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Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.

1'& 2(1#

Low Students Enrolment in Home Economics Programme: A Case Study of University of Ilorin
$de& ).$&( megode19* ,epartment o- Home Science and )anagement& .ollege o- /ood 0echnolog+ 1ni2ersit+ o- 3griculture& )a4urdi. 5a6a+e7u& 3.3&( 6a6a+e7uadeshola* $6alowu& ).3( mo6alowu* ,epartment o- Home 8conomics 9 /ood Science& /acult+ o- 3griculture& 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. Abstract 0his stud+ was designed to identi-+ low student:s enrolment in Home economics programme. Speci-icall+& the stud+ determined (1. /actors that hindered student -rom stud+ing Home economics programme in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. (2 . )oti2ating roles o- Home economics that the students should 4now in the uni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. Ianswer two research ;uestions and tested two h+pothesis. 0he population was made up o- all pre- 5Sc. Home economics students in the department o- Home economics and /ood science /acult+ o- 3griculture& 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin& Ilorin at the time o- stud+. 0he sample -or this stud+ was drawn using purposi2e sampling techni;ue. 0he instrument -or the stud+ was the stud+ was a -our-point scale ;uestionnaire. 0he ;uestionnaire was due 2alidated and its relia6ilit+ esta6lished prior to utili<ation. .opies o- the instrument were administered on 2'2 su67ects 6ut #2( copies were retrie2ed& mean and t-test statistics was used -or data anal+sis. 0he -indings -rom the stud+ includes 2! /actors that hinder students -rom stud+ing Home economics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin on 22 moti2ating roles o- Home economics that the student should 4now in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. 5ased on these -indings& eight recommendation were made including 11 students should 6e taught the importance o- Home 8conomics and career opportunities a2aila6le to the su67ect. Parent should encourage their children to stud+ Home 8conomics. 0he+ should also pro2ide enough -inance=resources -or their children to stud+ the su67ect among others. eywords: low enrolment& home economics programme& students !" Introduction Home economics is the education -or li2ing. It is the stud+ o- all that relate to home and -amil+. It is the area ostud+ that pro2ides the necessar+ 4nowledge guiding and assisting human 6eing to 6e a6le to attain a more sel-reliance and -ul-illed li-e. Home economics deals with all aspects o- -amil+ li2ing& drawing 4nowledge -rom man+ disciplines such as 5iolog+& Ph+sics& Social Science& Humanities and 3rts& and uni-+ing the 4nowledge drawn to teach people how to do the -ollowings> ,etermine the needs o- indi2iduals and -amilies and 6ecome responsi6le and e--ecti2e mem6ers o- -amil+ and communit+ through e--ecti2e home ma4ing and gain-ul emplo+ment (3n+a4oha& 1997 . 1goe<ie (199( is o- the 2iew that home economics is a s4ill-oriented su67ect that can e;uip an indi2idual with the 6asic s4ill and 4nowledge that will help one to 6e sel--emplo+ed and so contri6ute e--ecti2el+ to the socio-economic de2elopment o- the -amil+ and the societ+. 8<e (2((1 pointed out that Home 8conomics is capa6le o- preparing +ouths and adults -or entr+ into 2arious areas Home 8conomics occupations. 0his shows that as a 2ocational su67ect Home 8conomics contri6utes to manpower de2elopment 6+ e;uipping indi2iduals with relia6le occupational s4ills& which lead to sel--reliance. Home 8conomics can also help indi2iduals (male and -emale ac;uire 6asic s4ills needed -or gain-ul emplo+ment and -amil+ li2ing. It could also 6e 4nown that Home 8conomics as a -ield o- stud+ does not e?clude gender& age or an+ other classi-ication (8<e& 2((1 . Home 8conomics is a 2er+ important su67ect in the 1ni2ersit+ .urriculum. 0he programme has man+ career opportunities& -or the 1ni2ersit+ graduates. It also prepares indi2idual -or happ+ -amil+ li-e. 5oth male and -emale students stud+ the su67ect at the 1ni2ersit+. In practice& howe2er& Home 8conomics is one o- the courses which attract the lowest enrolment o- students 6oth at the uni2ersit+ and other tertiar+ institutions. 34u<uilo (199# & 3<i4iwe (199( and $laitan (19!" are o- the 2iew that Home 8conomics education is one o- the courses which attract lowest enrolment o- students in secondar+ and tertiar+ le2els o- education. 5esides& the low enrolment pattern& Home 8conomics education show wide disparit+ 6etween male and -emale students in -a2our o- -emales. 5oth low enrolment and gender disparit+ in enrolment ha2e 6een attri6uted to wrong awareness (perception o- the meaning and the roles o- Home 8conomists ($laitan& 19!" . It is there-ore o- paramount importance to in2estigate the -actors=reasons which students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics at the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin and students: 2iew on the roles o- Home 8conomics programme on graduation -rom the 1ni2ersit+. 0he low students: enrolment o- Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin calls -or much concern. 0his could 6e due to certain pro6lems relating to the teaching=learning o- the su67ect. Some li4el+ causes include@ some


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

parents do not encourage their children to stud+ Home 8conomics. Aac4 o- e;uipment and -acilities -or practicals (Imoni4e6e& 199# . $ne o- the reasons wh+ students do not li4e to stud+ Home 8conomics ma+ 6e due to its e?pensi2e nature. $laitan and 3gusio6o (19!1 & o6ser2es that parents seem to underrate Home 8conomics and o67ect to its inclusion in the school:s curriculum. Poor -unding 6+ the go2ernment was seen as a pro6lem a--ecting Home 8conomics (3nodiog6u& 19!( . 1wadie (199( stated that most complaints a6out teaching oHome 8conomics are mostl+ shortage o- teachers& e;uipment and accommodation and lac4 o- dedication on the part o- teachers o- Home 8conomics. Home 8conomics is percei2ed as a -emale domain into which males need not 2enture (1wadie& 199# . 8<e (2((1 -ound the -ollowing as the -actors that militate against male students in the stud+ o- Home 8conomics@ that there are di--erential sociali<ation patterns o- 6o+s and girls at earl+ stage o- li-e@ he percei2ed irrele2ance o- Home 8conomics -or 6o+s@ a6sence o- career education& -eminineB. o- Home 8conomics as a course o- stud+. 3n+a4oha (1992 pointed out that the potential o- an educational s+stem is directl+ related to the ;uali-ication o- the teacher. 0he more ;uali-ied and well-trained teachers are& the easier it is curriculum to 6e e?ecuted and the 6etter achie2ement 6+ the student. 0he need -or the students to 6e ta4en -or e?cursion to 2arious Home 8conomics esta6lishment such as in clothing and te?tiles& Home management& /ood and Nutrition esta6lishments was recommended 6+ $2ute& (2((1 . 0his could moti2ate students to stud+ Home 8conomics. 0he /ederal Co2ernment should 6e more seriousl+ in2ol2ed in the -unding o- Home 8conomics courses in order to o2ercome the pro6lems o- lac4 o- -inance ($de& 199! . 0eaching people a6out the importance o- Home economics is 2er+ necessar+. 0here should 6e enlightenment campaigns through seminars and mass media a6out the importance o- Home 8conomics and the career opportunities that su67ect pro2ides. 8<e (2((1 recommended that parents should encourage their sons and daughters to de2elop interest and select Home 8conomics as a su67ect o- stud+ in schools@ that there should 6e no mar4 se? discrimination in the acti2ities and games which 6o+s and girls are allowed to participate at home> that parents should encourage their sons to choose Home 8conomics and related discipline@ that careers in Home 8conomics are attracti2e and highl+ remunerated@ that Home 8conomics teachers should not onl+ teach their su67ect 6ut also guidance counsellors to their students especiall+ 6o+s@ that there should 6e emphasis on the pro2ision o- teaching -acilities and career education that will help to attract 6o+s and girls to stud+ Home 8conomics. $2ule (2((2 recommended the e?cursion or -ield trips as method o- teaching Home 8conomics in all le2els o- education. !"!" Pur#ose of t$e Study 0he main purpose o- the stud+ is to in2estigate the low enrolment in Home 8conomics programme in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin@ speci-icall+ the stud+ determined> (1 0he -actors=reasons that hinder students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics programme in the 1ni2ersit+ oIlorin (2 )oti2ating roles o- Home 8conomics that the students should 4now in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. !"%" &esearc$ 'uestions (1 Dhat are the -actors that hinder students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+E (2 Dhat are the moti2ating roles o- Home 8conomics that students should 4now in the 1ni2ersit+ o- IlorinE !"(" Hy#ot$esis (1 0here is no signi-icant di--erence 6etween the mean responses o- 6o+s and girls on the -actors=reasons that hinder their stud+ o- Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. (2 0here is no signi-icant di--erence 6etween the mean ratings 6+ 6o+s and girls on the moti2ating roles oHome 8conomics that the students should 4now in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. %" )et$odology ,esign o- the stud+> 0his stud+ used sur2e+ research design. 3 sur2e+ research is one in which a group o- people or items is studied 6+ collecting and anal+sing data -rom a -ew people or items considered to 6e representati2e othe entire group. 0his was adopted since the stud+ was to -ind out the opinion o- Home 8conomics students on the low student enrolment in Home 8conomics programme in the 1ni2ersit+. %"! Area of Study 0he area o- the stud+ was made up o- the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin@ /acult+ o- 3griculture& ,epartment o- Home 8conomics and /ood science. 0he stud+ had to co2er Home 8conomics section o- the department onl+. 0his stud+ is -ocused on the low students: enrolment in Home 8conomics programme. (" Po#ulation of t$e Study 0he population o- this stud+ comprise o- all the 5.Sc.-Home 8conomics students in the department o- Home 8conomics and /ood science& /acult+ o- 3griculture 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. 0here were a total o- '2 pre-5.Sc. Home economics students in the department o- Home 8conomics and /ood science at the time o- stud+. 0he


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

distri6ution o- Home 8conomics is shown in appendi? 1. ("! Sam#le of t$e Study 0he sample -or this stud+ was drawn using purposi2e sampling techni;ue. 0he total num6er o- the pre-5.Sc. Home 8conomics in '(( le2el to 1(( le2el (2( students in '((A & 2 students in #(( le2el& 1( students in 2(( le2el and 1( students in 1(( le2el i.e. '2 5.Sc. Home 8conomics students in the department o- Home 8conomics and /ood Science& /acult+ o- 3griculture& 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin were purposi2el+ selected to participate in the stud+. 0he distri6ution o- the Home 8conomics students is shown in 3ppendi? 1. ("% Instrument for *ata Collection 0he instrument used -or data collection was ;uestionnaire. 0he ;uestionnaire was de2eloped 6ased on e?tensi2e re2iew o- related literature and research ;uestions. 0he instrument consists o- F( items. 8ach item had -our-print scale o- '& #& 2 and 1respecti2el+ (highl+ important& important& minimall+ important and not important . See 3ppendi? 11. ("( +alidation of t$e Instrument 0he instrument was su67ect to -ace 2alidation. /ace 2alidation according to $huche and 34e7u (1977 is the appropriateness o- a test as 2iewed 6+ e?perts in that -ield o- stud+. 0here-ore& to determine the -ace 2alidit+& three copies o- the instrument were gi2en to three 2alidators. 0his in2ol2ed two Home 8conomics and one /ood Science e?perts -rom the department o- Home 8conomics and /ood science& 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin.0he+ were as4ed to chec4 appropriateness o- items& content co2erage and suita6ilit+ o-& the items& 5ased on the recommendations o- the e?perts& necessar+ modi-ications were made and the second dra-t o- the ;uestionnaire a-ter 2alidation contained F( items. (", *ata Collection -ec$ni.ue /ort+ Gtwo o- the ;uestionnaires were administered 6+ hand 6+ the researcher to the su67ects. 0his method was adopted to ensure a high return rate. 3 total o- #2 copies were properl+ completed and returned. 0his represents 9(H return. ("/ *ata Analysis -ec$ni.ue )ean was used to answer research ;uestions one and two. 0he means were used to determine the (importance le2els o- -actors=reasons that hinder students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics and roles o- Home 8conomics that the pre-5.Sc. Home 8conomics students need to 4now& 6ased on -our-point scales o- '& #& 2 and respecti2el+ (highl+ important& important& minimall+ important and not important . 3 mean o- 2.F( was used as the cut-o-point -or decision ma4ing -or teaches item. 3n+ item with a mean o- less than 2.F( was considered not important. 0wo h+potheses -ormulated -or this stud+ were tested at (.(F le2el o- signi-icance using student t-test. In each case& where the calculated 2alue is greater than or e;ual to the ta6le 2alue at (.(F le2el o- signi-icance and degree o- -reedom the null h+pothesis o- no signi-icance was re7ected. I- on the other hand& the calculated 2alue is less than the ta6le t-test at the same le2el o- signi-icance and degree o- -reedom& the null h+pothesis was accepted. ," &esults 0a6le 1 re2eals that all the 2! -actors=reasons that hinder students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics had mean scores ranging -rom 2.1( G #.!". Items F (lac4 o- ;uali-ied lecturers and 9 (the su67ect is too eas+ had the lowest mean score o- 2.2" and 2.'! respecti2el+. 0hese are lower than 2.F(& there-ore need to 6e re2iewed. Item 2! (I don:t li4e the name o- the su67ect IHome 8conomicsJ 6ecause o- the poor image attached to it and the remaining 2F items had the highest mean scores o- #.!" and a6o2e 2.F( scores respecti2el+. 0here-ore& all the reasons are reasons that hindered students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics. 0a6le 2 shows that all 22 moti2ating roles o- Home 8conomics 2iewed 6+ the 5.Sc. Home 8conomics students had mean scores ranging -rom 1.'F G #.7!. Items 1& 2& #& '& F& "& 7& !& 9& 1(& 11& 12& 1#& 1'& 1F& 1"& 17& 1!& 19& 2( and 21 had low mean scores o- 1.7!& 2.1'& 1.'F& 1."F& 1.!'& 1.91& 2.#F& 2.2(& 1.9!& 1."F& 1.F"& 1.!"& and 2.1F respecti2el+. 0hese are lower than 2.F(. 0his indicates that pre-5.Sc. Home 8conomics students do not 2iew them as moti2ating roles -or Home 8conomics. Dhile items #& "& 9& 1(& 11& 12& 1#& 19& and 22 had highest mean scores& these scores are a6o2e 2.F( there-ore are reasons moti2ating roles in Home 8conomics as 2iewed 6+ the pre-5.Sc. Home 8conomics students. 0a6le ' indicates the calculated t o- each o- the items -or the two groups (pre-5.Sc. 6o+s and girls Home 8conomics students were 6elow the t-2alue o- 1.9" at degree o- -reedom F9! at (.(F le2el o- signi-icance e?cept item # (Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or te?tile designing and item 7 (Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills on economic matter . 0here-ore& the null h+pothesis that states that there is no signi-icant di--erences 6etween the mean responses o- the pre-5.Sc. 6o+s and girls Home 8conomics stud+ in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin is accepted. ,"! *iscussions of 0indings Some o- the pro6lems that hinder students -rom stud+ing home economics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin were identi-ied. /indings show that one o- the reasons which militate against stud+ing Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin is lac4 o- interest in the su67ect. 0his could 6e due to man+ -actors=reasons such as lac4 o-


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

-und to purchase necessar+ items -or teaching@ poor methods o- teaching. Some o- the students 6elie2e that stud+ing Home 8conomics is strenuous. 0his could 6e due to much practical wor4 it in2ol2es. 0he pro6lem olac4 o- -acilities and e;uipment has 6een -ound to pre2ent students -rom choosing to stud+ Home 8conomics. 1dom (1979 concluded that all complains a6out the teaching o- Home 8conomics are mostl+ shortage oteachers& e;uipment and accommodation. 3n+a4oha (1992 -ound that the ade;uate utili<ation o- instructional materials and e;uipment can moti2ate and sustain students: interest. 0he+ also clari-+ in-ormation& present new ideas and stimulate discussion. Some o- the students stated that the+ pre-er other su67ects to Home 8conomics. $thers -eel that the su67ect is meant -or onl+ -emale. 0his could 6e due to the -act that man+ people are ignorant o- the importance o- Home 8conomics to indi2iduals and national de2elopment. 3nother -actor=reason -or low student:s enrolment to stud+ Home 8conomics is that the students -ind it 2er+ e?pensi2e to purchase some o- the items -or the stud+ o- the su67ect. 0he e?pensi2e nature o- Home 8conomics was noted 6+ 1<or (19F( . Students also complained o- too much practical:s in Home 8conomics. )an+ items are re;uired to 6e purchased. 0his is wh+ the su67ect is seen as 6eing 2er+ e?pensi2e to stud+. 3nother pro6lem is the misconception that Home 8conomics is meant -or onl+ -emales. 8<e (199" @ 1wadie (199# o6ser2ed that Home 8conomics is 2iewed as a -emale domain. 0hose who attempted to stud+ the su67ect were laughed at 6+ students who stud+ other su67ects. 0his is due to lac4 o- 4nowledge a6out the importance oHome 8conomics in national de2elopment $de (199! . 8<e (2((1 stated that the stud+ o- Home 8conomics does not e?clude an+ se?. Aac4 o- 4nowledge a6out the importance o- Home 8conomics was identi-ied as one othe -actors=reasons -or student:s low enrolment o- the su67ect. 0his could 6e that most o- the teachers do not stress the importance o- the su67ect while teaching the su67ect at secondar+ school le2el 0his could also 6e responsi6le -or lac4 o- 4nowledge a6out the career opportunit+ in Home 8conomics. 0his could also ma4e the students to pre-er other su67ects to Home 8conomics. Imoni4e6e (2((2 6elie2ed that Home 8conomics is a course -or male and -emale which helps to ac;uire 6asic s4ills -or gain-ul emplo+ment& -amil+ li2ing and sel--reliance. Some parents discourage their children especiall+ male children -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics. Some parents -eel that the course is onl+ -or -emales. $thers -eel that there are 6etter su67ects than Home 8conomics. $liatan and 3uguisio6o (19!1 -ound that there is much disregard -or Home 8conomics 6+ parents this is caused 6+ the misconception a6out 2ocational education as the education suita6le -or handicapped people with low intelligent ;uotient. 0his could also 6e responsi6le -or the poor image o- Home 8conomics as such& students who stud+ other su67ect. /rom the -indings in ta6le 2 and '& the students noted that Home 8conomics per-ormed the -ollowing roles@ -or -ood preparation@ ser2ice o- -ood@ selection o- clothing@ ma4ing clothing@ child care@ discussion on aesthetic matters@ te?tile designs out-door catering ser2ices. 0heir responses show that Home 8conomics is the su67ect -or home ma4ing onl+. 0his result is in the line with 1<oe<ie (199# and 8<e (2((1 who stated that Home 8conomics is misconstrued as a t+pe o- education or stud+ designed primaril+ to prepare -emales -or motherhood. 0he result in ta6le ' also show that students do not reali<e that Home 8conomics stud+ in2ol2e the -ollowing roles@ s4ills -or purchasing o- goods and ser2ices@ ma4ing choice o- -urniture@ discussing economic matters@ discussing social matters@ discussing managerial matters@ discussing health matters@ need -or -amil+ relationship@ sol2ing housing pro6lems@ s4ills needed 6+ dietician in hospitals@ e2ent planning@ special home management such as orphanage& old people:s homes& hospitalit+ management& and consumer responsi6ilit+. 0he results show that the students are ignorant o- these other roles o- Home 8conomics programme. 0his ma+ 6e the reason wh+ Home 8conomics do not en7o+ high enrolment in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin as students are not aware o- (some 7o6 opportunities o--ered 6+ the su67ect. )an+ reasons can 6e put -orward as to wh+ the students were not aware o- these moti2ate roles o- Home 8conomics stud+. 0his ma+ 6e due to the -act that the items are not related to the two 6asic needs o- home--ood and clothing. 0he students there-ore -ailed to recogni<e such roles as -or Home 8conomics programme. 0his is in line with 1<oe<ie (199( and 34ue<uilo (199# that students percei2e Home 8conomics as 4itchen related onl+@ that is seen as a su67ects which cannot ta4e one outside the -our walls o- the home and 4itchen (ode 2(11 . /" Conclusion )an+ pro6lems that militate against low students: enrolment in Home 8conomics programme in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin were identi-ied. Some o- such constraints include@ lac4 o- -acilities=e;uipment=materials -or teaching the su67ect& the su67ect is time consuming& ignorance o- career opportunities in Home 8conomics among others. 0his stud+ sought to -ind out the students: 2iew or awareness o- the moti2ating roles o- Home 8conomics programme in 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin. 0he -indings show that students ha2e a poor 2iew o- the roles o- Home 8conomics programme. 0he t-test anal+ses o- the mean scores on the -actors=reasons and moti2ating roles oHome 8conomics programme indicate that gender do not in-luence the results.


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

/"! &ecommendations 5ased on the -indings& the -ollowing recommendations were made@ 1. Co2ernment& 1ni2ersit+& NC$s should pro2ide -acilities=e;uipment=materials and -und to promote e--ecti2e teaching and learning. 2. Parents should encourage their children to stud+ Home 8conomics@ the+ should also pro2ide enough -inance=resources -or their children to stud+ the su67ect. #. 0he name o- Home 8conomics should 6e change to remo2e the poor image attached to it. '. Students should 6e taught the importance o- Home 8conomics and the career opportunities a2aila6le in the su67ect. F. 0here is need -or enlightenment campaign through seminars& mass media a6out the importance o- Home 8conomics and the career opportunities that the su67ect pro2ides to students and the societ+. 0his is necessar+ 6ecause a lot o- people are not aware o- the importance o- the su67ect in national de2elopment. ". Students should 6e ta4en on e?cursion=-ield trips to 2arious esta6lished areas o- Home 8conomics such as -ood processing industries& te?tile mills& sewing institutions. 0his will gi2e them opportunit+ to see 6oth males and -emales emplo+ed to wor4 in these areas. /"% Im#lication of t$e Study 0he -indings o- this stud+ ha2e implications -or Home 8conomics lecturers& students& parents& 1ni2ersit+ authorit+=N1.& go2ernment and the societ+. 0hese groups can utili<e the -indings -or enhancing impro2ement olow students: enrolment in Home 8conomics programme in the 1ni2ersit+. In the -irst place& the -indings o- this stud+ can 6e used 6+ Home 8conomics lecturers and students to impro2e the enrolment& teaching and learning oHome 8conomics. Home 8conomics lecturers should the importance o- Home 8conomics to the students in order to moti2ate students to stud+ Home 8conomics& lecturers not onl+ teach the importance o- Home 8conomics 6ut also relate it to other su67ects in the uni2ersit+ such as )athematics& .hemistr+& Ph+sics 5iolog+& 3gricultural Science& and others. 0he+ should la+ emphasis on how important Home 8conomics is related to these su67ects. 0here is a need to emphasi<e the goals o- the su67ect and teaching the students the 2arious opportunities in Home 8conomics as the+ teach the su67ects. 0he -indings o- this stud+ i- made a2aila6le to the 1ni2ersit+ authorit+ could 6e used to impro2e the -acilities=e;uipment=materials in the department o- Home 8conomics as the+ are necessar+ as moti2ating -actors to ma4e students to stud+ the su67ect in the 1ni2ersit+. Dell-e;uipped Home 8conomics la6oratories and up-todate te?t6oo4s in the li6rar+ will go a long wa+ in enhancing the teaching and learning o- the su67ect. 0his will also moti2ate more students to enrol to stud+ Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+. Kuali-ied teachers=lecturers should 6e emplo+ed 6+ the 1ni2ersit+ authorit+ to teach students. 0he more ;uali-ied the lecturers are& the easier it is -or the curriculum to 6e e?ecuted and the 6etter the achie2ement 6+ the students. 0he lecturers should also 6e -riendl+ with the students and show interest in teaching Home 8conomics. 0his is important 6ecause the le2el o- interest shown 6+ the lecturers show how important the su67ect is and this could moti2ate the students to stud+ the su67ect. 0he -indings o- this stud+ i- made a2aila6le to the /ederal Co2ernment=National 1ni2ersit+ .ommission could 6e used to impro2e the Home 8conomics department in the 1ni2ersit+ as the /ederal Co2ernment and the National 1ni2ersit+ .ommission could 6e more seriousl+ in2ol2ed in the -unding o- Home 8conomics. 0his will o2ercome (remo2e the pro6lem o- lac4 o- -inance. 0he -indings o- this stud+ also ha2e implication -or parents. 0he+ should 6e aware o- the importance o- Home 8conomics which will ena6le them to encourage their children to stud+ the su67ect. 0he+ will reali<e that the su67ect is not meant -or -emales alone. 0he -indings o- this stud+ i- made a2aila6le could pro2ide -or enlightenment campaign through seminars& mass media a6out the importance o- Home 8conomics and the career opportunities that the su67ect pro2ides to the students and the societ+ as a lot o- people are not aware o- the importance o- the su67ect in national de2elopment. 0he -indings o- this stud+ re;uire the students to go 6e+ond cogniti2e ac;uisition o- Home 8conomics s4ills. 0he+ would in2ol2e demonstration o- a6ilit+ to relate their lessons in Home economics class to real -amil+ li2ing and related occupations. 0he -indings o- this stud+ would encourage students to actuall+ participate in practical aspects o- Home 8conomics as the+ will now 4now the e?periences the+ would learn to achie2e Home 8conomics o67ecti2es. &eferences 34ue<uilo& ). .. (1992 > The Management of Vocational/Technical Education in Home Economics. Lournal o%ocational=0echnical 8ducation& 1ni2ersit+ o- Nigeria& Nsu44a& N%3 pu6lication 3n+a4oha& 8.1. (1992 > Development and Utilization of Facilities for Home Economics Education Programmes in igerian !chools. Lournal o- %ocational=0echnical 8ducation& 1ni2ersit+ o- Nigeria& Nsu44a& N%3 pu6lication


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

3riodiog6u& M.A. (19!( > Factors that Militate against !tudents" #hoice of Home Economics for $%!# E&aminations in 'mo !tate( (unpu6lished . 1ni2ersit+ o- Nigeria& Nsu44a. 8<e& N.). (2((1 > !trategies for 'mproving Male Enrolment in Home Economics at #E Programme in igeria. Home 8conomics Research 3ssociation o- Nigeria (H8R3N .on-erence Proceedings. Imoni4eme& 5. (2((2 > Male Enrolment in Home Economics !econdar) !chool Home Economics Programme. Lournal o- H8R3 (NH8R3 %ol.' (1 9'-1(#& 2((2. $de ).$. (199!*+ The place of Vocal Home Economics as ,ase for ational Progress in igeria. Lournal o.urriculum and Instruction. National 3ssociation o- .urriculum 0heorist (N3.0& 7 (1 '9-F'. $laitan& S.P. and 3guiaso6o (19!1 > Introduction to teaching of Home Economics. New Nor4 Lohn Dille+ and sons limited. $laitan& S.P. (19!" . Vocal and ational Development( constraints and strategies. $7o& /.& 3erinto& 3. and /asho+in& 0.> Manpo-er Development and Utilization in igeria. pro/lems and policies. Aagos 1ni2ersit+ Press. 1wachie& S.3. (199# > Ma0or #onstraints against 'mplementation of Home Economics at the 1unior !econdar) !chool. In 3n+a4oha& 8.u and $romu& R.N. Vocation/Technical Education and manpo-er Development. 1ni2ersit+ o- Nigeria& Nsu44a& N%3 Pu6lication. 1<oe<ie& ..8. (199( > 'nfrastructural Facilities for Effective Teaching and 2earning of Home Economics. %n %ppraisal. 3N%IA Lournal o- 8ducation Studies 2 (2 1-1F. $2ute& 3.$. (2((1 > Male and Female !tudents" Perception of the roles of Home Economics Education. 3esearch 'mperatives #hallenges for Home Economics. Pu6lished 6+ Home 8conomics Research 3ssociation o- Nigeria (H8R3N & ,epartment o- %ocational 8ducation& 1ni2ersit+ o- Nigeria& Nsu44a. 0a6le 1> )ean responses o- pre-5.Sc. Home 8conomics on -actors=reasons that hinder students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin.
S=N 1. 2. #. '. F. ". 7. !. 9. 1(. 11. 12. 1#. 1'. 1F. 1". 17. 1!. 19. 2(. 21. 22. 2#. 2'. 2F. 2". 27. 2!. Aac4 o- interest in the su67ect Aac4 o- -acilities=e;uipment in Home 8conomics Aac4 o- -inance to purchase e;uipment=materials needed -or the su67ect Inade;uate pro2ision o- guidance and counselling -or students Aac4 o- ;uali-ied teachers=lecturers to teach the su67ect Some Home 8conomics teachers are not -riendl+ Home 8conomics is an e?pensi2e course It is time consuming 0he su67ect is too eas+ Stud+ing Home economics is strenuous It is a su67ect meant -or those who are not intelligent It is a su67ect -or onl+ -emales Aac4 the 4nowledge a6out the importance o- the su67ect Some parents discourage their children -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics I don:t li4e the su67ect Aac4 o- moti2ation o- students 6+ Home 8conomics teachers Poor handling o- Home 8conomics at $: le2els contri6ute to non-enrolment o- students to stud+ Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ )+ parents re-use to support me -inanciall+ to stud+ the su67ect I -eel that Home 8conomics is meant -or onl+ dull students I am ignorance o- the importance o- Home 8conomics I am ignorance o- the career opportunities in Home 8conomics I pre-er other su67ects than Home 8conomics People loo4 down on those who stud+ Home 8conomics (it has poor image I don:t want to stud+ Home 8conomics 6ecause m+ -riend discourage me 0he su67ect in2ol2es a lot o- practical )+ parents -eel there are 6etter su67ects than Home 8conomics which I should stud+ Poor 7o6 opportunities I don:t li4e the name o- the su67ect (Home 8conomics 6ecause o- the poor image attached to it O #.F1 #.#1 #."( #.'F 2.2" 2.!1 #.F( #."( 2.'! #.!# 2.2( 2.9( #.F( #.7( #.2F #.1" #.FF #.F2 2.FF #.!1 #.FF #.27 #&2# #."2 #.F1 #.F! #.F! #.!" ,ecisions Important I I I Not important Important I I Not important Important Not important Important I I I I Important I Not important Important I I I I I I I I


Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

0a6le 2> )ean responses o- pre-5.Sc. Home 8conomics students on moti2ating roles o- Home 8conomics.
S=N 1. 2. #. '. F. ". 7. !. 9. 1( 11. 12. 1#. 1'. 1F. 1". 17. 1!. 19. 2( 21. 22. Home 8conomics e;uips one with s4ills -or ma4ing clothing Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or child care Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or discussion on marginal matters Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or -amil+ relationship Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or sol2ing housing pro6lem Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills e2ent planning Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or 2enue and interior decoration Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or outdoor catering ser2ice Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or special home management o- orphanage and old peoples: homes etc. Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or consumer responsi6ilities Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or hospitalit+ management Home 8conomics e;uips one with s4ills -or ma4ing clothing Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or child care Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or discussion on marginal matters Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or -amil+ relationship Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or sol2ing housing pro6lem Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills e2ent planning Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or 2enue and interior decoration Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or outdoor catering ser2ice Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or special home management o- orphanage and old peoples: homes etc. Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or consumer responsi6ilities Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or hospitalit+ management O #.1F 2."( 2.#F 2.2( 1.9# 1."F 1.F" 1.FF 1.!" 2.1F 2.7' #.1F 2."( 2.#F 2.2( 1.9# 1."F 1.F" 1.FF 1.!" 2.1F 2.7' ,ecisions Important I Not important I I I I I I I Important Important I Not important I I I I I I I Important

0a6le # t-t anal+ses on 6o+s and girls o- Home 8conomics and /ood Science department on the -actors=reasons that students -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin.
S=N 1. 2. #. '. F. ". 7. !. 9. 1(. 11. 12. 1#. 1'. 1F. 1". 17. 1!. 19. 2(. 21. 22. 2#. 2'. 2F. 2". 27. 2!. /actors=Reasons Aac4 o- interest in the su67ect Aac4 o- -acilities=e;uipment in Home 8conomics Aac4 o- -inance to purchase e;uipment=materials needed -or the su67ect Inade;uate pro2ision o- guidance and counselling -or students Aac4 o- ;uali-ied teachers=lecturers to teach the su67ect Some Home 8conomics teachers are not -riendl+ Home 8conomics is an e?pensi2e course It is time consuming 0he su67ect is too eas+ Stud+ing Home economics is strenuous It is a su67ect meant -or those who are not intelligent It is a su67ect -or onl+ -emales Aac4 the 4nowledge a6out the importance o- the su67ect Some parents discourage their children -rom stud+ing Home 8conomics I don:t li4e the su67ect Aac4 o- moti2ation o- students 6+ Home 8conomics teachers Poor handling o- Home 8conomics at $: le2els contri6ute to non-enrolment ostudents to stud+ Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ )+ parents re-use to support me -inanciall+ to stud+ the su67ect I -eel that Home 8conomics is meant -or onl+ dull students I am ignorance o- the importance o- Home 8conomics I am ignorance o- the career opportunities in Home 8conomics I pre-er other su67ects than Home 8conomics People loo4 down on those who stud+ Home 8conomics (it has poor image I don:t want to stud+ Home 8conomics 6ecause m+ -riend discourage me 0he su67ect in2ol2es a lot o- practical )+ parents -eel there are 6etter su67ects than Home 8conomics which I should stud+ Poor 7o6 opportunities I don:t li4e the name o- the su67ect (Home 8conomics 6ecause o- the poor image attached to it t-cal (.(1 (.(1 (.(2 (.(1 (.(' (.(1 (.(# (.(1 #.'F (.((' (.(# (.((1 (.(' (.((2 (.(2" (.((1 (.(2 (.((# (.('9 (.((# (.((1 (.(' -(.((# (.19 (.((F -(.((' (.(' Remar4 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I I I I I I

#.72 2.F' #.(( 2.99 2.!" 2.7' 2."( 2.91 2.7( 2.9" 2."7 2.'' 2."( 2.F! 2.!! 2.9F #.2( 2.#" 2.'F 2.F! #.F! #.(( 1.79 2."! #.'! 2.'F #.1(

2."# 2."" 2."! 2.!# #.#" 2."( 2."1 #.(! #.(( #.(F #.(7 2.'# #.12 2.7! 2.F7 2.9' 2.9" 2.71 2.7# 2.FF #.F7 2."# 1.!1 #."( #.'( 2.!( 2."(

O1 P )ean response o- 6o+s& 0a6le 1 P 19"& 0he degree o- -reedom P F9! at (.(F P le2el o- signi-icance. F2

Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline %ol.#& No.1'& 2(1#

3 P 3ccepted N3 P Not accepted O2 P )ean response -or girls t-cal P calculated t

0a6le'. 0-test on 6o+s and girls o- pre-5.Sc. o- Home 8conomics 2iewing moti2ating roles o- Home 8conomics in the 1ni2ersit+ o- Ilorin S=N 1. 2. #. '. F. ". 7. !. 9. 1( 11. 12. 1#. 1'. 1F. 1". 17. 1!. 19. 2( 21. )oti2ating roles in Home 8conomics Home 8conomics e;uips one with s4ills -or ma4ing clothing Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or child care Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or te?tile designing Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills that help one to discuss health matters Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or discussion on social pro6lems Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills on economic matters Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or ma4ing choice o- -urniture Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or discussion on aesthetic matters Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or -ood preparation Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or ser2ice o- -ood Home 8conomics helps in selection o- clothing Home 8conomics e;uips one with s4ills -or ma4ing clothing Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or child care Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or discussion on marginal matters Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or -amil+ relationship Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or sol2ing housing pro6lem Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills e2ent planning Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or outdoor catering ser2ice Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or special home management oorphanage and old peoples: homes etc. Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or consumer responsi6ilities Home 8conomics pro2ides s4ills -or hospitalit+ management 1.7' 2.(F 2.F! 1.22 1.#" 2.22 2.(2 #.#" 2.!! #.(2 2.92 #."" 2.7' 1.!1 2.(# 1.72 1.7" 1.#' #.(( 1.7" 1."! 1.!! 1.9( #.2( 1.(! 1.!F 2.7' 2.#1 #.!" 2.9( #.1! 2.1( 2.#1 2.99 2.(' 2.#' 1.!F 1.!7 1.!' #.11 1.!! 1.!' tcal 1.(F 1.(" F.!# 1.'7 (.#' #."' (.2" (.'! (.7! 1.79 1.2" 1.F9 1.'F 1.'# (.'# (.!( 1.(" (.#2 1.7" 1.(1 (.#F Remar4 3 3 N3 3 3 N3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

O1 P mean o- 6o+s& 0a6le t-2alue P 19"& ,egree o- -reedom P F9! at (.(F P le2el o- signi-icance O2 P mean response o- girls Ae2el o- signi-icance P (.(F t-cal P calculated t 3 P 3ccepted N3 P Not accepted


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