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Chapter 1: RENDEZVOUS My aunts and I are preparing dinner. I heard the gate swung open from the garage.

Theyre here! Aunt Lyn said. My cousin Andrea invited her friends over for a dinner party tonight. I went to the entry way to greet them. Welcome to our home! As I sashay and extended my right arm gracefully and teasingly to the kitchen. Like a housekeeper in a castle. There are over 10 people invited. I saw familiar faces of our neighbors Joe and Brad, and Mabel- Andreas best friend since high school. There are others that I have just met for the first time. Behind them, is a guy wearing a black jacket. Prominent jaw, nose, perfectly shaped eyebrows, and full lips Hes about 64 tall. His dark hair blends with the dark night. He is so beautiful. I told myself. He saw me staring and I blushed. He smiled and tilted his head down to greet me. When he smiled, I saw his perfect set of white teeth. I shrugged and turned my head back at him. I wonder if he noticed me blushed from the distance. I left the door opened for him. The visitors are talking in the dining area, words that I couldnt relate to. Jane! Serve the food immediately, they might be starving! I hurried to the kitchen as soon as aunt Lyn called me. I was holding a large bowl of rice and head back to the dining area. Aw! Sorry. I said. I almost dropped the bowl. I looked up, and to my surprise, its him! Where is the washroom? he asked sweetly. Well, I was not sure enough if sweet was the right word, or his voice is. Its on the left corner of the kitchen. There was a bit nervousness in my voice. I hate myself for being such an open book. My male friends frequently tell me how readable my face is. And I hate it! I wanted to sleep, but I just couldnt get him off my mind. Hes the handsomest man Ive ever seen in my entire life, next to Ian Somerhalder, of course. Damn, hes hot! I havent seen him in town, maybe one of their new classmates. I got off from bed and checked on them. I could hear them from the bedroom enjoying and really havi ng fun at the pool area. I bet theyre dancing in the loud music too. Theyve been here for few hours now. I wondered why theyre enjoying too much. I wore my bikinis and decided to crash the party; besides, Mabel and Sam are there, were close. And this is a family resthouse. I could do whatever I want. I grabbed my robe and wrapped onto my body. I walked closer to the party animals; the hot guy caught my eye. He was sitting on the chair drinking beer, talking to Mabel. I observed their gestures and body language. His eyes are staring sexily at her face and he touched her cheeks with both hands. I felt jealous. I pretended not to care and called my cousin. Andrea! she turned to me quickly. Yes, why? she looked at my outfit and smiled teasingly. Would you mind if I join you? I just cant help being alone upstairs while you are enjoying yourselves here. I asked her bluntly and laughed No, of course not. You may join us; theyre your friends too Jane. And Mabel is dying to drink with you. She answered excitingly. I felt that this is my chance to get to know him. I sat down on the vacant chair in front of Mabel and the new guy. Hey, Jane! How are you? Mabel asked. Well, Im pretty fine. How are you and the new school? Its not that bad. We met a lot of nice people. See? Extending her arms and panning from left to right. I see, so theyre your classmates.

Uh huh! Oh, by the way, Id like you to meet his hotness, Devon! Devon, this is Jane. Andreas cousin. He stretched his hand for a shake and I was hesitant to accept it. I know my palms are cold as ice, because of tension, but I still offered my hand and pretended I was relaxed. He bowed and kissed my hand. Oh my! What the hell is he doing? Does he want to see me passed out in front of everybody? I felt dizzy I think I just lost liters of blood in my face. Then he distracted me. Nice to see you, again, Jane He smiled, flashing his perfect teeth. His voice is so low and sexy. Again? I asked wondering. Yes, we met at the parking, remember? Ah, yes! Yes! Again. I didnt know how to react. Was that a joke? Because if it was he seems like a really bad joker. Mabel leaned on his shoulder and ran her palm slowly to his biceps. Jane, would you entertain him for now? Hes a little anti- social. Shy maybe. Anyways, I want to swim, so please take care of him, for now. I nodded to agree with the request. If she only knows what Im thinking. Devon waved goodbye and said, talk later baby! Mabel cheeks turned redder. Maybe shes too drunk. I lied to myself. I chose to get bombed tonight. This party wont be over until I havent figured out who this man is. Name wouldnt suffice me. My subconscious is now stronger than ever, flirt with him! Now! I was trying to fight it. But she was just winning. So, Devon. Where do you live? What the hell did I ask him? Its so plain. He laughed softly. Im from Antipolo. In Kingsville Court. Did he just laugh? Really? I know that village. Id been there once. I visited an old friend. But their family moved into Vermont 6 months ago. Whats her name? Anne Flores. Her name sounds familiar. I dont really have friends there. I dont know if you noticed, but that village is like a ghost town or something. People dont really care to go out. Especially at night . I wish my parents would decide to move out too. Seriously? I think Kingsville isnt pretty bad. I mean, I like that village, its secured and safe. Residents there have cars, so they prefer to drive than walk. Id like to ask you something, I hope you dont mind. I added. I dont Earlier, Mabel said you were anti-social You could say that He looked at me under his eyelashes and I felt embarrassed. I felt my cheeks got warmer from his stare. Why is he so perfect? He continued, Im not actual ly a big talker. My elder brother and I dont even communicate a lot. Im normally left alone in the house. My parents are so busy. So, I dont have anybody to practice speaking skills with. I think youre sensible enough to talk with, Devon. You think so? Yeah, if not, I wont be sitting here with you anymore. I dont really have patience with talkative guys. I find them strangely... irritating. I laughed and I signed a peace sign. He chuckled almost spitted the beer in his mouth. Geez, even his chuckles sound seductive. My

subconscious kicked in again. I pushed my luck and picked up a bottle of beer. I drank from the bottle with my eyes meeting his. He winked at me and my heart beat fast. Could I still keep my sanity intact? I heard my subconscious screaming with excitement. What am I going to ask him? Im running out of words. I tried my hardest to ask more personal questions. So Devon, how many girlfriends do you have? Do I have? No Jane, I never had one. Are you kidding? No. there is since rity in his answer. My eyes narrowed still in disbelief. Are you okay? he asked, touching my shoulder. Yeah I am. Im just wondering how you never had one. I mean, youre a head-turner. He paused and then laughed hard at my words. You think so? Well, in all honesty, youre such a head turner yourself too, Jane. What? He thinks Im a head-turner too? Impossible. Hes kidding. I pretended that I didnt hear that. I asked again Have you fallen in love with somebody? Smitten. Once, but it didnt work out well. So, that was unsuccessful. I dont want to be in a relationship. He responded. Im still questioning. Whats the reason? Uhm, its complicated what about you? Do you have a boyfriend? oh my, hes avoiding more questions. I respect that. Who would want to be deeply interviewed by a stranger? I dont want to cross any lines. I had. We broke up 2 months ago. I could still feel the anger. Bad memories with Felix filled in my head. Why are you crying? he asked. This is too much. Why am I crying? Uh, dont mind me. Im fine. Bad memories. Err... Arent you going to ask me how our relationship ended? He suddenly looked pissed. No, its not worthy of my time. Oh! Im really sorry, I just thought you might be interested. I mean, others are. Im different, Jane. Yes, obviously. Okay, I give you that. Thats life Jane. Its like a coin, it has two sides. We meet people that would hurt us, but on the other side they leave us with a lesson. I know Devon. It was painful, but I got over it. I dont love him anymore. Its just that... before I finished my sentence, he spoke. I dont actually think that you still love him, Jane. Bad memories remember? Wow, my friends still think that I still love him. Hes the only person whos certain about my feelings. how could you say that? Ive just known you for 5 hours. Youve never been in a relationship. and you think you have all the answers? Believe me Jane, I know a lot more than you think. So what, youre a psychic now? You could say that. Okay, so what do you think about me, Devon? He just looked at my face and sighed. You work hard to get what you want. Youre extremely doubtful of yourself. You dont let others control you. Youre stubborn, patient and understanding.When it comes to love, you dont give your all. But you never give less. Youre a persons mirror. You act how they act with you. You dont like to be checked out, even though youre very clumsy. Nice. How did he know about that? I asked myself. I clapped my hands, Good job Mr. Psych! he laughed at my sarcasm. I hate when people read me. Youre very easy to read, Jane. You are predictable, especially to a man. I know, my ex-boyfriend had told me that, and he didnt like that about me. He wants more surprises. He wants challenge. So, I hate myself for being such an open book. I feel like Im the most boring person in the world. I looked at him and his smile is very comforting. Would you believe me if I say, a woman who is a less complicated. easier to handle. I like that. I hate guessing peoples thoughts. Thanks, its very comforting of you. Honesty is my middle name, Jane. Enough with the drama for now, I think weve talked deeply enough tonight.

CHAPTER 2: FIRST DAY HIGH STOP! I screamed to the three men in the red cloaks. They turned their heads to me. They looked scary. Their black eyes and sharp teeth are facing me. They have curved horns. They were laughing scarily. They took him. Where are you taking him? Stop! Take me instead! Please, not him! I was crying and the feeling was horrible. I was left in the middle of an empty road. Nobodys there to help and comfort me. They took the man I love and just disappeared in a thick fog. Wake up! Its time for breakfast! I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Its 7:00 am. I felt my tummy growled in starvation. I never ditch breakfast. If I do, I wont be able to move for the entire day. I sat on the dining chair and grabbed my plate. Uhm, bacon and eggs, my favorites. I love the smell of breakfast. I finished my meal in 20 minutes. Im excited for my first day of college. My cellphone rang and hit the call button. Hey, Sue! Whats up? Jane, would you mind bringing my Ipad? Ill be needing it for Logic class. Sure. Ill drop by to your house before going to school. School. Yes, Im finally in College. Sue has been my best friend since forever. Our parents go to Bible Study together. Our house is 5 blocks away from each other. I wonder why we dont get sick of each other. I prepared to leave and dropped by to Sues home. I pressed the doorbell and her Mrs. Luna opened the door. Here. Please forgive my daughter for being such a burden, Jane. No worries Mrs. Luna. Im used to it. I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks goodbye. She almost like a second mom to me. I took a cab to school. Its 9:30am my class is at 10:30am. I waited for Sue in the street caf. I grabbed my phone and called her. It rang, Hey! Im here. Whats taking you so long? Sorry, I had to do something. Im coming in a few. I ordered soda. Sue was waving and came closer. She sat beside me and I handed her Ipad. So, Jane I heard you held a party last summer? How was it? It wasnt my party. It was my Andys. Yeah, she told me earlier. I shouldnt have stayed in Laguna. I was bored to death. Hey, dont say that. Its healthy to see your relatives once in awhile. Its not my thing, you know? Reunions and all ugh, gross. Shes always been a city person. She hates quiet places. Unlike me, Im more fond of relaxations. Her eyes suddenly widened like she remembered something very important. Jane, I saw this guy with your cousin. I think hes her friend. Hes so handsome. I mean unbelievably Handsome. I looked at her with doubt and I suddenly remembered his beautiful face smiling at me. you are stubborn, patient his words flashed in my mind like Im hearing his voice again. Like it was just yesterday. I grinned. And she noticed it You.dont.say Jane? Have you met him? I didnt answer and looked away. Her interrogating personality always entertains me. Answer me. She pleaded. Hey, Jane! Dont sit still. Feed me! now shes a little pissed. Okay, okay! Heres the story. Andy invited him to the party. In our rest house Lipa. Mabel introduced him to me and we just had a little chat. End of story. She obviously didnt believe me. So, youve been keeping in touch after?

No, we just met and talked that night then I havent heard anything about him since then. No exchange of numbers? Address? Even Facebook Accounts? Nothing I didnt ask. why? Because I dont want him to feel like Im into him. Are you? No! of course not! Again, she is hungry for information. Lets go to class! I dont want to be late in our first day of school. I dragger her arm and walked to the school gate. Before we reached the hall way, we saw a group of people at the cafeterias entrance. Jane! Good luck with your first day! Thanks, Andy! Im pretty excited. So, which class is for this time? Logic. That great. Dont worry Mr. Benny is really a great teacher. Love to hear that couz. Im going to class. I wanted to ask where Devon is. But I felt shy to do so. I didnt want her to think something crazy about us. The classroom had few students. I looked at the time and were 15 minutes early. We waited. Sue kept on looking at hr compact mirror and fixing her hair. Its annoying. Why does she have to check on herself every now and then? Its just a class. After a few minutes, students entered the room by twos threes. A guy- average height sat beside me, he started talking. Hi, Im Jake. Freshman. Hello, nice to meet you Jake. Im Jane. He smiled at me. Sue dodged my elbow and whispered. Hes cute. I rolled my eyes. Whats with you fisherwoman? Just saying. you want to switch seats? Tomorrow, I dont want to be obvious. Oh! She still has shyness in her. Thats a new one. After few more seconds, I noticed almost everyone turned their heads on the door. I got curious, so I turned mine as well. A guy, a very handsome guy who looks so familiar to me was at the door talking to Mr. Benny, I suppose. Devon, in his new haircut! I started imagining things and to fortunately, Sue distracted me. Here he comes! she was singing he words. I turned my head back quickly. I wish he didnt recognize me. I couldnt move any parts of my body. Again, I was nailed on my seat. Dude, Im sorry. I hope you dont mind changing your seat. Im far sighted and Ill be more comfortable to sit here. I heard his voice again. He was talking to Jake who is sitting beside me. His voice was so polite that Jake couldnt say no. No, its fine. Here take my seat. Jake then transferred in front of us. Devon sat beside me and whispered. How are you? OMG! Hes talking to me! Im perfect. Yes. Im perfect perfectly happy to see you and to sit beside you. I was certain that Sue is listening or even watching us. She has eyes on her temples too. How come youre in this class? Youre a sophomore. This class is only offered in first semester and last time, the class was full. So, I had no choice but to take it this year. Oh, okay. I didnt talk more for I have no idea what to say. The next thing I know, Mr. Benny was discussing something- words that I couldnt hear lectures that I couldnt comprehe nd. I was so distracted by the man beside me. The school bell rang and I jumped in shocked. I was myself again. Its just a bell Jane, whats with the surprise? Sue asked me teasingly. No, cold feet probably. Are you okay? you look sick. Devon asked. No, Im not. Sue cut in. Hi! You must be Devon? Im Sue, Janes best

friend. She introduced herself excitedly. Devon shook hands with her. Its nice to meet you too! I hope youll have fun here Where are you heading next? Well our next class is at 3:00pm so, maybe well stay at the cafeteria for a while. I answered. Could I join you? he asked politely. Yes, of course. I said. Sue looked at me and I know she has a devious plan. Jane, Im so sorry but my other friends from a nearby University asked me for lunch. Would you mind if I cant eat with you? Anyway, you already have a company. I already saw this coming. I glanced at her and rolled my eyes. I know what shes thinking. Dont worry Sue, Ill take care her. Great. Ill see you later! She kissed my cheek and ran down the stairs. She really is your best friend. He said looking ahead. How did you say so? Shes sincere and sensitive. She knows that I want to be alone with you. I almost forgot; hes a psychic. So, Mr. Know -it-all lets eat then. I changed the subject. Id like to take you somewhere. Id like to eat pizza for lunch. Pizza? For lunch? If its only okay with you. Sure. I was wondering why he wants pizza for lunch. We crossed the street and turned left. Theres a Yellow Cab at the corner of the street. He opened the door for me and let me in first. I sat on the best spot. At the glass wall. What do you want to order? he asked. Anything. I really dont have any specifics for pizza. Alright! He went to the counter to order. Geez, even the cashiers are dazzled by his face. I saw the two women in the corner whispering to each other while looking at him. Theyre obviously talking about him. Its not surprising, though. I was dazzled too. In a few moments, the waiter served the food. Manhattan Meatlovers New Yorker, 2 Cokes, Cream of Squash Soup and Strawberry ice cream. I was bewildered. Devon, are your friends coming too? Nope. Just the two of us. Why? I thought there was a lunch party. You bought too much food. And a New Yorker Pizza! We cant waste food Devon. We wont! dont worry. Your next class is at 3pm and its only 12:00 noon. If we could just stay here and wait until your next class, you wont notice that we could finish everything. What a glutton he is? I felt stuffy just by looking at the foods. And he really seemed excited to eat. Why are you not eating? Im sorry, Im still in shock! Dont be... Youll get use to it. Ive been wondering why he hasnt asked my number yet. I got rid of t he thought. Maybe he just doesnt like texting. I was thinking of how to start a conversation. Would you like to play a game? I asked. Nope. What game? Honesty Game. All the questions should be answered honestly. And what if I dont? You pass. Okay. So, whats question number 1? Uhm... What are your parents like? Pass. Why dont you want to be in a relationship? Pass. Geez, hes passing all my questions. Why do you want pizza for lunch? Because, Im happy and celebrating. Happy? Celebrating? Thats two questions. Okay, Why are you happy?

Im with you. my heart pumped a thousand times. o-k-e-y... What are you celebrating for? Your first day of school. How the pizza relates to your happiness? I normally eat pizza when Im overwhelmed. Now that Im so happy to see you again. I have to eat one. I found his honesty very sweet. Yes, hes so sweet. Unlike other guys, I could tell the lies from the truth. But he spoke truthfully-sincerely. I remembered.... Honesty is my middle name, Jane. Its my turn now. Im not prepared to be asked yet, but i let him. I just smiled and agreed, waiting for his first question. When is your birthday? June 6th. He looked surprised and grabbed a mouthful of pizza. What have i said to make him happier this time? Why? Its a nice coincidence. We were born on the same day. I felt great for a moment. Were compatible. Maybe were soulmates... or destiny. I ate my ice cream. It felt strange, its not one of my favorites, except for the flavor. It tastes very delicious. Ive eaten this ice cream many times, but it tasted... delicious this time. Why are you only eating ice cream? Dessert should come after. I know. but i always eat dessert first. Thats weird. Why? Well, its my favorite part of the meal. If the apocalypse comes, Ill regret not having it before dying. He laughed softly. Well, thats reasonable enough. Speaking of dying. If you only have a day to live. Whats the last thing youll do? I thought of his questio n for a few seconds. I never had a bucket list before. So I have no idea. I think more deeply then I answered. I havent thought of that yet. Maybe... Ill repent, be with my family and savor each second of the entire day. Thats very serious of you, Jane. I know. What about you? Its my turn to ask him the same question. Honestly, I dont think about that. Maybe same as yours. I didnt ask more. By the way. I wasnt able to ask your digits. May I have it? Oh, sure! I dialed my digits on his pho ne and saved it. You know you could ask my cousin for my number right? Yes. But I chose not to. I find it rude and inappropriate. I have to ask you for it. He has a point. Unlike hes totally unique from other guys out there. His parents probably raised them well. Its 2:45pm and I have to got to class. Devon, I have to go. Its almost time for Envi Sci. Sure, let me walk you to your class. he winked at me. Oh, sure. my voice was shaky when i answered. I tried to hide my smile. So, whats your class? Economics I felt really embarrassed. I hate it when people stare at me. I was certain that some girls were talking about us, whispering to each other. Cant they be a little discreet? I murmured to him. What are you talking about? I think you will give me a hard time in this school. Every girl I saw is looking at you. I didnt know that. Its flattering that you said that.

Oh man, you have NO idea. i wasnt so sure why hes not aware of it. Maybe, hes just being humble. He took me to my class on the 4th floor. Wheres your classroom? Its on the first floor. What? You shouldnt have... he stopped me from talking and raised his index finger at my face. Dont. Its okay with me. Its my genuine pleasure to take you... I blushed again, and before I said anything... I shall collect you later. Dont leave your class until I get here. I didnt respond, I just went into the classroom. I was still distracted by the thought of having lunch with him. Im still amused by how he acted comfortably with me. Hes not afraid to express how he feels about me. A woman came into the classroom. She was carrying 2 thick books. Obviously, its Mrs. Lazo our Envi Sci professor. Her long hair compliments her round face. Shes obviously old, maybe arounf 50s, but her short height and white skin make her look younger. Hello, everybody! Welcome our class. Let me introduce myself, Im Mrs. Elena Lazo and I will be your regular teacher in this subject for the whole semester. Good afternoon Maam! the class responded in chorus. Good afternoon. For today, I would like to ask all of you to introduce yourself, one by one. Make sure to introduce yourself interestingly. Lets start with the people at the back. She pointed the person next to me. Miss... whats your name? the person next to me stood up and walked in front of the class. Then she started talking. Hello everybody! Im Angelica Sison, 17 years old. Im a freshman. Im from Makati City... I couldnt stop staring at her pretty face. Her hair is colored burgundy and it suits her. Her smile is so pretty; it matches her brown eyes. Shes a catch. I wonder if Devon had seen her around. I felt a little insecurity. I think, the interesting fact about me, is Im really good at sports. I love sports. Even though Im a woman, I play basketball and soccer. The boys started whispering to each other. I bet theyre talking how to get close to her. I didnt notice that the teacher was calling me. And the lady after the first speaker? Would you come in front? I was a little nervous, if I only had a choice I would definitely ran out of the classroom. Yes. my voice was off. Hi. My name is Jane Merced. Im from Taytay Rizal. I noticed most people changed their faces from interested to... curiosity. Im very sorry but I dont have any interesting facts about me. Thats quite impossible Ms. Merced. Everybody has talents. Talent, uhmm probably. ut it stayed hidden for now. Dont worry guys, Ill be happy to share it when I found mine. Im really sorry. they smiled and responded, No worries! I got back on my seat before I puke and pass out. Whew! I thought I wouldnt be able to walk for the next 30 minutes. I love first days... but I hate to be in front of everybody. The pretty lady beside tapped my arm. Hey, Im Angelica, Angie for short. Hi, nice to meet you. I shook hands with her and said my name. So, you dont have talents, seriously? her voice sounds really cute. Like blond girls in American TV series. Hey, why arent you answering? Are you okay? I realized that I was just staring at her. Im so amused by her beauty. Oh, yeah. right. Thats the truth. Im really sorry, I just really find you so pretty. Thats it, I couldnt help it. Are you a pure Filipina? No, my dad is a Mexican a nd my mom is a Filipina. No, wonder you look different. Thats why you have a little hispanic features. Your parents genes are perfect combination. Oh, Jane. Thank you very much. thats really flattering of you. Youre pretty too. You know. I laughed softly. Well, you know you really dont need

to compliment me just because I complimented you. Its really fine. but thanks anyway. No, Im not. Im telling the truth. I never tell a person that shes pretty if she isnt is. Okay... really like a blond character on TV. I looked at the time and 30 minutes had passed... Where is Sue? I asked myself. I picked up my phone from my bag and texted her. *Hey, youre very late. Where are you?* I felt the vibration after few seconds. From: Sue *Im out. Sorry I cant make it to the class. I got held up. You know... other friends. See you tonight at your house. PS: Dont tell my mom.* I didnt reply. She knows I understand her more than anybody else. Are you going somewhere after the class? I remembered that D evon will collect me here after the class. None, really. But I have to meet a friend after. From other school or from here? is it a boy friend or boyfriend? She asks many questions. Shes not just a pretty face, shes also like Sue, hungry for information and I felt... awkward. Especially on the first meeting. Well, hes a friend. Actually my cousins friend. Oh, is he a freshman? No, hes a sophomore... What about you? Are you going somewhere after this? Hell yeah, Im going to my high school friends and will go clubbing tonight. Oh, another party animal. Do you like clubbing?dancing? she asked questions spontaneously... I wonder when is she gonna stop? Im not really a club person. I mean, I love parties. But I suck at dancing. I prefer to sit and drink. Oh, then maybe youd like street bars, live bands or cozy bars. Those kind of stuffs? Wow! She knows a lot about parties. Yes. You could say that. the bell rang and I thanked God. I stood up and prepared to leave. Oh my God! Angie said, the amusement is noticeable. And there he is, at the door looking at me. Hi! Shall we go now? he reached out for my hand to hold it. But I didnt hold his. He gave up, he knows exactly why. Angie whispered, so, boy friend... huh? Yes. definitely. I answered back. She stared at Devon with flirting eyes. I know... flirting is the word. Im a woman too. Then she pulled her hair into the back of her ear. Hi, Im Angie, Janes classmate. Nice to meet you. Devon answered without even looking at her. Hi. Nice to meet you too. Why the hell he isnt looking back? Its really rude. But I enjoyed it. I stared at him with my judgy eyes. He raised his eyebrows and talked. Shall we go now? Its not actually a request, it sounded more like a command. Then I followed quickly. See you around, Angie. She just waved and nodded. At the parking lot, there was his car... an Olive Hummer. Oh my! This is my dream car! Nice ride! I teased. Thank you. he opened the door for me and i got in. I wish I could drive this someday. I told myself. This is the first time Ive ridden in this car... with a gorgeous guy... perfect! We were silent, he was so focused on driving. I broke the silence. Why did you do that? He didnt look at me when he responded. Did what? Earlier, to Angie... She was introducing herself and you didnt even look at her. He smiled... still look at the road. Ah, because shes so obvious. I avoid that kind of women. What is wrong with him? But, shes pretty. and seems kind. Did I say shes not? No, my point is, the boys in our class are mesmerized by her. Oh, really. Its them. Well Im not. Like I said, I avoid that kind of women. I still want to interrogate him, but I remembered our first meeting in the resthouse. Then, why didnt you avoid me? he hit the break and pulled over. He stared at me with curiosity. Why would I avoid you, Jane? He seems a little annoyed. I wonder if I said something wrong. Yeah, right. Im Andys cousin. Of course you wont. I dont understand what you meant by that, Jane. more annoyed this time. I needed to pull myself together to

answer properly. I liked you from the start. It was obvious. Youre sensitive enough to gather that. But instead, you didnt avoid me. He held my shoulders with each hand a nd he shook me. I wouldnt avoid you, because I like you too. From the moment I saw you. I was in disbelief. Angels were singing at the back of my head. His words are heavenly. And Mabel? I asked. Mabel is just a great friend. Shes really like that. Her personality is just really sweet and touchy. But no hidden agendas. Im comfortable around her. I was so happy to hear it from him. But he said, comfortable... I was a little jealous. Great. Are you... comfortable around me? Sincerely, no Im not... What the heck? Im happy. Really happy when Im around you. I couldnt move again. I couldnt even move my lips. All the words I want to tell him are scattered in the corners of my head. Jane, you have to speak. My subconscious was shouting again. But I just cant. Say something! Please. Do I make you feel uncomfortable. I closed my eyes for seconds and spoke. No, you... confound me. Puzzle me... frighten me... Mix emotions that I cant explain with words. There were so many feelings. The next thing I know, his arms were wrapped around me. It was comforting. I know, Im so sorry if you feel that way for me... maybe Im being to quick. Im so sorry baby. I promise that I will take everything slowly. Ill be waiting until you figure out your feelings for me. he kissed my forehead. His fingers were brushing through my hair. I had a great day. The most splendid experience on my first day in college. I need to eat something. I grabbed the meal that my mother had prepared for me. I put it in the microwave and pressed the button. The food was great and Im full. I went to my bedroom and checked my phone. 11 missed calls and 6 messages. I checked my inbox and the messages are from none other than Sue. Of course. From: Sue *Arent you home yet?* 5 mails with the same message. Before I hit the reply my phone rang... Hello Sue? Happiness is clear in my voice. Hey Im coming over. Anyway its only 7:00pm. Prepare your story. She dropped the call. Is that what she gets from over-watching Gossip Girls? Din g dong. I know its her. I opened the door. She hugged me tightly, Are you okay? She dragged me to my room. I remember, weve been friends since forever, this is her house too. Except that she doesnt own a key. She sat on my bed and looked at me. Her e yes were judging me. You have to tell me EVERYTHING. And literally mean it. Why is she always interested with my life? There was nothing. What the hell Jane. You know youre not a good liar. Okay, so where do you want me to start? Of course, after I left you alone together. What? Its a long story. I know. And I got plenty of time sis! I started narrating every single detail of what happened. Shes obviously listening very carefully. She doesnt want to miss any information. After the last cl ass with Mrs. Lazo he picked me up at my classroom. There was this girl, Angie. She was very obvious, she even introduced herself to Devon... The irritation was in my voice and Sue rolled her eyes. ...but he didnt even look at her. Not even once. Seriously? she sounded surprised. I think its so lucky for me that he even shook hands with me. Why do you think he ignored her? You said, shes very pretty right? I know right? Of course, I asked him why, and he told me that... he avoids that kind of women. What does he mean about that? He doesnt like women who is after him. I guess. But, I find him hot too and he didnt ignore me. Well, I

think he likes you Sue. When you left, he told me that he found you very nice and sincere. Shes very flattered with the compliment. Im happy that I persuaded her. You texted me about him driving you home, so what happened in the car? Oh, that! I really want to tell you about it, but I also want it to keep it from myself. I hope you understand. When did you start keeping secrets? Im your best friend. I know. But, cant I? Could you give me that? She sighed Okay, I respect that. Enough with the interrogation. Last question, though. Sure. Now that youre getting to know each other, and its clear that he likes you- a lot! Whats your plan? Plan? I dont have any. What I feel right now is very special. I know he likes me, but I think I like him more. And this afternoon, I realized that I dont want to stay away from him anymore. Holy cow! Youre in love with him. You think so? I honestly dont know if this is love. When Im with him... Im so overwhelmed. I have mixed- emotions or greater than that. I couldnt explain it, Sue. He makes me happy, scared, confused, flattered and more at the same time. Thats love. Im certain of that. What I feel for him is so different. You know, I loved Felix but not like this. With Felix, I was so sure of my feelings. But with Devon, my world is turning upside down, like Im forgetting myself. Tears ran down from my eyes and she hugged me. It felt so nice. I needed this. Hey, hush. Stop crying Jane. Its too early to cry for him. Im here for you okay? I think you must pull yourself first and just be yourself around him. Hell understand that. Dont worry. Its 11:00pm and Im a little tired. What a first day I had? I was very happy. I cried twice and I hate it. Im very sensitive. Whenever Im overwhelmed I cant help my tears from falling. I wish I was braver. Im like my mom in that sense. Even when shes laughing a lot, shes crying. I didnt want to forget about this feeling, so I wrote it on my journal. June 9th 2013 Dear Diary, Today was my first day in College. People are great as well as the environment. I saw him today and Im lucky to have him in my Logic class. I couldnt avoid the fact that this is the best day of my life. Ive always wanted to be with somebody who would make me feel that Im worth keeping for. That feeling had been just a dream until I met Devon. Today, I figured out some things about him and they frustrated me. I know its too early to get to know him more deeply, but I am loosing my patience. He sees through me and I couldnt see through him. His words arent enough to make me believe them even if he said them like knives s tabbed all over my body. Yes, it felt like I got stabbed; and I dont want him to pull the knives out cause I know it would be very painful. Id fallen in love thrice in my entire life and this felt different... I woke up at 2am and I found my head on my desk. I was dead beat! I went to bed and covered my entire body with the blanket. Ring ring ring... I picked up my phone and pressed the call button. Why was I shivering? Hello? If you want to see him again you need to give us what were asking for? What do you want? Dammit! I was sobbing. I wish this horror would end, now. What do you want? Please, I will give you anything you like just dont hurt him! I was pleading. You know what it is! The man on the other line shouted. Ive never been this scared in my whole life. And I will exchange my life just not to feel this way again. I was scared to lose that person for I know that when I do, it would kill me too. I was scared for his life and mine.

CHAPTER 3 Its been a month, but it feels like a year. Ive gained new friends. Some of them are really nice and fun to be with. I saw Devon in front of my house. Why does he always surprise me? Hes been picking me up at home without notice. Hey, how long have you been waiting here? For a while now. You know you could text me if you want to pick me up right? Well, I dont want to rush you. Like I said, Ill do this slowly. I blushed. He normally say that in every situation. Now, hes driving BMW X1. Another new car? Not really. Its my dads. Honestly, is your family business smuggling? Close, but no. Ive seen you in 5 different cars in a week. Coding. Coding? Theres no 3 days coding Devon, your answer is bullshit. My dad loves cars. Happy? Okay, that helps. But why so many? Its a long story. I want to know... Please? If you agreed to be my girlfriend... Id tell you everything. Is that a compromise? Do I get to choose? Most likely, the decision is yours. Im wondering where this conversation is going. He never asked me to be his girlfriend. I even thought that there wont be a need of asking too. Were dating, he said he likes me and I do too. Whats the point? Arent we already... Jane, you might be late for your class. My class? What about yours? My class is at 1:00 pm. Oh my! You came down all the way here just to pick me up at 6:00am? You should be sleeping. Would you stop talking and just get in the car? I obeyed quickly. On the road, I saw his face changed from happy to weary. He kept on looking at the back mirror. Are you okay? then he hit the gas and the car roared angrily. We were taking a different road. What the hell is happening Devon? Is everything alright? Im FINE! He shouted. His face was fierce. I didnt ask more and just looked around. Behind us, theres a red car and a black car behind it. They were attempting to overtake but Devon was just a better driver than them. He didnt let them. Were being followed. My voice was weaker and no response f rom him. I kept my mouth shut and just observe the death race. He turned left, then right then U-turn. He dialed a contact number on his Blackberry and I hit the call button. 2 cars behind me. You know where my car is right? Im using BMW X1. Yes I got it, here. Plate numbers Nissan Red Car XUG 334 and Lancer Black Car UWD 782. Yes, hurry please were late for school. He was very calm. Then after a few minutes, 3 police cars came out of nowhere and blocked the two cars behind us. I couldnt count how many streets we passed through. Then I noticed that were at school. He opened the door for me and put his arms over my shoulders. Im clinging on him. His gestures were like, very protective. He kept on looking around. He kissed my hair, Are you okay? I asked, trying to be sweet. Of course. Ill take you to your class. I think I changed my mind, Devon. I want to eat breakfast. I attempted to get more information about what happened on the road. Okay, lets go to the cafeteria then. his irritation was quite noticeable. No, what about McDonald from across the street? Im craving for pancakes. Okay, Ill have it delivered. Delivered? Devon its just a meter away from school. Lets eat there. Jane, please. I beg you. Just do as I say. I will call for delivery. And lets eat here. Im overly puzzled of what had happened. Why does he have to be like this? And why those cars were chasing us? Okay... but please explain. Explain what? Everything! My voice is more dominant than ever. And I think it worked. Youre very stubborn. Dont we have a deal? He raised his eyebrow and looked at me. A deal? Yes, I told you I wont tell you anything unless youre my girlfriend.

What are you trying to say? That only your girlfriends could know about you? What about your friends? Jane, dont you remember? I never had one. Friends, for their safety I chose to keep quiet. my eyes narrowed and Im still hungry for information. Youre ridiculous, Dev. I almost got a cardiac arrest on the way here and yet youre not planning to tell me everything? Arent I involved enough already? A deal is a deal. Its a compromise. Okay, Dev I dont want to say the Yes word just because I want to know you better and even your little dirty secrets. That isnt very romantic. Dream about that. He frowned and caressed my chin. Women. Always after the emotions. Well, I am! And If you decide to like me, then you have to deal with it. Are you ordering me? Nobody ever had the guts to give me orders. Well I am now. Do yo u have a problem with that? Now I am more annoyed, just one more word and Im at my boiling point. He laughed. What is so funny? Nothing. Im just thinking that if you become my girlfriend then I also have to deal with your anger. You look so adorable, I think I could handle that easily, Jane. I flushed and started to imagine things again. Geez, hes distracting me again. I wont lose. I shouldnt let him win this time. I threw the thoughts away quickly. What is wrong with him? How could he stay calm when we were just being chased by mad men? I was gathering my thoughts and jumping into many conclusions on my seat. What would you like to order? he asked. Pancakes, please. he nodded and went to the counter to order breakfast. When he returned, he also brought caramel sundae. I didnt order that. I know, but I think you need some sweets in your system. You know, anti-stress. I rolled my eyes. Im not stressed, Devon. Im steaming. It causes stress too. Just eat. I opened the butter and spread i t on the pancakes. I poured the honey too. I grubbed a spoonful of pancake and started eating. The food calmed me, but not for long. Now, explain yourself. Devons eyes narrowed. No. I grabbed his hand. You know you can trust me. I know. But I dont trust myself well that if I tell you the truth, you wouldnt stay with me any longer. Is that what you think of me? Am I that shallow? I cried, I never imagined that he wouldnt trust me the same way I trust him. Even though hes insisting that its his problem, he doesnt have any idea how it hurts me. Previously, I felt anger, but now I feel betrayed. How would a woman feel when the person she loves so much is keeping secrets from her? He hugged me tightly and brushed his fingers through my hair. Baby, hush now I know exactly how you feel but please dont get me wrong _____________________________________________________________________________ EXTRAS: Im sure it was him in the grocery. I put my niece in the grocery cart and entered the market. My eyes are looking around, not to find what to buy, but for him. It was him! I know, 90.99% certain. I pushed the cart to the poultry section. It bumped onto another cart. Hi, there! a tall man said. I was so shaken that I wasnt able to compose my words correctly. Im fine! What the hell did I just say? He didnt even say, how are you? Cant I say anything better than that? He looked at me with his suspicious eyes and answered, thats great to hear! What are you up to? Well, groceries of course, Im scheduled for todays grocery. And you? Im buying stuffs and foods for the next week out of town with your cousin. Did she mention about that?

Uhmm, not really. But I found it strange when she asked me to buy lots of paper plates and plastic cups. Yes, it will be on Wednesday. Now that you know about it, would you like to go with us? Well, I am not personally invited. So, I won't crash your party like I did last time. I was referring to the house party. Thats why Im inviting you, Jane. Yeah, I know but the point is Im not a part of the circle. If my cousin didnt inform me about it, that only means I shouldnt be involved. Even if the celebrator himself invited you? he frowned. I was speechless and then I thought, is he really inviting me? Really? Im the happiest lady in the world! Uhm I dont want to say yes yet. I hesitated. And before I spoke again he cut me off My birthday wont be happy if you wont be there Jane. I just really wished that you and Andrea are close enough to go together without my invitation. That was the plan, actually. Since she didnt mention it to you, Im inviting you now. Its really a surprise to see you here. If I didnt, then Ill be the gloomiest celebrator in the world. And I would hate myself for not inviting you. Gosh! He said the words with all emotions. How could I say no? I blushed. Why is he pushing this? I dont understand why is it important to him for me to be there? We just met once twice, counting now. I will try. I said with my off voice. Please? Just do it for me? with his palms together like begging. Did he just say for me? Why would he say that? Whats so special about me? I thought he liked Mabel. Yes, now I have a reason to not to go. Uh I understand you being polite with me. Inviting me on your birthday, but its a bit much dont you think? Do you think I would believe you? You could still be happy anyway. Mabel will be there for sure. I emphasized Mabels name like Im almost syllabicating it. Question lands on his face. He narrowed his eyebrows and thought of something. Its more like remembering. He rolled his eyes and turned to me. Oh, that night at the party? Ive only known her for a few weeks Jane. What makes you think that way? Well, the actions and hand gestures. Your body language is a bit intimate. So I presumed youre together. Not officially, but it was apparent, Devon. Im aware that my answers sounded like interrogatives. But I ignored it. EXTRA 2 The ocean is so clear and the wind blows sweetly on my face. Its a perfect day! I murmured to myself. Devon held put his arms on my shoulder and he commented, yes, so perfect. I know he could read the happiness in my eyes. I appreciated the beauty of the scenery. I took several pictures of the surroundings, the sea, sky, rocks, shells and the huts. He picked up his phone from his pocket and suddenly took a picture of me. What the heck! I wasnt prepared. He laughed at my disgust. I should capture your sincerest smile, thats why. Im sorry, it was rude of me. I just couldnt help it. He smiled shyly. Okay. That will be the first and last, okay? Well see. I want to

cherish this stolen moment with him. I know the rest must be looking for us and doubt about our confusing relationship. Then I realize, what relationship am I thinking about? Hes not even telling me that he likes me. I dont want to expect anything from us. I know its ridiculous to assume things. EXTRAS 3 While I was walking in a dark street of Barangay Rizal, I saw a figure of a tall man. He looks familiar to me. The clothes hes wearing. The red jacket and even the sneakers. Devon! I shouted. He dragged the lady forcefully and they disappeared. I couldnt move. I tried to decipher everything I saw and still I couldnt believe what just happen ed. I got my handphone and dialed his Devons number as fast as I could. He answered it in four rings. Jane! Where the hell are you? Everybodys looking for you. It took me few seconds to answer. Uhm, I was looking for you too. Ill be back in a few. Im not so far from the house so dont worry about me. EXTRA 4 I couldnt combine the right phrases to say. Should I run? Hide? Or stay away from him. Holy cow! What was I thinking? Why am I still here? My boyfriend is a Satanist along with his family. Would I be able to digest that? Now that you know, you may leave anytime you want. How could I leave when I couldnt even afford to move an inch? I put my finger on his lips to stop him from whining, Then we have to do something about it. We will help each other. I swallowed and regain myself. I love him! And I will protect him. I told myself. Devon, I dont care about your spiritual issues; I dont care if I have to force you to come back to God. I will help you, even if it costs the death of me. You just have to tell me how to help you. Do you hear yourself, Jane? Im in this for life. I was born with it. I couldnt change that fact. My dad tried to escape once, but his loved ones souls were at stake. They got sick and they almost died. I dont want that to happen to you. So I suggest you to just forget about me. Is this my fortune? Is this what I prayed for every single night before sleeping? I only asked for a perfect guy that would knock me off my feet. A man that would finally tie the knot with, in the church of my choice. NOTABLE QUOTES: Ive always believed in happy endings, in life, love and friendship. Now that Ive met him, it changed everything that Ive believed in. People die, none of us lived as long as we wished to. And death is the scariest ending in life. Theres no such thing as perfect death. There are many points in our lives that we are hoping that everything will be fine... but at the end of the day, theyre are just hopes that had become wishes. Theres nobody who could breathe for you. But theres somebody who could let you breathe freely.

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