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TIM DOODYS SHILLS: May 15 2008, was the big vote for SLFPA-E to take the property.

The only public comment speaker in favor of taking the property was last to speak just before the vote. This order was determined by board president Tim Doody. The speaker's name was Charles Chassignac. Though a co-worker of Tim Doody's, there was no mention of this, he was passed off as 'just a concerned citizen' (by the way, that concealment in itself fits some definitions of a shill). Here is the link to those minutes, please see page 6 of the levee board minutes, just before "Presentations". 2015%20-%20Board%20Meeting %20Minutes.pdf

Here is the link to this man's page at Tim Doody's work place: At the Feb 21, 2008 SLFPA-E a public speaker spoke named John Laguens. He used some of the same phrases as Chassignac "an entire city is at stake here" BOTH SAID THIS EXACT QUOTE. Homeowners who were there reported that this speaker was particularly rough, aggressive, and rude. Apparently Mr. Laguens is a VERY concerned citizen, because he does not live in the area that is affected by this decision. (Neither did Chassignac!) Doody did not acknowledge knowing this man, however my research indicates that he is a childhood friend of the Doody's when they were growing up in Arabi. In fact when Mr. Laguens's mother, a life-long resident of Arabi, passed away, a Susan Doody posted this on her obituary:

Renee, Anne, and John. I remember going to the back door of your house to see if Anne could play and hearing your Mom singing a beautiful song or sewing. No matter what she was doing, I was always greeted with a smile, your Mom always made me feel welcome. I will remember those great days and hope you can ejoy many more memories of your Mom in the coming days. Sorry I could not be there today, but my prayers are with your whole family. Love, Susan and Steve Doody
Posted by: Susan Doody - Baton Rouge, LA - neighborhood friend Jun 13, 2011

Here is the link to the obit:

Laugens and an Edwin Doody are also listed as board members of an organization called 'MRGO must go'. It is registered at Doody's address on Brittany Place.

Here is the link: What does all this say about the intentions of this board president and his decision making process? The May 08 meeting was when homeowners were told to bring all of their documentation and facts to present to the board and that it would be heard. 3 commissioners told me that the vote was pre-arranged (ethics violation?) even before the start of the meeting. Homeowners were falsely led to believe that they would be heard. They hired world renowned experts who were paid to travel into New Orleans and testify...for no reason, because the decision had already been made. All this means that any facts that the homeowners had didn't matter, in fact it means that no facts mattered. Right or wrong, legal or illegal, and regardless of what was presented or what they heard or saw they were going to do it. That is at the very core of how and why such a wrong and poor decision was made. A review of that meeting's audio will reveal that after all of the documentation was presented and immediately before the vote, Doody stated that he hoped that the homeowners knew that what they had to say had been heard. Despite the fact that the documentation presented by the homeowners was overwhelming and that those opposed to the homeowners had nothing...literally nothing...Doody began making a speech preparing the homeowners to be let down. He didn't tell the Corps to be prepared to be let down, he told that to the homeowners. How could he have known what the vote was going to be? Even if one believes that Doody just assumed how it would be, in light of what was presented, how could he assume it would be in favor of taking the property? Between when the documentation was presented and before the vote Doody did not have any opportunity to know how individuals were going to vote. Especially because of or even despite the overwhelming evidence presented. There is another individual that is highly suspected to be a third shill of Mr. Doodys. His name is Mr. Keenan. At this time, I have not yet been able to connect the dots on this suspected shill.

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