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The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

CE 351 Urban Transportation Planning

Fall 2012 Transportation Planning Study Each student will prepare a comprehensive transportation planning study report covering their individual residential zip code area. The final report is due December 5, 2012; two interim submittals (October 3, 2012 and November 7, 2012) are due as noted. The report will include: Section 1 - Executive Summary [1-2 pages, only in final submittal] Section 2 - Historical context (relevant history and development of transportation in the zip area) [2 pages maximum] Section 3 - Urban planning and land use (land use, zoning, trends, etc., related to transportation in zip area) [4 pages maximum] Section 4 - Socioeconomic characteristics (demographics & economics as they interrelate with transportation patterns) [4 pages maximum] Sections 2, 3 and 4 are due October 3, 2012. Section 5 - Transportation. This section should include the following: A. Facilities and services. Information on the zips roadways and mass transit (e.g., traffic volumes, signals, public transportation routes & schedules, etc.) shall be gathered and clearly presented. Analyze the zips busiest intersection (e.g., geometric design, traffic control devices, volumes, capacity, pedestrian facilities, etc). Field survey work must be performed [1-2 hours maximum]; data sheets and calculations must be presented in the appendix. No team efforts. B. Trip generation. Estimate the number of trips generated and trips attracted to your zip based on information you collect and any reasonable assumptions you clearly state. Identify two (2) developments -- either in the zip or external to the zip which will cause major changes in the zips trip generation over a 5-10 year horizon. C. Trip distribution. Using your zip code area as Zone 1, with Zones 2, 3 and 4 based on zip codes adjacent to your zip, and identify them in a sketch. Use the results of 5.B. (above) as the target year productions for Zone 1.

D. Mode choice. Identify, prioritize and discuss the three (3) most important factors affecting the choice of mode from your zip for trips: a) to work in the Manhattan CBD; and b) to shop at the closest major shopping area. E. Trip assignment. Using a diversion curve, estimate the diversion to a new transit line that would reduce travel time by 20 minutes in the journey to work in another zip area. What does this suggest about the feasibility of the new transit line? (State any reasonable assumptions.) Second, construct a sketch of the road network in your zip in order to be able to code the information to run a traffic assignment to determine minimum time paths (but dont do minimum paths). The network should clearly contain about 20 links (labeled with assumed travel times in minutes), numbered nodes, the zips centroid, and several one-way streets, turn prohibitors and left-turn time penalties. Section 5 is due November 7, 2012 Section 6 - Airport access. Present information on getting to and from one of the regions three airports: JFK, EWR or LGA (e.g., travel times and costs of alternative ground services, best routes). Modes considered must include auto, taxi/car service and public transportation. From this information, recommend and support the best way to get to the airport for these two trips: a) a 2-day business trip leaving on a Monday at 8 am, and 2) a weeklong vacation leaving on a Saturday noon. Section 7 - Critical transportation issues. Identify and support two (2) critical transportation issues affecting the zip. (These issues must be drawn from information presented in the report (i.e., no new information should be presented.) Final submittal including 1, 6 and 7 is due December 5, 2012. Additional instructions: A base map of the zip code must be developed, which need not be larger than 8-1/2 x 11. Include the base map in first submittal. Prepare a transmittal letter only for the final submittal. Use computer graphics for some or all of your graphics Be brief and to the point.

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