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{\rtf1 \ansi \deff0 {\fonttbl {\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;} {\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;} {\f2\fnil\fcharset204 Times New Roman;} {\f3\fnil\fcharset0

Arial;} {\f4\fnil\fcharset204 Arial;} } {\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255; \red0\green255\blue0; \red255\green0\blue0; } {\stylesheet {\f0;} } \splytwnine \ftnlytwnine \htmautsp \nolnhtadjtbl \useltbaln \alntblind \lytcalct blwd \lyttblrtgr \lnbrkrule \nobrkwrptbl \snaptogridincell \allowfieldendsel \Ap plyBrkRules \wrppunct \asianbrkrule \rsidroot6310308 \newtblstyruls \nogrowautof it \paperh15842 \paperw12242 \margl1411 \margr1752 \margb360 \margt494 {\pard \l ang1033 \par \pard } \pard \phmgr \pvmgr \posx0 \posy0 \absw9079 \absh14248 \li7 \qj \fi288 \sl-367 { \lang1033 \fs24 {\fs30 \f0 One \f0 could simulate \f0 this \f0 with a copy \f0 e asily \f0 by partial \f0 crushing \f0 of the tube\f0 . \f0 By introduction \f0 a nd \f0 the set work \f0 (\f0 submerged pump \f0 connect\f0 , \f0 tube \f0 connec t\f0 , \f0 high \f0 passed away \f0 about water \f0 hold \f0 etc.\f0 ) \f0 an un expected \f0 effect \f0 arose\f0 : \f0 With a certain \f0 arrangement \f0 the po uring out \f0 jet of water \f0 caught \f0 in \f0 to pulsate\f0 . \f0 That is \f0 he \f0 did not flow \f0 any more \f0 steadily \f0 from the tube opening \f0 sep arate \f0 impulse-like\f0 , \f0 while \f0 on top \f0 the inflow \f0 occurred \f0 absolutely steadily\f0 . }\fs30 \f0 \par } \pard \pard \phmgr \pvmgr \posx0 \posy0 \absw9079 \absh14248 \li7 \sb122 \qj \fi280 \s l-367 {\lang1033 \fs30 \f0 In the singles \f0 happens \f0 the following\f0 : \f0 The small \f0 submerged pump \f0 transports \f0 the pond water \f0 upwards \f0 where \f0 it \f0 flows in \f0 onto the open \f0 funnel \f0 tangential \f0 and \f 0 flows \f0 spiral \f0 along the wall\f0 , \f0 without pressure\f0 , \f0 precipi tously \f0 down\f0 . \f0 Because \f0 the diameter \f0 becomes always lower\f0 , \f0 the water \f0 can run off \f0 not so fast \f0 as \f0 it \f0 runs \f0 and \f0 the water level \f0 rises \f0 to possibly only five centimetres \f0 over the be ginning place \f0 of the expiry tube\f0 . \f0 Besides\f0 , \f0 the known \f0 fun nel-shaped \f0 sinking \f0 forms \f0 by the rotation \f0 in the middle\f0 . \f0 She \f0 falls {\lang1031 \f0 trombenf\u246 \'f6rmig }\f0 deeper and deeper \f0 a nd \f0 the aerial-full \f0 core \f0 "takes" \f0 by \f0 at the end \f0 upward \f0 crooked\f0 , \f0 transparent \f0 expiry tube \f0 by \f0 up to his \f0 mouth\f0 . \f0 At this moment \f0 a part \f0 of the flowing out \f0 water \f0 is accelera ted \f0 and \f0 the tube mouth {\lang1031 \f0 "speiht" }\f0 this \f0 part \f0 al l of a sudden \f0 substantially further \f0 than \f0 before \f0 (\f0 possibly \f 0 triple \f0 distance\f0 )\f0 . \f0 Then \f0 the expiry tube \f0 fills \f0 slowl y \f0 again\f0 , \f0 until \f0 the water level \f0 again \f0 has reached \f0 the old \f0 height\f0 . \f0 During that \f0 the water \f0 splashes \f0 again \f0 le ss \f0 far back in the reservoir \f0 and \f0 the process \f0 of the down \f0 ext ending \f0 and \f0 "drastic" \f0 aerial funnel \f0 recurs \f0 (\f0 possibly \f0 after one \f0 till three \f0 seconds\f0 )\f0 . \f0 The length \f0 of the expiry tube \f0 and \f0 the height \f0 of his \f0 mouth \f0 is \f0 authoritative \f0 fo r functioning \f0 beside the influx amount \f0 of the water\f0 . \f0 The influx amount \f0 can be put \f0 "brutally" \f0 by partial \f0 crushing \f0 of the infl ow tube\f0 : \f0 It \f0 must be prevented \f0 that \f0 the funnel \f0 overruns \ f0 on top\f0 . \f0 The right \f0 height \f0 of the mouth \f0 of the expiry tube \f0 is found \f0 rather quick \f0 for the wings \f0 of the liquid\f0 , \f0 uncri

tical \f0 so\f0 . \f0 The rotation direction \f0 plays \f0 no \f0 role\f0 . \f0 \par } \pard \pard \phmgr \pvmgr \posx0 \posy0 \absw9079 \absh14248 \li7 \sb122 \qj \fi280 \s l-367 {\lang1033 \fs30 \f0 The water \f0 flows out \f0 of the arched-shaped upwa rds \f0 directed \f0 expiry tube \f0 before using \f0 the acceleration \f0 stead ily \f0 and \f0 the main amount \f0 dives \f0 after a short \f0 aerial trip \f0 ({\lang1031 \f0 "Wurfparabei"}\f0 ) \f0 to a more or less exactly \f0 determinab le\f0 , \f0 very short \f0 distance \f0 see \f0 (\f0 about \f0 10 cm\f0 ) \f0 ag ain \f0 into the pond\f0 . \f0 \par } \pard \pard \phmgr \pvmgr \posx7 \posy14494 \absw9072 \absh201 \li4492 \ql \fi0 \sl-20 1 {\lang1033 \fs30 {\fs19 \f0 3 }\fs19 \f0 \par } \pard \lang1033 \fs19 }

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