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American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning


____ 1. Activated charcoal should be given to patients who have come in contact with a poisonous substance through: A) injection. B) ingestion. C) inhalation. ) absorption. ____ !. "ou should give activated charcoal i# $our patient has a histor$ o# ingesting a poison and: A) has chest pain and coughing. B) has an altered level o# consciousness. C) the ingested substance is a strong acid. ) medical control has directed administration. ____ %. &he usual adult dose #or activated charcoal is how man$ grams' A) 1! 1(! to !) B) !) to )* C) )* to 1** ) 1** to 1!) ____ +. &he usual pediatric dose #or activated charcoal is how man$ grams' A) 1! 1(! to !) B) !) to )* C) )* to 1** ) 1** to 1!) ____ ). A +-$ear-old patient is unconscious and limp as the mother hands the child to $ou at the door. ,he e-plains that she #ound him ne-t to an empt$ bottle o# toilet bowl cleaner. and she thin/s he dran/ it. "ou should #irst: A) contact medical control and monitor the child #or breathing di##iculties. B) get the mother to help $ou get the patient to drin/ a glass o# mil/. C) give water continuousl$ to the patient en route to the hospital. ) give 1! 1(! to !) g o# activated charcoal and then give o-$gen. ____ 0. A woman who has been given one dose o# activated charcoal vomits as $ou are preparing her #or transport. "ou should: A) encourage her to drin/ a glass o# mil/ to coat her stomach. B) encourage her to drin/ a glass o# water to dilute the remaining poison. C) remove and #lush o## an$ clothing that became contaminated b$ the vomit. ) give her a second dose o# activated charcoal a#ter getting approval #rom medical control. ____ 1. A woman who had a chemical splashed in her e$e states her e$e #eels as though it
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 19-1

Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning

is burning. "ou also note e-cessive tearing #rom the injured e$e. "our care should include: A) patching the injured e$e with a dr$. sterile dressing. B) irrigating the e$e with water #or at least ) minutes. C) irrigating the e$e with water #or at least !* minutes. ) irrigating the e$e with a neutrali2ing agent to decrease the burn. ____ 3. ,ide e##ects that are associated with activated charcoal include: A) headache. B) blac/ stools. C) ringing in the ears. ) abdominal pain. ____ 9. Activated charcoal is given to absorb certain: A) inhaled poisons. B) injected poisons. C) absorbed poisons. ) ingested poisons. ____ 1*. "ou should consult medical control be#ore giving activated charcoal because: A) the patient might be allergic to activated charcoal. B) activated charcoal is not indicated #or all poisons. C) $ou should alwa$s call the patient4s doctor be#ore $ou begin treatment. ) medical control might give $ou orders to mi- the activated charcoal with an antidote. ____ 11. A patient who has ta/en a C5, depressant and has an altered level o# consciousness should be continuousl$ reassessed because $ou must: A) maintain the airwa$ because o# the possibilit$ o# vomiting. B) give activated charcoal once the patient is completel$ unresponsive. C) as/ about the e-act substance ta/en once the patient regains consciousness. ) turn the patient over to law en#orcement once the patient regains consciousness. ____ 1!. A wor/er at the communit$ swimming pool is complaining o# being di22$ and states. 67 can4t catch m$ breath.6 Cowor/ers tell $ou that the$ #ound him in the chemical suppl$ room. 8n the basis o# this histor$. $ou suspect: A) to-ic inhalation. B) to-ic absorption. C) to-ic overdose b$ ingestion. ) poisoning b$ ingestion. ____ 1%. 9hen treating a patient #or to-ic inhalation. $ou should: A) consult medical control be#ore $ou give activated charcoal. B) consult medical control #or direction to give s$rup o# ipecac. C) give the patient large glasses o# water to dilute the poison. ) give high-#low o-$gen b$ nonrebreathing mas/.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 19-!

Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning

____ 1+. ,igns and s$mptoms o# a suspected ingested poison include nausea. vomiting. and burns: A) on the e-tremities. B) around the mouth. C) across the abdomen. ) involving one or both o# the e$es. ____ 1). An unconscious patient is #ound with chemical burns around the mouth. :is breath smells o# a cleaning agent. 9hat t$pe o# poisoning do $ou suspect' A) 7ngested B) 7nhaled C) 7njected ) Absorbed ____ 10. 7n irrigating a poison #ound on a patient4s leg. it is important to remember to: A) appl$ gentle pressure to the area as $ou irrigate. B) #lush the area continuousl$ #or at least ) minutes. C) be aware o# the run-o## to avoid contaminating $oursel#. ) place the injured e-tremit$ in a splint be#ore $ou begin to irrigate. ____ 11. "ou are called to an industrial warehouse. &he patient is a wor/er whose arms are covered #rom the elbows down with a powder$ substance that he sa$s is a potent pesticide. :e tells $ou that his arms became red and e-tremel$ pain#ul even a#ter he brushed o## most o# the pesticide. "our ne-t action should be to: A) brush o## the remaining powder and irrigate both o# his arms. B) brush o## the remaining powder and appl$ a dr$. sterile dressing. C) appl$ ice pac/s to the a##ected areas and prepare #or transport. ) appl$ a neutrali2ing agent and splint his arms in a position o# com#ort. ____ 13. 9hat is a common trade name #or activated charcoal' A) Actidose B) 7nstaCoal C) ,$rup o# ipecac ) Activated ipecac ____ 19. Be#ore giving activated charcoal. $ou should: A) sha/e the container thoroughl$. B) have the patient drin/ a glass o# mil/. C) mi- it with an e;ual amount o# water. ) ma/e sure the patient is unresponsive.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons


Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning

____ !*. An adult who has swallowed a poisonous substance should be given: A) !) to )* m< o# mil/. B) !) to )* g o# s$rup o# ipecac. C) !) to )* g o# activated charcoal. ) !) to )* g o# the prescribed antidote. ____ !1. A patient who has overdosed b$ ta/ing too much o# a medication should be given: A) s$rup o# ipecac to induce vomiting. B) a glass o# mil/ to coat the stomach. C) an antidote to neutrali2e the medication. ) activated charcoal to absorb the medication. ____ !!. =mergenc$ medical care #or a patient who has inhaled a poisonous substance should include: A) giving high-#low o-$gen. B) giving activated charcoal. C) diluting with water and rapid transport. ) inducing vomiting with s$rup o# ipecac. ____ !%. Activated charcoal is given to patients to: A) induce vomiting. B) decrease sei2ure activit$. C) decrease absorption o# poisons into the lungs. ) prevent absorption o# poisons into the bod$. ____ !+. Appro-imatel$ three #ourths o# all poisonings are b$: A) mouth. B) inhalation. C) injection. ) sur#ace contact. ____ !). A#ter $ou have determined that a patient has ingested a poison. $ou should ne-t: A) immobili2e the substance b$ giving activated charcoal. B) contact medical control #or instructions. C) contact the dispatcher to communicate $our #indings to the poison control center. ) re;uest law en#orcement bac/up. since the majorit$ o# these cases involve illegal drugs. ____ !0. "ou are obtaining a histor$ #rom an adult who has possibl$ ta/en orall$ an un/nown substance. 9hich o# the #ollowing is 58& relevant to $our histor$ or the patient4s condition' A) :ow much was ta/en' B) :ow long ago was it ta/en' C) 9hat t$pe o# substance was ta/en' ) :as the patient ever ta/en this be#ore'

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons


Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons


Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning

Answer Key -- Chapter 19 1. B Response: >=C&,7. pgs. +)*-+)1) 1%. !. Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) %. B Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) +. A Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) ). A Response: >=C&,7. pgs. +)1. +)%) 0. Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) 1. C Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)!) 3. B Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) 9. Response: >=C&,7. pgs. +)*-+)1) 1*. B Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) 11. A Response: >=C&,7. pgs. +)+-+))) 1!. A
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)1) Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)1) 1+. B Response: >=C&,7. pg. ++3) 1). A Response: >=C&,7. pg. ++3) 10. C Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)!) 11. A Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)!) 13. A Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) 19. A Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) !*. C Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) !1. Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) !!. A Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)1) !%. Response:

Chapter 19: Substance Abuse and Poisoning

>=C&,7. pg. +)%) !+. A Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)*) !). B Response: >=C&,7. pg. +)%) !0. Response: >=C&,7. pgs. ++3-++9)

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons


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