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Energy Carta.

ROS Ref: 2081/2008

Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Energy Carta

Asian Youth Energy Summit 2009

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Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Table of Contents
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Cvervlew.................................................................................................................................................... 13
Case Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 16
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Local CuLreach........................................................................................................................................... 17
lorelgn CuLreach....................................................................................................................................... 17
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Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Lnergy Carta ( ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon founded by a Leam of young adulLs
who wanL Lo make a poslLlve lmpacL on Lhe world. We bear Lhe vlslon of becomlng Lhe plaLform
connecLlng youLhs and susLalnable developmenL ldeas, sLlmulaLlng dlalogues and acLlon, Lhrough
awareness programs and Langlble opporLunlLles.

ln Lhls regard, Lnergy CarLa successfully organlzed Lhe second annual As|an outh Lnergy Summ|t
(ALS), a reglonal youLh conference LhaL hlghllghLed opporLunlLles and challenges ln susLalnable energy
relaLed lndusLrles. Cver 300 sLudenL parLlclpanLs, lncludlng youLh leaders from Slngapore, Chlna, lndla,
vleLnam, lndonesla, Malaysla, LgypL and Columbla, lnLeracLed wlLh buslness leaders, pollcy makers and
enLrepreneurs from Lhe CleanLech lndusLry.

8elow ls a comprehenslve evenL reporL of Lhe Aslan ?ouLh Lnergy SummlL 2009.

Event Details

1he Aslan ?ouLh Lnergy SummlL was a 2 day conference held on Lhe 17th and 18th of September 2009
aL Lhe Shaw Ioundat|on A|umn| nouse, Nat|ona| Un|vers|ty of S|ngapore. 1he evenL, Lhemed
"CpporLunlLles, SoluLlons and ollcles for CleanLech ln Asla aclflc", conslsLed of Lhree maln

! Conference rograms
24 speakers, spread over 3 LhemaLlc panels, lnLeracLed wlLh Lhe audlence over Loday's energy
and susLalnablllLy lssues.
! Chevron Case Cha||enge
97 Leams compeLed agalnsL each oLher Lhrough 3 rounds Lo develop Lhe besL 20-year energy
plan for a flcLlonal clLy.
! Career Ia|r
Companles and organlzaLlons showcased career and educaLlon opporLunlLles ln Lnergy secLor.
Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
Conference Programs

1|me rogram - Day 1 (September 17
081S-0900 keg|strat|on
0900 -0930
Cpen|ng Ceremony
CuesL of Ponor: ur. vlvlan 8alakrlshnan
MlnlsLer for CommunlLy uevelopmenL, ?ouLh and SporLs
0930 - 1000
keynote Speech
Ms Lok kheng Llng
Slngapore CounLry Chalr, Chevron
1000 - 1130
Cpportun|t|es #1 - 1he Lmerg|ng Green Co||ar Lconomy
1he CleanLech secLor and all assoclaLed lndusLrles are growlng exponenLlally, creaLlng a
slew of speclallsL [obs ln Asla. WhaL are Lhe opporLunlLles LhaL are currenLly avallable?
1130 - 131S Lunch & Network|ng
131S - 1330 Iore|gn Student resentat|ons
1330 - 1S00
So|ut|ons #1-kenewab|es
1he 8enewable Lnergy lndusLry has provlded mulLlple soluLlons Lo Lhe energy crlsls.
Why ls Lechnology lnLegraLlon Lhe key Lo ensure susLalnable developmenL and whaL ls
Lhe opLlmum energy mlx?
1S00 - 1S30 1ea & Network|ng
1S30- 1700

So|ut|ons #2 - A g||mpse of the Susta|nab|e C|ty
1he surge ln urban populaLlon ls a LhreaL Lo reduclng carbon emlsslon. Pow can energy
efflclenL bulldlngs ln an urban lnfrasLrucLure provlde soluLlons Lo a susLalnable clLy?
Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

1|me rogram - Day 2 (September 18

084S- 0930 keg|strat|on
0930 - 1100
o||c|es - 1he Urgency of o||cy Act|on
An lmporLanL conslderaLlon for SouLh-easL Asla ls Lhe need Lo adapL and move
Lo a low carbon economy. Learn more abouL Clean uevelopmenL Mechanlsms
(CuMs) and Lhe world of carbon flnance.
1100 - 124S Lunch & Network|ng
124S - 1300 Iore|gn Students resentat|on
1300 - 1430
Cpportun|t|es #2 - C|eantech Va||ey
uesplLe Lhe recesslon, lnvesLmenLs ln CleanLech sLarLups have reached uS$4
bllllon ln Lhe lasL 3 years. LlsLen Lo local CleanLech enLrepreneurs share Lhelr
experlences of sLarLlng up ln Slngapore.
1430- 1S00
C|os|ng keynote Speech - 1he Iuture of Lnergy
Mr. Lawrence Wong
Chlef LxecuLlve, Lnergy MarkeL AuLhorlLy
1S00- 1S30 1ea & Network|ng
1S30- 1730
1he Chevron Case Cha||enge I|na|s
1he Lop 3 Leams, shorLllsLed from 97 Leams from unlverslLles and olyLechnlcs
from across Lhe counLry, wlll presenL Lhelr soluLlons Lo an Lnergy Case roblem.
A panel of esLeemed [udges wlll evaluaLe Lhe Leams' presenLaLlons. 1he wlnnlng
Leam wlll recelve SC$3000.
1730 - 1800 C|os|ng & Awards Ceremony


Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
Day 1

Opeoloq AJJtess by Coest-Of-noooot

Dr. V|v|an 8a|akr|shnan (MlnlsLer for CommunlLy uevelopmenL, ?ouLh and SporLs) dellvered an lnsplrlng
openlng address ln whlch he commended Lhe Lnergy CarLa Leam for brlnglng LogeLher over 300 youLh
leaders from across Asla Lo dlscuss presslng lssues such as susLalnablllLy and global warmlng. AfLer
sLresslng on Lhe lmporLance of susLalnable developmenL, he wenL on Lo descrlbe Lo Lhe audlence how
Slngapore has been adopLlng susLalnablllLy pracLlces long before Lhey came lnLo promlnence.

Opeoloq keyoote 5peecb

Ms Lok kheng L|ng (Slngapore CounLry Chalr, Chevron) opened Lhe conference overvlew of Lhe Lnergy
scene and Lhe opporLunlLles, soluLlons and problems for a modern day Lnergy company. She Lhen
presenLed a deLalled descrlpLlon of Chevron's operaLlons and achlevemenLs ln Lhe Lnergy secLor. She
also hlghllghLed Chevron's sLance on lnLernaLlonal energy pollcles, energy conservaLlon, soclal
responslblllLy and alLernaLe energy sources.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
looel 1-1. Oppottooltles #1 - 1be metqloq Cteeo collot cooomy
- wbots oot kole lo lt?

1o daLe, Slngapore has commlLLed more Lhan S$600 mllllon (uS$399 mllllon) Lo develop Lhe CleanLech
lndusLry. 1hls markeL ls pro[ecLed Lo grow up Lo uS$2.74 Lrllllon by 2020. Slngapore has also promlsed
18,000 green speclallsL [obs by 2013 wlLh a LoLal markeL slze of $3.4 bllllon. 1he speakers from varylng
backgrounds gave an overvlew of Lhe prospecLs of CleanLech ln Lhelr fleld of work.

Mr. kon Mahab|r (Manag|ng D|rector, As|a C|eantech Cap|ta|) predlcLed LhaL currenL energy
consumpLlon Lrends are unsusLalnable unless Clean Lnergy soluLlons are adopLed. Pe sLaLed LhaL glven
Lhe huge lnflux of caplLal lnLo Lhe CleanLech secLor and Lhe enormlLy of Lhe Lnergy lndusLry, several
opporLunlLles are bound Lo arlse over Lhe nexL decade.

Mr. ew kee Cheong (Cha|rman, SIA Green ract|ce Comm|ttee) gave a brlef overvlew of hls flrm, 28
ArchlLecLs, and also llsLed Lhe lnlLlaLlves of Lhe Slngapore lnsLlLuLe of ArchlLecLs ln adopLlng greener
pracLlces and more susLalnable deslgns. A few key areas of [ob creaLlon LhaL he dlscussed were bulldlng
reLroflL, mass LranslL, energy efflclency, hybrld and blodlesel vehlcles, wlnd power, solar power and
celluloslc blomass fuels.

Mr. eter Cheng (Manag|ng D|rector of Vestas 1echno|ogy k&D S|ngapore) spoke abouL Lhe currenL
wlnd energy producLlon and Lhe poLenLlal number of [obs creaLed per 1MW of energy capaclLy lnsLalled.
Pe spoke on Lhe dlfferenL flelds of research belng underLaken by vesLas and how graduaLes from
dlfferenL flelds of sLudy can play a parL ln Lhe 8&u processes.

Dr. Ieff Cbbard (Assoc|ate rofessor Lnv|ronmenta| Sc|ence & Lng., NUS) llsLed Lhe varlous research
opporLunlLles ln Lhe fleld of CleanLech and renewable energy. Pe spoke abouL Lhe work of research
agencles such as A*S1A8 as well as LesL beddlng of new Lechnologles ln Slngapore. Pe wenL on Lo dlscuss
hls currenL research pro[ecL and Lhe exclLlng posslblllLy of Slngapore belng an oll-produclng counLry
Lhrough mlcro-algae.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
looel 1-2. 5olotloos #1 - keoewobles - wloJ, 5olot, Ceotbetmol, nyJto
- wbots 1be Optlmom oetqy Mlx?

WhaL are Lhe varlous energy sources LhaL wlll keep us susLalnable? Where ls Lhe lnvesLmenL and growLh
ln wlnd, solar and blomass? WhaL ls Lhere besldes Lhose Lhree popular Lechnologles? ln 1998, Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Lnergy Agency predlcLed global wlnd elecLrlclLy generaLlon would LoLal 47CW by 2020. We
reached LhaL number ln 2004 and Loday we are aL 121CW, 11 years ahead of schedule. 1lme and agaln,
growLh pro[ecLlons for renewables have been defled and defeaLed. Pow far can we go unLll we hlL Lhe
plaLeau, or ls Lhere no plaLeau aL all?
Mr. 8rad Ster|ey (nead of kenewab|e Lnergy & Lnv|ronmenta| I|nance, As|a, Standard Chartered
8ank) shared hls experlence ln deallng wlLh flnanclng renewable energy and provlded daLa of flnanclal
lnvesLmenLs ln dlfferenL areas ln Lhe CleanLech space. Pe furLher dlscussed Lhe growLh drlvers of
renewable energy ln Lhe markeL, such as sLlmulus packages from varlous governmenLs. Pe concluded by
sharlng hls professlonal vlews on Lhe lnvesLmenL enabllng facLors ln renewable energy.
Mr. M|chae| koeder (W|nd roduct L|ne Leader, As|a ac|f|c keg|on, GL Lnergy) demonsLraLed Lhe
sLaLlsLlcal demand for elecLrlclLy over Llme and how renewable energy can gradually supplemenL Lhls
growlng demand. Pe explalned LhaL Lhe goal Lowards clean energy would requlre an lnLenslve
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe energy efflclency grld and dlverslLy of renewables.

Mr. Dan|e| kosa (D|rector of Sa|es, Conergy) revealed Lhe relevance of Conergy producLs, such as solar
panels and solar Lhermal sysLems, ln CleanLech secLor. Pe also presenLed some of Lhe ma[or solar power
planL pro[ecLs LhaL Conergy has execuLed ln dlfferenL counLrles such ln SouLh korea, Saudl Arabla and

Mr. Ldgare kerkw|[k (Manag|ng D|rector, As|a Green Cap|ta|) gave a brlef overvlew of renewable
energy lnvesLmenLs over Lhe years. Pe furLher broughL ouL Lhe lmpacL of flnanclal crlsls on renewable
energy markeL and flnally Louched on Lhe fuLure prospecL of renewable energy for SouLheasL Asla,
parLlcularly hydroelecLrlc, blomass and blogas.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
looel 1-J. 5olotloos #2 - A qllmpse of tbe 5ostolooble clty

uld you know LhaL bulldlngs conLrlbuLe up Lo 20 of our global carbon emlsslons?? ln facL Lhese energy
efflclency savlngs could be very well be dellvered aL low or negaLlve cosLs slnce we wlll be paylng lower
fuel bllls ln Lhe fuLure. 1ransporL also conLrlbuLes anoLher 14 of global emlsslons. So can we deslgn
clLles LhaL requlre llLLle Lo no LransporL wlLh exLremely energy efflclenL bulldlngs Lo solve all of Lhese

Mr. Dav|d 1an (Deputy Ch|ef Lxecut|ve, Lnergy Market Author|ty) explalned Lhe rlslng demand of
energy, especlally ln a developed counLry llke Slngapore. 8efore openlng Lhe panel for dlscusslon, he
descrlbed hls vlslon of Slngapore as a susLalnable clLy ln Lhe fuLure and llsLed a few lmporLanL sLeps
Slngapore needed Lo Lake Lo geL Lhere.

Mr. Ang k|an Seng (D|rector, kesearch, 8u||d|ng and Construct|on Author|ty) revealed Lhe 8ulldlng and
ConsLrucLlon AuLhorlLy's efforLs Lo make Slngapore greener and more susLalnable. Pe descrlbed
schemes such as Lhe SC$30 mllllon Mnu 8esearch lund, $20 mllllon Creen Mark lncenLlve Scheme and
Lhe Creen Mark Cross lloor Area lncenLlve Scheme.

Mr. Naveen 8hat (Sen|or Industry Sa|es Manager ALC, Autodesk As|a ac|f|c) dellvered an aLLracLlve
presenLaLlon showlng how varlous deslgn and slmulaLlon sofLware from AuLodesk helped englneers and
archlLecLs deslgn 'Creen' bulldlngs.

Dr. Lerwen L|u (D|rector, NanoG|obe) along wlLh her colleagues from nanoClobe, explalned how Lo
leverage on nanoLechnology Lo reduce polluLlon, conserve resources, ellmlnaLe wasLes and, bulld green
producLs and ulLlmaLely, a green clLy.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
Day 2

looel 2-1. lollcles - 1be utqeocy of lollcy Actloo

ln Aprll 2009, Lhe Aslan uevelopmenL 8ank (Au8) released a reporL on Lhe Lconomles of CllmaLe Change
ln SouLheasL Asla. 1hls reporL hlghllghLs LhaL Lhe cosLs of noL Laklng urgenL pollcy acLlon would be very
hlgh. An lmporLanL conslderaLlon for SouLheasL Asla would be Lhe need Lo adapL and move Lo a low
carbon economy. We Lake a closer look aL Clean uevelopmenL Mechanlsms (CuM) and lnLo Lhe world of
carbon flnance.

Ms Shobana kesava (D|rector of C||mate Change o||cy, 8r|t|sh n|gh Comm|ss|on S|ngapore) spoke
abouL Lhe key flndlngs ln Lhe Au8 reporL, hlghllghLlng Lhe vulnerablllLy of SouLheasL Asla as a reglon Lo
rlslng sea levels and exLreme changes ln cllmaLe condlLlons. She Lhen wenL on Lo Lalk abouL sLraLegles
LhaL Lhe Au8 has speclfled, namely ln Lhe areas of ubllc Awareness, 8esearch, ollcy and lannlng
CoordlnaLlon, ldenLlfylng vulnerable Croups and MlLlgaLlon and AdapLaLlon. llnally, she underllned Lhe
need for urgenL acLlon ln Lhe pollcles underLaken.

Mr Cng G|n keat (GM, Metax Lco So|ut|ons te Ltd) shared hls experlences of seLLlng up Slngapore's
flrsL ever Clean uevelopmenL Mechanlsm (CuM) pro[ecL. Pe explalned Lhe CuM crlLerla and gave us a
deLalled plcLure of how hls Lhermal recovery pro[ecL was carrled ouL.

Ms Suzanne Chew (Sen|or Lm|ss|ons 8roker, 1IS Green) descrlbed Lhe funcLlonlng of Lhe carbon flnance
markeL as well as how her company's exLenslve experlence ln Lhe lndusLry. She gave wonderful lnslghLs
lnLo how Lhe prlvaLe secLor ln Slngapore and pollcles can go hand ln hand Lo achleve a greaLer lmpacL.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
looel 2-2. Oppottooltles #2 - cleootecb volley - wbete wlll lt metqe?

1he clean Lechnology secLor has seen huge leaps and bounds ln lnvesLmenLs over Lhe lasL 3 years.
uesplLe Lhe recesslon, CleanLech venLures rose 32 Lo uS$4bllllon ln 2008 ln Slngapore, Lhe Lconomlc
uevelopmenL 8oard has launched a S$300,000 fundlng program Lo lnvesL ln new clean Lechnology
sLarLups. Many Slllcon valley lnvesLors and personallLles, llke vlnod khosla, have been placlng Lhelr beLs
on cleanLech as well. uo you have whaL lL Lakes Lo venLure lnLo Lhls brave new world?

kr|s Ch||dress (Consu|tant Adv|sor, NUS Lnterpr|se) sLarLed off glvlng an overvlew of Lhe cleanLech
lndusLry, speclflcally Lhe energy efflclency secLor. Pe explalned how energy-savlng lnnovaLlons are noL
llmlLed Lo power generaLlon and demonsLraLed how wlLh mlnlaLurlzaLlon, huge amounLs of money and
energy ls belng saved. Pls overall message was LhaL Lhere are opporLunlLles for lncreaslng efflclency all
around us, whlch ls whaL Lhe followlng panellsLs are dolng.

L ap (Ch|ef Cperat|ng Cff|cer, Nano8r|ght) dlscussed hls company's producL, research, and
markeLlng. namely, he dlscussed Lhe uses of fluorescence and how LhaL prlnclple from chemlsLry used
Lo creaLe consumer producLs and Lhen flndlng cusLomers. 1hls gave lnslghL lnLo Lhe scope of a sLarLup
and how cooperaLlon works. Pe also Lalked abouL fluorescenL coaLlngs for solar cells, whlch can boosL
Lhelr effecLlveness by shlfLlng more llghL lnLo Lhe usable specLrum and can even be applled as a

Dr. Sung Do Song (Ch|ef Cperat|ng Cff|cer, Agro-Genes|s te Ltd) Lalked abouL Lhe agrlculLure lndusLry,
namely Lhe lnpuLs, ouLpuLs, energy and envlronmenL flows and concerns. Pls company saw an
opporLunlLy ln a sLudy abouL mechanlsms planLs use Lo absorb nuLrlenLs wlLhouL waLer. Pe also
dlscussed Lhe obsLacles and reallLles a sLarLup faces, even when Lhey have an effecLlve producL. 1he
largesL obsLacle he LhoughL was markeLlng and geLLlng cllenLs over Lhe fear of Lrylng someLhlng very

A|oys|us Cheong (Lxecut|ve D|rector, C||ve Green Market|ng) lnLroduced hls producL, Cornware, a
blodegradable cuLlery producL and Lhen he launched lnLo a dlscusslon focused on whaL lL Lakes Lo be an
enLrepreneur. Pe Lalked abouL Lhe personallLy, Lhe characLerlsLlcs and Lhe drlve, LhaL ls necessary Lo
make lL on one's own. Chlef among Lhose were exLraverslon, and responslblllLy. ne closed Lhe panel
wlLh a shorL vldeo abouL our responslblllLy Lo LarLh and susLalnablllLy.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
closloq keyoote 5peecb. 1be lotote of oetqy

Mr. Lawrence Wong (Ch|ef Lxecut|ve, Lnergy Market Author|ty) gave Lhe audlence a brlef overvlew of
Lhe sources belng Lapped on for Slngapore's lncreaslng energy demand. Pe Lhen dlscussed, ln deLall, Lhe
energy mlx of Lhe fuLure. Cne by one, he explalned Lhe usage of alLernaLe energy before Louchlng on Lhe
lmporLance of energy efflclency, LlecLrlc vehlcle lnfrasLrucLure and Lechnology, SmarL Crlds and flnally,
hls vlews on Lhe kyoLo roLocol and Lhe lmporLance of Lhe upcomlng unlLed naLlons Copenhagen
CllmaLe Change Conference. Pe Lhen spenL almosL half an hour answerlng quesLlons from local sLudenLs
and forelgn delegaLes.
Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
Career Fair

1he A?LS2009 career falr was organlzed on uay 2 of A?LS 2009 - SepLember 18
, ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe conference and was open Lo boLh conference parLlclpanLs and Lhe publlc. Companles ln Lhe Lnergy
lndusLry and relaLed secLors showcased Lhelr career and lnLernshlp programs. 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls
segmenL was Lo glve sLudenLs a pragmaLlc vlew of Lhe clean energy lndusLry and Lo equlp Lhem wlLh
beLLer knowledge of Slngapore's role ln promoLlng clean energy. 1he A?LS2009 Career lalr aLLracLed a
LoLal of over 300 aLLendees.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

1he LxhlblLors lncluded:

1. Chevron, has Lhelr reglonal headquarLers ln Slngapore and seL-up a grand booLh aL Lhe Career
lalr. SLudenLs who vlslLed Lhelr booLh were exclLed Lo learn abouL Chevron's one-year lnLernshlp
program, for graduaLe sLudenLs, durlng whlch Llme Lhey were Lralned, assessed and posslbly
hlred full-Llme. Chevron dlsplayed producL adverLlsemenLs on a plasma 1v and shared
lnformaLlon regardlng Lhelr lnvolvemenL wlLh solar and geoLhermal power.

2. GL Lnergy lnLroduced Lhelr Lwo-year leadershlp program for graduaLe sLudenLs. 1helr producLs
ln wlnd, green machlnery operaLlon Lechnologles and emerglng lnvolvemenL ln smarL grlds goL a
loL of sLudenLs lnLeresLed. 1hey also lnLroduced vlslLors Lo a Lwo-year preparaLlon program ln
whlch graduaLes are hlred as lnLerns and Lralned ln Lhe four ma[or susLalnable energy flelds-
wlnd energy, solar energy, hydroelecLrlclLy and geoLhermal and Lhen recrulLed lnLo one of Lhese

3. arsons 8r|nckerhoff showcased Lhelr lnvolvemenL ln solar, wlnd and hydroelecLrlc power
Lechnologles ln SouLh LasL Asla. vlslLors also learned abouL Lhelr envlronmenLally frlendly LranslL
sysLems, energy efflclenL bulldlng developmenL and wasLe managemenL pro[ecLs.

4. Lnergy Market Author|ty shared lnformaLlon regardlng Lhelr acLlvlLles ln pollcy-maklng for
lmplemenLaLlon of green Lechnologles and susLalnable plannlng ln Slngapore. 1hey Loo had
several poslLlons for sLudenLs who wlshed Lo enLer Lhe publlc secLor.

3. 8epresenLaLlves from Campus Irance, the Irench Lmbassy, German Academ|c Lxchange
Serv|ce and Sw|ssnex added a global dlmenslon Lo Lhe career falr. 1hey offered Lnergy relaLed
research opporLunlLles ln Lurope for sLudenLs Lo galn Lechnlcal experLlse ln Lurope.

Crganlzlng Lhe career falr was ln accordance wlLh Lnergy CarLa's ob[ecLlve Lo lncrease Lhe youLh
engagemenL wlLh Lhe energy lndusLry. 1he evenL Lherefore caLered Lo noL only sLudenLs who were
looklng for [ob opporLunlLles buL also Lhose who wanLed Lo pursue research. AlLhough Lhe focus of Lhe
evenL was on Asla, Lhe lncluslon of leadlng Luropean research programs helped broaden Lhe scope of
youLh engagemenL wlLh Lhe global CleanLech lndusLry.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Chevron Case Challenge

1he lnaugural Chevron Case Challenge, an energy case compeLlLlon, was launched ln con[uncLlon wlLh
A?LS2009. 1he compeLlLlon, Lhe flrsL of lLs klnd ln Slngapore, ls a resulL of Lnergy CarLa's vlslon Lo
educaLe LerLlary sLudenLs abouL Lhe problems and opporLunlLles ln Lhe energy lndusLry. 1ogeLher wlLh
Chevron and nuS LnLerprlse, Lhe Chevron Case Challenge promoLed Lhe need for sLudenLs, from
dlfferenL flelds of sLudy, Lo come LogeLher Lo solve our energy lssues. 97 Leams from all ma[or LerLlary
lnsLlLuLlons ln Slngapore parLlclpaLed ln Lhe compeLlLlon.
1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe compeLlLlon were Lo:
1) Lngage parLlclpanLs ln real energy problems and Lo lnLroduce opporLunlLles ln Lhe Lnergy and
CleanLech lndusLry
2) Lncourage sLudenLs Lo fully undersLand and appreclaLe Lhe real lssues faclng Lhe energy lndusLry
3) 8eveal Lhe mulLl-faceLed naLure of Lhe energy lndusLry, and Lo dlspel Lhe noLlon LhaL Lhe energy
lndusLry ls only open Lo englneers and sclenLlsLs
4) rovlde a plaLform for parLlclpanLs Lo meeL and lnLeracL wlLh pollcy makers, lndusLry
professlonals and oLher sLakeholders from Slngapore and Asla

1he Case was adapLed by Chevron from Lhe onllne game (hLLp://www.wlllyou[
developed by 1he LconomlsL Croup. 1he case was released Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs followlng rlgorous
consulLaLlons wlLh our board of advlsors.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Case Summary

arLlclpanLs were asked Lo submlL a 20-year Lnergy lan for a flcLlonal clLy, Lnergyvllle, whlch represenLs
Lhe average developed clLy wlLh growlng energy demands from lLs 17.7 mllllon clLlzens. 1he case
requlred parLlclpanLs Lo lncorporaLe Lhe energy needs for malnLalnlng aparLmenLs, offlce bulldlngs,
facLorles, vehlcles, mass LranslL, and alrplanes, whlle keeplng Lhe clLy prosperous, secure and clean. 1he
parLlclpanLs were encouraged Lo focus on balanclng compeLlng demands and conLradlcLlons-
affordablllLy, cllmaLe change, envlronmenLal preservaLlon, conservaLlon, healLh concerns, personal
safeLy and naLlonal securlLy. 1hese are all Lhe challenges LhaL pollcy-makers, pollLlcal leaders, buslnesses,
envlronmenLallsLs, educaLors and consumers face every day.

1he parLlclpaLlng Leams had Lo undergo 3 rounds of compeLlLlon, comprlslng of:

1. 1he rellmlnary 8ound: 1eams had Lo submlL wrlLLen soluLlons ln Lhe form of a 4-page reporL,
supporLed by aL leasL 3 pages of annexes and references.

2. 1he Seml-llnals: 1he Lop 11 Leams presenLed Lhelr soluLlons ln fronL of a panel of [udges, who ln
Lurn asked quesLlons and provlded feedback.

3. CnsLage llnals: 3 flnallsL Leams were glven 12 mlnuLes each Lo presenL Lhelr soluLlons for Lhe
case problem aL Lhe flnale of Lhe A?LS2009. 1hls was followed by an 8 mlnuLe C&A sesslon from
Lhe [udges.

1he !udglng anel comprlsed of

Ms. Lorra|n Chong
8eglonal Manager, Asla aclflc,
ollcy, CovernmenL and ubllc Affalrs, Chevron

rofessor kobert I|em|ng,
Ad[uncL AssoclaLe rofessor, M8A rogram
nuS 8uslness School

Mr. kr|s Ch||dress
ConsulLanL Advlsor,
nuS LnLerprlse

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
Marketing Overview

1he prlmary ob[ecLlve of Lhe A?LS2009 markeLlng campalgn was Lo brlng a dlverse audlence Lo aLLend
Lhe evenL. 1he campalgn almed aL dlspelllng Lhe mlsconcepLlon LhaL Lhe Lnergy and CleanLech lndusLry
were relevanL only Lo Lnglneerlng and Sclence sLudenLs.

Local Outreach

undergraduaLe and osLgraduaLe sLudenLs from englneerlng, buslness, managemenL, sclence, deslgn
and pollcy from Lhe naLlonal unlverslLy of Slngapore, nanyang 1echnologlcal unlverslLy and Slngapore
ManagemenL unlverslLy were prlmarlly LargeLed for A?LS2009. 1he sLudenLs from local !unlor Colleges
and olyLechnlcs were also reached.

1he publlclLy was carrled ouL Lhrough varlous meLhods ln Lhe 3 ma[or unlverslLles.
ubllclLy 8ooLhs were seLup Lo dlsLrlbuLe osLcards and llyers, Lo answer enqulres relaLlng Lo
A?LS2009, and Lo collecL paymenL Lo conflrm Lhe reglsLraLlon of parLlclpanLs for Lhe evenL.
osLers and banners were placed around promlnenL areas.
CusLomlzed emalls were senL Lo Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs.
ShorL resenLaLlons (of approxlmaLely 3 mlnuLes) were done durlng selecLed lecLures Lo relay
more lnformaLlon abouL A?LS2009.
lnLerneL ubllclLy Lhrough soclal medla plaLforms were used exLenslvely

1he markeLlng campalgn, whlch lasLed for almosL 6 weeks, resulLed ln over 230 parLlclpanLs, from all 3
unlverslLles and 3 olyLechnlcs, aLLendlng A?LS2009.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Foreign Outreach

SLudenLs from Chlna, lndla, !apan, SouLh korea and AusLralla were LargeLed. 1he publlclLy leveraged on
Lhe unlverslLy neLworks of Lnergy CarLa's 8oard of Advlsors, Lhe A?LS2008's forelgn parLlclpanLs'
conLacLs and Lhe lnLernaLlonal daLabase of Lnergy Crossroads (Lnergy CarLa's parenL organlzaLlon).

ln LoLal 38 forelgn parLlclpanLs aLLended A?LS2009 and sLayed for a mlnlmum of 4 days and 3 nlghLs.
CounLrles represenLed lncluded lndonesla, lndla, Chlna, hlllpplnes, 1halland, LgypL, 1anzanla, Columbla,
!apan and Malaysla. lorelgn parLlclpanLs were provlded opporLunlLles Lo lnLeracL wlLh our local sLudenLs
LhroughouL Lhe evenL. ln addlLlon, Lhey were also shown Slngapore's efforLs ln susLalnable developmenL
as parL of a Lour Lo Lhe Marlna 8arrage.

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;
Event Statistics

1ota| Number of Conference art|c|pants

Day 1

Local SLudenLs 194
lorelgn SLudenLs 38
CuesL 33

uay 2

Local SLudenLs

lorelgn SLudenLs 38
Conference rograms
CuesLs 21

Career Ia|r
1oLal parLlclpanLs 300 (Approx.)

Chevron Case Cha||enge
1oLal arLlclpanLs 97 1eams (3 Members each)

Energy Carta. ROS Ref: 2081/2008
Address: NUS Enterprise Incubator 8 Prince George's Park Singapore 118407;

Lnergy CarLa envlslons lLself Lo become Lhe plaLform LhaL connecLs people and ldeas, servlng as Lhe
lnLerface beLween sLudenLs and Lhe lndusLry, ralslng awareness and engaglng ln career, research and
buslness opporLunlLles for Lhe parLlclpanLs. 1he Aslan ?ouLh Lnergy SummlL 2009 was a way Lo achleve
all of Lhe above ob[ecLlves, and ln LhaL measure, was a resoundlng success.

1he Lnergy CarLa Leam would llke Lo acknowledge Lhe lmmense help and supporL from A?LS2009
Sponsors - Chevron, nuS Cfflce of Alumnl 8elaLlons, CL Lnergy, 8ulldlng and ConsLrucLlon AuLhorlLy,
ClLy Cas and lnsLlLuLlon of LlecLrlcal and LlecLronlcs Lnglneers, A?LS2009 arLners - Lnergy MarkeL
AuLhorlLy, Lnergy SLudles lnsLlLuLe, urban 8edevelopmenL AuLhorlLy, nuS LnLrepreneurshlp CenLre,
Lconomlc uevelopmenL 8oard, naLlonal ?ouLh Councll and MlnlsLry of CommunlLy uevelopmenL, ?ouLh
and SporLs, and flnally our advlsors - rof Sk Chou (Pead of Lnergy and 1hermal SysLems, nuS), rof
Wong oh kam (ulrecLor, nuS LnLrepreneurshlp CenLre) and rof 1om kosnlk (SLanford unlverslLy).

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