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Elections 2008 Mr.

Edmund Burke: “Government, and a free

government, are two different things...”

No one to Vote For

Vol. 1 No 1 October 2008 Compliments of

Pierre Trudeau: Founding Father

of the Parti Québécois

1967: Trudeau's Plan

to "fight" separatism:
Create a separatist party, -and-
Encourage separatism so radical
that it becomes "shocking"

Dateline Canada―1967: Just a few months

before his election as Prime Minister of
Canada in 1968, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was Right: Pierre Trudeau at the Liberal Leadership Convention 1968.
part of a "secret committee" run by business,
which deliberately escalated Quebec Quebec law (Bill 150) compelling a referendum to
separatism so that Trudeau could be seen break up Canada no later than 1992. By now, Canadians
"fighting separatists." are so mesmerized that no one requests judicial review.

Of course, the second referendum might fail, like the first,

or, in the event of a Yes, might run afoul of the existing
Prior to Trudeau, the separatist movement was dispersed
Constitution which prohibits secession by numerous mea-
and divided. But, as we shall see, Trudeau's "secret com-
sures, not the least of which is the oath of allegiance.
mittee" deliberately unified and beefed up separatism
Therefore, time to change the Constitution: the Charlotte-
under the banner of the Parti Québécois, and gave it res-
town Accord becomes the staging ground for a national
pectability and power.
referendum. This Accord incorporates features of interna-
tional law (unbeknownst to Canadians) intended to facili-
Throughout Trudeau's incumbency, separatism continued
tate the break-up of Canada. Notably, the Badinter Applic-
to escalate. The Parti Québécois took 7 seats in its first
able Standards, invented by the Badinter commission of
elections in 1970, followed shortly thereafer by FLQ kid-
1991 to determine which parts of the crumbling Yugo-
nappings, an assassination and War Measures. Oddly
slavia will receive international recognition as independent
enough, Trudeau himself was a close friend of Pierre Vall-
states. Those "Standards" are: "democracy," "federalism,"
ières, philosopher king and theoretician of the FLQ, who
"rule of law," and "protection of minorities". The Badinter
wrote for Trudeau's magazine, Cité Libre. In addition, the
Commission on Yugoslavia reported in early 1992; its
FLQ terrorist group was founded by Communist revolu-
"Applicable Standards" magically appear in the Charlotte-
tionary, Fidel Castro who trained Georges Schoeters to set
town Accord on 28 August 1992. They were added iron-
it up. As we know, Castro and Trudeau were life-long
ically as the "Canada clause" at section 2.(1), but were
friends, with Castro attending Trudeau's funderal in 2000.
absent from prior Charlottetown drafts of September 1991
At the height of the 1970 October Crisis, Trudeau's federal
and 28 February 1992.
government "negotiated" with Castro for the safe haven in
Cuba of FLQ kidnappers whom Trudeau later refused to
Canadians, including a higher majority of Quebecers,
extradite on learning they had gone to Paris.
rejected the Charlottetown Accord in October of 1992.
But, not to worry, by 1995, Quebec City lawyer, Guy
In 1976, the Parti Québécois was elected to power on the
Bertrand, former "constitutional" advisor to René Léves-
platform of a referendum to break up Canada, "sug-
que on "Sovereignty Association" (the EU for Canada), is
gested" to Lévesque by Trudeau. In 1977, Trudeau got
scamming at Superior Court. Letters fly from him in all
things rolling by challenging Lévesque to hold the refer-
directions apparently begging provincial and federal Exec-
endum, and then by leading the preparations from the
utives for a Reference to the Supreme Court of Canada on
Prime Minister's Office.
the 1995 referendum. This clever move once again neatly
evades all risk of judicial review in the very proceedings
As there is no power in the Consti-
filed by Bertrand, while his letters "begging" the Liberal
tution of Canada for any province to
Prime Minister and the Parti Québécois Executives conceal
secede, constitutional lawyer Pierre
the fact that those he is begging are in fact his mens rea
Trudeau placed himself above the
colleagues in the take-down of Canada. The Secession
Constitution by tabling but never
Reference is to be a part of the scam.
enacting the first Bill in federal Parl-
iament to make it appear that René
The fate of Canada is now in the hands of three decades
Lévesque had the power to hold the
of judges appointed by Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Jean Chré-
referendum. But, provincial powers
tien, and most notably, NAFTA's Brian Mulroney, every
do not come from Federal Parliament. They come from
one of whom was originally a direct employee of Power
section 92 of the British North America Act of 1867, where
Corporation: in other words, the same multinational corp-
there is manifestly no power to secede. This loudly publi-
oration operating Trudeau's "secret committee" in 1967 to
cized Bill of Trudeau's gave the appearance of legality to
crank up separatism so that Trudeau could "fight it" and
the criminally illegal plan of Trudeau and Lévesque to
break up Canada for "Sovereignty Association"―the
legal and political regime of the European Union disguised
What Canadians rejected in a "clear" vote in 1992 will be
as Quebec separatism.
forced upon the Constitution by the Supreme Court of
Canada via Jean Chrétien's Order-in-Council PC 1996-
Cleverly, the Bill was never enacted, and therefore the
1497 of 30 September 1996. Badinter's Applicable Stan-
1980 referendum went ahead on the strength of Pierre
dards have graduated. They are now called the "Copen-
Elliott Trudeau's media personality as a phoney federalist
hagen Criteria", adopted in 1993 as the political criteria
pretending to fight separatists. As there was no law
for admission of candidate states to the European Union.
enacted, there was no risk of judicial review which would
The Supreme Court of Canada pretends to "discover" them
have struck it down, and there would never have been a
in the Constitution; though, if they were already there,
single illegal referendum to break up Canada.
why did they have to be voted on in October of 1992?
And, as they were rejected in 1992, how could the Court
To ensure the success of the breakup, Trudeau announced
then "find" them in 1998 after two long years of mock-
―before the 1980 referendum―that another would be
trials on the phoney "unilateral secession" of Quebec?
held in 15 years if the first failed. And, indeed, 1980 failed
First of all, "unilateral secession" is a coup d'état.
and 1995 was held. Now, taking the reins from Trudeau,
Secondly, those who have been withdrawing Quebec from
Quebec Liberal Premier Robert Bourassa in 1991 enacts a
Canada by decades of hostage negotiations have not been
Elections 2008
Mr. Edmund Burke: “Government, and a free
government, are two different things...”

No one to Vote For

Vol. 1 No 1 October 2008 Compliments of
Continued from p. 1 col. 2:
recent conference of the "États généraux" and
doing it alone: they have encouraged them to take a position on separatism so
been steered by the Liberals radical that it became shocking", explained Frénette,
who are owned and opera- according to the summary made by Bittner.
ted by Paul Desmarais and
Power Corporation, who are In fact, the États généraux, presided over by a university
agents in Canada for David professor, Jacques-Yvan Morin, made considerable clamor
Rockefeller's Trilateral Com- adopting the hard-line separatist platform. The radicalism of
mission and the Bilderberg the debates and the marginalization of the francophone
Group, two organizations delegations from outside Quebec even earned them the
bent on replacing sovereign epithet "anti-democratic" from director of Le Devoir, Claude
nations by a one-world gov- Ryan. Manipulation or not, the analysts of the INR, far from
ernment ruled by multina- concluding that discredit had been thrown over the notion
tional corporations. of independence, determined that the adherence of the
États généraux to the tenets of hard-line separatists "added
Meanwhile, Prime Minister flair to the separatist cause", notably among "the lower
Chrétien also flouts the middle classes" where they recruit their troops. [...]
democratic "No" to Charlot-
tetown with a resolution Questioned some twenty years later [by author Lisée], Fré-
Paul Desmarais, Sr. of Power
Corporation in 1967 declaring Quebec a "disinct nette confirmed "to 90%" [the accuracy] of the remarks
society", which, unknown to attributed to him by the diplomat. Frénette qualified, how-
ever, that the "Committee was not so secret". At first, a
Canadians, is also a requirement of international law for think tank for federal reformers, then a place to discuss
Quebec's future recognition as an independent state.
strategy where Pierre Trudeau's team took shape, the
Committee's dozen members met every Friday night in
Are we beginning to get the picture?
Frénette's office at Power Corporation. Paul Desmarais's
right arm then confirmed the strategy of polarizing Que-
And Now, Trudeau's 1967 "Secret Committee": bec's political debate and acknowledged the interventions of
In 1990, author-journalist Jean-François Lisée published a the Committee with the États généraux and with the
master work of political research1 in which he uncovered Quebec Liberal Party.— END TRANSLATION.
diplomatic notes exposing a "secret committee" formed and
controlled by Power Corporation and comprised of federal [HCC: In other words, Frénette had admitted the secret
ministers from Quebec in the Lester Pearson government, committee's plan to turn soft nationalists radical, and for
as well as others. Lévesque to leave the Liberals to form his own party: the
Parti Québécois to promote "Sovereignty Association".]
The stated aim of the secret committee―as explained to
the American diplomat and confirmed by Lisée 20 years
later when he spoke by phone with Claude Frénette of Would American diplomats really have believed this "secret"
Power Corporation who had hosted the secret meet- Committee (and it was secret enough on Power Corporation
ings―was to "defeat" separatism. Within that Committee, premises at night) had been formed to "defeat" separatism?
Pierre Elliott Trudeau's election team would be formed. Obviously, these Committee men were cranking up
separatism so they could use it for their own ends.
Here is HCC's English translation from the French text of
Lisée's non-fiction book, Dans L'Oeil de L'Aigle (In the Eye Those ends were the unification of North America.
of the Eagle), taken from pages 104-106. TRANSLATION: "Sovereignty Association" always was and still is a scam
to force Quebecers to vote to break up Canada, for
"By chance, the American diplomats stumble over under- attachment to the US and Mexico, under the legal and
ground work the Liberals are doing to check separatism. In political regime of the European Union.
January 1968, the economic adviser to the American
Embassy, Edward Bittner, undertakes a series of interviews It was therefore clever of this Committee—realizing that
on the economic impact of separatism. He visits Quebec Canadians would never give up their country to the EU sys-
functionaries and American businessmen and meets a tem favoured by Business—to "polarize" separatist opinion
director of Power Corporation, Claude Frénette, who by radicalizing soft nationalists, while sending Lévesque out
makes the following revelations: of the Liberals to gather up all brands of local "separatism"
under one umbrella, not to "defeat" them, but to consoli-
According to Frénette, who is Paul Desmarais's right arm date them into a battering ram and propel them in one
and a Liberal figure close to Trudeau, "the separatist threat direction, driving "Sovereignty Association" forward to the
is serious but is no longer irreversible". "Inside the [federal] break-up of Canada. Very apparently, business is control-
Liberal Party", he explains, "a secret committee has ling our government, and is staging political incidents
been formed in order to defeat separatism. The Com- required to trigger a Yes in a final referendum.
mittee, which includes federal ministers from Quebec such
as [Jean] Marchand, [Pierre Elliott] Trudeau and In 2005, former "separatist" Premier Pierre-Marc Johnson,
[Maurice] Sauvé, has adopted a multi-step plan which, for one-time successor to René Lévesque, signed the "Building
the moment, is unfolding as expected." Prior to his being A North American Community" blueprint of the Canadian
recruited by Paul Desmarais, Frénette had been an aide to Council of Chief Executives, to irrevocably merge the land-
Minister Sauvé. mass, people and resources of Canada into the USA and
Mexico to form a single, continental super-state with a new
The October Liberal convention, said Frénette―was the currency called the Amero. That plan is being implemented
scene of the first step of the plan―"the Committee encour- NOW, with a target completion date of 2010. And, of
aged René Lévesque and his sympathisers both inside course, not a word in these federal elections of 2008, which
and outside the Quebec Liberal Party to form a distinct are intended to be the LAST for CANADA. Whoever wins,
political party which would be beaten flat in an election. takes Canada down into North American Union.
The theory went that Lévesque would be less dangerous
outside the Liberal Party than inside it." READ MORE AT:

In November, the second step was to use the meeting of HABEAS CORPUS CANADA
the États généraux du Canada français, a conservative THE OFFICIAL LEGAL CHALLENGE TO NORTH
nationalist organization, to score another point against sep- AMERICAN UNION
aratism. "Intending to discredit the separatist inclinations of Please go online and contribute to
the "États généraux", heavily influenced by the Société St- the Legal Support Fund
Jean-Baptiste du Québec, the Committee infiltrated the to help defray research and preparation costs
______________ of these proceedings.
[FN 1] Dans L'Oeil de L'Aigle, Washington face au Québec WAKE UP NOW, AND STAND UP FOR CANADA
by Jean-François Lisée, Boréal, 1990.

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