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Figured World: The Uncc Greenway Actors: Walkers, Runners, Bikers, Rollerbladeders, skaters, Families Artifacts: Bikes, Skates,

Skateboard, and Strollers The Greenway is a unique place because it allows people from all walks of life to come together and interact harmoniously in a shared space. Now, there is no one common goal in this place, but many independent goals or even group goal. These goals can range from getting in shape, distressing from the day, or just killing some time outside. People use this space for activities such as: biking, skating, running, walking, family or group activities, and even just relaxing on a bench. With so many activities you might ask. How long is the list of rules in this place? You would be surprised to find that the list of rules is small. You are allowed to do almost any activity you desire on the Greenway (within the confines of the law and popular sovereignty). There are only a few (legal) activates you can't do such as: drive a car or motorcycle, or bar anyone access to any part of the Greenway (like enacting a toll). There are a few courtesy rules that are helpful to follow to preserve harmony on the greenway. Like bikers, runners, rollerblades, and skaters should yield to all other pedestrians and should announce themselves when passing someone from behind. Also there are rules that apply not just to more mobile actors but to everyone such as: traffic should precede like car traffic one direction on one side the opposite direction on the opposite side. Passing should be done the same as passing in a car yield to oncoming traffic and return to original lane when passing is complete. The best way to communicate with people is simply with your voice shouting is acceptable as long as its not excessive or derogatory. But most of the communication comes not from your voice but these unspoken rules of curiously and decorum. Some examples of unspoken rules are treat others like you want to be treated, Share the space, Think of others feelings (be respectful), Clean up after yourself, and make the Greenway a place that everyone can enjoy. These unspoken rules are what make this place such a unique area. Another uniqueness of this place is people from all walks of life can congregate in a shared space with little friction or tension and without the need for set rules or an initial orientation period. Now, because of this interactional freedom there is the formation of many different groups such as: running, walking, biking, skating etc. groups, families, group events (walkathons like walk for Boston last semester) and so many more groups. The possibilities are endless because of the lack of set rules, and set populous. This is what makes the Greenway special it is a blank canvas that anyone is allowed to paint on.

What is your Name, Age, and sex: Zach, 19, Male What are all the ways you use the Greenway? Biking, walking, or relaxation What is your favorite Greenway activity and why? Relaxation, it is very peaceful on the greenway and its nice to be able to come out here and forget about the stresses of the world. How often do you use the Greenway in a week? 2 or 3 times Do you use head phones during you Greenway activities? I try not to it impairs my ability to be aware of my surroundings, But sometimes I will just use one ear bud. Do you ever converse with unfamiliar others while on the green way? Well other than announcing my presence to others no not really. What would you say if any were some unspoken rules of the Greenway? Basically just be polite, respectful, and aware of other people while on the greenway. Do you know the written rules of the Greenway? Honestly, Ive never taken the time to figure out what they are, but Ive never been called out for breaking one. Are you usually in a group or alone on the Greenway and why? Alone, this is where I clear my head so it helps to be alone. Are there some activates you do specifically alone or specifically with a group? Most of my activates I do alone, but I have done a group cycling activate once. In your opinion what are the pros and cons of coming to the greenway? Pros: good place to get away from it all, its free, and unmonitored so no one is breathing down your neck. Cons: some days its pretty crowded, not everyone is as respectful as id like. If any what ways would you change the greenway? Maybe make lanes on the greenway to better regulate traffic.

Due to the complexity of my new observation method I will only be able to build a template for this revision. Then I will fill this template in when I acquire my data

1. I will add my video first to give a visual representation of this world. This will allow the textual observations to be better visualized.

2. Then I will move into graphical analysis to show non-verbal/ verbal levels of communication and types activities (biking, running, group or solo, ect.), and maybe even Age, race, sex. This will give further info to help clarify my textual observations

3. Then I will sum all this up with explicit textual observations to complete my observation section.

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