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Day for Night in Ultapur - Unit 11

GulMohar: Reader 3

Reading Worksheet 1 Read the story about a little mouse and answer the questions. Once a merry mouse lived in a little brown house on the top of a hill. She loved to dance. Grandmother Mouse came to visit her one afternoon. She looked at all the dust around and said, What a lot of dust! Ive never seen such dust! Do you ever clean your house? I dont want to scrub and clean during the day, answered the little mouse. Ill clean my house tonight. And away she danced down the hill. She forgot to dust and clean her house even after coming back home. Her house was filled with dust after a few days. The other mice stopped coming to her house. She felt lonely and ashamed. So she dusted everything and began to scrub the floor. Her house was clean and her grandmother was happy to see that she was not lazy anymore. 1. Who lived in the little brown house? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. What did she love doing? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did Grandmother Mouse want her to do? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did the other mice do when they saw her dusty house? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Structures Worksheet 2 Complete the questions with the help of the given clues . Example: Have you known each other for long? (known/have/ long)

1. _________ you _______ my _____? (seen/book/have/) 2. ______she _________ with us to the ______? (park/can/come) 3. __________ you ________ to _________ today? (school/arent/going) 4._________ we _________ a puppy or a _______? (kitten/should/get) 5. _____ you ______ back to _______ the _______? (watch/show/staying/are)

6. _______ you _________ your __________? (finish/did/breakfast)

Words in Use Worksheet 3 Using the clues , find the hidden words in the puzzle that have been placed vertically and horizontally. The first one has been done for you. z k t d a w n t m i n i s t e r p n w h k y z q k g h o s t x w z d s u n s e t r o w s t e r c o m o o n c x h b t g o r r q i e d i n n e r r y k z q x t r p

1. The k____________ was called Ultapur. 2. The king trusted his m________________. 3. The people of Ultapur had to o________ their king. 4. An eclipse is when the m_________ passes in front of the sun and casts a shadow on the earth. 5. The birds were surprised and began to c_______. 6. The king told his people to wake up at s__________ . 7. Though the badshah was pleased he kept it a s____________ and did not let anyone know about it. 8. Travellers called Ultapur the g____________ town. 9. The people of Ultapur went to sleep at d_________. 10. The r____________ woke the people in the morning. 11. The people went to the king to a___ what he wanted them to do.

Functions Worksheet 4 Complete the responses to the requests. 1. One day Aruna and Sana wanted to cross the river and asked the boat man, Mr. boatman, will you take us to the other side? The boat man was unwell and replied (sorry;cant)___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________. 2. Sana pleaded with the boatman that they had to get across the river but the boat man was very sick so he said (love to help; cant) ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________. 3. Aruna then asked if he would take them the next day. The boat man readily agreed and said, (Oh, sure) ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________.

Punctuation Worksheet 5 Tick the correct sentence in each of the pairs.

1. a. Please be quiet. b. Please be quiet! 2. a. Where are you going? b. Where are you going. 3. a. What a great idea! b. What a great idea. 4. a. The king had six ministers. b. The king had six ministers! 5. a. Oh my God. b. Oh my God! 6. a. What do you want? b. What do you want.

Writing Worksheet 6 Based on the story in worksheet 1,rearrange the sentences in the right order. She forgot to dust and clean the house. There was once a merry mouse. She loved to dance the whole day. Her house turned dusty and dirty. She felt ashamed and cleaned her house. The other mice stopped coming to her house.

ANSWER Worksheet 1 1. A merry mouse lived in the little brown house. 2. She loved dancing. 3. Grandmother Mouse wanted her to clean her house. 4. The other mice stopped coming to her house when they saw her dusty house. Structures Worksheet 2 Complete the questions Example: Have you known each other for long? (known/have/ long) 1. Have you seen my book? (seen/book/have/) 2. Can she come with us to the park? (park/can/come) 3. Arent you going to school today? (school/arent/going) 4. Should we get a puppy or a kitten? (kitten/should/get) 5. Are you staying back to watch the show? (watch/show/staying/are) 6. Did you finish your breakfast? (finish/did/breakfast) Words in Use Worksheet 3 2. minister/3. obey./ 4. moon. / 5.chirp/ 6. sunset./ 7. secret. 8. ghost / 9.dawn/ 10. rooster/ 11. ask. Punctuation Worksheet 5 Tick the correct sentence in each of the pairs. 1. a. Please be quiet. b. Please be quiet! 2. a. Where are you going? b. Where are you going. 3. a. What a great idea! b. What a great idea. 4. a. The king had six ministers. b. The king had six ministers! 5. a. Oh my God. b. Oh my God! 6. a. What do you want? b. What do you want.

Writing Worksheet 6 Based on the story in worksheet 1,rearrange the sentences in the right order. 1. There was once a merry mouse. 2. She loved to dance the whole day. 3. She forgot to dust and clean her house. 4. Her house turned dusty and dirty. 5. The other mice stopped coming to her house. 6. She felt ashamed and cleaned her house.

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