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Woohoo!!! Finally I finished my Plexi window and Neon Lights Mods!!!

You probably have seen this many times before and I have decided to join the craze with my very own mods! The victim was my poor, poor Enlight 7237 OM3! You can consider this as a mini-guide if you like, coz I skipped a lot of steps and assume that you are familiar with the hand tools and equipments that I used for this mods. So, ENJOY!!! As for the shape of the window, it all depends on individuals. I decided to go with the one similar to TweakTown's posting on the AMD T-Bird case recently. It was not just a plain rectangular shape, but with rounded edges. As you can see below, the shape cuts into the 120mm fan hole that I had cut for the Dremel How-To Guide recently. Looks like I won't be needing it anymore!! For the window itself, I will be using a 3mm thick Acrylic sheet that I got from a hardware store. It costs me S$16 for an 4 square feet size. You can go for a thicker one if you like too. Or maybe a coloured sheet would be nice too!! Mark out the outline carefully so that you have a decent amount of space to mount your plexi window, without presenting any obstructions to the other hardwares in your PC or the case structure itself. Once you are satisfied, it's time to cut the window.

Window shape Click to enlarge

Plexi sheet Click to enlarge

I also got some rubber linings for sealing up the window edges. I'm not sure what they were used for, but I have seen some window frames elsewhere being sealed up with this linings. Apart from aesthetic purposes, it also protects your fingers from the sharp edges of the window frames.

Rubber linings Click to enlarge

See the grooves? Click to enlarge

Grooves opened up Click to enlarge

av r K y


As usual, my weapon of choice was the railgun. Ooppss!! That's Quake!!! Sorry, I mean the Dremel, with the Re-inforced Cut-Off Wheels. Follow your markings carefully with the wheel coz if you screw up here, there's no way out!!

Ready for some Dremel action!! Click to enlarge

Concrete blocks as support!! Click to enlarge

Once you are done with the window, change to the grinding wheel attachment and start smoothing out the rough edges made by the Dremel. As for the waste, you cut it some more and make a frisbee out of it!!! Joking!!!

Window done!! Click to enlarge

Grinding wheel attaachment Click to enlarge

You should get something like this once the edges had been smoothen out!

Grinding wheel attaachment Click to enlarge

With that outta the way, it's time to fix on the rubber lining onto the window edges!!! Take the rubber lining and insert the window edges into the grooves. Work your way around the edges until you have covered every inch of the window with the rubber linings. Then cut the excess off. Below is how it looks like once it's done. Not bad eh??

av r K y


This things are a pain in the ass!!! Click to enlarge

Finally!!! Click to enlarge

Of course, there is one minor glitch! The linings refused to conform to one of the round edges on the window due to the curve. Need to cut a portion of that groove to make it fit. As for the rest of the edges, it was no problem!! Now it's time to cut the plexi.

Minor problem!! :O( Click to enlarge

The best way to measure up the plexi is to put it against the window and trace the window shape onto the plexi. The plexi comes with a protective adhesive, that also acts as a marking layer. Do not remove this layer until you are absolutely satisfied with the cut you made to the plexi and after you have drilled all the holes for securing it to the case. You should make the plexi larger, about 3/4" on all sides for mounting purposes. If you accidentally cut it to the exact size of the window, all I can say is get yourself a new sheet of plexi!!! Change to the normal cut-off wheels, since the plexi is very soft and easy to work with. But be careful so as not to exert to much force or you'll end up breaking the plexi. It shouldn't take you long to cut the plexi.

Plexi ready for the Dremel. Click to enlarge

Normal cut-off wheels Click to enlarge

av r K y


Like hot knife through butter!!! Click to enlarge

Done!! Well...almost! Click to enlarge

Mark out the mounting holes on the case. I will be using some bolts and nuts for securing the plexi to the window. Others would prefer a more permanent method, like rivets. They are a bit long, but that's nothing a Dremel can't handle!!! For the outer side of the window, do not drill through the rubber lining. Use them to hide the bolt heads.

Used for securing the window Click to enlarge

Tada!!! Nice, ain't it? Click to enlarge

See? I told you a Dremel could handle it!! Click to enlarge

The window is now done!!!! Next up, the neon lights!!! I got the Blue Neon Lights from an autoshop somewhere in the Sungei Road area. I guess most autoshops would carry them. The one I got comes in a pair and each measuring about 4 inches in length. I installed them at the top of the window, shedding light down towards the mobo and the rest of the PC components. They cost me S$25.

Cool Blue Neon lights!!

Wire routing...not the best, but OK!!

av r K y


Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

OK....I know you can't wait to see the finished product, so here it is!!! Not bad!! You can clearly see the hardwares inside the PC and also the Fanbus. You can also see the Blue & Red LED Baybus and the case temperature monitoring LCD screen in the front panel.

Frontal shot! Click to enlarge

Rear shot! Click to enlarge

Close up! Click to enlarge

Baybus and Temp. LCD! Click to enlarge

And what better way to end this mini-guide than to show you how it looks like in the darkness!!! Some finger-licking pics coming up dudes!!! Take a peek!! Sorry about the bad pics! The digital camera sucks big time at low light situation!!!

Whole case shot! Click to enlarge

Baybus Mania!! Click to enlarge

Top view of the window! Click to enlarge

Direct frontal view! Click to enlarge

av r K y


This is getting eerie, isn't it?? Click to enlarge

Maybe I'll paint the case flat black, make a handle and make it my LAN Rig!!! Some of you locals are laughing right now and probably asking, "Why the hell do you need a LAN rig when there's no LAN Parties here in Singapore???" Hahahahahah!!! Well, my friends, "It is no longer about the need, but rather to fulfill the obssession that I have with case mods!!!!" Good luck with your own mods and as usual, give me a holler with your Qs!!!! Chiow!!!

av r K y


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