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Shopkeeper enticed 'vulnerable' underage girls to drink and drugs parties at his 'Aladdin's Cave' - then paid for chores with CANNABIS
Ala Uddin - known as Aladdin - enticed 'vulnerable' teenagers to his office Paid a 15-year-old girl in cannabis to do chores such as ironing for him Offered other teenager girls the chance to deal drugs for him Businessman is jailed for four years for drug offences but cleared of rape and sexual assault on the girls
By Anna Edwards PUBLISHED: 12:19 GMT, 12 September 2013 | UPDATED: 14:42 GMT, 12 September 2013


Ala Uddin, 32, has been jailed for fours years for drugs offences

A shop owner has been jailed after he enticed underage schoolgirls to parties at his office he called

'Aladdins Cave' and plied them with drink and drugs. Ala Uddin - known to friends as Aladdin - paid a 15-year-old girl in cannabis to do chores such as ironing for him - and offered others the chance to deal drugs for him, a court heard. Businessman Uddin, 32, enticed the 'vulnerable' teenage girls - all known by social services - to his office he called Aladdins Cave. He was jailed for four years for drugs offences but cleared by a jury of rape and sexual assault on the girls. Uddin, from Cardiff, South Wales, began bringing the girls to his office after having a brief affair with one of their mothers. Judge Stephen Hopkins QC told him: 'That relationship lasted no more than weeks but somewhat bizarrely you kept in Facebook contact with the daughter - who would then have been 13 or 14. 'She took to calling at your business to see you and so did friends of hers. They were all vulnerable and had troubled lives. 'You were exploiting that by allowing them to come there and providing them with drink, usually spirits, and offering drugs. 'Later you would deny it and say they were all lying.'

Cardiff Crown Court heard a teenage girl was 'paid' in cannabis to do chores such as ironing

Uddin asked one 15-year-old if she wanted to supply drugs to others for him and said they would split the profits - but she refused. Cardiff Crown Court heard another was 'paid' in cannabis to do chores such as ironing. Judge Hopkins said: 'They were enticed with the promise of alcohol and drugs and the premises became a magnet. 'The reason why you allowed them to come is not clear, but in my view was certainly inappropriate and more likely, sinister.' Christopher Rees, defending, said Uddin had not corrupted the vulnerable schoolgirls into drug taking

because all were already using illegal substances. Mr Rees said: 'He never behaved inappropriately towards these girls or towards others in their presence.' Uddin was found guilty of three offences of offering to supply drugs and one of encouraging an offence by making the drug dealing request. He was also convicted of possessing both cannabis and amphetamine with intent to supply. Uddin had been charged with rape and sexual assault on the girls but was cleared after a trial. Judge Hopkins told Uddin his offences were aggravated by the fact the girls were all young and vulnerable as their social services files confirmed. Uddin was jailed for four years and a Proceeds of Crime hearing will be held at the end of the year.


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