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The education system has suffered many modifications with the time as the students have changed, but alongside of them the technology has advanced too, thats why was necessary changing the system to teach to the todays students. Todays students K through college represent the first generations to grow up with this new technology (Blakeslee, 2000) This kind of students have grown up with the new technology and their tools (cell phone, video games, and many things more that included the technology).Comparing the old students vs. the new students is very noticeable the difference in their education system, they show different experiences, environment, thinking, says Dr. Bruce D. Berry of Baylor College of Medicine. Our students today are all native speakers of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet (Berninger, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2000) The todays students are considered Native of the digital language, digital environment while the students that grown up without the technology, but even so they have coupled with this change are considered Immigrants, these people must to learn many things that are new for them, thats why the individual differences are important in this process, as each person learn in different ways than other; there are many situations that show this for example: a letter instead a e-mail, a meeting instead a video call so on. Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been, and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work for their students now (Graesser, 1994) Some digital immigrants believe that the same education system that their teachers used with them will work with the digital native, all this is wrong because they (digital) have different ways for to learn for example: listen to music, watch TV etc thats why is necessary change the methodology for to teach, but this is difficult as each one of them have different experiences about that. Todays teachers must to teach with the digital style of their students, but never change the meaning, only change the methods; thats why the instructors need to created new methodologies for each subject with this will be easier to obtain successes in the whole educational process.

There are many differences between digital native and immigrants, that cause educational problems, some studies done to the new students show that the better ways to teach of the digital native is through digital games as their brain is adapt with that. Also is important to remember that the brain can be change with the stimulation, environment and many things more, all this means that everybody (digital & immigrants) can to adapt to the technology and enjoy the all the benefits it offers the new technology. (Berninger, 2000)

Berninger, V. (2000). American Journal of Neuroradiology. En V. Berninger, American Journal of Neuroradiology. Washington: University of Washington.

Berninger, V. (2000). American Journal of Neuroradiology. En V. Berninger, American Journal of Neuroradiology (pg. 155). Washington: University of Washington.

Blakeslee, S. (24 de April de 2000). New York Times. Recuperado el 03 de september de 2013, de New York Times: FNZJ2EX1lfj7WdJszUgm6jKueDcpCnVHRYGGwx35XCsCuq0RhH9DY&inline=1&ext=1381781802&ha sh=ASttcvVnKeDC0qzL

Graesser, P. N. (1994). Question asking during tutoring. En P. N. Graesser, Question asking during tutoring (pg. 107). Los Angeles: American Educational .

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