Displacements allows specification of displacement values for each joint, while By Scales allows specification of scale factors relative to the first joint. First joint to be connected by coupler, the driver joint. Select translational or rotational motion. Enter equivalent motion for By Displacements method, or scale factor for By Scales method. Second joint to be connected by the coupler, the coupled joint. Select translational or rotational motion. Enter equivalent motion for By Displacements method, or scale factor for By Scales method. Third joint to be connected by the coupler, enabled if Type is set to 3 Joints. Select translational or rotational motion. Enter equivalent motion for By Displacements method, or scale factor for By Scales method.

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Joint Coupler

Field Symbol Size Symbol Lables

Description Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular coupler. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Torque Description Checkbox that enables force on Joint 1or Joint 2relative to the origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables force on Joint 1 or Joint 2 relative to the origin as an output quantity.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Couplers 159
Joint Coupler

Sample Form

To create a coupler 1. Define properties of the coupler. 2. Select Type as either 2 or 3 joint. 3. Select either Displacements or Scale Factor for the Method. 4. Select joints to be coupled from the treeview. 5. Enter the equivalent motion or scale factor for the motion of each joint. 6. Click OK.


Gears are a special form of coupler that relate the translational and/or rotational motion of two joints. The relationship between the motion of the two joints is defined either by a specified reduction ratio or by selecting a contact point shared by the two joints.

Couplers 161

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Type Input Joint Input Freedom Output Joint Output Freedom Description Allows specification of a unique name for each coupler. Automatically populated with Gear_###. Select whether the gear is defined by a reduction ratio or by a contact point location. First joint to be connected by gear coupler, the driver joint. Select translational or rotational motion. Second joint to be connected by the gear coupler. Select translational or rotational motion. Specify the reduction ratio between the two joints. The reduction ratio is based on the following equation: Reduction Ratio input motion = reduction_ratio * output motion Available only if the Type is set to Reduction. Location Invert Output Direction Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Location form available to define contact point location if the Type is set to Contact Point. With this method no ratio is entered, the ratio is calculated by the solver based on the contact point. Checkbox that inverts the direction of the motion between the input and output joints, as would commonly occur between two gears.



Field Symbol Size Symbol Lables

Description Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools: Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).

Output This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular coupler. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Angular displacement in Joint 1 Angular displacement in Joint 2 Translational displacement in Joint 1 Translational displacement in Joint 2 Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Description Checkbox that enables force on Joint 1 relative to the origin as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables the angular displacement of Joint 1 as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables the angular displacement of Joint 2 as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables the translational displacement of Joint 1 as an output quantity. Checkbox that enables the translational displacement of Joint 2 as an output quantity.

Couplers 163

Sample Form

To create a gear 1. Enter a Name for the new gear connector. 2. Select Type as either Reduction or Contact Point. 3. Select Input and Output joints to be coupled from the treeview. 4. Select Freedom types for each joint (transitional or rotational). 5. Enter the Reduction ratio or choose the contact point location. 6. Click OK.



Properties 165
Bushing Properties

Bushing Properties
The connector bushing properties allow users to reference property objects for data rather than have data stored entirely inline in an object. The benefit to this option is that users who are creating numerous objects with the same data (that is bushings, contacts, joint friction, and so on.) they can define the data once and then reference it multiple times. If the data needs to be updated they can update it once and all objects referencing the data will automatically be updated.

Bushing Properties

Description of fields
Definition Field Name Shape Square Cylindrical Spherical Stiffness Linear Spline Piecewise Hysteresis Damping Linear Spline Piecewise K Faction Description Name of connector bushing property set. Option button that selects the shape option as described below. No inter-axial coupling in force/torque calculations. Forces/Torques in x and y directions are coupled. Force/torque in z direction is independent. Forces/torques in and about all three directions are coupled. Define matrix entries for translational and rotational stiffness in each direction. Available independent entries depend on the Shape option selected. Enter constant stiffness value. Click on the Spline editor to define or select spline data. Click on the Piecewise icon to enter slopes and break points to define the stiffness data. Click on the Edit Hysteresis Data icon to enter angle and positive and negative velocity torque values to define the stiffness properties. Define matrix entries for translational and rotational damping in each direction. Available independent entries depend on the Shape option selected. Enter constant damping value. Click on the Spline editor to define or select spline data. Click on the Piecewise icon to enter slopes and break points to define the damping data. Enter K Fraction value to define the damping to be proportional to the stiffness. The stiffness fraction damping method simply ensures that the damping coefficient increases in proportion to the local stiffness of the bushing at the current operating point. The damping force in each direction is determined by first identifying the local stiffness as being the modulus of the rate of change of the stiffness force in that direction with respect to a displacement in the same direction. This stiffness magnitude is then multiplied by the k-fraction, k, (damping_value) and multiplied by the appropriate component of the transformed velocity.

Properties 167
Bushing Properties

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To create bushing properties 1. Define a Name for the set of bushing properties on the Connector Bushing Properties form. 2. Define the Shape. 3. Define Translational and Rotational stiffness and damping values on the Connector Bushing Properties form. 4. Click OK.

Bushing Properties

Forces and Motions 95

Forces and Motions

Function Specification Tools

Function Specification Tools

General tools are available in SimXpert to define functions and variation to be used in the application of forces and motion. Functional expressions are defined using a common section on the property editor forms, and additional function tools are available through the Function Expression Builder. Spline curves are accessible from the Spline Data button on property editor forms. SimXpert will display a coordinate triad during object creation to assist you in visualizing location and orientation.

Function Expression Builder

The Function Expression Builder is a common tool accessible from many SimXpert property editor forms that aides in the definition of functional expressions for the motion solver. The available functions are categorized by type, and drop-down menus allow the user to select a category and individual function to be entered into the expression window. Individual help content is available for the selected function to assist the user in defining the proper syntax. Expressions are passed directly to the motion solver and do not take any units settings into account. Therefore, expressions assume that all angle values are expressed in radians regardless of the units selected. To write an expression that uses degrees, a d must be added to the end of the number in the expression.

Forces and Motions 97

Function Specification Tools

Description of Fields
Field Expression Verify Category Dropdown Function Dropdown Description Field that allows direct text entry of expressions and shows expressions inserted from drop down options below. Icon that verifies that the expression entered is in correct Motion Solver syntax. Drop-down that selects the category of motion function to be inserted. May be set to All Functions to allow selection of any available solver function. Drop-down that selects a particular solver function.The available functions depend on the option selected in the category drop-down on the left. Once a function is selected in the drop-down, the Insert, Append, and Help buttons apply to that function. Button that inserts the selected function into the expression at the current cursor location. Button that inserts the selected function into the expression on a new line at the end of the expression. Button that opens help specific to the selected function in order to assist with the syntax of the required inputs.

Insert Append Help

Sample Form

Function Verification (Verify Function)

This feature is part of the Function creation/modification tool that is available in the joint motion and applied forces/torques property editors. If you select "Expression" as the Function type, you may enter any ADAMS valid function expression. Once you enter the function expression, you can press the

Function Specification Tools

"Verify Function" button to have the motion solver determine whether the syntax is indeed valid for motion simulation. If the text comes back in with a green font, the expression is valid for motion simulation. If the expression is invalid, there will be a red text message above the Verify Function button that states "Expression is INVALID". Additional information about the invalid expression is displayed in red text in the Message Window.

Curve (Spline) Editor

This feature is accessible from the function creation/modification tool when the Spline option is selected. Clicking on the Spline Data button opens the Curve Editor. You may enter tabular data to define a spline curve that will be applied to the function selected, and may add or delete points as desired to define the curve. You also have options to control the display of data points in the curve editor window, as well as the color of the line. The Curve Editor provides the ability to save the current curve or open an existing curve to view, edit, and apply to a particular function. Select Save or Open from the File menu in the Curve Editor interface. Additional visualization options are available from the menu bar in the Curve Editor. The View menu allows you to specify which portion of a curve is displayed through using tools including fit data, specify range, pan, and zoom. You may edit the labels from the Labels menu. You may make other general adjustments to the window using the Options menu, which allows you to perform functions like turning the grid on and off and allows you to specify whether to show the line connecting data points. Finally, additional options may be specified by selecting Other from the Options menu. This opens the Grapher options form, which allows you to set the margins, number of tick marks, and whether tick marks are displayed.

Forces and Motions 99

Function Specification Tools

Curve Editor Interface

Coordinate Triad Visualization

While editing an object, a coordinate triad will be displayed to show the location and orientation information pertinent to that entity. The triad will only be displayed while the property editor is active. The following image displays a sample coordinate triad:

Function Specification Tools

Motions 101
Function Specification Tools


Joint Motions

Joint Motions
When you create a joint motion, SimXpert defines the motion as a velocity over time based on a values that you can enter. The speed value can be a constant numerical value or a function expression and can be determined from input values for displacement, velocity or acceleration. Application Prescribes translational or rotational motion on a translational, revolute, or cylindrical joint. Each joint motion removes one degree of freedom (DOF) from your model. Joint motions are very easy to create, but they limit you to motions that are applied to the above listed joints and movements in only one direction or rotation.

Motions 103
Joint Motions

Description of fields
Definition Field Joint Name Freedom Motion Type Degree of freedom for motion Select from Free, Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration to control the motion Initial velocity of the joint before motion is applied Define function to specify motion. See also Function Specification Tools. Option button that selects between defining the motion with a run time expression or a user subroutine. Expression is the default method. Field in which the user may enter a run time expression to define the motion. Available only if the method is set to expression. The Function Expression Builder may be launched to edit the expression by clicking the icon to the right of the expression field. The verify icon is available to verify expression syntax. Field that defines user subroutine input parameters. Available only if the definition method is set to User Subroutine. Field that selects an existing User Subroutine in the model if the method is set to User Subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Description Joint to which motion will be applied

Initial Displacement Initial displacement of the joint before motion is applied Initial Velocity Function Method Expression

User Subroutine Parameters Routine

Visualization Field Visible User Present Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Joint Motions

Field Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Description Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).

Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample Form

To create a joint motion 1. From the Motions toolribbon, select Joint Motion. 2. Click in the Joint Name text box and select the joint to which motion will be applied. Select the joint from either the tree or the canvas. 3. Select the degree of Freedom for the motion to apply to. The available degrees of freedom are limited by the type of the joint selected.

Motions 105
Joint Motions

4. Select the Motion Type to control the motion. Available options are free, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. 5. Enter the Initial Displacement position of the joint. 6. Enter the Initial Velocity of the joint. 7. Select a definition method for the motion between Expression and User Subroutine. 8. Enter expression to define motion or enter parameters and select user subroutine. 9. Click OK to create the motion. The motion will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Single Point Motion

Single Point Motion

Single point motion prescribes the motion of two parts along or around one axis. SimXpert Motion defines the motion as an expression defining displacement, velocity, or acceleration as a function of time. Application When you create a point motion, you specify the two coordinate systems. The first coordinate system you select is called the moving point. It moves or rotates relative to the coordinate system on the second part, called the reference point. You can change the axis around or along which the motion is applied.

Description of Fields
Field Name Moving Point Reference Point Freedom Motion Type Initial Displacement Initial Velocity Method Description User specified name of the single point motion. Populated with Single_Point_# by default, Field that selects a coordinate system as the moving point. Field that selects a coordinate system as the reference point. This coordinate system defines the orientation of the motion of the parts. Field that selects the degree of freedom in which to apply the motion. Select from Free, Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration to control the motion Initial displacement before motion is applied. Active only for Velocity and Acceleration motion types. Initial velocity before motion is applied. Active only for Acceleration motion type. Option button that selects between defining the motion with a run time expression or a user subroutine. Expression is the default method. Field in which the user may enter a run time expression to define the motion. Available only if the method is set to expression. The Function Expression Builder may be launched to edit the expression by clicking the icon to the right of the expression field. Field that defines user subroutine input parameters. Available only if the definition method is set to User Subroutine. Field that selects an existing User Subroutine in the model if the method is set to User Subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910




Motions 107
Single Point Motion

Sample Form

To create a single point motion 1. From the Motion toolribbin, select Single Point. 2. Click in the Moving Point textbox and select a coordinate system to be the moving point for the motion. 3. Click in the Reference Point text box and select a reference coordinate system for the motion. 4. Select the degree of Freedom for the motion to apply to. 5. Select the Motion Type to control the motion. Available options are free, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. 6. Enter the Initial Displacement and Velocity of the motion as applicable. 7. Select either Expression or User Subroutine to define the desired motion. 8. Enter expression to define motion or enter parameters and select user subroutine. 9. Click OK to create the motion. The motion will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

General Point Motion

General Point Motion

General point motion prescribes the motion of two parts along or around the three axes (six degrees of freedom (DOF)). SimXpert Motion defines the motion as an expression defining multiple components of displacement, velocity, and/or acceleration as a function of time. Application When you create a point motion, you specify the two coordinate systems. The first coordinate system you select is called the moving point. It moves or rotates relative to the coordinate system on the second part, called the reference point. You specify the motion independently for each degree of freedom.

Description of Fields
Field Name Moving Point Reference Point Type Description User specified name of the single point motion. Populated with General_Point_# by default, Field that selects a coordinate system as the moving point. Field that selects a coordinate system as the reference point. This coordinate system defines the orientation of the motion of the parts. Select from Free, Displacement, Velocity, or Acceleration to control the motion in each of the 6 degrees of freedom. Free is the default. Field in which the user may enter a run time expression to define the motion. The Function Expression Builder may be launched to edit the expression by clicking the icon to the right of the function field. Each field may be verified individually by clicking the verify icons. Initial displacement in the specified direction before motion is applied. Active only for Velocity and Acceleration motion types. Initial velocity in the specified direction before motion is applied. Active only for Acceleration motion type.


Initial Displacement Initial Velocity

Motions 109
General Point Motion

Sample Form

To create a general point motion 1. From the Motion toolribbin, select General Point. 2. Click in the Moving Point text box and select a coordinate system to be the moving point for the motion. 3. Click in the Reference Point text box and select a reference coordinate system for the motion. 4. Select the type of motion to be specified in each of the six degrees of freedom. 5. Select the motion type to control the motion. Available options are free, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. 6. Input the Function data to define each component of the motion. 7. Enter the Initial Displacement and Velocity in each direction as applicable. 8. Click OK to create the motion. The motion will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

General Point Motion

Forces and Torques

Forces and Torques 111

Applied Force

Applied Force
Applied forces are forces that define loads and compliances on parts so that they move in certain ways. Applied forces are very general, but you must supply your own description of the force behavior by specifying a constant force value or expression function. An action-only, single-component force is an external force or torque applied to a single body in a model that acts along a specified fixed axis. As you know from Newtons third law, however, in nature there is no such thing as an action-only force (that is, one with no reaction). Therefore, the body reacting to the action-only force in SimXpert is automatically defined as ground and shows no visible effect in your model.


You may find the action-reaction, multi-component forces more intuitive to use than the action-only, single-component force. If you want to apply force to only one body, you can use the action-reaction, multi-component forces and specify the reaction marker on ground.

An action-reaction force is a force applied to one body producing a reaction force on a second body that is equal and opposite to the action force on the first body. If the force applied to the action body is positive, the action body is pushed away from the reaction body. If the force applied to the action body is negative, the action body is pulled towards the reaction body. Application Applied forces allow you to introduce loading into the model that may cause or oppose motion. You may choose from action only and action-reaction forces based on whether the reaction force is applied to another component in the model For every force that you create you specify the following information: 1. To which part or parts the force is applied (unless it is applied to a coordinate system directly, in which case it will be applied to the coordinate systems parent part). 2. At what point or points the force is applied. 3. Magnitude and direction of the force.

Applied Force

Description of Fields
Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Action Type Name of applied force Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems between which the force acts. Cleared by default. Specifies whether force will be applied to a single part as in the case of action-only, or applied as an action to one part and reaction to another, as in action-reaction. If Action-Only is selected, an Axis form defines the force direction. Part which the force will be applied to. Second part for an action-reaction force, or component that will serve as a reference frame for an action only force. To define ground as the reference frame, select the ground part button. Allows definition of one application location of an action only force, or two locations for an action-reaction force. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin (and associated part) to be used as the location. Upon choosing the coordinate system the part field is populated with the part name corresponding to the coordinate system. Select direction method from pull down menu. Direction specification is not available when Coordinate System is selected for location. Select geometric entity to define direction of force. Define force as being normal to a selected plane. Select hardpoints to define endpoints of a line along which the force will act. Enter X, Y, and Z coordinates to define the direction in the basic coordinate system. Select an object such as a geometric entity, plane, or hardpoint required for the direction method. Description

Part 1 Part 2 or Reference Part Location Geometry

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System

Axis Method Geometry Orient Normal to Plane Orient Axis Along Line Custom Feature

Forces and Torques 113

Applied Force

Field Flip Definition Method Expression Expression

Description Reverses the direction of the selection. Option button that selects between Expression and User Subroutine as the method to define the applied force. Field that allows input of an expression to define the force. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and the expression may be verified using the Verify icon. Field that specifies parameters to be passed to the selected user subroutine. Field that specifies an existing user subroutine to define force value. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910

User Subroutine Parameters Routine

Applied Force

Sample form

To create an applied force 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Applied Force. 2. Enter a Name for the Applied Force. 3. Select the Action Type. You may choose action only to apply a force to a single part, or actionreaction to apply a force between two parts in the model. 4. Select the Part 1 that the force will be applied to. Alternatively, select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox to directly select coordinate systems and avoid part and location selection. 5. For an Action-Only force, select a reference part to define the part orientation. For an actionreaction force, select the second part that the force will be applied to. 6. Select the Location on the first part. 7. For an action-reaction force select the location on the second part.

Forces and Torques 115

Applied Force

8. For an action only force define the orientation of the force. 9. Define the torque value using a runtime Expression or User Subroutine. 10. Input the necessary data to define the force. 11. Click OK to create the force. The force will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Applied Torque

Applied Torque
An applied torque is an effect that has magnitude and direction and that causes rotation of a part when there is no other external effect on the part. Applied torques allow you to introduce torque loading into the model that may cause or oppose motion. You may choose from action only and action-reaction torques based on whether the reaction is applied to another component in the model. Application For every torque that you create you specify the following information: 1. To which part or parts the torque is applied, or to which coordinate systems. 2. At what point or points the torque is applied. 3. Magnitude and direction of the torque.

Description of Fields
Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Action Type Name of applied torque Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems between which the torque acts. Cleared by default. Specifies whether torque will be applied to a single part as in the case of action-only, or applied as an action to one part and reaction to another, as in action-reaction. Part which the torque will be applied to. Second part for an action-reaction torque, or component that will serve as a reference frame for an action only torque. To define ground as the reference frame, select the ground part button. Allows definition of one application location of an action only torque, or two locations for an action-reaction torque. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Description

Part 1 Part 2

Location Geometry

Hardpoint Custom

Forces and Torques 117

Applied Torque

Field Coordinate System Orientation Global Z-Axis Only 2 axes Euler Angles Coordinate System Definition Method Expression Expression

Description Allows selection of a coordinate system origin (and associated part) to be used as the location. Upon choosing the coordinate system the part field is populated with the part name corresponding to the coordinate system. Allows selection of the method to define an orientation. Oriented with global coordinates. (Default for optional orientation) Oriented with a single axis, which will be specified below. Oriented with two axes, which will be specified below. Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation. Select existing coordinate system to define orientation.

Option button that selects between Expression and User Subroutine as the method to define the applied torque. Field that allows input of an expression to define the torque. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and the expression may be verified using the Verify icon. Field that specifies parameters to be passed to the selected user subroutine. Field that specifies an existing user subroutine to define torque values. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910

User Subroutine Parameters Routine

Applied Torque

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation Outputs

This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Torque Description Checkbox that enables output of torque on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Forces and Torques 119

Applied Torque

Sample Form

To create an applied torque 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Applied Torque. 2. Enter a Name for the applied torque. 3. Select the Action Type. You may choose action only to apply a torque to a single part, or actionreaction to apply a torque between two parts in the model. 4. Select the Part 1 that the torque will be applied to or select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox and select the coordinate systems between which the torque will be applied. 5. For an action only torque, select a Part 2 to define the part orientation. For an action-reaction torque, select the second part that the torque will be applied to. 6. Select the Location on the first part. 7. For an action-reaction torque select the location on the second part. 8. For an Action Only torque define the Orientation.

Applied Torque

9. Define the torque value using a runtime Expression or User Subroutine. 10. Input the necessary data to define the torque. 11. Click OK to create the torque. The torque will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Forces and Torques 121

Vector Force

Vector Force
The vector force creates a translational force element that is specified using three orthogonal components. Application You may define the VFORCE statement through user-specified function expressions in the ADAMS/Solver (C++) dataset or through user-written subroutines (see VFOSUB). The VFORCE statement creates an ADAMS/Solver (C++) translational vector force element that applies a three-component force between two parts of the system. The element applies an action force to the part to which the I marker belongs and a corresponding reaction force to the part to which the JFLOAT marker belongs. The VFORCE statement establishes the position of the JFLOAT marker. As the system moves, ADAMS/Solver (C++) moves the JFLOAT marker on its part to keep the JFLOAT and I markers superimposed. Therefore, ADAMS/Solver (C++) applies the reaction force to the JFLOAT marker's part at the instantaneous position of the I marker. The total vector force depends on the vector sum of the individual force components that you specify. The magnitude of the force is the square root of the sum of the squares of the magnitude of the three mutually-orthogonal force components. You can specify the functions with function expressions (see Function Expressions in this guide) or user-written FORTRAN subroutines (see User-Written Subroutines).

Vector Force

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Part 1 Part 2 Reference Part Location Orientation Description User specified name of vector force. Populated with Vector_Force_# by default. Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems between which the force acts. Cleared by default. First part which the force will be applied between. Second part which the vector force will be applied between. Component that will serve as a reference frame for an action only force. To define ground as the reference frame, select the ground part button. Fields that use common tools to specify location of the vector force. Orientation tools to define the orientation of the components of the vector force.

Component Specification

Field Method Expression X Force Expression Y Force Expression Z Force Expression User Subroutine Parameters Routine

Description Option button that selects between Expression and User Subroutine as the method to define the Vector Force. Field that allows input of an expression to define the force in the X direction. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and each expression may be verified individually using the Verify icon. Field that allows input of an expression to define the force in the Y direction. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and each expression may be verified individually using the Verify icon. Field that allows input of an expression to define the force in the Z direction. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and each expression may be verified individually using the Verify icon. Field that specifies parameters to be passed to the selected user subroutine. Field that specifies an existing user subroutine to define force component values. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910

Forces and Torques 123

Vector Force

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation Outputs

This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Description Checkbox that enables output of force on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Vector Force

Sample form

To create a vector force 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Vector Force. 2. Enter a Name for the vector force. 3. Select the Part 1 that the force will be applied to or select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox and select coordinate systems between which the force will act. 4. Select the Part 2 that the force will be applied to. 5. Select a Reference Part for the force. 6. Select the Location of the point of application of the force. 7. Define Orientation of the force components. 8. Select either Expression or User Subroutine as the method to define the vector force components.

Forces and Torques 125

Vector Force

9. Enter Expression or Subroutine data for each force component. 10. Click OK to create the force. The force will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Vector Torque

Vector Torque
The vector torque creates a rotational torque that is specified using three orthogonal components. Application You can define the VTORQUE statement through user-specified function expressions in the ADAMS/Solver (C++) dataset or through user-written subroutines. The VTORQUE statement creates an ADAMS/Solver (C++) rotational force element, that applies a vector torque between two parts of the system. The element applies an action to the part to which the I marker belongs and a corresponding reaction to the part to which the JFLOAT marker belongs. The VTORQUE statement establishes the position of the JFLOAT marker. As the system moves, ADAMS/Solver (C++) moves the JFLOAT marker on its part to keep the JFLOAT and I markers superimposed. Thus, ADAMS/Solver (C++) applies the reaction torque to the JFLOAT marker's part. The components of the torque depend on expressions or subroutines that you supply. The magnitude of the torque is the square root of the sum of the squares of the magnitudes of the three mutually orthogonal torque components. You can specify these functions using function expressions (see Function Expressions) or user-written FORTRAN subroutines (see User-Written Subroutines). The direction of the torque action is determined by the resultant vector formed by the three component torque you defined along the RM marker axes. The reaction is equal and opposite to the action.

Description of Fields
Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Part 1 Part 2 Reference Part Location Orientation Description User specified name of vector torque. Populated with Vector_Torque_# by default. Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems between which the torque acts. Cleared by default. First part which the torque will be applied between. Second part which the vector force will be applied between. Component that will serve as a reference frame for an action only torque. To define ground as the reference frame, select the ground part button. Fields that use common tools to specify location of the vector torque. Orientation tools to define the orientation of the components of the vector torque.

Forces and Torques 127

Vector Torque

Component Specification

Field Method Expression X Torque Expression Y Torque Expression Z Torque Expression User Subroutine Parameters Routine

Description Option button that selects between Expression and User Subroutine as the method to define the Vector Force. Field that allows input of an expression to define the torque in the X direction. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and each expression may be verified individually using the Verify icon. Field that allows input of an expression to define the torque in the Y direction. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and each expression may be verified individually using the Verify icon. Field that allows input of an expression to define the torque in the Z direction. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in creating runtime functions, and each expression may be verified individually using the Verify icon. Field that specifies parameters to be passed to the selected user subroutine. Field that specifies an existing user subroutine to define torque component values. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default.


Symbol Size

Vector Torque

Field Symbol Labels

Description Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation Outputs

This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Torque Description Checkbox that enables output of torque on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Forces and Torques 129

Vector Torque

Sample form

To create a vector torque 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Vector Torque. 2. Enter a Name for the vector torque. 3. Select the Part 1 that the torque will be applied to or select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox and select coordinate systems between which the torque will act. 4. Select the Part 2 that the torque will be applied to. 5. Select a Reference Part for the torque. 6. Select the Location of the point of application of the torque. 7. Define Orientation of the torque components.

Vector Torque

8. Select either Expression or User Subroutine as the method to define the vector torque components. 9. Enter Expression or Subroutine data for each torque component. 10. Click OK to create the torque. The torque will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Forces and Torques 131

General Force

General Force
A general force is a force with potentially different values in each direction. You may specify a constant or function expression for each X,Y,Z Force and each XYZ Torque independently. Application General forces allow you to introduce loading into the model that varies in different directions. For every general force that you create you specify the following information: 1. Between which parts or coordinate systems the force is applied. 2. A reference part to define the force direction. 3. At what point or points the force is applied. 4. Magnitude of the force and/or torque in each coordinate direction.

General Force

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Part 1 Part 2 Reference Part Location Orientation Force and Torque Function Expressions Name of general force Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems between which the force acts. Cleared by default. The action body (part) to which the force is applied. The reaction body (part) that receives the reaction forces. The reference part that indicates the direction of the force. Allows definition of one application location of the force. Defines the orientation of the coordinate system for the force. Tabs select the force or torque in each coordinate direction. Options are available to define each function as a Constant, Expression, Harmonic, Spline, or Step Function. Description

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation

Forces and Torques 133

General Force

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Torque Description Checkbox that enables output of force on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system. Checkbox that enables output of torque on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

General Force

Sample form

To create a general force 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select General force. 2. Enter a Name for the general force. 3. Select the Part 1 that the force will be applied to or select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox and select coordinate systems between which the force will act.

Forces and Torques 135

General Force

4. Select the Part 2 that the force will be applied to. This is the reaction body (part) that receives the reaction forces. 5. Select a Reference Part to define the part orientation. 6. Select the Location of the force. 7. Define the Orientation of the force. 8. Define the force and torque functions in each direction. Select the Function type necessary to define the desired force. Input the necessary data to define the force or torque. 9. Click OK to create the force. The force will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Modal Force

Modal Force
The modal force statement applies a force directly to the modal coordinates and rigid body degrees of freedom of a flexible body. Application The MFORCE statement allows you to apply any distributed load vector F to a FLEX_BODY. Such a load vector is typically generated with a finite element program. Examples of distributed load cases include thermal expansion or pressure loads.

Forces and Torques 137

Modal Force

Description of Fields
Field Name Flexible Body Reaction Part Reference Part Method Single Loadcase Load Case Scale Function Expression Field that specifies an existing modal loadcase to be applied to the flexible part scaled by a function expression. Field that defines an expression for scaling the load case selected above. The Function Expression Builder is available to assist in defining expressions. A verify icon is available to verify expression syntax. Field that specifies up to thirty user-defined constants to be passed to the userdefined subroutine, MFOSUB to directly compute the modal load case and scale function whose product is the modal force applied to the flexible body. The scale function can depend on time or the state of the system. The load case can only be a function of time. Field that selects a user subroutine to which the above parameters will be passed. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Field that specifies up to thirty user-defined constants to be passed to the userdefined subroutine, MFOSUB to directly compute the modal force on the flexible body. Each component of the modal force can depend on time or the state of the system. Field that selects a user subroutine to which the above parameters will be passed. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Description User specified name of modal force. Populated with Modal_Force_# by default. Field that specifies the flexible part to which the modal force is applied. Field that specifies rigid motion part for reaction part. Component that will serve as a reference frame for an action only force. To define ground as the reference frame, select the ground part button. Dropdown that selects between Single Loadcase, Subroutine (Function) and Subroutiine (Force) as the method to define the modal force.

Subroutine (Function)


Routine Subroutine (Force)



Modal Force

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Torque Description Checkbox that enables output of force on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system. Checkbox that enables output of torque on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Forces and Torques 139

Modal Force

Sample form

To create a modal force 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Modal Force. 2. Enter a Name for the modal force. 3. Select a Flexible Body that the force will be applied to. 4. Select a Reaction Part for the force to react against. 5. Select Single Loadcase or Subroutine as the method to define the values of the modal force. 6. Select a loadcase and enter the expression (for Single Loadcase) or enter parameters and select subroutine (for Subroutine methods). 7. Click OK to create the force. The force will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Multipoint Force

Multipoint Force
The multi point force (NFORCE) statement creates a multi-point force element which establishes linear force-displacement (stiffness) and/or force-velocity (damping) relationships between many coordinate systems (up to 351) in the model. Application The NFORCE creates a set of forces and torques which act between the I and J coordinate systems which appear in the NFORCE statement. These forces and torques are linear functions of the relative displacements and velocities of the coordinate systems, in a manner equivalent to the finite element method. For each NFORCE, one coordinate system(J) is used as the reference marker. The velocities are resolved into the J marker's reference frame and expressed in the J marker's coordinate system. The force and torque components computed by the NFORCE are also given in the J marker's coordinate system. The force-displacement and force-velocity relationships are specified using stiffness and damping matrices, or by using a stiffness matrix and a proportional damping ratio. These matrices are defined using MATRIX statements in the dataset. The stiffness and damping matrices that ADAMS/Solver (FORTRAN) requires are defined for the I markers only; that is, they should be derived normally using the 6(n+1) J marker and I marker degrees-of-freedom, but are input using only the rows and columns corresponding to the I marker degrees-of-freedom. This is equivalent, in finite element terminology, to applying fixed boundary conditions at the J marker by simply removing the corresponding rows and columns from the matrices. ADAMS/Solver (FORTRAN) automatically computes and applies the correct reaction forces at the J marker.

Forces and Torques 141

Multipoint Force

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description User specified name of multi point force. Populated with Multi_Point_Force_# by default. Table for referencing one or more coordinate systems. "+" and "-" buttons are used to append and delete rows. Each cell allows the user to pick a coordinate system from the model browser, graphics window, or drop down list. Field that specifies the identifier of the coordinate system that determines the reference frame in which the relative velocities and all of the forces associated with the NFORCE are calculated and the coordinate system in which all the components and LENGTHs are evaluated. The NFORCE automatically applies the proper reaction forces at this location.


Reference Point

Stiffness Matrix


Description Option button selects between Entered data and data from an existing file. The KMATRIX is a 6n 6n matrix (n is the number of coordinate systems) that defines the linear relationships between the I marker displacements relative to the J marker and elastic forces generated by the NFORCE. The KMATRIX is specified in the J marker's coordinate system. Marker translational and rotational displacements appear sequentially in Dx, Dy, Dz, Ax, Ay, Az, order, while the markers appear in the same sequence as the coordinate systems are selected.

Stiffness Matrix

Entered Data Edit Matrix Data File Matrix File Matrix Name Field that specifies location of an existing Adams matrix (.mtx) file. Drop-down that selects from available matrices in the selected matrix file. Icon that opens matrix editor to define stiffness values.

Multipoint Force


Field Active Damping Method Damping Ratio

Description Checkbox that activates damping and enables remaining fields. Option button selects between specification of a damping matrix or a damping ratio. If damping ration is selected, all matrix fields will be disabled. Field that specifies the proportional damping ratio for the NFORCE. The elements of the damping matrix are determined by multiplying the corresponding stiffness element value by this number. Option button selects between entered data and data from an existing file. The damping matrix is a 6n 6n matrix (n is the number of I markers) that defines the linear relationships between the coordinate systems velocities relative to the reference system and the viscous forces generated by the NFORCE. The damping matrix is derived in the reference coordinate system.

Damping Matrix

Entered Data Edit Matrix Data File Matrix File Matrix Name
Force Matrix

Icon that opens matrix editor to define damping values.

Field that specifies location of an existing Adams matrix (.mtx) file. Drop-down that selects from available matrices in the selected matrix file.


Description Option button selects between Entered data and data from an existing file. FORCE is a 6n 1 matrix (n is the number of I markers) of forces and torques, appearing sequentially for each marker in Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz order, while the markers appear in the same sequence as the coordinate systems are selected. The force and torque components are expressed in the reference coordinate system.

Force Matrix

Entered Data Edit Matrix Data File Matrix File Matrix Name Field that specifies location of an existing Adams matrix (.mtx) file. Drop-down that selects from available matrices in the selected matrix file. Icon that opens matrix editor to define force values.

Forces and Torques 143

Multipoint Force

Length Matrix

Field Active

Description Checkbox that activates length matrix and enables remaining fields. Option button selects between Entered data and data from an existing file. Specifies the identifier of the MATRIX that defines a reference location for each of the coordinate systems with respect to the reference point, measured in the reference coordinate system. LENGTH is a 3n 1 column matrix (n is the number of I markers) of translational displacements only, in Dx, Dy, Dz order. Usually, LENGTH is used to specify the system's free (no internal force) lengths when they differ from the input positions. If LENGTH is not given, the NFORCE assumes that the input positions of the coordinate systems are at the reference locations.

Length Matrix

Entered Data Edit Matrix Data File Matrix File Matrix Name Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Field that specifies location of an existing Adams matrix (.mtx) file. Drop-down that selects from available matrices in the selected matrix file. Icon that opens matrix editor to define length values.


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Multipoint Force

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Torque Description Checkbox that enables output of force on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system. Checkbox that enables output of torque on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Forces and Torques 145

Multipoint Force

Sample form

To create a multi point force 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Multi Point Force. 2. Enter a Name for the force. 3. Select existing coordinate systems for the force to act upon. Click on the + icon to add more coordinate systems to the table. 4. Select a Reference coordinate system for the force. 5. Select entered data of file as the stiffness method and enter the stiffness matrix data or select a stiffness matrix file.

Multipoint Force

6. Define data for Damping, Force, and Length matrices. 7. Click OK to create the force. The force will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Spring Dampers 147

Multipoint Force

Spring Dampers

Translational Spring Damper

Translational Spring Damper

A translational spring damper represents forces acting between two parts over a distance and along a particular direction. You specify the locations of the spring damper and points on two parts. SimXpert calculates the spring and damping forces based on the distance between the locations on the two parts and their rate of change, respectively.

You can specify the damping and stiffness values as coefficients or use splines to define the relationships of damping to velocity or stiffness to displacement. You can also de-activate stiffness to create a pure damper or de-activate the damping to create a pure spring. Application You add a translational spring damper to your model by defining the locations on two parts between which the spring damper acts. You define the action force that is applied to the first location, and SimXpert automatically applies the equal and opposite reaction force to the second location.

Spring Dampers 149

Translational Spring Damper

Description of Fields
Field Name Description Name of translational spring damper

Define Using Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options Coordinate Systems with directly specified coordinate systems between which the spring-damper acts. Cleared by default. First Part Location Geometry First part connected to spring damper. This is the action body. Field is read only if Coordinate System is selected as the location method. Allows selection of the method to define a location. Default option. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Existing coordinate system origin may be selected in the field below. Second part connected to spring damper. This is the reaction body. Field is read only if Coordinate System is selected as the location method. Allows selection of the method to define a location. Default option. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Existing coordinate system origin may be selected in the field below. Allows specification of linear stiffness at a constant rate or nonlinear stiffness to be defined by spline data Drop-down that selects how stiffness and preload are specified. Default is Use Locations. Default option. Uses the locations set for the First and Second Part, and requires input of stiffness rate and free length of the spring. The distance between these locations is the distance between the spring endpoints at design, and the preload is determined by the difference between this distance and the free length. Preload allows entry of a preload force in the spring at the current configuration. Uses the locations set for the First and Second Part, and requires input of stiffness rate and preload force. For this method the free length of the spring will be adjusted so that the specified preload is the force in the spring at design.

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Second Part Location Geometry

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Stiffness Method Preload

Use Location

Translational Spring Damper

Field Installed Length

Description The installed length specifies the length of the spring at the current position of the First and Second Part. This method requires input of an installed length, stiffness rate, and free length of the spring. The preload is determined by the difference between the installed length value and the free length value. Allows entry of a constant stiffness in the Stiffness Rate field.

Stiffness Type Linear Stiffness Rate Nonlinear Length Deflection Damping Linear Nonlinear Field that specifies the stiffness rate of the translational spring damper. Allows specification of nonlinear stiffness data using the curve editor. The x-axis data is the distance between the spring seats. With this technique the spline has a negative slope. The x-axis data is deflection from some trim condition. The spline has a positive slope. Allows specification of linear damping with a constant coefficient or nonlinear damping defined by spline data Allows entry of a constant damping in the Damping Rate field. Allows specification of nonlinear damping data using the curve editor.

Independent Axis

Spring Dampers 151

Translational Spring Damper

Visualization Field Visual Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Option button that selects between Advanced and Simple spring damper graphics. The Advanced option offers more fields to specify different diameters at each end of the spring, coil diameter, and tip length. Field that specifies the number of complete coils to be used in the visualization of the coil spring. Only integer values may be used. Field that specifies the outside diameter of the coil spring visualization for the spring damper. Field that specifies the diameter of the coil itself in the visualization of the spring damper. This should be much less than the spring diameter to give a realistic visualization. Field that specifies the diameter of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 1 end of the spring damper. Field that specifies the diameter of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 2 end of the spring damper. Field that specifies the length of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 1 end of the spring damper.


Graphic Type

Advanced Number of coils Spring Diameter Coil Diameter

Damper Diameter at Part 1 Damper Diameter at Part 2 Damper Length at Part 1

Translational Spring Damper

Field Damper Length at Part 2

Description Field that specifies the length of the cylindrical damper visualization at the Part 2 end of the spring damper.

Tip Length at Part 1 Field that specifies the length of the line connecting the spring dampers location on Part 1 to the end of the visualization of that end of the spring damper. This value is 0 by default, which results in the visualization extending all the way to the selected end point of the spring damper. If a positive value is entered, the visualization is offset towards the other end point of the spring, while a negative value offsets it away from the other end of the spring. A line will be shown connecting the end of the spring damper visualization where the actual spring damper is located on Part 1. Tip Length at Part 2 Field that specifies the length of the line connecting the spring dampers location on Part 1 to the end of the visualization of that end of the spring damper. This value is 0 by default, which results in the visualization extending all the way to the selected end point of the spring damper. If a positive value is entered, the visualization is offset towards the other end point of the spring, while a negative value offsets it away from the other end of the spring. A line will be shown connecting the end of the spring damper visualization where the actual spring damper is located on Part 2. Simple Number of coils Spring Diameter Symbol Labels Field that specifies the number of complete coils to be used in the visualization of the coil spring. Only integer values may be used. Field that specifies the diameter of the spring visualization to be used for the entire length of the spring. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Description Checkbox that enables output of force on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Spring Dampers 153

Translational Spring Damper

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Translational Spring Damper

Sample form

To create a translational spring damper 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Translational Spring Damper. 2. Enter a Name for the spring damper.

Spring Dampers 155

Translational Spring Damper

3. Select the First part (action body) that the spring damper will connect to or select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox and select coordinate systems between which the spring damper acts. 4. Select the Location on the first part. 5. Select the Second Part (reaction body) that the spring damper will connect to. 6. Select the Location on the second part. 7. Select the Stiffness check box if desired and select linear or nonlinear stiffness. 8. Enter values to define the Stiffness Rate as necessary. 9. Select Preload if desired and enter value. 10. Select the Damping check box if desired and select Linear or Nonlinear damping. 11. Enter values to define the damping as necessary. 12. Click OK to create the spring damper.

Rotational Spring Damper

Rotational Spring Damper

A rotational spring-damper is applied between two parts. It applies the action torque to the first part you select, called the action body, and applies an equal and opposite reaction torque to the second part you select, called the reaction body.

Application You can specify the damping and stiffness values as coefficients or use splines to define the relationships of damping to velocity or stiffness to displacement. You can also de-activate stiffness to create a pure damper or de-activate the damping to create a pure spring. You can also set the rotation angle of the torsion spring when it is in its preload state and any preload forces on the spring. By default, the solver uses the rotation angle of the torsion spring when you create it as its preload angle. The following linear constitutive equation describes the torque applied at the first body: torque = -CT*da/dt - KT*(a-ANGLE) + TORQUE SimXpert automatically computes the terms da/dt and a. The term a is the angle between the component parts. SimXpert takes into account the total number of complete turns.

Spring Dampers 157

Rotational Spring Damper

Description of Fields Field Name Define Using Coordinate Systems Part 1 Part 2 Attachments Location Geometry Description Name of rotational spring damper Checkbox that when enabled replaces the part and location definition options with directly specified coordinate systems between which the spring-damper acts. Cleared by default. First part connected to spring damper. This is the action body. Second part connected to spring damper. This is the reaction body. Option button that specifies whether one or two attachment locations and orientations will be specified. Allows selection of the method to define a location. A second attachment location may be specified if Attachments is set to two locations. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin (and associated part) to be used as the location. Upon choosing the coordinate system the part field is populated with the part name corresponding to the coordinate system. Allows selection of the method to define an orientation. Oriented with global coordinates. (Default for optional orientation) Oriented with two axes, which will be specified below. Select existing coordinate system to define orientation. Checkbox that activates the stiffness for the spring damper and enables the stiffness form entries. Allows entry of a constant stiffness in the Stiffness Rate field. Field that specifies the stiffness rate of the translational spring damper. Allows specification of nonlinear stiffness data using the curve editor. Opens the curve editor to define nonlinear stiffness data. Checkbox that activates the damping for the spring damper and enables the damping form entries.

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate system Orientation Global 2 Axes Coordinate System Stiffness Linear Stiffness Rate Non Linear Spline Data Damping

Z -Axis Only Oriented with a single axis, which will be specified below. Euler Angles Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation.

Rotational Spring Damper

Field Linear Non Linear Preload and Free Angle Preload Free Angle

Description Allows entry of a constant damping in the Damping Rate field. Allows specification of nonlinear damping data using the curve editor. Checkbox that when checked allows you to define spring preload by entering a force value or free angle. Allows entry of a preload force in the spring at the current configuration. Allows entry of the angular position at which there is no force in the spring. Preload is determined by the rotation from the free angle to the current position.

Spring Dampers 159

Rotational Spring Damper

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation Outputs

This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular force. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Field Force Torque Description Checkbox that enables output of force on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system. Checkbox that enables output of torque on Part 1 due to this force element, in the origin reference system.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Rotational Spring Damper

Sample form

To create a rotational spring damper 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Rotational Spring Damper. 2. Enter a Name for the spring damper. 3. Select the Part 1(action body) that the spring damper will connect to or select the Define Using Coordinate Systems checkbox and select coordinate systems between which the spring damper will act. 4. Select the Part 2 (reaction body) that the spring damper will connect to.

Spring Dampers 161

Rotational Spring Damper

5. Select the Location of the spring damper. 6. Select the Stiffness check box if desired and select Linear or Nonlinear stiffness. 7. Enter values to define the Stiffness Rate as necessary. 8. Select preload if desired and enter value. 9. Select the Damping check box if desired and select Linear or Nonlinear damping. 10. Enter values to define the damping as necessary. 11. Click OK to create the spring damper.

Rotational Spring Damper


Properties 163
Spring Properties

Spring Properties
Description of Fields
Definition Fields Name Stiffness Type Linear Stiffness Rate Free Length Non Linear Spline Data Allows entry of a constant stiffness in the Stiffness Rate field. Field that specifies the stiffness rate. Field that specifies the free length. Allows specification of nonlinear stiffness data using the curve editor. Property editor window that allows you to enter and simultaneously plot two columns of spline data and the smooth continuous curve that SimXpert generates from them. The x-axis data is the distance between the spring seats. With this technique the spline has a negative slope. The x-axis data is deflection from some trim condition. The spline has a positive slope. Name of Spring property. Description

Independent Axis Length Deflection

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Spring Properties

Sample form

To create a spring property 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Spring Properties. 2. Enter a Name for the spring properties. 3. Select the Stiffness Type, Linear or Nonlinear stiffness. 4. Enter values to define the Stiffness Rate as necessary. 5. Enter values to define the Free Length as necessary. 6. Enter Spline data and select Independent Axis as necessary. 7. Click OK to create the spring properties.

Properties 165
Damper Properties

Damper Properties
Description of fields
Definition Fields Name Damping Type Linear Damping Rate Non Linear Spline Data Allows entry of a constant damping in the Damping Rate field. Field that specifies the damping rate. Allows specification of nonlinear damping data using the curve editor. Property editor window that allows you to enter and simultaneously plot two columns of spline data and the smooth continuous curve that SimXpert generates from them. Name of Damping property. Description

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Damper Properties

Sample form

To create a damper property 1. From the Forces tool ribbon, select Damper Properties. 2. Enter a Name for the damper properties. 3. Select the DampingType, Linear or Nonlinear damping. 4. Enter Spline Data as necessary. 5. Click OK to create the damping properties.

Contacts 77



You may specify contact between a point and curve, two curves, and two bodies. The contact tab is consistent across all of the contact types.

Creating Contacts
Description of Fields Field Method Description Impact or Restitution method may be selected for contact calculation. Specifies a material stiffness that you can use to calculate the normal force for the impact model. Stiffness In general, the higher the STIFFNESS, the more rigid or hard the bodies in contact are. Also note that the higher the STIFFNESS is, the harder it is for an integrator to solve through the contact event. Stiffness exponent for contact. The motion solver models normal force as a nonlinear spring-damper. If PEN is the instantaneous penetration between the contacting geometry, the solver calculates the contribution of the material stiffness to the instantaneous normal forces as STIFFNESS * (PENALTY)**EXPONENT. For more information, see the IMPACT function. Exponent should normally be set to 1.5 or higher. For more information, refer to the IMPACT function. Damping Damping value that defines the damping properties of the contacting material. You should set the damping coefficient is about one percent of the stiffness coefficient. Penetration is the depth at which maximum damping occurs. The motion solver uses a cubic STEP function to increase the damping coefficient from zero, at zero penetration, to full damping when the penetration is this value. A reasonable value for this parameter is 0.01 mm. For more information, refer to the IMPACT function. Contact friction may be enabled for both static and dynamic, dynamic only, or disabled completely. Specifies the maximum velocity for static friction or the minimum for dynamic friction. Specifies a unique friction coefficient for static and dynamic friction.



Friction Velocity Coefficient

Contacts 79

Sample Form

Extended Definition
During a simulation, the first step is to find out if the contact is occurring between the geometry pairs identified in the CONTACT statements. If there is no contact, there is no force. If contact exists, the geometry modeling system calculates the location of the individual contact points and the outward normals to the two geometries at the contact point. The motion solver calculates the normal and slip velocities of the contact point from this information. The solver then uses the velocities to calculate the contact force at each individual contact. Contact Detection Algorithm To greatly simplify the contact detection algorithm, the motion solver assumes that the volume of intersection between two solids will be much, much less than the volume of either solid. This means that, for example for a sphere in a V-groove, the solver algorithm breaks down when the two contact volumes merge into one. This assumption is not as drastic as it may first appear. The reason is that most users are interested in contact between rigid bodies (that is, bodies that do not undergo a large deformation). Also, rigid bodies generally do not penetrate very far into one another. Note that we do not recommend that you use the contact detection algorithm in the modeling of very soft bodies. After contact occurs between two solids, the motion solver computes the volumes of intersection. There may be only one volume of intersection, or there may be multiple volumes of intersection (this would correspond to multiple locations of contact). In this discussion, we assume that there is only a single volume of intersection. The algorithm is the same for every intersection volume.


Once there is contact, the motion solver finds the centroid of the intersection volume. This is the same as the center of mass of the intersection volume (assuming the intersection volume has uniform density). Next, the motion solver finds the closest point on each solid to the centroid. The distance between these two points is the penetration depth. The motion solver then puts this distance into the formula: F = K*(distance)n where:
K - material stiffness n - exponent F - force

to determine the contact force due to the material stiffness (there can also be damping and friction forces in the contact). For example, if you apply this algorithm to a sphere on a plate, the intersection volume is some type of spherical shape with a flat side. The centroid of this volume can be computed (this is where most of the time is spent in the algorithm). It will be below the plate and inside the sphere. The nearest point on the plate (to the centroid) and the nearest point on the sphere (to the centroid) can also be computed. In this case, the line between them will pass through the center of the sphere (this will also be the direction in which the contact force acts). Again, the algorithm can handle the case of a sphere in a V-groove. There will be two volumes of intersection and two separate forces will be applied to sphere and to the V-groove (equal and opposite forces). Contact Calculation Methods Two available methods for contact force calculation are:
Restitution Method - Is characterized by contact for short periods of time. It is also known as

impulsive contact. Two geometries approach each other, undergo a collision, and separate as a result of the contact. The collision results in the generation of an impulse, that affects the momentum of the colliding bodies. The solver develops an estimate of the contact force by modeling the local deformation behavior of the contacting geometries. Energy loss occurs according to the specified restitution coefficient, which is the ratio of the compression/decompression impulses. Intermittent contact is characterized by two distinct phases. The first is compression, where the bodies continue to approach each other even after contact occurs. The kinetic energy of the bodies is converted to potential and dissipation energy of the compressing contact material. When the entire kinetic energy is transformed, the potential energy stored in the material reverses the motion of the contacting bodies. Potential energy is transformed again to dissipation energy and kinetic energy. This is known as the decompression phase. It is important to note that energy losses due to dissipation occur in both phases.

Contacts 81

The restitution method is based on impulse momentum theory where the velocity field is discontinuous over the contact event. Discontinuous velocity means undefined acceleration and hence undefined contact forces. You should not use restitution if you're interested in contact force magnitudes or when you're in a situation where velocity doesn't dominate the event (such as persistent contact). Do use restitution when you're interested in having a well-defined impulse. In summary, the restitution method will give the proper energy conservation characteristics, but the contact force is not well defined.
IMPACT method - Is characterized by contact for relatively long periods of time. External forces

acting between the two bodies serve to maintain continuous contact. Persistent impact contact is modeled as a nonlinear spring damper, the stiffness modeling the elasticity of the surfaces of contact, and the damping modeling the dissipation of energy. Two bodies are said to be in persistent contact when the separation velocity, after a collision event, is close to zero. The bodies, therefore, cannot separate after the contact. Contact forces are calculated at each individual contact point. Individual contributions are summed up to compute the net response of the system to the contact event. The IMPACT method uses displacement and velocity states to determine the contact force. Unlike restitution, the contact "event" can be active through several integration steps. For example we might solve for a few configurations during a typical impact:
When the contact first becomes active, the ball has a velocity downwards and there is minimal

penetration, hence a small restoring force

When the ball is fully penetrated and its velocity is zero there is maximum contact force (the

component from the spring term of the IMPACT).

Situation similar to (1) where ball is just about to leave contact event and has minimum

penetration, some upward velocity and restoring force is dropping off. In this situation, if ERROR and HMAX were used to finely discretize the event, the contact forces might be useful as the 'event' is described. It is realistic to consider the contact forces developed in this scenario.
Contact Normal Force Calculation

Two models for normal force calculations are available in the motion solver:
IMPACT function model Coefficient of restitution or the POISSON model

Both force models result from a penalty regularization of the normal contact constraints. Penalty regularization is a modeling technique in mechanics, in which a constraint is enforced mathematically by applying forces along the gradient of the constraint. The force magnitude is a function of the constraint violation. Contact between rigid bodies theoretically requires that the two bodies not penetrate each other. This can be expressed as a unilateral (inequality) constraint. The contact force is the force associated with


enforcing this constraint. Handling these auxiliary constraint conditions is usually accomplished in one of two ways, either through introduction of Lagrange multipliers or by penalty regularization. For contact problems, the latter technique has the advantage of simplicity; no additional equations or variables are introduced. This is particularly useful when treating intermittent contact and algorithmically managing active and inactive conditions associated with unilateral constraints. Additionally, a penalty formulation is easily interpreted from a physical standpoint. For example, the magnitude of the contact reaction force is equal to the product of material stiffness and penetration between contacting bodies, similar to a spring force. For these reasons, the motion solver uses a penalty regularization to enforce all contact constraints. The disadvantage of the penalty regularization, however, is that you are responsible for setting an appropriate penalty parameter, that is, the material stiffness. Furthermore, a large value for the material stiffness or penalty parameter can cause integration difficulties. Contact Prediction Contact is fundamentally a discontinuous event. When two geometries come into contact:
A large normal force or an impulse is generated. The velocities of the bodies change sign. The accelerations are almost discontinuous, and have a large spike. This spike represents the

impulse that was generated due to the contact. The bodies usually separate because of the contact forces or impulses. Numerical integrators assume that the equations of motion are continuous. A contact event is, therefore, quite hard for an integrator to solve through. The motion solver contains a contact predictor that predicts the onset of contact and controls the integrator step size accordingly. The following paragraphs briefly summarize the contact prediction algorithm. When the motion solver detects a new contact, it calculates the penetration and penetration velocity between the two geometries. From these two values the solver estimates a more refined contact time. The solver rejects the current time step and uses the refined step size to accurately sense the onset of contact. Furthermore, the integrator order is set to one, so that the motion solver does not use the time history of the system to predict the future behavior of the system. This algorithm essentially ensures that:
The penetration for a new contact is small. The integrator is at first order when the contact event occurs. The integrator is taking small time steps.

Impact Function in Contact Below is the syntax for IMPACT function: IMPACT(q, q, q0, k, e, cmax, d) where:

Contacts 83

q - Actual distance between the two objects (defined with a displacement function) q - Time rate of change of the variable q q0 - Trigger distance used to determine when the contact force turns on and off; it should be

specified as a real, constant value

k - Stiffness coefficient e - Stiffness force exponent c - Damping coefficient d - Damping ramp-up distance


The spring and damping forces from the impact vary with penetration depth as follows:

Contacts 85
Body-Body Contact

Body-Body Contact
Defines a contact force between two bodies without specifying a point or curve for contact. Requires more solver time than lower order contacts. Application Defines a two- or three-dimensional contact between a pair of geometric objects. SimXpert supports multiple contacts, dynamic friction, contact between three-dimensional solid geometries, and contact between two-dimensional geometries. It does not support non-solid three-dimensional geometries, such as shells that do not encompass a volume and sheets. It also does not support contact between a twodimensional and a three-dimensional geometry.

Body-Body Contact

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Part 1 Body 1 Part 2 Body 2 Flip Description User specified name for the contact. Set to Body_Body_# by default. First part to participate in contact. Body to contact within the first part. Second part to participate in contact. Body to contact within the second part.

Part 1

Lists parts and bodies identified for Part 1. If spherical bodies are present, a checkbox allows reversal of the outward direction when selected. A grey arrow indicates the outward direction on the part. Lists parts and bodies identified for Part 2. If spherical bodies are present, a checkbox allows reversal of the outward direction when selected. A grey arrow indicates the outward direction on the part.

Part 2

Contact Field Method Impact Stiffness Exponent Damping Penetration Restitution Penalty Coefficient Friction Penalty value for restitution contact. Default value is 1e6. Coefficient value for restitution contact, a fractional value representing the ratio of velocities before and after an impact. Contact friction may be enabled for both static and dynamic, dynamic only, or disabled completely. Stiffness value for contact. Stiffness exponent for contact. Damping value. Depth at which maximum damping occurs. Impact or Restitution method may be selected for contact calculation.

Contacts 87
Body-Body Contact

Field Velocity Coeffiicient Specifies the maximum velocity for static friction or the minimum for dynamic friction. Specifies a unique friction coefficient for static and dynamic friction.

Body-Body Contact


Augmented Lagrangian Formulation Use Subroutine for Normal Force

Checkbox that activates the Augmented Lagrangian Method for contacts. Cleared by default. Checkbox that chooses whether to use a user subroutine to model the Normal Force for Body-Body Contacts. If checked, fields are activated for parameters and a subroutine to which they will be passed. Cleared by default. Checkbox that chooses whether to use a user subroutine to model the Friction Force for Body-Body Contacts. If checked, fields are activated for parameters and a subroutine to which they will be passed. Cleared by default.

Use Subroutine for Friction Force


Visible Use Parent Color

Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Contacts 89
Body-Body Contact

Sample Form

To create a body-body contact 1. From the Contacts tool ribbon, select Body-Body. 2. Click in the Part 1 text box and select the first part to make contact. Select the part from either the tree or the canvas. 3. Click in the Part 2 text box and select the second part to make contact. 4. Click on the Contact tab to define contact parameters. 5. Click OK to create the contact. The contact will appear in the tree and in the canvas.

Curve-Curve Contact

Curve-Curve Contact
The curve-curve contact represents the contact force between two curves. You can use it to model the contact between two cams in a variable valvetrain. The resulting hertzian pressure is calculated based on curvatures in two dimensions, when both curve crowning radii are specified. Application The curve-curve contact models the contact between a curve defined on one part and a curve defined on a second part. This contact may either be constraint based or force based depending upon the situation to be modeled.
Constraint Based

The motion solver models the contact as a constraint which constrains the two entities to be in contact with each other. Initial conditions may be defined for the constraint. Penetration or lift off are not allowed between the entities and friction forces are not calculated.
Force Based

A force based contact allows lift-off and takes into account dynamic and static friction. The force based curve-curve contact has a significant performance advantage to using 3-D contact. Either the impact or restitution contact methods may be used, depending on the duration of the contact and desired output. Contact forces may be obtained from the impact method, but depend highly on step size. For more information on contact force methods, see Contact Calculation Methods. The curve-curve contact can also be defined as an intermittent contact entity between 2 parallel curves. The curves do not have to be in the same plane as out of plane moments are not accounted for (since the curves are projected onto the same plane when defined in the solver).

Contacts 91
Curve-Curve Contact

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description Field that specifies user defined name for the contact Option button that defines whether the contact will be constraint based or force based. The options under the contact tab (including contact friction) are only available for force based contact. Initial conditions may only be specified for constraint based contact.


Curve 1:

Field Method Geometry Part Features Flip Points Per Curve or Curvature Tolerance Curve Curve

Description Drop-down that allows selection of curves defined by Geometry or curves defined mathematically via the System Elements toolbox. Part that contains the first curve to participate in the contact. Available if Method is set to Geometry Curve on selected part which point will contact in Geometry contact method. Reverses curve normal direction. The curve normal points away from the solid side of the curve (it points away from the side of the curve that other curves cannot penetrate). Drop-down and field that determine the number of points evaluated along a geometric curve. Setting to Points Per Curve specifies the number of points directly, while Curvature tolerance defines a maximum deviation for the point to point path versus the original curve location. Field for selection of a predefined non-geometric curve. Available if Method is set to Curve.

Curve-Curve Contact

Curve 2:

Field Method Geometry Part Features Flip Points Per Curve or Curvature Tolerance Curve Curve

Description Drop-down that allows selection of curves defined by Geometry or curves defined mathematically via the System Elements toolbox. Part that contains the second curve to participate in the contact. Available if Method is set to Geometry Curve on selected part which point will contact in Geometry contact method. Reverses curve normal direction. The curve normal points away from the solid side of the curve (it points away from the side of the curve that other curves cannot penetrate). Drop-down and field that determine the number of points evaluated along a geometric curve. Setting to Points Per Curve specifies the number of points directly, while Curvature tolerance defines a maximum deviation for the point to point path versus the original curve location. Field for selection of a predefined non-geometric curve. Available if Method is set to Curve.

Contact The options under this tab are available only if the type of contact is set to force based. Field Method Impact Stiffness Exponent Damping Penetration Restitution Penalty Coefficient Friction Penalty value for Restitution contact method. Default = 1e6. Restitution coefficient for Restitution contact method. Default = 0.5 Contact friction may be enabled for both static and dynamic, dynamic only, or disabled completely. Friction is available only if intermittent contact is selected. Stiffness value for contact. Stiffness exponent for contact. Damping value. Distance contacting parts are allowed to penetrate. Description Impact or Restitution method may be selected for contact calculation.

Contacts 93
Curve-Curve Contact

Field Velocity Coefficient Initial Conditions

Description Specifies the maximum velocity for static friction or the minimum for dynamic friction. Specifies a unique friction coefficient for static and dynamic friction.

The options under this tab are only available if the type of contact is set to constraint based. Fields Specify displacement Checkbox that indicates the user wishes to specify initial displacement. Activates numeric fields for X, Y, and Z position when checked. Cleared by default. This checkbox is only enabled when "Specify displacement" is checked. Specifies that the user wishes to set reference system of displacement. If user doesn't specify a reference system, the reference system for the initial displacement will be the reference system of the curve. In case of geometry-based curve this is the Origin. In case of motion curve it is the coordinate system referenced by the curve. Cleared by default. Specify Velocity Checkbox that indicates the user would like to specify an initial velocity value. Activates velocity numeric field when checked. Cleared by default.

Specify displacement reference system

Curve-Curve Contact


Visible Use Parent Color

Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Contacts 95
Curve-Curve Contact

Sample Form

To create a curve-curve contact 1. From the Contact tool ribbon, select Curve-Curve. 2. Enter a Name and define whether contact will be constraint based or force based. 3. Select Geometry for a geometric curve or Curve for a non-geometric predefined curve. 4. If Method is set to Geometry, select part that contains the first curve for the contact. 5. Select a geometric curve on the selected part or an existing non-geometric curve. 6. Select Geometry for a geometric curve or Curve for a non-geometric predefined curve. 7. If Method is set to Geometry, select part that contains the second curve for the contact. 8. Select a geometric curve on the selected part or an existing non-geometric curve. 9. Specify Contact method and values to define stiffness and damping. 10. Optionally specify contact initial conditions for non-intermittent contact. 11. Click OK.

Point-Curve Contact

Point-Curve Contact
The point-curve contact represents the contact force between a curve and a point. It can be used to create a force based contact (which allows lift off and may use the restitution or impact contact methods) or a constraint based contact which forces the two entities to remain in contact. You can use it to model the contact between a cam and a knife-edge follower. Application The point-curve contact models the contact between a single point defined on one part and a curve defined on a second part. This contact may either be constraint based or force based depending upon the situation to be modeled.
Constraint Based

The motion solver models the contact as a constraint which constrains the two entities to be in contact with each other. Initial conditions may be defined for the constraint. Penetration or lift off are not allowed between the entities and friction forces are not calculated.
Force Based

A force based contact allows lift-off and takes into account dynamic and static friction. Either the impact or restitution contact methods may be used, depending on the duration of the contact and desired output. Contact forces may be obtained from the impact method, but depend highly on step size. For more information on contact force methods, see Contact Calculation Methods.

Contacts 97
Point-Curve Contact

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description Field that specifies user defined name for the contact Option button that defines whether the contact will be constraint based or force based. The options under the contact tab (including contact friction) are only available for force based contact. Initial conditions may only be specified for constraint based contact.



Field Part

Description Part that contains the point to participate in the contact

Field Method Geometry Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Center of Mass Location

Description Allows selection of the method to define location of the point in contact. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin to be used as the location.

Allows selection of a parts center of mass as the location.

Point-Curve Contact


Field Method Geometry Part Features Flip Points Per Curve or Curvature Tolerance Curve Curve

Description Drop-down that allows selection of curves defined by Geometry or curves defined mathematically via the System Elements toolbox. Part that contains the curve to participate in the contact. Available if Method is set to Geometry Curve on selected part which point will contact in Geometry contact method. Reverses curve normal direction. The curve normal points away from the solid side of the curve (it points away from the side of the curve that other curves cannot penetrate). Drop-down and field that determine the number of points evaluated along a geometric curve. Setting to Points Per Curve specifies the number of points directly, while Curvature tolerance defines a maximum deviation for the point to point path versus the original curve location. Field for selection of a predefined non-geometric curve. Available if Method is set to Curve.

Contact The options under this tab are available only if the type of contact is set to force based. Field Method Impact Stiffness Exponent Damping Penetration Restitution Penalty Coefficient Friction Penalty value for Restitution contact method. Default = 1e6. Restitution coefficient for Restitution contact method. Default = 0.5 Contact friction may be enabled for both static and dynamic, dynamic only, or disabled completely. Friction is available only if intermittent contact is selected. Stiffness value for contact. Stiffness exponent for contact. Damping value. Distance contacting parts are allowed to penetrate. Description Impact or Restitution method may be selected for contact calculation.

Contacts 99
Point-Curve Contact

Field Velocity Coefficient Initial Conditions

Description Specifies the maximum velocity for static friction or the minimum for dynamic friction. Specifies a unique friction coefficient for static and dynamic friction.

The options under this tab are only available if the type of contact is set to constraint based. Fields Specify displacement Checkbox that indicates the user wishes to specify initial displacement. Activates numeric fields for X, Y, and Z position when checked. Cleared by default. This checkbox is only enabled when "Specify displacement" is checked. Specifies that the user wishes to set reference system of displacement. If user doesn't specify a reference system, the reference system for the initial displacement will be the reference system of the curve. In case of geometry-based curve this is the Origin. In case of motion curve it is the coordinate system referenced by the curve. Cleared by default. Specify Velocity Checkbox that indicates the user would like to specify an initial velocity value. Activates velocity numeric field when checked. Cleared by default.

Specify displacement reference system

Point-Curve Contact


Visible Use Parent Color

Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Contacts 101
Point-Curve Contact

Sample Form

To create a point-curve contact 1. From the Contact tool ribbon, select Point-Curve. 2. Enter a Name and define whether contact will be constraint based or force based. 3. Select Part that contains the point for the contact. 4. Define point Location on the selected part. 5. Select Geometry for a geometric curve or Curve for a non-geometric predefined curve. 6. If Method is set to Geometry, select part that contains the curve for the contact. 7. Select a geometric curve on the selected part or an existing non-geometric curve. 8. Specify contact method and values to define stiffness and damping. 9. Optionally specify contact initial conditions for non-intermittent contact. 10. Click OK.


Defines contact between either a point, curve, or sphere and planar geometry of a selected part. The contact is defined by selecting whether a point, curve, or sphere will make contact, selecting the contacting object, and then defining the contact plane.

Contacts 103

Description of Fields
Planar Contact Fields Name Type Description Field that specifies user defined name for the planar contact. Populated with PlanarContact_# by default. Option button that defines whether the contact will be between a point and a plane, a curve and a plane, or a sphere and a plane. This selects what type of geometry will be selected to contact the plane.

Point to Plane

Field Part Location Geometry

Description Part that contains the point to participate in the contact Allows selection of the method to define location of the point in contact. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin to be used as the location.

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Plane Part Plane

Curve to Plane

Field that specifies a part that contains the planar geometry. Field that allows selection of planar geometry for the contact.

Field Method Geometry Drop-down that allows selection of curves defined by Geometry or curves defined mathematically through the System Elements toolbox.


Field Part Features Flip Part that contains the curve to participate in the contact. Available if Method is set to Geometry Curve on selected part which point will contact in Geometry contact method. Reverses curve normal direction. The curve normal points away from the solid side of the curve (it points away from the side of the curve that other curves cannot penetrate). Drop-down and field that determine the number of points evaluated along a geometric curve. Setting to Points Per Curve specifies the number of points directly, while Curvature tolerance defines a maximum deviation for the point to point path versus the original curve location. Field for selection of a predefined non-geometric curve. Available if Method is set to Curve. Field for selection of a predefined flex edge from the model. Available if Method is set to FlexEdge. Field that specifies a part that contains the planar geometry. Field that allows selection of planar geometry for the contact.

Point Per Curve or Curvature Tolerance Curve Curve FlexEdge FlexEdge Plane Part Plane
Sphere to Plane

Field Part Sphere Part Part Plane Contacts

Description Part that contains the sphere geometry to participate in the contact Allows selection of the spherical geometry to participate in the contact. Field that specifies a part that contains the planar geometry. Field that allows selection of planar geometry for the contact.

The options under this tab are available only if the type of contact is set to force based. Field Method Impact Description Impact or Restitution method may be selected for contact calculation.

Contacts 105

Field Stiffness Exponent Damping Penetration Restitution Penalty Coefficient Friction Velocity Coefficient Stiffness value for contact. Stiffness exponent for contact. Damping value.


Distance contacting parts are allowed to penetrate. Penalty value for Restitution contact method. Default = 1e6. Restitution coefficient for Restitution contact method. Default = 0.5 Option buttons allow friction to be On or Off. Specifies the maximum velocity for static friction or the minimum for dynamic friction. A transition will occur between these velocity values. Specifies a unique friction coefficient for static and dynamic friction. Default = 0.3 for Static, 0.2 for Dynamic.

Visualization Field Visible Use Parent Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Dropdown menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.


Sample form

To create a planar contact 1. Enter a Name and define whether contact will be of type: point to plane, curve to plane, or sphere to plane. 2. Select the Point, Curve, or Sphere to contact the plane. 3. Select an existing part and plane on the part to define the contact plane. 4. Specify Contact method and values to define Stiffness and Damping. 5. Optionally specify Static and Dynamic friction parameters for the contact. 6. Click OK.

System Elements and Data Elements 147

System Elements and Data Elements


The contents of the System Elements and Data Elements toolbars allow users of the SimXpert Motion Workspace to define mathematical entities for use with the motion solver. These allow users to efficiently store data and create elements of motion models that are mathematically more complex than the basic tools allow.

System Elements and Data Elements 149

Subroutines and User Libraries

Subroutines and User Libraries

User subroutines may be referenced in creating system elements or data elements within SimXpert. These subroutines are defined using user libraries. These libraries let you add run-time functions for motion or force magnitudes to directly define the behavior of your model and change the way the simulation is performed. They let you take advantage of existing software to define complex modeling relationships, such as hydraulic actuators or tire forces. Once you create a library, you need to set up your modeling entities, such as motions or forces, to reference these subroutines and use the library whenever you perform a simulation on models referencing these subroutines.

System Requirements
To use subroutines, you need the system requirements outlined in the following sections. Compilers and Linkers To work with user-written subroutines you must have the appropriate compilers and linkers. You need to use the a command prompt that has the proper Intel Fortran environment. In most cases the Intel Compiler command prompt is the one to use. For more information, refer to the hardware and software specifications included with your installation instructions. Languages You can write user-written subroutines in any language, provided there is a way to call FORTRAN subroutines in that language. FORTRAN is the preferred language for writing user-written subroutines, although C and C++ are acceptable. Debuggers To facilitate the debugging of user-written subroutines, you should have a source-level debugger. Debuggers are not required when using your own subroutines with Adams/Solver, but are useful for finding mistakes, such as improper syntax or logic, in your subroutines.

About User-Written Subroutines

User-written subroutines are used primarily for modeling specialized phenomena or calculating nonstandard results. Many simulations require the modeling of special phenomena that are not a part of the standard SimXpert software. These phenomena may be expressed mathematically as differential equations, algebraic equations, applied forces, constraints, motion inputs to system, or a combination of these general modeling entities. The SimXpert motion solver can accept user-specified descriptions of phenomena. You define the governing relationships for the phenomena in the user-written subroutines. SimXpert then evaluates these relationships as part of the solution process.

Subroutines and User Libraries

Building User Libraries

In order to build a user library from source code, invoke the following command line: $INSTALL_DIR \WINNT\bin\simxpert32.bat cr-u -i source.f -o name.dll where: $INSTALL_DIR is the name of the directory in which SimXpert is installed. source.f is name of the user source file(s) to be compiled and linked into the user library name.dll is the name of the user library to be created In the above command the source file may be c code, in this case the input file name should be changed to source.c. Command line on Linux is similar $INSTALL_DIR/LX86/bin/simxpert32.csh cr-u -i source.f -o

System Elements 151

Subroutines and User Libraries

System Elements

Differential Equation

Differential Equation
In SimXpert, you may define differential equations. This works by creating DIFF statements in the motion solver format based upon your input in the differential property editor form. Application This feature is used when the user wishes to add a new differential equation to the motion model. The DIFF statement creates a user-defined state variable and defines a first-order differential equation that describes it. The equation may be dependent on any ADAMS/Solver (C++) state variable available in a function expression. You can create systems of differential equations by using more than one DIFF statement or LSE and GSE statements.

System Elements 153

Differential Equation

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description Specifies user entered name for differential equation. Populated with Differential_# by default. Read-only text that tells the user the numerical ID (the ID motion solver will eventually see) of the DIFF. This is useful because the DIFF expression may reference itself. Option button that specifies Explicit or Implicit type. When set to Explicit the Derivative field is disabled. Set to Explicit by default. Option button that selects between defining the equation with a run time expression or a user subroutine. Expression is the default. Field in which the user may enter a run time expression to define the differential equation. Available only if the definition method is set to expression. The Function Expression Builder may be launched to edit the expression by clicking the icon to the right of the expression field. Field that defines user subroutine input parameters. Available only if the definition method is set to User Subroutine. Field that selects an existing User Subroutine in the model if the method is set to User Subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Field that specifies real value initial condition for the differential equation. Field that specifies real value initial derivative for the differential equation. Enabled only if the type is set to Implicit. Checkbox that defines whether value of differential equation will be held constant during static analyses. Checked by default.


Type Method



Routine Initial Condition Value Initial Condition Derivative Keep Constant During Static Analysis Comments

The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Differential Equation

Sample Form

To create a differential equation 1. From the System Elements toolribbon, select Differential Equation. 2. Enter a Name for the differential equation. The solver ID of the equation is displayed to the right of the name field and is read only. 3. Select the type of equation from Explicit or Implicit. 4. Select the Method to define the equation. Expression and User Subroutine are the available options. Enter the expression or select a subroutine and enter parameters to be passed to it. 5. Enter the Initial Condition of the equation. An initial Derivative is required for implicit equation type. 6. Optionally specify to keep the equations value constant during static analysis. 7. Click OK to create the equation.

System Elements 155

State Variable

State Variable
The State Variable property editor assists in the creation of a solver VARIABLE statement. The VARIABLE statement defines a variable in terms of a scalar algebraic equation for independent use, or as part of the PINPUT, POUTPUT, or ARRAY statement. Application The VARIABLE statement creates a user-defined algebraic equation. The value of the VARIABLE statement may depend on almost any ADAMS/Solver (C++) system variable. You can define the value of the VARIABLE statement by either writing a function expression in the dataset or by calling a VARSUB user-written subroutine. Function expressions and user-written subroutines can access the value of the VARIABLE statement with the ADAMS/Solver (C++) function VARVAL(id) (see VARVAL) to represent the value, where id specifies the user-selected identifier of the VARIABLE statement. User-written subroutines access single VARIABLE statement values by calling the subroutine SYSFNC.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name ID Method Description Specifies user entered name for the state variable. Populated with State_Variable_# by default. Read-only text that tells the user the numerical ID (the ID motion solver will eventually see) of the state variable. Option button that selects between defining the variable with a run time expression or a user subroutine. Expression is the default method. Field in which the user may enter a run time expression to define the state variable. Available only if the definition method is set to expression. The Function Expression Builder may be launched to edit the expression by clicking the icon to the right of the expression field. Field that defines user subroutine input parameters. Available only if the definition method is set to User Subroutine. Field that selects an existing User Subroutine in the model if the method is set to User Subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Checkbox that activates field for estimated initial condition entry and specifies real value initial condition for the state variable.





State Variable

Outputs This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a particular system element. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted Field Value Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form Description Checkbox that enables output of value of state variable.

To create a state variable 1. From the System Elements toolribbon , select State Variable. 2. Enter a Name for the State Variable. The solver ID is displayed as a read only field to the right of the name. 3. Select a Method to define the variable. Expression and User Subroutine are the available options. 4. Enter a runtime expression for the expression method or select a user subroutine and enter parameters to be passed to it for User Subroutine method.

System Elements 157

State Variable

5. Optionally, check the checkbox for Guess and enter a value for the trial initial condition of the state variable. 6. Click OK to create the state variable.

Linear State Equation

Linear State Equation

The Linear State Equation (LSE) statement defines the following linear system:

= Ax + Bu x y = Cx + Du
of first-order, explicit differential equations and algebraic equations in classical state-space form. Application The state variables, x, the inputs, u, and the outputs, y, are specified by ARRAY statements. Use MATRIX statements to define the coefficient matrices A, B, C, and D. A single LSE can have a maximum of 1200 inputs, 1200 states, and 1200 outputs. The LSE statement provides a very general capability for defining a linear element. The ADAMS solvers, however, have been developed and refined for sparse systems of equations that arise from the modeling of mechanical systems. With the LSE statement, you can create very dense sets of equations. If these equations form a large portion of your completed model, ADAMS/Solver (C++) may perform more slowly than expected. Note that, if the algebraic equations defined by the LSE statement have no solution or multiple solutions (this is possible because of the general nature of the input ARRAY), ADAMS/Solver (C++) most likely fails to converge or possibly converge to an unexpected answer. To avoid this possibility, you should not reference the X (state) or Y (output) ARRAY statements in the VARIABLE statements listed in the U (input) array.

System Elements 159

Linear State Equation

Description of Fields Definition Field Name Outputs Inputs States A Matrix Method Description Specifies user entered name for the linear state equation. Populated with Linear_State_# by default. Field that sets the value for number of outputs from the equation. Field that sets the value for number of inputs from the equation. Field that sets the value for number of states for the equation. Option button that selects between defining the A matrix values with entered data or data from an existing matrix file. Entered data is the default method. Option button that selects between defining the values with entered data or data from an existing matrix file. Only enabled if N_INPUTS > 0. Entered data is the default method. Checkbox that activates the C matrix and option button that selects between defining the values with entered data or data from an existing matrix file. Only enabled if N_OUTPUTS > 0. Entered data is the default method. Checkbox that activates the D matrix and option button that selects between defining the linear state equation with entered data or data from an existing matrix file. Only enabled if N_INPUTS > 0 and N_OUTPUTS > 0. Entered data is the default method. Checkbox that enables initial condition specification for the linear state equation. Clicking on the Edit Values icon allows values to be entered. Checkbox that selects whether or not the motion solver should hold constant the value of the transfer equation during static and quasi-static simulations.

B Matrix Method

C Matrix Method

D Matrix Method

Specify Initial Conditions Keep initial values constant during static analysis Comments

The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Linear State Equation

Sample Form

To create a Linear State Equation 1. From the System Elements toolribbon, select Linear State Equation. 2. Enter a Name for the linear state equation. 3. Use the drop-downs to specify the configuration of the equation by defining the number of Outputs, Inputs, and States. 4. Input data or select an existing matrix file for the A Matrix.

System Elements 161

Linear State Equation

5. If necessary, input data or select an existing matrix file for the B, C, and D matrices. The availability of these matrices depend on the number of outputs and inputs specified in the configuration. 6. Optionally check the checkbox to Specify Initial Conditions. 7. Select whether to Keep initial values constant during a static analysis. 8. Click OK to create the linear state equation.

General State Equation

General State Equation

The GSE (General State Equation) statement lets you represent a subsystem that has well defined inputs (u), internal states (x), and a set of well-defined outputs (y). Application The GSE (General State Equation) statement defines the equations for modeling a nonlinear, time varying, dynamic system. The statement is especially useful for importing nonlinear control laws developed manually or with an independent software package. It can also be used to define an arbitrary system of coupled differential and algebraic equations. The GSE allows you to implement continuous and feed forward systems. The GSE statement provides a very general capability for modeling nonlinear systems. However, the routines for solving the linear equations in ADAMS/Solver (C++) have been developed and refined to work particularly well with the sparse systems of equations that come from the assembly of mechanical models. With the GSE statement, you can create very dense sets of equations. If these equations form a large portion of the completed model, ADAMS/Solver (C++) may perform more slowly than expected. To improve the performance of ADAMS/Solver (C++), any arrays of partial derivatives which are not full can be represented in sparse form. This sparse form can substantially reduce the effort required by the integrator. To represent the partials in sparse form, use the GSEMAP_* (provide link) utility subroutines, when calling GSE_DERIV (provide link) with IFLAG=1, to define the sparsity. Then, use the GSEPAR_* utility subroutines to pass the sparse partial arrays to the integrator.

System Elements 163

General State Equation

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Outputs Inputs Continuous States Discrete States Formulation Parameters Routine Description Specifies user entered name for the general state equation. Populated with General_State_# by default. Field that sets the value for number of outputs from the equation. Field that sets the value for number of inputs from the equation. Field that sets the value for number of continuous states (N_STATES) for the equation. Field that sets the value for number of discrete states (N_DSTATES) for the equation. Option button that selects between Interface style and routine style. Interface style allows the use of implicit formulation, and is the default. Subroutine parameters (comma separated numerical entries). Field that specifies a user subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Checkbox that enables initial condition specification for continuous and/or discrete states. Fields are enabled if the number of corresponding states = 0. Clicking on the Edit Values icons allows values to be entered. Checkbox that selects whether or not the motion solver should hold constant the state values during static and quasi-static simulations.

Initial Conditions Keep state values constant during static analysis Comment

The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

General State Equation

Sample form

To create a general state equation 1. From the System Elements tool ribbon, select General State Equation. 2. Enter a Name for the equation. 3. Using the drop-down, define the Configuration (number of outputs, inputs, continuous, and discrete states) of the state equation. 4. Select the formulation style between Interface Style or Routine Style. Enter parameters and select a subroutine to which they will be passed. 5. Optionally specify Initial Conditions for continuous and discrete states. 6. Select whether to Keep state values constant during static analysis. 7. Click OK to create the general state equation.

System Elements 165

Transfer Function

Transfer Function
The TFSISO (Transfer Function, Single-Input, Single-Output) statement defines a single-input, singleoutput transfer function as a ratio of two polynomials in the Laplace domain when used with the associated ARRAY statements. Application The TFSISO (Transfer Function, Single-Input, Single-Output) statement is designed to model a linear, time-invariant dynamic system defined in the Laplace domain, especially to facilitate the import of elements from control-system block diagrams. It can also be used, however, to define an arbitrary set of constant-coefficient, differential and algebraic equations which can be expressed in the Laplace domain as:

b0 + b1 s + bm s yS G S = ---------- = ---------------------------------------1 k uS a0 + a1 s + ak s
The TFSISO follows standard control systems terminology, where x is the state variable array, y is the output variable, and u is the input variable. Initial conditions are assumed to be identically zero. In the ADAMS/Solver (C++) dataset, each of these arrays is defined using an ARRAY statement. The characteristic equation for a single TFSISO statement, defined by the DENOMINATOR argument, can be a polynomial of degree less than 30.

Transfer Function

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Input Variable Description Specifies user entered name for the linear state equation. Populated with Transfer_Function_# by default. Field that selects a motion state variable as the input for the transfer function. Field that sets the number of coefficients for the numerator of the transfer function. These coefficients are specified using the Edit Values icon to the right of the field. The number of coefficients for the denominator must be greater than or equal to the number of coefficients for the numerator, so if users enter a number here greater than the current denominator size the denominator size will increase. Icon that opens a matrix editor form to enter the selected number of numerator coefficients.

Numerator Size

Edit Values

Field that sets the number of coefficients for the denominator of the transfer function. These coefficients are specified using the Edit Values icon to the right Denominator Size of the field. The number of coefficients for the denominator may not be set lower than the number in the numerator. Edit Values Keep value constant during static analysis Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Icon that opens a matrix editor form to enter the selected number of denominator coefficients. Checkbox that selects whether or not the motion solver should hold constant the value of the transfer equation during static and quasi-static simulations. Checked by default.

System Elements 167

Transfer Function

Sample form

To create a transfer function 1. From the System Elements toolribbon, select Transfer Function. 2. Enter a Name for the transfer function. 3. Select the Input Variable for the transfer function. 4. Select the Numerator size and Denominator size, keeping in mind that the denominator must be equal to or greater than the numerator in size. 5. Click on the Edit Values icons to enter the coefficients for the numerator and denominator. 6. Select whether to Keep values constant during static analysis. 7. Click OK to create the transfer function.

Transfer Function

Data Elements

Data Elements 169


The STRING statement defines a character string that may be referred to later in the execution of the motion solver. An interactive STRING command can be used to alter or review this character string. A GTSTRG subroutine can be used to retrieve this character string in a user-written subroutine. Application The STRING statement enters a character string for later reference. The GTSTRG subroutine can retrieve this string. The following characters are not permitted in a STRING argument because they are delimiters in the ADAMS/Solver command language: comma (,), semicolon (;), ampersand (&), and exclamation point (!). This is because the comma indicates that additional ADAMS/Solver arguments follow; the semicolon indicates that additional ADAMS/Solver statements follow on the same line; the ampersand indicates that the next line is a continuation of the statement on this line; and the exclamation point indicates that ADAMS/Solver is to stop reading the line.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name String Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Description Field that specifies the ASCII text name of the string. This name is used with the GTSTRG subroutine to retrieve the string. Field that specifies the string values.


Sample form

To create a string 1. From the Data Elements toolribbon, select String. 2. Enter a Name for the string. 3. Enter the value of the string. Be aware to avoid using the comma (,), semicolon (;), ampersand (&), and exclamation point (!) as they have other solver functions. 4. Click OK to create the string.

Data Elements 171


An Array is a list of input variables, state variables, output variables, and initial conditions associated with system elements, such as general state equations, linear state equations, and transfer functions. You can also use general arrays to define lists of constants. You can access the values in function expressions or user-written subroutines. Application There are five types of arrays: 1. (1) General/ (2) Initial Conditions - Define an array of constants used as initial conditions for a system element or user-written subroutine. 2. (3) States (X) and (4) Outputs (Y) - Designate the state or output variable arrays for a system element, such as a linear state equation, general state equation, or transfer function. Adams/Solver computes these values during a simulation. To use the arrays, you reference them in function expressions. You can reference the array as the state or output variable array of only one system element in a model (for example, only one linear state equation or one general state equation). 3. (5) Inputs (U) - An array that groups together a set of variables used to define the inputs for a system element. Motion should compute variable values from the specified variable data elements. The inputs (U) and the initial conditions arrays can exist independently, and do not need to be referenced by another system element.


Array Sizing For arrays used in:

The array size is: States (X) array size must be the same size as the row dimension of the matrix used to define the state transition matrix for the linear system.

Linear state equation (LSE)

Outputs (Y) size must be the same size as the row dimension of the matrix used to define the output matrix for the linear system or the matrix used to define the feed forward matrix for the linear system.

States (X) size is determined by the transformation from polynomial ratio type to canonical state-space form, which is a set of coupled, linear, constant-coefficient Transfer functions differential equations and a single algebraic equation. (TFSISO) Outputs (Y) size is always 1. General state equations (GSE) States (X) size is the same as the number defined in the matching general state equation definition. Outputs (Y) size is the same as the number of output equations, as defined in the same general state equation definition.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Values Label Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Name of the array. Table of array values. Rows may be added using the + icon to the right of the table to make the array any size. Text label for the specific value in the array. Description

Data Elements 173


Sample form

To create an array 1. From the Data Elements toolbox, select Array. 2. Enter a Name for the array. 3. Adjust the size of the array table using the + and - icons. 4. Enter values for the array. 5. Click OK to create the array.

Curve Data

Curve Data
The Motion Curve object allows users to manually define a curve without any geometric reference. This allows creation of point-curve and curve-curve constraints without imported geometry. Application The Motion Curve object allows users to create point-curve and curve-curve constraints without imported geometry. Motion Curves can be referenced by the Point-Curve and Curve-Curve objects.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description Specifies user entered name for curve. Populated with Curve_# by default. Checkbox that specifies that the curve meets at the ends. If you specify CURVE_POINTS, the motion solver attempts to compute a curve that meets at the ends and has continuous first and second derivatives across the closure. If you specify FUNCTION, you must ensure that the defined curve meets at the ends and has continuous first and second derivatives across the closure. If the curve is closed, the first and last control or curve points must be the same. During a simulation, the motion solver moves a PTCV or CVCV contact point across the closure, if necessary. Drop-down that allows selection between user entered values, user subroutine, and matrix files as a method to define the curve. The default method is user entered values.



Data Elements 175

Curve Data

Curve: User Entered Values


Description Field which specifies the order of the b-spline interpolating the curve. The order is 1 plus the degree of the functions used to define the spline. The order also affects the number of points used to determine each spline segment. For example, splines of order 2 are basically polylines, while the segments used to create an spline of order 4 are of the 3rd order. 4 is the default order of splines, which is a cubic b-spline. The order must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4. Table of data that defines the curve in all three dimensions. Rows may be added to or removed from the matrix using the + and - icons. Four rows are present by default.


Curve Matrix

Curve: User Subroutine

Field Parameters

Description Field that specifies parameters for the user-written subroutine CURSUB. Enter the user function using the following format where r1 through r30 are constants passed to the subroutine: r1, ..., r30 Field that specifies an existing user subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Enter the maximum value of the curve parameter for a user-written curve. Enter the minimum value of the curve parameter for a user-written curve.

Routine Maximum Minimum

Curve: Matrix File


Description Field which specifies the order of the b-spline interpolating the curve. The order is 1 plus the degree of the functions used to define the spline. The order also affects the number of points used to determine each spline segment. For example, splines of order 2 are basically polylines, while the segments used to create an spline of order 4 are of the 3rd order. 4 is the default order of splines, which is a cubic b-spline. The order must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4. Field that selects the name of the file containing the matrix values. Icons are available to browse to a different directory, and to edit an existing file. Enter the name of the matrix in the file. The name of the matrix is necessary even if the file contains only one matrix. You will need to create additional matrices to read other matrices from the same file.


Matrix File

Matrix Name

Curve Data

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To create a curve 1. From the Data Elements toolribbon, select Curve. 2. Enter a name for the Curve. 3. Select a Method to define the curve from User Entered Values, User Subroutine, or Matrix File. 4. Enter points or select a matrix or subroutine and enter parameters to be passed to it. 5. Click OK to create the curve.

Data Elements 177


The SPLINE statement defines discrete data that ADAMS/Solver (C++) interpolates using the AKISPL and CUBSPL function expressions and the AKISPL and CUBSPL data-access subroutines. A SPLINE statement provides one or two independent variables and one dependent variable for each data point you supply. Application ADAMS/Solver (C++) applies curve-fitting techniques that interpolate between data points to create a continuous function. If the SPLINE data has one independent variable, ADAMS/Solver (C++) uses a cubic polynomial to interpolate between points. If the SPLINE data has two independent variables, ADAMS/Solver (C++) uses a cubic method to interpolate between points of the first independent variable, and then uses a linear method to interpolate between curves of the second independent variable.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Description Field that specifies an ASCII text name for the spline. Option button to specify the method for entering/editing spline data. Entered Data: Displays a properties button that launches the curve editor tool to enter and display spline data. File: Select an ASCII [.txt, .dat] file that contains the desired spline data. Icons are available to browse to another directory or edit the text file. Linear Extrapolation Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Checkbox that enables linear extrapolation for the spline data. Cleared by default.



Sample form

To create a spline 1. From the Data Elements toolribbon, select Spline. 2. Enter a Name for the spline. 3. Select a Method to define the spline data. Available options are Entered Data (through the Spline Editor) or File (through accessing an external file). 4. Enter the data or select the file and file type to define the spline. 5. Click the checkbox to enable Linear Extrapolation if desired. 6. Click OK to create the spline.

Data Elements 179

3D Spline

3D Spline
The 3D Spline allows you to define three dimensional spline data within SimXpert. The +/- button associated with the XY Values are used to add and remove rows in the XY table. The number of columns are synchronized with the number of Z values. The +/- buttons associated with the Z Values table will append a row to the Z values table and also append/remove a Y column. The default number of Y columns and Z values is 2 which is the minimum number of columns and Z values for a 3D spline.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Linear Extrapolation Z Values Description Field that specifies an ASCII text name for the 3D spline. Checkbox that enables linear extrapolation for the spline data. Cleared by default. Table of Z values for the spline. +/- buttons allow rows to be added or deleted, down to a minimum of two Z values. Table of XY values for the spline. +/- buttons allow rows to be added or deleted, and the number of columns is determined by the number of rows in the Z value table above. Plots the actual spline that SimXpert calculates from the user specified data points, along with these data points themselves. Each axis is labeled with the appropriate units for the data being defined. Different colors indicate data for different Z values.

XY Values


Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

3D Spline

Sample form

To create a 3Dspline 1. From the Data Elements toolribbon, select 3D Spline. 2. Enter a Name for the 3D spline. 3. Enter X,Y, and Z data to define the 3D spline. 4. Click OK.

Instrumentation 177



The contents of the Instrumentation toolbar allow users of the SimXpert Motion Workspace to request specific output from a simulation and to trigger events based on the current status of a simulation or the configuration of its parts. These allow users to interact with the simulation based upon its results.

Instrumentation 179

Requests allow users to create their own measurements. Quantities may be measured between two coordinate systems and reported in a reference coordinate system. Application Various types of request are available, including displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, user defined, and user subroutine. Examples are measuring locations and orientations of one part with respect to another, measuring relative velocity between 2 coordinate systems, and measuring forces between coordinates systems.

Description of Fields
Field Name Type Displacement Velocity Acceleration Force User Defined User Subroutine Coordinate System 1 Coordinate System 2 Description Specifies name of the request object. Populated with Request_# by default. Specifies type of request object. Displacement is the default. Measures displacement between two user selected coordinate systems in a reference coordinate system. Measures velocity of one user selected coordinate system relative to another in a reference coordinate system. Measures acceleration of one user selected coordinate system relative to another in a reference coordinate system. Measures force between two user selected coordinate systems in a reference coordinate system. Allows the user to specify multiple components of the request using expressions. See User Defined Form Entries below. Allows the user to select an existing subroutine and specify parameters to be passed to it. Units may be selected or defined for each output component from the subroutine. See Runtime Subroutine Form Entries below. The first coordinate system that defines the request measurement reference location. Enabled for all types except User Defined. The second coordinate system that defines the request measurement reference location. Enabled for all types except User Defined.

Reference Coordinate The reference coordinate system for the request measurement. Enabled for all System types except User Defined.


User Defined Form Entries

Field Component Name Unit Type

Description Table that allows the user to specify an arbitrary number of components for a request. This table is visible only for User Defined Request types. Specifies the name for the request component. Must be solver compliant, standard ASCII text, no spaces or special characters. Offers the option of selecting a type of unit from a drop down list. User defined is an available option as well, which makes the Units field editable. Displays the unit of the selected unit type in the current set of units. The list updates based on session units. So if the session units are MMKS, only MMKS units appear in the list. If the user switches to English units (in, lbs, etc.), the unit field updates to that set of units. Displays the expression for the request component. You may either type the request expression or use the Function Expression Builder to assist you in its creation. You may verify each component expression individually. Icon to the right of the table that adds another row to the table to add another component to the request. Icon to the right of the table that removes a selected row from the table, removing that component from the request.



+ -

Instrumentation 181

User Subroutine Form Entries

Field Parameters

Description Field that specifies a list of parameters to be passed to the selected subroutine to define the request. Field that specifies an existing subroutine. Users enter library name and routine name, with specific syntax: library_name::routine_name. Example abgFDM::fie910 Table that allows the user to select units for the number of components defined by a subroutine. This table visible only for Runtime Subroutine Request types. Specifies the name for the request component. Must be solver compliant, standard ASCII text, no spaces or special characters. Offers the option of selecting a type of unit from a drop down list. User defined is an available option as well, which makes the Units field editable. Displays the unit of the selected unit type in the current set of units. The list updates based on session units. So if the session units are MMKS, only MMKS units appear in the list. If the user switches to English units (in, lbs, etc.), the unit field updates to that set of units. Field is read only unless the Unit Type is set to User Defined.


Component Name Unit Type


Sample Form

To create a request 1. From the Instrumentation tool ribbon, select Request.


2. Enter a Name for the request. 3. Select the Type of request, which specifies the quantity to be measured. User defined and subroutine options are available for more advanced measures. 4. Select the two Coordinate Systems between which the selected quantity will be measured. 5. Select a Reference Coordinate System in which the results will be measured. 6. Click OK to create the request.

Instrumentation 183

The SENSOR statement is used to modify the simulation when a user-defined event occurs during runtime. The event is defined by a logical expression which compares an expression to a target value. If the logical expression becomes true during the simulation, the sensor modifies the simulation by various means which are selected by the user under the Actions tab of the property editor form. Application The SENSOR statement defines a user-defined event that affects a set of simulation controls when the event occurs. The event is defined by a logical expression that compares a function expression (or evaluation of a user-written subroutine) to a target value using a relational operator. If the logical expression becomes true during the simulation, the sensor modifies a set of simulation controls, which include output and integration step sizes, simulation end time, and the Jacobian pivot sequence. A sensor can also output diagnostic information and store the value of a function expression for later recall. ADAMS/Solver (C++) evaluates the logical expression after every successful integration step when doing dynamic analysis and after every successful output step when doing other types of analyses. To define the function, use a function expression or a user-written subroutine. User-written subroutines and utility subroutines discuss the subroutines they can access. When using the default search algorithm in ADAMS/Solver (C++), the SENSOR function must be continuous. The secant-type search algorithm is inaccurate and time consuming when the function is discontinuous. For that reason, functions of time or displacements work best for sensors; functions of velocities, accelerations, and forces are less desirable.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Method Expression Description Specifies name of the sensor object. Automatically populated with Sensor_#. Specifies method for evaluation between run time expression and user subroutine. Specifies run time expression to be evaluated when sensor is triggered. The launch function expression builder icon is available to assist in defining the expression. Specifies parameters to be passed to selected user subroutine when the sensor is triggered. Enabled only if the method is set to User Subroutine. Field that selects a user subroutine to be evaluated when the event the sensor is monitoring becomes true. Enabled only if the method is set to User Subroutine. Checkbox that enables evaluation of an expression or subroutine when the event that the sensor is monitoring becomes true.

Parameters Routine Set Evaluation


Field Values

Description Option button that selects between angular and non-angular values for defining the sensor. Drop-down that selects the range when the sensor will be triggered. The options are:


Equal to Value: From (Target - Error) to (Target + Error). This is the default. Greater than or Equal to Value: Greater than or equal to (Target - Error). Less than or Equal to Value: Less than or equal to (Target + Error).

Value Error Tolerance

Field that specifies user entered value for the target value that triggers an action Field that specifies the absolute value of allowable error between the targeted value and the actual sensed value. Default =0.001

Instrumentation 185




Generate Checkbox that creates an extra output step when the motion solver triggers the Additional Output sensor so the simulation captures the action. Cleared by default. Step Set Output Step Size Checkbox and field that redefine the time between consecutive output steps. The motion solver uses this value until it is changed. The default step size is the current time between output steps for the simulation. If checked, a numeric field becomes active to specify the output step size. Cleared by default. Checkbox and option button that terminates current simulation step and does one of the following: Terminate current simulation step Stop simulation script - Stop the simulation Continue simulation script - Stop the current command in the simulation script and continue with the next command. Cleared by default.




Description Checkbox that redefines the next integration step size. This change is temporary and lasts only for the next solution step. The default is an integrator-determined value except when you've included restarting the integrator as part of the sensor action as explained next. In this case, the step size defaults to the integrator step size. If checked, a numeric field becomes active to specify the integration step size. Cleared by default. Checkbox that restarts integration and reduces the integration order to one. If you also set integration step size as explained above, the motion solver reinitializes the integration step size to the specified value. If you do not specify the step size, the solver reinitializes the integration step size to the integrator's default step size. Cleared by default. Checkbox that causes the motion solver to generate a new pivot sequence for matrix factorization. This can help the integrator produce more accurate data or proceed more robustly through the simulation. The motion solver generates a pivot sequence for matrix factorization before starting the simulation. It does not generate a new pivot sequence unless you specify to refactorize the Jacobian or it is necessary to refactorize to reach convergence. Cleared by default. Checkbox that when checked writes the entire array of state variable values to a text file in your current working directory. Cleared by default. Checkbox that specifies that a bisection search algorithm will be used to isolate the activation time of the sensor. When not present the default, secant-type rootfinding algorithm is used. Cleared by default. Checkbox and field that specify the temporal error with which the activation time of the sensor is isolated. By default the TERROR condition is not enforced.

Set integration Step Size

Restart Integrator

Refactorize Jacobian

Dump State Variable Vector Bisection Search Algorithm Set temporal error

Instrumentation 187

Sample forms


Actions Tab

To create a sensor 1. From the Instrumentation tool ribbon, select Sensor. 2. Enter a Name for the sensor. 3. Select a Method to define the sensor. Expression and User Subroutine are the available options. 4. Optionally check the Set Evaluation checkbox and define an evaluation method. 5. Enter an equality Type, Value, and Error Tolerance for the target of the sensor. 6. Click on the Actions tab and select actions to take place when the definition value is reached. 7. Click OK to create the sensor.

Instrumentation 189

This object monitors the clearance distance between two selected motion parts and their respective bodies or flexible bodies. This clearance distance is based either upon tesselation of geometry or analytical representation of known geometry. For flexible parts, clearance is based upon the external face geometry in the MNF. After a simulation is complete, the minimum clearance location between the two bodies may be animated.

Description of Fields
Definition Fields Name Part 1 Body 1 Part 2 Body 2 Region All Selection Threshold Description Specifies name of the clearance analysis. Automatically populated with Clearance_#. Specifies the first motion part to be selected for the clearance analysis. Specifies a body or list of bodies on Part 1. If Part 1 is a flexible body, then this field displays the path to the bodys MNF. Specifies the second motion part to be selected for the clearance analysis. Specifies a body or list of bodies on Part 2. If Part 2 is a flexible body, then this field displays the path to the bodys MNF. Field that appears only for Flexible bodies and allows selection of specific nodes in the MNF for clearance analysis. Selects all nodes of the flexible part. This option is selected by default. Allows selection of specific nodes in the MNF for use in the clearance analysis. A Nodes field appears that shows the number of nodes selected. Optional field to allow the user to specify a maximum distance for which the clearance calculations will not be computed. Cleared by default.

Visualization Fields Visible Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors.


Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To create a clearance analysis 1. From the Instrumentation tool ribbon, select Clearance. 2. Enter Name for the clearance analysis. 3. Select a motion part for a clearance analysis. 4. Specify the body or list of bodies on the first part to be monitored for clearance, or the MNF if a flexible part is selected. 5. Select a second motion part to be selected for the clearance analysis. 6. Specify the body or list of bodies on the second part to be monitored for clearance, or the MNF if a flexible part is selected. 7. For a Flexible part, optionally select the Region as the entire part or a selection of certain nodes. 8. Optionally enable Threshold and specify a maximum distance for which the clearance calculations will not be computed. 9. Click OK.

Reporting 191


Select Results

Select Results
The Select Results form allows users to select a subset of calculated results quantities and export them to a .csv file during the simulation. The .csv file will have a header line with all the entity names, and then subsequent lines for data at each timestep. Time will always be included as an initial column. Application This feature is applicable when the user wishes to export CSV file during simulation for selected results of interest. Once generated, this file may be useful for 3rd party post-processing on generic formats and for archival purposes.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Time Interval Decimal Places Description Specifies name of the table. Automatically populated with Output_Table_#. Specifies interval between output. Available options are at each output step, each integration step, or at custom defined points in the simulation. Specifies Number of decimal places to right of decimal point. Must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4. Specifies the numerical format of output data. The options are: Scientific Ex: 1.543E+01 and Format General Ex: 15.43 The default is Scientific. Identifier The ASCII text for identifier used to construct file name. Is same as object name by default. Duplicate identifier strings (if model as more than one Output Report) are not accepted. Non- ASCII text is not accepted. Table of objects and their respective result data to be included in the output file. For each output quantity user selects a motion object which has output, and a result quantity. Result quantity to be reported for the corresponding object.

Object Result Quantity Comment

The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Reporting 193
Select Results

Sample form

To create an output table 1. From the Instrumentation tool ribbon, select Select Results. 2. Enter a Name for the table. 3. Select a time interval for the output. Output Step, Integration Step, and Custom are the available options. 4. Select the number of decimal places to be included for the output data. 5. Select a Format for the output data between scientific and general. 6. Select motion object(s) for which to report output. 7. Select available result quantities to be reported for each object. 8. Click OK to create the table. The output will be generated when the simulation is ran.

Max Min

Max Min
The Max Min form allows users to generate an ASCII report file containing a table of maximums and minimums and associated time points for a selected list of parameters ('Set A'). For an additional set of selected parameters ('Set B') that are a subset of 'Set A', it reports out in the same file, the associated values at the time of the maximum/minimum ('Set C'). These parameters, 'Set C' are specific to the 'Set B' parameter. Application This feature is applicable when the user wishes to export an ASCII text file during simulation for selected maximum and minimum results of interest.

Reporting 195
Max Min

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Time Interval Description Specifies name of the text output table. Automatically populated with Select_Results_#. Specifies interval between output. Available options are at each output step, each integration step, or at custom defined points in the simulation. Unique identifier for the max min report. Populated with the report name by default. Duplicate identifier strings (if model as more than one Output Report) are not accepted. Non- ASCII text is not accepted. Specifies the numerical format of output data. The options are: Scientific Ex: 1.543E+01 and Format General Ex: 15.43 The default is Scientific. Decimal Places Specifies Number of decimal places to right of decimal point. Must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4. Table of objects and their respective result data to be included in the output file. For each output quantity user selects a motion object which has output, and a result quantity. Additional result quantity to be reported for the corresponding maximum or minimum.


Max/Min Quantities

Associated Quantity

Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Max Min

Sample form

To create max min output 1. From the Instrumentation tool ribbon, select Max Min. 2. Enter a Name for the report. 3. Select a Time Interval for the output. Output Step, Integration Step, and Custom are the available options. 4. Select the number of Decimal Places to be included for the output data. 5. Select a Format for the output data between scientific and general. 6. Select motion object(s) for which to report output. 7. Select available result quantities to be reported for each object. 8. Click OK to create the report. The output will be generated when the simulation is ran.

Reporting 197
2D Envelope

2D Envelope
The 2D Envelope form allows users to generate a .csv file containing a summary of data that provides a 2-dimension envelope, or convex hull, of the selected pairs('Set A') when the pairs are plotted against one another for each simulation. For an additional set of selected parameters (Set B), it reports out in the same file, their associated values at the time the 2D Envelope points occur. Application This feature is applicable to find out the convex hull (or the envelope) inside which all the points would lie when the XAxis and YAxis data are plotted on a graph. For example, suppose you have chosen Fz for a Gear in XAxis and Fx for YAxis. That would mean that the envelope object would plot a graph by plotting Fz along XAxis and Fx along YAxis and then find out the convex hull (the dotted curve pointed to by the red arrow below) of the resulting curve (the darker curve below). Note that the darker curve is completely inside the dotted curve (they have some overlapping boundary points). And that's why the dotted curve is the hull or envelope of the darker curve. Our envelope object is intended to find out the points on the hull or the dotted curve only. These points would be a subset of the points on the darker curve and in certain cases may be the same as the darker curve (for example if the darker curve is a straight line or circle or a polygon then its hull will be identical to itself).

Since we are interested in the points on the hull only, the resulting points may not be in a increasing order with respect to time. Also note that since the hull is an curve which encloses the darker curve completely, it ends on the same point where it started.

2D Envelope


The input for multiple determines which time step output will be used for the envelope plot. For example, if you have chosen a multiple of 2 and chosen 20 time steps for your simulation, the TwoDEnvelope would take the data for 0th, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th output steps and calculate the hull for those data. The output hull would be a subset of these output steps' data. Had you chosen a multiple of 3 and 20 time steps the input for the TwoDEnvelope would be 0th, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th output steps' data. Had you chosen a multiple of 4 and 20 time steps the input for the TwoDEnvelope would be 0th, 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th output steps' data. When you increase the multiple the number of input points for the TwoDEnvelope decreases, but that does not mean that the number of output hull points would decrease proportionately.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Time Interval Description Specifies name of the text output table. Automatically populated with TwoDEnvelope_#. Specifies interval between output. Available options are at each output step, each integration step, or at custom defined points in the simulation. Unique identifier for the max min report. Populated with the report name by default. Duplicate identifier strings (if model as more than one Output Report) are not accepted. Non- ASCII text is not accepted. Specifies the numerical format of output data. The options are: Scientific Ex: 1.543E+01 and Format General Ex: 15.43 The default is Scientific. Decimal Places Specifies Number of decimal places to right of decimal point. Must be greater than or equal to 2, and the default value is 4. Table of objects and their respective result data to be included in the output file. For each output quantity user selects a motion object which has output, and a result quantity. Additional result quantity to be reported for the corresponding maximum or minimum.



Associated Quantities

Reporting 199
2D Envelope

Comment The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To create a 2D envelope report 1. From the Instrumentation tool ribbon, select 2D Envelope. 2. Enter a Name for the report. 3. Select a Time Interval for the output. Output Step, Integration Step, and Custom are the available options. 4. Select the number of Decimal Places to be included for the output data. 5. Select a Format for the output data between scientific and general. 6. Select motion objects for the X and Y axis for which to report output. 7. Select available result quantities to be reported for each object. 8. Optionally select associated quantities to be reported for each object. 9. Click OK to create the report. The output will be generated when the simulation is ran. The envelope can be plotted by reading in the CSV file generated for the TwoDEnvelope object.

2D Envelope

Simulation 191


Simulation Types

Simulation Types
You may choose from three solution types as you submit a simulation. The four available types are static, quasi-static, transient, and dynamic. A transient simulation instructs the solver to run a kinematic analysis if the system has zero degrees of freedom or a dynamic analysis if the system has one or more degrees of freedom, and is the default in SImXpert motion. Static In a static simulation, the system has more than 0 degrees of freedom and is solved to find a static equilibrium point. All system velocities and accelerations are set to zero. Quasi-Static In a quasi-static simulation, a sequence of static simulations are performed for different configurations of the model. Typically, static equilibrium is computed at fixed time intervals throughout a prescribed motion for a model. Kinematic A kinematic analysis solves for the displacements, velocities, accelerations, and forces (if any) at a series of points in time. A kinematic analysis is only appropriate when a system has zero degrees of freedom. Dynamic In a dynamic simulation, the system has more than 0 degrees of freedom and is driven by external forces and excitations. Nonlinear differential and algebraic equations are solved.

Simulation 193

The simulation form is accessible from the simulation toolbox in SimXpert. It may also be accessed from the tree for an existing simulation. Before submitting a simulation, this form allows you to specify the end time of a simulation, the number of steps, and the simulation type. The simulation controls section contains tools for verifying the model prior to simulation and submitting the simulation. During a simulation, the form displays the current time and current step, as well as the estimated time remaining.

Description of Fields
Simulation Field Name Simulation Type Transient Description Allows you to specify a unique name for each simulation. Includes options for running a dynamic, quasi-static, or static simulation. Specifies that ADAMS/Solver is to run a kinematic analysis if the system has zero degrees of freedom or a dynamic analysis if the system has one or more degrees of freedom. Nonlinear differential and algebraic equations are solved to compute the dynamic response of the system to external forces and excitations. Series of subsequent static solutions computed at each time step which neglects transient effects. System is solved to find a static equilibrium point. Check box that if selected has a quasi-static or dynamic solution begin from the static equilibrium solution. Sets the end time and therefore the length of a simulation Option button defining method of input to determine size and number of steps in a simulation. Sets the number of steps for a simulation. Used with the end time to determine the time interval of each step. Sets the time interval of each step in a simulation. Used with the end time to determine the total number of steps required. Checkbox that toggles the automatic verification of the model before running a simulation. Checkbox that toggles display of animation during a simulation. Options for the animation are controlled under the Animation Tab.

Dynamic Quasi-Static Static Start at Static Equilibrium End Time Steps or Step size Steps Step Size Auto Verify Animate While Simulating


Field Keep Result in memory Debug Eprint

Description Check box that if selected will store the results from the latest simulation in memory for results visualization. This option is enabled by default. Prints a block of information for each kinematic, static, or dynamic step. This information helps you monitor the simulation process and locate the source of the error if there is a problem. Check box that if selected will close the simulation form once the simulation has been completed.

Hide When Finished

Verify Model Checks for error conditions in the model

Simulation Preferences Begin Model Simulation Stop Simulation

Opens the Simulation Preferences Dialog box to define Dynamics, Equilibrium, and Initial Conditions Simulation Parameters for the simulation. Starts the computation of a simulation

Stops the in progress simulation

Animation Field Tracking Option No Tracking Follow Object Follow Object Lock Rotations Description Radio buttons that select the type of tracking. Default is No Tracking. Disables part tracking so that the view will stay fixed during the animation. Enables part tracking so that the animation will follow a particular part. Allows you to select which part the animation will follow. Checkbox that toggles whether or not to lock the camera rotations during animation while following an object. Cleared by default.

Simulation 195

Sample Form

To set up a simulation 1. Select Simulation from the Simulation tool ribbon or right click on an existing simulation and select properties. 2. If desired, you may enter a unique simulation Name. 3. Select the desired Simulation Type.


4. If you want the simulation to begin from a static equilibrium, select the Start at Static Equilibrium check box. 5. Enter the desired End Time and number of Steps. 6. Click on the verify model button to check for error conditions in the model. 7. Click the begin model simulation button to submit the simulation. 8. Monitor the status of the simulation as it progresses. If the Animate While Simulating checkbox is checked the model will animate while the simulation progresses.

Simulation 197
Scripted Simulation

Scripted Simulation
The Scripted Simulation properties form allows you to submit a motion simulation that is controlled by a script. This allows specific changes to be made during a simulation, or multiple steps to be defined composing the entire simulation.

Scripted Simulation

Description of fields
Simulation Field Name Script Reference File Inline Text Auto Verify Animate While Simulating Keep Results In Memory Debug Eprint Description Allows you to specify a unique name for each simulation. Automatically populated with Simulation_### Option button that selects source of simulation script as either an external file or text entered in the simulation property editor window. Specifies the path to an external file that contains the script for the simulation. Field that allows the script for the simulation to be entered directly in the SImulation property editor form. Checkbox that toggles the automatic verification of the model before running a simulation. Checkbox that toggles display of animation during a simulation. Options for the animation are controlled under the Animation Tab. Check box that if selected will store the results from the latest simulation in memory for results visualization. This option is enabled by default. Prints a block of information for each kinematic, static, or dynamic step. This information helps you monitor the simulation process and locate the source of the error if there is a problem. Check box that if selected will close the simulation form once the simulation has been completed. Checks for error conditions in the model

Hide When Finished Verify Model Simulation Preferences

Opens the Simulation Preferences Dialog box to define Dynamics, Equilibrium, and Initial Conditions Simulation Parameters for the simulation.

Begin Model Starts the computation of a simulation Simulation Stop Simulation Stops the in progress simulation

Simulation 199
Scripted Simulation

Animation Field Tracking Option No Tracking Follow Object Follow Object Lock Rotations Description Radio buttons that select the type of tracking. Default is No Tracking. Disables part tracking so that the view will stay fixed during the animation. Enables part tracking so that the animation will follow a particular part. Allows you to select which part the animation will follow. Checkbox that toggles whether or not to lock the camera rotations during animation while following an object. Cleared by default.

Scripted Simulation

Sample form

To perform a simulation 1. From the Simulation tool ribbon select Scripted Simulation. 2. Specify a script to define simulation parameters. Verify the model if desired. Submit the simulation and view the progress.

Simulation 201
Adams to Nastran Export

Adams to Nastran Export

This feature allows you to easily recreate a full Adams model as a full Nastran equivalent model for use in Nastran modal or frequency response analysis. All the non-linearities of the Adams model are taken into account up to the specified operating point, at which the entire system model is linearized and then exported in Nastran .bdf (bulk data file) format.

Description of fields
Field Simulation Name Operating Point End Time Method Description Field that selects from existing motion simulations in your model. Drop-down that selects between Static, Quasi-static, Transient, or Dynamic. Field that specifies the end time for any operating point other than Static. Option button that selects between number of steps or step size as a method for determining the operating point. A field is provided to enter the chosen value. This is available for all Operating Point options except Static.

Field that allows you to optionally specify a configuration file to be used to Configuration File control the exporting of the model. For more information, see notes and tips below. Option button that selects between White Box or Black Box for the export. This selects which types of cards will be created in the exported file. For more details, see the Notes and Tips below. The default is White Box, which creates an editable .bdf file. Field that specifies the path to the Nastran output file (.bdf) to be created by the export. Check box that if selected will open the resulting .bdf file using the SimXpert Structures Workspace for finite element analysis. This option is cleared by default.


Nastran Output File Open Output File in Structures Workspace

Adams to Nastran Export

Sample Form

To export a Nastran file from an Adams model 1. From the Simulation tool ribbon select Adams to Nastran Export. 2. Specify a simulation and select an operating point, configuration file, and type as well as the file path to store the output Nastran .bdf file.

Linear 203
Adams to Nastran Export


Linear Simulation

Linear Simulation
This tool provides support for eigensolutions of the motion model at a prescribed operating point.

Description of fields
Field Operating Point End Time Method Ignore Damping Calculate Mode Shapes: Calculate Coordinate Table Calculate Dissipative energy distribution Calculate kinetic energy distribution Calculate strain energy distribution State Coordinates (PSTATE) Description Drop-down that selects between Static, Quasi-static, Transient, or Dynamic. Field that specifies the end time for any operating point other than Static. Option button that selects between number of steps or step size as a method for determining the operating point. A field is provided to enter the chosen value. This is available for all Operating Point options except Static. Checkbox that removes damping from the linearization. Cleared by default. Checkbox that specifies whether mode shapes will be calculated. Enabled by default, which enables the fields below. Field that specifies the modes indices for which to return coordinate tables.

Field that specifies the mode indices for which to return kinetic energy distribution.

Field that specifies the mode indices for which to return strain energy distribution.

Field that specifies the mode indices for which to return dissipative energy distribution tables.

Reference System Field that specifies the reference coordinate system for the linear simulation. Field that optionally selects an existing PSTATE entity in the SimXpert model to be used for the linear simulation.

Linear 205
Linear Simulation

Sample form

To perform a linear simulation 1. From the Simulation tool ribbon select Linear Simulation. 2. Specify an operating point and define options for the linear simulation. Submit the simulation and view the progress.

Linear ABCD Export

Linear ABCD Export

This tool provides support for eigensolutions of the motion model at a prescribed operating point by exporting the model in ABCD state-space format.

Description of fields
Field Operating Point End Time Method Plant Input Plant Output Output File Description Drop-down that selects between Static, Quasi-static, Transient, or Dynamic. Field that specifies the end time for any operating point other than Static. Option button that selects between number of steps or step size as a method for determining the operating point. A field is provided to enter the chosen value. This is available for all Operating Point options except Static. Field that selects Plant Inputs for the linear simulation. Field that selects Plant Outputs for the linear simulation. Drip-down that selects the type of output file to be generated. Available types are Matlab and MatrixX.

Matlab File Prefix Field that specifies the path to the output file of the type selected above. Reference System Field that specifies the reference coordinate system for the linear simulation. State Coordinates (PSTATE) Field that optionally selects an existing PSTATE entity in the SimXpert model to be used for the linear simulation.

Linear 207
Linear ABCD Export

Sample Form

To perform a linear ABCD Export simulation 1. From the Simulation tool ribbon select Linear ABCD Export. 2. Specify an operating point and define plant input, output, and output file type for the linear simulation matrix file export.

Linear MKB Export

Linear MKB Export

This tool provides support for eigensolutions of the motion model at a prescribed operating point by exporting the model in MKB format.

Description of fields
Field Operating Point End Time Method Ignore Damping Plant Input Plant Output Output File File State Coordinates (PSTATE) Description Drop-down that selects between Static, Quasi-static, Transient, or Dynamic. Field that specifies the end time for any operating point other than Static. Option button that selects between number of steps or step size as a method for determining the operating point. A field is provided to enter the chosen value. This is available for all Operating Point options except Static. Checkbox that removes damping from the linearization. Cleared by default. Field that selects Plant Inputs for the linear simulation. Field that selects Plant Outputs for the linear simulation. Drip-down that selects the type of output file to be generated. Available types are Matlab and MatrixX. Field that specifies the path to the output file of the type selected above. Field that optionally selects an existing PSTATE entity in the SimXpert model to be used for the linear simulation.

Reference System Field that specifies the reference coordinate system for the linear simulation.

Linear 209
Linear MKB Export

Sample form

To perform a linear MKB Export simulation 1. From the Simulation tool ribbon select Linear MKB Export. 2. Specify an operating point and define plant input, output, and output file type for linear simulation matrix file export.

Linear MKB Export

Results 209



SimXpert has the capability to display results quantities in animations and charts. You may specify quantities to be displayed and modify the appearance of the results output as shown below. You may also transfer loading results to the structures workspace to perform additional analysis.

Results 211

You may animate the results of a simulation using the Animation property editor, which is accessible from the Results toolbox. You may specify key parameters for the animation, including which simulation is to be animated, the start and end times, as well as looping options. You may record the animation to generate an MPEG movie file that may be replayed outside of SimXpert. Additional options are available to control tracking of objects in the animation. If you are animating a model with flexible bodies, the Plot Data, Deform, and Fringe sections of the Animation form allow you to plot additional result data.

Description of Fields
Field Reset Pause Play Record Results Set Current Description Button that rewinds the animation to the first frame. Button that pauses the animation at the current frame. Button that plays animation forward at one frame/time step at a time Button that will cause the animation to be recorded when played. Drop down menu shows a list of result sets that have been created from motion simulations and allows you to choose one for the current animation. Slider bar that shows progress of the animation. You may slide the bar to any position in the frame set. The arrows at each end advance or rewind the animation in single frame increments. Displays the time of the current frame in the animation. May also be used to enter a specific time for which to display the animation. Displays the frame number of the animation at the current time. Field that specifies the start time for the animation. Value entered must be within the time range of the chosen simulation. Button that sets the start time to the currently displayed time of the animation. Field that specifies the end time for the animation. Value entered must be within the time range of the chosen simulation. Button that sets the end time to the currently displayed time of the animation. Drop down that selects the loop function to repeat the animation replay. Default setting is Forever.

Time Frame Start Time Set to Current End Time Set to Current Loop


Field Forever Once Oscillate Once Oscillate Forever Speed Sample Form

Description Animation will continue to run start to finish and then repeat until stopped. Animation will run through one complete cycle and stop. Animation will run from start to end, then run in reverse back to the start point and stop. Animation will run from start to end, then run in reverse back to the start point and repeat until stopped. Slider bar that adjusts the speed at which the animation is played.

To create an animation 1. Make sure that you have successfully completed a Simulation. 2. Select Animation from the Results tool ribbon. 3. Under Results Set, select the simulation that you wish to animate. 4. Enter your desired Start and End Time. 5. Select the loop option. This defines what will happen once the animation has finished the selected time range of the simulation. 6. If you wish to save an MPEG file of the animation, click the record button. Additional recording options may be set under the Record tab. 7. Click the Play Animation button to start the animation (and recording if selected).

Results 213

8. While the Animation is playing, you may pause it using the Pause Animation button. 9. Click the Reset Animation button to reset the animation back to the first frame. 10. Optionally select the Camera tab to define the object tracking. Select the Follow Object option and click in the Follow Object field and select a part for the animation to follow. Select the Animation tab and click the Play Animation button to play the animation following the part. 11. For a flexible body simulation, use the Plot Data tab to determine which results quantities will be displayed in a fringe plot during the animation. The Deform and Fringe tabs provide additional flexible results visualization options.


You may plot result quantities as graphs using the Chart editor, which is accessible from the Results toolbox. You may select time or a result quantity for the independent axis and result quantities for the dependent axis. You may plot any available result quantities for any entity in the model. You are limited to one independent axis but you may have up to two different dependent axes, each with units that automatically correspond to the units for the curves being plotted.

Results 215

Description of Fields
Dependent Data Field Chart Name Simulations Entity Quantity Auto Update Specifies a name for the chart. Selects the simulation to chart from the simulations available in the model. Selects the object within the model for which to chart data. Selects the result quantity of the particular object to be charted. Check box that allows curves to be added to the chart and the prior data cleared automatically as soon as new data is selected. Cleared by default. Adds the curve for the selected data to the current chart. Multiple curves may be added to the same chart by selecting the desired data for each and then clicking Add Curves. Clears all curves from the current chart. Updates the curves on the current chart using data from a later run of the same simulation but the same entity and quantity. Description

Add Curves Clear Chart Update Curves

Independent Data Field Time Simulations Entity Quantity Description Checkbox that selects time as the independent axis. Checked by default, and must be cleared in order to make selections from remainder of form. Selects the simulation to chart from the simulations available in the model. Selects the part within the model for which to chart data. Selects the result quantity of the particular part to be used as the independent axis.


XY Chart Properties Field Table Description Checkbox that changes the chart display to a table display. Data in columns may be sorted by clicking on the column heading. This option must be checked to view a table and cleared to view a chart. Cleared by default. Checkbox that selects whether results with multiple dependent axes will be shown on the same chart (if cleared) or in separate charts (if checked). Cleared by default. Checkbox that selects whether the line at a value of zero on the dependent axis will be shown in a different shade to denote its position. Checked by default. Options that control the border around the chart data region. Checkbox that determines whether the chart border is displayed. Drop-down that selects the color of the chart border. Drop-down that selects the line style for the border between solid, dash, dot, and dot dash. Drop-down that selects the width (in points) of the chart border.

Stacked Dependent Axes Zero Line Chart Border Visible Color Line Style Line Width

Chart Title Properties Field Visibility Text Justify Select Font Color Description Checkbox that toggles the visibility of the title. Checked by default. Text to be displayed as the title for a chart. Drop-down that allows the title to be displayed as right, left, or center justified. Button that opens the Select Font form, which controls the font, style, size, and effects of the font in the title. Drop-down that selects a color for the title from 48 standard colors or a custom color option.

Chart Subtitle Properties Field Visibility Description Checkbox that toggles the visibility of the title. Checked by default.

Results 217

Field Text Justify Select Font Color

Description Text to be displayed as the subtitle for a chart. Drop-down that allows the title to be displayed as right, left, or center justified. Button that opens the Select Font form, which controls the font, style, size, and effects of the font in the subtitle. Drop-down that selects a color for the title from 48 standard colors or a custom color option.


Chart Legend Field Legend Font Legend Placement Inside Chart Visible Border Visibility Border Color Background Filled Description Button that opens the Select Font form, which controls the font, style, size, and effects of the font in the legend. Drop-down that determines the placement of the legend on the chart. Options are available for the top or bottom and left, right, or center. Checkbox that determines whether the legend will be within the data region of the chart (if checked) or outside it (if cleared). Checked by default. Checkbox that toggles the visibility of the legend. Checked by default. Checkbox that toggles the visibility of the border around the legend. Checked by default. Drop-down that selects a color for the border around the chart legend. Checkbox that toggles whether the legend background will be a solid color. Checked by default.

Background Color Drop-down that selects a color for the background of the chart legend. Chart Grid Properties Field Major Grid Visibility Color Line Style Description Section that controls options for the major gridlines. Checkbox that toggles the visibility of the major grid lines. Checked by default. Selects a color for the major grid lines from 48 standard colors or a custom color option. Drop-down that defines the line style for the major gridlines. Available options are solid, dash, dot, and dot dash. Solid is the default. Section that controls options for the minor gridlines. Checkbox that toggles the visibility of the minor grid lines. Checked by default. Selects a color for the minor grid lines from 48 standard colors or a custom color option. Minor Grid Visibility must be checked for minor gridlines to appear. Drop-down that defines the line style for the minor gridlines. Available options are solid, dash, dot, and dot dash. Solid is the default.

Line Weight Drop-down that controls the weight of the major gridlines. Minor Grid Visibility Color Line Style

Line Weight Drop-down that controls the weight of the minor gridlines.

Results 219

Sample Forms

To create a chart 1. Make sure that you have successfully completed a Simulation. 2. Select Chart from the Results tool ribbon. 3. In the Dependent Data Browser, select the Simulation from which to chart data. 4. Select the Entity for which to chart data. 5. Select the Quantity to plot for the selected entity. 6. Click Add Curves to plot the selected result quantity versus time. 7. Select any additional entities and quantities to plot and click Add Curves again.


8. To clear the charting window, click Clear Chart. 9. Click on the Independent Data Browser and deactivate the Time checkbox. 10. Select the Simulation, Entity, and Quantity to be the independent variable. 11. Return to the Dependent Data Browser and select the dependent variable as before. 12. Click Add Curves. 13. To automatically clear the chart and add selected curves, check the Auto update checkbox. 14. You may further edit the chart by using the XY Chart Properties, Chart Legend, Chart Grids, and Chart Titles properties tabs on the Chart Properties form.

Chart Utilities 221


Chart Utilities

Chart Import

Chart Import
The chart import form allows you to import data to regenerate previously exported charts.

Description of Fields
Field Chart Info File Name Browse Icon Description Specifies the path to a file (.py extension) containing exported chart information to be imported into SimXpert. Button that opens a window to browse for the file to import. This window opens automatically to select a file the first time the form is opened. Table that selects existing runs in the database to have the selected chart data imported into them. By using the + icon you can add rows to the table and import the same chart into multiple runs..


Sample form

To create chart import 1. Make sure that you have successfully completed a Simulation. 2. Select Chart Import from the Results tool ribbon. 3. Select file path to exported chart data file (.py extension) and specify which runs from the current model to import it into.

Chart Utilities 223

Chart Export

Chart Export
The chart export form allows you to export chart data to later regenerate results charts.

Description of Fields
Field Output File Name Browse Icon Write All Properties Charts to Export Selected Charts Description Specifies the path to a file (.py extension) containing exported chart information to be imported into SimXpert. Button that opens a window to browse for the file to export. This window opens automatically to select a file path the first time the form is opened. Checkbox that selects whether all chart properties will be included in the export. Enabled by default. Option button that selects whether all charts will be exported or enables a table for selection of selected charts from the database for export. Table that selects existing charts in the database to export. By using the + icon you can add rows to the table and include multiple charts in the same export.

Sample form

To create chart Export 1. Make sure that you have successfully completed a Simulation. 2. Select Chart Export from the Results tool ribbon. 3. Select file path to exported chart data file and specify which charts from the current model to export.

Chart Overlay

Chart Overlay
The chart overlay form allows you to overlay data from specified runs on all existing results charts.

Description of Fields
Field Runs Description Table that selects existing runs in the model to overlay on all other charts in the database. By using the + icon you can add rows to the table and include multiple runs in the same overlay.

Sample form

To create chart Overlay 1. Make sure that you have successfully completed a Simulation. 2. Select Chart Export from the Results tool ribbon. 3. Select existing runs to have their chart data overlaid on all existing charts in the model.

Transportation 379



The Tire tool allows you to add tires to your mechanical model and to simulate maneuvers such as braking, steering, acceleration, free-rolling, or skidding. This tool lets you model the forces and torques that act on a tire as it moves over roadways or irregular terrain. The Tire tool uses a set of shared object libraries that the SimXpert motion solver calls through the DIFSUB, GFOSUB, and GSESUB subroutines. These subroutines calculate the forces and moments that tires exert on a vehicle as a result of the interaction between the tires and road surface.

Transportation 381

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Property File Road Wheel Definition Side Definition Drop-down that specifies on which side of the vehicle the tire is located. Options are right, left, and undetermined. Option button that selects between Auto Generated where values are input to define the wheel properties or User Defined where an existing wheel model is selected. Field that specifies the motion part on which the tire is mounted. AN icon is available to select the ground part. Fields that manually define wheel mass properties. Field that specifies the mass of the rim and the part of the tire not accounted for in the tire model. Field that specifies the inertia of the rim and part of the tire not accounted for in the tire model. Field that specifies the rotational inertia of the rim and part of the tire not accounted for in the tire model. Field that allows selection of an existing wheel. Allows selection of the method to define a location. Default option. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Existing coordinate system origin may be selected in the field below. Mass Polar Inertia Radial Inertia User Defined Wheel Location Define Location Geometry Name of tire. Field that selects the tire property file to be used for the tire. Field that selects an existing Road model to be used with the tire. Description

Auto Generated Part Wheel

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Orientation

Define Orientation Allows selection of the method to define an orientation.


Field Global Z-axis only 2 axes Coordinate System Condition Fields Use Scaling of Tire Properties

Description Oriented with global coordinates. (Default for optional orientation) Oriented with a single axis, which will be specified below. Oriented with two axes, which will be specified below. Select existing coordinate system to define orientation.

Euler Angles Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation.

Description Checkbox that activates the fields on the form to scale tire properties. This set of scaling factors is available to easily examine the influence of changing tire properties without the need to change the detailed tire formula. The default value of these factors is 1.

Long. Slip Stiffness Scaling factor for longitudinal slip stiffness. Cornering Stiffness Scaling factor for cornering stiffness. Aligning Stiffness Camber Stiffness Aligning Camber Stiffness Long. Peak Friction Lateral Peak Friction Scaling factor for aligning stiffness. Scaling factor for camber stiffness. Scaling factor for aligning camber stiffness. Scaling factor for longitudinal peak friction. Scaling factor for lateral peak friction.

Transportation 383

Unbalance Fields Add Wheel Unbalance Static Unbalance Mass Radius Dynamic Unbalance Mass Radius Offset Field that specifies the dynamic unbalance mass which is located at the unbalance radius. Field that specifies the radius for the dynamic unbalance mass. Field that defines the offset with respect to the wheel plane for the dynamic unbalance mass. Field that specifies the static unbalance mass which is located at the unbalance radius. Field that specifies the radius for the static unbalance mass. Description Checkbox that activates remaining fields on the form to define wheel unbalance.

Visualization Fields Visible Use Parent Color Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well. Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full). Checkbox that enables display of the force or torque value during the animation of the simulation results. If enabled, forms are present which allow you to enter x, y, and z direction offset values for where the symbol will be displayed.


Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Show Force/Torque Values During Animation


Output This tab allows you to select the desired output quantities for a tire. Note that the selections made here determine which types of results may be displayed, and whether an animation may be displayed. These options are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Fields Wheel center location Wheel center velocity Wheel part rotational velocity Tire State values Forces of tire GFORCE Description Checkbox that enables output of wheel center location in global system. Checkbox that enables output of wheel center velocity in global system. Checkbox that enables output of wheel part velocity in global system. Checkbox that enables output of tire state equation values. Checkbox that enables output of interaction forces between the tire center and road in global system.

Torques of tire GFORCE Checkbox that enables output of interaction torques between the tire center and road in global system. Rolling Radius Rotational Speed Longitudinal Speed Slip Angle Camber Longitudinal Force Lateral Force Vertical Load Overturning Moment Rolling Resistance Aligning Moment Checkbox that enables output of tire loaded radius during simulation. Checkbox that enables output of wheel rotational speed. Checkbox that enables output of tire longitudinal slip according to ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire slip angle according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire tire inclination angle with the road according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire tire longitudinal force between tire and road according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire lateral force between tire and road according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire vertical force between tire and road according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire overturning moment between tire and road according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire rolling resistance torque according ISO definition. Checkbox that enables output of tire aligning moment between tire and road according ISO definition.

Transportation 385

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To create a tire 1. Select Tire from the Transportation tool ribbon. 1. Select Definition tab and define name, property file, and road. 2. Select Part from the treeview to be associated with the tire. 3. Enter wheel Mass and Inertia properties.


4. Enter Location and Orientation for the tire. 5. Under the Conditions tab activate optional scaling of tire properties as desired. 6. Under the Unbalance tab activate optional wheel unbalance and enter values as desired. 7. Click OK.

Transportation 387

The Road tool in the SimXpert motion workspace lets you define an arbitrary smooth road surface, such as parking structures, racetracks, runways, and so on. A smooth road is a road surface with a curvature which is less than the curvature of the tire.


Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Property File Part Location Geometry Name of road. Field that selects the road property file to be used for the road. Field that specifies the part to which the road is attached. Allows selection of the method to define a location. Default option. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Existing coordinate system origin may be selected in the field below. Allows selection of the method to define an orientation. Oriented with global coordinates. (Default for optional orientation) Oriented with a single axis, which will be specified below. Oriented with two axes, which will be specified below. Select existing coordinate system to define orientation. Description

Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Orientation Global Z-axis only 2 axes Coordinate System Condition Field Friction Scaling Visualization Fields Visible Use Parent Color

Euler Angles Euler angles may be input for Body 313 rotation.

Description Field that defines scaling factor for friction force of road. Default value is 1.

Description Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will be visible in the modeling window. Checkbox that specifies whether this entity will inherit its color from its parent object. Enabling this option results in the color selection from the parent object being applied to this object as well.

Transportation 389

Fields Color

Description Numeric definition of color for object. Populated with the color specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Drop-down menu is available to select pre-set colors. Size of symbol for object in modeling window. Populated with the size specified under Tools:Options for the object type by default. Option button that controls display of symbol labels for the individual entity. This toggles between showing no object names (off), showing only the last part of the object name (abbreviation) or showing the full object name including its parent object (full).

Symbol Size Symbol Labels

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To create a road 1. Select Road from the Transportation tool ribbon 1. Select Definition tab and define Name and Property File.


2. Select Part from the treeview to be associated with the road. 3. Enter Location and Orientation for the road. 4. Under the Conditions tab enter desired friction scaling. 5. Click OK.

Transportation 391
Road Builder

Road Builder
The Road Builder lets you create and edit 3D Spline Road property files in XML format. Starting the Road Builder To start the Road Builder :
From the Tansportation tool ribbon select Road Builder.

The Road Builder consists of six tabs:

Header - Displays header and units information and lets you enter comments. Global - Sets parameters for the entire road. Soil Properties - If road is used for the Soft Soil Tire model, the soil properties should be

Road Points - Sets parameters that define the points in the road. Obstacle - Defines obstacles in the road. Road Generator - Allows the user to create/modify road data file using segments.

Road Builder

Creating a 3D Spline Road Property File To create a new 3D Spline Road property file From the File menu, select New. When you create a new 3D Spline Road property file, the default values of the road vertical are set to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0). Opening an Existing 3D Spline Road Property File
To edit an existing 3D Spline Road property file, do one of the following From the File menu, select Open, and then browse for the desired file. To the right of the Road File text box, select the Browse button

, and then browse for the

desired file.

Transportation 393
Road Builder

Changing Units
To change the units:

1. From the Settings menu, select Units.

2. Change the units, and then select OK. Saving Changes

To save changes you make to the XML file

1. At the bottom of the Road Builder, select either Save or Save As. 2. If you selected Save As, enter the file name, and then select OK.
Displaying Header Information and Adding Comments

The Header tab shows information about the road file and the units of the 3D Spline Road object. You can add comments in the Revision Comment area.
To display header information and add comments

1. Select the Header tab. 2. View the information and in the Revision Comment area, enter any comments to help you manage the road property file. Setting Global Parameters Parameters that apply to the entire road are defined in the Global Tab, shown below.
To edit the parameters

1. Select the Global tab.

Road Builder

2. Change the parameters. Tip: To help you correctly enter values, the units for the current parameter appear in the Current Field Unit text box.

Setting Soil Properties In case that the road is used for the Soft Soil Tire model the soil properties should be entered. These properties are used by the Soft Soil Tire model only: when the Soil Properties are in the road data file, but another tire model is used, they are ignored. Note that the Soil Properties will be valid for the whole road area, no sections with specific other values can be defined.

Transportation 395
Road Builder

Defining Road Data Points The Road Points tab shows the Road Data Points table, as shown in the figure below. Using the table, you can add and delete road data points and display the points as a plot so you can visualize the road and make changes to it.

Road Builder

Working with Data Rows You can edit any of the data in the rows of the Road Data Points table and add or delete rows. The following provide you with the basics of enter data points in the table.
To edit the values in a row Select the value you want to change, and then type a new value. To add rows to the Road Data Points table

1. Select Add Road Points, located below the table. 2. Enter the number of data points you want to enter, and then select OK. The Road Builder adds the rows to the end of the table.

Transportation 397
Road Builder

To delete rows in the Road Data Point table Select the row or rows you want to delete, right-click the column Number, and then select

Delete Row(s). The Road Builder renumbers the rows of the table.
To add a single row to the end of the table Right-click the column Number, and then select Add Row. To insert a single row below a selected row Right-click the row in the column below which you want to add a row, and then select Insert

To copy and paste data in rows Highlight the text you want to copy, and then select an copy (CTRL + C) data from a source and

paste (CTRL + V) it in the road data points table. Plotting Road Data Points You can visualize the road data plots by plotting them as x-y (x values versus y values) or x-z plots (x values versus z values). Note that if both the x-y plot and x-z plots are active, changes to road data points in one plot are not automatically updated in the other plot. Close and reopen the plot after updating the main road data points table.

Road Builder

To plot the road data points Select Show X-Y Plot or Show X-Z Plot to create a plot of the road, as shown in the figure

above for x-y values.

To fit the display of the plot into the plotting window, do one of the following Select Fit. Right-click the plot, and then select Fit. To view the data points in the plot Right-click the plot, and then select Show Symbols. To view the data points as a curve: Right-click the plot, and then select Show Curve.

Transportation 399
Road Builder

To zoom the display

1. Select Zoom. 2. Using the mouse, draw a box around the area of the plot you want to view.
To modify the road data points

1. Right-click the plot, and then select Show Symbols. 2. Drag the points using the mouse. The new coordinates for the data points update in the table on the right. 3. Select OK. (The road data points are not updated in the main table until you select OK.)
To exit the plot In the upper right corner, select the X.

Defining Obstacles The Obstacle tab shows the 3D Spline Road obstacles (also called road perturbations). If there is more than one road obstacle, the Obstacle tab displays the Obstacle table, as shown in the figure below. If there is only one road obstacle, the Obstacle tab shows the Obstacle Property Editor. You can only create a new obstacle in the Obstacle table. For each obstacle, all parameters are stored in the XML format 3D Spline Road property file. This will make it easy to change obstacle type for a particular obstacle if data already exists.

Road Builder

Adding, Deleting, and Renaming Obstacles

To create a new road obstacle in the Obstacle table:

1. In the Name text box, enter the name of the obstacle. 2. Select Add. 3. Enter the values for the obstacle.

Transportation 401
Road Builder

To rename an obstacle Right-click the obstacle name in the table, select Rename Obstacle, and then enter a new name. To delete an obstacle Right-click the obstacle name in the table, select Delete Obstacle.

Using the Obstacle Property Editor The Obstacle Property Editor, shown in the figure below, shows the common and obstacle-specific parameters. The obstacle-specific parameters portion of the dialog box only shows those parameters that belong to the selected obstacle type. Note that you cannot change the coordinate system in the Common Obstacle portion as the obstacle type determines whether Local or Distance should be used. You manage the data in the tables for the Polyline and Crown obstacle types in the same way you do road data points. For more information on adding, deleting, and copying/pasting of data, see Defining Road Data Points.
To display the Obstacle Property Editor, do one of the following Right-click the obstacle name in the Obstacle table, and then select Modify with

Double-click the obstacle name in the obstacle table. To return to the Obstacle table Click the arrow To edit the values: Change the values.

at the top left side.


To help you correctly enter values, the units for the current parameter appear in the Current Field Unit text box.

Defining Analytical Road Illustrates how to create/modify a road model analytically from scratch in Adams/Road Builder. Road data can be created with multiple segments, each segment representing predefined formulations like Linear, Curvature, and Transition Curve or through User Defined Functions and User Defined Points.

Road Builder

Steps to Create a Road Data File New tab Road Generator is added to the Road Builder GUI. This tab allows the user to create/modify road data file using segments.

To create a new segment, enter segment name in the Name field and click Add button. Segment name should be unique. To make it easier for the user to create road profile, some basic functions were created. User can use these functions by giving appropriate values. To see the road points click on Export points to Data Table this will calculate the road points according to the segment function and export them to the Road Points tab in the GUI.

Transportation 403
Road Builder

To see the road points in 2D click button Show X-Y Plot & Show X-Z Plot. To see the road profile with shell graphics click on Generate 3d Road.

Description of Functions
Linear This function will create a straight line between two given points. Inputs required are Number of points, Start point, End point, Width, Bank, Fricition Left and Friction Right.

Road Builder

Curvature This function will create a curve. Inputs required for this function are Number of Points, Start point, Center point, Tangent Point, Radius, Arc Length, Width, Bank, Friction Left and Friction Right.

Transportation 405
Road Builder

Transition This function will connect the start and end point of the road. Inputs required for this are segment 1, segment 1 point, segment 2, segment 2 point, Width, Bank, Friction Left and Friction Right. User Defined Points This functionality allows the user to define their road points directly. This functionality is more useful in the case when a user wants to use the existing road point which is already in the old road data file format.

Road Builder

The points are appended to the road points table.

User Defined Functions User can calculate points using their own functions. For example: User function = s*75; s*10; 0 Function Start = -10 Function End = 10 Calculation of Road Point: -10*75; -10*10; 0 -9*75; -9*10; 0 -8*75; -8*10; 0

Transportation 407
Road Builder

Height Sensor

Height Sensor
This object reports the minimum distance of a point on a geometric body above a roadway. The sensor also reports the components of distance in a user specified coordinate system, as well as the relative velocity of the geometric point relative to the 3D road.

Description of Fields
Definition Field Name Part Description Specifies name of the height sensor. Automatically populated with HeightSensor_#. Specifies motion part on which a points position will be measured relative to a 3D road. This field is read-only if Coordinate System option has been selected for location, and the selected Coordinate System does not belong to ground. Allows selection of the method to define location of the point to be measured. Allows selection of geometric point locations, such as a vertex, center point of a circular edge, or center of a sphere. If geometry filters are active, they will affect the default types of picks that can be made. If multiple locations are selected, this option will average the locations to determine a single location. Allows selection of an individual hardpoint to be used as the location. Allows the direct entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates of a position. Allows selection of a coordinate system origin to be used as the location. Reference coordinate system for the sensor in which distance and relative velocity values will be output. Specifies an existing 3D road model to which the height will be measured. Geometry


Hardpoint Custom Coordinate System Reference CS Road Comments

The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment.

Transportation 409
Height Sensor

Sample form

To create a tire 1. Select Height Sensor from the Transportation tool ribbon 1. Enter Name for the height sensor. 2. Select a motion Part for which a position will be measured relative to the roadway. 3. Specify the Location on the motion part of the point to be measured. 4. Select a Reference Coordinate System for distance and relative velocity output. 5. Select an existing Road model to measure height from. 6. Click OK.

Height Sensor

Advanced 279




Flex 281
Flexible Part Transformation

Flexible Part Transformation

Mirrors, translates, or rotates an existing flexible body.

Flexible Part Transformation

Description of Fields
Field Flex Input Output Type Option button that selects whether the flexible body to be transformed is defined by an existing flexible part, a MNF File, or a MD DB file. Option button that selects whether the flexible body output will be a MNF or MD DB file.

Create Flexible Part Checkbox that specifies whether a new flexible part will be created for the transformed body. Transformation Mirror Mirror Method Translate Direction Distance Rotate Direction Drop-down that allows you to select the Global X, Y, or Z direction or any axis of a selected coordinate system, or a custom direction defined by a vector about which to rotate a flexible body. Option button that selects whether to use the direction coordinate system as the center of rotation or allows you to select a different existing coordinate system as the center of rotation. Field that allows you to enter the distance to transform the flexible part in the direction defined above. Checkbox that enables selection of a numbering scheme for the nodes of the transformed flexible body. Option that allows you to offset the node numbers by a set amount from the initial interface nodes. Option that allows you to specify starting ID numbers for the nodes to be created on the transformed flexible body. Drop-down that allows you to select the Global X, Y, or Z direction or any axis of a selected coordinate system, or a custom direction defined by a vector. Field that allows you to enter the distance to transform the flexible part in the direction defined above. Option button that allows selection of a global plane (XY, XZ, or YZ) or a plane normal to a selected vector (which is defined by a selected axis of an existing coordinate system or a direction vector and a point on the mirror plane.) Option button that allows you to select Mirror, Translate, or Rotate transformation.

Center of Rotation Angle

Manage Node Numbering Interface Node Offset New Interface IDs

Flex 283
Flexible Part Transformation

Sample form

To Transform a Flexible part 1. Select Flexible Part Transformation from the Advanced > Flex tool ribbon. 2. Select an existing Flexible Part, MNF File, or MD DB and define the transformation to be performed. 3. Click OK.

Flex Tool Kit

Flex Tool Kit

Using the Flex Tool Kit, you can browse individual aspects of a Modal Neutral File (MNF) or an MD DB, such as the file version, units, eigenvalues, or modal shapes. You can also view the contents of the entire file. You can optimize the flexible body in a Modal Neutral File (MNF) or an MD DB through the Tool Kit, such as set the number of invariants stored in the flexible body or set the units in which the data is stored.

Flex 285
Flex Tool Kit

Description of Fields
Fields Invariant Description From the Invariants menu, set which inertia invariants should be computed and stored in the MNF. You can select:
Fast Set - If you select Fast Set, Adams/Flex does not compute

invariants five and nine. It corresponds to the Partial Coupling formulation mode for modal flexibility. It is also suitable for use with the Constant Coupling formulation. Only Full Coupling requires all nine invariants. Unless you think you might need the Full Coupling formulation, you can safely select Fast Set. Learn more.
Full Set - If you select Full Set, Adams/Flex computes all inertia

invariants, including invariants five and nine.

None - If you select None, Adams/Flex does not perform any

invariant calculations, and must compute invariants each time you save an Adams/Solver dataset with a modified selection of modes or nodes. Units From the Units menu, do the following:
To preserve the units in the original Flexible Body, select Original.

If you select to preserve the units, Adams/Flex performs the unit scaling as it performs different operations, which can degrade performance noticeably.
To convert all data to Adams/View internal units, which are meters,

kilogram, seconds, and Newtons, select SI. Formatting From the Formatting menu, do either of the following:
To turn off the encoding that makes the MNF platform

independent, select Platform Specific. The encoding has some computational overhead that you may want to remove if you are not concerned about MNF portability.
To keep the encoding and portability, select Standard Portable.

Please be noted that MD DB will be platform-dependent no matter which option you specified here.

Flex Tool Kit

Fields Precision

Description From the Precision menu, set the level of precision for real numbers in the MNF:
Double - All real data in the MNF will be stored in double-

precision, typically 64-bit floating point values.

Single - All real data in the MNF will be stored in single-precision,

typically 32-bit floating point values. A single-precision MNF is nearly half the size of a double-precision MNF. A single-precision MNF does not adversely effect the accuracy of your results provided that your optimized MNF contains either Fast or Full set of inertia invariants. Some accuracy can be lost if you request None for the inertia invariant calculations in a single-precision optimized MNF. See Invariant. Stress and strain modes If stress (strain) recovery was requested from the finite element program when generating the MNF, the MNF contains grid point stresses (strains) for every mode. The collection of grid point stresses (strains) for a given mode is referred to as a stress (strain) mode. Typically, stress (strain) values are requested from the finite element program for a subset of nodes in the MNF. You can specify how the MNF stores stress (strain) modes, particularly for nodes where stress (strain) was not requested from the finite element program:
Sparse - If you select Sparse, the optimized MNF only stores

stresses (strains) for nodes that were retained in the optimized MNF and for which stress (strain) values existed in the original MNF. If a node had zero values for stresses (strains) in the original MNF, and that node was retained in the optimized MNF, the zeroes are written to the optimized MNF.
Full - If you select Full, the optimized MNF stores nodal stresses

and strains for all nodes that were retained in the optimized MNF. For nodes that did not have stress (strain) values, the optimized MNF stores zeroes.
Remove zero entries - If you select Remove zero entries, the MNF

only stores non-zero stresses (strains) for nodes that exist in the optimized MNF. If you have an MNF that has several zero entries in the stress (strain) modes, this option can significantly reduce the size of the MNF.

Flex 287
Flex Tool Kit

Fields Rigid-Only MNF

Description Depending on the component and application, the size of the MNF can be very large, exceeding several gigabytes, and difficult to manage. If you are in the process of building your Adams/Flex body model, you may consider treating the body as rigid until you are confident in how you have assembled your model. If temporarily using a rigid body formulation for an Adams/Flex body makes sense, you can drastically reduce the size of the MNF by selecting Rigid-Only MNF. Rigid-Only MNF creates a reduced MNF that only contains enough information to build a rigidized flexible body. With this MNF, you cannot build an Adams/Flex body with Constant, Partial, or Full modal formulations, but it may be convenient to work with while you are assembling and verifying your model. When you are confident with your model, you can easily replace the reduced MNF with the full MNF.

Remove Internal Solid Element Geometry

Select the tab Automatic, and then select Remove Internal Solid Element Geometry. When you remove the interior geometry, the graphics performance of Adams/View is greatly enhanced. When you remove both interior geometry and calculate the invariants, Adams/Flex removes nodes that were only connected to the geometry that it also removed. Occasionally, the removal of the geometry may be undesirable especially when a particular interior node is to be the target for an attachment in Adams.

Flex Tool Kit

Fields Apply Mesh Coarsening Algorithm

Description Select the tab Automatic, and then select Apply Mesh Coarsening Algorithm. Set the following:
Mesh Resolution - Slide the Mesh Resolution slider to the fraction

of the total component size below which Adams/Flex removes the detail of the mesh. For example, if your component is approximately 1 m long, and you select 15% mesh resolution, the coarsening results in a mesh with 15 cm-wide mesh cells. Example of Mesh Resolution.
Face Smoothing - Slide the Face Smoothing slider to the angle

between adjacent faces below which Adams/Flex should merge faces. For example, if you select 15, the coarsening algorithm does not merge two faces when one face is more than 15 degrees out of the plane of the other face. Example of Face Smoothing.
Colinear Point Removal - Select Remove Colinear Points to

control removal of nodes that are intermediate nodes on the straight edge of a face. Example of Colinear Point Removal.
Retain Particular Nodes - In the Retained Node List text box,

specify a list of nodes that Adams/Flex should not remove during coarsening. Only visible nodes can be used to place markers, joints, and so on, onto the flexible body. Therefore, make sure to include relevant nodes. When you use mesh coarsening and also calculate the invariants, Adams/Flex removes nodes that were only connected to the geometry that was removed by coarsening, which results in a great reduction in MNF size. Manual Mesh Simplification Select the tab Manual, and then enter the name of the sketch file. For more information on the format of the sketch file and its impact on the mesh, see Manual Mesh Simplification

Flex 289
Flex Tool Kit

Sample form

Flex Tool Kit

To browse an MNF or an MD DB 1. Select the tab MNF Browser. 2. Right-click the MNF or MD DB Input File text box, and then select Select A File. Then a file browsing dialog box appears. 3. Select the MNF or MD DB of interest, and then close the dialog box. 4. If you selected MD DB and it has more than one flexible body in it, the Index textbox will be enabled. Right-click it and select a flexible body from the popup dialog. The index of it will be input in the Index textbox. 5. From the different areas of the toolkit, select the type of information that you want displayed or select All to display the entire contents of the selected flexible body. 6. Select one of the following:
To display the flexible body information in the MNF Browser, select

The MNF Browser appears. View the information about the flexible body by selecting the different tabs along the top of the Browser.
To store the flexible body information in a file, select

. A dialog box appears listing the

files generated. Select Close To translate an MNF into a matrix file 1. Select the tab MNF -> MTX Translator. Options appear in the Adams/Flex Toolkit for translating an MNF file to a matrix file. 2. Right-click the MNF or MD DB Input File text box, and then select Select A File. Then a file browsing dialog box appears. 3. Select the MNF of MD DB interest, and then close the dialog box. 4. If you selected MD DB and it has more than one flexible body in it, the Index textbox will be enabled. Right-click it and select a flexible body from the popup dialog. The index of it will be input in the Index textbox. 5. In the Matrix Output File text box, enter the name for the matrix file that you are creating. 6. From the menus at the left, select the units that match the units in your Adams/Solver dataset that references the matrix file you are creating. The units do not have to match those in the MNF or MD DB. 7. In the Node ID List and Mode Number List text boxes, enter a list of nodes or modes that you want to include or exclude in the matrix file. Note that the list of modes to include can contain a colon (for example, 7 10 : 16) to indicate a range. Select Include or Exclude as appropriate. 8. If you are going to have Adams/Flex compute all nine invariants, clear the selection of Fast Invar. If you leave Fast Invar selected, Adams/Flex does not compute invariants five and nine, which provides you with a faster translation. Selecting Fast Invar is appropriate for the default Partial Coupling formulation for flexible bodies. You can also use it with the Constant Coupling formulation or any custom combination of invariants that does not require invariants 5 and 9. Learn about Modifying the Modal Formulation.

Flex 291
Flex Tool Kit

9. Select

A command window appears as Adams/Flex calculates the inertia invariants and writes the matrix file. 10. Press Enter to exit the command window. To optimize an MNF 1. Select MNF -> MNF Optimizer. Options appear in the Adams/Flex Toolkit for optimizing an MNF. 2. Right-click the MNF or MD DB Input File text box, and then select Select A File. Then a file browsing dialog box appears. 3. Select the MNF of MD DB of interest, and then close the dialog box. 4. If you selected MD DB and it has more than one flexible body in it, the Index textbox will be enabled. Right-click it and select a flexible body from the popup dialog. The index of it will be input in the Index textbox. 5. In the MNF or MD DB Output File text box, enter the name for the file in which to store the optimized flexible body. Please be noted that if you specify an existing MD DB, the optimized flexible body will be appended to the Database instead of overwriting it. 6. Set the options in the dialog box as explained in the table below, and then select either to perform the optimization immediately or to generate a script that you can run later. To run the MSC2MNF translator 1. Select MSC -> MNF Translator. Options appear in the Adams/Flex toolkit for translating an MSC/Nastran file to an MNF. 2. In the MSC Input File text box, enter the name of the output file that you generated by running the DMAP alter. Note: The MSC.Nastran translator does not allow you to change the name of the MNF file. It generates the MNF file automatically, based on the .out file name.

3. Set the options in the dialog box as explained in the table of options for optimizing an MNF, and select either to perform the optimization immediately or select to generate a script.

Flex Tool Kit


Durability 293
Export Model Histories

Export Model Histories

This feature provides a means to export modal histories for a given flexible part and simulation run.

Description of Fields
Fields Result Part File Format File Path Sample form Description Field that selects a result case for the history export. Field that selects a part for the model history export. Option button that selects between ASCII text files and Nastran Binary files. Field that specifies the file path for the file to be exported

To export model histories 1. Select Export Model Histories from the Advanced > Durability tool ribbon. 2. Select a result case and a part in that case and choose either ASCII or Nastran format and provide a file path for the saved output file. 3. Click OK.

Export Nodal Strength

Export Nodal Strength

This feature provides a means to export stress and/or strain for a given flexible part, simulation run, and list of nodes.

Description of Fields
Field Result Part Output Stress Output Strain File Path Load Data for XY Charting Sample form Description Field that selects a result case for the history export. Field that selects a part for the modal history export. Checkbox that enables stress output for the .csv file. Checkbox that enables strain output for the .csv file. Field that specifies the file path for the .csv file to be exported Checkbox that enables loading of the data into the chart editor to produce an XY plot of the stress or strain data.

To export nodal strength 1. Select Export Nodal Strength from the Advanced > Durability tool ribbon. 2. Select a Result case and a Part in that case, choose whether to output stress and/or strain, and provide a file path for the saved output file. 3. Click OK.

System and Controls 295

Export Nodal Strength

System and Controls

SC Interface

SC Interface
This interface allows users to import an Actuator Interface via a DLL exported from either the Systems and Controls workspace, or from Matlab RTW.

Description of Fields
Definition Fields Name Mode Setup Proxy Description Field that specifies the ASCII text name for the interface object. Populated with SCInterface_# by default. Drop-down that allows you to select Setup, Proxy, or Library mode. The default mode is Setup. The Setup mode will let a user define the names for inputs/outputs of the system, and export a INF or m file. The Proxy mode will let users enter an ADAMS/solver expression for each system output and drive the motion model via open loop control. Note that in Setup mode the object will have no impact on the simulation The Library mode is used when the external system is available. In this mode the number of inputs & outputs is read from the .dll and not editable by the user. Option button that allows you to select Mirror, Translate, or Rotate transformation. Field that lists the number of inputs for the selected interface (N_INPUTS). This number must be greater than or equal to 1. This field is read-only if Mode =Library and is set based on library. Default = 1 Outputs Field that lists the number of outputs for the selected interface (N_OUTPUTS). This number must be greater than or equal to 1. This field is read-only if Mode =Library and is set based on library. Default = 1

Library Configuration Inputs

System and Controls 297

SC Interface

Inputs Fields Name Output type Motion Output/Expression Scale Factor Description Column that lists the name of the input to the SC Interface. Drop-down that allows you to select Object Measure or Expression. Column that specifies the motion output or solver expression that will be used to define this interface input. Field that specifies a scale factor that the motion output or expression is multiplied by in the interface.

Outputs Fields Name Description Column that lists the name of the output from the SC Interface. This name is set from a newly read library if the name is in the library, otherwise it defaults to a generic name. The user is always able to modify this name. Apply Signal Checkbox that selects whether to apply controller signal in motion model. This field enabled when apply signal in model toggle is true. The following object types can be selected:
Applied Force Applied Torque Vector Force Vector Torque General Force Joint Motion Single Point Motion State Variable

Actuated Objects

Column that specifies direction. This field visible only when objects of type Vector Force, Vector Torque, or General Force are selected For Vector Force and Vector Torque, choices are "X", "Y", and "Z" For General Force, choices are "FX", "FY", "FZ", "TX", "TY", "TZ"

Scale Factor

Field that specifies a scale factor that the signal is multiplied by in the interface.

SC Interface

Parameters Fields Parameter Name Description Value Default value Range Unit Requests Fields Request Name Description Unit Type Unit Read only field displaying the unique name for each of the outputs calculated by the Actuator Object (dll). Read only field that contains a description string for the output. Read only field displaying the unit type for the output. (Heat, Position, %, etc.) Read only field that displays the unit string used for the output, of the type specified in the field above. Description Column that lists the names of the parameters that are available to be modified in the Motion Workspace. Field that contains a string describing the particular parameter in more detail (obtained by querying DLL). Column that allows the user to change parameter values from the default values subject to the allowable range. Column that displays the values of these parameters as in the model. Column that controls the allowable values for the respective parameter. Column that specifies units for the respective parameter.

Simulation Fields Static Hold Continuous States Library Default User Specified Defaults Discrete States Library Default Description Checkbox that enables Static Hold. Option button that selects whether continuous state initial conditions will be defined by the library or the user. The initial conditions supplied with the library will be used. The user may specify continuous state initial conditions that are separate from those in the library file using a table editor. Button that resets the table editor values for the user specified initial conditions to those specified in the library. Option button that selects whether discrete state initial conditions will be defined by the library or the user. The initial conditions supplied with the library will be used.

System and Controls 299

SC Interface

Fields User Specified Defaults

Description The user may specify discrete state initial conditions that are separate from those in the library file using a table editor. Button that resets the table editor values for the user specified initial conditions to those specified in the library.

Comments The comments field allows you to specify comments regarding an individual object. These comments persist in the SimXpert database and are written to the .adm solver file. Each line of text will be sent to the adm file preceded with an exclamation point to indicate a comment. Sample form

To define systems and controls interface 1. Select SC Interface from the Advanced > Systems & Controls tool ribbon. 2. Define a Name, Mode, Input and Output configuration for the systems and controls interface. 3. Click OK.

CS Plant state

CS Plant state
Description of Fields
Fields Name Coordinate System 1 Coordinate System 2 Reference System Component Description Field that specifies a name for the state variable. Blank by default Coordinate system to be used for the state variable. Second coordinate system used for translational components. Coordinate system which the motion of the coordinate system will be reported relative to for the state variable. Drop-down that allows you to select the component of the coordinate system to be exported as a state variable. Available options are:
X Y Z Magnitude AX AY AZ

Sample form

To create a state variable 1. Select CS Plant State from the Advanced > Systems & Controls tool ribbon. 2. Enter a Name for the state and select an existing Coordinate System and component.

System and Controls 301

CS Plant state

3. Click OK.

Plant Export

Plant Export
Exports Easy 5 or Matlab files for controls scenarios. This Action writes INF or M files for SimXpert Systems and Controls, Easy 5, or Simulink integration. Options to create SCInterface object, export ADM file, and define co-simulation initialization commands.

System and Controls 303

Plant Export

Description of Fields
Fields Mode Existing SCInterface Description Drop-down that selects the source of the plant information to be exported. An existing SCInterface that has already been defined in the model may be selected for plant export in the available field.

Existing Signals Tables are available to select input signals to the motion model and output signals from the motion model to be used to define the plant to be exported. Existing Pinput and Poutput Create SCInterface Object Target Output File Export ADAMS Model File (ADM) Fields are available to select previously defined input and output objects from the model. Checkbox that enables creation of an SCInterface object from the inputs and outputs that you selected for export. Available if the mode is set to Existing Signals or Existing Pinput and Poutput. Option button that selects between Easy 5 / Systems and Controls Workspace or Simulink output. Field that specifies the file path to the output file. Checkbox that enables output of an Adams model file (.adm extension) along with the plant export.

Plant Export

Sample form

To export plant files 1. Select Plant Export from the Advanced > Systems & Controls tool ribbon. 2. Select a source for the plant information to be exported and define a target file type, output file name, and whether to export the ADM model as well or to specify co-simulation solver initialization commands. 3. Click OK.

System and Controls 305

Plant Input

Plant Input
Defines a set of inputs (state variables) to the mechanical system.

Description of Fields
Fields Name State Variables Description Field that specifies the name for the plant input. Populated with PInput# by default. Table of state variables in the model that serve as inputs to the plant during a linear simulation.

Sample form

To define plant inputs 1. Select Plant Input from the Advanced > Systems & Controls tool ribbon. 2. Enter a Name for the plant input and define a table of State Variables for the input. 3. Click OK.

Plant Output

Plant Output
Defines a set of output (state variables) from the mechanical system.

Description of Fields
Fields Name State Variables Description Field that specifies the name for the plant output. Populated with POutput# by default. Table of state variables in the model that serve as outputs from the plant during a linear simulation.

Sample form

To define plant outputs 1. Select Plant Output from the Advanced > Systems & Controls tool ribbon. 2. Enter a Name for the plant output and define a table of state variables for the output. 3. Click OK.

System and Controls 307

Plant State

Plant State
Defines a set of states (variables) to be used in the linearization of a system.

Description of Fields
Fields Name State Variables Sample form Description Field that specifies the name for the plant state. Populated with PState# by default. Table of state variables to be used in linearizing the system.

To define plant state 1. Select Plant State from the Advanced > Systems & Controls tool ribbon. 2. Enter a Name for the plant state and define a table of State Variables. 3. Click OK.

Plant State

Templates 285



Refreshes the list of locally available templates and populates the Template tool ribbon. The paths to be searched for template can be set in User Options.

Templates 287

Browse the SimXpert Database. To browse the SimXpert database: 1. Browse the local system to locate a template to execute. 2. Select a template and click Open. The Template Execution window then opens. 3. Run the template in the Template Execution window.

Batch Run

Batch Run
Run a locally saved SimTemplate with options to manage files and data through SimXpert.

Templates 289
Batch Run

Description of Fields
Fields New Open Save Copy Paste Run Stop Close / Exit Sample form Description Clears the batch execution input table. Opens a *.csv file containing batch execution input data. Save the current template, along with the supplied input parameter values for later execution. Copy rows or cells of the table to the clipboard. Paste the clipboard contents at the cursor. Run the template in match execution mode. All inputs must be defined in the CSV or connected to outputs from other actions. No prompting will occur. Click Stop icon to halt execution. Cannot resume execution once stopped. Closes the Batch Execution window.

To run the local template: 1. Select a Batch input file *csv containing the input values for the template. 2. Select a Template file that corresponds to the selected batch input file. 3. Stores the outputs of batch execution. Populated automatically

Batch Run

4. Save a snapshot of the Template after each execution. (Select if desired.) 5. Edit the table to define Inputs for batch execution. The first row contains input parameter names. Each additional row is for one run of the template, and contains values to be inputted to the template. Each column is an input parameter to the template. 6. Save the modified CSV file. 7. Click Run to start. The Template will run successive iterations without stopping. All inputs must be defined up front in the CSV file.

Templates 291
Retrieve and Run Template

Retrieve and Run Template

To retrieve a Template from SimXpert and run it locally, unmanaged. The outputs of the template will not be published to SimXpert and a Process object will not be created. To retrieve and run the published template 1. Select a SimXpert Template from the table. Can be sorted by clicking a column heading. 2. Click Submit to run the selected Template in the Template Execution window.

Retrieve and Run Template

Gravity 195



The properties form for the gravity item in the tree allows you to define gravity for the model. You can specify the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of gravity. Application You may specify a positive or negative direction along any of the global axes, or you may specify a unique direction. Unique directions may be necessary if the model is oriented such that gravity acts in a direction other than one of the global axes, as in the case of a car on a banked track. The magnitude may be modified to any desired value to accommodate situations with non-standard gravitational acceleration. This could be useful in accounting for variations in gravitational acceleration with altitude or modeling situations where the model is subject to some other constant acceleration. For each part with mass, the gravitational force produces a point force at its center of mass.

Description of Fields
Field Active Direction Description Check box that elects whether gravity is enabled for the model. Selected by default. Direction in which gravitational acceleration will act. Available options include the positive and negative directions along each axis, as well as a custom option which allows you to enter components of gravity along each axis. Allows you to specify the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration. If the custom direction option is chosen, the magnitude will be calculated as the resultant of the acceleration in each axis direction. Resets all gravity fields to their default values.



Gravity 197

Sample Form

To modify gravity properties 1. Right click on the Gravity object in the tree and select Properties. 2. If you want to disable gravity, you may clear the Active check box. 3. Choose a direction in which gravity will act. You may choose from the positive or negative direction along any axis, or select Custom to define another direction. 4. If you chose to select a custom direction, enter the components of gravity in each axis direction. The resultant magnitude will be calculated for you. 5. If you selected an axis direction, you may modify the magnitude of the acceleration using the magnitude field. 6. Click OK to modify the gravity properties.


Simulation Preferences 199

Simulation Preferences


The simulation preferences form allows you to control how the solver operates. This form is divided into four sections: Dynamics, Equilibrium, Initial Conditions, and Contact.

Simulation Preferences 201


The dynamics tab located under simulation preferences allows you to specify parameters that affect the integrator and dynamic solution of the model. The form is separated into two groups: Integrator and Integration Parameters. Integrator Group The integrator is an algorithm that solves the differential equations of motion over an interval of time during a dynamic simulation. SimXpert lets you select from the GSTIFF (Gear Stiff) and WSTIFF (Modified Gear) integrators when you customize how the solver solves equations of motion. The default is the GSTIFF integrator.
GSTIFF is based on the DIFSUB integrator. GSTIFF is the most widely-used and tested

integrator in SimXpert. It is a variable-order, variable-step and multi-step integrator with a maximum integration order of six. The BDF coefficients it uses are calculated by assuming that the step size of the model is mostly constant. Thus, when the step size changes in this integrator, a small error is introduced in the solution.
WSTIFF is a stiffly stable, BDF-based, variable-order, variable-step, multi-step integrator. It has

a maximum order of six. The BDF coefficients it uses are a function of the integrator step size. Thus, when the step size changes in this integrator, the BDF coefficients change. WSTIFF can change step size without any loss of accuracy, which helps problems run more smoothly. Next, you may select the type of formulation used by the solver. The available options are I3, SI2, and SI1. The default formulation is I3. The corrector entry specifies the corrector algorithm that is to be used with the stiff integrators. Original and Modified correctors are available, as described below:
Original - Specifies that the corrector available in the previous releases of the solver be used.

This is the default. This implementation of the corrector requires that at convergence, the error in all solution variables be less than the corrector error tolerance.
Modified - Specifies that a modified corrector is to be used. This implementation of the corrector

requires that at convergence, the error in only those variables for which integration error is being monitored, be less than the corrector error tolerance. This is a slightly looser definition of convergence, and you should use proper care when using this. The modified corrector is helpful for models containing discontinuities in the forcing functions. Problems with contacts belong in this category. Finally, you may set Interpolate to Yes when you don't want the integrator to control the integration stepsize to precisely hit an output step. The integrator might then overshoot an output point and in this case an interpolation algorithm will provide an approximation of the solution at the output point. This approximation is then refined to provide for the consistent solution at the output point. The default for Interpolate is No.


Integration Parameters Group The error field allows you to specify the relative and absolute local integration error tolerances that the integrator must satisfy at each step. The initial step size allows you to enter the initial time step that the integrator attempts. The default is 1/20 of the output step. For the maximum step size, enter the maximum time step that the integrator is allowed to take. When setting the Interpolate option, the integration step size is limited to the value that is specified for HMAX. If HMAX is not defined, no limit is placed on the integration step size. If you do not set the Interpolate option, the maximum step size is limited to the output step. The minimum step size specifies the minimum time step that the integrator is allowed to take. Under maximum iterations, enter the maximum number of iterations allowed for the Newton-Raphson iterations to converge to the solution of the nonlinear equations. For the integration order, specify the maximum order that the integrator can use. The order of integration refers to the order of the polynomials used in the solution. The integrator controls the order of the integration and the step size, and, therefore, controls the local integration error at each step so that it is less than the error tolerance specified. The pattern field indicates the pattern of trues and falses for reevaluating the Jacobian matrix for NewtonRaphson.
A value of true (T) indicates that the solver is evaluating a new Jacobian matrix for that iteration.

A value of false (such as PATTERN=F) turns on the adaptive Jacobian evaluation algorithm. The evaluation of the integration Jacobian is then only done when needed. The algorithm determines a corrector convergence speed and based on this value, it extrapolates the configuration of the system after MAXIT iterations. The Jacobian is updated if the algorithm indicates that the convergence rate is too slow for the corrector to meet the convergence criteria. Overall, this approach is expected to result in fewer Jacobian evaluations, which in turn can lead to shorter simulation times.

Simulation Preferences 203


PATTERN accepts a sequence of at least one character string and not more than 10 character strings. Each string must be either TRUE or FALSE, which you can abbreviate with T or F. You must separate the strings with colons.

Field Error Initial Step Size Maximum Step Size Minimum Step Size Maximum Iterations Integration Order Pattern

Description The relative and absolute local integration error tolerances that the integrator must satisfy at each step. HINIT Range: 0 < HMIN <= HINIT <= HMAX HMAX Range: 0 < HMIN <= HINIT <= HMAX Default:1.0E-6*HMAX Range: 0 < HMIN <= HINIT <= HMAX MAXIT Default: 10 Range: MAXIT > 0 KMAX Default: 6 Range: 1 <= KMAX <= 6 Default: T:F:F:F:T:F:F:F:T:F


The equilibrium tab located under simulation preferences allows you to specify parameters that affect the equilibrium solution of the model. The error field specifies the relative correction convergence threshold. The iterative process carried out during the equilibrium analysis can not converge prior to all relevant relative corrections being smaller than this value. The translational limit specifies the maximum translational increment allowed per iteration during static simulations. The angular limit specifies the maximum angular increment allowed per iteration. The maximum iterations field specifies the maximum number of iterations allowed for finding static equilibriums. The stability field specifies the fraction of the mass and damping matrices the solver adds to the stiffness matrix. Adding a fraction of the mass and damping matrices to the stiffness matrix can stabilize the iteration process and prevent the iteration from diverging. The imbalance field specifies the equation imbalance convergence threshold. The iterative process carried out during the equilibrium analysis can not converge prior to each equation imbalance being smaller than this value. The pattern field allows you to specify as many as ten character strings that together establish the pattern for evaluating the Jacobian matrix during the modified Newton-Raphson iteration. For each iteration, T or TRUE indicates that the solver evaluates the Jacobian and F or FALSE indicates that the solver does not evaluate the Jacobian. Thus, cj determines whether or not the solver evaluates the Jacobian at the jth iteration. If necessary, the solver repeats the pattern of evaluations until it reaches the maximum number of iterations (MAXIT). The number of Ts or TRUEs and Fs or FALSEs together must be at least one and no more than ten.

Field Error Translational Limit Angular Limit

Description ERROR Default: 1.0E-04 Range: ERROR > 0 TLIMIT Default: 20 Range: TLIMIT > 0 ALIMIT Default: 10D Range: ALIMIT > 0

Simulation Preferences 205


Field Maximum Iterations Stability Imbalance Pattern

Description MAXIT Default: 25 Range: MAXIT > 0 Default: 1.0E-05 Range: Stability >= 0 Default: 0 Range: Imbalance > 0 Default: T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T Which evaluates the Jacobian at every iteration (for example, the unmodified Newton-Raphson algorithm).

Initial Conditions

Initial Conditions
The initial conditions tab located under simulation preferences allows you to specify parameters that affect the initial condition solution of the model. The Error field allows you to specify the maximum displacement error the solver is to allow for the assembly process. The translational limit field allows you to specify the maximum translational increment the solver is to allow while testing trial solutions during a solution step. The angular limit field allows you to specify the maximum angular increment the solver is to allow while testing trial solutions for a set of consistent initial conditions that satisfy all system constraints. The default units for ALIMIT are radians. To specify ALIMIT in degrees, add a D after the value. Under maximum iterations, you may specify the maximum number of iterations the solver is to allow for finding displacements during initial conditions, or when reconciling displacement output. The max acceleration error field allows you to specify the maximum acceleration error the solver is to allow during an initial conditions solution or for reconciling acceleration output. The max acceleration iterations field allows you to specify the maximum number of iterations the solver is to allow for finding accelerations during an initial conditions solution or for reconciling acceleration output. The pattern fields specify as many as ten character strings that together establish the pattern for evaluating the Jacobian matrix during the modified Newton-Raphson solution for the displacements and accelerations. For each iteration, T or TRUE indicates that the solver is to evaluate the Jacobian, and F or FALSE indicates that the solver is not to evaluate the Jacobian. Thus, cj determines whether or not the solver is to evaluate the Jacobian at the jth iteration. If necessary, the solver repeats the pattern of evaluation until it reaches the maximum number of iterations (MAXIT for displacements or AMAXIT for accelerations). The number of T's or TRUE's and F's or FALSE's together must be at least one and no more than 10.

Field Error Translational Limit Angular Limit Maximum Iterations

Description ERROR Default: 1.0E-10 Range: ERROR > 0 TLIMIT Default: 1.0E10 (no limit) Range: TLIMIT > 0 ALIMIT Default: 30D Range: ALIMIT > 0 MAXIT Default: 25 Range: MAXIT > 0

Simulation Preferences 207

Initial Conditions

Field Max Acceleration Error Max Acceleration Iterations Acceleration Pattern Pattern

Description AERROR Default: 1.0E-4 Range: AERROR > 0 AMAXIT Default: 25 Range: AMAXIT > 0 Default: T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T Which means the solver is evaluating the Jacobian at every iteration. Default: T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T:T Which means the solver is evaluating the Jacobian at every iteration.


The contacts tab located under simulation preferences allows you specify how surfaces of solid parts will be represented in order to model contact. Faceting is the process of approximating the surface of an object by a mesh of triangles. All polygonbased geometry engines used faceted representations of surfaces. The default value Faceting Tolerances is 300. Increasing this value will result in a finer mesh of triangles, which gives a more accurate representation of surfaces, which are curved. Increasing the tolerance, however, also increases the memory requirements of the geometry engine and adds to the computational overhead, which makes it run slower. Setting the faceting tolerance to values greater than 1000 is not recommended. Values smaller than 300 will give negligible performance improvements. The faceting tolerance has no effect on inherently polygonal surfaces such as boxes. You have a slider bar to adjust the current value between the lower and upper limits.

Field Current Value Lower Limit Upper Limit

Description Current value for faceting tolerance. Default: 300 The lower limit for the faceting tolerance in the slider bar. Default: 300 The upper limit for the faceting tolerance in the slider bar. Default:1000

Example Simulation 219

Example Simulation


This example shows the simulation of a piston and cylinder assembly subject to specific motion. The example covers many simulation topics, including importing geometry, creating hardpoints, creating various types of joints, and imposing motion. By following the steps below, you may complete a sample simulation and learn the key aspects of motion simulation.

Example Simulation 221

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

1. Enter the Motion Workspace. 2. Import the connecting rod geometry. File / Import / Parasolid. Select the file from the SimXpert installation directory: \WINNT\plugins\MSC\Motion\examples\geometry\motion_tutorial_102\conrod.x_t Click Open. 3. Create the connecting rod part. Components / Part. Enter conrod as the part Name. Click in the Geometry field and select the imported connecting rod geometry from the canvas. Click OK. 4. Import the crankshaft geometry. File / Import / Parasolid. Select the file from the SimXpert installation directory: \WINNT\plugins\MSC\Motion\examples\geometry\motion_tutorial_102\crankshaft.x_t Click Open. 5. Create the crankshaft part. Components / Part. Enter crankshaft as the part Name. Click in the Geometry field and select the imported crankshaft geometry from the canvas. Click OK. 6. Import the piston geometry. File / Import / Parasolid. Select the file from the SimXpert installation directory: \WINNT\plugins\MSC\Motion\examples\geometry\motion_tutorial_102\piston.x_t Click Open. 7. Create the piston part. Components / Part. Enter piston as the part Name. Click in the Geometry field and select the imported piston geometry from the canvas. Click OK. 8. Import the engine block geometry. File / Import / Parasolid.

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

Select the file from the SimXpert installation directory: \WINNT\plugins\MSC\Motion\examples\geometry\motion_tutorial_102\engineblock.x_t Click Open. 9. Create the engine block part. Components / Part. Enter engineblock as the part Name. Select the Ground checkbox. Click in the Geometry field and select the imported engine block geometry from the canvas. Click OK. 10. Create a hard point. Components / Hardpoint. Enter CrankPivotHP as the hardpoint Name. Select Single. Enter value for X location: -0.3965 Enter value for Y location: -0.30225 Enter value for Z location: 0.314 Click OK. 11. Create another hard point. Components / Hardpoint. Enter CrankToRodHP as the hardpoint Name. Select Single. Enter value for X location: -0.4765 Enter value for Y location: -0.30225 Enter value for Z location: 0.314 Click OK. 12. Create another hard point. Components / Hardpoint. Enter RodToPistonHP as the hardpoint Name. Select Single. Enter value for X location: -0.3965 Enter value for Y location: -0.108 Enter value for Z location: 0.314 Click OK. 13. Create another hard point.

Example Simulation 223

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

Components / Hardpoint. Enter PistonSlideHP as the hardpoint Name. Select Single. Enter value for X location: -0.3965 Enter value for Y location: 0 Enter value for Z location: 0.314 Click OK. 14. Create a cylindrical joint. Connections / Cylindrical. Enter CrankPivot as the Connector name. Click in the Part1 field and select crankshaft from the tree. Click in the Part2 field and select engineblock from the tree. Select Define Location Using Hardpoint. Click in the Hardpoint field and select CrankPivotHP from the tree. Select Global under Define Orientation Using. Click OK. 15. Create a spherical joint. Connections / Spherical. Enter CrankToRod as the Connector name. Click in the Part1 field and select crankshaft from the tree. Click in the Part2 field and select conrod from the tree. Select Define Location Using Hardpoint. Click in the Hardpoint field and select CrankToRodHP from the tree. Click OK. 16. Create a revolute joint. Connections / Revolute. Enter RodToPiston as the Connector name. Click in the Part1 field and select conrod from the tree. Click in the Part2 field and select piston from the tree. Select Define Location Using Hardpoint. Click in the Hardpoint field and select RodToPistonHP from the tree. Select Global under Define Orientation Using. Click OK. 17. Create a translational joint.

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

Connections / Translational. Enter PistonSlide as the Connector name. Click in the Part1 field and select piston from the tree. Click in the Part2 field and select engineblock from the tree. Select Define Location Using Hardpoint. Click in the Hardpoint field and select PistonSlideHP from the tree. Select User Specified under Define Orientation Using. Enter value for the Rotation 1 Euler angle: 0 Enter value for the Rotation 2 Euler angle: 90 Enter value for the Rotation 3 Euler angle: 0 Click OK. 18. Create a motion. Motions / Add Motion. Enter Motion_1 for the name. Click in the Joint Name field and select CrankPivot from the tree. Select Rotate Z as the Freedom. Select Displacement as the Motion Type. Select Step as the Function Type. Enter 0 as the Initial Value. Enter 14400 as the Final Value. Enter 0 as the Start Step Time. Enter 8 as the End Step Time. 19. Perform the Simulation. Simulation / Simulation. Enter 4 as the End Time. Enter 400 as the Number of Steps. Click the Begin Model Simulation icon. 20. Once the simulation has completed, view an animation of the results. Results / Animation. Click the Play Animation button. 21. Chart the position of the piston versus time. Results / Chart. Select the simulation that you completed earlier. Select piston as the Entity.

Example Simulation 225

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

Select Y as the Quantity. Click Add Curves. This plots the Y position of the piston versus time. 22. Chart the Y position of the conrod versus its X position. Results / Chart Click Clear Chart. Select the Independent Data Browser. Clear the checkbox for Time. Select the simulation. Select conrod as the Entity. Select X as the Quantity. Select the Dependent Data Browser. Select conrod as the Entity. Select Y as the Quantity. Click Add Curves. This plots the path of the center of mass of the conrod during the simulation.

Piston and Cylinder Assembly

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