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(Kanji for fall,drop) | KANJIDAMAGE

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(flowertop) + (waterleft) + (each) Same-ON 12 strokes

Christ! Two out of three radicals are mutants. The mutant invasion has begun!!!

RAKU The ROCK and roller was so wasted he fell down three times. On the way to the stage . Each flower petal falls onto the water.

( ) ( ) I drop something. something falls (fall off your chair, a plate falls and breaks)



(Kanji for fall,drop) | KANJIDAMAGE


keep your cool. (fall,drop) + (wear / arrive) = (keep your cool.) to keep your cool. Often said as a command !!

corrupt (corrupt) + (fall,drop) = (corrupt) corrupt in one's personal life - not usually political corruption. Drugs, lies, trife behavior.

burakumin ABU CCW FR (section) + (fall,drop) + (folk) = (burakumin) (literally,'the fallen group.') this is - along with Ainu, Korean ex-slaves, the Eta-hin,and the handicapped, one of the main groups discriminated against in Japan. I won't go into the whole story here, but most Japanese will say, 'Don't say , it's ( discriminatory)' What they neglect to tell you is, there is no polite word! Effectively denying someone a voice in the guise of being polite to them is a very. Very. VERY Japanese way of fucking with people. However, you can say ( = social integration) instead: speaking of the phenomenon instead of the individuals. For instance, discrimination against people is ('the social integration problem'). A nice article explaining the importance of using the right language is here and a more general overview of discrimination is here.

fail a test (fall,drop) + (rank or number in series) = (fail a test) fail an exam,or get held back a grade.

Meaning Hint FLOWERS BERET Radical

fall,drop late night

FLOWERS fall on me when I wear my BERET at night .

2009-2012 Hello Damage


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