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Use of HPLC in Food Industry Group F

In this report we are going to present about the HPLC and how does it work in Food industry. Maillard reaction has been used to produce tasty and coloured food products in food industry. Now we shall see that what is the Maillard Reaction? And how does it work in food industry? The Maillard reaction creates brown pigments and cooked meat in a very specific way: by rearranging amino acids and certain simple sugars, which then arrange themselves in rings and collections of rings that reflect light in such a way as to give the meat a brown colour. Maillard reaction not only gives the colour but it also put flavour in food products, molecules being produced from it provide the different potent aromas which are responsible for the flavour for different food products. Developing separation method: when Maillard reaction begins there are many products in it, in which we are interested so we have to take care of those products, but its very difficult to stop the reaction so for that purpose we use high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). These methods mainly use to classify and identify coloured and colour related Maillard reaction products. Bailey et al. 1996a) studied coloured and colour related Maillard reaction intermediates and products by refluxing aqueous sugar (xylose or glucose) amino acid (glycine or lysine) solutions with control of the pH at 5 throughout heating. One molal concentration of each reagent were used. Four types of chromatographic behaviour were observed: a tailing broad band (observed most clearly 360 nm) a convex broad band (observed most clearly at 460 nm).

Classifying and identifying Maillard reaction products: Due to the similarities between the structures of many of the compounds concerned, it Is often necessary to analyse isolated reaction products but the isolation procedure is time consuming and difficult so we use an online technique capable of providing sufficient data to allow classification of the reaction products, data obtained from HPLC diode array detector may be used in this way. Diode array spectra have been obtained for standard compounds and compared to those for the resolved peaks of the aqueous model system using the same HPLC conditions. Spectra of standard pyrroles, furanones and pyrazines were virtually identical, within each chemical class. Where the diode array spectra of the resolved peaks of the model system matched those of the standards, they were described as furanose like and pyrroles like. These peaks or spectra for glucose lysine system have been shown in figure.

The aqueous glucose-lysine system refluxed for 2h with the pH 5 during heating detection wavelength 280 nm, P: peak with a pyrrole like structure; F: peak with a furanone like structure

Conclusion: it is very important to predict the properties of the reaction products in food industry because it gives the better quality of the food product and also it gives many ideas to manufacturer to do variations in food products. And to fulfil this purpose HPLC is very efficient technique in food industry and very useful too.

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