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International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology Available Online at www.ijiet.


Paper Title
First Author
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organization Name, City, State, Country Email- XYZ

Second Author
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Organization Name, City, State, Country Email- XYZ
Abstract- Abstract should be times new roman with 9 fount single spacing.The main focused of Watermarking is developing and introducing new techniques for watermark embedding and detection. Experimental results show that the embedded watermark is transparent and quite robust in face of various watermark images at high compression ratios and provides good results in terms of imperceptibilit . !e words " Watermarking# $aar Wavelet# %WT# &'()

I. INTRODUCTION IJIET paper for at font should !e "# in ti es ne$ ro an $ith sin%le spacin%.In recent &ears' the accessin% of ulti edia data or di%ital data has !eco e (er& eas& !ecause of the fast de(elop ent of the Internet. In other $ords' this de(elop ent a)es unauthori*ed distri!ution of ulti edia data. For the protection of ulti edia data' a solution )no$n as $ater ar)in% is used. After the appro+i ate ,# &ears- research' different )inds of $ater ar)in% al%orith !ased on different theor& concepts $ere introduced ."/01. A di%ital $ater ar) encodes the o$ner2s license infor ation and e !eds it into data. 3ater ar)in% a& !e used to identif& the i a%e of o$nerslicense infor ation and to trac) ille%al copies. The rest of the paper is or%ani*ed as follo$s. Proposed e !eddin% and e+traction al%orith s are e+plained in section II. E+peri ental results are presented in section III. Concludin% re ar)s are %i(en in section I4. II. PROPOSED A56ORIT78 A !atermar" em#edding algorit$m % In case of t$o/di ensional i a%e' after a D3T transfor ' the i a%e is di(ided into four corners' upper left corner of the ori%inal i a%e' lo$er left corner of the (ertical details' upper ri%ht corner of the hori*ontal details' lo$er ri%ht corner of the co ponent of the ori%inal i a%e detail 9hi%h fre:uenc&;. <ou can then continue to the lo$ fre:uenc& co ponents of the sa e upper left corner of the ,nd' 0rd inferior $a(elet transfor .


ased Watermar!ing Algorithm using "aar Wavelet

Fi%ure ". D3T Deco position


On the !asis of such considerations' the al%orith uses a different color i a%e ultiplied !& the $ei%htin% coefficients of different $a&s to sol(e the (isual distortion' and !& e !eddin% the $ater ar)' $a(elet coefficients of an& $a&s' enhance the ro!ustness of the $ater ar).

Fi%ure ,. 3ater ar) e !eddin% al%orith

=loc) Dia%ra

After that $e select the ordered coefficient fro e !eddin% are as follo$s.

" to N to %et N coefficient. the for ulae of $ater ar)

C$9i; > <o9i;?@"$9i; 9"; 3here the para eter @ is called e !eddin% intensit& and their effect of (alidit& of the al%orith directl& is appl& after this process' after that appl& the in(erse $a(elet transfor to the i a%e for find out $ater ar) i a%e. & !atermar" E'traction algorit$m % The e+traction al%orith process is the in(erse of the e !eddin% process. It is assu ed that the $ater ar) as $ell as the see (alue is a(aila!le at the recei(er end to the authori*ed users. The operation of channel separation is applied on the $ater ar)ed color i a%e to %enerate its su! i a%es' and then ,/le(el discrete $a(elet transfor is applied on the su! i a%es to %enerate the appro+i ate coefficients and detail coefficients.


ased Watermar!ing Algorithm using "aar Wavelet

Fi%ure 0. 3ater ar) E+traction al%orith

=loc) Dia%ra

. For this purpose the follo$in% for ulae is use/

39i; > 9&$9i; ? &o9i;; A @

After this E+ecution the In(erse ,/le(el discrete $a(elet transfor three $ater ar) i a%es e+tracted. III. EBPERI8ENT AND RESU5T

is applied on the $ater ar) data to %enerate

The test set for this e(aluation e+peri ent $ater ar) i a%e rando l& selected fro the internet. 8atla! C.# soft$are platfor is use to perfor the e+peri ent. The PC for e+peri ent is e:uipped $ith an Intel PD ,.D67* Personal laptop and ,6= e or&. The proposed sche e is tested usin% ordinaril& i a%e processin%. Fro the si ulation of the e+peri ent results' $e can dra$ to the conclusion that this ethod is ro!ust to an& )inds of $ater ar) i a%es.




ased Watermar!ing Algorithm using "aar Wavelet



Fi%ure D. 9a; Ori%inal i a%e 9!; =JUT $ater ar) I a%e 9c; 3ater ar)ed i a%e 9d; Reco(ered $ater ar) I a%e





Fi%ure E. 9a; Ori%inal i a%e 9!; =o!!ol $ater ar) I a%e 9c; 3ater ar)ed i a%e 9d; Reco(ered $ater ar) I a%e




ased Watermar!ing Algorithm using "aar Wavelet



Fi%ure D. 9a; Ori%inal i a%e 9!; DDNT $ater ar) I a%e 9c; 3ater ar)ed i a%e 9d; Reco(ered $ater ar) I a%e

Ta!le /" E+peri ent Result *riginal +ena ,mage -&'(). 22.3445 22.3445 22.3445 Watermarked +ena ,mage -&'(). 53.9956 57.8933 58.93:2

/01T Watermark ,mage /obbol Watermark ,mage %%(T Watermark ,mage

Ta!le " sho$ the pea) si%nal to noise ratio of perfor ance of our proposed ethod of $ater ar)ed i a%e and ori%inal i a%e $ith (arious $ater ar) i a%e' $here our $ater ar)ed i a%es pea) si%nal to noise ratio has a !etter perfor ance than others. I4.CONC5USION

."1 .,1 .01 .D1 .E1 .K1 .C1 .N1 .L1 =. Corona' 8. Na)ano' 7. PFre*' GAdapti(e 3ater ar)in% Al%orith for =inar& I a%e 3ater ar)sH' (ecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp )*+-),-, )**.. A. A. Redd& and =. N. ChatterIi' JA ne$ $a(elet !ased lo%o/$ater ar)in% sche e'J Pattern Reco%nition 5etters' (ol. ,K' pp. "#"L/"#,C' ,##E. P. S. 7uan%' C. S. Chian%' C. P. Chan%' and T. 8. Tu' JRo!ust spatial $ater ar)in% techni:ue for colour i a%es (ia direct saturation adIust ent'J 4ision' I a%e and Si%nal Processin%' IEE Proceedin%s /' (ol. "E,' pp. EK"/ECD' ,##E. F. 6on*ale* and J. 7ernande*' J A tutorial on Di%ital 3ater ar)in% J' In IEEE annual Carnahan conference on securit& technolo%&' Spain' "LLL. D. Munder' J8ulti/resolution Di%ital 3ater ar)in% Al%orith s and I plications for 8ulti edia Si%nalsJ' Ph.D. thesis' uni(ersit& of Toronto' Canada' ,##". J. E%%ers' J. Su and =. 6irod'J Ro!ustness of a =lind I a%e 3ater ar)in% Sche eJ' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on I a%e Proc.' 4ancou(er' ,###. =arni 8.' =artolini F.' Pi(a A.' 8ultichannel $ater ar)in% of color i a%es' IEEE Transaction on Circuits and S&ste s of 4ideo Technolo%& ",90; 9,##,; "D,/"EK. Mundur D.' 7at*ina)os D.' To$ards ro!ust lo%o $ater ar)in% usin% ultiresolution i a%e fusion' IEEE Transcations on 8ulti edia K 9,##D; "NE/"LC. C.S. 5u' 7.<.8 5iao' G8ultipurpose $ater ar)in% for i a%e authentication and protection'H /EEE 0ransaction on /mage 1rocessing' (ol. "#' pp. "ECL/"EL,' Oct. ,##".


ased Watermar!ing Algorithm using "aar Wavelet

."#1 5. 6houti' A. =ouridane' 8.M. I!rahi ' and S. =oussa)ta' GDi%ital i a%e $ater ar)in% usin% !alanced ulti$a(eletsH' /EEE 0rans Signal 1rocess.' ,##K' 4ol. ED' No. D' pp. "E"L/"E0K. .""1 P. Ta& and J. 7a(lice)' JI a%e 3ater ar)in% Usin% 3a(eletsJ' in 1roceedings of t$e )**) /EEE' pp. II.,EN O II.,K"' ,##,. .",1 P. Mu s$at' Mi. Atta)it on%col and A. Striae$' JA Ne$ Approach for Opti i*ation in I a%e 3ater ar)in% !& Usin% 6enetic Al%orith sJ' /EEE 0ransactions on Signal 1rocessing' 4ol. E0' No. ",' pp. DC#C/DC"L' Dece !er' ,##E. ."01 7. Daren' 5. Jifuen'7. Ji$u' and 5. 7on% ei' JA D3T/=ased I a%e 3ater ar)in% Al%orith J' in 1roceedings of t$e /EEE /nternational Conference on 2ultimedia and E'po' pp. D,L/D0,' ,##". ."D1 C. 7su and J. 3u' J8ulti/resolution 3ater ar)in% for Di%ital I a%esJ' /EEE 0ransactions on Circuits and Systems- // ' 4ol. DE' No. N' pp. "#LC/""#"' Au%ust "LLN. ."E1 R. 8ehul' JDiscrete 3a(elet Transfor =ased 8ultiple 3ater ar)in% Sche eJ' in 1roceedings of t$e )**3 /EEE 0ENCON' pp. L0E/L0N' ,##0.

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