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Good Country People By Flannery O'Connor 1925-1964

Besides the neutral expression that she wore when she was alone !rs" Free#an had two others $orward and re%erse that she used $or all her hu#an dealin&s" 'er $orward expression was steady and dri%in& li(e the ad%an)e o$ a hea%y tru)(" 'er eyes ne%er swer%ed to le$t or ri&ht *ut turned as the story turned as i$ they $ollowed a yellow line down the )enter o$ it" +he seldo# used the other expression *e)ause it was not o$ten ne)essary $or her to retra)t a state#ent *ut when she did her $a)e )a#e to a )o#plete stop there was an al#ost i#per)epti*le #o%e#ent o$ her *la)( eyes durin& whi)h they see#ed to *e re)edin& and then the o*ser%er would see that !rs" Free#an thou&h she #i&ht stand there as real as se%eral &rain sa)(s thrown on top o$ ea)h other was no lon&er there in spirit" ,s $or &ettin& anythin& a)ross to her when this was the )ase !rs" 'opewell had &i%en it up" +he #i&ht tal( her head o$$" !rs" Free#an )ould ne%er *e *rou&ht to ad#it hersel$ wron& to any point" +he would stand there and i$ she )ould *e *rou&ht to say anythin& it was so#ethin& li(e -.ell / wouldn0t o$ said it was and / wouldn0t o$ said it wasn0t1 or lettin& her &a2e ran&e o%er the top (it)hen shel$ where there was an assort#ent o$ dusty *ottles she #i&ht re#ar( -/ see you ain0t ate #any o$ the# $i&s you put up last su##er"1 3hey )arried on their #ost i#portant *usiness in the (it)hen at *rea($ast" 4%ery #ornin& !rs" 'opewell &ot up at se%en o0)lo)( and lit her &as heater and 5oy0s" 5oy was her dau&hter a lar&e *londs &irl who had an arti$i)ial le&" !rs" 'opewell thou&ht o$ her as a )hild thou&h she was thirty-two years old and hi&hly edu)ated" 5oy would &et up while her #other was eatin& and lu#*er into the *athroo# and sla# the door and *e$ore lon& !rs" Free#an would arri%e at the *a)( door" 5oy would hear her #other )all -Co#e on in 1 and then they would tal( $or a while in low %oi)es that were indistin&uisha*le in the *athroo#" By the ti#e 5oy )a#e in they had usually $inished the weather report and were on one or the other o$ !rs" Free#an0s dau&hters Glynese or Carra#ae" 5oy )alled the# Gly)erin and Cara#el" Glynese a redhead was ei&hteen and had #any ad#irers6 Carra#ae a *londe was only $i$teen *ut already #arried and pre&nant" +he )ould not (eep anythin& on her sto#a)h" 4%ery #ornin& !rs" Free#an told !rs" 'opewell how #any ti#es she had %o#ited sin)e the last report" !rs" 'opewell li(ed to tell people that Glynese and Carra#ae were two o$ the $inest &irls

Good Country People

she (new and that !rs" Free#an was a lady and that she was ne%er asha#ed to ta(e her anywhere or introdu)e her to any*ody they #i&ht #eet" 3hen she would tell how she had happened to hire the Free#ans in the $irst pla)e and how they were a &odsend to her and how she had had the# $our years" 3he reason $or her (eepin& the# so lon& was that they were not trash" 3hey were &ood )ountry people" +he had telephoned the #an whose na#e they had &i%en as re$eren)e and he had told her that !r" Free#an was a &ood $ar#er *ut that his wi$e was the nosiest wo#an e%er to wal( the earth" -+he0s &ot to *e into e%erythin& 1 the #an said" -/$ she don0t &et there *e$ore the dust settles you )an *et she0s dead that0s all" +he0ll want to (now all your *usiness" / )an stand hi# real &ood 1 he had said -*ut #e nor #y wi$e neither )ould ha%e stood that wo#an one #ore #inute on this pla)e"1 3hat had put !rs" 'opewell o$$ $or a $ew days" +he had hired the# in the end *e)ause there were no other appli)ants *ut she had #ade up her #ind *e$orehand exa)tly how she would handle the wo#an" +in)e she was the type who had to *e into e%erythin& then !rs" 'opewell had de)ided she would not only let her *e into e%erythin& she would see to it that she was into e%erythin& 7 she would &i%e her the responsi*ility o$ e%erythin& she would put her in )har&e" !rs" 'opewell had no *ad 8ualities o$ her own *ut she was a*le to use other people0s in su)h a )onstru)ti%e way that she had (ept the# $our years" 9othin& is per$e)t" 3his was one o$ !rs" 'opewell0s $a%orite sayin&s" ,nother was: that is li$e; ,nd still another the #ost i#portant was: well other people ha%e their opinions too" +he would #a(e these state#ents usually at the ta*le in a tone o$ &entle insisten)e as i$ no one held the# *ut her and the lar&e hul(in& 5oy whose )onstant outra&e had o*literated e%ery expression $ro# her $a)e would stare <ust a little to the side o$ her her eyes i)y *lue with the loo( o$ so#eone who had a)hie%ed *lindness *y an a)t o$ will and #eans to (eep it" .hen !rs" 'opewell said to !rs" Free#an that li$e was li(e that !rs" Free#an would say -/ always said so #ysel$"1 9othin& had *een arri%ed at *y anyone that had not $irst *een arri%ed at *y her" +he was 8ui)(er than !r" Free#an" .hen !rs" 'opewell said to her a$ter they had *een on the pla)e $or a while -=ou (now you0re the wheel *ehind the wheel 1 and win(ed !rs" Free#an had said -/ (now it" /0%e always *een 8ui)(" /t0s so#e that are 8ui)(er than others"1 -4%ery*ody is di$$erent 1 !rs" 'opewell said" -=es #ost people is 1 !rs" Free#an said"

Good Country People -/t ta(es all (inds to #a(e the world"1 -/ always said it did #ysel$"1

3he &irl was used to this (ind o$ dialo&ue $or *rea($ast and #ore o$ it $or dinner6 so#eti#es they had it $or supper too" .hen they had no &uest they ate in the (it)hen *e)ause that was easier" !rs" Free#an always #ana&ed to arri%e at so#e point durin& the #eal and to wat)h the# $inish it" +he would stand in the doorway i$ it were su##er *ut in the winter she would stand with one el*ow on top o$ the re$ri&erator and loo( down at the# or she would stand *y the &as heater li$tin& the *a)( o$ her s(irt sli&htly" O))asionally she would stand a&ainst the wall and roll her head $ro# side to side" ,t no ti#e was she in any hurry to lea%e" ,ll this was %ery tryin& on !rs" 'opewell *ut she was a wo#an o$ &reat patien)e" +he reali2ed that nothin& is per$e)t and that in the Free#ans she had &ood )ountry people and that i$ in this day and a&e you &et &ood )ountry people you had *etter han& onto the#" +he had had plenty o$ experien)e with trash" Be$ore the Free#ans she had a%era&ed one tenant $a#ily a year" 3he wi%es o$ these $ar#ers were not the (ind you would want to *e around you $or %ery lon&" !rs" 'opewell who had di%or)ed her hus*and lon& a&o needed so#eone to wal( o%er the $ields with her6 and when 5oy had to *e i#pressed $or these ser%i)es her re#ar(s were usually so u&ly and her $a)e so &lu# that !rs" 'opewell would say -/$ you )an0t )o#e pleasantly / don0t want you at all 1 to whi)h the &irl standin& s8uare and ri&id-shouldered with her ne)( thrust sli&htly $orward would reply -/$ you want #e here / a# 7 >/?4 / ,!"1 !rs" 'opewell ex)used this attitude *e)ause o$ the le& @whi)h had *een shot o$$ in a huntin& a))ident when 5oy was tenA" /t was hard $or !rs" 'opewell to reali2e that her )hild was thirty-two now and that $or #ore than twenty years she had had only one le&" +he thou&ht o$ her still as a )hild *e)ause it tore her heart to thin( instead o$ the poor stout &irl in her thirties who had ne%er dan)ed a step or had any normal &ood ti#es" 'er na#e was really 5oy *ut as soon as she was twenty-one and away $ro# ho#e she had had it le&ally )han&ed" !rs" 'opewell was )ertain that she had thou&ht and thou&ht until she had hit upon the u&liest na#e in any lan&ua&e" 3hen she had &one and had the *eauti$ul na#e 5oy )han&ed without tellin& her #other until a$ter she had done it" 'er le&al na#e was 'ul&a" .hen !rs" 'opewell thou&ht the na#e 'ul&a she thou&ht o$ the *road *lan( hull o$ a *attleship" +he would not use it" +he )ontinued to )all her 5oy to whi)h the &irl responded *ut in a purely #e)hani)al way"

Good Country People

'ul&a had learned to tolerate !rs" Free#an who sa%ed her $ro# ta(in& wal(s with her #other" 4%en Glynese and Carra#ae were use$ul when they o))upied attention that #i&ht otherwise ha%e *een dire)ted at her" ,t $irst she had thou&ht she )ould not stand !rs" Free#an $or she had $ound it was not possi*le to *e rude to her" !rs" Free#an would ta(e on stran&e resent#ents and $or days to&ether she would *e sullen *ut the sour)e o$ her displeasure was always o*s)ure6 a dire)t atta)( a positi%e leer *latant u&liness to her $a)e 7 these ne%er tou)hed her" ,nd without warnin& one day she *e&an )allin& her 'ul&a" +he did not )all her that in $ront o$ !rs" 'opewell who would ha%e *een in)ensed *ut when she and the &irl happened to *e out o$ the house to&ether she would say so#ethin& and add the na#e 'ul&a to the end o$ it and the *i& spe)ta)led 5oy-'ul&a would s)owl and redden as i$ her pri%a)y had *een intruded upon" +he )onsidered the na#e her personal a$$air" +he had arri%ed at it $irst purely on the *asis o$ its u&ly sound and then the $ull &enius o$ its $itness had stru)( her" +he had a %ision o$ the na#e wor(in& li(e the u&ly sweatin& Bul)an who stayed in the $urna)e and to who# presu#a*ly the &oddess had to )o#e when )alled" +he saw it as the na#e o$ her hi&hest )reati%e a)t" One o$ her #a<or triu#phs was that her #other had not *een a*le to turn her dust into 5oy *ut the &reater one was that she had *een a*le to turn it hersel$ into 'ul&a" 'owe%er !rs" Free#an0s relish $or usin& the na#e only irritated her" /t was as i$ !rs" Free#an0s *eady steel-pointed eyes had penetrated $ar enou&h *ehind her $a)e to rea)h so#e se)ret $a)t" +o#ethin& a*out her see#ed to $as)inate !rs" Free#an and then one day 'ul&a reali2ed that it was the arti$i)ial le&" !rs" Free#an had a spe)ial $ondness $or the details o$ se)ret in$e)tions hidden de$or#ities assaults upon )hildren" O$ diseases she pre$erred the lin&erin& or in)ura*le" 'ul&a had heard !rs" 'opewell &i%e her the details o$ the huntin& a))ident how the le& had *een literally *lasted o$$ how she had ne%er lost )ons)iousness" !rs" Free#an )ould listen to it any ti#e as i$ it had happened an hour a&o" .hen 'ul&a stu#ped into the (it)hen in the #ornin& @she )ould wal( without #a(in& the aw$ul noise *ut she #ade it 7 !rs" 'opewell was )ertain 7 *e)ause it was u&ly-soundin&A she &lan)ed at the# and did not spea(" !rs" 'opewell would *e in her red (i#ono with her hair tied around her head in ra&s" +he would *e sittin& at the ta*le $inishin& her *rea($ast and !rs" Free#an would *e han&in& *y her el*ow outward $ro# the re$ri&erator loo(in& down at the ta*le" 'ul&a always put her e&&s on the sto%e to *oil and then stood o%er the# with her ar#s $olded and !rs" 'opewell would loo( at her 7 a (ind o$ indire)t &a2e di%ided *etween her and !rs" Free#an 7 and would thin( that i$ she would only (eep hersel$ up a little she wouldn0t *e so *ad loo(in&" 3here was nothin& wron& with her $a)e that a pleasant expression wouldn0t help" !rs" 'opewell said that people who loo(ed on the *ri&ht side o$ thin&s would *e *eauti$ul e%en i$ they were not"

Good Country People

.hene%er she loo(ed at 5oy this way she )ould not help *ut $eel that it would ha%e *een *etter i$ the )hild had not ta(en the Ph"C" /t had )ertainly not *rou&ht her out any and now that she had it there was no #ore ex)use $or her to &o to s)hool a&ain" !rs" 'opewell thou&ht it was ni)e $or &irls to &o to s)hool to ha%e a &ood ti#e *ut 5oy had -&one throu&h"1 ,nyhow she would not ha%e *een stron& enou&h to &o a&ain" 3he do)tors had told !rs" 'opewell that with the *est o$ )are 5oy #i&ht see $orty-$i%e" +he had a wea( heart" 5oy had #ade it plain that i$ it had not *een $or this )ondition she would *e $ar $ro# these red hills and &ood )ountry people" +he would *e in a uni%ersity le)turin& to people who (new what she was tal(in& a*out" ,nd !rs" 'opewell )ould %ery well pi)ture here there loo(in& li(e a s)are)row and le)turin& to #ore o$ the sa#e" 'ere she went a*out all day in a six-year-old s(irt and a yellow sweat shirt with a $aded )ow*oy on a horse e#*ossed on it" +he thou&ht this was $unny6 !rs" 'opewell thou&ht it was idioti) and showed si#ply that she was still a )hild" +he was *rilliant *ut she didn0t ha%e a &rain o$ sense" /t see#ed to !rs" 'opewell that e%ery year she &rew less li(e other people and #ore li(e hersel$ 7 *loated rude and s8uint-eyed" ,nd she said su)h stran&e thin&s; 3o her own #other she had said 7 without warnin& without ex)use standin& up in the #iddle o$ a #eal with her $a)e purple and her #outh hal$ $ull 7 -.o#an; Co you e%er loo( insideD Co you e%er loo( inside and see what you are not? God;1 she had )ried sin(in& down a&ain and starin& at her plate -!ale*ran)he was ri&ht: we are not our own li&ht" .e are not our own li&ht;1 !rs" 'opewell had no idea to this day what *rou&ht that on" +he had only #ade the re#ar( hopin& 5oy would ta(e it in that a s#ile ne%er hurt anyone" 3he &irl had ta(en the Ph"C" in philosophy and this le$t !rs" 'opewell at a )o#plete loss" =ou )ould say -!y dau&hter is a nurse 1 or -!y dau&hter is a s)hool tea)her 1 or e%en -!y dau&hter is a )he#i)al en&ineer"1 =ou )ould not say -!y dau&hter is a philosopher"1 3hat was so#ethin& that had ended with the Gree(s and Eo#ans" ,ll day 5oy sat on her ne)( in a deep )hair readin&" +o#eti#es she went $or wal(s *ut she didn0t li(e do&s or )ats or *irds or $lowers or nature or ni)e youn& #en" +he loo(ed at ni)e youn& #en as i$ she )ould s#ell their stupidity" One day !rs" 'opewell had pi)(ed up one o$ the *oo(s the &irl had <ust put down and openin& it at rando# she read -+)ien)e on the other hand has to assert its so*erness and seriousness a$resh and de)lare that it is )on)erned solely with what-is" 9othin& 7 how )an it *e $or s)ien)e anythin& *ut a horror and a phantas#D /$ s)ien)e is ri&ht then one thin& stands $ir#: s)ien)e wishes to (now nothin& o$ nothin&" +u)h is a$ter all the stri)tly s)ienti$i) approa)h to 9othin&" .e (now it *y wishin& to (now nothin& o$ 9othin&"1 3hese words had *een underlined with a *lue pen)il and they wor(ed on !rs" 'opewell li(e so#e e%il in)antation in &i**erish" +he shut the *oo( 8ui)(ly and went out o$ the roo# as i$ she were ha%in& a )hill"

Good Country People

3his #ornin& when the &irl )a#e in !rs" Free#an was on Carra#ae" -+he thrown up $our ti#es a$ter supper 1 she said -and was up twi)t in the ni&ht a$ter three o0)lo)(" =esterday she didn0t do nothin& *ut ra#*le in the *ureau drawer" ,ll she did" +tand up there and see what she )ould run up on"1 -+he0s &ot to eat 1 !rs" 'opewell #uttered sippin& her )o$$ee while she wat)hed 5oy0s *a)( at the sto%e" +he was wonderin& what the )hild had said to the Bi*le sales#an" +he )ould not i#a&ine what (ind o$ a )on%ersation she )ould possi*ly ha%e had with hi#" 'e was a tall &aunt hatless youth who had )alled yesterday to sell the# a Bi*le" 'e had appeared at the door )arryin& a lar&e *la)( suit)ase that wei&hted hi# so hea%ily on one side that he had to *ra)e hi#sel$ a&ainst the door $a)in&" 'e see#ed on the point o$ )ollapse *ut he said in a )heer$ul %oi)e -Good #ornin& !rs" Cedars;1 and set the suit)ase down on the #at" 'e was not a *ad-loo(in& youn& #an thou&h he had on a *ri&ht *lue suit and yellow so)(s that were not pulled up $ar enou&h" 'e had pro#inent $a)e *ones and a strea( o$ sti)(y-loo(in& *rown hair $allin& a)ross his $orehead" -/0# !rs" 'opewell 1 she said" -Oh;1 he said pretendin& to loo( pu22led *ut with his eyes spar(lin& -/ saw it said F3he Cedars0 on the #ail*ox so / thou&ht you was !rs" Cedars;1 and he *urst out in a pleasant lau&h" 'e pi)(ed up the sat)hel and under )o%er o$ a pant he $ell $orward into her hall" /t was rather as i$ the suit)ase had #o%ed $irst <er(in& hi# a$ter it" -!rs" 'opewell;1 he said and &ra**ed her hand" -/ hope you are well;1 and he lau&hed a&ain and then all at on)e his $a)e so*ered )o#pletely" 'e paused and &a%e her a strai&ht earnest loo( and said ->ady /0%e )o#e to spea( o$ serious thin&s"1 -.ell )o#e in 1 she #uttered none too pleased *e)ause her dinner was al#ost ready" 'e )a#e into the parlor and sat down on the ed&e o$ a strai&ht )hair and put the suit)ase *etween his $eet and &lan)ed around the roo# as i$ he were si2in& her up *y it" 'er sil%er &lea#ed on the two side*oards6 she de)ided he had ne%er *een in a roo# as ele&ant as this" -!rs" 'opewell 1 he *e&an usin& her na#e in a way that sounded al#ost inti#ate -/ (now you *elie%e in Chrustian ser%i)e"1 -.ell yes 1 she #ur#ured" -/ (now 1 he said and paused loo(in& %ery wise with his head )o)(ed on one side -that

Good Country People you0re a &ood wo#an" Friends ha%e told #e"1 !rs" 'opewell ne%er li(ed to *e ta(en $or a $ool" -.hat are you sellin&D1 she as(ed" -Bi*les 1 the youn& #an said and his eye ra)ed around the roo# *e$ore he added -/ see you ha%e no $a#ily Bi*le in your parlor / see that is the one la)( you &ot;1

!rs" 'opewell )ould not say -!y dau&hter is an atheist and won0t let #e (eep the Bi*le in the parlor"1 +he said sti$$enin& sli&htly -/ (eep #y Bi*le *y #y *edside"1 3his was not the truth" /t was in the atti) so#ewhere" ->ady 1 he said -the word o$ God ou&ht to *e in the parlor"1 -.ell / thin( that0s a #atter o$ taste 1 she *e&an -/ thin(G1 ->ady 1 he said -$or a Chrustian the word o$ God ou&ht to *e in e%ery roo# in the house *esides in his heart" / (now you0re a Chrustian *e)ause / )an see it in e%ery line o$ your $a)e"1 +he stood up and said -.ell youn& #an / don0t want to *uy a Bi*le and / s#ell #y dinner *urnin&"1 'e didn0t &et up" 'e *e&an to twist his hands and loo(in& down at the# he said so$tly -.ell lady /0ll tell you the truth 7 not #any people want to *uy one nowadays and *esides / (now /0# real si#ple" / don0t (now how to say a thin& *ut to say it" /0# <ust a )ountry *oy"1 'e &lan)ed up into her un$riendly $a)e" -People li(e you don0t li(e to $ool with )ountry people li(e #e;1 -.hy;1 she )ried -&ood )ountry people are the salt o$ the earth; Besides we all ha%e di$$erent ways o$ doin& it ta(es all (inds to #a(e the world &o Fround" 3hat0s li$e;1 -=ou said a #outh$ul 1 he said" -.hy / thin( there aren0t enou&h &ood )ountry people in the world;1 she said stirred" -/ thin( that0s what0s wron& with it;1 'is $a)e had *ri&htened" -/ didn0t intradu)e #ysel$ 1 he said" -/0# !anley Pointer $ro# out in the )ountry around .illoho*ie not e%en $ro# a pla)e <ust $ro# near a pla)e"1

Good Country People -=ou wait a #inute 1 she said" -/ ha%e to see a*out #y dinner"1 +he went out to the (it)hen and $ound 5oy standin& near the door where she had *een listenin&" -Get rid o$ the salt o$ the earth 1 she said -and let0s eat"1 !rs" 'opewell &a%e her a pained loo( and turned the heat down under the %e&eta*les" -I )an0t *e rude to any*ody 1 she #ur#ured and went *a)( into the parlor" 'e had opened the suit)ase and was sittin& with a Bi*le on ea)h (nee" -/ appre)iate your honesty 1 he said" -=ou don0t see any #ore real honest people unless you &o way out in the )ountry"1

-/ (now 1 she said -real &enuine $ol(s;1 3hrou&h the )ra)( in the door she heard a &roan" -/ &uess a lot o$ *oys )o#e tellin& you they0re wor(in& their way throu&h )olle&e 1 he said -*ut /0# not &oin& to tell you that" +o#ehow 1 he said -/ don0t want to &o to )olle&e" / want to de%ote #y li$e to Chrustian ser%i)e" +ee 1 he said lowerin& his %oi)e -/ &ot this heart )ondition" / #ay not li%e lon&" .hen you (now it0s so#ethin& wron& with you and you #ay not li%e lon& well then ladyG1 'e paused with his #outh open and stared at her" 'e and 5oy had the sa#e )ondition; +he (new that her eyes were $illin& with tears *ut she )olle)ted hersel$ 8ui)(ly and #ur#ured -.on0t you stay $or dinnerD .e0d lo%e to ha%e you;1 and was sorry the instant she heard hersel$ say it" -=es #a# 1 he said in an a*ashed %oi)e" -/ would sher lo%e to do that;1 5oy had &i%en hi# one loo( on *ein& introdu)ed to hi# and then throu&hout the #eal had not &lan)ed at hi# a&ain" 'e had addressed se%eral re#ar(s to her whi)h she had pretended not to hear" !rs" 'opewell )ould not understand deli*erate rudeness althou&h she li%ed with it and she $elt she had always to o%er$low with hospitality to #a(e up $or 5oy0s la)( o$ )ourtesy" +he ur&ed hi# to tal( a*out hi#sel$ and he did" 'e said he was the se%enth )hild o$ twel%e and that his $ather had *een )rushed under a tree when he hi#sel$ was ei&ht years old" 'e had *een )rushed %ery *adly in $a)t al#ost )ut in two and was pra)ti)ally not re)o&ni2a*le" 'is #other had &ot alon& the *est she )ould *y hard wor(in& and she had always seen that her )hildren went to +unday +)hool and that they read the Bi*le e%ery e%enin&" 'e was now nineteen years old and he had *een sellin& Bi*les $or $our #onths" /n that ti#e he had sold se%enty-se%en Bi*les and had the pro#ise o$ two #ore

Good Country People

sales" 'e wanted to *e)o#e a #issionary *e)ause he thou&ht that was the way you )ould do #ost $or people" -'e who losest his li$e shall $ind it 1 he said si#ply and he was so sin)ere so &enuine and earnest that !rs" 'opewell would not $or the world ha%e s#iled" 'e pre%ented his peas $ro# slidin& onto the ta*le *y *lo)(in& the# with a pie)e o$ *read whi)h he later )leaned his plate with" +he )ould see 5oy o*ser%in& sidewise how he handled his (ni$e and $or( and she saw too that e%ery $ew #inutes the *oy would dart a (een appraisin& &lan)e at the &irl as i$ he were tryin& to attra)t her attention" ,$ter dinner 5oy )leared the dishes o$$ the ta*le and disappeared and !rs" 'opewell was le$t to tal( with hi#" 'e told her a&ain a*out his )hildhood and his $ather0s a))ident and a*out %arious thin&s that had happened to hi#" 4%ery $i%e #inutes or so she would sti$le a yawn" 'e sat $or two hours until $inally she told hi# she #ust &o *e)ause she had an appoint#ent in town" 'e pa)(ed his Bi*les and than(ed her and prepared to lea%e *ut in the doorway he stopped and wrin& her hand and said that not on any o$ his trips had he #et a lady as ni)e as her and he as(ed i$ he )ould )o#e a&ain" +he had said she would always *e happy to see hi#" 5oy had *een standin& in the road apparently loo(in& at so#ethin& in the distan)e when he )a#e down the steps toward her *ent to the side with his hea%y %alise" 'e stopped where she was standin& and )on$ronted her dire)tly" !rs" 'opewell )ould not hear what he said *ut she tre#*led to thin( what 5oy would say to hi#" +he )ould see that a$ter a #inute 5oy said so#ethin& and that then the *oy *e&an to spea( a&ain #a(in& an ex)ited &esture with his $ree hand" ,$ter a #inute 5oy said so#ethin& else at whi)h the *oy *e&an to spea( on)e #ore" 3hen to her a#a2e#ent !rs" 'opewell saw the two o$ the# wal( o$$ to&ether toward the &ate" 5oy had wal(ed all the way to the &ate with hi# and !rs" 'opewell )ould not i#a&ine what they had said to ea)h other and she had not yet dared to as(" !rs" Free#an was insistin& upon her attention" +he had #o%ed $ro# the re$ri&erator to the heater so that !rs" 'opewell had to turn and $a)e her in order to see# to *e listenin&" -Glynese &one out with 'ar%ey 'ill a&ain last ni&ht 1 she said" -+he had this sty"1 -'ill 1 !rs" 'opewell said a*sently -is that the one who wor(s in the &ara&eD1 -9o#e he0s the one that &oes to )hiropra)tor s)hool 1 !rs" Free#an said" -+he had this sty" Been had it two days" +o she says when he *rou&ht her in the other ni&ht he says F>e##e &et rid o$ that sty $or you 0 and she says F'owD0 and he says F=ou <ust lay yoursel$ down a)rost the seat o$ that )ar and /0ll show you"0 +o she done it and he popped her ne)(" ?ept on a-poppin& it se%eral ti#es until she #ade hi# 8uit" 3his #ornin& 1

Good Country People 10 !rs" Free#an said -she ain0t &ot no sty" +he ain0t &ot no tra)es o$ a sty"1 -/ ne%er heard o$ that *e$ore 1 !rs" 'opewell said" -'e ast her to #arry hi# *e$ore the Ordinary 1 !rs" Free#an went on -and she told hi# she wasn0t &oin& to *e #arried in no office"1 -.ell Glynese is a $ine &irl 1 !rs" 'opewell said" -Glynese and Carra#ae are *oth $ine &irls"1 -Carra#ae said when her and >y#an was #arried >y#an said it sure $elt sa)red to hi#" +he said he said he wouldn0t ta(e $i%e hundred dollars $or *ein& #arried *y a prea)her"1 -'ow #u)h would he ta(eD1 the &irl as(ed $ro# the sto%e" -'e said he wouldn0t ta(e $i%e hundred dollars 1 !rs" Free#an repeated" -.ell we all ha%e wor( to do 1 !rs" 'opewell said" ->y#an said it <ust $elt #ore sa)red to hi# 1 !rs" Free#an said" -3he do)tor wants Carra#ae to eat prunes" +ays instead o$ #edi)ine" +ays the# )ra#ps is )o#in& $ro# pressure" =ou (now where / thin( it isD1 -+he0ll *e *etter in a $ew wee(s 1 !rs" 'opewell said" -/n the tu*e 1 !rs" Free#an said" -4lse she wouldn0t *e as si)( as she is"1 'ul&a had )ra)(ed her two e&&s into a sau)er and was *rin&in& the# to the ta*le alon& with a )up o$ )o$$ee that she had $illed too $ull" +he sat down )are$ully and *e&an to eat #eanin& to (eep !rs" Free#an there *y 8uestions i$ $or any reason she showed an in)lination to lea%e" +he )ould per)ei%e her #other0s eye on her" 3he $irst round-a*out 8uestion would *e a*out the Bi*le sales#an and she did not wish to *rin& it on" -'ow did he pop her ne)(D1 she as(ed" !rs" Free#an went into a des)ription o$ how he had popped her ne)(" +he said he owned a 055 !er)ury *ut that Glynese said she would rather #arry a #an with only a 0H6 Ply#outh who would *e #arried *y a prea)her" 3he &irl as(ed what i$ he had a 0H2 Ply#outh and !rs" Free#an said what Glynese had said was a 0H6 Ply#outh"

Good Country People 11 !rs" 'opewell said there were not #any &irls with Glynese0s )o##on sense" +he said what she ad#ired in those &irls was their )o##on sense" +he said that re#inded her that they had had a ni)e %isitor yesterday a youn& #an sellin& Bi*les" ->ord 1 she said -he *ored #e to death *ut he was so sin)ere and &enuine / )ouldn0t *e rude to hi#" 'e was <ust &ood )ountry people you (now 1 she said -I<ust the salt o$ the earth"1 -/ seen hi# wal( up 1 !rs" Free#an said -and then later 7 / seen hi# wal( o$$ 1 and 'ul&a )ould $eel the sli&ht shi$t in her %oi)e the sli&ht insinuation that he had not wal(ed o$$ alone had heD 'er $a)e re#ained expressionless *ut the )olor rose into her ne)( and she see#ed to swallow it down with the next spoon$ul o$ e&&" !rs" Free#an was loo(in& at her as i$ they had a se)ret to&ether" -.ell it ta(es all (inds o$ people to #a(e the world &o Fround 1 !rs" 'opewell said" -/t0s %ery &ood we aren0t all ali(e"1 -+o#e people are #ore ali(e than others 1 !rs" Free#an said" 'ul&a &ot up and stu#ped with a*out twi)e the noise that was ne)essary into her roo# and lo)(ed the door" +he was to #eet the Bi*le sales#an at ten o0)lo)( at the &ate" +he had thou&ht a*out it hal$ the ni&ht" +he had started thin(in& o$ it as a &reat <o(e and then she had *e&un to see pro$ound i#pli)ations in it" +he had lain in *ed i#a&inin& dialo&ues $or the# that were insane on the sur$a)e *ut that rea)hed *elow the depths that no Bi*le sales#an would *e aware o$" 3heir )on%ersation yesterday had *een o$ this (ind" 'e had stopped in $ront o$ her and had si#ply stood there" 'is $a)e was *ony and sweaty and *ri&ht with a little pointed nose in the )enter o$ it and his loo( was di$$erent $ro# what it had *een at the dinner ta*le" 'e was &a2in& at her with open )uriosity with $as)ination li(e a )hild wat)hin& a new $antasti) ani#al at the 2oo and he was *reathin& as i$ he had run a &reat distan)e to rea)h her" 'is &a2e see#ed so#ehow $a#iliar *ut she )ould not thin( where she had *een re&arded with it *e$ore" For al#ost a #inute he didn0t say anythin&" 3hen on what see#ed an insu)( o$ *reath he whispered -=ou e%er ate a )hi)(en that was two days oldD1 3he &irl loo(ed at hi# stonily" 'e #i&ht ha%e <ust put this 8uestion up $or )onsideration at the #eetin& o$ a philosophi)al asso)iation" -=es 1 she presently replied as i$ she had )onsidered it $ro# all an&les" -/t #ust ha%e *een #i&hty s#all;1 he said triu#phantly and shoo( all o%er with little ner%ous &i&&les &ettin& %ery red in the $a)e and su*sidin& $inally into his &a2e o$ )o#plete

Good Country People 12 ad#iration while the &irl0s expression re#ained exa)tly the sa#e" -'ow old are youD1 he as(ed so$tly" +he waited so#e ti#e *e$ore she answered" 3hen in a $lat %oi)e she said -+e%enteen"1 'is s#iles )a#e in su))ession li(e wa%es *rea(in& on the sur$a)e o$ a little la(e" -/ see you &ot a wooden le& 1 he said" -/ thin( you0re real *ra%e" / thin( you0re real sweet"1 3he &irl stood *lan( and solid and silent" to the &ate with #e 1 he said" -=ou0re a *ra%e sweet little thin& and / li(ed you the #inute / seen you wal( in the door"1 'ul&a *e&an to #o%e $orward" -.hat0s your na#eD1 he as(ed s#ilin& down on the top o$ her head" -'ul&a 1 she said" -'ul&a 1 he #ur#ured -'ul&a" 'ul&a" / ne%er heard o$ any*ody na#e 'ul&a *e$ore" =ou0re shy aren0t you 'ul&aD1 he as(ed" +he nodded wat)hin& his lar&e red hand on the handle o$ the &iant %alise" -/ li(e &irls that wear &lasses 1 he said" -/ thin( a lot" /0# not li(e these people that a serious thou&ht don0t e%er enter their heads" /t0s *e)ause / #ay die"1 -/ #ay die too 1 she said suddenly and loo(ed up at hi#" 'is eyes were %ery s#all and *rown &litterin& $e%erishly" ->isten 1 he said -don0t you thin( so#e people was #eant to #eet on a))ount o$ what all they &ot in )o##on and allD >i(e they *oth thin( serious thou&hts and allD1 'e shi$ted the %alise to his other hand so that the hand nearest her was $ree" 'e )au&ht hold o$ her el*ow and shoo( it a little" -/ don0t wor( on +aturday 1 he said" -/ li(e to wal( in the woods and see what !other 9ature is wearin&" O0er the hills and $ar away" Pi)ni)s and thin&s" Couldn0t we &o on a pi)ni) to#orrowD +ay yes 'ul&a 1 he said and &a%e her a dyin& loo( as i$ he $elt his insides a*out to drop out o$ hi#" 'e had e%en see#ed to sway sli&htly toward her"

Good Country People 13

Curin& the ni&ht she had i#a&ined that she sedu)ed hi#" +he i#a&ined that the two o$ the# wal(ed on the pla)e until they )a#e to the stora&e *arn *eyond the two *a)( $ields and there she i#a&ined that thin&s )a#e to su)h a pass that she %ery easily sedu)ed hi# and that then o$ )ourse she had to re)(on with his re#orse" 3rue &enius )an &et an idea a)ross e%en to an in$erior #ind" +he i#a&ined that she too( his re#orse in hand and )han&ed it into a deeper understandin& o$ li$e" +he too( all his sha#e away and turned it into so#ethin& use$ul" +he set o$$ $or the &ate at exa)tly ten o0)lo)( es)apin& without drawin& !rs" 'opewell0s attention" +he didn0t ta(e anythin& to eat $or&ettin& that $ood is usually ta(en on a pi)ni)" +he wore a pair o$ sla)(s and a dirty white shirt and as an a$terthou&ht she had put so#e Bapex on the )ollar o$ it sin)e she did not own any per$u#e" .hen she rea)hed the &ate no one was there" +he loo(ed up and down the e#pty hi&hway and had the $urious $eelin& that she had *een tri)(ed that he only #eant to #a(e her wal( to the &ate a$ter the idea o$ hi#" 3hen suddenly he stood up %ery tall $ro# *ehind a *ush on the opposite e#*an(#ent" +#ilin& he li$ted his hat whi)h was new and wide-*ri##ed" 'e had not worn it yesterday and she wondered i$ he had *ou&ht it $or the o))asion" /t was toast-)olored with a red and white *and around it and was sli&htly too lar&e $or hi#" 'e stepped $ro# *ehind the *ush still )arryin& the *la)( %alise" 'e had on the sa#e suit and the sa#e yellow so)(s su)(ed down in his shoes $ro# wal(in&" 'e )rossed the hi&hway and said -/ (new you0d )o#e;1 3he &irl wondered a)idly how he had (nown this" +he pointed to the %alise and as(ed -.hy did you *rin& your Bi*lesD1 'e too( her el*ow s#ilin& down on her as i$ he )ould not stop" -=ou )an ne%er tell when you0ll need the word o$ God 'ul&a 1 he said" +he had a #o#ent in whi)h she dou*ted that this was a)tually happenin& and then they *e&an to )li#* the e#*an(#ent" 3hey went down into the pasture toward the woods" 3he *oy wal(ed li&htly *y her side *oun)in& on his toes" 3he %alise did not see# to *e hea%y today6 he e%en swun& it" 3hey )rossed hal$ the pasture without sayin& anythin& and then puttin& his hand easily on the s#all o$ her *a)( he as(ed so$tly does your wooden le& <oin onD1 +he turned an u&ly red and &lared at hi# and $or an instant the *oy loo(ed a*ashed" -/ didn0t #ean you no har# 1 he said" -/ only #eant you0re so *ra%e and all" / &uess God ta(es )are o$ you"1

Good Country People 14 -9o 1 she said loo(in& $orward and wal(in& $ast -/ don0t e%en *elie%e in God"1 ,t this he stopped and whistled" -9o;1 he ex)lai#ed as i$ he were too astonished to say anythin& else" +he wal(ed on and in a se)ond he was *oun)in& at her side $annin& with his hat" -3hat0s %ery unusual $or a &irl 1 he re#ar(ed wat)hin& her out o$ the )orner o$ his eye" .hen they rea)hed the ed&e o$ the wood he put his hand on her *a)( a&ain and drew her a&ainst hi# without a word and (issed her hea%ily" 3he (iss whi)h had #ore pressure than $eelin& *ehind it produ)ed that extra sur&e o$ adrenalin in the &irl that ena*les one to )arry a pa)(ed trun( out o$ a *urnin& house *ut in her the power went at on)e to the *rain" 4%en *e$ore he released her her #ind )lear and deta)hed and ironi) anyway was re&ardin& hi# $ro# a &reat distan)e with a#use#ent *ut with pity" +he had ne%er *een (issed *e$ore and she was pleased to dis)o%er that it was an unex)eptional experien)e and all a #atter o$ the #ind0s )ontrol" +o#e people #i&ht en<oy drain water i$ they were told it was %od(a" .hen the *oy loo(in& expe)tant *ut un)ertain pushed her &ently away she turned and wal(ed on sayin& nothin& as i$ su)h *usiness $or her were )o##on enou&h" 'e )a#e alon& pantin& at her side tryin& to help her when he saw a root that she #i&ht trip o%er" 'e )au&ht and held *a)( the lon& swayin& *lades o$ thorn %ine until she had passed *eyond the#" +he led the way and he )a#e *reathin& hea%ily *ehind her" 3hen they )a#e out on a sunlit hillside slopin& so$tly into another one a little s#aller" Beyond they )ould see the rusted top o$ the old *arn where the extra hay was stored" 3he hill was sprin(led with s#all pin( weeds" -3hen you ain0t sa%edD1 he as(ed suddenly stoppin&" 3he &irl s#iled" /t was the $irst ti#e she had s#iled at hi# at all" -/n #y e)ono#y 1 she said -/0# sa%ed and you are da#ned *ut / told you / didn0t *elie%e in God"1 9othin& see#ed to destroy the *oy0s loo( o$ ad#iration" 'e &a2ed at her now as i$ the $antasti) ani#al at the 2oo had put its paw throu&h the *ars and &i%en hi# a lo%in& po(e" +he thou&ht he loo(ed as i$ he wanted to (iss her a&ain and she wal(ed on *e$ore he had the )han)e" -,in0t there so#ewheres we )an sit down so#eti#eD1 he #ur#ured his %oi)e so$tenin& toward the end o$ the senten)e"

Good Country People 15

-/n that *arn 1 she said" 3hey #ade $or it rapidly as i$ it #i&ht slide away li(e a train" /t was a lar&e two-story *arn )oo( and dar( inside" 3he *oy pointed up the ladder that led into the lo$t and said -/t0s too *ad we )an0t &o up there"1 -.hy )an0t weD1 she as(ed" -=er le& 1 he said re%erently" 3he &irl &a%e hi# a )onte#ptuous loo( and puttin& *oth hands on the ladder she )li#*ed it while he stood *elow apparently awestru)(" +he pulled hersel$ expertly throu&h the openin& and then loo(ed down at hi# and said -.ell )o#e on i$ your )o#in& 1 and he *e&an to )li#* the ladder aw(wardly *rin&in& the suit)ase with hi#" -.e won0t need the Bi*le 1 she o*ser%ed" -=ou ne%er )an tell 1 he said pantin&" ,$ter he had &ot into the lo$t he was a $ew se)onds )at)hin& his *reath" +he had sat down in a pile o$ straw" , wide sheath o$ sunli&ht $illed with dust parti)les slanted o%er her" +he lay *a)( a&ainst a *ale her $a)e turned away loo(in& out the $ront openin& o$ the *arn where hay was thrown $ro# a wa&on into the lo$t" 3he two pin(-spe)(led hillsides lay *a)( a&ainst a dar( rid&e o$ woods" 3he s(y was )loudless and )old *lue" 3he *oy dropped down *y her side and put one ar# under her and the other o%er her and *e&an #ethodi)ally (issin& her $a)e #a(in& little noises li(e a $ish" 'e did not re#o%e his hat *ut it was pushed $ar enou&h *a)( not to inter$ere" .hen her &lasses &ot in his way he too( the# o$$ o$ her and slipped the# into his po)(et" 3he &irl at $irst did not return any o$ the (isses *ut presently she *e&an to and a$ter she had put se%eral on his )hee( she rea)hed his lips and re#ained there (issin& hi# a&ain and a&ain as i$ she were tryin& to draw all the *reath out o$ hi#" 'is *reath was )lear and sweet li(e a )hild0s and the (isses were sti)(y li(e a )hild0s" 'e #u#*led a*out lo%in& her and a*out (nowin& when he $irst seen her that he lo%ed her *ut the #u#*lin& was li(e the sleepy $rettin& o$ a )hild *ein& put to sleep *y his #other" 'er #ind throu&hout this ne%er stopped or lost itsel$ $or a se)ond to her $eelin&s" -=ou ain0t said you lo%ed #e none 1 he whispered $inally pullin& *a)( $ro# her" -=ou &ot to say that"1 +he loo(ed away $ro# hi# o$$ into the hollow s(y and then down at a *la)( rid&e and then down $arther into what appeared to *e two &reen swellin& la(es" +he didn0t reali2e he had

Good Country People 16 ta(en her &lasses *ut this lands)ape )ould not see# ex)eptional to her $or she seldo# paid any )lose attention to her surroundin&s" -=ou &ot to say it 1 he repeated" -=ou &ot to say you lo%e #e"1 +he was always )are$ul how she )o##itted hersel$" -/n a sense 1 she *e&an -i$ you use the word loosely you #i&ht say that" But it0s not a word / use" / don0t ha%e illusions" /0# one o$ those people who see through to nothin&"1 3he *oy was $rownin&" -=ou &ot to say it" / said it and you &ot to say it 1 he said" 3he &irl loo(ed at hi# al#ost tenderly" -=ou poor *a*y 1 she #ur#ured" -/t0s <ust as well you don0t understand 1 and she pulled hi# *y the ne)( $a)e-down a&ainst her" -.e are all da#ned 1 she said -*ut so#e o$ us ha%e ta(en o$$ our *lind$olds and see that there0s nothin& to see" /t0s a (ind o$ sal%ation"1 3he *oy0s astonished eyes loo(ed *lan(ly throu&h the ends o$ her hair" -O(ay 1 he al#ost whined -*ut do you lo%e #e or don0t)herD1 -=es 1 she said and added -in a sense" But / #ust tell you so#ethin&" 3here #ustn0t *e anythin& dishonest *etween us"1 +he li$ted his head and loo(ed hi# in the eye" -/ a# thirty years old 1 she said" -/ ha%e a nu#*er o$ de&rees"1 3he *oy0s loo( was irritated *ut do&&ed" -/ don0t )are 1 he said" -/ don0t )are a thin& a*out what all you done" / <ust want to (now i$ you lo%e #e or don0t)herD1 and he )au&ht her to hi# and wildly planted her $a)e with (isses until she said -=es yes"1 -O(ay then 1 he said lettin& her &o" -Pro%e it"1 +he s#iled loo(in& drea#ily out on the shi$ty lands)ape" +he had sedu)ed hi# without e%en #a(in& up her #ind to try" -'owD1 she as(ed $eelin& that he should *e delayed a little" 'e leaned o%er and put his lips to her ear" -+how #e where your wooden le& <oins on 1 he whispered" 3he &irl uttered a sharp little )ry and her $a)e instantly drained o$ )olor" 3he o*s)enity o$ the su&&estion was not what sho)(ed her" ,s a )hild she had so#eti#es *een su*<e)t to $eelin&s o$ sha#e *ut edu)ation had re#o%ed the last tra)es o$ that as a &ood sur&eon

Good Country People 17 s)rapes $or )an)er6 she would no #ore ha%e $elt it o%er what he was as(in& than she would ha%e *elie%ed in his Bi*le" But she was as sensiti%e a*out the arti$i)ial le& as a pea)o)( a*out his tail" 9o one e%er tou)hed it *ut her" +he too( )are o$ it as so#eone else would his soul in pri%ate and al#ost with her own eyes turned away" -9o 1 she said" -/ (nown it 1 he #uttered sittin& up" -=ou0re <ust playin& #e $or a su)(er"1 -On no no;1 she )ried" -/t <oins on at the (nee" Only at the (nee" .hy do you want to see itD1 3he *oy &a%e her a lon& penetratin& loo(" -Be)ause 1 he said -it0s what #a(es you di$$erent" =ou ain0t li(e any*ody else"1 +he sat starin& at hi#" 3here was nothin& a*out her $a)e or her round $ree2in&-*lue eyes to indi)ate that this had #o%ed her6 *ut she $elt as i$ her heart had stopped and le$t her #ind to pu#p her *lood" +he de)ided that $or the $irst ti#e in her li$e she was $a)e to $a)e with real inno)en)e" 3his *oy with an instin)t that )a#e $ro# *eyond wisdo# had tou)hed the truth a*out her" .hen a$ter a #inute she said in a hoarse hi&h %oi)e -,ll ri&ht 1 it was li(e surrenderin& to hi# )o#pletely" /t was li(e losin& her own li$e and $indin& it a&ain #ira)ulously in his" Bery &ently he *e&an to roll the sla)( le& up" 3he arti$i)ial li#* in a white so)( and *rown $lat shoe was *ound in a hea%y #aterial li(e )an%as and ended in an u&ly <ointure where it was atta)hed to the stu#p" 3he *oy0s $a)e and his %oi)e were entirely re%erent as he un)o%ered it and said -9ow show #e how to ta(e it o$$ and on"1 +he too( it o$$ $or hi# and put it *a)( on a&ain and then he too( it o$$ hi#sel$ handlin& it as tenderly as i$ it were a real one" -+ee;1 he said with a deli&hted )hild0s $a)e" -9ow / )an do it #ysel$;1 -Put it *a)( on 1 she said" +he was thin(in& that she would run away with hi# and that e%ery ni&ht he would ta(e the le& o$$ and e%ery #ornin& put it *a)( on a&ain" -Put it *a)( on 1 she said" -9ot yet 1 he #ur#ured settin& it on its $oot out o$ her rea)h" ->ea%e it o$$ $or awhile" =ou &ot #e instead"1 +he &a%e a little )ry o$ alar# *ut he pushed her down and *e&an to (iss her a&ain" .ithout the le& she $elt entirely dependent on hi#" 'er *rain see#ed to ha%e stopped thin(in&

Good Country People 18 alto&ether and to *e a*out so#e other $un)tion that it was not %ery &ood at" Ci$$erent expressions ra)ed *a)( and $orth o%er her $a)e" 4%ery now and then the *oy his eyes li(e two steel spi(es would &lan)e *ehind hi# where the le& stood" Finally she pushed hi# o$$ and said -Put it *a)( on #e now"1 -.ait 1 he said" 'e leaned the other way and pulled the %alise toward hi# and opened it" /t had a pale *lue spotted linin& and there were only two Bi*les in it" 'e too( one o$ these out and opened the )o%er o$ it" /t was hollow and )ontained a po)(et $las( o$ whis(ey a pa)( o$ )ards and a s#all *lue *ox with printin& on it" 'e laid these out in $ront o$ her one at a ti#e in an e%enly-spa)ed row li(e one presentin& o$$erin&s at the shrine o$ a &oddess" 'e put the *lue *ox in her hand" 3'/+ PEOCJC3 3O B4 J+4C O9>= FOE 3'4 PE4B493/O9 OF C/+4,+4 she read and dropped it" 3he *oy was uns)rewin& the top o$ the $las(" 'e stopped and pointed with a s#ile to the de)( o$ )ards" /t was not an ordinary de)( *ut one with an o*s)ene pi)ture on the *a)( o$ ea)h )ard" -3a(e a swi& 1 he said o$$erin& her the *ottle $irst" 'e held it in $ront o$ her *ut li(e one #es#eri2ed she did not #o%e" 'er %oi)e when she spo(e had an al#ost pleadin& sound" -,ren0t you 1 she #ur#ured -aren0t you <ust &ood )ountry peopleD1 3he *oy )o)(ed his head" 'e loo(ed as i$ he were <ust *e&innin& to understand that she #i&ht *e tryin& to insult hi#" -=eah 1 he said )urlin& his lip sli&htly -*ut it ain0t held #e *a)( none" /0# as &ood as you any day in the wee("1 -Gi%e #e #y le& 1 she said" 'e pushed it $arther away with his $oot" -Co#e on now let0s *e&in to ha%e us a &ood ti#e 1 he said )oaxin&ly" -.e ain0t &ot to (now one another &ood yet"1 -Gi%e #e #y le&;1 she s)rea#ed and tried to lun&e $or it *ut he pushed her down easily" -.hat0s the #atter with you all o$ a suddenD1 he as(ed $rownin& as he s)rewed the top on the $las( and put it 8ui)(ly *a)( inside the Bi*le" -=ou <ust a while a&o said you didn0t *elie%e in nothin&" / thou&ht you was so#e &irl;1 'er $a)e was al#ost purple" -=ou0re a Christian;1 she hissed" -=ou0re a $ine Christian; =ou0re <ust li(e the# all 7 say one thin& and do another" =ou0re a per$e)t Christian you0reG1

Good Country People 19 3he *oy0s #outh was set an&rily" -/ hope you don0t thin( 1 he said in a lo$ty indi&nant tone -that / *elie%e in that )rap; / #ay sell Bi*les *ut / (now whi)h end is up and / wasn0t *orn yesterday and / (now where /0# &oin&;1 -Gi%e #e #y le&;1 she s)ree)hed" 'e <u#ped up so 8ui)(ly that she *arely saw hi# sweep the )ards and the *lue *ox *a)( into the Bi*le and throw the Bi*le into the %alise" +he saw hi# &ra* the le& and then she saw it $or an instant slanted $orlornly a)ross the inside o$ the suit)ase with a Bi*le at either side o$ its opposite ends" 'e sla##ed the lid shut and snat)hed up the %alise and swun& it down the hole and then stepped throu&h hi#sel$" .hen all o$ hi# had passed *ut his head he turned and re&arded her with a loo( that no lon&er had any ad#iration in it" -/0%e &otten a lot o$ interestin& thin&s 1 he said" -One ti#e / &ot a wo#an0s &lass eye this way" ,nd you needn0t to thin( you0ll )at)h #e *e)ause Pointer ain0t really #y na#e" / use a di$$erent na#e at e%ery house / )all at and don0t stay nowhere lon&" ,nd /0ll tell you another thin& 'ul&a 1 he said usin& the na#e as i$ he didn0t thin( #u)h o$ it -you ain0t so s#art" / *een *elie%in& in nothin& e%er sin)e / was *orn;1 and then the toast-)olored hat disappeared down the hole and the &irl was le$t sittin& on the straw in the dusty sunli&ht" .hen she turned her )hurnin& $a)e toward the openin& she saw his *lue $i&ure stru&&lin& su))ess$ully o%er the &reen spe)(led la(e" !rs" 'opewell and !rs" Free#an who were in the *a)( pasture di&&in& up onions saw hi# e#er&e a little later $ro# the woods and head a)ross the #eadow toward the hi&hway" -.hy that loo(s li(e that ni)e dull youn& #an that tried to sell #e a Bi*le yesterday 1 !rs" 'opewell said s8uintin&" -'e #ust ha%e *een sellin& the# to the 9e&roes *a)( in there" 'e was so si#ple 1 she said -*ut / &uess the world would *e *etter o$$ i$ we were all that si#ple"1 !rs" Free#an0s &a2e dro%e $orward and <ust tou)hed hi# *e$ore he disappeared under the hill" 3hen she returned her attention to the e%il-s#ellin& onion shoot she was li$tin& $ro# the &round" -+o#e )an0t *e that si#ple 1 she said" -/ (now / ne%er )ould"1

Good Country People 20 Questions 1. What as your initial response to the story!s title" #id your i$pression o% &'ood (ountry people) (han'e as you read it" Why or hy not" 2. *o did you respond to *ul'a!s loss o% her arti%i(ial lea'" Why" 3. What is the relationship +et een ,rs. -ree$an and ,rs. *ope ell" .o hat e/tent are their na$es si'ni%i(ant" What does the an$e (han'e %ro$ 0oy to *ul'a su''est a+out ,rs. *ope ell!s dau'hter" 4. What 1inds o% o+ser2ations a+out li%e and people do ,rs. -ree$an and ,rs. *ope ell $a1e" *o do the t o o$en see the$sel2es in relation to other people" 5. What does *ul'a learn a+out hersel% and a+out other people throu'h her en(ounter ith the 3i+le sales$an" 6. Whi(h4 i% any4 o% the (hara(ters does 5!Connor see$ to ad$ire4 and ho$ does she satiri6e" 7. What reli'ious 2alues are e2ident in the story" What does 5!Connor su''est a+out these 2alues"

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