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DrugNews Update: Latest Court Records Show 29% Increase In Mirena Lawsuits

Women who have been injured by the Mirena IUD birth control device or the family members of women who have suffered fatal injuries linked to the Mirena IUD may be eligible to file a Mirena lawsuit. If a woman who has been injured by the Mirena device is 18 years or older she may file a Mirena lawsuit on her on behalf. If the individual injured by the Mirena device is under 18 years old, it may be necessary for a parent or guardian to initiate the Mirena birth control lawsuit on the minors behalf. Is there a Mirena Class Action Lawsuit?

In June 1989, G. D. Searle & Co settled more than 100 of about 600 product liability lawsuits filed by women who suffered because of its Copper-7 IUD contraceptive. It included $8 million to a Minneapolis woman and $300,000 to two others. The IUD introduced in 1974 was linked to uterine perforation, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and pelvic infections in users. The manufacturer withdrew the device in January 1986. Vaginal Infection: Vaginitis, vaginal bleeding, and streptococcal sepsis in women are also linked to the use of Mirena IUD. The users are also at the risk of suffering from dysmenorrheal, vaginal watery discharge, and pain during sex.

Many of the lawsuits allege that Bayer failed to adequately convey side effect information. In fact, Bayer had already received two warning letters from the FDA

for failing to include risk information, over-stating the efficacy or benefits of Mirena, and more. That Mirena IUD is a hormonal intrauterine device used for birth control, and also to treat heavy menstrual bleeding for women who have given birth already. Its not recommended for women who havent given birth, in that they have a greater risk of pelvic infections if they receive a Mirena IUD implant.

Pelvic Inflammation: Those already facing pelvic problems are advised against using Mirena IUD. While the device migration causes injuries to the pelvic floor and organs, its implant puts women at the increased risk of infection, inflammation, and abscesses at the pelvic area leading to pelvic diseases. Those suffered from pelvic diseases caused by Mirena had no option but to undergo surgeries. You can contact us in writing by using this sites free case evaluation form online, or you can call us via our toll-free number. In either case, youll receive a prompt response with help for your Mirena side effects case.

Bernstein Liebhard LLP is a New York-based law firm exclusively representing injured persons in complex individual and class action lawsuits nationwide since 1993, including those who have been harmed by dangerous drugs, defective medical devices and consumer products. The firm has been named by The National Law Journal to the Plaintiffs Hot List, recognizing the top plaintiffs firms incountry, for the past 10 consecutive years. The Mirena IUD has been in use in Europe since 1991 and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000. According to FDA reports, there have been more than 45,000 adverse events reported, including device expulsion, device dislocation and vaginal hemorrhage. For more information find us on

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